#cuz if I had to wait a whole week to find out what happens next I’d probably forget or lose interest sadly
superfluffychickens · 5 months
So, should I name one of the new pullets Falin? I think the answer is “yes”
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kyri45 · 10 days
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 12/09✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
@snsp6 I really hope that this won’t change MK’s view on his bio dads :( Anonimo Hello! Wanted to ask or more so I am wondering, will MK start seeing Wukong differently after finding out he literally killed Mac and even after seeing their past and how close they were, dam the trauma, anyhoo I love your art and the Shadowpeach bio parent au! Keep up the great work! >:D
Oh it will. (In a good way? a Bad? that's for me to know and for you to wait a week to know)
@hopefulbelievertimemachine Imagine if MK found someone who recently found out that they were a demon and he comforts them cuz he had a similar experience.
Oh that would be sooo wholesome!!! It's one of my fav trope when there's another character who go throught the same exact thing as another character and the two of them bond over this.
@zammy357 Hello, hope your day/night is going well. I wanted to ask since me and a friend like your bio parents blog and wanted to know if we can use it for an arc? Our blog is called @amnesia-wukong-au. We wanted to ask before we started doing it.
Hi!! Yeah sure as long you tag me and the masterpost of the shadowpeach au
Anonimo Wait what is a glamour (in context of Sun Wukong and Macaque)
A glamour is a magic spell that changes/cover your appearance. Like in the show macaque should technically have 6 ears. for animation purposi I guess they are not drawing all of them, but we say he uses a glamour also for covering his scarred eye.
@clueless-simp ha chiesto: What if PIF, BDK, Sun Wukong, and Macaque (and most definitely Mei) did a "parent trap" tactic to get MK and Red Son together? Setting things up, getting them alone together, pretending they are all busy, and the only option is for them to spend time together under the sunset XD XD XD
Oh no that would end bad. like-comically bad.
@honeylavender27 ha chiesto: Imagine red realizing mk doesn't know about court napping and just invites him over one day. Red son: so I'm sure your wondering why I invited you here.. Mk: yeah it's kinda weird you didn't want Mei to come. Is everything ok? Red: perfect actually, I'll explain everything just enter here first please. Mk: oh ok -walks into the prepared courtnapping room and gets locked in-.....uh red? Redson: consider yourself courtnapped...
Ahah poor MK. I think they would make a disastrous courtnapping that would be the equivalent of the phrase "task failed succesfully"
@artgurusauce ha chiesto: ARGGGHHHH, they're SO CUTE! I love your bioparent AU so much! Altho I am wondering: When MK turns back to normal would he retain some subconscious paternal attachment to our ol boys here? Maybe he even calls Macaque "Mom" without realizing it...
@blazerratbluefire-blog ha chiesto: Plot twist of the century for the oblivious monkey men. MK remembers ~everything~ when he was a cub! I'm not sure if that is what is planned, but! It would be really funny! Especially if he just calls Macaque 'Mama' all casual and just walks away. While Macaque EXP. has crashed and is rebooting. Gosh, that would be so cute! I absolutely love your artwork, by the way! It is so adorable!
Can't answer yet. He does NOT have memories, but he will remember ONE thing...
@daniellemarvel4 Hi, fist off I love your work and can't wait to see what you do next! I was wondering who is more protective of MK when it comes to Red Son? Whether that would be Pigsy, Wukong, Macaque, or even Tang (mabye Mei but I don't think she could stay serious long enough). Also, can we see what Sandy's doing?
mmmmmm---- I think Wukong. Freenoodle is pretty chill with the DBK family after everything that happened. Mac is also quite alright since he was always in good relationship with them. I would say Wukong would just want to be sure his kid doesn't get hurt by the fire in any way
Anonimo I've been squealing, grinning, and kicking my feet going through the Shadowpeach Bio parents AU. Baby MK has been SO CUTE and fun. I wonder if he's going to remember or be embarrassed about it. Another part of me hopes that river is still in play so Sun & Mac can fall in and suddenly MK and everyone has 2 chaotic super-powered Baby Monkeys to take care off 😭 😭 😭
Anonimo ha chiesto: I almost cried they are sooo cute. I hope that we get more sweet family content. Loving the comic thanks for making it 💕💕💕💕
Anonimo ha chiesto: I don’t want the cure to work ! Or could it be like that: MK is such a powerful being that the Dosis Pif gave them, just wasn’t strong enough. Instead it only aged MK up a bit so now he is a small kid or a teenager but not a grown ass money man again. I am not ready to leave the monkey family stuff behind 🥺
unfortunately the river has been close untile further notice. (dw this wont be the end)
@cutvdo ha chiesto: Mei bribing Red Son with baby MK pictures
@luciferapollyon ha chiesto: I hope Mei, Red Son, Macaque and Wukong all got pics before they turned MK back
Anonimo ha chiesto: DHJSJDJDH LIL BABY BEAN! I wonder if Wukong and Macaque took any pics of lil MK while he was smol baby? She would keep them and use them as blackmail. (affectionately)
Anonimo ha chiesto: Your shadowpeach bio parent au is just perfect!! Thankyou for feeding the fandom with the nectar of the gods!!! Especially the one where mac slips into the bed after wukong waits all night. Like Mac would wake up in the morning and see him fast asleep and think of Peng asking 'is there anything Wukong could do that would break his hold over you?' and just seeing him at his most vulnerable right now he's like 'no, not when he always gives me a reason to stay.'
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@queen-of-purple-roses Wait if MK is experiencing Macaque’s memories then does that mean that Macaque can experience MK’s? Are they able to dive into each other’s minds?
So the thing is that MK is hearing the past from both POVs. Macaque by definition can hear ANYTHING so yeah he could definitely experience MKs memories. But the thing is-does he want to? I headcanon that his future-present-past hearing abilities are something he only used a couple of times, and because what he heard from them was so traumatic, he decided to NOT use them again (like wukong laser eyes)
@sillygothpartykid ha chiesto: I know everyone is asking you to make the gay monkeys kiss but I actually like how you are developing their relationship. You letting them work through their problems and feeling first giving us that sweet, sweet slow burn! Love your art btw!❤️❤️❤️
awwww ty!!!! yes pls slow burn for life.
@kraytherandomchick ha chiesto: Hey, love your ShadowPeach AU! (Started rereading it after crying from the season 5 finale hehe :'D) But there's always something that's kinda stuck in my head, if MK's no longer immortal, would Macaque or Wukong get sad at the thought of getting older and forced keep going without him?
So- *sigh* technically, we don't really know MK immortality status. it's a grey area for now. Because on one side, he's a stone monkey, who, by nature like Wukong, can perfectly age and grow like a normal monkey. On the other hand, he's technically died already, and by the time he was created by Nuwa, both his biological fathers were already immortal (Wukong bc yes, Macaque because he's a demon, and he can die from wounds and illness, but can't age)
So to answer: we don't know yet what's with him. we will see (I promise that)
@lmk4ever ha chiesto: I LOVE THE SHADOW PEACH BIO PARENT AU SO MUCH!! Mk boi is so lucky to have a artist like you and fathers like them. I want to ask, will shadowpeach ever get into a fight out of anger in front of Mk? Or did they moved on from that phase?
If they will fight it will be more of like- the 2 dads grounding MK. If they need to fight they learned that they need to go on another mountain to do it so they don't bother their child
Anonimo ha chiesto: Will we get a traffic light trio ship?
Probably not, but I'm all for dragonfruit/spicynoodle and having MK and Mei NOT dating each other at the same time.
@yuk1yun ha chiesto: If lmk season 6 isn't like your au, then I don't want to watch it
@conniescialla ha chiesto: HIIII!! ok scusa l'italiano ma letteralmente trovare artisti italiani ispira sempre quel momento patriottico alla YES ONE OF US MUAHHAHAH Scherzi a parte, il comic Shadowpeach bio parents Au è meraviglioso, si approva soprattutto l'hurt/comfort ;p
Tanti kudos!!<3
Anonimo ha chiesto: I really wanna see jelous wukong!!!!!! I dunno maybe some random demon trying to flirt with emo monkie or something and wukong is like oh hell no!! He is mine!! I think it would be so cute
he would become incredibly possessive and start hissing and growling like a tiger. NOBODY TOUCHES MY SOFT PILLOW
Anonimo ha chiesto: I think it would be so cute if Wukong would take care of sick Macaque! It would show Macaque that Wukong changed and is no longer like he was before. I wonder if Macaque got sick, would MK help or would Macaque be too stubborn to let anyone know.
I know everyone says Wukong is this great sage with incredible abilities in every field (and he is) but I would like to imagine that, since he needs to do these thing for Macaque specifically, he's so stressed over the fact he needs to do them perfectly that he fucks up lmao.
Like, he would try his best to take care of him and almost burn the kitchen in the meantime, while Macaque was only hoping the two of them could just stay more in bed cuddling each other
Anonimo ha chiesto: im just imagining Mac getting anxious becouse he cannot find baby MK and Wukong is there to calm him down
@shadowpeachera ha chiesto: Heyy I absolutely love your shadowpeach bio au, the drawings, the text its perfect! Did Mk every run off or get into trouble now that he’s a cub or even play games with Wukong and Macaque like hide and seek? That would be really cute. I can imagine them playing hide and seek while Mk discovers he can make shadow portals, meanwhile his parents are stressing and scared as they have no idea where he is.
i think both of them would freak out.
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@nyx-daughterofchaos98 ha chiesto: Hi! For LMK, I watched a nature documentary on Monkeys the other day and a lot of monkeys correct each others behavior by doing something called “Disciplinary Nips” or “Discipline Bites” (This isn’t a sexual ask I promise) I think it would be absolutely hilarious, if Macaque and Wukong are napping together, and for whatever reason, Wukong keeps moving around, unable to get comfortable. And in his sleep-riddled state, Macaque gets annoyed and bites him. 🤣 Like; I’M TRYING TO SLEEP! KNOCK IT OFF! 🤣🤣🤣 And when Wukong does stop moving, Macaque does actually fall asleep. Even better is if Macaque wakes up and has absolutely No Idea he bit Wukong because he was half asleep at the time. Or he thinks it was a dream and ensue the shenanigans when he realizes it wasn’t.
OMG THAT'S SO CUTE AND SILLY AAHHHH!!! EVEN BETTER: what if they do this without noticing BEFORE they are like-actually romantically back together, and someone sees the mark bites AND THEY START TO ASSUME CERTAIN THINGS BRUH.
@tabs-tabi-tabby  Can Macaque help with MK’s clones? Or would that be Wukong’s area?
