#cuz i mean in a way you can say that his whole being at nrc is a way of validating his identity
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blessed-velleity · 10 months ago
... ah i just remembered
i've never. addressed it because Reasons but i've always felt like yu being trans played something of a role in his imposter syndrome, in his feelings that he doesn't belong anywhere
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mochinomnoms · 10 months ago
What do you think would happen if Floyd were to meet Riddle's mother?! Cuz I just read your Mama/Papa leech Headcanons about meeting their sons crush. But what if it’s reversed? Riddle's mother Meeting Floyd? (I would also say Yuu's parents meeting Jade, but unfortunately, that won't be happening)
“Wow, I thought Lil Goldfishie was a stick in the mud, his mama has a whole branch up her—” *gets kicked in the groin*
I have very mixed feelings about Riddle's mother, in that with the context we have right now she's a bitch and if I ever see her it's on motherfucking sight. But she must love her son still, right? Is she harsh because he wants to set Riddle up for success, but only knows the way she was raised? Is she scared of her kid getting hurt or failing, and so she tries to shield him from all possible harm? Is she so hyperaware of all the dangers in society that she feels the need to keep him in a little bubble, knowing in the back of her mind that making mistakes and getting hurt is part of growing up? A good mother would never want to see their child ever get hurt if it were up to them. I mean, she must care for him in some way, but how? In the manga or novel (not sure which) they mention that she fought back against the school to keep him in, but was that because she wanted him to have the prestige of NRC in his background or because she wants what's best for him? She homeschooled him herself to the point that he's an immensely powerful mage already as a teen, so she could've hypothetically kept doing the same thing, right? Is she a mother that truly cares for her son but suffered the same childhood, but she “turned out fine” so it must be fine? Or is she just a bitch, lol. Either way, she is emotionally and affectionately neglectful and doesn't realize it at best, and emotionally and psychologically abusive at worst.
I have a lot to say on the topic of Mrs. Rosehearts, about her parenting, the cultural differences of child-rearing that EN players and JP players might have. This post talks about it in depth, but I can say more on the topic later.
In regards to Floyd meeting Mrs. Rosehearts, probably against Riddle's wishes or while he's distracted, the poor guy is set up for disappointment. While it's implied that Mama Leech is overprotective and that she calls very often, if not daily, to check in on her sons, they still had enough freedom growing up to get into shenanigans and hijinks. I mean, they beat up a sturgeon and took some of its scales to fashion into earrings like a trophy. And they both speak very fondly of her, so Floyd is going into meeting Mrs. Rosehearts with the expectation that she might be a bit stuffy. But, she raised Riddle, his crush and favorite human! He's strict and mean at times, but he cares a lot for his dorm and is super diligent, she must be like that too!
But she's so…critical. She looks at him unamused, very standoffish, but is polite. He guesses. He can see where Riddle got his strictness from.
“Hello. Who might you be?” She probably didn't expect to have some random student, not even from her son's dorm, come up to her. He was...tall. Towered over her, and based on the color of his hair and sharp teeth, most likely wasn't human.
“Huh, you're not as red as my Lil Goldfishie is.”
She blinked and frowned, resisting the urge to chastise the strange fellow for his informal tone and rube behavior. Not her son, not her problem.
“Pardon? Do you often speak to your elders like this?” she asked, eyeing him as she turned away to watch her son give orders to his dorm as they managed an informational booth.
“Yeah, why not? They're just people. Not like I'm being rude or anything” She would strongly disagree. “You're kinda prickly, like a lionfish.”
“W-what?” She changed her mind, someone needs to put him in her place. “Now listen here, young man, it's quite rude to call people anything other than their na—”
“They're real mean, ya know. Venomous, a nuisance, can't even mess with it cause it has a bunch of spines—oh! Imma call you Mama Lionfish.” The young man snapped his left fingers like he made a revelation.
Mrs. Rosehearts had learned to control her temper, but she still had her moments, Her face been bright red, her lips thinned, and she opened her mouth to start berating the young man.
