fctedivided · 1 year
(continued from here)
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{ 🌹 } ||   "Yoohoo!" She coos, waving frantically in his direction, almost as if to beckon him towards her. "Apologies, my dear, I've been rather busy this past year. The bakery really keeps me on my toes!"
It was such a long time, it was almost unbelievable, nevertheless it put a smile on his face to see a close friend once again.
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"I'm glad to hear that you and your bakery are going well, Ariana!" The brunet sincerely smiled towards her.
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castelleve · 3 years
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rovgefonce · 3 years
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doodle of my thread with @cxnfectioniism
Lewis about to get girlbossed
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for cxnfectioniism : My shoutout is for @cxnfectioniism . You have been my rp partner and close friend for nearly 7 years. Ariana and James are my life blood, and they give me so much happiness seeing you rp as them, even if you aren't always on tumblr. We've made such a wonderful universe full of so many wonderful muses together. I have no idea where I'd be if it wasn't for you. I love you. Please don't ever forget that.
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wrathfulpleasure · 3 years
@cxnfectioniism​ continued from here
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Vitalis was speechless. His entire face was blank, void of any expression as he watched Ariana do her ‘thing’. His eyes trailed up and down, examinging her plump body as she showed herself off to him.
It was like looking at a 5 star all you can eat buffet. Her nice and round breasts on display, those folds she barely had hidden under her panties, the lip gloss as well...whew. It was something to stare at alright. He’d move closer, panting as he did so.
“W-wha...are you offering something?” He’d joke, lightly. Trying his hardest to keep up his ‘innocent’ act. It was awfully hard to do thought, with all the immense sexual energy he was feeling coming from her. “What if someone walks inside?”
He’d get a bit more closer now, his hands twitching as he thought about feeling her thighs.
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Ariana: I miss you like water misses the desert.
Damian: Awwww-
Ariana: I’ve adapted to existence without you, buried everything we made together, and prolonged exposure to you would be disastrous.
Damian: oh.
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clydesgod · 4 years
Starter for @cxnfectioniism
Vitalis felt a big hunger lurking within him. Thankfully, it wasn’t the serious kind of ‘hunger’ he had to deal with on a day to day basis. But nonetheless, he was hungry. Wandering the streets, he wondered if there were any good snack places around. He hadn’t explored this far  before, so he wasn’t exactly too sure on what he’d find.
It wouldn’t be long until he turned around and found a bakery. Huh, it stood out to him for some reason. Maybe this was a sign for him to go and try something new? He shrugged, entering the building and looking around to see if anything caught his eye. He wondered if they did pastries here.
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“Err, hello? Anyone in here?” He asked, still looking around to see if anything caught his eye.
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floriogrxphy · 4 years
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Pausing he takes a moment to take in the peace of the late night. A cool breeze chills his cheeks and the tips of his ears but he doesn’t seem to mind. Instead letting out a breath that causes a billow of fog. A few cars pass him but it’s nothing like how it was in the daytime at he seems to be urban tranquility. 
Despite being in the city it seemed tonight the sky was cloudless and he turns his head upward to view the few sparkling stars above them. Beautiful. He can’t help but think to himself before he begins slowly continuing to his destination but still his head is tilted upward. In fact he is so interested in the view he doesn’t notice the slight raise in the pavement and plonk! 
The very clumsy man stumbles into a heap on the floor looking greatly confused. Shifting his weight he manages to sit up to assess his wounds. His trousers now sporting two holes in the knees and his palms scraped up. 
❝Owch.... ❞
He groans.
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montcroix · 3 years
@cxnfectioniism​ asked: "You want to have sex with me so bad, you want to fuck me." IDK EHAT THIS IS DHSISBSJSB BUT I KNOS OTS FOR ENOCH
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Well, that was the last thing he expected from Ariana. Was she drunk or high or..? 
“Miss Bailey, 4/20 is in 5 days, please save the drug use for then.” 
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castelleve · 3 years
@cxnfectioniism​ x
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​{ 🌹 } ||      Slender digits sweep soft, onyx tresses away from Hana's forehead, allowing for a brief moment of eye contact between the two women. Her gaze is tender, despite the rage burning a hole in the pit of her stomach. Anger will not soothe a timid creature like Hana. No, the least she can do is offer her some comfort.