MK can't make the same clones macaque has. He can control a little bit his own shadow, and use that as a clone. so as long as it's his own shadow, it's more Mac area, if it's his own hair clone then it's Wukong's
@startdustmonkie ha chiesto: Does Mk and or Wukong know about Savage and Rumble? (If so how did they find out about them?) — (also: do Savage and Rumble see Mama macaque as a parent?)
@mushrum-soup ha chiesto: Hi just wanted to say I absolutely adore your shadow peach au it's literally the highlight of my week 💖I was wondering tho are rumble and savage just shadow clones in your au or similar to their Lego counterparts :O?
Yes they know about them. No they aren't his kids let's say. My own personal headcanon for the Au (or the show in general) is that they are both Macaque shadow, like- clones with a little bit of personality just like MK clones represent specific parts of his personality. He has 2 of them because he lived 2 lives, one before and one after he was brought back to life.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Just read the latest Shadowpeach bio kid comic, and i cant help but giggle a bit at how MK’s chirp woke Wukong and Macaque up lmao just the “and they snoozing- OH SHIT BABY CHIRPING WHATS WRONG-“
@hellobur ha chiesto: Did you base when mk was reaching fr macaque after he was walking away because mk called him mama after this or was it a funny coincidence (mk also doe the pose but I can't find it lol)
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Also I absolutely love this story and your art your work is incredible! ^^
@dragonaboni-blog ha chiesto: Hi! First off, I love your art and your Shadowpeach AU, it's the reason I'm reactivating my own Tumblr account lol One of my favorite tropes in this story is "A gets sick and B takes care of him" so I'm wondering… What would that trope be like in the AU? What would the monkey trio be like when they got sick? Do any of them sleep through their illness? Or are any of them extremely dramatic like "These will be my last words…"? CoughcoughWUKONGCoughcough
Aaahh I’ve seen a lot of asks asking this one but honestly I don t know If I’ll ever draw that trope. Maybe bc Wukong should technically have canonically too much knowledge about general illness to be worried about normal daily life illness. If it was something more life-threating. Maybe yes, but I still have to cook.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Counterpoint: wukong can't handle spicy foods because he has no impulse control and his monkee brain wants him to only eat fruit and peaches
Ouch. Yes that seems about accurate for him lmao
Anonimo ha chiesto: About the lmk bio au.... we have seen that MK can manipulate certain parts of his body in the 72 transformations... so..... Wukong and Macaque could technically have children.
I’ll be 100% honest I have no idea if stone monkeys are…fertile?
Anonimo Hey there! I am in love with your art. LMK is something that came into my life recently and damn I love it so much! Love your AU, and I can't wait to see more of it. Funnily, since the baby MK incident I imagine this later on becoming a somewhat spark of many funny arguments later on. What I mean is I see baby MK has a favorite parent (*cough-cough* MacCRACK *cough-cough*) [Sorry with the name joke, couldn't help myself]. XD. And I imagine Wukong be a bit jealous at times and go 'Anything you can do I can do better XD' Also see lovely Redson have a thing for MK, and then I imagine him ask his parents about advice on pursuing his crush. "So who is the lucky girl?" "Well, you already know him-" *Spits out water* "You got yourself a husband?" "What, no I haven't yet-!"
Aww I don't think MK would have a favourite but definitely there are times where he wants one parent more than the other (play time with Wukong, nap time with Mamacaque)
Anonimo ha chiesto: Yknow what they say… like father like son! In the sense that they’re all gay /j
Oh yeah absolutely it's genetic/j
@wolfasketch ha chiesto: Mac being on the sunny side and Wuwu being in the shadows
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I know I'm looking into it too much but- AHHH!!!
That was unintentional but HOLY SIT U R RIGHT
Anonimo ha chiesto: Poor Red Boy never got to see baby MK! Imagine him just staring at the adorableness that is baby MK and being like 'I hope our future children look just like you OH MY GODS YOU'RE ADORABLE'. Baby MK: :3
Their child will literally be Kai from Ninjago so I guess THEY ARE RIGHT HE WILL BE
Anonimo ha chiesto: And then MK will wake up back to normal, confused, but proud that he managed to get them even closer?
100% yes
@drowning-in-webnovel-chapters ha chiesto: I can't imagine how the monkey dads are gonna try to go back to sleep after that, oof. Also Wukong definitely knows all that from when he used to help Macaque through visions, right?
Yup! He does indeed!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I’m guessing MK is getting a mini version of Macaque’s “can hear the past/present/future” thingy, did he managed to hear it accidentally or was he trying to learn more about his powers/Shadowpeach’s past ?
Yes, he was just wondering since last time that he found the sleeping cuddling with him, what exactly happened for them to rift away. Guess curiosity killed the cat
@aurabooboo ha chiesto: So. I'm rewatching season 5, right? I noticed that they almost had a yelling match with MK right in the middle. Would Wukong apologize to him for that?
These 3 have so much to talk about… i wont draw everything, but they definitely apologised offscreen.
@elianaroselight ha chiesto: It is quite telling how Wukong immediately knew what to do to help calm MK, but also, Macaque coming in with the perspective of having gone through it himself. The need for them to remain close by and wait until Mk is asleep before trying to leave. This means Mac has been through exactly what he is telling them not to do and knows the pain, sorrow and trauma that comes from feeling abandoned like this. They may be facing their past hurting their own kid through proxy and try to help him fight against the trauma. Luckily they have good people to help when they themselves can't. *looks at Freenoodles*
Yup! Their response is exactly related to what they do to calm the other!
@thenerdycupcake ha chiesto: So, does MK’s gold vision combine with his hearing sometimes so that he sees some of what he’s hearing from the past?
Oooohhh i guess he does! So he can literally see and hear the past!
@frogsfandoms ha chiesto: Omg why can I see after MK wakes up he thinks that it isn’t the past he’s hearing and that it actually just happened. Rushing to see if Wukong and Macaque are hurt and or trying to stop them from fighting 😭😭😭
Oohhh our baby still doesn’t want to believe it actually happened :(
Anonimo ha chiesto: Adult MK: OH MY GOD A SPIDER *desperate scared monkey noises* Baby MK: what's this? A 5 starts meal? *Tries to chomp said spider* He's gonna be sooo disgusted when someone tells him he tried to eat one fkdkdlfmfl
Oh poor MK. He’ll be teased about this for the rest of his days.
@sailera ha chiesto: Hello I have question about you Shadowpeach bio dads au- How would Pigsy react that his only employee turned to a baby? And hadn’t answered his phone in few days? Also love your art!! And your ISAT comic got me again interested in playing Sky ✨
Mk only became a baby for like- 20 hours. Mei told him that he stayed at FFM because he was ‘tired after training’. As of now Pigsy didn!t found out
That's all for this week! Thank you a lot for all the asks!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Your Eyes Tell | Jeon Jungkook One Shot
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Paring: f!reader x Jungkook (established relationship) Word Count: 4k~ Warnings: Angsttttttt and explicit/suggestive language (a little) a/n: This is kind of like a anti Valentine's Day thingy but it's literally so late and I'm posting it on Hobi's bday (in the US) Happy Hobi day tho 🥺💜 hope you guys enjoy the angst cuz the ending broke me 😭
Walking up to our apartment I knock on the door and instead of my normal lighthearted knocks I settle on the customary three. It was the beginning of the end for us...
I hear the soft patter of your feet walking to the door and when you open it instead of being met with your smile I'm left with an almost blank expression, telling me that you're trying to hold back all of those things we had left unsaid.
"Can I come in?" I ask tentatively, leaving you hesitant for a moment before letting out a deep sigh and opening it wide enough to let me in. "Would you like something to drink?" you ask on ceremony, leaving me awkward from being treated as a guest in the home we share together.
"Just water, thank you" I accept, knowing I'll need some as I feel all the moisture in my mouth disappear in anticipation for this uncomfortable conversation.
You bring me a glass of water before sitting down on the armchair that sits next to the couch I'm on, a strategic move to cut yourself off from me from the beginning. 
"So?" you ask expectantly, waiting for a clue as to why I'm here right now. "I wanted to apologize for, well everything that happened and everything that I did wrong that night" I start off and I hear you scoff at it, having taken my tentative tone for insincerity right off the bat.
"Can you please just, just let me say what I need to say and if you have nothing left to say to me then I'll go" I plead and you shift your weight a bit then sit motionless, wordlessly inviting me to continue.
"That whole night was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. She wasn't supposed to be here" I say, bringing up the events of that night. The night that took away the one person I loved the most, that I love...
The day before Valentine's Day started out just like any other day. Having my beautiful girlfriend sleeping peacefully next to me with the warm rays of sunlight shining down on us.
I luckily woke up before our alarm so I have a chance to be her not so rude awakening. I chose to turn on my side to face her body and pull her up against mine, her back now pressed against my chest making everything feel perfect.
"Jungkook?" she mumbles, still half asleep. "It's okay it's still early, I just wanted to hold you" I say, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck. She hums in delight and rests her arm on top of the one I have wrapped around her waist and drifts back to sleep for those few extra minutes.
It started off just like any other day...
Our Valentine's Day plans were something that I had been planning for weeks and I wanted it to be just right. It would start off with an intimate night in on the night before Valentine's Day that would lead into a weekend get away in the mountains. Something we've always loved to do together. 
As I was putting the finishing touches on the dinner I had made I make sure everything else is set. I had spent the whole day cleaning the house, washing and putting away laundry, making dinner and creating a romantic atmosphere in our bedroom. 
Yes with the cheesy red rose petals and candles but I always knew you were a sucker for it anyway. 
Everything was perfect. Perfect up until the point when she showed up. 
I don't even know how she managed to find us but she did. My ex from years ago, always managing to pop up at the worst time, and she knows it. 
I look down at my watch before opening the door, confused when I hear a knock a lot earlier than I had suspected you would be here but my face falls once I see who it really is. 
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I question through my clenched teeth, grinding them as a way to prohibit me from blowing up on her. It never works anyway. I could scream, threaten and cuss her out but she would never get hurt by any of my words no matter how hard I threw them at her. 
"Nice to see you too Bunny" she says trying to take a peek over my shoulder. "She's not home is she?" she asks, clearly making sure I'm alone so she can toy with me in peace. "Doesn't matter because either way you're not welcome here" I spit out but before I even have a chance to react she's slipped under my arm and has made her way inside. 
"Oh you don't mean that" she says, taking off her ridiculously high heels and almost falling on her face while doing so. It's a pity she didn't fall, she probably would've been happy to have a reason to get another hideous nose job. 
