#cuz sincerely stfu if you do
ghost-bard · 2 years
Everytime i see someone say that southern accents make ppl sound uneducated i die a little bit inside cuz my fuckin ACCENT shouldnt determine my goddamn intelligence :)
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bastardiary · 3 months
just watched 50 shades of garbage for the 1st time ever and Grey is a TERRIBLE PERSON AND DOM
okay get ready for the long rant ahead.
pls keep in mind i have never personally participated in a bdsm relationship or a scene so my opinions n knowledge r limited. take it with a grain of salt.
Grey is a shit dom in my opinion cuz he doesnt perform after care to Ana. he just puts her to bed and does not get her water or food or reassurance.
He's also very inconsistent n doesnt follow through with his words. he keeps giving her mixed signals and doesnt stick with one thing. a dom should be stable n safe. No wonder Ana feels confused n cries. cuz he starts to act like hes in "love" with her. but switches up and says something cringe like - with his dumb daddy dom voice - "if you were mine you wouldn't sit straight for a week" or some dumb shit.
ALSO. I hate how he doesn't explain shit. he's so vague and serial killer esque. he doesnt explain WHY he wants to inflict pain on her (i know theres 3 movies in total stfu). And I expect a dom to be straight forward from the beginning and be open and vulnerable to see if his sub can be a match and so they're on the same page. as far as ive seen they havent done anything like this. they just did stupid activities and fucked with music playing over it like a montage. no sincerity, vulnerable or anything. I know hes a shit Dom. He's a terrible Dom. because if he wasn't. at least one those 15 women would've stuck around or some shit.
I don't get why he goes to a normal girl, who's 21 at the youngest, n asks her to be his sub??? Boy, go find yourself a sub to match your freak. LEAVE HER ALONE. he's fucking rich. he has the resources to connect with communities and like minded people who do bdsm.
also, he doesn't understand boundaries, like the gift giving and flying to where she was at georgia and being a fucking weirdo abt her going to see her mum. get your shit together, manchild. OH AND BREAKING INTO HER HOUSE!!!! serial killer alert!!!!
Instead of getting therapy, he terrorises Ana. SHES A VICTIM.
he gave her a freaking car as a gift and is a top donor or some shit at her university and is a ceo and millionaire. And we dont find out his age in the movie either. super freaking weird.
Also, i had to skip all sex scenes because grey and ana have the chemistry of paper mache voodoo dolls. I don't understand what he finds attractive or appealing abt her other than she's pretty. she has no personality bro. and he doesn't either. he's just closed off and rich and traumatised. mfer was abused at 15 and STILL TALKS TO HIS ABUSER!!!!!!!!!! He's ALSO a VICTIM. Get this man fucking therapy.
This film overall is garbage and damaging to society.
dont get me wrong. bdsm is fine as long as its done safely and consensually n shit. but this movie just made me angry cuz its dangerous in its message.
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When the best friend I ever had passed away , it was the most painful experience of my life ,so the criticism of my emotional response was upsetting ,like it was fake
And ask myself what kind of pos would think something like that , without knowing how invested in a person's life another Is,
Known him since I was 8 , and I remember telling myself , he fits the space , you know?
The first thing we ever did together was a Doges game with our dads.
There was a race for a foul ball that he won and the excitement of the moment was mutual , and fromb' that , moment on , he was the most important person in my lIfe
We got stuffed on dogs and cotton candy , peanuts , not him he was deadly allergic to them,
And soda
I went to check on him every day before feeling comfortable enough to go anywhere or do anything .
After high school it was a given we would room together ,
I hated cleaning
He hated cooking
Which was as if it was to be expected for it to be seemless
And it never is , not ever
the ironic thing is self reliant and responsible he was ,
No matter what I served , he would always say ,
There's no peanus in here , right ?
Right , because , you asking that every single time you sit down hasn't done anything that might suggest I understand lol.
