#cw: slight gore
My September
yeah I'm a bit pr0ud 0f thiz little animati0n and h0w it turned 0ut z0 uhh yeah i h0pe y0u guyz like it! l0l
alz0 fun fact the tw0 characterz in the BG here, being the w0man n the guy wh0'z h0lding 0nt0 Swap!Bradley t0 prevent him fr0m killing aure0la, are Alanz parentz b0th 0f which were made by my friend @/nasutchi. l0l
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alz0 btw juzt adding thiz in here Bradley iz trying t0 kill aure0la cuz he think she killed Alan n ztuff.
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amaraabbz · 1 month
I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart to ask for your help. Could you please repost this message on your accounts or donate if you can? We are in desperate need to save my family.
https://gofund.me/5241a6c7 http://gofund.me
We have lost a significant source of income, which has caused us severe financial distress. This money was a joy to me and my family, but it has turned into deep sadness 😓. You can visit my page 🍉🇵🇸. We urgently need your support 🙏❤.
https://gofund.me/5241a6c7 http://gofund.me
I was a nursing student, my second brother was studying medicine, and the others were studying law. But unfortunately, we lost everything, including our education and the opportunity to continue our studies at university, because of the war.
https://gofund.me/5241a6c7 http://gofund.me
Best regards, Mohammed
Hello, Mohammed. Very sorry for the late response. Please turn your attention to this post. Mohammed and his family have suffered greatly from the genocide in Gaza. His family has lost their home, their livelihood, and their sense of safety. They are struggling to find basic necessities like food, water, and medical supplies. Here is a picture of Mohammed’s hand CW: Slight gore. Please donate they are VERY from their goal, I could not find any verification for their go-fund-me. If you can please reblog and share the verification link.
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aceofsweets · 2 years
Keep Smiling! [ 🔑 ]
Oh my god, im writing!!!!! omg!!!! anyways first Project: Eden's Garden fic on the blog, rejoice brothers! this fic is dedicated to Wolfgang Akire and angst! wonderful thing to greet yall with!, jokes aside please take caution when reading the fic because i forgot how to write
Cw: Mentions of Murder, Project: Eden's Garden Prologue Spoilers, Character Death (specifically Reader Death), Slight Gore. [ IF CONTENT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, EXIT THE FIC. ]
Pairing: Wolfgang Akire x Reader. Genre: Angst. Note: Reader has no specified gender, Reader is the Ultimate Merchant, Reader replaces a specific character, Wolfgang might be OOC and Reader uses S/O in the fic.
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Maybe he shouldn't have accepted the letter sent by Eden's Garden Academy.
Accepting it only made his life more...difficult.
Painful, even.
. . . . .
"Hey hey Wolfgang! Wolfgang look at what I found for you!" ah, your voice, your voice made his heart run a marathon but at least it's in a good way. He smiled back at you. "Ah, [S/O], good to see you!"
You ran up to the Ultimate Laywer to show him what you got for him "look at what I got~" it was those magnet necklaces that are usually worn by couples or friends, the thought of sharing a matching necklace with you made his heart skip a beat.
"W....Where exactly did you get this from?" "Uh the internet obviously." he tried to keep his composure, but to be completely honest, you were the Ultimate Merchant, it was to be expected you'd find something from importers and others.
"So?" he looked at you in confusion "so....what?" he asked "are you gonna wear it or not?" you said, pouting somewhat. "a-ah! my apologies [S/O]." he apologized while smiling awkwardly, you could've sworn there was a sweat drop coming from his face. "Wolfie, don't apologize! jeez you take things too seriously." you giggle, his face turns into an embarrassing obvious shade of red "awwww!~ you're so cute when you're flustered Wolfie!~" you teased, both the nickname and extensive teasing from you made him blush even more, but he'll let that slide, for now he'll just enjoy your presence.
For now that is.
. . . . .
In present times, it's much different, having accepted the letter from Eden's Garden Academy only brought him into a new life, a new life that'll be absolute hell.
Your warmth was no longer with him, mainly due to the fact you didn't get an acceptance letter which relieved him, but it doesn't change the fact hes alone.
Having to wake up in what seems to be a dining hall and kitchen was the second weirdest thing aside from being knocked out by some gas on the train. He was thinking, nothing is audible in that mind until...
That scared him really bad and it showed. "Oi! soybean are ya gonna say something or gawk in fear all day?!"