"Yes I do now get the fuck out of my house" I raise my voice, hoping that it'll get her attention but alas my effort has been for naught. She wanders around the place and touches absolutely everything and even has the audacity to cringe at a picture of you and I and places the little frame face down on the mantle it sits on.
"How did you even find me?" I say as I watch you invade not only mine but your privacy but I know I need to reason with her before push comes to shove and I have to call the cops on her...again. 
"I have my ways" she says, walking up to the table where I have our favorite bottle of wine with two glasses and she expertly opens the bottle before I can stop her and takes the liberty of pouring herself a glass. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I question as she takes a big gulp and fills her glass up again after she's decided it's to her liking. "Setting up for Valentine's Day? Isn't it a little too early?" she questions, ignoring me and knocking over the little bear I got you making me clench my hands into fists. 
"Not that it's any of your business but we're leaving for the weekend so this is all an early surprise for her" I say, crossing my arms as I continue to restrain myself from picking her up and throwing her out myself. "Oh wow, she's a lucky girl. Where are you two going?" she questions as if I would ever tell her. 
"I bet you're taking her up to your parent's cabin huh? The one we used to go to" she prods, hitting it right on the money and me giving up the answer with a clench of my jaw. "You're so predictable Bunny. A creature of habit one might say" she says while dragging her hand along my still crossed arms and making her way down the hall and into our bedroom. 
"Oh how adorable, looks like you put a lot of work into this didn't you?" she says while picking up one of the intact roses on the center of the bed. "Don't touch anything" I say, following after her but my words have no effect as she picks up the lighter and starts lighting the candles. 
"Don't!" I order and at that she places the lighter down but presses play on the speaker, our playlist already pulled up to set the mood. "Remember when you used to do stuff like this for me? We used to be so happy together" she says as she stalks over to me, feigning innocence as if she wasn't the reason we broke up.
"You were happy spending my money and I was stupid enough to think that you might've loved me too" I say through gritted teeth, my mouth sore from the constant state it's been in since she got here. "I did love you Bunny, I still love you. Why else would still I be here?" she asks while batting her ridiculously big eyelashes at me. 
"Because you're fucking materialistic and you keep on trying to get me to take you back so you can drain my bank account like you did last time" I say, cocking a brow at her. "That's not the only reason. I really miss your cock too" she says, somehow having gotten close enough to palm me through my slacks.
I push her off immediately, feeling disgusted and violated but before I'm able to think straight again she's grabbed a hold of my dress shirt and 'loses her balance' pulling me down onto the bed on top of her. 
"Sorry Bunny" she says as if she's was a child apologizing with the biggest puppy dog eyes that I've grown to hate. The ones that scream 'Can I borrow your credit card or fuck me please' among her other stupid phases she used to use on me.
"Get the fuck off of me" I say trying to push off of the bed but she pulls me back on top of her, making me actually lose my balance. As soon as she notices the sound of your keys jingling at the front door she grips onto my neck and smashes her lips against mine, not leaving me any room for protest. 
"Jungkook, where are you?" you call out, unsuspecting and walking in our apartment and seeing the effort I had gone through on the surface but having our intimate space violated by the person I hate the most in this world. 
"Baby what's all thi-" you say through a smile but are caught off guard by seeing what I know is me struggling to get off of my ex and with her pulling me back down. Although I'm sure you see it as the rudest awakening ever. 
"What the fuck?" you say in a monotone and it's only then that she let's me go. "Baby this isn't what yo-" "Oh y/n, hi. Um this is awkward. You said she wasn't going to be home until later" my ex directs at me while getting up and straightening out her clothes and hair, disgusting me at the knowledge that I contributed to her state against my will. 
"What the fuck is going on here?" You say in a stronger tone and at that my ex scurries out, avoiding any backlash from you. "Bye Bunny" she chimes before she closes the door behind her. 
"Baby please let me explain I-" "What the hell was she doing here?" you say through gritted teeth, a habit I'm just now realizing you have picked up from me. "I don't know. She showed up here and barged in and started touching everything and-" "Well why did you let her in? How did you both end up in here?" you ask as you take a good look around the bedroom.
"She came back here before I could stop her. I tried to tell her to leave but she wouldn't listen" I say, trying to plead my case but I know it's a weak defense. "Why are there candles lit? Why is our playlist playing? Why is there a glass of wine and roses in here? Jungkook what the fuck is going on?" you list off making me realize how the cards are stacked against me. 
"Please just let me explain okay? Let's just go back out there and talk over dinner" I say trying to usher her out of the room. "Don't. Touch. Me." you say, emphasizing each word before stalking out of the room with me following behind you and running my fingers through my once styled and now messy hair thanks to my fucking ex.
I find you moments later sitting on the couch and doing the same as me, running your fingers through your hair and see again it's a habit we seem to share.
"Talk" you say coldly and I sit down on the armchair while you sit on the couch. "Can't we talk over dinner? I ma-" "I'm not hungry. So talk or I'm leaving" you say and that's enough to get me to shut down that idea.
"I already told you she barged in here and started touching everything and nothing that I did could stop her" I say because that's exactly what happened but I can tell that's not gonna work for you.
"Why were you on the bed kissing her? What was up with the candles and the music?" you say pressing for more answers that you certainly have a right to. 
"Again she was touching things and grabbed the lighter and lit the candles and pressed play on the speaker. It was all a blur and I couldn't really process it because next thing I know it she's coming onto me and she touched me, like she touched my dick and it caught me off guard and I shoved her off of me and she pulled me down onto the bed on top of her and I tried to get off of her right away but as soon as she heard you walking in the door she started kissing me" I list off in one breath, giving you as much information as I can so you know every little detail.
"I need to go" you say standing up and heading into our bedroom with me right on your heels. "Where are you going?" I panic, watching you as you throw some clothes in a bag. "Away" you say giving me little to no information. "Baby please let's work through this. I'm sorry I should've shut the door right in her face when I saw it was her" I admit. 
"Then why didn't you huh? You shouldn't have let her step foot in here. We moved so we could get away from that psycho and now she's back? No I can't do this right now I need to go" you say, zipping up the bag and grabbing your purse and keys. 
"Y/n please don't leave" I say grabbing your wrist, my eyes turned down in fear of you seeing how broken I am at the thought of you leaving me. "Please, just stay with me" I plead in a hushed tone but I know no matter how much begging and pleading I do you've already made up your mind. 
"Goodbye Jungkook" you say, ripping your wrist out of my grasp, stuffing your feet in your shoes, opening the door and slamming it behind you, not giving a damn about the neighbors.
I walk over to the door you just went through, our front door. The one that we're supposed to come through and be happy together, not be rushing to leave each other. Pressing my head up against the wood with my right hand balled up into a fist again I bang on it a few times before letting a few tears fall. 
Angry? Sad? Confused? Heartbroken? I don't know if any or all of them are the cause of these tears but I know that this is something that's going to be hard for us to come back from. 
I get a text the next morning, with me not having slept a wink I jump at the notification and rush to open it when I see that it's you. 
'I need you to pack up some stuff and leave for a few days. I need the house and I need a place to think. We can talk about this later. Please just give me some space'  is the short and simple text I get from you and an immediate pit settles in my stomach that I know won't go away until we talk this through. 
I respond with a simple 'Okay'  and take some time to pack a bag and text a friend to see if I can stay. Luckily they oblige and tell me I can stay as long as I want. 
However kind that offer might be I really hope I won't be needing to stay that long.
A day turns into days and days turn into weeks until I finally get fed up and head over to our place. Well...hopefully still our place. 
That's how we've ended up here...
"Jungkook this is exactly what you told me the last time" you say, pinching the bridge of your nose, a habit you seemed to have developed recently. "There's really nothing more to tell. I would never do anything to hurt you y/n..." I say trailing off and trying to reach for your hand but you pull away before I can even reach you so I sit back into my seat and keep my distance. 
"Letting her in hurt me. Letting her come in and drink our favorite wine out of our wine glasses hurt me. Having her put our pictures face down all over the house hurt me. Having her fucking smell all over our sheets hurt me. Seeing her fucking lipstick stain that I had to scrub out of them hurt me. Seeing her in our fucking bed with you on top of her ripped my heart to shreds. The fact that you couldn't stop her from doing any of these things broke me" you list off and I know that I did let her do all of that. I didn't want her to, but I let it happen anyway. 
"I would've stopped her but-" "But what? You couldn't because you're scared of her? Or is it because you're still in love with her?" you throw at me and that's the last straw. "You know I don't why the fuck would I ever love someone like her?" I raise my voice not even believing you could possibly think that I still love her. 
"You don't have a backbone when it comes to her and you know it! You let her walk all over you during your relationship and you're letting her fucking ruin ours. No matter what we do we're never going to get rid of her" you say, standing up to make yourself seem bigger and I stand up as well, not for the same purpose but in hopes to get closer to you. 
"We can figure this out" I say bringing my voice back down, knowing that a louder voice won't fix anything or make you hear me out any better. "We've been trying to figure this out for the last three fucking years Jungkook. Three. We've moved twice just to get rid of her but she always finds us and she's never going to stop no matter how hard we try. I'm sorry but I can't keep doing this" You say walking into our bedroom to get away from me but I follow you just as I did before you left. 
"I know you don't mean that..." I trail off but the thing is is that I don't know, from the way you're acting now I can't tell and that scares me. 
"Really? You don't think I mean it? Fine. You can have the apartment because I'm moving out" you say and I widen my eyes and know for a fact that there's no way I can fix things right now. "Don't leave, you can have the place. I'll go" I say hurriedly and walk back to the living room to try and process things and you follow right behind me. 
"And take the chance that she'll keep coming around here just to see if she can get a glimpse of you? No way. Neither of you are going to know where I live unless I tell you myself. I'm done. We're done" you say motioning between the two of us. 
"There's nothing I can do to fix this is there?" I ask with my head hung low and although I know the answer I still torture myself with hearing the words from your lips. 
I look up when I don't get an answer right away and that somehow gives me hope, thinking that you're taking time to think it over but I'm met with that same blank stare that I was greeted with at the door. This time with no words left unsaid. 
"No, there's not" and even without those three words uttered from your lips...
Your eyes tell me everything I need to know.
Your eyes, the ones that I used to get lost in. Your eyes that would shine when I made you laugh. Your eyes that would cry at the smallest of things. Your eyes, the ones that used to tell me that you would love me forever are void of any emotion. All the love and all the joy gone, even less than a distant memory and I can't bring myself to look at them anymore. 
I turn away to hide my eyes. To hide how much my heart is breaking because showing you my tears will do no good. My eyes that still shine when I lay my eyes on you. My eyes that are still fascinated by every move you make. 