I knowm but I do it because it's my job to ask , no one's to tell
Yeah , I grab it
20 years
And at some point it stopped being ok,
Same as the day before anf the day before that ,
STFU with that , I have been so patient with it , but your getting on my dick nerve with that shit ,
And he tried to give me that reasonable, common sense ,being responsible shit , but u was real for it
it's like you have zero trust in pit friendship and it fucks with me , like
Do I have to ask for my change ?
What does that mean
Its a question, do HAVE to say , I want the change or is it a given,
Because it seems like you see things in extremes, so I was wondering if how you see it , is that it's not your job .
Have you been watching Oprah ?
yeah ,binging .
But it was the flow , again,
Seem less
20 damn years before I could get him not to ask ,
before he would eat what I had waited what seemed like my entire life to feed him,
To watch his eyes open wider and wider as realization crystalized the moment,
To see his hands clutching at an airway he couldn't reach and wouldn't save him if he could
You choking yourself bro?
That's gonna make it worse but go ahead ,
What wrong ,
You don't ;look good ,
I wonder what could be the problem, I mean we know it's not peanuts right , cuz that's your responsibility remember ?
Did you forget to ask ,
You did huh
Oh wow , that's a tough one,
I would have told you ,I swear I would , but it isn't my issue ,
I'm not the one whose dying now m you are,
OI just don't understand , why you csnt find the time to say 4 words to save your life ?
So casual with it , now look at you .
Looking up at me with those sad puppy dog eyes,
Maybe next time you won't think it's ok to trip someone so you can steal the ball that was coming to them,
Yeah ,just like that,
Why did you do that,
Don't be a baby It was fun, we were racing, don't get mad cuz I won,
You won huh , ok
Of everyone I've killed ,
He's the most important person of my entire life
I invested everything in protecting what he meant to me ,
I waited 20 years , because it had to be with the peanuts
So to accuse me of putting on a performance , is really really pissing me off ,
Every single tear was sincere ,
He was the white whale
The first person I swore I'd kill
The impossible one , the errorless one , he was my entire life , killing him was all that mattered ,
Have I ever shown you the foul ball I got at Dodgers Stadium when I was a kid?
It's my favorite thing
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zeddaz17 · 2 years
who ever said women should be home 24 hours a day must have a shitty mother.
i cant work i cant do shit im 18 and my brain cells are on fire .
and believe me its not just the crazy controlling men in the household i live in that stop me from living but its my fuckin crazy mother who is a damn woman like me , so fucked up that i think she is a man sometimes .
and who even decided to call women women and men men ? like why would u even think of naming humans other names that delete the word human from people's brain's dictionary , and instead add slut whore "girl" to theirs , and fuckin yes humans girl is now an offensive word to evey fuckin human with tits or pussy or a damn soft voice that is usually forbidden in the middle eastern damn culture .
so when i give birth to my baby ill just stfu cuz its damn forbidden or known as a sin or sth like that motherfucker i aint moaning im screaming till death and you should fucking listen .
and since tf when people decided to use pussy as a damn weak person like we get period every month or 28 days for 5 to 7 days bleeding i bet humans before inventing fire thought "women" are dying cuz there is blood all over them .
well i hate period but i accept it but uk whats more better for me than period , every damn human's blood on me , yes i got a crazy voice saying i wanna kill someone but i would never do it why ? cuz im a PUSSY.
even the fact a dick means either that ugly hairy fat disgusting dick of yours gentleman ( dont be a little GIRL and whine about it ) , or a jerk , funny how relieved we feel when calling a guy a DICK , as if we took away all of his money for the next 50 years so now he lives broke forever , who tf are we lying to ? OURSELVES LADIES!!
trust me i have no damn clue why im even writing this or even the purpose but im so FURIOUS !
i have to ask a man's opinion/permission all the damn time just to get a damn job or wear a shirt i dont even wear DRESSES uk how messed up that is for me ? ofc u dont cuz u aint ME.
for fuck's sake get ur shit together ladies and MAN UP and be toxic if u have to for ur damn rights !
for now ill remain crazy for the rest of the day that keeps repeating itself .
sincerely ,
Rosalie .