         "Now, now, try and keep your chin up. No good can come of sulking, though I know that's easier said than done." And she should know, considering the amount of spats she too has had with Damian over the years.
         "Damian can be... particularly spiteful, when he wants to be. It's an awful feeling, I know, but you're safe here. Do not blame yourself for his lack of control. Perhaps we could find something to take our minds off the situation, hm?"
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“He could have burned me if the tea was any hotter...” she muttered, looking downward as Ariana fixed her hair. The wetness of her eyes and the puffy red swelling of her cheeks was enough to show anyone she’d been crying. “I’ve never seen him like this before.” 
She cared about him, yes, but at the same time.. this was terrifying. She knew he had... issues. She just didn’t know what they were. And now she had seen some firsthand. 
She held her bonsai tightly in her arms, the leaves had even wilted, visibly, in her shock and betrayal. “Like.. um.. what?” A pause. “Do you have a pet..?”
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reinafleur · 4 years
Ari vc: yeah cause you haven't been in my panties
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Is that an invitation?
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rovgefonce · 3 years
ANGY starter for @cxnfectioniism​.
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     "Don't give me that look. What are you, my mother? I told you it was only a few drinks an' I'm FINE. See?" He takes a few steps, a little off-balance, but manages to stay upright. Rather the fact that he called anyone at all is a testament to his drunkenness. Why he chose Ariana is a mystery, given her past, which he only has an inkling of since she never drinks when he invites her to.      "CHRIST, Ari, you're not better than me just 'cause you don't let loose once in a while. Can we fuckin' GO now?"
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bclasaeg · 4 years
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//  Seto was no chef. He always left that kind of thing to his younger brother or housekeeper but it never stopped him from trying to make his own experiments with things he thought would go together. Often, this shop was a must go-to for presents whenever there were dates so the owner would’ve definitely seen him as a regular. Today was no exception, but seeing as he was in no hurry-- why not strike up a conversation?
   “ Really? I always thought if both things taste good, they taste good together! ” He picked up another bar, not seeming to realize that it was a 99%. “ Chocolate is pretty sweet. Maybe it could lend something interesting to the flavors? ”
@cxnfectioniism​ | ‘ mega rich boy vibe ’
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fxtelism-moved · 3 years
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@cxnfectioniism​ sent: "Leon, you don't happen to be on the dating scene at all, do you? You'd think a lovely young man like you would be courting someone by now! Such a sweet little face."
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“M-me? No, I’m not, and I d-don’t think that’s really a good idea for me to do so...” Leon was already blushing by the mere thought. For him in a dating scene, he seriously doubted that he could ever be part of it. 
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atendersun-archived · 4 years
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Muu had a love of all holidays, including the most bizarre celebrations on any given day, but it was Easter that he couldn’t get out his mind that afternoon. He thought about how much he favored orange cream filled chocolate eggs, and about how much he wished he had the ability to enjoy them throughout other parts of the year. Even though he was sure that Ariana’s specialties probably didn’t lie in that particular field, even with her job at a bakery, he figured it couldn’t have hurt that bad to just ask. If anything, he imagined he at least could have learned a recipe from her that included those two main ingredients.
“Ariiiiii”, he happily called out. “Do you think you can show me how to make chocolates? Or, if you want to do something besides work, you can come with me to buy candy, and then we can see if there are cute Easter movies to watch on my tv.”
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
    He had a hankering for something sweet, though he didn’t know where to start in a realm that wasn’t his own.  People seemed to give him a wide berth...  probably because he was floating.  Slowly, as if carried by a breeze, he drifted into the bakery.  The fresh scent of pastries guided him easily;  he moved as if following clear directions from a map.
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    ❝ Have food...? ❞   he trilled, not thinking about who could potentially be looking at him as he hovered in the doorway.  He seemed to glow slightly, strange black crackle of energy emerging from him every so often   ❝ I will grant you a favour as payment. ❞     /     @cxnfectioniism​
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