#cw inc*st mention
rush-the-stars · 9 months
the public might not be ready for most fucked up relationship of all time with utahime but I AM CIELO !! I AM !!!!!!!!
VIC 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
cw: mention of age gap/imbalanced power dynamics
i just think. there’s a lot of different ways this could kinda go but i think the gist is that. i think she’d wanna coddle you in a way that is sorta gross. and like defs breaching way too many boundaries.
also pls just. everyone. PLS. hear me out. could see her w a bit of an age gap or imbalanced power dynamic like……being her recently graduated student………….and she could teach you so much more. about yourself; what feels good, how you like to be fucked….or how to fuck her……………….
sorry to say i would also like to project weird mommy issues onto her. SORRY. I AM SORRY. i just think she likes a stubborn lost soul to look after………she’s so bossy. utahime use me as your stress toy PLS
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prettyboykatsuki · 10 months
I don't kink shame people bc I'm a freak too but a piss kink... 😟 yeah I'm judging you full on
thats crazy cause i wanna make megumi piss his pants in a public place and fuck him about it
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I feel like a bad person for liking some of my f/os. (TW! MENTIONS OF CHEATING, PRO/COMSHIPPING, INCEST, GR00MING, PED0S & RXPE)
Some ppl(mostly pro/comshippers) hc some of my f/os as cheaters, ped0s, gr00mers and rxpist, last three mostly to said characters siblings. And will sometimes be like “oh! Well their an monster so ofc they’d rxpe/groom [character]!!” About my monster f/os(I have a couple monster & eldritch horror f/os, but they never did that in canon, nor was it ever Implied for them to do so.), sometimes it’s even about like..the sweetest characters ever. I usually block those ppl, but than later on I feel disgusting for liking the character, And terrified to think that they would do that to me aswell. I’ve been gr00med multiple times and it just. Hurts and sickens me to think my f/o would do that to me or others :(
-🕸 anon(if it’s not taken)
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maskthesimp · 6 months
Okay, I'm gonna talk about something. I'm updating my F/O list again, but I'm gonna make a new post for it because the old one is annoying me. Bugged out links n shit.
TW real quick: Abuse, incest, manipulation, murder, cannibalism.
Here's the thing, some of the characters that I am adding to that list are from a game called "The Coffin of Andy & Leyley." And the reason this may become an issue is the sensitive topics that are brought up within that game and between the characters.
I'm just gonna say it flat out right now: it's incest, manipulation, murder, and cannibalism. These characters are not good people, and I wanna make it very clear that I am not condoning the behaviour of the fanfics I read, nor the art I consume. I am also not a proshipper either.
The reason I want to make this disclosure about this game specifically and not other ones like Resident Evil or Teen Wolf, despite cannibalism and murder being part of those, is that those didn't dip into the discussions of incest. Certainly not to the degree that TCOAAL does. I'm not gonna discuss my moral standing on things like incest or whatever, since this account isn't for deeper topics like that, but I will possibly be reblogging things from this game that involve that discussion or imagery. Most of it will be x Reader but not all of it.
If the expressions of art or the references these posts make include the discussion of Andrew & Ashley's potentially incestuous relationship and that upsets you, please remember its art, and you can block the tag, block me, or scroll. We depict things that aren't always morally just, or socially acceptable in art, for the sake of expression, sharing a message, and indulgence in a specific form of media. It's a video game about serial killers driven to toxic relationships and desperate situations. Is isn't intended to be a condonation of their actions or behaviours, but it is something that I enjoy consuming out of both interest in the storytelling, worldbuilding, and understanding of the complex character relationships.
It's not just there for fan service. It's a deeply disturbing discussion about co-dependency, parental neglect, and abuse and should not be taken as an interpretation of a moral high-ground.
With that being said, please take this post as a pre-warning to block the tag and the ship if that's something you don't want coming up on your feed. Especially if you follow either of my 18+ accounts. I know multiple of my mutuals aren't comfortable with incest so hopefully, they see this too and can block it. If that stuff is fine by you, great! I just wanna indulge and have fun reading shit and sharing the art people make of this fixation I have.