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defledam · 4 years
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“See you tomorrow mate!” Jackson cleaned up the gum on the sides of his mouth then put it back in to chew.
 “Throw it away Jackson! You’ve been chewing it for almost two hours!” I said while shaking my head in disbelief but he just grin at me.
“Ew! You’re chewing your own saliva and swallowing it over again!” Mark teases him from behind. Jackson took off his shoe and was about to throw it to us when Jb pass by. He sternly looked at Jackson that left us all quiet. 
“This is a school, not a playground.” Jb said before walking out our classroom.
“Ugh man! I almost faint from that look!” nervous Jackson put his shoe back, Mark patted his shoulder to calm him.
If you believe in the saying that no man is island, I’ll disagree... Because Jb’s always alone, like no friends, no family, as in no one has the courage to talk to him because he’s the aloof type who never talks and what happened a while ago was just another case of miracle.. He talked, but better id he just stfu. 
“Take it easy Jackson. You’ve done nothing, he won’t hurt you.” Mark said to comfort Jackson who’s still nervous from what happened.
“He shouldn’t. Who is he to hurt people when he wants?” I said while looking at the door where Jb walked out. I really don’t get that guy, he’s been called in disciplinary action many times but he seems not to care. “C’mon, it’s getting late. Let’s go home.” 
I grip on my bicycle’s break when a man falls in front of me. The side of his lips is bleeding and I can see how he’s in rage over the man in front of him. “You bastard!” before getting up, Jb punch the man in the face once more. His anger is more than that of the middle aged man. Before landing another punch on the man’s face, a middle aged woman came and begs Jb to stop.
He’s breathing heavily while suppressing his anger, I can see fire burning in his eyes as if he don’t want to stop punching the man. “Hey stop it...” I said, his eyes then darted on me but it didn’t take long. He left with his fists still close. “Maam, Sir are you okay?” I asked but the man ignored me.
“We’re fine.” the woman answered and smiled before following the man who looks like her husband. 
At that very moment, I feel like I want to fight with Jb. Even the woman’s face has bruises on it, how could he take hurting a person just like that? And to think he's older than him. What a bully! 
Days passed by and the feeling of anger I have for Jb remained in my chest. He’s been on and off school and no one could ever deny that the class is happier without him. They can have fun, make noise, and do whatever they want without any worries of getting someone pissed off. 
Jb’s back to school after four days of absences and at that day, a transferee student was introduced. No one made a noise or even a simple hush while listening to Youngjae introduce himself. “Hi ev..everyone. My name is Choi Youngjae, I’m from south korea.” he said, almost trembling and obviously scared. The teacher told Youngjae to sit down and he has no choice but to sit beside Jb cuz that's the only vacant seat. No one wants to sit beside him. Their matching bruise on the cheeks and the fear in Youngjae’s face says it all. He was beaten by him on his first day! I closed my fists and tried to calm myself. He's going overboard! 
Is that how he welcome a new student?! 
“Poor Youngjae. He’s welcomed with the iron fists.” Mark whispered. Jackson covered his mouth, afraid that Jb might hear him.
After the class, Jb was the first to walk out the room. I followed him immediately. “Hey Jb!” I’m not sure if my voice sounds threatening but that’s how I want it to be. “Aren’t you sick using your fists? Do you find pleasure in hurting other people?” he stopped walking and looked at me with his famous piercing eyes. But after a couple of seconds, he turned back and walked out... without saying a single word.
It was Sunday when I decided to ride my bike and drive around the town. I saw a man pushing a loaded cart up the road so I get off on my bike to help him. “Are you selling this to the junk shop?” I asked while helping him pushing the cart up with recyclable boxes so I guess he’s bringing it to the junkshop on the next street.
“Yes.” he answered. I was stunned. The voice I seldom heard yet recognized by my ears quickly, it was Jb. I didn’t recognize him with his looks, he’s just wearing slippers and his shirt is all dusty. “Thank you.” he said after we passed the cart on the high road. I looked at him walking with the cart ‘till he turned left and my eyes can’t see him anymore.