“Floyd Leech! What did I tell you about calling people names?” A tall, slender women came up to them, pale skin and hair hue similar to the man in front of her. She wore a cream-colored dress and matching blazer, adorned with gold and pearls, and a matching wide brimmed hat. She was followed by Riddle, who looked a mix of anger and concern.
“Never do it in front of people, yeah, yeah.” The man named Floyd pouted, but brightened at the sight of Riddle. “Oh hey Lil Goldfishie! What's uuuup?”
Floyd jogged over to Riddle, halting him midstep as Mrs. Rosehearts noticed Riddle almost bristle, trying to sidestep and get around Floyd. He was failing.
“I apologize, you know how boys can be!” The woman in front of her also towered over her, though not nearly as much as her son did. “My Floyd doesn't mean anything by it, he just a silly boy.”
The blue haired woman laughed, then abruptly stopped, narrowing her golden gaze as she thinly smiled.
“You're the man's mother, I assume.” Mrs. Rosehearts replied, smoothing out her skirt and clutching her hands together. “He's very...spirited. He's from the Leech family? Is it safe to assume that your the Leech family matriarch?”
The other woman's sharp toothed smile grew as she nodded. “Yes. It's not often that I come to the surface. But it's wonderful to know that I'm as—oh—well-known, on the surface, as under the sea.”
Mrs. Rosehearts wouldn't use the word 'well-known' as much as she would infamous.
“Yes, well. I would just remind your son to not so blatantly call people names to their faces.” she said, clenching and unclenching her fist in an attempt to sooth herself. “I'm not sure what your customs are under the sea, but up here he would be considered a riffraff.”
For all her talk about politeness, Mrs. Rosehearts forgot herself at time and let things slip out of her mouth faster than she processed. She knew she pressed a button when Mrs. Leech's smile disappeared.
It was only for a moment, but with the blank face and the way her gold eyes bore into her, it felt like her body and soul were being grasped by something dark and violent.
Then that feeling was gone as Mrs. Leech smiled again and closed her eyes, tilting her head.
“He'll be fine, I'm sure he'll find his people. After all, it seems he's already found someone in your son.”
Both women moved their gazes to the pair, now bickering. Well, Riddle was, the one called Floyd, was just swaying on his heels as he grinned and make a comment here and there. Each one after the other seemed to fluster her son further, his cheeks growing in color as they spoke. Most people who knew her son would assume that the red was attributed to his rage, and it mostly was. But (fortunately or unfortunately, she couldn't decide) her son was much like her. It wasn't rage that made his eyes dart away each time their eyes met for too long. It wasn't rage that made him scuff his foot every so often. And it most certainly wasn't rage in his eyes.
Mrs. Rosehearts cleared her throat, turning away from Mrs. Leech and walking to her son.
“I don't know what you're implying, but I must be going now. My son and I still need to tour his dorm.”
Mrs. Leech watched the other woman walk away, sighing.
“Oh, what a disdainful woman. And her son is so lovely too…she really is like a lionfish.”
“Yeah, it's a good nickname for her, right Mama?” Floyd came bounding over, stretching his arms. “Is' too bad she's a stuck-up, gonna real annoying if she's my mother-in-law.”
“Hm, I'll just have to overcompensate then and be the best Mama for you and the little Riddle!” Mama Leech clapped her hands excitedly, sighing in bliss at the thought.
“Oh, it will be so wonderful to see the family grow big...oh! By the way, Floyd.” Mama Leech walked away, Floyd following after diligently. “I might have mentioned a little 'something' to him about your cute rambles about him. He was so cute, all red and flushed when I said you're positively infatuated, calling him cute and—”
“Aw what! Mama!”