Okay, this woman was really, really loud. "Ah...forgive me for staring, I was...startled you could say." he said while having to force a slight chuckle at the end of the sentence.
"Yeah yeah...ya gotta be lucky I ain't gonna punch you or something!" the woman with the visor said "mhm...." he said while having a worried look on his face, was this really someone attending a prestigious academy? Tick....Tick....Tick
It's quiet, but aside from that. Minutes went by and he got the name of the loud woman with a visor, Grace Madison. The Ultimate Golfer. He was baffled by how young she looked but he can't really say anything when he himself is 22 and is known for being the Ultimate Lawyer at such a young age.
Later on, he met a blonde male with emerald eyes, a raven-haired female with blue eyes, and finally, a young child who claims to be the Ultimate Matchmaker. What a peculiar group.
As more time went on, he met more people ranging from different ages, at most 14-20, they all went outside as a group, to introduce themselves at least.
Toshiko Kayura, the young Ultimate Matchmaker decided to introduce the Ultimate Lawyer. "Ahem, Along with Grace Madison, we have the mighty and prestigious Wolfgang Akire!-" "-Hes well known as the Ultimate Lawyer."
Wolfgang smiled at the young girl's apparent enthusiasm when introducing him "...Yes, that's correct."
Suddenly, a crimson haired female spoke up and said "oh, hey hey lawyer man." the new nickname made him a tad bit confused "l-laywer man? Is that your name for me?" he asked.
"Yup! It's either that or Wolfie. Do you like Wolfie more?" the girl said, suddenly, his confusion washed away, rather, a new expression came on his face, something unreadable, as if he was contemplating something. "Wolfie..." it was the same nickname you gave him, the moment he starts thinking about you, is the moment he feels a tad bit hurt. He misses you so much.
"Ya good?" Grace asked "Of course!... just stay with what you already have." he said, but the more he thought of the nickname, the more he thought of you, were you doing okay? were you safe? were you fine without him by your side? so many questions flooded his mind as introductions went on until...
Ding Dong, Bing Bong.
The speaker turned on!
"Testing. Testing. One two three..." a rather mysterious yet sophisticated voice spoke. "Can everyone hear me?" asked the voice, yet nobody responded. "Yes? Great!" Wolfgang was confused yet suspicious of the voice speaking, a loud ahem is heard. "Good morning my amicable student friends! First off, allow me to apologize. I realize the ride here was a bumpy one, especially for Ultimates such as yourselves...But expect things to be different within these halls!" the voice said. "Yes, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you all to Eden's Garden Academy. May this be the beginning of a wondrous journey!"
The crimson haired girl or rather, Cassidy said "did he just say...we're at Eden's Garden Academy?" Damon proceeded to say: "No...We can't be." Jett proceeded to say something but it was somewhat cut off by Wenona saying, "Stop talking so loud, I want to hear this."
Shortly after that, the voice continued. "I'm sure you're on the edge of your seats waiting for a proper orientation, but there's one more thing to do before we can meet face to face! It won't take very long. All I ask is that you enter the building across from me. From there, we can begin preparations for a formal introduction. Until then, farewell!"
Well, that was...interesting.
Commotion started spreading around the courtyard. After a short bit of chattering and deciding what to do, everyone stood in front of the entrance, nobody willing to enter first.
Eventually, Damon mustered up the willpower to open the entrance and...
... No. ... You were there...but... ...
No. ... It was too much....
No, Stop It. ...
The sight was horrid, you were laying there, battered and bloody. Your clothes were wrinkled and soaked with dried, pink, blood. What laid next to you were was a knife with flecks of dried up blood, and a gun.
"AHHH!" Toshiko's blood curdling scream echoed through the hallway. "EEEEEEK!?" Eloise's panicked cry followed soon after. In a flash, everyone started panicking.
But Wolfgang...he was...pained.
He couldn't move a single muscle
He couldn't breathe.
And for a moment...
A tear rolls down his cheek.
He tried to stop them but he couldn't.
The tears kept flowing.
If that wasn't enough, his body moved on it's own.
He ran to your bloodied body.
"[S/O]..." he tried to wake you up, hoping it was just some sort of prank, you liked to pull those off! You're joking.
He tried everything, slightly shaking you, tapping you. How come he never saw you? Where were you...you weren't on the train-- so why are you here?
