#cw: martyr
sofancydancy · 7 months
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*slams fist on table* more body hair and more light--
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aarontveit · 5 months
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"How old are you?" "18" "Know what your parents did?"
MARTYRS 2008 | dir. Pascal Laugier
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sealrock · 1 month
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micciemoore · 8 months
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Lore Olympus but Persephone is 💕unhinged💕
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creepycoffins · 8 months
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I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die so I can taste your name on my final breath
@organsoutsidelovinglydescribed Trigun Body Horror Week Day 4: Heart ♥️ Happy Valentine’s Day 🎀
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thunder-wolf64 · 2 months
sizzle, how exactly did you befriend kelp? :3
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Sizzle chuckles to himself, "Actually, it was completely accidental! The first time I saw Kelp was when they were stealing the carcass of the eggbug I hunted down. I was too... tired to fight for the food."
"The next day, I had accidentally got a scavenger killed. It was in the crossfire of another scavenger trying to kill me," Sizzle frowns.
"After the rest of the tribe ran off, I wanted to do something nice for the casualty. I dragged the body to someplace with dirt, and dug a hole to bury it- then Kelp stole the body while I wasn't paying attention."
"And then Tangled Kelp just kept following me around, most likely expecting a meal. Though I was starting to warm up to my new company." Sizzle pauses for a moment to take on a more serious tone, "I'm glad all that happened; I really wasn't doing so well when I first came to Industrial Complex..."
Kelp nudges Sizzle's side and the slugcats smiles softly, returning the gesture with chin scratches. "Kelp helped make sure I kept myself nourished and clean- probably so they could keep getting food from me- but they might have inadvertently saved me from myself."
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citrinekay · 3 months
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Episode 3 | The K2
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unsanctitude · 1 year
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NEW awful awful disgusting cruel woman oc..😁
she is a pine marten, she grew out her tail to be like a whip/garrote so she can beat the truth out of people :]
no name for her (yet?) but i refer to her as spine marten HAH
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agentmaineapologist · 5 months
Lavernius Tucker is the last one. The last surviving member of Blue Team.
Church? Killed himself believing he couldn't be killed, while Tucker was thousands of miles away. Tex? Died in a plane crash that was directly caused by him having a child. Kaikaina? Who the hell knows, she hasn't been seen in over five years since she decided to stay at a base with no food or water. Washington? Succumbed to his injuries while Locus, the newly reformed merc, was held up by security at the hospital he tried to get him to.
And Caboose? Killed while saving someone who betrayed him, all because some whiney bitch with a god complex wanted to prove a point. That's when he snapped. He was so filled to the brim with distraught and grief and rage that when Donut gives him the opportunity to go back in time - to bring them all back - he did not hesitate. Why, you may ask?
Because with the death of a martyr comes the birth of a villain.
The Death of a Martyr - a Red vs Blue fan comic by Víðarr/AgentMaineApologist
First Chapter coming soon Fall of 2024
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bewilderbark · 2 years
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day 25 - the martyr
my love letter to the scorerunning community
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houseofpurplestars · 10 months
This is a poem by Saleem Al-Naffar, poet murdered in Gaza along with his family by airstrikes of the US occupation of Palestine
Knives might eat
what remains of my ribs,
machines might smash
what remains of stones,
but life is coming,
for that is its way,
creating life even for us.
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cryptid-coyote · 5 months
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Prayers Of Repent:
"Lord Ilmater, I beseech you look upon me and behold my sin. Let it stand before your infinite patience and balk in its presence - for while I am weak, you stand mighty. Let me be absolved before your weeping majesty, that I may cleanly bear the burden of others in your name.
My knees may stagger, my bones may break, my will may fracture - but my faith stands strong on your shoulders, Lord, if you will let it."
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todaysjewishholiday · 3 months
20 Sivan 5784 (25-26 June 2024)
The history of antisemitism is full of paranoid rumor-mongering and fantastical invention. One of the most persistent and damaging lies has been the blood libel, the claim that Jewish Passover rituals require Christian blood. How this would make any sense when Pesach was celebrated for over a thousand years before Christianity began is never explored. Nor is the irony that the lie of Jews using Christian blood has justified numerous horrendous Christian acts of bloodshed and violence against the Jewish people.
One of the first such massacres took place on 20 Sivan 4931 in the French village of Blois, in the midst of the antisemitic panics whipped up by the crusades. Blois had a small Jewish community that included several students of Rabbeinu Tam as well as an influential female moneylender, Pulcelina. But when a servant at one of the local estates claimed that he had seen a Jewish man dumping the body of a Christian child into the river, it hardly mattered that no local children were missing and there was no evidence of any kind to corroborate the servant’s tale. The townsfolk and their rulers wished to believe it. The entire Jewish community was imprisoned and on the twentieth of Sivan over thirty Jews were burned alive on the basis of the foul rumor.
Other Jewish communities throughout Europe were horrified by the brutality of the massacre of Blois and Rabbeinu Tam immediately declared the twentieth of Sivan as a fast commemorating the unwilling martyrs when he was informed of the massacre. Centuries later this fast gained added weight as the Ashkenazim of Poland made it a day of remembrance for the many Jewish victims of the Chelmnietsky Uprising of the Cossacks.
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scolothanatos · 2 months
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I made this to send to my friends as an “experiencing technical difficulties! Please be patient” image. Feel free to use it.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
going to bed but thinking about kon and his suicidality as selflessness and how heroism and self-destruction share quite the overlap and how saving the world with his death was heroic but also the culmination of a pattern of passive suicidality he displayed since practically his first day alive. what does it mean when you're so eager and willing to help at any cost to yourself that you assume you will not see yourself grow up? "i don't care what happens to me" is a scary place to be, but "i don't care what happens to me, so long as i can save everyone" is noble and brave, right? so when does heroism become an act of self-destruction? when you truly believe in helping others, but you also think you'll die doing it one day and that isn't enough to stop you... where's the line?
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lichens-art · 1 year
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A good ol' fashioned LoverDragon~
Character is LoverBoy from HLVRV
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