Thank you, and have fun indulging in this with me if you choose to. Here's some of the tags you might wanna block if you feel the need:
Ashley Graves
Leyley Graves
Andrew Graves
Andy Graves
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
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dennisboobs · 9 months
in light of. recent events. the reason for me having "dni if you ship dennis/dee" in my bio is because. it's for my OWN personal comfort. it's not a fucking Statement on my ~moral purity~ or a virtue signal, it's because i do not want my posts about the twins being read into in any way, nor do i want to talk to people who are HIDING that they ship them because it makes me extremely uncomfortable. unfollow me. don't interact. it's a personal trigger and i am trying to carve out a space i feel comfortable speaking in.
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mylittlestims · 4 months
applejack x pinkie pie stimboard?
apologies Anon but Applepie/Pinkiejack makes me uncomfortable due to 'Pinkie Apple Pie' revealing they may be distant cousins (same goes for Marblemac, Pinkiemac, Maudjack, Maudmac, Limemac, Limejack & Marblejack) if you want I can do a (platonic) duo board
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castielfucks · 1 year
w* will literally say shit like "let's go inc*st let's go!!!" and still think theyre normal... please repeat these things to a therapist
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strawberrysweater · 1 year
this has been at the back of my mind for a long time and i know i'm overthinking but i DO want to clarify that i started shipping kaede & kiibo before i saw their second FTE and it didn't exactly make me happy to find out one of their only canon interactions is kiibo joking that kaede "influencing his design" means she's like his mom. like i know he was 100% joking as he clarifies literally in the next sentence to kaede's relief, and it's pretty clear that kaede was baffled he'd say that & he doesn't actually think of her that way bc he's really upfront with his feelings BUT. need to make it known that as someone who ships them romantically i don't get any secret enjoyment out of that interaction and in fact it squicks me out in the couple instances i've seen other fans joke about it + i just dislike jokes about girl characters being "mom friends" and any reminder about how much some fans infantilize kiibo, it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth
like. the idea of kiibo telling a poorly worded joke to get back at kaede for when she pressed that button and shut him off is funny, bc clearly he's not used to making jokes, it fits, and they're immediately cool after he clarifies and it never comes up again ("a robot making a joke... that's pretty cool. the title of ultimate robot really suits him.") i just dislike the way it comes across here bc it's a topic i don't find funny. it doesn't have any influence on me shipping them and i would still dislike it even if i didn't ship them BUT in the text it's just a one-off poorly received joke so i take it as a joke and i wanted to make that fully known
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pandoramusicbox · 2 years
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Drowcember prt 2
Ok a continuation of the drowcember that expands the world building of my drow-like society of music box, the Dark fauth of O’sten  
these ideas are work in progress and so are these pictures but I wanted to share them before December was over. 