My eyes that are screaming out how much I love you and begging you to love me too.
I hear noises behind me telling me you're gathering your things up and I wipe away the tears that had started to fall when I hear the bedroom door close and your footsteps make their way down the hall. 
"I'll send someone over to grab the rest of my things later" you say while taking inventory of the room around us, making sure you have everything for the time being. "I'll text you when they're gonna come over so if you could help them out by gathering some of it up beforehand I would appreciate it" you request.
"Yes, of course. Anything you need" I say in agreement, wanting to help you although my heart is screaming at me to get down on my knees and beg you to take me back. I save both of us the drama of that whole scene because I know your mind is made up and again, no one can convince you to change it once you're at that point. 
You walk over to me and place your hand on my neck to pull my face down like you had time and time again when you kissed me and I know that however much I want to melt into it and pretend like everything was just a bad dream I know that this kiss is full of sorrow.
This is probably the cruelest thing you could've ever done to me but I deepen the kiss regardless and pull you in by your waist, holding you as tight as I can because I know that this will be the last time yet somehow hoping that with this one kiss I could convince you to stay. Before it can lead to something else you break the kiss and lean your forehead against mine, our breath intermingling and keeping us lost in each other one last time. 
"Goodbye Jungkook" are your final words to me before you place your hands on my arms in a silent plea to release you and although it breaks me I do as you wish. I know this moment will haunt me and I know I will hate myself for not saying anything back but I can't bring myself to respond. 
I let my head hang and the last thing I'm left with is the sound of you placing your keys on the table before you walk out the door. Closing the chapter that I thought was going to last forever. 
Walking over and slumping down onto the couch I pull out the thing that I had forgotten was in my back pocket, no doubt having damaged the box a bit and I toss it onto the coffee table, a reminder of the question I never got to ask you...
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youkaiyume · 1 year
Hello, it's been a while since I did a rant. But WARNING for gross medical things:
SO it turns out my old nemesis the ovarian cysts have plagued me again. I found out about three weeks ago when a weird pain wouldn't leave my pelvis and went to urgent care and they suggested a CT scan. ONLY! for my insurance to deny me cuz they think I needed more probable cause for one so my doctor just recommended I go to the ER (which ironically is way more expensive for insurance to pay for than a simple CT scan but they did it to themselves lol).
Turns out I have cysts on BOTH of my ovaries FUN. But the left one is very concerningly big and probably needs to be removed but I can only do so by getting an approval of an OBGYN. So after finding one and waiting for my blood tests to come back so she can determine if she can surgically remove it--
YESTERDAY I had a SUDDEN AND SEVERE pain that hit me. I was at a solid 10 on that pain scale and vomiting and sweating so I drove myself to the ER again for the second time in two weeks. Frustratingly, the MALE doctor came back and was just like "well it looks like while we were doing your ultrasound you weren't consistently experiencing pain" which I was ready to bite his head off because let me tell you. While I was laying stretched out letting them do the ultrasound I was in the worst pain the ENTIRE time. And it was not a short ultrasound. It lasted over 20 mins and even after they asked me if I could survive sitting through the vaginal ultrasound after which would be another 25 mins. And those are painful just for the stick poking around in your yoohoo alone. I begged for pain relievers and when I described it they were like "oh that's labor level pains"
SO Mr. I don't have a Uterus doctor, DON'T TELL ME that your machine says I wasn't in pain. He even hit me with a "well I don't know what your pain tolerance is" as if to minimize or make me feel like I was overblowing what I was feeling. Like, fuck that guy. But because technically the imaging showed that the cysts haven't ruptured or caused my ovaries to twist it was considered "non emergent" and so the just gave me painkillers and then sent me home and reiterated that the only way I could get it removed at this point was to beg my OBGYN and convince her it was an emergency. In the meantime it was "oh you'll have to live with LABOR LIKE PAINS 24/7 until they let you have surgery." In the meantime they said I should only return to the ER after I've took all my pain meds and my pain doesn't improve OR if something worse happens. like a rupture.
WHICH btw are the exact same symptoms I have today so I was like how will I know cuz I can't imagine a worse pain than this one to which they were like "shrug"
I was in tears. Oh but it gets EVEN BETTER. Called my OBGYN this morning and she said my blood tests came back and that unfortunately they detected higher than usual levels of cancer markers in the cyst so that means she can't surgically remove them for me, she has to foist me to an Oncologist so THEY can remove it. She tries to say it doesn't necessarily MEAN cancer but hnnnnnggg that does not help with my anxiety at the moment.
Now calling the Oncologist to make an appointment today was a whole ordeal itself cuz their system kept going to voicemail so I had to call all the departments until they finally let me through but I had to run back to the hospital to try to get my Ultrasound discs for them. But even then they were like "your appointment isn't until next Wednesday" because THATS when the doctor meanders into work. So I'm like OH so like, in the meantime what if something happens??? And they're like well you gotta call back your OBGYN to see if you have other options. Which turns out she is also out. Until Tuesday. So I'm like. Guess I'll die then!
I don't even want kids!!! These ovaries have caused me nothing but trouble!!! Please rip them from my body!!
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niredsw · 3 months
i really dont wanna be an attention seeker but this is haunting me for a week now and my notes app is not helping anymore so here goes nothing
TW under the cut
i never said it to anyone before but ben is the characther i feel most connected to in sbg, and its because the same thing happened to me when i was little, heres the story
i was in 2nd grade and there was this girl in class A (i was in class C) and she HATED me for no reason, she was constantly bullying me, she even threw my backpack in to the toilet once when i was not in the class. i never learned why she hated me but it was so horrible i BEGGED my parents to change my school. but they didnt do it because that was the only elementary school near my house
lets just say he didnt have mercy on me.
one day it was the long break and i was playing with my friends on a tree, we were climbing, swinging doing everything children can do on a tree basically, then this girl and her 'friends' or minions i should say came over to us and said the tree was theirs and we were not approved to play on it, me and my friends refused that because that tree was a place our class has been playing on since we started school. lets just say she went FURIOUS after hearing that, she had a brother in 4th grade and he was playing football with his classmates a few meters away, she cried and ran to her brother, saying i insulted her and i tried to hit her.
he ran to me, grabbed my throath and banged me to the tree, i was not able to breathe and he wasnt even loosening his grip a little bit, my friends screamed for a teacher and it took them almost 5 minutes to find one, i believe i passed out at some point because i dont remember some parts of it, but the next thing i remember was my whole class was looking at me waiting for me to wake up, and when i wake up,
that asshole choked me for 2-3 minutes withouth a stop and i wasnt able to talk for a week, and when i started speaking again, my voice was horrible.
i couldnt talk.
she and her brother got expelled after that but i had nightmares of that moment for 2 years, it wasnt even my fault!
i talked to pii about this a little but i never told her this part, i only told her i lost my voice a few months ago because i lose my voice once a year after that day, its usual for me now
and i am still having nightmares about that day, i was 8 years old what did i do to you that you hate me this much?
the nightmares started again and i dont want to sleep these days anymore, i hope it goes away soon
anygays this was long and no one needs to read it i just needed to write it out 'cuz i swear i wont talk about that day ever again with my own voice, now you know why i hate my voice :3
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hyukasluvr · 1 year
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Bye, angel
✧ pairing - Taehyun x reader
✧ genre - angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
✧ warning - talking about the death of a dog and a mild argument, and i think that’s it if there’s anything else let me know please!
✧ summary - in the middle of the day you get a call which you think could be one of the worst calls you’ve got in your whole life… you receive the worst news and it gets you really upset but you don’t want to let taehyun know about this… he’ll just think you’re stupid, right?
✧ a/n - this is very self indulgent since i recently had a situation like that.. only i didn’t have a taehyun to help me through but anyways, i’m sorry if i misspelled anything, whatever thoughts u guys want to share with me please do, and now enjoy!
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that was one of the worst calls you could ever receive. if not the worst one.
your mom has just called you to give you one of the worst news ever… it was your dog, your dog that had spent his whole life with you was now gone.
you were in utter shock. it was just a week ago that she had called you to tell you that your dog was at the vet and now he’s gone?
this just all seemed like a cruel joke, it didn’t feel right to think that your small ball of fur which you had spent your entire childhood with was now completely gone
you wondered if calling taehyun to come home and be with you would be a good idea… but it wasn’t, was it? wouldn’t taehyun just think you’re being dramatic? it’s just a dog isn’t? wouldn’t he be embarrassed of you bothering him at work just cause you were sad over a dog?
your head kept running around these thoughts. and now you were left there all alone holding back tears, cause even tho you were home alone. if you cried, your eyes would get puffy and taehyun would notice right away.
taehyun was out for practice and wasn’t coming back home until very late, and you were glad he wasn’t here he didn’t have to know this happened and everything would be normal, right?…
you decided to keep your mind busy by watching tv, although you knew your mind was never gonna focus on the show you put.
hours later taehyun arrived home, tired but giddy cause he’s finally seeing you after a long day of practice
"hey love! i brought some takeout” he said when he spotted your figure in the couch
"mhm” was all you answered. still lost in your own thoughts, just looking up at him once you saw him approach the sofa
"are you okay y/n? you look kind of lost” he asked while sitting down next you on the couch
"i’m great. why would i not be?” you said, regretting it a second later cause come on. what was that type of answer. ugh.
he chuckled and just pulled you up from the couch "okay then, let’s go eat before it gets cold”
you followed along sitting down in front of him.
"so um… how was your day?" you asked him.
"well it was quite stressful im not gonna lie, today we had to run over the same choreography for so long i feel like the song is still on playing in my mind right now” he chuckled and looked up at you smiling.
you smiled back at him but your eyes didn’t match your smile. your eyes looked empty and sad.
taehyun knew something was up but you didn’t want to tell him so he had to find out someway
"and how was your day, honey?” he asked before taking a bite out of his food.
"it was okay. i just did some laundry and went out to the convenience store to buy a drink" you said while poking at your food plate.
"oh! and how’s your doggie doing?” he asked looking at you expectantly
suddenly you stopped poking your food and just stared at the plate without saying a single thing. you kept your head low cause you did not want to risk looking at taehyun and immediately breaking down.
him on the other hand. he watched you intently waiting for an answer but growing more worried by the minute because you seemed to be frozen.
"love? is everything okay?” concern was evident in his voice but you refused to look at him, but you just couldn’t react and give him reassurance that everything was fine, cuz for you it really wasn’t.
"y/n! hello?” he got up from his chair and walked around the table to sit down at the chair beside yours.
he moved the plate away from you and he took the fork out of your hand so he could grab your shoulders to face him.
you felt how he moved you but you still decided not to look at him, you were not going to break down so easily. let him think you’re stupid and childish for crying over a dog? you refused to let that happen.