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a-twistedheartslonging · 7 months ago
Okay so I'm using this text to speech thing but anyway. so Jade Leach he's living his fan fic life. Like that's just how he lives. he just lives fanfiction. But that's the thing. some of the stuff he talks about in the recent update is genuinely stuff he wants to do. So whenever he was in that event and he's like "oh yeah I have a plan" and he starts listing off all the activities and scenarios that would make him stop everything he's doing and go hang out. But that's the thing. All that stuff that he wants to do is straight up activities he genuinely wants. He wants to hang out, he wants to go hiking, he wants to go discover new things and plants and mushrooms, to go out and do that with you. I just know he is SEETHING about that during the whole scene and especially when he's hiding and watching but can't come out yet. He's so mad which is probably also why he's so brutal about it and happy when he can take out his frustration. But all I can think is that if before all that book 7 stuff - because let's be real there was like a lot of time to hang out and do whatsoever before the whole book 7- but anyways let's say a reader or yuu that likes hiking anyway -cuz let's be real that place is huge, that campus is huge, the ramshackle is right there in the middle of everything plus there's a forest like right next to it- so if you were to just like walking or hiking and you had been hiking that whole time to decompress and explore (though maybe not necessarily with jade and more like as a hobby since NRC life is chaotic so maybe you didn't sign up for stuff etc). It's so over though if you end up making hiking buddies and he finds out. Especially if you two were hanging out anyways before he found out. Jade finds out that you were hiking without him and not only that, you were hiking with somebody else (considering the state of his mountain lovers club). I just feel he's pissed, very jealous though i feel like he both wishes you said something and also that he asked earlier (i can only imagine it's a scenario where you simply never know all of someone's hobbies just cause you hadn't thought to bring it up). Anyways i feel like he'd be so mad, just so mad about all of that. He'd be so mad cuz like "what do you mean that you were hiking without him? what do you mean you had a hiking buddy? you just HAD OTHER HIKERS with you?? how dare you 😡😢??" Especially since Jade has been there for a year and you know he's just so mad, he's so pissed, and he's so jealous and he wants to hang out because i know that Yuu even in canon hangs out with him a little bit but that's the point! He's sitting there and he's like "you're out there living my life, living my dream ,and you didn't even invite me???" he's so mad he's just so jealous of this whole situation
Pardon ramble, i was also using text to speech which was good because i found it easier than trying to type it up but i had to edit it and also pardon if it's tough to read since it's basically my excited speech patterns which can get rambly lol.
i think that'd be a funny fic idea.
You know, it didn't really hit me at first why he seemed to be sadistic with the fake him, but it does make sense that he would be jealous. Even intimidating guys get lonely, and he's made a few different comments before about wanting others to join and how Azul and Floyd aren't fond of his rambles or mushrooms.
I think it would be kind of funny for Yuu, alone or with their hiking buddy, to randomly run into Jade during one of his treks into nature. Why didn't you tell him you liked hiking and nature? 😠 You could have joined his club a long while ago!
You both better join his club to make up for it, if he doesn't like the other guy, they might fall off something though. I guess it would just be the two of you bonding over nature together then...
Being in his club could be a sweet deal, it's a good way to get the guy to have a positive association with you, would probably be hard for others to do otherwise since he and his brother go after peeps they find interesting.
But with this, even if your not the most exciting person, you can gain some of his interest and he might even do certain things to make sure you'll stay in the club. Say something about considering quitting the club since these guys have been bullying you and you just want to head straight to your dorm after class? Welp, it seems they recently got stuck in a contract with Azul, no need for you to change your schedule now.
Ah, the food. You may possibly get slightly poisoned by things until he decides he likes you but the fact that you're willing to try his mushroom stuff gets you more brownie points with the guy. Plus, you get free food often. I hope your like me and love mushrooms.
I'm kind of imagining a situation where you get into his club before Azul tries taking Ramshackle and when it does happen Jade is pretty insistent on getting Azul to let you stay in their dorm and is kind of anxious about you hating him because of the situation and quitting his club.
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rayroseu · 2 years ago
!! major spoilers for book 7 part 3 !!
i couldnt watch the entirety of the stream because it got released during my class D: ALSO BIG WARNING THAT THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE AKDJSK i just want to ramble💥
BUT from what i got--- ? The beginning was Idia's dream most likely and ofc, its the dream he wishes were real... where Ortho's alive-- 😭😭
I missed the following part after that but it seems Malleus was invited to the orientation AT LAST??!?!?!?!! I'm presuming that no matter what dream a person is having while asleep, Malleus is a part of it where he isn't excluded and feared???
Its well known now that Book 7 will heavily imply familial messages and from what we seen with Shroud Family so far, is that they were very communicative and supportive of each other in the loving way possible.
