#cw proshitter
I didn't know where else to ask this, so if you don't post this, I understand, but wtf is a proshipper/comshipper?
I mean, based off of how everyone acts about them they're clearly problematic, but what do they do that's a problem?
I genuinely don't know what they are, and google is telling me things that don't seem like the whole truth based off of the way people are acting. I need to know so that way I can make sure I'm not friends with problematic people irl or online.
Can someone help pls?
TW/CW: mentions of abuse, pedophilia, incest, harassment, and pro/comshippers
"Proship" has technically two definitions, with antis (people against proshipping) saying it stands for "problematic ship" while proshippers themselves say it stands for "pro shipping" (in the sense of "pro" meaning "to be for/support"). No matter which way you see the label being shortened to, it means they support every type of relationship, including incest, pedophilia, abusive relationships, and other horrible things. Proshippers claim they do this because they're "anti censorship", "anti harassment", or they "want people to be allowed to ship whatever they want no matter what". But these are gross sentiments to have considering the context they specifically use it in and relationship dynamics we're talking about (though, yes, you can be anti harassment and anti censorship without being a proshipper, it's just terms they use a lot to claim what they're doing is good). They think that every ship has a right to exist, though importantly, to ship something is to support it, so there is no "I ship it but I don't support the relationship". The act of shipping in it of itself is supporting the relationship.
Comship is for "complicated ship", and is synonymous with proship. Same thing, different label. Both will think of any excuse under the sun to try and say why they're actually not that bad, but they're all twisted words or exaggerated truths. Granted, antis don't always handle situations regarding proshippers the best, there have been cases of antis going much too far or sending harassment. But proshippers will have you believe antis are these super brutal abusers in fandoms who harass people 24/7, and that's not true at all. Proshippers also frequently ignore their own histories of severe harassment to make themselves look better.
There are some beliefs pro/comshippers have that you can have and it won't automatically make you one of them. You can believe in anti censorship and anti harassment, in people being allowed to ship without being harassed, or in representation of complex relationships without being a pro/comshipper. It's how these sentiments are applied that make the difference. "Ship whatever you want" should not extend to pedophilia, incest, abusive relationships, or other similarly disgusting themes. Representation of complicated dynamics should not be used to support or normalize those dynamics if they're unhealthy/abusive/ect. Anti censorship and anti harassment shouldn't equate to showing people this disgusting content without their consent, or to children just because "it happens". That doesn't make it okay.
The reason the labels are so often confused is because there are people that use them in the wrong way or where the label wouldn't apply. A healthy relationship between two consenting full-grown adults can't be pro or comship. It's when you start subtracting from that is when it becomes genuinely harmful (abusive, nonconsensual, barely legal, or involving children). Normalizing or supporting these relationships is harmful and in several instances has done active harm to real people. The only ones who debate this are people who are part of those groups themselves who try to scramble for every possible excuse as to why it's okay (it isn't). I'd be here all day if I explained every single pro/comship argument and why they're wrong or don't apply the way they think it does, but as a general overview and definition this should work
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inkzectz · 3 months
Making a post here before I forget lol
This user, Felix , defends and houses proshippers in his server.
Please block him, do not harass anyone involved.
If you support proshit, or are a 'neutrals' block me.
More below the line 👇
CW: slur use, jokes about p€doph¡ll¡a
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Defending/housing proship in his server
In his rules he states it is a space where proship is welcome along with nsfw in a server full of minors.
Along with just unsavory jokes about p€d0s in response to a disgusting comment.
Again I simply suggest to block and be weary of him and his behaviors.
I will reiterate if you are a proship or a neutral on it block me immediately.
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xxduncandonutxx · 2 months
Not a gross proshitter + Hypnotist fetish + shotacon supporter commenting under my post of me saying that Bilpper is a proshit ship 💀
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You see what I mean by proshitters just sniffing me out instead of simply blocking and ignoring me? They claim to be pro-anti harassment but they do the complete opposite by just going to someone's post who is RIGHTFULLY saying something like "proshit is gross" and then these sickos proceed to harass the person or saying something like "Lol you're wrong for thinking that drawing children being r worded is disgusting xDDDD". Like seriously, PLEASE get help, take a drink of water and go see a therapist if you think it's perfectly fine to draw that sort of shit /srs.. also, before people claim that I have something against people who have a hypnotist fetish, no I don't.. I'm absolutely okay with it as long as everyone are both consenting, the only time I do have an issue with it is if people ain't consenting or children/animals (not anthro mind you, i mean feral animals) are involved in it... because dogs and kids CAN'T consent.
ALSO report this guy's account too but don't send harassment or attack them :3
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cryptidnamedhabit · 1 month
Daily reminder that if you post or reblog shit with "proship" or "proship safe" I WILL block you on sight without hesitation
I'm posting this because someone that I was following for a while reblogged multiple proshitter posts.
If you're a Proshipper (get out), please make it abundantly clear right out of the gate so people know not to waste their time interacting with you <3
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petrock42clone · 7 months
Punch-Out PSA time. It's not even been a full 2 weeks since the bullshit that was the Punch-Out-profic blog and another proship blog has come to take it's place. The blog in question is @/starfruit-supremacy who posts content of the ship Doc Louis x Little Mac. Bellow the cut are screen shots of the account and one of his posts.
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Yeah this shit is gross as hell. I suggest you all block this guy considering how the report feature on this site doesn't do shit.
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sourisking · 9 months
I don’t like proshippers because I was groomed by one.
