#cuz with the history of that term on here... it could end up being Mr Swales or someone for all I know
arbitrarity · 2 years
Predictions for the Dracula Daily Bracket!
To start, I agree wholeheartedly with the qualifier results: the zookeeper and the correspondent are both top notch. For some of the others, I think it might depend on if we're deciding on a favourite character/popularity or actual 'sexy' status.
Count Dracula vs Arthur Holmwood: right off the bat (pun not intended, but I'll take it!) we have a fight that depends on what the vote is for. I think Drac wins for sexiness (in the tumblr definition) since Arthur is more sweet, devoted, but a little bland. His appeal is mostly in his relations to others than in his own right, while seeing Drac getting bumped out of the contest so quickly would be surprising since he has serious Character status. So while I in no way find him sexy, I think Drac is the best bet
Jack Seward vs Captain of the Demeter: ooo, the captain is pretty awesome and his death was heart rending, so I think he'll get a chunk of the votes. but Jack, while hated by some, is both pathetic and highly shippable. So my bet is on Jack
Mr Swales vs First Mate of the Demeter: no contest - Mr Swales. there is no sexiness to him, but I can't imagine the sus first mate beating him!
R. M. Renfield vs Thomas Bilder: Renfield, for sure. Thomas Bilder was the obvious choice in the qualifier but won almost assuredly because of Bersicker/Berserker (and my housemate points out that maybe the wolf himself could be a contender for sexyman), while Renfield has so much more to him, as a character and in the story
Jonathan Harker vs News Correspondent: again a little bit of a tough choice. Jonathan should win for sure if it's an 'I love him, your honour' situation, but does he have sex appeal?? the correspondent, with his speedy running and unhinged method of reporting on weather/murder, has more 'i want to kiss you on the mouth' energy. we haven't seen how Jonathan might react to Drac's return yet though, and i feel like theres a lot of potential there. so.... gonna predict Jonathan
Quincey Morris vs Abraham van Helsing: it's gotta be the cowboy, right? he's got sexiness all 'round, despite barely entering the story so far. Van Helsing sure is something and has got to have more discourse about him, good and bad, but can anyone deny Quincey P. Morris as sexyman? I feel like he's got the best shot at winning the title on his own merits out of everyone
Mina Harker née Murray vs The Brides of Dracula: PFFT! Mina! Oh course!! those weed smoking girlfriends have nothing on our beloved protagonist, sweet smart and strong in one!
Lucy Westenra vs “The Bloofer Lady”: omg we just read about the Bloofer Lady today. this is so cruel. too soon 🥺😭 Lucy is definitely the fav for me but I don't know how the rest of the story will play out .... I can only hope Lucy will triumph
that's all for now! hoping to write out my predictions again when we reach the next bracket level
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war-sword · 5 years
the ilvermorny exchange (6)
Part 6 | index | masterlist
summary: you’re an Ilvermorny student, and you’ve applied to the International Magic Student Exchange Program to attend your sixth year at Hogwarts instead. You and your friends are excited to go to school overseas, but a certain blonde prefect has decided to personally make your exchange year suck. You decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. (draco x reader, enemies to lovers, female reader) words: 7,699 A/N: Hi guys! Welcome back! So many people asked me to continue this fic so I decided fuck it lets go. And here we are!!! Hope you all enjoy. Small side note, when I was writing the first 5 chapters of this story I did originally have a side-plot of Alex having a crush on Ginny Weasley. I took those parts out because for some reason I thought it might be distracting?? Or people would think it was weird?? Idk but now I'm putting it back in because the person irl who Alex is modeled after asked me to lmfao. So I've gone back and added those into the past chapters, in case you wanna go back and refresh yourself anyway! taglist: @tragically-cordelia @mhftrs @2pumpkin-pasty @gingerlouisgirl @seriouslynotfunny @clockworkherondale @cherrie511 @songforhema @marvelrose @acciodracoo @eltanin-malfoy​
“Fucking finally.” Alex smirks at you good-naturedly as you meet her in the corridors between the Horned Serpent and Thunderbird dorms.
“Ms. Angeles had to pin my skirt! It was an emergency!” You reply.
Alex just rolls her eyes, and you head off in the direction of the center of the Ilvermorny castle. “Ugh. I wish Mr. Foxbrair had let me wear the boys outfit,” she pulls at the suspenders of her pale blue skirt irritably.
“At least we have pockets!” You say, digging your hands into them for emphasis. “I think they’re cute.” You spin as you walk, letting the skirt flare out. You and Alex, like all the rest of the last years, are dressed in your formal Ilvermorny uniforms. Blue suspender skirts and white long-sleeve button downs for the girls, while the boys wear cranberry pants and white button-downs. Everyone wears ties with their house emblem.
As last years, you’ve arrived at Ilvermorny a few hours early to change into your uniforms and prepare for the lower years to arrive. You get perform the opening dance at the First Feast tonight, and help younger students find their way as they settle in. But first– you want your wand.
There’s a bit of a line at the counter, which has multiple windows. You and Alex join the shortest one, and you peer over the shoulder of the person in front of you to watch the slender wand boxes fly around as the teachers working the counter summon them from the safe behind.
“I’m so glad this is the last time we ever have to do this. I can’t wait to do magic at home,” Alex sighs.
“Same. It’s so hard having to go from cleaning my room here and then having to do it manually all summer,” you agree.
You and Alex are both startled by a hand clapping down on your shoulders. You both turn to see Chris behind you, laughing.
“Chris! Hey!” You say, grabbing him around the middle in a tight hug. Alex piles on top and the three of you giggle, swaying unsteadily.
“What’s up?” He asks as you all separate.
“Not much,” Alex says. “You look good in those pants.”
Chris poses. “I think pink and red are my colors. Too bad I’m going to look like a giant idiot when we have to dance.”
“Chris, literally all we do is weave between the tables and shoot the streamers out of our wands. We’ve watched it happen for the past six years, do you not know how it goes?” You ask, incredulous.
“You think I pay attention?” He responds. You just laugh and move forward in the line.
 Alex gets her wand first and cradles it like a newborn. “Ohhhhh, my sweet baby, I missed you.” She kisses it gently for dramatic effect. You don’t even laugh though, because the second you have yours in your hand, you feel like you could do the same. Holding your wand for the first time in three months makes your nerves come alive and you feel like you could burst at the seams with happiness. Being reunited with your wand feels like being reconnected with a part of your soul.
You flick your wand and gentle wisps of glittery mist come out of the tip and dissipate into the air, making you grin. “I love magic.”
The three of you mill around in the entryway afterwards, greeting all your other friends you hadn’t seen over the holidays. Some of your friends from last year’s exchange trip come over, too.
“What’s up, Y/n?” Kenny asks as he sweeps you into a hug.
“Hey!” You and Alex take turns giving him a hug, and he goes in for a handshake with Chris.
“How was Taiwan?”
“Oh, so cool.” Chris’s eyes glitter.
“Whoa, I forgot you were going there!” You exclaim. “You were meeting family, right?”
“Yeah. So many cousins, so many family meals. I’ve never eaten so much zong zi in my life, dude.”
“Did you go anywhere else?” Kenny elbows him, a sly smile on his face. “England, perhaps?”
Chris just rolls his eyes. “No. Emi only ever sent me three letters, but she was in China visiting her family like I was in Taiwan. What about you guys?” He turns to you and Alex. “Either of you go to Europe?”
“Hell no, Portkeys overseas are expensive!” Alex says. Chris was, of course, referring to her visiting the Weasley’s. Alex had started dating Ginny towards the end of the term in May, shortly after the last Quidditch match. Ron was of course angry Ginny kept dating his friends, but the rest of you thought it was cute. Chris and Kenny look at you expectantly.
You shake your head. “Me neither. Draco was traveling, and we agreed against meeting the parents anyway. It was never that serious.” You give a shrug. It was true, though. Still, when you’d left Hogwarts in June, it had obviously been a sad departure. You’d been a little teary as you hugged goodbye.
“Are you crying?” Draco had asked, sounding both shocked and concerned for you.
“No,” you said grumpily, rubbing your eyes fiercely on the edge of your sleeve.
His eyes had softened and he brushed your hair out of your face. “Come on, you know you can’t lie to me. Why?”
You’d just buried your head into his chest, too embarrassed about being so emotional. “‘Cuz we’re breaking up and I can’t handle it like an adult. Ugh.” You’d mumbled.
Draco pulled you away from him a little so he could whisper in your ear. “Who said we’re breaking up?”
“We’re not?” You’d sniffed.
He’d had that stupid smile on his face that made you want to deck him but also make your heart jump into your throat. “Last I checked, I didn’t break up with you, so, unless you’re the one doing the breaking up…” 
“Oh, I hate you!” You’d groaned, but also smiling at the same time. Draco had picked you up off the ground to make you giggle.
“I hate you, too. So stop crying!” He’d put you down and pressed a few kisses on your cheek and your forehead. “Write to me, okay? I promise we’ll see each other again.”
“Okay, we better. Wait, I need your address!”
“Oh, shit. Do you have parchment?”
“Uh, okay stick out your arm.”
You’d both been a giggling mess as Draco scratched out his address onto your forearm with one of his fancy Always-Inked Quills, your laughing interspersed with him begging you to be more still and not smudge.
“We’re such idiots.” Your tears of sadness had turned to ones of laughter.
“Speak for yourself!” He’d exclaimed. You kissed one last time.
“Bye, Y/n.”
“Bye, Draco.”
“Uh, ‘not that serious’ my ass.” Alex says, bringing you back out of your memories. “You were both crying.”
“We were laughing!” You defended. “And it’s true, we only exchanged a few letters. We were both busy and international owl post takes a while.”
“Damn, we all got the shaft from our British wifeys!” Chris complains.
“Aha, not me!” Alex does a little dance. “Ginny is coming for the Exchange this year.”
Chris and Kenny ooh’d. You already knew this, of course. Alex was lucky that Ginny was in the year below. It was unlikely you’d see any of your Hogwarts friends until you graduated, but Alex and Ginny would get a whole other year together.
“Who’s coming for the Exchange?” Sarah had appeared, walking up with Alice.
“Ginny Weasley,” you answer.
“Ooh, fun. Who else is coming?” Sarah asks.
You all exchange glances. “I dunno, I guess we didn’t really know many other people in the year below us while we were there,” Kenny says.
“I don’t think any of Gin’s friends are coming, she probably would’ve mentioned it,” adds Alex.
“Anyone want to go to the inner courtyard to go do some spells?” Chris suggests, changing the subject.
You all agree readily, and head outside. You take turns messing around– levitating rocks, each other, and you and Chris have a mini-duel, ending with his dress uniform completely ruined. Sarah expertly Scourgifies it clean again. Alex and Kenny work together to enlarge a small patch of mushrooms so you can all climb on them. Chris has just discovered they’re great slides when you hear a voice ring across the courtyard.
Everyone freezes, your first instinct being fear. You turn your head, gazing down from the mushroom to see Ms. Bell standing a few feet off, watching you with a smile on your face.
“Uh, nothing!” Kenny calls.
“Hey Ms. Bell!” You, Sarah and Alice chorus.“We’ll put it back, don’t worry!” You slide down off the mushroom and run over to her to give your favorite teacher a hug.
“How was your summer? You need to come visit me and tell me about your Exchange year!” She asks, giving you a gentle squeeze.
“Great!I’ll definitely come by to tell you about Hogwarts.”
“Awesome!” She beams.  “Ready for your last year?”