I assumed they were strict and cold parents before but I'm glad its wrong, cuz this is such a nice twist 💕 their dynamic reminds me of disney Hera and Zeus affection on Hercules--- I wonder if theyre showcasing this as parallel of Diasomnia's??? So far in canon, most of them rarely talk about much they actually mean w each other or even being wholesome like the Shrouds were lol But still... its undeniable theyre family as wellll 🙏
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Seems like the groovy nowadays are more 'wholesome'??? i wonder if theyre taking their whole message that "every villain isnt just purely a villain/evil" more strongly now-- 👀 idk if that will correlate w book 7 but i hope they (the devs) take time to finalize it since the impact of this overblot is so severe even I cant predict how they can mend this KAJSKAK
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I really have to watch Mickey Through the looking glass, the references are killing me--
ALSO YESSS HIGH FIVE WITH MICKEYY AAAA 🥺💕💕 IM SO glad Yuu remembers what happened!!! IVE BEEN HOPING FOR THAT, that they got to have a big role for this book!!😭😭 Thank you TWST for hearing Yuu stans collective wishes--
this is actually Mickey's Dream... The date seems to be flipped and many theorized its flipped number 15, which is Silver's Birthdate-- 👀 idk what that means and why on Mickey's place?? and beside the mirror as well💥
you know that GIF of Charlotte (Princess and the Frog) squealing with a newspaper??? THATS MEEEE--- AAAA SILYUUU FEAST!! SILYUU FEAST!!!! SILYUU NATION SO BLESSEDDD😭💖💖💖💖
when he says hold on tight while the surroundings crumbles down and we're about to get swallowed by ink blots, it is so!!!!! *delusional mind* SO ROMANTIC OF HIMMM 😭💖💕😭💖💕omg,,,, what a shoujo moment, we are winning everyone 👍🤲💕🤌✨🙌🙌
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also his magic is so complicated 😭😭 theres A LOT of conditions to be met before it can even be used--
i wonder if thats similar to how Ortho said that for Mickey to appear in the mirror (at book part 1 where the first years are at the cafeteria) , certain conditions should be met??? I mean, Silver And yuu have some parallels already... esp the fact that Lilia says during when yuu felt unwell at the party, he stated its similar to Silvers face when hes about to fall asleep--
Afterwards is Sebek's dream..... we alll collectively sobbed at this part of the livestream HNGGGG sebek why would ur dream be like that-- IT HURTS SO MUCH 😭😭😭
Malleus accepting his graduation(?) from NRC with no qualms, Lilia graduating as well and leaving for Red Dragon Nation because of his internship and not his weakening magic...🥺💔💔
Sebek's reaction at Malleus overblotting was the most relatable one (fear and disbelief) over others and his dream was the mirror to what we(the fandom) wouldve wished what happened-- IM SOBBING WHY U DO THIS SEBEK AIDUHFJEUFN!!!😭😭😭💥💔
DONT EVEN. GET ME STARTED. ON HOW DOTING LILIA WAS TO SILVER..!!!! like wthhksjdj THATS SO EVIL TWST!!! THATS SO LETHAL MALLEUS OHMYGOD--- so evil to use everything silver wanted from lilia just for him to stay in this dream where::
-lilias healthy, lilia is staying w silver, lilia is caring to him, and how hes returning to briar valley to live with him forever??? BRO HOW MANY TEARS WERE SHEDDING TONIGHT HUH...--💔💔💔😭😭😭
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I always love his voice, it seems his tone is so harsh and cold now when he overblotted its so sexy--- and at the same time terrifyingggg 👍🛐 Kazuki Kato, I love his performance in this, this is so haunting in the most agonizing way 😭💚💚
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byeee i never wrote a reaction post as long as this before KDJKAKD
theyre really dropping the obvious hints that crowley is a fae alright....⁉️⁉️👀👀
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AND IT ALL ENDED JUST LIKE THAT AAAIUSIAUSU!!!!! 😩😩😩 I WANT MORE BUT AAAA too much information will make me overload now akdjksd another long few more months before part 4 releases 😳😳 AND OOO I CANNOT WAITTT
my prediction is that theyre delving more into briar valleys history in the lens of Lilia's past.