I continued riding my bike around the town with Jb’s image in my brain. He said thank you but I didn't feel the sincerity on it.
“Hey!” I grip on my bike’s break when two younger male blocked my way.
“Excuse me?” I said.
“Yugyeom, his bicycle looks pretty cool!” the smaller one said, eying on my bike.
“Yeah man! I actually like it.” the taller one added.
“Then you should buy your own. And if you’ll excuse me I need to go home so can you please both step aside?” I said, still trying to be nice though this two seems not interested in the word.
“But we don’t have money to buy a bike like yours...”
“So Bambam... if we take the bike how are we going to divide it?”
“Tsk! How are we going to ride it if we divide it?! Man think!”
“What I mean is how are we going to share it?”
“Hmmm... mwf? ttss?”
“I think it’s not fair. Four days over three?”
While the two talking nonsense, I stepped on my pedal and turn to the side but the taller one who I suppose is named Yugyeom grabbed the hem of my shirt that caused me to fall.
“No running away man!” he said, pulling me away from my bike. I resisted but the one named Bambam pushed me again. Bambam is taking my bike while Yugyeom is gripping on my arms. “Hey! Give it back!”
“Kids....” Bambam stopped taking a step, Yugyeom losses his grip on me. I looked at Jb with his empty cart.
“Hyung!” the two said in unison. “I told you it’s not good to take someone else’s possession right?”
“Uh...hyung, we just want to try his bike.” Bambam who’s acting like an obedient child. He knows how to act! Tsk!
“We haven’t try riding a bike like that hyung... we just want to borrow.” even the tall Yugyeom is acting like an obedient child to his father. Great actors huh!
“But what I saw is not like you’re borrowing the bike from him...” the two looked down on their feet. “Apologize to him Bambam and Yugyeom.”
“I’m sorry man...” the two said in unison again.
“Sorry for their actions...” Jb said, I nodded my head. He told Bambam to give me back my bike and the younger quickly obeyed.
I get on my bike and was ready to go when I heard Bambam asked Jb. “Do you know him hyung?”
“I’m curious too hyung. He looks at you like he knows you.” Yugyeom added. I slowed my movement, I feel like I want to hear more from their conversation. He's going to deny me!
“Yes. He’s my classmate... and a good friend.”
“Ah really hyung?!”
“So we should call him hyung too, not man!”
That was a short conversation but a never ending part in my memory. Good friend? Since when?? But I admit, I was pretty surprised with that and the way he treat those youngsters.
After that day, I decided to gather a full tank of courage within me and talk to Jb though I still have no idea what to talk about or will he even talk to me in the first place?
I was ready. But the day never happened.
I’ve never seen Jb at school after that day. My classmates’ happy days without his presence continued but it became emptiness to me. I felt like he doesn’t deserve every hate thrown at him though I still don’t know the reasons why he’s done those things in the past.
I feel like I should have tried harder to get to know him rather than hate him.
“Do you have any idea where is Jb? Or where he lives?” I get back to my senses when Youngjae sit on Jackson’s chair beside me.
“No. Hmm why do you ask?”
He shrugged his shoulder. “I just want to thank him...”
“Thank him? For what?” I suddenly become curious.
“For saving me from the bad guys during my first day here. I really admire him for being strong and brave. He fought with the three bad guys when he saw them taking my wallet and cellphone.” after Youngjae’s story, I feel like I’m no better with those guys who bullied him. He clearly helped him and not bullied him like how I thought it was.
I ride my bike around the town again hoping that I’ll see him, we’re not friends yet but I have a lot to say to him and he even called me friend before.
“Oh! hyung!” I stopped my bike when two familiar voices called me though I’m not really sure if I was the one they’re calling. Hyung?
“Hyung!” Bambam said and tap me on my shoulder. “Why did you go out just now?”
“Ayt! We’re the ones who just getting out now. Did you forget your father locked you in your house for a week and my mother brought me to my grandmother?”