"love, i need you to tell me what’s wrong so i can help you” damn it! he made it so hard for you not to comply, his sweet talk got you weak to the point you almost fell… but you didn’t.
instead what you said really shocked him.
"it’s none of your business.. why do you care?”…
as those words left your mouth you felt instant regret for hurting him. he only wanted to help you but this was the only way to avoid the situation. you pulled your hands away from him and stood up to leave the table, but taehyun stopped you by grabbing your hand and standing up in front of you.
"what has gotten into you y/n? when have i not cared for you??” he was getting a bit irritated and you noticed it in his tone.
"nothing has gotten in me, why can’t i be serious for once? do you think life is all rainbows and unicorns? WELL ITS NOT!” you yell out.
you once again pulled your hand away from his and started to make your way to your shared bedroom. leaving taehyun utterly shocked at your behavior but he was definitely not gonna go after you until he heard a loud thud from your direction.
you were so mentally and physically tired from hiding your pain and your tears that as soon as your foot touched the first step of the stairs, your whole body gave up on you and you fell to the floor finally letting out that painful sob you had been holding in for what felt like an eternity.
taehyun didn’t hesitate to run to you and help you up, but your body was too weak so instead he positioned himself at the floor of the staircase and put you on his lap hugging you so tight that you felt like you could finally let it out.
minutes and minutes passed by and u couldn’t calm down, taehyun didn’t hurry you to say a single thing… he was just there telling you "it’s okay, love, let it out don’t hold back with me, i’ll be right here” which just made you more sad and mad at yourself for trying to shut him out when he’s so sweet to you.
after what felt like hours, you finally felt calm enough to tell him the truth. you looked up at him and he swore he could feel his heart break at your tired and sad eyes looking all red and puffy from crying so hard, he hated seeing you sad but this time it was different… he had never seen you in such a state that he felt totally broken but he was always gonna be strong for you if that’s what you needed.
"taehyun… my dog, my angel, my baby… she’s… she’s gone. forever.” you said trying to hold your sobs in, of course failing miserably.
he heard that and immediately hugged you tight as ever and said "oh my god… i am so sorry baby, i know how much you loved her… i truly can’t imagine the pain you must feel right now, angel. i really wish i could take it away from you”.
you separated from him for a minute to look at him to keep talking, he never let you go tho, still holding you in his arms but always ready to listen to you.
"i’m so sorry for the way i acted towards you right now-“ you saw him open his mouth to protest but you quickly told him "stop, im not finished” he closed his mouth almost immediately which made you chuckle.
"i acted that way cause… i don’t know why i felt like you would find me to be a bit childish for crying over a dogs death like if it was a person, i know you said you’d never judge me… but i felt a lot of things today after getting the news, so i really am sorry, tyun. you didn’t deserve that” you finished looking up at his eyes after trying to avoid eye contact for a while but his eyes never left yours… he was looking at you so fondly that you could honestly melt.
"sweetheart, don’t apologize! i can totally understand that when you’re upset you sometimes don’t even know what to do with all of these feelings you get and sometimes they get the best of you. but believe me. id never ever think you’re stupid for crying over a dog… especially a dog that meant so much to you and that was your partner in crime for almost your whole life” he chuckled lightly and so did you but still feeling a couple of stray tears run down your face. taehyun brought his hands up to your face and wiped underneath your eyes to take away every tear he could before continuing.
"i think you’re such a strong person for putting up with such rough paths life gives you, i am really really proud of you, love” he hugged you once again and whispered a quiet 'i love you' against your ear and you said it back before giving him a sweet little peck on the lips. "alright how about we finish eating our dinner while watching a movie, do you like the idea?” he said, now standing up and helping you stand up.
"i actually love that idea, mr. kang” you tell him teasingly. "well miss l/n, why don’t you pick a movie while i go reheat our food since i’m pretty sure it’s cold by now”.
"that sound great" you tell him before going to the couch to pick a movie to watch together.
both of you ate dinner together while laughing at a stupid comedy movie you found there, feeling so much better after everything that happened, and feeling like you’ve learned a lesson that after that you’d never hide such things from him, cause he’ll always be there for you.
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eddieandbird · 1 year
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Summary: Things become tense between you and Joseph since moving into his London flat. tw/tags: fluff|f!reader|joe’s pov|cursing|hurt/comfort|possesive!joe|drinking ment| A/N: it’s been a long while since i wrote a joe quinn blurb, hope i still got it - bird
I really can not believe you. You were out the entire night and didn’t even give a word about where you were going. I could feel my stomach bubbling with anxiety when I called your cell and you didn’t answer right away. When you finally texted me your location, I leaped up from the couch and got there as soon as I could. Anger was buzzing around my head, flushing my cheeks. I couldn’t even be bothered to play the radio. My breathing was erratic, I don’t think I was able to exhale properly until I saw you there.
I rolled down my window to see you on the curb, your lipstick smudged across your cheek and you held your strappy heels in your lap. My disappointed look met your sorrowful one before I demanded 
“That’s enough, yeah? Get in the car,” Your sigh developed a cloud in the cold London air, but not another word came from you when you got into the passenger seat. Not a “Thank you for picking me up, Joe,” or an “I’m sorry Love, I missed you,”. Just a car ride filled with thick silence and hardly audible breaths. 
Upon arriving back at the flat, you rushed to throw your shoes carelessly at the front door and stomped to the kitchen.
 “Oh that’s lovely isn’t it?” I said sarcastically, my back pressed up against the side of the refrigerator. “Not only did I wait up on you all night and find you on the street, I have to pick up your mess too. Thanks for that, Darling,” You opened the fridge, obstructing my view of you. 
“What do you want from me Joe?” you groaned, rummaging through our foods. 
“Right now? Absolutely nothing. The whole night? I was pacing the floors wanting to know where you were, then finally when I heard from you, I came to find you absolutely pissed in a gutter!” I raised my voice, something I’ve rarely done in front of you. I could see you flinched, your hand shot away from the door handle.
You slammed the fridge door closed and insisted on being inches away from my face. “You smell alcohol on me, Babe? I haven’t been drinking,” you blurted before pushing your palms into my chest. 
“Then what’s with your makeup running down your face? And why are you dressed like a go-go dancer?” I wrapped my hands around your wrists and pulled your attention back to me. “I wanted to go out… but I got lost. Didn’t even make it to the pub. Cried my fucking eyes out in the alleyway,” You couldn’t keep eye contact as you admitted it to me. 
“Now what the hell are you doing wandering around London without me? It’s not safe. You don’t know your way round here yet,” I said firmly.
“What am I supposed to do, Joe? I’m bored! I’ve been waiting all week to go out with you and you haven’t had any time for me!” You spat with tears welling up in your eyes. I broke my gaze in an attempt to prevent myself from crying.
“I thought we went over this, yeah? It’s not like I’m out at parties, I am working. Working for you, right? Cuz I love you. I wanted you to have this comfortable flat because I know how hard it was to move out here,” I strained to say. 
“Sure this place is nice but it’s lonely without you here. And I know you have to work, I get it, I just… think maybe we made a mistake,” It was painful hearing you say that. 
“S-so what are you saying? Do you want to move back to America?” My voice shook. “Because I’m telling you right now, it will not happen. I will not force you to stay… but know that I will do anything to make you want to stay,” I sheepishly held my arms out. Every fiber of me begged for you to come embrace me. “Please I-“
My pathetic monologue was graciously interrupted by you holding me. I wrapped my arms around you tightly and kissed you harder than I ever had.
“I’m sorry… I promise I’ll let you know where I’m going next time. That was really stupid of me,” You sobbed into my chest and I pressed my lips to your forehead.
“I’m sorry too. I’ll be sure to schedule dates like I used to. I’ve been busy, but I will never be too busy for you,” I picked your chin up off my chest and looked down at you. My heart melted at the sight of you looking up at me with love in your eyes. They then fluttered closed and I brought you in for another tender kiss.
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quartzalynlove · 1 year
Summary: spider-punk starts to notice some murals of him in the allies of the city
Pairing: Spider-punk x black! Fem! Reader
A/n: I feel like my writing has been so trash lately but life goes on
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The media was never a huge fan of Spider-Man, or "spider-punk" as they called him in an attempt to antagonize the anarchist. The gratitude they showed Camden's hero after taking down Norman Osborne's regime was short-lived, but that didn't stop him from fighting against injustice in his town. It didn't matter what the masses or the media had to say, Spider-man was doing good, and the individuals affected by the actions of the upper class had the words to back him.
Hobie never heard his praises sung by the media, and he didn't need to either. However, one night, while the news played in the local pub, the devil's chorus sang with his name in scarlet on their lips.
"Throughout the week there have been multiple sightings in the whole of Camden of what look to be homages to the Spider-punk," P Pattie Pendleton reported, her words sharp like lobster claws.
"Opinions on this spike-headed menace have never been too cheery in the past, but is there someone in Camden who's taken a liking to the crass criminal? This is P Pattie Pendleton as it happens."
The outspoken reporter wasn't the only one off-put but the art put up in Spider-Man's name. Hobie always made it clear that he didn't have fans. The only people that liked him grew up like he did and lived in the places he did, and he knew all of them on a first-name basis. Hobie's friends only celebrated him by supporting the movement, and he was not a symbol of the movement. He was nothing more than an instrument. It was safe to say that the giant murals plastered on the sides on buildings weren't Hobie's favorite thing in the world.
That night, he tried to look for the artistic culprit in the streets, but it was a big dark city, and all of it was their canvas. Wherever the artist was, Hobie hoped they would wait until the morning to strike again and give him time to devise a proper plan.
The next day, Hobie immediately took to the streets. Camden was divided into four sectors, and he planned on searching all of them until the culprit was caught. After having no luck with the first two, Hobie's patience was running thin. He almost called it a day until his spidey sense tingled something fierce as he swung down the street. Stopped in his tracks, Hobie perched on a lamppost that gave him a view into an alleyway. An alleyway where a large art piece of himself was being completed on a wall. Hobie kissed his teeth at the image of him posed permanently plastered onto brick. It didn't take him a long search in the alley to find the painter. They were covered head to toe in black with a spray can and stencil in hand. Before they could add the finishing touched, Hobie swung into the alley and confronted the artist.
The mystery painter jumped at the gust of wind that blew through as Hobie landed in front of them. She almost couldn't believe that he was there in front of her. For a moment, neither of them said a word, but Hobie knew he didn't like the idea of a black clad figure with a mask and sunglasses hanging out in the alley.