My interpretation is that Lilia's dream related to his past is bcs he kind of whispered to himself that the reason hes leaving is because of his weakening state and how he doesnt want to wish anyone to see him like that.... I guess his wish was that he could be as strong as he was before... Really reminds me of Mulan's father 😭
"malleyuu divorce" is my fave phrase from op from now on lol
livestream of book 7 part 3
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ambimakesarts · 2 years ago
I would love to hear you talk more about ortho 💙 your headcanons, opinions, everything!
Are you sure about that?
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Jokes aside, I really do enjoy Ortho's character so much and it does bother me a bit that some people just write him off as this "perfect uwu little brother who wouldn't hurt a fly" type of character cuz he would hurt a fly. He's like all the other NRC bois who choose violence first. He always had these little hints that he wasn't this perfect little brother type from the beginning, it's mostly in his card stories. Like even in the EN translations for his burst gear card Ortho himself says he habit of pulling pranks. Like if you set Ortho's burst gear card to the homescreen, he has a line that is straight up him admitting to pulling pranks when the classrooms are empty, and that's from a card released before the Ignihyde chapter.
Obligatory long post ahead cuz I really did go off, also mild spoilers for the Ignihyde chapter and some untranslated events cuz that's when I really fell in love with his character XD
Like yeah, Ortho really does care about Idia and Idia's well being but he wasn't able to truly express his his own wants and interests until he was rebuilt after the chaos that was chapter 6. Like before that, the Tweels had to threaten Idia to give Ortho athletic shoes so he can run around like everyone else, and then there's Ortho's burst gear card where Ortho ended up apologizing to Idia after wanting Idia to go to the opening ceremony in person with him and Idia ended up not going, and Ortho really felt bad about pushing Idia to do something he wasn't ready for, he usually puts Idia's interest first. Sometimes Idia would cave into doing anything Ortho wants, so long as it doesn't involve Idia having to be social and going outside, but that was before chapter 6, in some events and after chapter 6 Ortho gets his way more when it comes to encouraging Idia to be more social and going outside sometimes, like the sled race event where Ortho just pushes Idia into the mirror alone and he turns back to Epel and MC like 'please take care my brother, he needs friends'. Or like the Glorious Masquerade event where Ortho tells Idia to go on the exchange trip so that when he comes back they can visit Flower Town together so Idia can show him all cool places they never mention on travel blogs. I also love that near the end of the Ignihyde chapter when Ortho is technically free from Idia, he still chooses to be Idia's little brother cuz he genuinely cares about Idia even if he isn't the real Ortho.
Also Ortho's dorm SSR where he basically learns nothing and just ruins the high school lives of two random Diasomnia students for saying mean things about Idia. Like boi just projected some embarrassing videos of those students for the whole school to see and then PRETENDS HE HAD NOTHING TO WITH IT WHEN TRIEN IS WONDERING WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON, and the fact that Ortho's dorm SSR starts off with Ortho actually firing his magic beam indoors at those two Diasomnia students, like he was about to kill them with zero hesitation and Trien was more concerned about the school being damaged instead of the fact ORTHO NEARLY KILLED TWO PEOPLE! I want more of Ortho pulling stuff like this in events cuz before chapter 6 all we got was Idia mentioning it in his Halloween card lines. Like 'If you don't give Ortho candy on Halloween you'll regret it.' After his Dorm SSR was released we finally understand why you don't want to upset Ortho, boi can plot your downfall and pretend he didn't just ruin your life..
Like let this boi be more of menace in game please, he's already threatened to destroy NRC twice in the Ghost Marriage event cuz no one wanted to help Idia, and nearly killed those two Diasomnia students cuz he actually fired his magic beam indoors, and I'm still impressed with how many people pretend he's some innocent angel after the threats of violence he's made and committed to in that event and his personal dorm SSR.
