#cw: martyr
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sofancydancy · 1 year ago
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*slams fist on table* more body hair and more light--
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micciemoore · 1 year ago
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Lore Olympus but Persephone is 💕unhinged💕
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citrinekay · 8 months ago
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Episode 3 | The K2
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thunder-opossum · 7 months ago
sizzle, how exactly did you befriend kelp? :3
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Sizzle chuckles to himself, "Actually, it was completely accidental! The first time I saw Kelp was when they were stealing the carcass of the eggbug I hunted down. I was too... tired to fight for the food."
"The next day, I had accidentally got a scavenger killed. It was in the crossfire of another scavenger trying to kill me," Sizzle frowns.
"After the rest of the tribe ran off, I wanted to do something nice for the casualty. I dragged the body to someplace with dirt, and dug a hole to bury it- then Kelp stole the body while I wasn't paying attention."
"And then Tangled Kelp just kept following me around, most likely expecting a meal. Though I was starting to warm up to my new company." Sizzle pauses for a moment to take on a more serious tone, "I'm glad all that happened; I really wasn't doing so well when I first came to Industrial Complex..."
Kelp nudges Sizzle's side and the slugcats smiles softly, returning the gesture with chin scratches. "Kelp helped make sure I kept myself nourished and clean- probably so they could keep getting food from me- but they might have inadvertently saved me from myself."
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bewilderbark · 2 years ago
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day 25 - the martyr
my love letter to the scorerunning community
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agentmaineapologist · 10 months ago
Lavernius Tucker is the last one. The last surviving member of Blue Team.
Church? Killed himself believing he couldn't be killed, while Tucker was thousands of miles away. Tex? Died in a plane crash that was directly caused by him having a child. Kaikaina? Who the hell knows, she hasn't been seen in over five years since she decided to stay at a base with no food or water. Washington? Succumbed to his injuries while Locus, the newly reformed merc, was held up by security at the hospital he tried to get him to.
And Caboose? Killed while saving someone who betrayed him, all because some whiney bitch with a god complex wanted to prove a point. That's when he snapped. He was so filled to the brim with distraught and grief and rage that when Donut gives him the opportunity to go back in time - to bring them all back - he did not hesitate. Why, you may ask?
Because with the death of a martyr comes the birth of a villain.
The Death of a Martyr - a Red vs Blue fan comic by Víðarr/AgentMaineApologist
First Chapter coming soon Fall of 2024
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houseofpurplestars · 1 year ago
This is a poem by Saleem Al-Naffar, poet murdered in Gaza along with his family by airstrikes of the US occupation of Palestine
Knives might eat
what remains of my ribs,
machines might smash
what remains of stones,
but life is coming,
for that is its way,
creating life even for us.
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lichens-art · 2 years ago
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A good ol' fashioned LoverDragon~
Character is LoverBoy from HLVRV
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awkwardcourage · 8 months ago
Semi-plotted starter | @innerwar
He didn't know what the hell he was thinking. Though, that was the entire point of snorting enough ketamine to cause an overdose. Hughie aimed to dull his mind, not sharpen it, which was all very well and good on his days off; not when there was a meeting with the Seven.
With Homelander.
He was still stupid enough to act surprised when Homelander asked, bluntly, in front of everyone if he was high. Hughie recoiled in his seat, looking around with a wide eyed stare, only demonstrating further how blown his pupils were. "What?" He even had the audacity to be indignant. The one braincell left that wasn't soaked in horse tranquilizer informed him that he was screwed. "No, I-I'm not fucking high!"