“Yes! But also no, I’ll be so sad to leave.” You say, as the rest of the group comes over to say hello. “I’m going to sign up for your new class! the History of Magical Painting and Photography, right?”
“Yes, I’m excited for it,” she says, giving Sarah a side hug. “You should all sign up if you like art, I think it’s going to be lots of fun. I’ve been planning for it all summer.” Sarah and Alice nod, and the others politely say they’ll consider it.
“Alright, I’ve got to go. I’m on Exchange Student duty again.” Ms. Bell brandishes a scroll of parchment, her own dress cloak swishing as she moves.  “Fix those mushrooms back before you all leave, please!”
“Wait, which Exchange?” You ask.
“Hogwarts, same as last time.”
“Can we see the list?” Alex asks. “My girlfriend is coming, we just want to see if there’s anyone else we know.”
Ms. Bell unrolls the parchment and you all gather around to read it. Your eyes scan the paper and you don’t recognize anyone else except Ginny– Wait! Your heart skips a beat, and you blink your eyes and grasp the edge of the parchment next to Ms. Bell’s hand, making sure you read it correctly.
Draco Malfoy.
“See anyone else you know?” Ms. Bell asks.
Alex catches sight of your shocked expression and laughs. “We know him!” She points to Draco’s name.
“But… but he’s in our year. He isn’t eligible for the Exchange,” you say softly. “It must be a mistake.”
“Hm, I don’t think so. I remember he was a later addition.”
You’re still staring off into space while Ms. Bell rolls up the parchment. “I really have to go. Would you guys like to come along to greet your friends?”
You and Alex follow Ms. Bell out of the courtyard, still slightly in a haze. Was Draco really coming? He’d never mentioned it to you, while you were at Hogwarts or in any of his letters. And besides, IMSEP rules were really strict; He was too old for Exchange. Alex elbowed you and broke you from your stupor.
“You didn’t know he was coming?” She asks.
“No! I had no idea! Is that like, allowed?” Even as you say it, thoughts are already bubbling into your mind. Draco, here, at Ilvermorny. With you. You’ll get to show him around, go to classes again, you can go on dates on weekends out… You were getting excited. Alex is smiling like crazy and clutching your hand. You can’t help but grin also.
When you get to the front lawn, the afternoon sun is getting lower as the last of the Portkeys come in. Students are arriving in descending order of their grade, so they can get settled into their dorms before dinner. First year’s arrive last, as well as Exchange students, so they can be sorted before the First Feast. You watch a group of eleven year olds go by, led by a teacher and another last year. Ms. Bell leads you over to an open patch of grass where the Hogwarts Portkey will let out, and checks her watch. “They should be here any moment.”
A moment later, there’s a whooshing sound and a group of almost twenty people land on the lawn pretty far away, some of who you can see toppling over as they land hard. “Oh no, we’re too far away!” Ms. Bell begins walking at a brisk pace towards the group.
Alex starts running, obviously already honed in on Ginny. You walk along with Ms. Bell, still not sure Draco will be there. As you draw closer, you spot his bright hair in the mass of people. You start running too.
Draco spots you coming, and looks slightly surprised, but still smiling. He lets go of his trunk and bag to open his arms, and you launch yourself into them.
“Hey baby!” He laughs into your ear as he spins you around. “Are you surprised?"
“You. Are. The biggest. Bastard!” You cry once he puts you down, hitting on his chest with your fists to punctuate your words.
“Ouch! Okay, enough with the hitting!” He’s still laughing though, pulling your fists away. You put up a tiny fight, but he’s much stronger than you. When he lets go you wrap your arms around him in another hug.
“Yes I’m surprised!” You say, pulling back again. You’re not sure if you want to hug him again, kiss him, hit him some more or just look into his eyes. There’s so much you want to do at once. “And wow, I think you got tan when you went to Italy.”
Draco chuckles. “It won’t last long. And look at you! You’ve cut your hair!” He takes his hands off your waist to brush through the strands.
“Yes! It’s a little shorter now. You like?”
“I love it.” His eyes keep flicking across your face and the rest of you like he can’t get enough, and you’re glad to know he feels the same way. He leans down and finally places a gentle kiss on your lips, and you feel like you could explode from happiness.
Ms. Bell finally reaches the group. “Hi Everyone! Welcome to Ilvermorny. Please look around and make sure the person you were standing next to is here, sometimes people do go missing… all good?” She retrieves the used Portkey, an umbrella, from the ground, and waves her wand. Everyone’s luggage vanishes, off to be kept until after the sorting. “Alright, let's go!” We don’t want to get behind schedule, we’ve got lots to do tonight before we get to eat!”
You grab Draco’s hand as you all start the walk back towards the castle. “So how were you allowed to come here? You’re too old for Exchange! How did you convince your parents? How long will you be here?” All the questions that were buzzing around in your head came spilling out all at once.
“I’ll be here all year,” Draco said. “I transferred, I’m not on Exchange. And lots and lots of convincing.”
You really didn’t have anything to say, you were just in happy shock. You smiled to yourself as you looked back at the castle and thought about Draco living there, too.
“I hope you’re not mad,” he said, looking over at you. “Should I have told you?”
“No! I’m not mad, just surprised is all!” You say. “Wow, I can’t wait for you to get sorted!”
“Should be interesting,” Draco muses. “I’ve been wondering how it will go.” The group had reached the castle, and Draco gives your hand a squeeze. “We’ll talk after, okay? You can show me around.”
Ms. Bell marches up the steps and stops in between the large statues of Isolt Sayre and James Steward, where the large group of first years are gathered. She motions for you and Alex to follow her, and you leave Draco behind with a wink. The three of you go around the set of big front doors and enter through a side corridor.
You part from Ms. Bell, and head quickly up the stairs to the balcony under the glass dome on the main rotunda. Alex spots your friends, and you both hurry to join them, muttering apologies as you make your way to the railing– last years get to sit at the front to watch the sorting.
“Hey,” you mutter, sitting down just behind your roommates, Stella and Grace. You hadn’t seen them since you moved in earlier that afternoon. “Guess what?”
“What?” Grace asks. Chris shifts back to be next to you so Alex can sit near the railing and dangle her feet off the edge.
“Y/N’s boyfriend is here.” Alex answers before you can.
“What?” Stella gasps. Grace’s mouth drops open in surprise. “You didn’t tell us!”
“I literally found out ten minutes ago! Sneaky asshole.” You look between Alex and Chris. “He’s transferred.”
“Oh, shit.” Chris looked impressed. “Because of you?”
“Maybe? I don’t know! We didn’t get to talk too much, we were coming in here.”
“Point him out to us when he comes in.” Grace says, looking towards the big double doors. Stella nods in agreement.
A hush falls over the rotunda as your Principal, Joan Rittler, sweeps into view below to stand on the golden knot on the floor, surrounded by the four statues of Ilvermorny. She’s wearing dress robes also, long black ones with intricate navy, cranberry and gold embroidery that swirl gently. Her long dreadlocks are piled on her head in a complicated knot that also has gold accents decorating it. She raises her ring covered hands for complete silence. “Hello, everyone,” she begins. “We are about to start our age old tradition of Sorting our new students. Please remember to remain quiet until the student has chosen their House.”
 She turns and raises her hands toward the double doors, and they swing open. The group of first years all shuffle in uncertainty, the older group of exchange students sticking out at the back because they’re so much taller. Principal Rittler ushers them to come further inside with a welcoming smile on her face. Once the blob of kids has made a rough semicircular shape at the edge of the room, the doors close back. You spot Draco near the wall, his eyes scanning the balcony for you, but you’re probably just a bit too far back. You elbow Grace and point to Draco’s blonde head.
“I didn’t know you were dating an albino,” Grace murmurs over the sound of the footsteps below.
You can’t even argue with her. “He’s actually tan right now, if you can believe it.”
Principal Rittler’s voice fills the rotunda without her even trying. “Welcome, students. You are all about to be sorted into your Houses. You will come up, one at a time, and stand on this knot–” she gestures to her feet– “and your House will be announced by the movement of the statues. You may then go over and join your new House mates behind the statue.”
“We have Thunderbird, for those with powerful and adventurous souls. Puckwudgie, for the strong and healing of heart. Wampus, for the brave warriors of body, and Horned Serpent for those engaged and scholarly minds. If more than once House wants you, it is up to you to choose, so think carefully.”
You felt a tiny twinge in your stomach at Principal Rittler’s words as you did every year.
“May the sorting begin.” Principal Rittler pulls her wand from inside her robes and conjures a scroll. She steps back off the knot and outside the circle of statues, and lets the long scroll fall open. “Acworth, Ames.”
A tiny girl with thin hair scurries from the middle of the blob and goes to stand on the knot. A few tense moments pass, and then the Thunderbird comes to life and beats it’s huge wooden wings. Thunderbirds all around the balcony burst into cheers as Ames beams and walks over to stand behind the statue.
It goes on like this, down the list. Ilvermorny is a huge school, and between first years and Exchange students there are at least eighty people to be sorted. You lean over and whisper in Chris’s ear. “Kinda makes you miss the fifteen minute Hogwarts sorting, doesn’t it?”
Chris’s eyes go wide as he gives you a deep nod.
You watch as the light changes from yellow to orange through the top of the dome. Two children have more than one statue offer them a place in their House, which always livens up the sorting. One girl immediately chooses Puckwudgie, while the other boy starts to cry before finally choosing Horned Serpent. You hope he’s not wrong, and make a mental note to try and find him at some point during the first week. 
Finally, all the first years are done, and it’s time for the Exchange students. Principal Rittler turns her scroll over to the back side. “Álvarez, Jose!” A tan boy steps onto the knot and is immediately made a Wampus.
When Principal Rittler calls out “Malfoy, Draco,” your heart starts to go double time, like it’s you getting sorted all over again. You lean forwards to look between the bars of the railing, and you can feel Chris, Alex, Grace and Stella all watching you as much as they watch him.
Draco steps out onto the knot. There is no movement for a second, and then, three statues come alive at once. The Puckwudgie raises his arrow up, while the Thunderbird beats its wings. The crystal set into the forehead of the Horned Serpent glows, and it twists its neck around.
Murmurs are heard across the rotunda. You’ve seen threes happen only twice more in your years at Ilvermorny. Twos are much more common, and fours almost unheard of. Everyone is watching with bated breath to see which house Draco will choose, but you have a feeling you already know.
When Draco walks over to join the group behind the Horned Serpent statue, you scream along with Stella and Grace. The rest of your House is the loudest it’s been all night.
Several other students go, and then it’s Ginny’s turn. Alex is gripped by the same anticipation as you as Ginny strides out of the group and onto the knot. She’s made a Thunderbird, and Alex whistles loudly for her.
You grab Alex’s shoulder. “Did you guess right, too?” You yell over the other Thunderbird’s raucous applause.
You and Alex high-five hard.
Finally, the sorting comes to an end. Another set of double doors opposite the main ones open into Ilvermony’s Great Hall, and the newly sorted first years rush inside to receive their first wands. While the wand choosing doesn’t take nearly as long as the sorting, it’s another round of waiting the upper years have to endure. There’s lots of traffic going down the two staircases from the balcony to the main floor.
“Aw, guys, that was our last sorting!” Stella pulls a face and puts her hand on her heart.
“So many lasts,” Chris adds.
“Hey, look on the bright side,” you interject. “This gets to be our first time leading the dance and the songs!”
You finally emerge at the bottom of the stairs. You intend to try and find Draco, so he can know where to sit, but your Head of House, Ms. Angeles, is collecting last years at the back of the rotunda. You and Alex exchange an annoyed glance as you make your way over.