As for personal headcanons I have about Ortho, I have one for post chapter 6 Ortho, cuz he's basically his own person now. So I like to think that as part of his Film Research Club activities, Vil has Ortho do acting exercises instead of just doing technical film work to help Ortho with his creative thinking, which was the only thing Ortho wasn't truly able to do before chapter 6, cuz like he can just do a quick internet search and solve like every problem ever, but he isn't use to interrupting things with his own thoughts and ideas, and I like to think he also has to make his own costumes for his little acting roles to also help with his creativity. Also, Fairy Gala IF is my fav event with Ortho cuz he really gets to express himself and learn what it's like to be a human, I just love seeing his character development in that event, which is where this headcanon comes from.
I also just like when cute characters are also deadly menaces that can destroy you with ease. XD I just love that trope, it's a personal thing for me, in general the whole "looks can be deceiving" thing is my favorite character trope in fiction and with everything I've seen in game for Ortho, he meets that specific interest of mine. -w-
That wraps up my Ortho thoughts, for now. I hope the Diasomnia chapter gives both Idia and Ortho more character development now that Ortho is his own student, and Idia doesn't have Ortho by side his as often as he did before.
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dreamofjoys · 3 years ago
Hiฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ! can i have a request? like how
The nrc student + neige would react after they find out that mc is a girl? . like she covered her gunder cuz yk daddy issue kinda like her father wanted a son more, so he married again and he cares for his son more than her so at young age she started to hate her gender and learned material arts
Anyway than you for reading my dear❤(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
hi! i was actually gonna write a scenario about this for only vil,rook, malleus and lilia(cause im more familiar with their style) but i did not expect someone to send a req about this HAHAHA . I tried to write all of them as accurate as possible! sorry in advance if they seem a little ooc >_< thanks for requesting~
scenario: being in an all boys school is easy, after all, you were used to disguising yourself as a male. no one suspected your gender, why would there be a female in an all boys school? it wasn't until you confessed to them that you are a female ......
characters involved: all nrc + neige
tw: some spoilers event stories
*inserts his in game shocked face*
yeah he was REALLY shocked
isn't this an all boys school? why is there a female here? did you just broke a rule?!
he is quite obsessed with rules but will calmly ask you why did you decide to hide your gender and stuff
when you told him about your reasons, he understands and sympathizes you
he feels like your dad does not deserve you
(i mean his mum literally have high expectations for him and stuff so he can understand hating your own gender when you feel unappreciated)
will offer you comfort and support
you know how to learn martial arts? that's cool! you can defend yourself in this place full of....chaotic kids /and maybe help to discipline adeuce
you might wanna teach him martial arts so that he can stand up for himself in front of his own mother
trey clover
another one that is also really shocked
will also calmly ask why are you hiding your gender and stuff
when he knows about your dad, he offers you comfort and support
" your gender does not define you. do not let your dad's action affect you. it is not worth it."
bakes you cakes and any treats that you like :)
you learn martial arts? he is interested to know why you learn them!
automatically becomes that ideal over caring dad that you never had
carter diamond
cay-kun is surprised!
shocked person number 3
doesn't change much around you, probably gets more flirty LMAO
he has 2 elder sisters, so i don't think he minds that you are a female?
huh? you disguised yourself as a male cause you hate your own gender?
kindly asked to see you in your female form... cause he wanna take pic and upload this precious moment on magicam
brings you out and say funny jokes so that you won't feel awkward being the only female in the school(and also to make you feel happy)
will definitely ask you to show him some cool martial art poses so that he can do it and make his magicam looks more cooler lmao
you are his bestie now eheh
deuce spade
your a girl this whole time???why????how????
he freezes on the spot instantly
starts to stutter when he talks to you
come on... have you seen the way he speaks to the ghost bride in the ghost marriage event ? T-T
when he heard about your dad, he starts to feel bad for you
how could someone do this to their own child?
he starts to feel even more grateful for his own mother
don't worry, he still treats you the same, maybe a little gentler
maybe not that gentle after he learned that you can do martial arts
probably suggests you to use that skill of yours to fight your step bro LMAO....
secretly can't wait to see you fight someone with your skills
ace trappola
you are a female??? that's so cool!
but why did you disguise yourself? oh you hate your own gender cause of your own father?