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mindsafe · 9 months ago
shitty headcanons || ymir
modern AU! the music video for misery business by par.amore was her gay awakening; side note* she's a huge par.amore girlie
modern AU! speaking of gay, one time she convinced poor conny that there was a tax for being heterosexual during pride month - he believed her && gave her $20
she cuts her own hair && has been doing it for long enough that it looks good
amazing at pool!! do NOT challenge her!! you WILL lose your money && remaining dignity!!
excels at poverty meals!! that shit's an art form && she's weirdly resourceful in a kitchen when in a bind!! you say there's nothing to eat - she proves you wrong && it tastes incredible!!
dog lover ( don't tell anyone or else )
surprisingly doesn't hate kids!! she thinks they're funny && respects them!! do NOT let her babysit your precious angel though - she will teach them their first swear word && laugh about it
extremely perceptive!! it's scary!! she could use her powers for good && help others, but blackmail is so much more fun + lucrative
she doesn't get sick often but when she does she's insufferable && makes it everyone's problem!!
lactose intolerant : (
modern AU! she would sell “ weed ” to dem kids as a teenager ( it's actually oregano // she keeps the good shit to herself, duh )
modern AU! first “ real ” job was in retail ( fashion ) but she got fired almost right away after a customer asked her how they looked && she was a bit too honest - told them they look like a thumb wrapped in cheap polyester
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90sdiablo · 6 months ago
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I made this art piece for my Nekoweb but this piece of Pope pissing off a MAGA client by being a horny ol' bisexual perv is too good to not share publicly atm. ^^
p.s. I gave Pope the mullet Manson currently has ;3
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houseofpurplestars · 1 year ago
I can't stop thinking about Rachel Corrie's words before she was killed by the IOF in 2003:
"I think it is a good idea for us all to drop everything and devote our lives to making this stop. I don’t think it’s an extremist thing to do anymore."
Rachel was 24; she was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza. For every Rachel, countless Palestinians. What will you devote to making this stop?
@ aliaelkattan
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neonmetro · 4 months ago
Wait chat. . .Atilla is such a cutie what the hell !!!
Please, if you would like and is so inclined, tell me more about them, they look very interesting ^^
Also, schools have been kicking my ass so I didn't ask earlier, but I would like to know more about conquests connection to aphrodite / Venus :3 I actually think that it's a very cool part of his character. SOMEONE LET THE HORSEMEN BE HAPPY !!!! THEY DESERVE IT.
Also I feel like I have kept talking about project martyr but I CAN'T HELP IT. . . I MEAN LOOK AT THEM. I fear you made their designs too damn good Neon.
So I have to ask, if there's anything about these "lovely" group of people that is not too spoilery like fun facts and stuff PLSSSSS PLSSSSS I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW ! :3
Sighs. . .brainrot. Darn you Neon !!! /SILLY
Whenever you see this, have a good day / night ! AND take care of yourself
-Ulysses loving anon
he's honestly . very interesting. he has a lot of lore but also none at the same time? it's mainly bc i was prone to a lot more convoluted story telling back when i first made him so some of his lore isjust kinda flat out cringe
he's based off of sebastian from 12th night! i'll elaborate more in the 2nd ask you sent (saluting emoji) but atm he's an abnormality based off of a dragon fruit and can turn people into drinks (liquefying them) and their alcohol contents depend on how intense his feelings for that person were
basically he's a serial killer that gets close with people before drinking em up (i miss him a lot chat)
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IT'S A VERY VAGUE ASSOCIATION, it's just more so symbolism rather than yanno. actually knowing venus. conquest never really knew her or the founding but he is a lover....
(irl) originally, aphrodite was derived from a love goddess that had elements of also being a war goddess (ishtar) but was eventually sanitized to be only a love/beauty goddess, then the romans readded her war elements bc the romans be roming.
i really like the association of doves/venus/war/love a lot so i wanted to add to conquest's character.... he just feel obligated to be the protector of everyone when all he wants to do is shower them with affection (THE HORSEMEN DESERVE THE WORLD!!! they only ever get the material goods and very rarely the emotional spoils)
PROJECT MARYTR!!! RAHHH I CHEERED yeah i have some facts that were on the backburner
there were 2 diff divisions in project martyr, the weapons division and soul division
weapons division: managed by reficul, despite the name they were the one mainly testing everything and running experiments while the soul division figured out more technical aspects of projmar.
members: chemosh, samyaza, tamiel michael.
soul division: managed by abaddon currently, genesis being the former manager. they're programmers and weapon designers.
members: gadriel, beezlebub, azazel.