Ms. Angeles is attempting to count everyone, but gives up. She rests the tip of her wand on her neck and clears her throat. Everyone stops talking, lower years still filing into the Great Hall peer over at you all as they walk. “I sincerely hope that after six years you know how this is going to work!” Ms. Angeles’s voice sounds extra loud.
Next to you, Chris grimaces.
“If you don’t, stand behind someone who does and follow them. Four lines, please! And do not stand next to your house mates!”
Alex grabs you, and you in turn grab Chris. Grace and Stella follow you anyway as you make your way to one of the four lines forming. “Think again if you thought I’d listen to a single order Angeles tells me this year,” Grace mumbles.
Ms. Angeles evens up the lines until she’s satisfied. Through the open doors you can see that most everyone has taken a seat at the many tables, first years closest to the walls, with a cluster of empty tables in the center of the room for the last years to sit at. The edges of the room are fraught with excited conversations as eleven year old’s hold and compare wands for the first time, unable to contain their excitement. Ms. Angeles leaves you to take her seat at the staff table, and you all wait as the last few people sort themselves out. It’s then you notice Draco sitting all alone at one of the empty tables. He’s picked one on the edge so he blends in with the sixth years at the tables nearest to him, but it’s still a sad sight. You cover your mouth with your hands, not sure if you want to laugh or cry.
“Aw, Draco!” Alex notices, too.
“That’s literally the saddest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Stella comments.
“We have to go over there after, oh my God,” you giggle, tearing up. All your emotions from the past hour– seeing your friends again after summer, Draco suddenly appearing, and remembering you’re doing this all for the last time– are coming to the surface in a weird mix.
“Babe! Are you crying?” Alex turns around and puts a hand on your shoulder.
“No! I mean, yes, but… I don’t know, there’s too much happening right now!” You sniff, flicking away the tears that cling to your lashes. “Ugh! Okay, let’s go.” You pull out your wand and bounce on the balls of your feet, ready to get the dance started.
There is some whisper-arguing amongst the four leaders of the lines, and then they set off skipping, starting to clap in time. The two center lines wind their way back and forth between the tables through middle, while the outer lines go along the wall.
 “We stand as one united,
Against the Puritan.
We draw our inspiration,
From good witch Morrigan.”
 The students sitting down continue clapping while you all sing. Your line turns when you reach the staff table, and you begin to skip in the opposite direction of the other lines. Most of the first years sit at their tables and listen to the song, watching with excitement. Older students reach out their hands and you give them all high fives as you pass. Across the hall, Draco catches your eye, smiling as he watches you dance. You grin back as your classmates sing about Ilvermorny, the supreme wizard school, and green streamers come out of your wand as you twirl around.
After a long and satisfying First Feast, you jump up from your table to go find Draco. After the dance, you hadn’t been able to make your way to sit with him. Alex was also unable to find a seat near Ginny, and so you’d both suffered through the meal away from your partners. But now that it was time to go back to your dorms, you had the chance to find Draco and not be separated again.
As everyone exited from the hall, you squeeze your way over through the crowd. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He grabs your hand to keep you together.
“I knew you’d be Horned Serpent” you say, following your House mates out of the hall and towards the west staircase. “Did you pick it to be with me, or because you felt it fit?
“Many reasons,” he says. “But I will have you know I read up on Ilvermorny this summer and did think about it before I got here.”
“Really?” You’re impressed, but also that’s such a thing he would do. Draco doesn’t like unknowns.
“Of course. Got to be prepared, right?”
You don’t say anything, and instead just enjoy a moment to yourself gazing at his face. “Wait ‘till you see our common room, it’s so fun.”
You climb up several flights of stairs until you reach a large wooden door that’s covered in a grid of carvings. The door is already open, letting the steady stream of students through. “You get in my tapping certain squares in a pattern,” you say as you pass. “We’ll find it out from someone before tomorrow. And I want to take you around.”
As you enter the Horned Serpent common room, you turn to Draco to see his reaction. The Horned Serpent dorms are located in one of the five big turrets of the castle, meaning the construction leads vertically rather than horizontally. The common room is a the bottom, a large circular room with chairs, couches, and three fireplaces on the walls. Piles of books are all over the floor, separating clusters of chairs near the fires or windows, so people can study or talk in groups. Your favorite part of the common room though is the ceiling– perhaps hundreds of chandeliers, ranging from the largest one in the center to tiny ones the size of cups cover the room in a soft glow. On opposite sides of the room are entrances to the different dormitories, and you drag Draco over to the left one.
“This is to the girl’s rooms, I want you to meet my cats!”
“Can I go in there?” Draco says, unsure.
“Duh.” You roll your eyes. “I wouldn’t be taking you if I couldn’t”
You lead the way up a spiral staircase. You stop on the second landing, which is semicircular, and lead Draco to the second door.
“Hey.” You poke your head inside. Grace is already laying on her bed, reading, while Stella is at her desk struggling to open an ink bottle.
“Hey,” Stella and Grace answer in unison. “Did you bring him?” Grace asks, marking her place and closing her book. 
You nod. You step into the room and pull Draco in behind you. “These are my friends, Stella and Grace.” 
Draco looks back and forth between the three of you for a moment. “Are you guys… sure you aren’t related?”
Grace laughs and you sigh. “People get us mixed up all the time. Our hair looks the same from the back. But other than that we all look different, I’d say.” Your first year at Ilvermorny had been a tough one for teachers. Stella and Grace being your roommates, they were also your first friends, so you all had to endure lots of “Grace! No, er- Y/N!” “Actually, I’m Stella,” in any class and around the hallways. As you’d gotten older and the three of you had changed around your haircuts, it had gotten easier.
“Congratulations on Horned Serpent, Draco,” Grace says as Stella continues to struggle with her ink bottle. “It’s lucky you got to pick. So did Y/N.”
“Yes, she’s told me about it. And you all, too. Er, do you want a hand with that?” Draco asks as Stella slams the ink back onto the desk in defeat.
“Please.” Stella grabs the bottle and silently offers to toss it. Draco nods and catches it deftly with one hand, cracks it open in one go, and throws it back to a bewildered Stella.
“Show off,” you mutter, bending down to look under your bed.
“Hot,” Grace corrects. “You picked a better one this time, Y/N.”
You choose to ignore this comment. From under your bed, you pull a fat grey cat. “Draco, this is Benedict, one of my cats.” With Benedict’s massive body balanced against your chest, you reach onto your bed and scoop up a much smaller black cat with huge green eyes with your other hand. “And this is Sophie.” Now that you’ve woken the cats up, their voices start to filter into your head.
‘Who’s this?’ Sophie questions, sniffing the air.
‘Mom, I don’t like it, he smells different!’ Benny starts to squirm in your arms.
“Settle down,” you say, clutching Benny tighter to you. “And be nice! This is Draco, I’ve told you about him.”
“Ahem, your cats?” Grace interrupts. “They’re my kids too now, I looked after them for you while you were gone.”
“Fine, our cats.” You hold Sophie out to Draco. “Here, she wants to see you.”
Draco takes Sophie from you with some hesitation. You wrangle Benny in more securely now that you have both hands. ‘Oh, he’s warm!’ Sophie closes her eyes and starts to purr. ‘I see why you chose this one.’
‘Mom NO! Sophie don’t, he seems strange! Don’t trust him!’
“Don’t be rude!” You scold. Benny continues to writhe in your arms so you put him down, and he runs over and jumps onto Grace’s bed.
“Hah!” She says triumphantly.
“He’ll come around,” you assure Draco. “But for now Sophie really seems to like you, she’s always been the friendlier one.”
‘More like reckless!’ Benny meows allowed, but only you understand what it means.
“Be nicer to your sister!” You say to him. He sulks back and hides behind Grace.
“What are they saying?” Draco asks, intrigued. He scratches Sophie under her chin and she purrs even more.
“Benny says you smell and Sophie says you’re warm and I made a good choice.”
Draco laughs, which disturbs Sophie a bit. ‘Ah, he can be loud though! I’m too hot now. I want to keep napping.’ She leaps from Draco’s arms and back onto her little hollow in your blankets.
“It seems like they’re done. Let’s go on a castle tour.” You move around Draco to go back out the door. Stella and Grace chorus goodbye as you whisk Draco out again.
As you re-enter the common room, Draco stops you. “Can I find my room first? I want us to be able to take our time and I want to know where I’m going when we get back.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. My bad.” You start to blush with embarrassment that you’d forgotten. “Want me to go up there with you?”
“I think I can manage.” He gives you that stupid crooked smile and you immediately realize you’ve been a little clingy.                                                                                                        
“I’ll wait down here for you when you’re ready,” you say as Draco disappears up the stairs. You settle into one of the chairs to wait, swinging your feet over the side. Several more of your House mates pass, including Alice, who gives you the pattern for the door. After what feels like an eternity, Draco reemerges from the boys dormitories looking pleased.
You close the book you’d pulled out to pass the time. “Are you with anyone you know?”
Draco shook his head. “No. You know Gao and Will very well?”
“Which Will?” You chuckle as you get up. “There’s at least 5. And Gao’s real name is Will too, by the way. We just all call him Gao.”
“Brilliant,” Draco sighs. “Also no. He’s got brown hair and green eyes if that helps.”
“Nope, two of them look like that.”
“I give up.”
“I’ll find out tomorrow and give you my opinion.”
You lead the way out of the common room and into the halls. “Where do you wanna go first?”
“I don’t care.” Draco takes up your hand. “Your favorite spots.”
So you take Draco around the castle. Ilvermorny is massive, and you show him little shortcuts along the way when you can. You take him to the halls where all the seventh year classes are located, and down to the hallway where Ms. Bell’s new history classes are taking place and halfway convince Draco to sign up with you. As you go through the halls, you greet all the statues you’ve come to know over the years. Ilvermony’s corridors are filled with enchanted sculpture, some small, some lifesize, and others so massive they require their own small rounded spaces and are situated in the middle of hallways. You take him to see your favorite, called Lady Lightfoot, whom everyone affectionately calls Lucy.
You pull Draco into her rounded hallway room, one side of which has huge windows that look out onto the East Lawn of Ilvermorny. Linda has long locks of flowing hair and is sculpted in a sheer dress. She’s in her true sculpted position, resting against a rock, when you enter.
“Hi, Lucy!” Your words echo in the empty room.
Lucy turns away from gazing out the window at the sound of your voice. “Y/n! What a lovely surprise, I should expect one of my favorite students to come and visit on the first night! And after such a long time, too.” The two of you walk to stand in front of her, and Lucy’s pale marble face beams down at you. Her stone locks fall about her face as though they were as soft as real hair. “Who’s this?”
“Lucy, this is my boyfriend, Draco. He’s from Hogwarts.”
Lucy gasps so loudly both you and Draco jump. “Boyfriend! My, you leave me for a year and come back with an English beau? And he’s handsome too!” She leans down to get a better look.
You laugh, and start to blush again. “I’m just showing him around.”
“How lovely,” she sighs, clasping her hands together. “I’m so glad you’ve opened your heart up again, Y/n.”
You draw in a short breath. This was not a subject you wanted to broach tonight, and take this as a cue to get out before Lucy spills anything else about your embarrassing lower year self. And why did everyone keep bringing it up?
“We’ve still got lots to see, but we’ll be by tomorrow. Bye!” You drag Draco to the exit and keep going down the hall. “Okay, I’ve saved the best for last. Come this way.”