will give directly tells you that you being a female or male, does not change the fact that you are still you, so you should not bother about how other people treat you, and that includes your own family
his opinion towards you does not change at all, will still offer to help you, and maybe teases you more
also, why not use that martial art skill of yours to challenge your step bro? #2
leona kingscholar
the first time he met you, he instantly knew that you are a female, but doesn't question you
doesn't bother you as long as you don't bother him
when he learned that you disguised yourself as a male because you hate being a female....he is confused
then when he learns about your father.. oh damn, he can understand why now
he too, was casted out in his family simply because he is the second born
if you ever step on his tail by accident, he will just let it slide
does not care if you know martial arts or not, just don't try to challenge him :D
ruggie bucchi
?????????????? why ????
and most importantly... how did he not noticed?
oh you dislike being a female?
he does not understand why, and probably doesn't bother about it
oh is cause of your dad? well i guess he would feel bad for you
you learn martial arts? definitely doesn't want to offend you lmao
jack howl
jack has a keen nose, but he tends to be a little oblivious
the first time he met you, he doesn't notice that you are a female
it was only after a few more interactions with you.... the scent that you give off is different from others
and the monthly period thing... just gives it away
this can go both ways, he either ask you about it(cause he wants to help you) or just wait and see how things go
when you tell him about the reason why you disguised yourself as a male, he is angry, not at you but at your father
is definitely slightly more overprotective around you
there's a defenseless girl in an all boys school! how could he not look out for you?
haha you learn martial arts? good, you can protect yourself. maybe you guys can go train together and exchange your skills
azul ashengretto
if you are going to tell him that you are a female, please don't
uses this information to blackmail you and ask you to help him do things lmaooo
oh people already know? then i guess that's too bad
will ask why you are doing this and blah blah blah
oh you hate your gender? your father prefers your step bro over you?
he is probably gonna say that's too bad and is life (you can always rub his wound and tell him about how he used to get bullied lmao)
will advertise some products to you...to help you disguised yourself better as a male (is a marketing opportunity to him)
oh you learn martial arts? perhaps he should group you with diasomnia.. and label you guys as one of the people to not mess with (cause he doesn't want his ass to get kicked)
jade leech
he SUSPECTS that you are a female, but doesn't ask
man just sits back and observe how you deal with choatic boys around you (is like an entertainment show to him)
when you confessed that you are a female, he acts surprised even though he is not lmaooo
will ask you why you are doing this
eh you hate your gender? he thinks it can't be helped since you are naturally born as a female
oh it's cause of your dad? well i guess some people are just a bastard
will ask you some questions about... period... simply cause he is just curious lmao
you learn martial arts? that's cool, do all females learn martial arts?
overall he will just ask you questions lmao... is probably his first time seeing a female on land so
floyd leech
also another one that suspects you are a female, except he confronts to you about it
eh, shrimpy is really a female?
he wants to squeeze you even more now, just to get the feeling of how it would be like to squeeze a female that belongs to the land
hmm you hate your gender? it can't be helped #2
it's because of your father? damn, he can help you to squeeze your father though ~
you know how to do martial arts? HAHA you either run or fight now, cause his desire to squeeze you even more just went from 80% to 200%
kalim al asim
kalim is deifinitely shocked, but he is happy!
he has a female friend now! will throw a banquet to celebrate the friendship between you and him
when you told him about why you disguised yourself as a male, man feels sad for you. how could your own family do such a thing to you?
well, all the more to throw banquet for you
don't worry! is just a full on 8 course meal with plates that are made from gold. he will invite world class performers to perform for specially for you, ride on the flying carpet and pick whatever treasure you like from his "store room" jamil is definitely diagnosed with high blood pressure
gets excited when he learnt that you can do martial arts, will want to see you do it and will definitely praise you
jamil viper 
yeah cue in his shocked face 
you are a female?? why are you here then?? 
when he learns about your reasons, he is understanding and doesn’t push any further 
you being a female doesn’t really affect him 
no wait, it does, since kalim is being too excited and wants to invite you to breakfast lunch and dinner everyday
and now he gotta cook more food...