“Ah yeah... almost forgot!” I noticed something on Bambam's arm. I think it's a bruise. Did they fight? I guess no, they're too close to fight each other.
“So you’re not siblings?”
“Ah... I thought you’re siblings and Jb is your older brother.”
“No hyung. Ah yes hyung!” I got confused by Bambam’s answer.
“No because we’re not blood related. Yes because Jb hyung treats us like his real younger brothers. He saves us from bullies and even feed us when our parents can’t buy us food.” The way they described Jb and talked happy things about him makes my heart so soft. I was wrong. I judged him by what my eyes have seen without knowing about the whole situation.
I feel so guilty. How can I hate someone who's a better human being than me?
“Do you know where I can find him? He’s been absent in school for two weeks now.”
“The last thing he said before he left was he’s finally going to meet his mother...”
“But he didn’t tell us where because he’s not still sure, someone just told him about his mother then he left in a rush.”
“Do you want to ride my bike?” I asked the two and they nodded excitingly. I watched them happily riding my bike around and I didn’t know this kind of simple sight can bring so much contentment to my heart.
Months had passed and we still have no news about Jb. Riding my bike around the town and meeting Yugyeom and Bambam to the place where we first met becomes my habit. I bring them food whenever there’s something in our fridge and play with them.
And yes, months passed by yet I still can't stop thinking about him and I'm ready to apologize. I looked up and stared at the clear blue sky.
How was it meeting your mom? Are you happy? Will you not scare people again when you come back like how you used to?
“Oh Jinyoungie!!” I turned around and see Mark waving his hand along with Jackson and Youngjae. They walk towards me, Bambam and Yugyeom parked the bike beside the tree.
“Hey! What brings you guys here?”
“Surprise visit you know?!” Jackson said joyfully holding up a box of pizza.
“He looks like a clown. I don’t like him. I hate clowns.” Bambam whispered to Yugyeom.
“Me too. But I think I like the box he’s holding so we might consider liking him?” Yugyeom whispered back to Bambam.
I laughed hearing the two’s conversation about Jackson. “Mark, Jackson, Youngjae this is Yugyeom and Bambam. Bambam, Yugyeom... this is Mark, Jackson and Youngjae. They are my friends.”
“Nice to meet you hyungs!” the two said in unison like they usually does. Mark patted Yugyeom’s head, Youngjae did the same to Bambam. But Yugyeom and Bambam’s eyes were still on Jackson.
I laughed again at the thought on my mind. “Let’s open the pizza?” I said to Jackson and handed me over the box.
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wandaluvstacos · 5 years
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Chapter 16 is up!
Reflections is available at the $1 tier. You can read the first chapter of Book 1: Reflections of the Desperate and Dumb for free here. Here is the summary of the 2nd Book:
Justin’s back at it again, “it” being drinking a little too much, trying to cobble together rent this month, and having awkward sexual encounters with strangers. Justin’s newest conquest is a Russian-speaking, cigarette-smoking bad boy that’s just another flavor of Justin’s usual type: too cool for school and completely allergic to the commitment Justin secretly craves.
However, just as Justin settles into the routine of his fast and casual lifestyle, he runs into Thad Farley: a sweet-natured boy from Alabama, a science whiz, an amateur musician, and an unabashed do-gooder. Together, they stumble into the strangest yet most sincere friendship that Justin has ever known, one that pits Justin’s old baggage against the type of person he yearns to be. Apparently an old dog can learn new tricks– and fall desperately in love with someone he doesn’t think he deserves.
For more info, artwork, and chapter archive, go here.
So you hook up with Jailbait or what?
I frowned at the text from Duncan, wondering if I should bother responding. He wasn’t my problem anymore, and if we weren’t fucking, then there was no reason to keep talking to him.
My phone dinged again.
Has he ever had sex? He doesn’t look like he has.
My thumbs hovered over the screen on my phone, prepared to type out an indignant reply. Duncan beat me to it.
Maybe you need a virgin bride for a Satanic ritual?