At the end of the hall, you find a wooden door to the left of another big window. You tug on the door–it’s always a bit sticky– while Draco gazes out across the lawn.
“The Quidditch pitch here is huge,” he says, sounding impressed. “Much bigger than Hogwarts’.”
“Oh, yeah definitely,” you grunt, giving the door one last hard pull and it finally comes open. “That’s what we’re going to look at, but the view is better from up here.” You usher for Draco to follow you into the door.
It leads to a short set of stairs which have a trapdoor at the top. Draco closes the door at the bottom at your instruction, and you light your wand to see in the darkness. The trapdoor is easier to open, and you climb up and out.
You come out on a small landing, a circular balcony with a roof just big enough for four people to sit or stand. Draco emerges from the trapdoor and you firmly shut it behind him. “So this is what those tiny little turrets are,” Draco says.
“Yep, there’s little places like this all over the castle.” You use your wand to blow a few leaves and dust off the floor of the balcony. “Some are permanently closed, but others you can get to. This is the one my friends and I use. Mostly people use it for smoking, but I like the view.”
You join Draco in leaning against the railing. “You can see the pitch, and that building is the creatures barn, where all the magical animals live.”
You watch the sunset over the trees for a few moments before you feel Draco staring at you. “What?” You say, looking over.
Draco pushes off the railing and leans back against one of the pillars holding up the roof. “I don’t know what you’re waiting for.”
“I’m the one waiting?” You put a hand to your chest in disbelief. “I brought you up here.”
Draco opens his arms up. “Come on.”
“No.” You smirk.
Draco’s mouth drops open. “Stop being difficult, Y/n!” He pretends to sound aghast.
“I’ve never been difficult in my life,” you say airily, turning back to look out across the trees. Draco comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your torso and resting his chin on top of your head. Your heart flutters in your chest with excitement. Draco reaches a hand up to brush your hair away from the side of your face, and you feel his breath on your ear when he dips his head down. There’s nothing you can do to stop the involuntary curl of your toes when he presses his mouth to the sensitive part of your neck, and your resolve is immediately broken.
You twist around in his arms, and your noses brush together as your lips meet in a much anticipated kiss. An entire summer of waiting comes to the surface immediately, and you’re pulling each other close with an almost desperate need. You hadn’t forgotten how well you fit together and the wonderful ways Draco could touch you that made you dizzy with desire, but it was nice to have a refresher.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you say unevenly between kisses.
“Me too,” he responds, just as breathless.
After several long minutes of heated kissing, you end sitting on the floor in Draco’s lap, his fingers tracing patterns along the sides of your thighs while you catch your breath.
“I know how much you like Ms. Bell, but Merlin if I wasn’t angry I couldn’t kiss you like that when I first caught sight of you.”
You let out a soft laugh, and press a kiss to his forehead. “So tell me, I want to know the story of how you ‘go here now’.”
He lets out a sigh and looks off to the side, fingers still trailing across your legs absentmindedly. “I was so tired of Hogwarts. My father always wanted to send me to another European wizarding school, but mum wanted me closer to home. I told them about how all the Exchange students from America took much more useful and interesting classes and how schooling abroad looks impressive, and after a few weeks I had them convinced. Mother was annoyed I didn’t just apply for Exchange last year, but this way I won’t get behind in classes like everyone, because I’ll graduate with you all here.
Obviously I chose Ilvermorny because you’re here. But if you’re worried about this being some grand romantic gesture I was expecting you to return, that’s not it.”
You nod, taking in everything he’s said. You brush a finger down the line of his neck to his partially unbuttoned shirt collar. “I did wonder about that. But those are good reasons. Ilvermorny is superior, anyway,” you smirk.
“Good,” he says, running his entire hand over your leg now. “I thought you might be mad that I came without telling you, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I know you do like a little romantic gesture.”
“Thanks. I really think you’ll like it here, too. I meant it when I said I’m glad you’re– hey, stop that! I’m trying to talk!”
Draco’s slid both his hands under you skirt, making you gasp. You grab his wrists and put his hands back near your knees while he laughs.
“You know, it won’t be as convenient as it was at Hogwarts. We both have roommates now, it won’t be like when we could have your Prefect’s room all to ourselves all the time,”  you say.
“Yes I know, which is why I’m trying to get a head start.” He grabs one of your hands, brushing his fingers across your open palm.
Suddenly you feel a bit shy. “I hope you don’t regret transferring. It’s a lot different here than Hogwarts, and my friends can sometimes be a lot sometimes.”
“So I’ve gathered from Alex and Grace.” Draco flips your hand over and your fingers intertwine together. “I’m sure it will be fine, darling. I’ll make my own friends too, some of yours are bound to be obnoxious.”
That makes you laugh again. “I’m sure, especially since Ginny will be hanging around.”
Draco seemed to have genuinely forgotten this because he leans his head back against the railing and makes a face. “God, I forgot about her.”
“Come on, Ginny isn’t that bad! She’s less annoying than Ron.”
“They’re all annoying,” he scowls.
“Now who’s being difficult?”
He reaches out and pinches your sides, making you squeal. “No tickling! Or no kisses!” You warn.
“How about I get both?” He wraps his arms around you and pulls you against his chest, kissing you repeatedly on your cheek while he digs his fingers into your sides again.
“Nooooo!” You cry, wiggling around like your cat had earlier. You sucessfully pin one of his arms against the railings and grab his other wrist, your free hand groping at your side for your wand. He’s strong, though, and twists his arm around in your grasp to keep you from reaching it.
You wrestle for a minute, which unfortunately ends with you against the ground under Draco’s iron grip. The two of you never fully grew out of the fighting phase of your relationship.
“At least you can’t tickle me now,” you pant, blowing a wisp of hair out of your face.
Draco eyes are flirting all across your face and down your neck, just like when he saw you when he first arrived. Except it’s different now that you’re alone and pinned beneath him.
“Let me go,” you say, narrowing your eyes.
Draco stays silent and loosens his grip experimentally. You slip your arms out from his hold and instead rest them across his back, inviting him to come closer again.
You might not have Draco’s single bedroom this year, but you suppose the balcony isn’t too bad either.
175 notes · View notes
bigskydreaming · 5 years
Thank you for the boosting and the donation! Got the rest of the rent there now, which let me sit down and whip out my first commission, yay! Someone who said they didn’t need to be credited asked me for 2K about the idea of “what do I think Dick’s opinion would have been of the Felipe Garzonas situation at the time.”
Which is a fucking awesome premise, and not one I’ve spent a lot of time thinking on, but it hit me right away....like, you know I’m always talking about how Jason and Dick have a lot more in common than most people think, IMO, and also that Dick isn’t nearly as incapable of understanding the impulse to kill as he’s normally assumed to be.....but thinking about Jason as Robin and whose side Dick would fall on that, if he’d been asked to weigh in....and given that he was still on iffy terms with Bruce and thus probably more inclined to side with the kid in his literal shoes, who he could remember being in certain ways, at certain times...
It made my mind jump straight to Robin: Year One, and how when Bruce fired Dick as Robin that first time, after the Two-Face incident, he kinda pinned the judge’s death on Dick, like as a direct result of Dick’s choice there...and this definitely affected Dick throughout the entire rest of the mini...which all culminated in him being trained at Shrike’s Vengeance Academy and literally holding a gun on Two-Face himself, having been ordered to kill him by Shrike, and wanting to...because of how Two-Face had so recently hurt him, and in Dick’s eyes...also been the direct result of his fallout with Bruce, the thing that made Bruce run away.
And so with all that in mind, here’s what I came up with. It’s open-ended, because my commissioner said they would rather me leave it unfinished if I felt there were more places I could take it, if other people wanted to commission further additions to it or I wanted to finish it myself later when I had time.....so here’s 2,695 words of Dick and Robin!Jason in the week immediately following  the Garzonas case. I got in a groove with it so went over the commission mark, lol, (I don’t charge extra for that, FYI, lol) but also I wanted to make sure I left it in at least a somewhat place for a break, rather than just in the middle of a thought.
This is definitely something I’d come back to on my own, just to finish it, no further commissions required, but like.....being able to use the commission to pay towards food or rent instead of waiting until I have the time and energy to bang out actual fic, like...definitely would make that a sooner rather than later thing, not gonna lie. LOL. I mean hey, I wrote this in the last hour. 
(Which also means its unbeta-ed, but they said that was okay and I think it still reads pretty cleanly as is). Anyway!
The way Jason Todd warily eyed the device in his hand, one might think it was an instrument of great and terrible destructive power, rather than just…his own personal cell-phone.
To be fair, he was Robin, and pretty used to the idea that even the most unlikely of things could be used for evil in Gotham. It could’ve been stolen and replaced at some point by a henchperson of Mr. Freeze, and using it could unleash some kind of cryogenic freeze ray that would turn him into a Robinsicle. Mad Hatter could be up to shit again, and dialing the phone at this very minute might mean syncing it up with a remote radio signal that would override his natural brainwaves and turn him into Tetch’s mindless minion of like…doom and stuff. Or…or…
Or sometimes, even in Gotham a phone is just a phone, and Freud is still a dumbass. And neither of the above possibilities had anything to do with why Jason was being a giant freaking pansy about entering the last digit of the phone number he would never ever admit to having had memorized for months now.
Nightwing had said to call if he ever needed to talk. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t actually want Jason to call, right? Like, its not as if Jason had remotely been expecting him to do that, so its not the sort of thing someone did just because it was ‘expected’ or shit. He was pretty sure. Rich people manners were weird though. Had to factor that in.
But Nightwing had also even made a point to say not talking to people about stuff was Bruce’s problem and that Jason shouldn’t let it be his problem too, and even though months ago Jason had been a starry-eyed dumbass who was totally drunk on the Bruce is the Bestest Kool-Aid or whatever, ‘Wing had definitely known what he was talking about there. So maybe he’d get it, and having this conversation with him wouldn’t be. Like. The actual worst idea in the history of ever.
Deductive logic said that Jason was getting worked up over nothing and there was no rational reason for him to be this nervous about dialing a fucking phone number. And he’d gotten pretty good at the whole deduction shit, given all the work he and Bruce had put into training his mind to view the world through entirely new paradigms, so Jason was pretty sure his math on that checked out. But on the other hand, Bruce was a hypocritical asshat that Jason was currently not speaking to, so what the fuck did he know about anything?
Aaaaand he was back to square one. Well damn. This was excellent. Very productive. Good hustle out there, Jay.
Sighing gustily, Jason flopped back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and trying to pretend he hadn’t gotten used to how luxurious and cushion-y his ridiculously expensive mattress was. He’d gotten soft, he told himself. Then he scoffed at the idea that the past year and a half of rigorous Robin training and patrols had made him less tough than the pipsqueak he’d been back when living on the street, getting his ass kicked by bigger and badder on the regular. That hadn’t been hardness, that had been bravado.
But it had gotten him this far in life, so maybe there was something to be said for it after all?
Ugh. Decisions were hard. He objected on principle. He also really wanted to understand why he was this nervous…if he could literally fill the guy’s shoes and kick supervillain ass as Robin, what freaking sense did it make that he couldn’t even call him up on the phone?
Maybe you just know better than to ask him questions you don’t really want to hear his answer to, a smug voice said in the back of his mind. It sounded suspiciously like Willis Todd, which was all kinds of weird and fucked up, cuz Jason was damn sure his abusive a-hole of a deadbeat dad had never said anything that insightful in his life.