Not because I think freedom of Speach should be limited (have seen that argument from proshippers). Not because I’m a puritan (don’t call people that for thinking RPF is a little strange). And not because I simply hate shipping.
I was groomed by a proshipper, and it makes me hate all proshippers because they almost always act like she did.
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marblekibby · 2 years
I liked an imagine and then unliked it upon realizing that one of the tags said proship safe 😭
ANYWAYS now is a good time to say that if you support proshippers/find nothing wrong with them, get the fuck out. You might as well be one.
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e-xolite · 1 month
I always find it funny when proshippers will be like “lol it’s just fiction touch grass” bc they are literally talking about SHIPPING CHILDREN WITH ADULTS
Like, am I the one who has to touch grass here, really? What’s more out of touch, thinking child/adult relationships are okay or being repulsed by it? Lmao
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dead-dove-orchid · 2 days
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flowersbark · 8 months
fellas is it a proship to project cocsa/csa on characters to cope
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
"Unlike antis,us prosh///ippers are nice to others😌"You guys can't even handle dnis
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xxduncandonutxx · 2 months
The proshit discourse is so funny to me because, you would think it would be obvious for the disgusting freaks of nature to know that "Hey, drawing problematic ships and such is... well, problematic" but I guess not.
Content warning: mentions of pedophilla, further discussive about proshitting, incest and so on.
Like, Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying YOU CAN'T write problematic or dark stories and subject matters but if you are going to romanticize them or treat them as a cutesy thing then that's when I'll have a problem. You need to handle heavy subject matters respectfully, don't be like Reitanna Seishin who admitted to enjoying same-sex incest and had written a story where a baby was born with a sexual addiction to the point that if the child doesn't do anything it'll have seizures and pass out (yes, that's an actual story that she is writing). I also seen proshitters trying to use so many excuses of why they make that sort of content, one of the comment excuses is "To deal with trauma" or even "My therapist says that I'm allow to draw/create this content because it helps me". Which if that is the case then... why not do it on a private account or away from the public? Because if you are going to draw proshit stuff or write proshit stuff as a way to cope with what happened to you in the past, you should do it in private because by posting it in the public you are feeding predators and abusers (or future abusers) this sort of stuff or even making the child think that this stuff is "okay" and "normal" (just like what happened to me in the past where unfortunately, I met a couple of people and use to listen to a certain YTber [*cough cough* reitanna seishin] and was convince that incest is "fine" as long as it's same sex couples... thank god I never wrote or created art of same sex incest or anything but still, it fucked me up and opened to me being groomed online). I highly suggest reading this comic which expands further on the topic.
Also as for the whole "Oh my therapist suggest me to write and draw this stuff" ....find a new therapist please. Because if that's really the case, that is very concerning if you're therapist is telling you to draw that shit and post it to the public. Because, I never heard of a therapist telling their patients to post cp or proshit content in the public where potential creeps can jack off to it... EDIT 31/07/24: Ummm... I just remember that I "did" made same sex incest art but it wasn't really art, it was a mlp next gen adoptable I made when I was younger... reminder, I was being influenced by certain users on deviantart (unoriginai and i forgot the other person's user) and the fact I was listening to Reitanna's stories about Jin and Gin (i think that's how you spell their names) and her rambling about how it's "fine" to create mlm/wlw incest. I did eventually I did "stop" by stop I mean someone suggested me to NOT call them next gens and call them fusions instead which I did, to this day I never made any fusion adoptables or next gens that were literally sibling x sibling or child x adult instead I just made normal next gen adoptables after I was kicked off of Deviantart and lost contact with my groomer(s) and one of my friends actually coming to me concern and explaining to me that this shit is not okay
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months
Reminder: people shipping adults and minors isn't "degeneracy," it's abuse culture.
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fawn-spots168 · 8 months
Found out ppl unironically ship Spottedleaf and Firepaw so I have a message
Spottedleaf hates groomers! She was groomed herself and she supports survivors!
All proshitters go to the Dark Forest! Sorry babes <3
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alilloserboy · 1 month
can u share the sources? cannot find them :(
Sure. Here ya go.
When Fantasy Crosses the Line
-Reviewed by medical professionals
High Risk Sexual Fantasies and Sexual Offending: An Overview of Fundamentals and Interventions| Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention
-Proves my exact goddamn point.
Understanding the sexual fantasies of sex offenders and their correlates - ScienceDirect
-Both authors have documented, official psychology experience.
Violent Fantasy, Dangerousness, and the Duty to Warn and Protect | Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
-Kinda hard to read, but it’s straightforward.
Another thing is individual stories as sources, considering the VAST amount of them. A lot of proship content feeds into the sexual fantasies of people with certain types of paraphilic disorders which can cause way more harm than good. Even though not all proshippers are paraphiles, it will still desensitize you to those topics (pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, etc) as much as you disagree.
Fiction inherently affects reality. All types of fiction. That doesn’t mean that everyone who watches/plays violent things is gonna commit those acts, but it affects you in certain ways. Like desensitizing you to real life violence, making it seem unreal or even glorified (As someone who indulges in a lot of ‘violent’ video games and movies.) All fiction affects reality, albeit in different ways.
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aqours · 6 months
"Paypal" Shut up, it's teenagers who get pissy about fiction doing this. Not some mysterious shadow company.
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i wanted to come up with a snarky response but i think it's easier to just call you stupid honestly. teenagers being puritans averse to anything even remotely not friendly family is a symptom of this culture but they don't have the power to actually make companies bend to their knees.
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