scatterdust-scales · 18 hours
Fun bug fact! Did you know that Vivillon?
Hope you enjoyed this fact!
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scatterdust-scales · 3 days
Working with bug types is so fun. And then stun spore :(
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scatterdust-scales · 3 days
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Something a little different from me.
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scatterdust-scales · 4 days
Flygon... on top of me....
I love you girlie, but I would like to not be confined to my bed.
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scatterdust-scales · 4 days
These actually aren't too common in more western regions, actually. It's kinda weird. I grew up in Kalos and no one ever really referred to anyone as a "Bug Catcher". It's kind of sad...
I am simply making up for this by being the Bug Adult
Actually wait- did everyone go through a bug catcher phase as a kid? I know it wasn't a phase for some people but I feel like every other kid I remember from when I was younger had a bug catcher phase at some point.
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scatterdust-scales · 4 days
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Poorly drawn Ledyba line
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
Vivillon. I have a shiny one named Shimmer. My pet buggy. Likes to sit on my head.
Oooo. I've only gotten to see a shiny of the species once, and it was every bit as pretty as I'd imagined.
Give Shimmer a treat for me if you can!
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! What's your favorite thing about humans? -Tropius
That's a weird question. I haven't really thought about it, if I'm being honest. I guess all the things we've invented over the years. I am spoiled by modern luxuries.
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
Wdym, this is how you spell them. Trust me, I'm an entomologist.
beetles are like if hairy-cross and pince-air were the size of jolt ricks
Okay enough about beetles can we please talk about how you decided to spell the species names??? Hairy cross? JOLT RICK???
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
Uh sorry for immediately launching in with all caps but I never see enough appreciation of them!!
I have a Vivillon :> name is Thumbtack
^ anon signature
You're completely right! Vivillon DON'T get enough love! It's a shame, really. They're extremely interesting since they have so many different location dependant forms, yet none are regional forms! And this isn't even mentioning scatterbug and spewpa! While they don't have the same form variety, scatterbug's ability to turn consumed poisons into its defensive powder is just amazing!
Snom may be cute but scatterbug will always be the better unevolved bug type.
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
How do you even make connections on Rotumblr nowadays? Last time I was here you just posted endless GIFs of the Onceler or Sans. Do you still do that? I hope not. Dear fucking Arc I hope not.
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
Eebydeeby entomology. Call that Gregor Samsa
open sligoogle search
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scatterdust-scales · 5 days
About Me!
Hello Rotumblr! I return with a brand new account (because I deleted my old one) after I initially left this wretched hellsite back in 2015. Almost 10 years, time sure flies, doesn't it? I highly doubt any of you WOULD be able to recognize me because time changes a person (for the better, I might add. I was THAT kind of Rotumblr user back in the day.) but if you by some grace of Arceus do recognize me (how???) no the fuck you do not. With that out of the way, let us commence.
My name is Morpho! I'm an independent entomologist working in Lental to study more about the wide variety of bug and bug-like pokemon living in the many unique environments the region contains! TECHNICALLY one could consider me lepidopterist as I mostly research moth and butterfly pokemon since they're my favourite, but I don't just limit myself to them. On top of researching bug types, I also raise and collect vivillon! They're some of my favourite pokemon and it's my dream to one day own a vivillon of each different wing pattern, or potentially even discover a new pattern entirely! Goals that seem fairly reasonable considering how much of my research in Lental involves the vivillon here.
On the side, as a part of my love of vivillon, I raise and breed a bunch of them! Tend to give them out quite often as well, or even release them with certain programs aiming to protect Lentals natural biodiversity Because of this, the pokemon I have around me tend to rotate, but there are quite a few that DO stay with me permanently! You can find a list of my pokemon here, as well as the bug types I'm currently adopting out here
Expect to hear me post whatever comes to mind, and talk about bug types CONSTANTLY. Yay!
Mystery Gift - On (Within Reason) Pelipper Mail - On (Within Reason) Standard IC Postage - On (Within reason) Pelipper Unmail - Off Pelipper Malice - Off Musharna Mail - Off Musharna Malice - Off Magic Anons - Off
This account VASTLY prefers Mystery Gift or just regular postage to Pelipper Mail. Pelipper Mail is primarily on to be able to interact with accounts where Mystery Gift just wouldn't work. Outgoing Pelipper Mails from this account will typically be referred to as Flygon Mail with certain exceptions (Mail that may go to an account set in a different time or that's very obviously in another reality such as PMD blogs)
Pelipper Mail and normal postage DOES NOT go directly to Morpho, instead assume they go to some sort of postage box that Morpho would have to pick it up from.
Any blog may Interact but Morpho may not believe people are who they say they are. She doesn't assume everyone is role players, but she is very aware people can just lie on the internet. Overall she tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, though, and won't outright act hostile or dismissive. I do request I am asked before being included in plots. I'm usually down with whatever, but I'd like to not be blind-sided by someone sending me tons of anons that someone blew up Lental or something.
Mun and Muse are Adults. I may occasionally make suggestive jokes (although nothing too outright nsfw)
Run by @cassi-pokeblogging-hub
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