Which meant it was his own screwed up subconscious - presenting in the voice of his not so dearly departed douchebag dad, no less - that had Jason reacting out of spite, entering the last number and hitting Talk, all while totally on autopilot. Because apparently we’re all making healthy life choices in this Chili’s tonight, Jason snickered somewhat hysterically while his phone rang once, twice, three times.
Ugh. Was he always this fucked up in the head and he just never noticed, or was it a side effect of running around rooftops in a cape. Inquiring minds wanted to know.
“Hello?” Someone said then, answering on the fourth ring. Jason sat bolt upright, his nervous humor vanishing as quickly and unexpectedly as it’d hijacked him in the first place. For all that he’d only actually interacted with the older man a few times, his voice was instantly recognizable. As was his slight confusion.
Right. Because why would Nightwing have the untraceable number of the latest burner phone Bruce had given Jason, when the ever paranoid Bat had him swapping out phones every freaking week? Duh, Jay.
“Uh, its me,” Jason said hastily, as if he could somehow catch up to and overtake the epically long ten second silence he let lapse before his mouth started making words again. “Jason?”
“Jaybird! Hey! What’s going on?” The older vigilante’s tone instantly morphed into one of surprised delight, so apparent even across the phone that Jason actually pulled it away from his ear and stared at it, as if that could explain Nightwing’s inexplicable giddiness. He’d literally only met the dude three times. Give or take a concussion he was forgetting about maybe? Weird.
Then again, the older man was a circus performer from birth. Might just be good at faking being super excited to hear from people? Whatever. Still weird.
“Uh, you said to call if I was ever having, I dunno, issues with Bruce I guess? So I kinda had a question? I mean, if you’re not busy or anything.”
Just one question? Willis’ voice asked snidely, echoing in time with the rapid tripartite beat of Jason’s heart. Since apparently everything Jason said was trying to come out with a question mark attached to the end of it at the moment. Ugh, fuck you, subconscious, Jason thought forcefully, even as he ransacked the recesses of his mind for that bravado he was thinking about earlier. It had to be in here somewhere…
“No worries dude, I’ve got time. Hit me!” Nightwing said cheerfully. His lighthearted cadences were so at odds with the sweat suddenly breaking out on Jason’s forehead, the younger teen couldn’t help but wince in anticipation of its inevitable change once he got his actual question out. This was a bad idea, he decided, way too fucking late for it to make a difference. He had a hunch Nightwing wouldn’t be content to ‘just forget it’ or whatever even if Jason chickened out now.
So he took a deep breath, shrugged and did what Jason Todd did best. Said fuck it, put pedal to the metal, and drove at full speed for the metaphorical police barricade that was his way of picturing all the things telling him He Should Definitely Just Not.
“Do you think I’m someone who could kill somebody in like, cold blood?”
Aaaaand there went the lightheartedness. Well, he’d definitely stone cold killed that, Jason thought grimly into the silence that followed.
“Huh,” Nightwing said at last. “You’re gonna have to give me a second to switch gears here, Jay. I was kinda expecting something along the lines of ‘how do I avoid Bruce giving me the safe sex talk.’”
Jason flushed and nodded jerkily, not that the older man could see it. Still, it’d been enough of a workout just getting to this point. He didn’t trust what might come out of his mouth next if he kept trying to force it. Thankfully Nightwing didn’t make him wait too long before continuing.
“I think anyone’s capable of killing somebody in the right circumstances,” Jason’s predecessor began carefully. Except that was not remotely what he wanted to hear. Or helpful.
“I’m not looking for platitudes,” Jason grit out, not angry at the other vigilante so much as the whole fucked up mess and his inability to think about anything else at this point. “It’s just a simple fucking question. You’ve met me, do you think like, I’d be capable of just killing somebody or not.”
“I’m not offering platitudes,” Nightwing continued calmly, as if he wasn’t phased by the younger boy’s interruption or sudden aggression at all. “And its not a simple question at all. Speaking from experience, most people wouldn’t think of an eight year old as a cold-blooded killer, but that’s what I could have been if Bruce hadn’t stopped me from killing my parents’ murderer when I first tracked him down. And yet that’s still totally different from when I held a gun on Two-Face barely a couple years later, about to shoot him because somebody else told me to, and because I wanted to hurt him like he’d hurt me. Wouldn’t you agree those are two different situations and two different ‘kinds’ of cold-blooded killer? Context is kinda a big deal here.”
Huh. First off…what the fuck? Jason stared blankly up at the ceiling, trying to hurry up the processing functions of his brain because, again, what the fuck? He was like ninety nine percent positive none of that had been in the Dick Grayson Is The Greatest and Here Are All The Reasons Why brochure he’d had read to him every time someone new found out he was Wayne’s newest stray, and like. Uh. Yeah, that part would have definitely stood out. Because once more, with feeling:
“What the fuck?”
Oops. That hadn’t been supposed to be out loud. Bad mouth. Bad.
Nightwing just did a weird kinda half laugh half sigh combo. Rueful, Jason would describe it, if he were describing it to someone else, which it kind of felt like he was, relaying the conversation to himself now that it’d taken a hard right turn into the surreal.
“Blindsided you with that, huh? Sorry, should’ve figured neither of those are the kinda stories Bruce would want to share with you. Then again, I don’t really have any idea what Bruce has told you about me.”
“Not much,” Jason admitted. Which was a major source of irritation, if he was being honest. The much sung praises of Dick Grayson came from literally everyone he met except for Bruce. Who usually just got a pinched expression whenever Jason brought him up, and a rapid subject change that was not nearly as subtle as Bruce seemed to think it was.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Nightwing sighed. “I hope you haven’t put too much stock in anything else you’ve heard about me then. I’ll admit to a bad habit of enjoying my mystique, so secondhand hearsay tends to lose my best nuances.”
Despite himself, Jason’s lips curved up and he let out a rueful huff of his own. “I mean, this definitely isn’t where I saw this conversation going.”
The older man chuckled. “Thought I was going to just assume the worst and chuck the book at you?”
“Well. Yeah.” Jason shrugged, even though he knew it wouldn’t come across. “Bruce did.”
Nightwing heaved an exasperated breath. “Yeah, that’s kinda the thing about B. Sometimes, he’s great. Other times, he’s an ass. Its kinda an either or thing. He’s never really mastered the art of finding a midpoint between two extremes. Mostly because he’s never seen the point of aiming for middle ground.”
“Well its not like he’s ever really had to,” Jason griped. It just slipped out before he could stop it, leaving him feeling guilty for bad-mouthing B when he wasn’t around to defend himself. Especially since he knew Nightwing wasn’t the guy’s biggest fan these days. But he couldn’t deny it also felt good, in a way.
To his surprise, Nightwing just laughed. And not even in a malicious, spiteful kind of way, but almost relieved.
“God, thank you. You’d think that ‘hey, so my billionaire guardian kinda has entitlement issues’ would be a water is wet kind of revelation, but try saying something like that to pretty much anyone else…”
“And they look at you like you’re an ungrateful asshole?” Jason finished for him. Not that he’d ever actually tried saying that to anyone before, though he’d definitely thought it a time or two. But he could all too easily imagine the reactions he’d get, which was pretty much why he’d never gone so far as to speak the words.
“Yup,” Nightwing drawled, dragging out the p and popping it with emphasis. “And its not about being grateful or not, its just…there are some parts of everyone that just aren’t up for grabs, for other people to weigh in on or take charge of, you know? And a lot of people just don’t get that…because nobody’s ever tried it with them, or had to deal with expectations that…overstep, let’s call it?”
“Is that why you left?”
Jason winced the second it left his mouth. Too far. Definitely way too far, but he’d just gotten unexpectedly comfortable with the back and forth, and now he’d done the overstepping thing himself and was left with just dead air.
But ten seconds of heavy silence stretched into twenty, and went no further, as Nightwing sighed into his side of the phone again.
“The spiteful part of me wants to say it was more of a push than me just up and leaving,” he laughed again, but this time with unmistakable bitterness. “But even while that’s true, its not really the right answer to your question, because no matter how much of a clusterfuck that was at the time, its not…I mean, I knew at the time how to fix it. Where and how I needed to cave in order to make up with him and let things get back not quite to normal, but at least close enough.”
The pause wasn’t as heavy or tense this time, as Jason could almost sense the older man gathering his thoughts, trying to put them into words. He bit his lip rather than risk any more unexpected utterances escaping. This might not have been where he’d thought his phone call would lead, but now that he was here, hearing the answers to questions he’d wanted to ask for over a year and finding them almost comfortably familiar, he wasn’t going to risk distracting Nightwing or shutting him up for well. Anything.
“But it would have meant me caving. Settling in ways that I just…couldn’t. So in a way, yeah, I did leave, it was still my choice. And all of that was definitely a big part of it. I love Bruce, I do. I just couldn’t live with him anymore. Not without feeling like I had to give up my own autonomy and just be what he wanted. Or what he’d expected me to grow up to be, back when he first took me in. And as grateful as I am to him for that, I can’t honestly say I would have stuck around back then if I knew that was the price tag attached. I’m not…I don’t do well with people trying to force me to stick to one place, one thing. I was born on the road, you know? When I was a kid, I expected to spend the rest of my life living like that. Home was people. Not places. And so Gotham…its never fit me quite right, the way it does him, or even Barbara. Its not like I was miserable there, its just.”
“It wouldn’t have been your first choice,” Jason finished again, quietly. There was silence again for awhile.
“No. No, it wouldn’t have been. Not then.”
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hallwaydodge · 5 years
long rambling reflection on my history as a naruto fan and why im deep in kabuto stan mode atm
soo i have been a naruto fan for a uhhh long ass time (17 years now?) and i was deep in fandom for ages before falling off sometime around the start of the war arc...it started with the emotional blow of losing jiraiya (me and a friend read the chapter when it released and just clung to each other sobbing lol, well written, just sad)...the dumbassery of pain resurrecting everyone.....mr sasuke choosing to honor itachi's legacy with destruction....i had not read it in a bit when my friend called me up to ask if i had read the most recent chapter cuz NEJI DIED and i literally lay on a dark basement couch all day sobbing and was deep in grief like couldn't eat or sleep for like the next 2 weeks....i started reading again in bits to see if neji would resurrect (HE DIDNT) and if his legacy would be honored (....) but whatever it was just endless uchiha clusterfucking so i got bored and dropped again, only really returning for Magical Brother Soulmates naruto and sasuke (#NEJI WAS RIGHT) and then the last chapters to see how it ended and gape at the endgame pairings & inojin, the most bizarre looking mf ...