Please answer him. He'll do anything.
"[S/O]. [S/O] please...this...isn't funny anymore. Wake up." he couldn't stop the flow of his own tears. Everyone looked at the lawyer with different emotions plastered onto their faces. Shock, Worry, Pity. All of those emotions.
He remembered something. A promise you two made.
"Hey Wolfie! You do know I bought these necklaces for another reason!" you said cheerfully. "Oh? and what is this other reason?" he asked, his interest has clearly been piqued.
"A reason!" "What...reason exactly?"
"A reason that even if it's raining or shining we'll stick together! Even if we do get busy!" you said with the biggest smile on your face "they are magnetic necklaces so they'll also signify our bond with each other!" he chuckled at that. "[S/O], I'm going to Eden's Garden Academy...I'll be rather busy tho.."
"Who cares?! I'll be waiting for you till the very end! Plus we still have to go to that bakery that's opening in a few months! You can make time for that right?" he smiled "of course." "pinky promise????" "pinky promise."
Hes holding onto your clothing for dear life, like if he lets go then you'll disappear.
"[S/O]...we still have to go to the bakery opening in a few months remember...? We made a promise..." he buries his face into your neck, trying to muffle his sniffles and tears, but it's no use.
"Just come back..."
Seconds sped up to minutes, it took Jean, Jett and hell even Damon to convince the lawyer to stand up on his feet.
But even then he looked tired.
Discussions of how you died turned into investigations, which he isn't angry about.
He just wants to know who did this to you. He wants to bring this killer to justice. He wants to avenge you, one way or another.
No matter what it takes.
Your death will not go in vain.
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Okay, hot damn is this kinda poorly written! but anyways guys Merry Christmas, have me writing as a gift!
Word Count: 1542 Characters: 8631 Characters W/O Spaces: 7185
Happy holidays everyone! Stay safe and healthy!
-Parfait Cookie!~ [ MIDDY . ]
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leviathanbday · 1 year
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Prompt: Video games ⚠ cw: blood, slight gore
Artist: JayBeeART on Twitter Writer: h3nnychan on Twitter
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46326418
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lorawant2sleep · 10 months
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tired sketches?
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aethershroud · 1 year
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Drawtober Day 1 - Spooky
Decided to do one of these drawtober things to get the creative juices flowing after a bit of a slump. You can find the list here: https://www.deviantart.com/team/journal/Drawtober-2023-Draw-every-day-in-October-979847541
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a-scummy-hybrid · 1 year
Foolish Devotion
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Foolish Creation
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spikybanana · 2 years
@wolfstarmicrofic - prompt: tumbling - cw: vision/ hallucination/ dissociation (?), grief, panic attack, war and things, slight gore …it’s the full moon night. [once upon a green haze]: masterpost
There comes a day to remember
living had always been stranger than stories
In the last few days leading up to the moon, Sirius had felt increasingly unsteady and unsettled, some four-legged pandemonium running at him rousing a ruckus. It embarrassed and confused him, because even Remus managed to be more composed than him as the moon rounded. It almost made him wonder if it’s possible for one’s animagus to be a werewolf.
As the sun went down, Sirius kissed Remus goodbye for the night, skittishly making a jibe about this being the last Mandrake-flavoured kiss. Remus had hesitated at the door, but decidedly walked away. Sirius watched him disappearing down the street, his long shadow gliding across dusk-reddened dirt. The pack came first, of course.
Then, Sirius had sat himself down, and tried to gather, sort through all the pieces he knew about himself, Remus, the both of them— Remus had always been there. They were already lovers once, Remus had implied, but Sirius could remember nothing more than the ache of reading his words. And then, there was London. A starless city, more lies and illusion than reality. A family too venomous, too proud. A real family, found and lost again. James and Lily, where were they now? He had a brother, Regulus. Where was he now? 
Where was he now?
Sirius paused in his pacing, stood in the middle of the room, and squeezed his eyes shut. And that’s when the vision struck. 
The present snapped away like a string. His senses closed, turned inwards. There was one fragment of the heaviest silence, then a memory once forgotten was roaring through the broken dam, a tidal wave, a landslide tumbling down onto him. 