Hobie confronted her. "Why you paintin' pictures of me in the allies?"
The artist had to admit that this wasn't how she imagined meeting Spider-Man to be. His arms were crossed, and she could feel the distance he put between the two of them.
The painter replied nervously, not really having a solid answer. "Beautification program?"
Usually, a laugh from Spider-Man would have been an endearing and uplifting sound, but the hostile environment it entered spoke for the sound that left the masked hero.
"That it?" He asked. "Cuz it looks like you're using me to make a statement."
"Is that a bad thing?" The painter asked cautiously.
Hobie leaned against the blank space on the wall, his arms folded over his chest.
"I don't mind making a statement, but I don't like being the symbol of it."
With a slight tilt of her head, the painter glanced at Hobie and then the almost finished mural on the wall in confusion.
"Why not?" She asked. "You've done so much for the city over the years."
The eyes of Hobie’s mask squinted as he shook his head. "You don't even know anything about me."
"You took down President Osborn; your protests and movements single-handedly made harmful corporations run into the dark. You're a hero"
Without a word, Hobie stood straight before stepping towards the artist. Although she felt it was in her best interest you put distance between them again, she stayed stuck in place.
"I'm not a hero," Hobie said. "And it's not my movement it's the movement. If you wanna support it, then stop putting my face all over the city."
The artist didn't have a response. Obviously, she had accidentally struck a nerve, and it probably wasn't her place to resolve it. Hobie didn't wait for a response before swinging up and away from the alley. Watching as he left, the painter thought about Spider-Man's request. Out of respect, she did want to listen to him, but she knew the situation at hand. Someone in the city needed to protect him.
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euclydya · 1 year
Pls info dump about your system. I saw in your tag that you want to so consider this a free pass to do so I want to know all that ya want to share
ok SO the headspace changes DRASTICALLY like every few months or few weeks or so. Just a week ago it was a copy of the house we currently live in. We like,,, grew up in this house so it was Also our headspace for years as a kid and we had the vibe tht it was. The exact headspace frlm back then too bUT WE never did get to find out bc it changed AGAIN like a few days ago. smh. Now i think we're just above & outside of The Cave™™™™™ tht was discovered here earlier this year. WHICH IS REALLY FUCKING COOL! BECAUSE THAT MEANS:
The headspace survived the nuclear winter!!*
HOYL SHIT WE'RE IN THE MAIN HEADSPACE AGAIN LET'S GOOOOO <= has been stuck in Harry's headspace for the past half yearIEJFKDKFMC
[*Sometimes it just fucking gets Destroyed. Like... Semi permanently. As in, if it gets destroyed there is Very Little Chance we'll see that variation of our headspace AgainFHDJDKFKFJ and last we uhhjj Talked to anyone in the Main System, bc we are... TECHNICALLY A SUBSYSTEM! FJDJFJ, they were like Yeah no everything is fucking Destroyed <3. But that's not the case snymore ig???????]
SO w all this information actually if we rlly wanted we could probably make a decent map of the area. cuz if We jave this headspace back then we have Everythingggg it had in it back too & everything that it was connected to THAT'S NEAT WE MIGHT DO THAT!!
uhhjjj waht else. HMMM. i thuink our current front roster is neat TBH there's some guys active rn that we'd have never expected. like HI PHYS! WYD WHY R U HERE RN <3 QJAIWOSKSKDNCXN but it's fun !!!! i hope everyone innn our subsystem will fromt here at lEast once bc I Am Lov Collecting Informatión On Everyone <= Primarily fills out everyone's PK & Simply Plural descriptions. actually I think maybe everyone has fronted a sufficiently long enough time EXCEPT FOR HAND/EYE LIKE S I R GET YOUR ASS UP HERE TELL ME ABT YOURSELF BASTARD !! GJCJCKCKF all ik abt him is that He enjoys making Pokeblocks On Pokefarm. that is IT and that's NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION MY GUY but anyways.
i also think us Existing Here is so funny in itself like our asses rlly just got Possibly permanently isekai'd huh. like. like. Genuinely I don't know if our past mains r coming back at this point but that's FINE we already did the whole 96 stages of grief shit about it IF that be the case then SO be it Whatever there's pros to this life ig. like THIS body isn't on the verge of SUDDENLY DYING FOR NO REASON and also We have a cat. we have a cat!!!!! and a dog!!!!!! whaddahell!!!!!!!
there's lotsa fun shit here But there r also the Horrors. Like I PERSONALLY WOULD LOOVE TO EXIST with Out the Constant Paranoia And Delusions but IT *IS* PREFERABLE! OVER WHSTEVER THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH HARRY <3 AJSJDJF
I will say tho. When we uhhhhhhh All popped in & all we Just assumed we'd be Gone & dormant MONTHS AGO but ummmm . well. apparently not! sO the things we wanted 2 Experience have a High probability Of Happening,! Like PT is excited for Halloween and UNLESS those pirate fucks completely take over the roster within the next like week [0f.md s2 on the 5th babey!!! holy shit!!] then it's. Probably gonna happwn!!! which is so cool we don't actually... hey did Halloween exist in (source game)
man and speaking of. Memories Of The Past as we call source memories. It's a collective sys-wide trait thing All our fictives from aNY source rlly enjoy piecing together what they remember from their canons & all It's like enrichment for us. BUT we've been kinda piecing together a rough timeline of when We all formed in our canon That's our biggest Thought Project™ rn. No estimated time 4 when it'll be Complete tho probs never tbh. and w that in mind u may or may not believe who harry's first sysmate was According 2 what we've put togetherJTJEDKFKDJS
ok that's liek 5 trillion words Whoops. we r so talkatives <3 I am going to stop there it's like 5 am JFJDDKCKF we gotta go back to bedddd -E-Chem
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jayflrt · 3 months
if you left any clues in this chapter, i let you know I can’t pick it up because i felt they were left in some kinda human experiment. how have they not got alcohol poisoning atp ?? i have no clue on alcohol, since I don’t drink but assume that many shots of alcohol would be bad. or did math be wrong in my mind ? the haze felt like, it was they lived a normal life in the morning and at night some magical creatures 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛. I feel like this was a mild haze because most insane thing was doing exercises after shots. Also Jay is so smart for the presentation thing, I would have thought of it and made some kinda random thing. talking bout a broad topic but giving one single message that’s smart 🫡 I want Jay so bad honestly. be MINE JAY AHHH 🐺🐺 it’s time for me to get into my thinking chair (pls get the blue’s clue reference) and put my thinking hat on. so far im just so taken back with everything however, I haven’t lost my goal yet. I have grown some suspense towards sunoo and rest of yn’s friends. first sunoo has been acting kinda weird lately, I always had my suspense with the friend group. most close people are on the suspect list always. after the small thing Chaewon pull im so confused idk if this small agenda against yn because of her past. but I don’t want to put her on the suspect list because only issue is heeseung was in love with yn while dating chaewon. people can be nasty but I don’t think she would go that far ? but she does fit the unknown doing it for their personal gain ?cuz a little revenge for ruining her relationship (as in chaewon’s) with no actual faults of her (yn) ? I know we are nearing the time yn finds about Jay but if i ignore maybe it’s not real 😅. actually what if you feel evil and go “surprise it was yn !” the whole time and she wanted to see how far jay was willing to go hide his secret. It because equal level of betrayal on both sides 😅 okay no don’t this because wtf that’s actually insane. pause, this might be nice approach because her dad has so high expectations and shit. maybe ? just…. okay no. anyhow I have no additional, suspects so far. I saw you say this maybe be 80 parts long well sign me UPPP im so invested. wait did you already reveal the secret that they blackmails Jay with ? cuz for some reason in my mind he has fake the administration and shits like that ? and maybe manipulate with the scores for him to be closer to suspect ?? or am I just tripping ??
ALSO NEXT UPDATE ARE WE GETTING LIKE THEM CONFRONTING YN ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED OR NOT BECAUSE ILL LAUGH 🙏OR DID SHE ALREADY TELL ANTON ALONG THE LINE OF “hypnotically speaking, what if you fucked (with clothes on) your crush who is also friends with your ex and childhood bestie who is still in love with me, totally didn’t happen to me asking for a friend ?” at most random hour of the midnight 😅. I just know yeonjun would be first one to question it from both yn and jay, THERES NO WAY IN HELL HE WILL LET THAT GO. I KNOW HES NOT CONVINCED praying for jayn HAHAHAH ‼️ actually non of them is convinced im praying both of them. Jayn wanted a put of sight out of mind situation but now everyone kinda knows. and curious.
theory anon
LMFAOO i used that chapter more for relationship developments between different characters (especially jay) and i Did seed some plot points that i want to incorporate later but nothing that would be obvious right away if that makes sense 🤧 LMFAOO yeah it's kind of a lot but they'll live!! with terrible hangovers the next morning probably 😃 yeah the exercises added with their lack of sleep the entire week would've been brutal 🥲 and the constant anxiety that they're doing something wrong or gonna get in trouble for something,, and i def used this chapter to flex how smart jay's supposed to be LOL that is MY main character <33
sunoo and mc are weirdly secretive of their friendship i'd say so definitely some suspicion there ! and chaewon's intentions with trying to put jay and mc on the hot seat are interesting too,, and could potentially be because of heeseung?? jay now knows her father was the one who wrote the article on mercy health too so if not her, her father does know something about what happened there 🫢 and anything can happen !! but you're right that we're just about nearing the time that mc finds out about jay 🥲
also yes it's gonna be around 80 parts!! maybe longer?? hopefully not because i don't want to have to make a second masterlist 😿 but i gotta do what i must for the storyline 🙏 also jay's "secret" hasn't been revealed yet!! also his client got his admission into yale falsified (not his scores) but that's also somewhat hanging over his head and keeping him working for someone he doesn't necessarily like or agree with because he's already in too deep of a hole :')
LMFAOOO pretty much all of them know Something is going on between jay and mc but just don't say anything because they either don't wanna accept it (the case for hoon and heeseung LMFAO) or they're just satisfied watching it unfold before them (100% yeonjun)
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noonmutter · 1 year
DWC August 2023 Day 1/2: Beginnings/Endings, Enchanted/Horror
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"You know you'd be wonderful onstage!" "I would not." "You're doing that thing again, where you're modest for no reason." "I know fer a fact I would not, cuz ev'rytime I'm in front o' crowds, I 'ave a desp'rate need t' throw up."
"Just one teensy little whip routine." "Absolutely not." "I'd happily be your target so you're not alone and everything! Like the good, charitable elf I am!" "If y'wanna be whipped so bad I kin tie y' up in th' workshop in ten minutes." "Why are you so miserly with your myriad talents?" "Are we gonna actually test out some stuff t'day or not?"