(At least orochimaru ended up okay and pretty, I decided)
anyways, i've consumed a lot of what i missed in my off periods but one thing i never really consumed was the war arc A) cuz im a filthy bitter neji stan until the day i die B) as someone who crusaded hard for tobi NOT to be obito (as i loved them separately but knew if they were combined i would lose all sympathy and affection) (my naruto forum username was literally tobi-chan) and that twist makes my teeth gnash as it's just kinda a bad character story, obito hate club here, and that leading to aforementioned uchiha gangbanging and SPACE ALIEN REINCARNATION PROPHECY MAGIC, something so utterly divorced from what naruto's story used to be... yeah
(have i ever stopped writing my post series neji lives shikaneji epic tho?? no!)
now the other day i saw a mention was like, kabuto is more dragon then snake. i always did wonder about the horns...so i went to go reread the hilarious kabumaru reveal which led to many a joke back in those old forum days -- the chapter was being weirdly hard to find tho and i kept getting distracted by other chapters referenced on his nwiki page and i ended up reading a lot of his backstory (knew in general but) andwar arc stuff, especially him v itachi n sasuke, which i had missed
And i was like? Oh? Heres kishi writing style I've been missing + maturity gained from time? sasuke calling itachi perfect when itachi sympathizes with kabuto because sasuke is too emotionally immature to have that capacity, the submission of identity to authority that drove them to extremes w kabutachi vs sasuke being driven to extremes by well. trauma induced personality but still, his personality, you know, who he simply is ... sasuke then leading into having to resurrect mentor/parental figure orochimaru and ninja presidents to figure out "who am i" which was really "can i choose to help konoha and pals while still being me"
and theres kabuto...forced to Accept Himself by itachi's brainwashing (itachi, who has always had teeth, always been pleasant, always taught) ... kabuto standing there ... orochimaru (who bore witness to all this drama from his cosy place on anko's neck) feeling so much more tired than he has after any other resurrection, giving kabuto those inscrutable looks, removing his presence from kabuto in an absolution, an apology, a return to self that leaves kabuto looking so young and tired and empty), telling sasuke he's fine how he is and also, still young, knowledge inherently ages you in a way trauma, power, and the passage of years can't
(i cant believe orochimaru was trying to stop sasuke for his own purposes. he manipulated sasuke but he never stopped him. ntm following that path allowed orochimaru to get his arms back and just have some fun trolling the mage, so it was a path for from detrimental to him.)
he wants sasuke to keep what childhood, what sentimentality he can -- again, acting the parent
and there's kabuto still. a 'brother son student'* to him, one of his oldest orphans, a follower so loyal and useful orochimaru would never make a vessel out of him even when desperate, and yet kabuto in his search for identity did it anyways -- (remember how he offered himself to oro, back in that whole rotting arms, late sasuke era?) and later orochimaru essentially tells his old teacher (a parental figure to himself) that the reason he's gonna bat for the good guys is because he saw what Trying To Be Like Him led kabuto and the world to, and he wants to, essentially, do better with this child under his charge and instead of imposing his will, see what sasuke can do with All The Knowledge At His Disposal
he told kabuto to form a self around knowledge, but it was knowledge for sake of power ... a descent to madness he himself took from a quiet, helpful child ... as character parallels go, orochimaru has very little in common with sasuke and much more in common with kabuto
"shape them in his own image ..."
now orochimaru was never guardian of the year, what with the fufufu-ing and child experiments, but i disagree with assumptions that the loyalty he inspired was entirely down to Stockholm or fear, because at the end of the day, orochimaru did as many horrific experiments on himself as he did unto others. leadership thru example.
then there's kabuto. kabuto who has hated, tried to kill, resented, feared orochimaru, but also kabuto who also loved and admired orochimaru, saw him as his home, was someone whose company he generally seemed to enjoy, someone he wanted to both be and surpass. someone inspiring
kabuto and orochimaru are alike, so kabuto tried to supplant his identity with the assumption that being alike = having walked the same path = being identical and eventually had to face that he couldn't both love orochimaru and be him, that it was a twisted mirror, that all he has ever been or would ever be was someone who had to make his decisions based not on history or blood or origin or culture, but on what made him happy
so, the orphanage, a home that does not move or die, a brother whom he can love and admire who is so different from him its not a twisted mirror ... a kabuto and orochimaru who do not seem to have interacted in a very long time, but for the whole, they didnt exactly part hatefully or on bad terms, and thus a kabuto who could just as easily make the choice to never see orochimaru again as he could to see orochimaru, if he wants to, if he's sure enough in his own identity to not worry about losing himself again ... he finally has choice, even if he, orochimaru, and sasuke are all restrained by the ethical limits of konoha atm
and uh yeah characters who struggle with their identity & the control others can then exert over them are a favourite of mine?
so what this memoir/meta tl;dr is is just me working out my thoughts this fine friday morning on how yakushi kabuto has, like, objectively, one of the best character arcs in all of naruto -- hell, maybe THE best, and i am sorry to have missed it when it was coming out because just. damn. that's good writing, y'all!
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xhellnhighheelsx · 7 years
List the angsty times she’s extra! Do it! Do it! Also, would you take meta prompts? I guess that’s just questions...but your metas are my fave, and I would read them all day everyday. P.S. still any plans to provide receipts for the Doctor’s and River’s irrevocable love? (Yes, that was my ask too ;)
Okay so here’s my emo companion to this post. 
I only picked a handful of moments cuz I wanted to get this to you quick so you don’t think I’m ignoring you lol and I will gladly accept all the meta prompts. Always. 
Let’s start at River’s beginning for this one, shall we?   
Kid Melody calls Nixon for night terrors. He ends up being entirely useless, but that’s government for you. I mean, technically the suit defaulted to the highest authority, so not exactly her fault, but lbr, River would. This gets glossed over a lot, and maybe that’s because it’s so sad.I don’t even have to dig for the angst here. Orphan girl, terrified, alone, cared for by a man whose sanity is unraveling before her very eyes. She watched him graffiti walls and his own skin, warning himself to get out, to get away. How much guilt does that put on a little girl? Unwanted. No friends. Nothing but isolation and a dusty room with paint chipping off the walls. Owned rather than loved. Swaddled by a suit meant only for murder. Other kids want a puppy, but little Melody begs the President of the United States, please, don’t let it eat me. She learns early on that going big is the only way to not be overlooked. 
Now I’m just wondering if the Silence fixed that little issue? If little Melody can call for help, did River? When she was trapped in that suit at the bottom of the lake, did she try to call the Tardis to warn the Doctor? Did he not answer his phone AGAIN? Did she leave a voicemail begging him not to come? Does 12 or 13 find it but can’t do a damn thing about it cuz these faces have to be a secret? Sorry, I spiraled.
Anyway, after she escaped, kid Melody also found an audience to regenerate in front of. She scared the daylights out of some poor homeless man because she was sick and, for once in her life, she didn’t want to die be alone. Think on that.
I won’t get into it too much cuz we’re all well aware, but friendly reminder that home girl actually broke time just to prove a point. She did it for love, yes, but she also did it for herself. She was done being a puppet. This is River saying the decisions she makes will happen on her terms and the universe learns it the hard way. While we’re at it, River has another go at changing time by that lake side by physically shooting at herself. And you know she tries because she is blinking back tears as she says, “of course not.” If the shooting is just for show, why does she say that? This scene is the cause of a lot of diverging headcanons because it either means, River doesn’t remember the events that took place in the aborted timeline and is still trying to change time and create another paradox. Or she does remember and she’s just that self loathing. Or secret option C, she’s faking it for the Ponds, which is it’s own brand of ansty extraness. Basically, pick your poison. They’re all bitter and hard to swallow. 
There’s a lot of controversy around The Big Bang and what River remembers and what not, but let’s consider this for a second: assuming she does genuinely think the universe will close with the Doctor on the other side, she’s agreeing to let her whole life be rewritten. Mind, this is the same woman that later DIES to protect her life and memories with the Doctor. Amy, Rory, and 11 don’t realize it at the time, but when River lets the Doctor climb into the Pandorica and fly it into the heart of the TARDIS, she’s taking the risk of never existing herself. She says, he hardly knows her and now he never will, but what she means is River Song will disappear and Melody Williams will take her place. She is literally self sacrificing at every opportunity. 
Another casual reminder: Remember that time she broke her wrist and tried to hide it because heaven forbid she be mortal for five seconds? And then slapped her husband because he has the audacity to love her? Yup, extra. The entire episode of THORS. If you want a crash course on how to make a scene, this is the ep for you. She makes her entrance by wearing a bright red Mrs. Claus cloak and threatens to remove peoples vital organs. Iconic. And then she follows it up with an overdramatic display of how her “love” will rise again. Meanwhile her medusa hair is just tingling with excitement over how close she is to murdering this sucker of a king. 
Anyway, back to the angst. Her speech is the obvious choice here and we’ve all cried over it a thousand times. She could have ranted about anything to kill time before the meteor strike. She could have laughed about how you can’t trust that slippery fellow, Jim, the fish. She could have listed the inaccuracies of the Byzantium movie, gone on for ten minutes of how it really went down and oh by the way, I’m one of only three survivors and I hunt weeping angels for fun. Forget the Doctor, I’m far more dangerous than he is. She could have bragged about her significant history of escaping. That would have made the most sense, considering that’s literally what she’s about to do. hahaha here’s my master plan and you can’t do a damn thing to stop it. Toodaloo suckers. Enjoy being deep fried.  
But she doesn’t. She talks about the Doctor, as if convincing a room full of strangers he doesn’t love her will save him from danger. Maybe she even convinces herself because she feels responsible for her parents. Maybe she steals diamonds and acts like a thief because she is one. Maybe she feels like she stole something from the Doctor and she tells herself he doesn’t give a damn because he’s better off without her. Moral of the story, he’s always her first thought in a crisis. How can I protect him, how can I save him? Even when he’s not around to see it. She’s so damaged affected by their love affair that it’s second nature for River to scream into the void that the people she loves most don’t give a damn about her. It doesn’t matter (that they’re her parents). You don’t expect a sunset to admire you back. is it a defense mechanism because everyone she loves leaves her? Probably. But only someone who’s extra shouts about their insecurities to a room full of criminals. 
And on a slightly less obvious note, when River and 12 first land on Starship Super Villains R Us, was it really necessary for her to blatantly incriminate herself? She tells what she thinks is some random guy about how this ship is full of despicable people, planet burners and murders and criminals. And then she gives him an icy stare and says, do try the fish. A neon sign of I come here often. In no way was it necessary to inform this guy that she has no qualms with murder. But she does because if she wants to believe her own lie, that she’s heartless and cold, she has to convince others first.    
And last but not least, she straight up haunted her husband’s ass. Ex👏tra👏. Now whether you believe the haunting was full time or just in TNOTD, you can’t deny that the look on her face when she says he left her like a book on a shelf. She didn’t have to follow Eleven and Clara through the tomb explaining things to Clara, but she does. She doesn’t have to flirt with the Doctor and give him the come hither eyes even though she thinks he can’t see/hear her. But she does. Cuz she’s extra.