He saw the smoky full-moon night. Smelt the blistered air and heard the screams and war cries. He felt himself running, in the middle of the battle on the scorched banks of the black river. He felt the kind of magic that had burned and bursted out of him, for the first and last time. He felt the fury that had blinded him, at a lie— Dumbledore lied, James and Lily were not— He felt a grief that screamed he thought he could have killed all of them then, killed them for killing his brother. His brother. Regulus, his mind cried out in a raspy, desperate whisper. The irony was not lost on him, of losing a life only to take more, but there was never reason in anger of the moment. And Bellatrix, with a viciousness matching his as they tore at each other, sharp, gruesome. Then the werewolves. A whole pack of them pouring out of the moon. A portal, then he was running again, then a loud rip in the mind, and nothingness. 
When he came to, he was on the floor of Remus’ room, panting uncontrollably. His limbs strained and his fingers clawed down at the floor as he strived to regain control of his breathing. 
What he remembered, it wasn’t everything— far from everything— but told him enough.
There was a war in London, and he’d run from it. 
And Remus had kept him here, away from it, for all of the precious two months.
As quickly as he was able, he was picking himself up from the floor, tearing out the front door. And he ran. He ran towards the forest, towards where he knew Remus was, waiting for the moon with his pack. The suffocating anger from the memory stuck with him, he crossed the bridge, the woods in a blur. His lungs were burning by the time he approached the clearing. 
In the dimming light, there were a dozen, maybe more, shapes of boys. Sirius couldn’t see clearly enough to count, and for a second every single one of them looked like Remus— where was Remus? But before the call for the name could force its way out of his throat, Remus was springing in front of him, a bodily shield between him and the rest of the pack. 
“What are you doing here?” Remus hissed, voice low and dangerous, the wolf full in his eyes, “The moon is rising, you need to be gone.”
“No— you can’t— why didn’t you— I remembered.” Sirius panted and gasped through the words, “Everything that happened just before I got here. The battle, the portal— Remus why was there a portal? I’d been fighting a war that counted by hours, days— and you kept me here for two months—”
It became impossible then to push words past his throat. And all he could think, then, was the anger and the pain and the pain the pain the pain of losing a brother he couldn’t save, more than losing a piece of himself, the pain he never got to weather through—
“Sirius,” Remus was shouting at him, and Sirius blinked to focus. “Sirius! Can you hear me! You need to breathe, can you—”
Remus was stepping in closer, and Sirius cowered for a moment before he realised, Remus wasn’t shielding him from the pack, but shielding the rest of the pack from him. He looked up, latched onto his eyes, fierce and protective and pushing back the moon with all his might. “You are not your memory.” Remus said, firmly. His eyes were the amber-green of this world. Not the dry burning anger, the muted grey of the city. Sirius nodded shakily, swallowed, held onto Remus’ arms as he tried to push air into his lungs. 
“I’m sorry—” Remus began speaking again, expression twisted in pain, “I’ve been selfish— I’ve been so selfish in not having explained— I will explain but not now, please—” Remus was on the brink of doubling over in pain, and Sirius could hear from behind Remus, a couple of the younger boys had begun crying. 
Then, Remus fell to the ground, clutching his sides, gasping. It made Sirius immediately drop to his side, but Remus was frantically gesturing him away. 
“No, no— Sirius. Stop. Go!”
Behind them, one of the young wolves screamed.
Remus clenched his teeth, poorly hiding the way his skin was already splitting open, fur sprouting along his back, his face morphed and his fingers lengthened as he pushed Sirius away. With the last of his human voice, he bit out, “Run.”
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strawdool · 4 months
Idk what im doing LMAO
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misstellerhostess · 6 months
Revenge (Warning for slight gore!)
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Felt like drawing something with a little action
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grendel-menz · 11 months
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golden c0mmission ⚔️
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ghost-diner · 9 months
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🎵 "How to heal a broken heart
Oh sometimes you cut it apart" 🎵
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 2 months
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new look, same old punching bag
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eroguro-angel · 10 months
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Artist - mai (maika 04)
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steam-beasts · 5 months
A photo of Gordon, a week into Stage 6. No matter how much painkillers they gave him, the pain was still strong. No one noticed that his chassis was damaged.
Cw/Tw: Blood, vomit and slight gore but not a lot.
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stiffyck · 10 months
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Day 2: Curses / Magic Trick / Mirror
I really wanted to draw them as silly creatures and monsters so i thought hey what if they were cursed- @redscapeweek
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