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reficul and genesis had a kid together. kid's dead now but their name was elysian.
reficul is actually pretty materialistic, they cherish the luxuries like makeup and jewelry they have and take great pride in their own appearance, even though they sometimes act holier than thou about morality and killing people
peneume has like zero hobbies except for pen collecting/calligraphy and they take great pride in their handwriting
kesabel is a priest that thought they were just preaching to an office (no they were brought in to become an experiment. lmfao)
one of the funniest/worst things reficul did was confessing their sins to kesabel so much that kesabel killed themselves because of refi (technically spoilers but its nothing too major)
gadriel has a workplace crush on aishire. somehow
chemosh experiences hallucinations that eventually got worse as project martyr continued and still continue in the killing game
beezlebub and azazel during the killing game initially spent all their allowance on gambling. beezlebub kept winning while azazel kept losing.
eventually beezlebub won the casino and tried helping out azazel before erm. something bad happened :333
azazel has pretty bad spending issues and really does just spiral whenever they're alone even though its when they're most like themselves
samyaza is a prolific harp player that uses their weapon as both a bow and a instrument
tamiel is a astronomy nerd, they like going to the beach and looking at the sky
arakiel shares a lot of michael's tendencies (mainly not taking care of themselves, holding themselves to high expectations, and bedrotting) but still believe moloch resembles them more
moloch also does the bedrotting and high expectations but it derives more from depression rather than remembering all the abuse michael experienced
bezaliel's final words were about aishire. both times.
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grislyintentions · 1 year ago
@everlastiingiimmortals :
It was one thing to run into the Aeon of Abundance in the Simulated Universe. It was a whole other for Stelle to find herself having an audience with the real thing. She would never hesitate to give credit where it was due; Herta, Screwllum, and Ruan Mei had absolutely outdone themselves with the Simulated Universe. The Aeons certainly felt real, and their influences were incredibly strong. It was nothing compared to the weight she felt standing before Yaoshi now. Was she awake? Was this a dream? She didn't know; she couldn't tell. Yaoshi was a beautiful entity, what with the soft, glimmering golden light emanating from their frame and branching horns. The vessel felt... yearning, and an inexplicable sadness yawned within her. Was this what Yaoshi felt? A tear slipped down Stelle's cheek. She hadn't realized she was crying. Snap out of it, Stelle. The vessel shifted, rubbing at her eyes with the heel one gloved hand and clenching the fabric of her skirt in a tight fist with the other. "Yaoshi," she cringed inwardly at the way her voice wavered, equal parts awe and apprehension. "What do you want?"
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"Such sorrow..." Words spoken in whispers are carried along by the breeze that caresses the trailblazer's tear stained cheek.
Flames lick at their feet- and though one can see the intensity in which it engulfs all life around it - its warmth cannot reach them here. The air itself is thick with a fragrance sickly sweet, reminiscent of ripe fruit left to rot in the sun.
Yaoshi's own tears fall. Rivers flow where they land and suffocating the flames. Ripples in the water form blurry images: familiar faces taut with worry, a girl with pink hair and a boy clad in shades of green. Calling. But for who? "Soon, you will depart from this cycle of suffering." This child can feel it for herself, can she not? It is her time. To break free from the cycle and venture into eternal paradise. And yet. "Why do you mourn?" The Aeon of Abundance extends a hand, palm facing upwards. What once was left unseen now shimmers; a singular thread clinging to the tip of Yaoshi's finger, pulling in a light tug. It's source? The girl's own breath.
"Tell me, little one. Why do you wish to prolong your own pain?"
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awkwardcourage · 8 months ago
Starter | @innerwar
"I don't need a psychologist." Hughie says this like he hadn't overdosed last night. Like he's not put every drug through his body just to see what will happen, just so he doesn't have to feel something for a little while. Like he doesn't have an assortment of drugs and alcohol awaiting him in his bedside table. A psychologist is probably exactly what he needs, but there's nothing anyone could do to make him say it out loud.
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carnage-cathedral · 5 months ago
hahahahahaha arson trauma go brrrrr
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