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davidinosaka-blog · 8 years
March 15
Hi again! I’m taking a bit more time between posts now, so I’ll try my best to keep the quality up. I’m going back about a month ago, starting bright and early at morning track practice. This was my first one because no one told me there were morning practices before then, but everyone came on that first day to say goodbye to the students leaving for foreign exchange. Every year, one sophomore age homeroom goes on a year long exchange to Canada. That’s the same program that my current host brother, Ryosuke, came home from in January. In track club, there was only one person going: a really outgoing girl named Ami. After morning practice, we took a last team photo with her, then went on to our normal day. The whole program is amazing to me; each homeroom has about 40 students in it, and for the most part each student goes to a different school in Canada, which is so many! The teacher in charge of making sure all of the students get to their school alright is Mr. Okada, who normally translates for our Japanese history class. Since he was gone on Wednesday, Mr. Mizou showed us some old Japanese artwork. It was strange at first, because he showed us paintings of hell and diseases, but it kind of fit with our topic that religion was very important? I’m not quite sure how it was related, but he also showed us the first Japanese manga, which depicted samurai as rabbits and commoners as frogs, and had them doing sumo, riding horses, and wearing kimonos. Again, not sure how it was related to class, but it was funny. The next day in our home economics class, we made hamburgers and apple pie, which felt pretty American, but then in our next class our teacher made my classmates and I clean our room by hand, which felt veeery foreign, cuz I don’t like cleaning so much. It wasn’t actually that bad, and we messed around a lot as we were working. My teacher also explained to me that it’s a sort of good luck thing, to clean your room yourself towards the end of the school year. My last class that day was PE, which we used to have with the class that went to Canada, but since they left, my host brother and his homeroom joined us. It was especially fun because they all speak almost fluent English, so they would yell and curse at each other as loud as they wanted and no one else understood. The next day my host mom packed me a pretty awesome lunchbox, but in particular she packed green beans. I have those a lot in the US, but I hadn’t had them since coming to Japan, so I kind of felt a bit homesick. Who would’ve thought I would miss something as small as that? After lunch we had volleyball, which I really like, but that day in particular was awesome. All we did were matches, and in our second one I served the first 15 points straight! My team was really hype about it, and eventually the coach came over and joined the other team to help them out. In general it was an awesome day, and a huge confidence booster for the class. After dinner at home, we celebrated a festival called Setsubun, which is supposed to keep out the bad spirits from your home. The way to celebrate it, though, is to have someone wear a mask and try to come inside while being pelted with soybeans. We all took turns, and it was really fun! The next night, Saturday, we had a welcome home party for Ryosuke and his classmates at home, and it was great! Like I said earlier, everyone knew English, and they knew a lot about American and Canadian culture, like twerking and rap songs. A few people brought cameras and took candids the whole night, which was really funny. The next week I went to monday morning, and I realized that the first time with Ami was exceptionally well attended, because at this practice I was one of only three people to show up. We did our thing, though, and it was easier to talk when there were less people around. On Tuesday and Wednesday both, I spent a lot of time after practice hanging around and talking to people. Once it was with the sprinters, and they were all super excited about speaking English to me and singing American songs. The other day I talked with the distance team about the summer trip to Okinawa, and they told me a bunch of different foods to try while I’m there. They’re going to England and Canada instead for a month to work on their English, so we also talked about the differences between American and British English. But the next day, Thursday, was my favorite day since coming to Japan. We had a half day, and after school one of my friends from math invited me to go and grab lunch with him and two girls. My host mom gave me the thumbs up, so we went and ate in Tennoji, the big station near the school, then saw Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. It was really fun, and it was really easy to talk about this and that. After the movie I went straight to my violin lesson, where we worked on vibrato for the first time. Then after the lesson, I went out to dinner with my teacher, his wife, and my host sister at a grilled beef place. I took more time to eat than everyone else since I ate more, so everyone else just drank for the last bit of the meal. Then we went on to another restaurant, this time Italian, for salads. Everyone else said they were too full to eat very much, though, so again, I ate while everyone else drank. My teacher and my host sister both got pretty tipsy. My teacher, Mr. Matsuda, alternated between roasting Korea and  complimenting Azumi and me on our instruments. My host sister didn’t do anything as dramatic as that, but she nodded off on the train and was hiccupping a little. It was a really fun way to end an awesome day. The next day was a holiday, so Ryosuke and I played each other in Super Smash Bros on the Wii, then he went to his soccer practice and I went to check out Kyuhoji park. I wanted to find a track, or at least some kind of lockers to put things in while I run, but there weren’t any. It was still a fun trip out to the park. I had only been once before, with my first host brother Kenta, so I got to explore more this time. The next day I went back to the Terakawa family to stay the night. I went on Saturday morning, and was picked up at Yao station by my host dad, Yu and Rina. The car ride back was fun, seeing the same neighborhood where I used to live, and talking with Yu and my host dad was nice. I realized how much my language skills had improved compared to the last time we had seen each other, so we were able to talk more than when we lived together. Once we got home, I met my host mom again, and we talked about how the Tsuchida family is to me. I sort of knew that we would talk about it, since it was a big change for both of us, but I hadn’t really thought of how it would feel to talk with my first host mom about how well I was doing with my second host family. While my host mom worked on lunch, (quesadillas!) Yu, Rina, and I kicked and threw some balloons around the living room, just like when I lived with them. Kenta’s friend came over again, as well as a family friend of the Terakawa’s, who I met on my first weekend. We met up together at Tennoji, ate lunch together, and went to get my commuter pass. His English is very good, and we talked about how I’d been doing since I arrived. The last time we had seen each other, I hadn’t been able to make a complete sentence in Japanese, so he was really interested in how much I had learned. We had a good time together until the late afternoon, then everyone who came for lunch went on home. We had some down time after that, and it really didn’t feel any different from when I lived there. We just sat around in the living room, watching Rina’s cartoons and talking during commercials. My host mom needed something from the convenience store for dinner, so Yu and I walked a few blocks over to buy it. When we walked out the front door, though, Rina started crying and throwing a fit that we could here through the open window. Yu just looked at me and gave me one of those “She’s three and I have to put up with this 24/7” looks, and we went and did our thing. When we came back home, though, my host mom told me that Rina had been crying because she thought I wasn’t coming back. I hadn’t thought of that, and I went through a lot of feelings and thoughts, like did she cry that much when I moved? It was a strange feeling, but she was fine when I came home, so we all put it out of our minds. Dinner was okonomiyaki, the cabbage and bacon pancake-ish dish. After that, we all took our baths and showers, then it was time for bed for Rina. She and my host mom went back to their room, but a few minutes later they were back, and my host mom said Rina wanted to stay up until I went to bed. It was pretty early, but I didn’t want to argue, so we went back and had an early night. The next morning nothing special happened. I had the same breakfast as I used to on normal school days, then the Terakawa’s drove me back to the Tsuchida’s house. The goodbye wasn’t bad at all, in terms of emotions, so I think that was a little bit of closure after the whole email thing. Then school on Monday was back to normal. After classes, my host family took me to go see a saxophone concert. The group was half Japanese college students and half Taiwanese college students, and Shinji, my host sister’s boyfriend, was one of the principal players. It was a great performance, and once it finished I found out that was the first time they had played together. Before they had been practicing separately, in Taiwan and Japan, but from the performance I never would have thought it. The next day was Valentine’s Day, which is very different from in the USA. In Japan on Valentine’s Day, only girls give chocolates. There’s a separate holiday called White Day that happens a month later when guys give gifts back to the girls they received chocolate from. I actually didn’t get very many from my homeroom, but when I went to my math class, almost everyone had something small to give to me. I was a little worried about White Day and remembering who I needed to give gifts to, but White Day falls during Spring Break, so I don’t think there’ll be much pressure to get chocolates to everyone. After school I checked Instagram, and I saw that track was starting up in Austin! Time really is flying by. I’ve realized now that once school starts up after break, I’ll only be in Japan for three more months. It seems crazy to me that I’m already that close to heading home, and even crazier to think that I’ve been in Japan for almost 7 months already. Anyway. Back to the story of my life. I had a really good day on the day after Valentine’s Day. First, as a disclaimer, I 100% meant to go to track practice. Was not planning on skipping. But, you know, life happens. We had an assignment in homeroom to create a poster about a college you want to go to, then choose which poster we thought was the best put-together. It was due Thursday morning, and the posters were in the classroom, so I had planned on scanning through them and filling out my ballot before going down to practice. It took me a while to read the posters, though, but my homeroom talked me through what the tougher ones said, and gradually our conversation kind of drifted away from school. I ended up completely missing practice, and talking with my homeroom until 6:30 when the building starts closing for the night. It was awesome to spend time outside of class with my friends, and I met a bunch of new people, too. The next morning, Bain and I were supposed to join a Skype call with Bain’s school back home and all the students interested in coming to Japan next year, but when we joined, there were no students. No one had applied to come. We talked with the head of the program at Bain’s school, and with a Japanese teacher about keeping up Japanese once we come home. In PE, we were wrapping up the school year, so we ran the 1500. My host brother, Ryosuke, and one of my friends from math, Takeo, had been talking trash to me and saying they were going to beat me, so we had a pretty serious race. I want to give a shoutout to Coach Carrozza, because I whooped ‘em. It was actually pretty slow, and I actually didn’t win by that much, but still. I just wanted to give a shoutout to Coach. The next day, Friday, we had our last volleyball and guitar classes, so we played matches and had a playing test, respectively. Both were really fun, and it was a little sad, because I don’t know if I’ll have the classes again next year, or if I’ll see my classmates again. On Saturday, Shinji and Goro both came over, and we played a giant game of UNO and another playing card game. We had a lot of fun, even though I got completely run over in both games. I also went and got my haircut again, which normally wouldn’t be big news, but again, I’m in Japan, so everything is big news. In particular, I went to the same barbershop as last time, which hasn’t happened until now. I even had the same barber! The next week at school was the last one before finals started, so classes were for the most part laid back. In music we watched these home video type movies, and our teacher played different soundtracks over it to show how music changed the feeling of a movie. Then he showed a different movie, that he explained as his recreation of the Terminator movies. It was very funny, in particular to see his personality outside of class. Our last judo class was as lit as always. I had to finish up the required number of matches, so I had to do 5 in the class period. The guys that I had talked with last time about nicknames cheered me on during my matches, and chanted USA pretty loudly whenever I did something good. It was a great way to go out, if a little embarrassing. I went running on my own after school that day, and the area at Nagai park in front of the stadium was packed with college aged guys doing skateboard and BMX bike tricks. They were blasting American rap music over speakers while they were at it, and it was really cool to watch while I warmed up. I’ve seen some small groups of friends messing around before, but it looked like a coordinated event this time. The next few days were pretty slow and relaxed before exams, but on Thursday when I was at Nagai, I ran into some guys throwing a frisbee while I was cooling down, and they let me join and throw with them for a little while. It was pretty cool; we met on the street, did our thing for 10 minutes or so, then said goodbye and went our separate ways. Friday and Saturday’s exams went well; I have my Saturday math exam back and I aced it! Once my exam finished on Saturday, my host mom, Goro, my host grandmother, and I went to the plum gardens at Osaka Castle. I was kind of dazed after my exam, so I wasn’t listening to the conversation in the car as we were driving, but at a stoplight, my host grandmother tapped me on the soldier and asked me how people in America are buried after they die. I was really confused and it showed, and Goro explained that they had been talking about if a zombie apocalypse could happen in Japan. He