"I heard someone humming in the shower…" "Don't." "It's almost like you do have a sense of melody in there somewhere!" "Tha' was a hallucination. You're hallucinatin'."
"I saw that." "Wot?" "That little flourish you just did on the backswing." "I did not flourish it--" "You do show off!"
"I know yer doin' it on purpose." "I'm sure I don't know what you could possibly be talking about. I'm over here doing my lashes." "Ev'ry single Tart I know 'as been tryna get me onstage at least once. Yer not special." "Well now you're just spreading falsehoods, but I'll forgive you this once."
"You know, I couldn't help but notice how insightful you were." "Hmn?" "In the gallery. Once you opened up, I thought it was going to be impossible to stop you speaking your mind, not that I'd ever want to!" "Well… y' did prod me. Kind of a lot." "And I'm very glad you took that prodding! It's always a treat to listen to you dive deep into that lyrical well of yours." "Um…" "Almost like you're absolutely brimful of creativity, just waiting for an excuse." "… Celedyn." "Or perhaps the right audience?" "Ohhh my godddd--"
"You even do it at your booth sometimes! Especially the big ones, you were doing it constantly at the Tournament of Ages!" "I am not an actor!" "Then what would you call that whole absurd persona you were putting on for your… shoe… thing?" "It was a bit!" "Leon, sweetheart, darling. Actors do bits. That's acting. You acted." "I was 'avin' fun!" "Acting can be fun." "DAGH!!"
"So you've gone and enriched yourself for another year or two. What's next?" "Not sure. I was thinkin' maybe it's time t' start lookin' fer a proper shop. Y'know, like a storefront?" "What, no other big events to work yourself into a stupor over? I'm shocked." "Nah. I think I wanna see wot restin' on my laurels feels like, yeah? We kin uh… kinda afford to, heh." "Marvelous! See, it just so happens that this year is a very important year for the Tarts--" "Are you kiddin' me--" "But it's our anniversary, kitten! You're a friend of the troupe, don't you think you could just--" "Y'know wot? Fine. Fine." "--one little--wait, what?" "Once, an' only once, if it'll make you stop, I will do a thin' onstage. Once." "Oh, Leon, fantastic! I've got so many--" "But." "Mmn?" "I get t' pick th' song." "Oh, well." Celedyn gave an exaggeratedly put-upon sigh, undercutting what little sincerity it had with the big shit-eating grin on his face. "I suppose I can make one little sacrifice for you, kitten." "Mm-hmm. I'll let y' know."
A week later, Celedyn received a letter with the Catty Crow seal on it. He was all smiles when he opened it, finding a few written pages and a recording crystal labelled 'play me.'
Ten minutes after that, he was leaving hysterical, shrieking messages on Leon's commstone. Leon chose not to answer, instead putting up his feet and watching the device dance across the coffee table while he drank his tea.
( @celedyn @daily-writing-challenge )
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 2 years
the avengers finding out teen!reader has never celebrated Christmas let alone heard of it nor any other holiday and they all try to make the week leading up to christmas extra special for her in attempts to finally see her happy + laughing which is the complete opposite of her usual self bc of Hydra and shitty parents. the whole time they’re trying to make it special for her she’s just confused by the affection and attention then when christmas finally arrives she breaks down and cries bc she’s never experienced something like this before and they all have a good time and are happy that reader is finally happy
It was about time to write about the avengers
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You were confused.
In fact, you were confused the whole week.
The avengers where a bit different the entire week. They were more affectionate and gave you more attention than usual, like when Steve walked past you and rubbed your hair or when you mentioned that you really like the idea of a certain book and Tony bought it for you the next day, or when Natasha was hyping and cheering you up more than before during training.
It's not that you didn't like it, but you just were so confused at the sudden change. You tried to remember what day it was. Was it your birthday? Even though you never celebrated it you couldn't have forgotten it, right?
But you where right, it wasn't your birthday, so what is it? Cuz there is no way that Tony and Steve would get along for no reason, these two always butt heads.
You looked to your right and saw Nat waving at you to come closer. When you walked to her she wrapped her arms around you and said "Wanna grab a coffee with me?".
"Sure," You said, a bit confused.
It's not like you hate the whole thing, it just weirds you out. Them acting this way is so out of the ordinary, and according to your past experiences, out of the ordinary means something is going to happen and you might not like it.
Your parents weren't the best. They were controlling and didn't give you any privacy whatsoever.
But what made it even worse is that you got kidnaped by HYDRA and was made into a project called 'the mist'. Basically, you can morph into the shadows and become part of it.
It's cool to have an ability like that but the trauma was not worth it.
When you went out with Nat and sat down with her at the coffee shop, you were quiet, and Nat noticed.
"Hey, are you alright? Did you sleep well last night?" She asked softly. You know exactly why she asked you that question, that's because you have nightmares sometimes about your past so its sometimes hard for you to sleep, but she stayed with you the whole night when it happened.
"Yeah, I slept well." You said, looking down at your drink. She believed you, a privilege for being a past assassin, she can recognize when you are lying and when not.
"Then what is it?" She asked, waiting for even the slightest facial expression to analyze what your feeling.
"I don't know..." You said, trailing off.
The entire time with Natasha, she was worried about you and why you weren't telling her what's bothering you. You usually told her everything since she had the same experience as you did, so she understands you more.
When you two got back to the compound and walked inside the living room, you were shocked.
"Marry Christmas Y/N!" Said Wanda from your side.
The living room was decorated with green and red things, a tree was setting in the corner of the room and gifts were underneath it.
"We heard you never celebrated Christmas, so we wanted to make the first one you celebrate special," Said Clint.
"I haven't celebrated it either, young one, so let's enjoy it!" Thor said.
They continued on, adding on each other, and to say that you were confused would be an understatement. "what does a Christmas means?" You asked, wide-eyed.
"...You don't know what Christmas is?" Bucky asked slowly.
When you realized that they were talking about something you should know about, you immediately broke down.
You faced this more often that anything, and you were tired of it. Things like school, dating, going out with friends was always weird to you and unusual.
This was the last straw.
They were teaching you about the holidays slowly to get you to live like the kids your age, but Christmas is a worldly known holiday, for you not to know it, is so painful for them.
"Hey, hey, shhh, it's okay," Nat said from beside you, hugging you to her chest.
"oh Y/N, we are so sorry," said Steve.
They all circled around you in a comforting manner, trying to soothe you down.
"We didn't know you would react this way kiddo," Said Tony frowning.
"I just can't believe the amount of things that I missed because of them! I should have lived that way instead of being abused or tested on!" You sobbed.
"We know darling, that's why we are going to make it up for you. We are going to be the family you always wanted." Wanda said smiling.
"Really?" You asked.
"Yeah, of course. You're a great kid, Y/N, you deserve this and more." Steve said patting your shoulder.
You smiled at that. You sometimes can't believe the luck you were in, but you were so glad for it. You were so glad that they are there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on, or when you want to have a good laugh with someone.
They are and always will be your family no matter what.
And you couldn't be more happy.
I hope you liked this one! And my requests are open so feel free to request fics!
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mirum-wonder · 2 years
After a week of exhausting day job with overtimes and sometimes even with a lack of time for a lunch break I observed myself being not capable of finding time to work on more robots designs for this years March of robots and seeing that I started to feel very disappointed in myself for not being capable to keep up with the pace of other artists posting robot arts daily or almost daily... while I'm not finding time to finish the so called SHADOW prompt thing (SHADOW - that's a prompt name from their official prompt list, you'll find it below) 😔
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As you may notice it's far from finished and many things will change in the final version.
But now then I think about it, if I was doing quick sketches or something more simple looking, perhaps more silly or even cartoony perhaps I would find time to make it daily, but I wanted to do more polished arts for march of robots. I really like to do all those details, cables, joints and pistons trying to make my robots in a specific way thinking about how arms, legs and other parts will bend or turn in the final version, although I'm not an engineer or a mechanic I really find a very vast plain for self improvement in projects like that making all those mechanical parts and thingies detail by detail I'm trying to practice my conceptual skills and evolve in it at least a bit. Mostly I'm trying to make my finalised robots in the way that I could pose or rigg the whole thing later to make them look more dramatic and expressive in final pictures 🤖
But unfortunately it takes more time than I can spend combining it with a social obligations and a day time job... So where things got out of hands? I went to official march of robots instagram to check out the date on the post when they announced the prompt list for this years MOR2023 🤖
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Booom! Turned out that I'm a slowpoke... I remembered about the challenge that takes place during March only the day the March started 🤪 No sh*t Im not keeping up with the pace 🙄 If I wanted to make arts the way I intended them to be, then I should start working on arts since day one after they anounced the prompt list, I would had an extra month of time to make some arts before the March starts 😅⌚🤖 But unfrotunetelly that was my first ever try to participate in a online art challenge and now I learend one big lesson... If I want to participate in somethimg like that next time then I shold start doing arts in advance as aerly as possible since the info about the challenge usually gets to be announced some time prior the challange itself... So...yeah... the more you know 😭 but any way... I decided to stop trying to catch up with the March Of Robots 2023 challenge pace, that would be healthy for me since for the scope of work I'm already month late. Sure thing I'll finish this Shadow prompt guy here and make an artwork with it, and perhaps I'll do few more artworks for the prompt list but that's basically it 🤖 Oh... and also there are some old robot artworks of mine that are laying around on my hard drive waiting for a good occasion to be published... So I think I'll post some of them this month... cuz you know...it's march and I have some old robots 😅
But the good news are is that I'm not done with online art challenges. I have made my research on this topic and googled out all the potential dates challenge themes out there to see if I can find something interesting and suitable for me. And yeh... It appears almost all year different art challenges are happening all over the internet and on different platforms. For example apart from all known INKTOBER there is KAIJUNE and KAIJULY (a fun challenges where you make/draw giant Kaiju monsters) 🐲🦖🕷️ cool huh? And many more...
I do not know If I will take part in those 2 particularly but I decided to give a try to join in to another art challenge that is coming soon... it's not started yet but it can/will start any day now (specific date is not announced yet) and yet again I found out about it later then I should have and I'm already risking to run out of time if it will start for example tomorrow, but since the official start of the challenge was not yet announced maybe I have few extra days before the start to make few artworks in advance 😁 At least I'm hoping so since I already started to make something for that challenge... Something BIG... And I hope I'll get better luck posting ~30 artworks for a whole month this time 😁😂😅
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I wonder if someone is even reading my stuff? 🤔
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doubleddenden · 7 months
The Nintendo direct wasn't too shabby. Not quite what I was expecting, but not entirely in a bad way.