So prompt  5 family, a lot of different ways that these people think of family the most interesting is that of the cavern bats, where they do not do nuclear families as much and instead there is a tradition of mutual adoption among people. These adopted families tend to all live together in a home called Otoram. Which has a central atrium all connected to a bunch of rooms. in the duel millipede city and the black shawl spider city families are divided however they need to be, most often by multigenerational or nuclear families, cousins and relatives tend to live in the same neighborhoods or in apartment style buildings. often people will move into the mother’s neighborhood, or will spend some of the time in the fathers childhood neighborhood and the other in the mothers. other times families will strike out on their own to settle themselves in a different neighborhood all together or create a new one on the cities boarders. this being said there are also plenty of less conventional families as well, single parents are not uncommon (in part because of death or divorce but just as likely that the parent wanting a kid might go and have an arrangement with someone for a while and then sett out for themselves after.) neighborhoods made up of friends who formed a family are not a strange practice either. notably the surface dwellers of the continent do find these practices strange and in their lack of understanding tend to call them some rather choose words. (for example, it is thought that dark fauth keep harems, and rumors of the dark fauth being inbreed)
Prompt 6, festivals and celebrations, for some reason I only came up with festivals for the black chowl cavern city... I may need to fix that at some point but for now they have two! they have the festival of the pillars. a celebration that takes place once a year and celebrates all the achievement the city and individuals of the city have accomplished that year. it is a celebration of goals and survival. for the celebration a large wooden pillar is carved and decorated with all the noteworthy events of the year, including the death and birth of people of the city. the pillar is then lifted up and carried upright to its resting pace in the pillar gardens where pillars from the previous years are placed to rot and decay (as they are made of a single tree trunk) it us carried in a lavish parade and it is a game to keep the pillar upright with ropes as it is carried along. it is considered bad luck if the pillar falls on its way to the garden. the day is also a day of feasting, music, dancing, fun costumes, games, lotteries and trading of wares. its not unusual for outsiders of the city to be allowed in for these celebrations, and even surface dwellers have partaken in the celebrations before.  The Chowl ceremony is a much more private and interment event, that is a coming of age ceremony. the children who are roughly of 12-15 years of age (or for raquesasha the equivalent is ~27-32) to go to the temples of the city to undergo a series of ceremonial trials, and decide on what path in life they want to take, before finally receiving their shawls and ribbons. these are the marker of the citizens of the city. some adults who move into the city from elsewhere will also undergo these rituals.  note: the shawls and ribbons is a declaration of what gender(s) a person wishes to present as, because all children wear unisex clothing. the shawls are considered more feminine and the ribbons masculine, but a child can choose to take both ribbons and shawls and there are certain types of ribbons and shawls that denote other gender roles for them. a person can also reject taking either, or go through a new set of rituals to change whether or not they have ribbons or shawls.    Prompt 14 caves and cites, back ground, so this is a bit of an off one. here we have a collection ton of rough outlines for what the cavern city of the bats might look like, what an otoram might look like from above. along with some street outlines of the three cites I am working on: above a picture of a stalagmite and stalactite cave. I may or may not be borrowing some ideas from the different cave biomes in Minecraft, because as cool as caves are, I do not know a lot about them. though interesting note about the city of the bats that I decided on while creating this, was that the city has a lot of bats. The bats are seen as the symbol of the city so it is disrespectful, and bad luck to harm a bat, but lots of bats sleeping in a grotto brings with it some issues. such as.. oh I don't know, guano. but this is not seen as a bad thing by the citizens. (well it is the reason a lot of them west large wide brim hats, and the smaller pointed caps, and wear respirator like devises and face coverings) no the guano is cleaned off and collected to be used in  a number of different things, such as fertilizer and as an ingredient in alchemy products. the other worry is decease, but the city has simply compensated for this with its excellent healthcare system and medical alchemy. there is also a general effort to place bat boxes away from the places that people frequent.   Prompt 4: intrigue/ thievery, I have got to admit I almost removed this one from the list. but I drew this guy.  imagine with me for a second: you are a person who lives in the city of esta, grand city of the keritok kingdom in o’sten. you need something stolen, or smuggled out of the city, perhaps a valuable and irreplaceable family heirloom or perhaps you got in a spot of trouble with the city officials and you ned to skip town, real quick and quiet. you get some contacts and they tell you they found you a guy, a guy who can get you exactly what you want. so with some trust in your confidant you steal away to one of the dusty and dilapidated inns of the city, a place where normally you would never find yourself caught dead. but your confidante assures you this is where you can meet the guy. so you step in on the creaking floorboards of the dock side inn, and enter a sidereal through one of the many sliding doors that separate spaces out to rooms. you continue through these rotting rooms until you are lead to where you need to go, and through a secret door you enter a small, smoke filled chamber, a sweet smell mixes with the salty rot of the docks, and there all draped out on a cushioned filled sofa is a Dark fauth smoking a long slender pipe. wearing that strange segmented clothing of the city of . the armored braces, and metal gorget to protect his neck. he blows more smoke forming strange shapes with them that you assume can only be done by the  creature’s vile magics. He finally acknowledges you entering the room. he leans forward. with all the draping shawl coming along with him. In a strange but familiar accent he asks “ So, you are here to do business with me?” anyways enough imagining for now. that's some intrigue, though I'm not one that great at intrigue plots.