told me that in Japan most people are cremated after they die, so there aren’t any bodies to become zombies, and my host grandmother had been wondering if it was more likely to happen in America. I told them what I could, and we kept talking about it until we got to the castle. The plum blossoms were beautiful, and I got to take lots of pictures. The garden was very spacious, and lots of people were walking around just enjoying the view. The rest of exam week went by pretty uneventfully. I also got back my Japanese and Physics exams, 97% and 95%, and on Sunday Bain, Takeo, and I went to Nagai to throw a frisbee around and avoid studying. It was really fun, and it was a really cool place right in front of the stadium. We accidentally got the frisbee caught in a tree twice, and once threw it over a security fence, but we got it back every time. On Friday I went to Namba, the big downtown area, with Takeo and Isoyama, who are both in my math and home economics classes, and with Bain. We went sort of window shopping in the morning and walked down the big streets, then went to the best restaurant ever. It was a pizza, pasta, and curry all-you-can-eat for $7, with no time limit. Best. Deal. Ever. All four of us went back for thirds, and we might have had more if we hadn’t been planning on going to Round One. It’s an entertainment place, with games like an arcade, and three floors of indoor sport courts. We played tennis, volleyball, badminton, basketball, and even went rollerblading. There was also archery, segway lessons, and ping-pong, but we ran out of time before we could try it all out. It was awesome, but the closest one to the school is four subway stops away, so it’s a little inconvenient to get to, but I’m definitely going to try to go back again with friends. Now it’s getting into spring break, so the days are kind of disconnected. One day, we went to see another one of Shinji’s concerts. This one was special too, because all of the pieces were written by one British conductor named Philip Sparke, who came to Japan to conduct the concert. It was very interesting to hear so many pieces from one man’s mind, because you could kind of see how he viewed the world through it. For example, the last piece was called Symphony of Colors, or something along those lines. There were five pieces named after five different colors, and each one had its own personality attached to it. There were also several non-traditional instruments throughout the whole performance. I also noticed some of the cultural differences between Mr. Sparke’s conducting and what the performers were expecting. After each movement, the conductor pointed out the people who had a strong presence in the movement and had them bow, alone. At first, none of the Japanese performers were expecting it, and there was a bit of confusion about what was going on. By the end of the night everything was flawless, but the way Mr. Sparke left the stage was really surprising. He made a big show of saying thank you and bowing, then left the stage with everyone standing. He came back out a few seconds later, holding up the number one and mouthing “One more?” Then, in the middle of the last piece, he stopped conducting, walked around looking over the principal player’s shoulder at his music, then sitting in an empty chair in the percussion section. The song ended and the audience started applauding, and he just stood up, waved once, and stepped off stage to let the performers take the attention. I had a really fun time watching it. The next day, my host family woke up early to go spend the day driving around. Our first stop was an all-you-can-eat strawberry farm. It was amazing. We could walk around the greenhouses, pick whichever strawberries we wanted, and take as much time as we wanted. After that we went to this river in the next prefecture. It’s pretty famous because the riverbanks are over a hot spring, so if you dig out a hole, it’ll fill with clean, hot water. We tried to dig our own, but the process was taking a long time, so we used one that was already made. It was really cool, and we messed around skipping rocks and crossing the river to get to other springs. A few days later as I was about to head home from Nagai, I met these three guys who were finishing up their own workout. One of them, Kaoru, speaks really good English, and he and I talked for a little about this and that. We followed each other on Instagram, and since then we’ve met up once to workout, and Kaoru wants to go to a Gold’s Gym with me, then go get Mexican food. Honestly sounds pretty fun, but I’ve only met him twice, so I’m not sure if it’ll happen. On Wednesday, we had our last half-day of classes, and now we’re in a month long spring break! To sort of kick off the break, Ryosuke took me to a bathhouse in our neighborhood that has a “denki-furo,” which literally means “electric bath.” I was very skeptical about it, mostly because it has “electric” in the name, but Ryosuke sort of peer-pressured me into it. It was weeeeiiird. Like, it didn’t really hurt, but I could definitely feel the charge in my muscles. We both chickened out after, like, 2 minutes, then went back to the normal baths, but hey! I tried it. The next day I had track practice at Nagai Track for the third time ever, and it went really well! This was the first time I had on spikes all year, and it felt pretty good. My first time ever at Nagai was really bad; I came dead last in an 800 meter time trial and was almost in tears most of the way home. This time, though, was the exact opposite: I was either second or third for every interval, and coming home I had that one line from Bounce Back stuck in my head. The next day I went with Azumi to go see Moana in Umeda. It was opening day in Japan, and I had been seeing ads for it all over, and it was really good! After the movie we had dinner, then Azumi showed me some places where she thought I could get good pictures. On the 13th, I went to Universal Studios Japan! I had made plans with Misaki and Hana, who both went to Canada a few years ago and helped me get adjusted to Japan, and with Harada, one of my friends in my homeroom class. We met up before the gates opened and stayed all day, almost until the gates closed. We rode some of the big rides, but the lines were so long we couldn’t really do them all. While we walked and waited, though, we talked a lot! Communication wasn’t that hard, either, but by the end of the day I was pretty fried. It was an incredible experience! And finally, yesterday we went to hear Azumi’s graduation piece. She had been practicing the same piece since I moved here in December, and yesterday she finally performed it! It went really well, and tomorrow she’ll leave to go to New Caledonia as a graduation trip. One of my host mom’s piano students came with us to Azumi’s recital. I don’t know his actual name, but he told me to call him Boss. My host mom told me that when he was in his 20’s he was really cool and hot, but now he’s in his early forties, and even though he’s not what he once was, he still is called Boss by his friends. He was really cool, funny, and very easy to talk to. Aaaand that’s a wrap! I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written, and I’ll try to stay on top of it from now on. Love y’all!
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moricatlibrary · 8 years
A Day of Texts Between Eren and Armin
In which we read a day's worth of texts between the two friends before they became a couple.
I was bored so I wanted to write a day's worth of texts between Eren and Armin.
(Maybe I'll do a sequel chapter where they are a couple?) idk. enjoy if you can^^
Good Morning! :)
[sent 7:00am]
Hey! :)
[sent 7:30am]
Ready for those tests today? 
[sent 8:03am]
Hell no lol
Aw, power through it! :')
You too
What'd you have for breakfast?
Mom made Belgian waffles! You?
What makes them Belgian?
Just cereal. But lucky charms no less! ;3
A Belgian waffle has lighter batter and bigger squares than regular waffles.
Oh, nice!
[sent 8:31am]
Reminds me of my brother xP
Hey, heads up, that history exam is BRUTAL, there're at least 5 trick questions on there.
[sent 9:31am]
Don't worry, we studied hard. Just save numbers 4, 9, 12, and 13 for the end so you have time to mull over them after you get the easy stuff out of the way.
Dreading this gym class... wish you were here >~< 
Don't sweat it! You'll come out on the other side. :) It's only for an hour.
Shit, gotta go, here comes that history exam... :'(
Good luck! Ganba!
Oh god I failed that test for sure...
[sent: 10:33am]
Sorry, just got out of the shower. Don't worry. Next period Mr. Smith is subbing for Mr. Zoe so it'll be a breezy class period to recover.
Oooh texting in the locker room? Naughty naughty ;)
You're texting in chemistry :T
Yeah, but I have clothes on
Hurry up and get in here before the bell rings, quit sexting ;)
Lol fine fine fine, stop texting me xP
And I'm NOT sexting!
[A/N Eren's mind spends the whole period dancing around the image of Armin texting him naked while they watch a science video...]
[sent 12:30pm]
How was math?
Sorry just got out of the shower! Jean kept bothering me ALL period :/
[sent 1:27pm]
Woah... That's an awesome story! Let's discuss it during lunch!
Where are we sitting? I'll be there in a few minutes
Where are we sitting?
Oh, ummm...
Wanna sit outside today?
Nah I just showered. Can we sit by the window in the art room? 
That way we can keep talking without having to rush off when the bell rings.
Sounds perfect! See you then!
Man, Miss Reiss is such a pushover...
[sent: 2:20pm]
Super pretty though.
Well don't text during class just cuz she's a pushover, Eren. :/
Why not? It's just art.
Art is the most under appreciated subject of our time.
Like you're not texting during English lol
It's literature, and I can't pay attention when Mr. Roy is such a dry reader anyway.
What's the difference between literature and English?
Literature is written word, English is the language.
And how come in Spanish we don't read Spanish stories?
And grammar is the rules and construct of the language.
Because Spanish class is a language class, not a literature class. You read stories in English just to learn about structure.
So confusing. Why do we even have to take it, we ARE english!
So people know how to read and write properly. It's good to know an official set of rules.
So you can break them? ;)
LOL exactly.
Oooh you're in troubleeee!!! See you later~
God I hate english...
[sent 3:20pm]
Sorry I mean literature*
Me too...
Boy, Art sure is fun though! Miss Reiss is so nice and easy going ;)))
Aw come on, you suck!
She called me a bright pupil!
Lemme know how long it takes for Mr. Roy to read through the tiger poem hahahaha XD
Oh gosh I'm sorry, that was mean, please don't be mad at me!
[sent 3:40pm]
Eren? Are you mad at me?
I was just playing around! I wish you could finish the day in art with me!
Eren? :'(
Sorry, Roy caught me texting and took my phone then gave me a long ass lecture after class.
[sent 4:08pm]
Where are you?
Oh gosh I'm sorry!!! I'm in the courtyard, I was looking for you. Sorry sorry sorry
Don't be sorry! I'll be there in a minute. :)
Watch out for Jean until I get there.
I'm with Mikasa, she said not to worry.
Tonight's a new Steven universe! Wanna call when it's over?
[sent 5:22pm]
My mom just yelled at me...
Oh no, what happened? D:
She got a call from Mr. Smith about my bad History grade...
But we study so hard for that class!
Do you wanna call?
[A/N: Armin easily recognizes that Eren said 'no' because he is crying...]
Aw I'm so sorry. :( Wanna tell me what she said?
She said I need to get my grades up and do a little more studying and a little less screwing around or I won't get into a good college. Then my dad came in and said that an American man doesn't make it anywhere if he's not getting good grades from the start and trying his best. But we DO study hard! And I AM doing my best! We have 6 fucking classes until 4 and then I have football practices during the fall too! It makes me feel so shitty when they talk like that cuz what more can I do?
I'm so sorry about all that pressure on you... I wish you'd told me you still didn't understand something in the materials :( I'd have worked harder to help you remember it... 
Mmm well... confession: I actually feel really embarrassed that you're so much smarter than me... so I fake it sometimes.
Aw Eren... Please don't do that, okay? I'm never ever going to look down on you or anything. Some things are just challenging for some people and that's okay! There're so many things I admire you for! So don't ever worry about being embarrassed with me. 
Please be honest with me from now on? :)
...You're the best.
[A/N: Armin knows that means Eren feels a lot of affection for him. Eren's not great with expressing his feelings so a safe and understated phrase like "you're the best" actually means a LOT...]
And I promise. Please come to me for help in anything you need too.
They're grounding me from tv and video games for a month by the way.
Ah, I'll wait til the episode comes online and I'll link it to you here then.
Thanks. And yes, please call me afterwards! Brb, dinner.
[sent 5:43pm]
Eren and Armin:
[watch Steven Universe at 6pm and then call for 20 minutes after dinner before his dad comes in and sends him downstairs to do his homework and study for 3 hours].
Sometimes I really hate it here...
[sent 9:35pm]
I'm sorry :( 
I know my parents love me and all, and it's not all bad but...
I get it. It's okay...
Thanks for not calling me ungrateful. I know I have it really good, and my mom's awesome, and my dad has a lot of faith in me but...
I know. I know it's hard not to stress over the promises they project on you, but you're amazing, Eren. I already know that and you have nothing to prove in my opinion. Not to yourself, either.
I don't know what I'd do without you. :)
Honestly if it could just be me and you forever I'd be pretty happy about that
I mean no homo but you know
[A/N Armin frowns from his side of the phone while his heart sinks at this phrase... Eren always feels a painful tug in his heart after saying it to him too...]
I'd love that too...
You in bed?
Can I call you again?
Sure :)
 Eren and Armin:
[Call for another 30 minutes before bed, talking about their future together.
There's an awkward silence while Eren's brain goes blank at how to tell Armin good night. (Since he's too in denial to realize he wants to say "I love you." to him...)
Armin breaks the silence. "See you tomorrow..."
Eren smiles. "Night..."]
Good night.
Sleep well. 
[sent 9:59pm]
[A/N: Eren always struggles to find the words for a better text than his spoken "good night" but it's never enough... Not until he comes to terms with his feelings and can say "Love you, Armin.<3 Dreaming of you. See you in the morning :)"]
[A/N: Armin smiles anyway, knowing as always how much Eren means to say in his words. He may be stuck waiting for him, but Eren is more than worth waiting for...]
Good night, Eren. :) 
Good morning!^^ 
[sent 7:00am]
Hey! :D
[sent 7:30am]
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