Monster Hunter Stories 1 port
Epic Mickey Remake
Gundam Breaker 4
Endless Ocean Luminous/3
Penny's Big Breakaway
Out of all of these I probably want Gundam the most, simply because I wish I could get into Gunpla building as a hobby but I am just way too broke for that. New Gundam Breaker was kinda shit in the rest of the aspects, but I did enjoy messing with the parts a lot.
Epic Mickey is another pleasant surprise since I thought Disney REALLY wanted that game gone. I really wanted it for the Wii, but other things kept coming up, so I'm curious about it.
Endless Ocean isn't really a game I want to play, but I love the vibes and have pleasant memories from when I used to watch Game Grumps play the games eons ago. Multi-player could be fun to watch, and I love the idea of seeing extinct AND fantasy ocean life.
Otherwise, I was expecting Hi-Fi Rush after the whole shebang with Microsoft recently and I thought we were getting Rare Replay when I saw their logo, but sadly that's not a thing- and I was not expecting Pocket Card Jockey (mainly because its such a mid game i forgot it exists like i do the rest of their games) when I heard Game Freak would be here, although being fair I genuinely forgot Pulseman was already in NSO, and there's not really anything non-Pokemon that's noteworthy other than Project Bloom that I'd be curious about from them. A bit disappointed we still did not get a Xenoblade X port (I mean, Monolithsoft is a partner, right?), nor ports of a ps2/3ds Dragon Quest game, but hope isn't totally lost, right?... right?
Although it does surprise me they had the balls to dangle Mother 3 as a Japan exclusive NSO port. I was mad at first too, but then I saw a convincing argument: apparently the ost is a western lawyer's legal nightmare with samples and straight up copies of other works. Not to mention, from memory, there's a lot of questionable decisions that modern Twitter and Tumblr definitely wouldn't be normal about and cause problems over on any side of the argument.
Oh well, we still have that one ROM that was literally localized by real localizers as a passionate fan project, so if you're still waiting, 1. Stop, 2. A. Find a gba emulator and find the ROM, cuz you ain't getting it unless you can speak Japanese. Or 2. B. Go watch a Let's play of it. It's free, and most smart phones or pcs should be able to run it without issues.
Anyway that was the direct in a nutshell. Now we await for the Pokémon Presents (can I just say how much I hate that name? Can we just call them Directs again?) next week, and let's be honest, people are probably going to be mad one way or the other either at GF, TPC, or be like Joe and be mad at the community for existing in general (like usual) and act like he's surperior for unquestionably kissing The Pokémon Company's billionaire asses. Whatever happens, whether Unova or Johto get remakes at all in the ILCA or Legends style, a surprise (and pointless after Indigo Disk) second wave of SV DLC, or whether they remember they have Mystery Dungeon or any of the many other side games fans have been begging for again, I'm sure we're all going to be disappointed one way or another when they spend 70% of the direct on mobile games.
Anyway, that's my take.
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halswritesstuff · 1 year
a voice memo - diary entry number 34
flavors of the week
- unedited
- straight from brain to page
diary entry #34
Every week we choose someone, something, or a group of people to be obsessed with, to hate, to talk about, minor things, such as what dessert is crumbl going to turn into a cookie (spoiler: probably a type of pie) This is in no offense to crumble cookies of course but I can't help but see the similarity like the dessert example we wait to see what our people that we love to watch their every mood so we can adore it or hate it we find something that we love and look for a reason not to like it.  why do we do this to ourselves why can't we be content with our love we are told that love is the best thing the strongest thing perhaps that is why we fear it perhaps that is why we look for a reason to be rid of it perhaps that is why we look for the bad why we look for a reason to hate when meanwhile we could be searching for reasons to love more to show each other love to show the things we love love to be defined by the things we love rather than the things we don't or the bad qualities about us when we could be defined by the amazing things and our accomplishments and our goals and our dreams rather than things we don't even want to think of ourselves but because we won't focus on the things that we love that's what we become defined by so I believe crumble cookies are like High School we choose our flavor of the week our person of the week our drama of the week hour cheating scandal are someone asked a girl to prom this week or whatever has happened May It Be that we had chicken tenders for lunch today rather than fish sticks something we will find to complain about when really we could be loving it just like We complain when crumble cookie decides to make a key lime pie cookie when we love key lime pie we just are so mad that we want to find something to hate that we're mad that they turned it into a cookie and then we turn things we love and two things that they aren't And sometimes we do it because we know people will not like it but sometimes maybe we should just stop caring what other people think and just do things that make us happy even if that is turning something into something it isn't may it be asking your best friend out on a date just because just for fun may it be turning an essay about the planet Mars into how much you love your mom because somehow it's relevant but you do it because it makes you happy not because you want to make an a and then just maybe you might make an a anyway because it makes others happy and it spreads love and it defines you by what you love we're told that love is what we need they say all the time Love is All You Need Love strong love is a rock love is glue and like I said we fear it we are so afraid to be happy because we don't want it to be stolen away but if we would just stop wearing about it it can't be stolen away cuz the only person if you would find true Joy the only person that could take it away is you because Joy is inherit and cannot be taken away cannot be found in simply saying hello to the boy you like it cannot be found in a text back it cannot be found in an A on a test Joy is what happens when you decide to have joy and you're not going to be happy until you find true Joy and that is why this year I'm on the search for joy I'm not going to search for boys I'm not going to search for a new best friend I'm not only search for something material I'm going to search for Joy I'm on the search for God and I'm on the search for living my best life my truest to me life and that's how you find joy?? And that's how you become defined by the things that you love the things you enjoy things that argue not the things that are the girl that sits next to you in biology class who just seems so perfect you. not your best friend not the boy you've liked since kindergarten, not the girl who moved away who you love with your whole soul, just you. not your fears,  not the F you make on your quiz, not playing Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, not your essay about Mars not  just you and your life and your love and your joy and if that's all you care about then that's all you're going to find is life and joy and love and I think that's a pretty beautiful life to Live. So don't be a crumbl cookie don't find yourself a flavor of the week and if you are going to be a crumble cookie be a chocolate chip cookie that always sticks around. the classic. the one who brings people Joy when they're sad the one that goes great with a glass of milk if you're not lactose someone who's always there for you the one who doesn't disappear after a week the one who doesn't block you because they didn't like your outfit today or the way that you smiled at them just the one that's there the shoulder to cry on there for you and your five I'm watching Elmo's World the one that's there for you when you're 10 and you fall off your bike the one that's there for you and you're 15 your boyfriend breaks up with you so your mom takes you to crumble in order of chocolate chip cookie because that's what you always get not the lava cake not the pink sugar cookie that one out of rotation  because everyone got tired of it maybe invite the pink sugar cookie to your house maybe sit with her at lunch maybe give her a hug check up on her because I was a pink sugar cookie too once until I decided I wanted to be a chocolate chip cookie and help the other pink sugar cookies maybe they won't come back into rotation maybe she won't be popular again but at least she'll find some love at least she'll find joy at least she will share the love and the joy and hopefully become a chocolate chip cookie herself too maybe even in gluten-free one for the other girls cuz I need some love to but I don't know how this life will end or when  but I do know that when it does I will leave knowing I shared Joy I shared love and I will be remembered by those things people won't go around saying she was always so angry she was always afraid they'll say she was always joyful always happy always Fearless. She wasn't a molten lava cake. she was a  chocolate chip cookie.
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steampunkagumon · 11 months
The first "I love you" - Vandals x reader
TW for Riot's section (for implied/referenced child abuse) also getting dangerously close to co-dependency there, buckaroo
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Bro was comin' off the ketamine
Like, need I say more
There's whole viral videos about the things people can say when they just start waking up from anesthesia
So you decide to mess with him and go “Oh, I like Timmy now.”
“B-but I gave you Goldfish!”
“He gave me a cookie.”
“Whoa, a whole cookie?…”
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His frustrated screams can be heard clear from the hall. You peek your head into the computer lab to check on him, and find him fuming over some code he's working on
“I've been staring at this for over a week, and I can't find the line that's making everything go all screwy! UGH, this is a disaster…”
You walk over and give everything a quick glance, and you immediately spot the problem. Maybe a word was misspelled or something was set to “:true” instead of “:false”, something simple that he would normally feel stupid for missing.
He taps a few keys, and everything's working again! He pulls you in, planting a big kiss right on your cheek, before hugging you and practically sobbing into your shoulder. “YOU SEXY RUBBER DUCK, I LOVE YOU!!!”
yep it's the comic I reblogged the other day
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One Discord convo I distinctly remember is it getting debunked that Riot is autistic bc Pyro doesn't know if he's autistic and didn't want to misrepresent
Point is, I think their sexualities (demi) would also match up for similar reasons
So you'd have to get to know each other and really form a bond first, which is fine bc I think he'd really appreciate you as a friend
But once he falls he falls HARD
When you two are hanging out, it's almost always at your place. You only ever go back to his when his uncle isn't home
And, one day, you do learn why that is
You walked him home that night, and as you were leaving, you heard them get into an argument about him coming home so late. There was an impacting noise, a grunt, and the sounds of various metals falling and breaking
You asked him about it the next time you saw him, and he told you everything. But before you could run off and do something about it, he stopped you, grabbing you by the wrist, begging you not to tell anyone
“Why not?!”
He was quiet for a moment. “'Cuz I don't wanna go… A-and if I can wait to say anything about it 'til I'm 18, they can't put me in the system.” Tears welling up in his eyes, he hugged you as tight as he could. “I don't wanna lose you! I love you, dammit!”
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Y'know that antisocial's fear of accidentally saying “you too” to the waiter when they bring your food?
It's like that
You wrap up a call with your mom as you get your noodles from the food truck and absent-mindedly say “Gotta go, love you!”
And you stand there with your fancy bluetooth earpiece like a deer in headlights at the realization of what just happened
There's a chuckle from the window
“I love you too.” *winks*
And you see, that's where the trouble began. That smile. That darn smile.
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You work as a barista at the coffee shop in town, and you're probably the best one there at handling bigger orders
You see this guy reading the order off his phone, absolutely winded. You can tell he's already had a rough day, so you slide the card back to him. “Consider it on the house.”
You'll probably get in trouble for that but who knows?
It genuinely surprises him how fast you get the order done, that he might actually be on time for once, and it just kinda… slips
“I love you. —!”
Hand slapped over his mouth and his face turning bright red, he took the drinks and ran. You didn't think much of it, though. Just laughed it off and went on with your day
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