I glanced around the store, but it was pretty much empty, so I texted back, Stfu and stop texting me. We have no reason to talk to each other anymore.
I put the phone to the side and rapped my fingers on the counter. I was too efficient at my job, because I’d already recovered all the shelves and swept the floors, leaving me with nothing to do for the next twenty minutes we were open except attempt to ignore my phone. It dinged again, and I couldn’t stop myself from looking at it.
I’m bored tho, Duncan wrote, followed by several crying emojis.
I rolled my eyes. What a tool. Didn’t he have anyone else to bother on a Thursday night? Maybe he wasn’t as much of a player as he claimed he was. I derived some enjoyment out of imagining him alone in his apartment, drinking pinot grigio from the bottle and crying over some dumb Hallmark movie. I stopped enjoying that fantasy when I realized that that had been me about six months ago.
Damn. Though I distinctly remembered the movie being Homeward Bound, which made the crying more justified. If you didn’t tear up over that scene in the ditch with Shadow, you were a monster.
If I apologize for being a dick, will you talk to me? Duncan texted.
Will you apologize? I texted back.
Will you talk to me if I do?
I sighed. Why could I not tell this man to piss off? What was it with assholes and my inability to ignore them? I decided to answer as diplomatically as possible. I have a boyfriend now and all you’ve done is insult him so I’m pretty sure there’s nothing we need to discuss.
So you ARE dating, Duncan said. Damn. Sorry for being such a cunt. I’ll try to be nicer.
Good luck with that, Duncan. Jealous?? I texted.
Mostly bummed cuz I’m real horny right now and my #1 booty call is out of commission.
My fingers flew over my phone keyboard. I weep for you.
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It doesn't matter if we're being sincere or dishonest doesn't matter how much emotion we give off the reason why I'm so obsessed with dust is because in the end we all end up as dust in the wind
I can't find anything in life that I care about
Oh ! . . . ?
He thought it was the aliens u thought it was fairies you thought those are things that I care about cuz I can't STFU about them ?
No !
That's where I come from and that's what I am and that's what put me here the grays
As for me
I just don't know what I'm doing in God's creation or whatever day do you believe in I just don't know what I'm doing here
I don't know why I'm part of his psychotic demonic creation ?
Because all that experienced in his creation was pain and there was a little bit of Joy but it was nothing it was like being given candy in hell
And it Really meant nothing all my happiness was just suppressed pain
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mexicansquirtle · 4 years
Why do I think it’ll change?
Why do I think it will be different? That I will suddenly find someone who will like me? Cuz I’m not. And it isn’t changing. I literally hate myself for thinking it’ll change. I made myself cry thinking about it. And yeah I know “you’re in high school shut up you’ll find someone” but this day and age there are people YOUNGER THEN ME dating people. I’m sorry that I want to date at least one fucking person before college (or at least go on /a/ date). Like people go on fucking tinder and shit for a date. I want that genuine connection shit. Is that so freaking hard??!
EDIT: dear past me, you went on a few dates and actually dated someone stfu you sound like a child sincerely, future you who is tired <3
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bluxchxrry · 7 years
YALL JIKOOK SHIPPERS STFU YOUR SHIP IS A SINKING FAN SERVICE LMAO. JK stayed outside instead of sleeping with Jimin, and sang nothing like us TO TAE because its their song (like every other cover jk made ) he sang it because he KNEW Tae was at the room nest door. BH just feeding u w/ fanservice BC they want to cover vkook cuz they've been too obvious recently. Also that photoshoot was forced asf jk would never agree to this,also when JM leaned closer he distanced himself lol ship-is-real my ass
Do you need a tissue or something boo? I mean, having a miserable life must be really tough.
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Also "they use jikook to cover vkook BC they're too obvious "
Lmao the only obvious thing here, is your IQ which unfortunately is below -60
Because using a same sex relationship to cover ANOTHER same sex relationship is pointless very ingenious, bravo!
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Friendly piece of advice : please get a life and embrace the gayness that Jikook is radiating.
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Sincerely, a person you don't want to mess with.
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