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maydayprkr · 2 months
just need to vent something weird
My aunt needs to shut the fuck up abt me talking behind her back to my shitty ex childhood friend. During middle school they took my road trip au idea, we worked on it for one whole class period. So we come back the next day and I'm excited to work on it again, they not only shut me down and tell me "no I don't want to" they proceeded to tell me how they used it on an rp site (no big deal) and that they based it around an in*est ship that was also a HUGE age gap.
Girl I wish I wasn't such a lonely kid and seen the signs. That was fucking disgusting, fuck was wrong w them.
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chronicqyzstan · 8 months
Chapter Twelve: The Story of a Cultivator Who Should Be Dead Seeking Forgiveness
(CW for vague dicussions of the (past) incestous marriage between Meng Yao and Qin Su)
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ichverdurstehier · 9 months
Does fucking your evil clone count as incest?
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deadduvznap · 2 years
"this is my comfort ship" ur comfort ship is incest 😦⁉️⁉️
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dennisboobs · 1 year
god the bad takes just keep coming how are any of us going to survive hiatus lmao
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I found this on Instagram and it pisses me off to no avail. What happened to terms having meaning?? I can't believe a fucking therapist posted this. As someone who's been through this sort of parentification as well as inc*st abuse this is disgusting to me
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ftmlily · 2 months
27. nsft, kink blog.
lily. ftm girl. puppy girl. she/her. bi. sub only.
hard kinks / heavy cw. 18+ only. minors dni! you will be blocked.
come see my OF and see a silly fakeboy completely exposed or tip me on ko-fi
If I reblog something of yours and you're not comfortable pls dm and I will take it down no problem!
this blog is about my kinks, if you do not like it please DNI. please block instead of reporting. my kinks are connected to my own trauma it's my safe space. IT IS FANTASY
trans men are men. trans women are women. non binary people exist!
more info / kinks / my tags below:
detrans / misgen
free use
(light) degrading / humiliation
body worship
knife play
bimbofication / dumbification
edging / light denial
cnc / somno
impact play
* bold is kinks I only engage with very specific people. you can mention these kinks, for example if you say “I hope he breeds you soon” stuff like that is okay, do not tell me “I am going to knock you up” for example
* - with breeding kink talk of “creampies” okay for anyone, preg specific bold rules apply/specific people only
discussing my gf in sexual situations (as in saying “I’m gonna do this to her” you can ask and talk about her with ME.
long term denial.
my own fingers inside myself (weird I know I just don’t like the feeling when it’s my own)
period talk (regarding me having / getting them again etc)
lactation/hucow (including the word udders).
wax play / oil / ect (I have a big thing with textures and stuff!)
scat. Inc*st. p*dophilia, b*astiality. body shaming. federism
weird one I know but do no make fun of me if I misspell something / typo / word something weird. on the spelling I am dyslexic and it makes me feel really bad. I like being called silly, I don’t like being bullied on this.
anything else! ask!
my tags:
lily barks = my posts / my writing
lily.jpg = me / my photos
ask lily = asks
lilys confessional = anon/follower confessions
casual lily = out of kink / more mundane stuff
j = my gf
special guest star j = my gf answers ur questions / posts
other blog = posts from prettyfakeboi
other stuff !!
post top surgery
ten + years on t
out of kink I now identify as non binary. I use mainly he/him out of kink, but all pronouns are fine! I identified as solely trans masculine for 14 years before this kink helped me through complex feelings with my gender leading to me now identifying as non binary for a year now
taken anon emojis / nicknames:
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