stress level just went up
?? you can do martial arts? might just open his eyes a little bigger so that you won’t hurt kalim
don’t worry, he loosens up once he realised that you are not a threat ^-^
vil schoenheit
he knows, cause rook told him, and also cause he noted that you were kinda different from others 
this can go both ways, if you guys aren’t close, he will keep his mouth shut about this matter
but if you guys are close, do expect him to ask you why
is not that he wants to intrude your privacy or anything, he is just curious as to what made you do such things
ah you hate your gender? vil definitely frowns. he thinks that is a part of you and that you shouldn’t hate something that defines you
oh...... is cause of your father? he favours your other sibling more? now vil is angry. who does that to their own child??
don’t worry, he will definitely give you tips and tricks to improve your overall appearance and your mental state (so that you can outshine your stepbro)
he only humms when he learns that you know martial arts. sure it might seem cool to others, but can you do it elegantly tho??
don’t worry, this man meant no harm hehe 
rook hunt
LOL he stalks everyone around NRC, so he is probably the first person to find out that you are a female 
confronts to you about it, and ask tons of questions + praising 
“why did you decide to hide your gender?” “oh my eyes has been blessed by a true beauty~”
when he learns about your reasons, he frowns ever so slightly
“ah, that’s not a very beautiful thing that your father is doing”
also.....just keep on praising you about how good you look when you are in your female form
i mean... pomofiere is a dorm based on the beauty queen, that means queens are 101!!! and you are no exceptions
you can do martial arts? tres bien~ care to play a game with him? you be the mouse and he will be the cat 
epel felmier 
you are a female???? he thought you were just like him lmao...
gets a little shy around you 
when you told him about the reasons why you were disguising yourself as a male, man’s jaw dropped 
you hate your gender??????? :( 
feels kinda sad for you 
will punch your father for you though, just say the word and don’t let vil find out about it 
will shyly ask you to teach him martial arts cause he wanna look cool lmaoo hHAHHA such a cute baby lol 
idia shroud 
is this some kind of anime or what
why are you disguising yourself as a male 
are you an undercover agent here to blow up NRC?? O.O 
nah he is just exaggerating lol 
stutters a lot
i mean he usually stutters.... but with you is just extra more stuttering 
so he just runs away lol....he is not familiar with females 
ahhhhhhhh you hate your gender? mannn will suggest you to just wear full body suit to hide your identity lmao, easy
your dad doesn't like you that much cause you are a female? will literally suggest you to change gender... 
you learn martial arts? so does this mean that you can kick his ass?
idia is never coming out of his room ever again
he is convinced that real people are scary
ortho shroud
“ah! not even my data can predict this!”
someone please tell him that data prediction is not everything, but he will definitely remember this as a rare case 
will ask you why you are disguising yourself as a male
ah you hate your gender?:( does research about the difference between male and female and then proceeds to state all the pros of being a female 
unlike idia, ortho is more understanding and tries to give you support
martial arts?? dayum, it reminds him of that one anime that idia is currently watching rn
will try to put you and idia together lollll 
malleus draconia 
this man is old
im quite sure he has seen a fair share of females before, but never really interacted with them 
when he first saw you, he already knew that you are a female loll but decided not to say it 
he also kinda wanna see how this drama will unfold lmaoooo
when he learns about your reasons, he is quite shocked
why would you hate your gender? poor dragon boy does not understand
are all human fathers like that?
don't blame him please, he is not heartless, he is just relatively confused about how humans relationship work
"male or female, you are still blood family. one should not let their own gender interfere with the family bond"
doesn't really know how to help you, but will share some of his ice cream with you :D
eheh you learn martial arts? maybe you can teach silver and sebek
lilia vanrouge
the first time he saw you, boom, adoption time
he knows your a female, and is not bothered by it
will ask you why you are disguising yourself
you hate your gender?? why???
your father dotes on your stepbro more than you?
that's not your father anymore
your new father is lilia vanrouge
isn't it wonderful? you have a war criminal war general as your father :D
(i do see him as someone who wants a daughter though)
you learn martial arts? kekek maybe you can be silver's new sparing partner! and also sister
best dad ever = lilia vanrouge
doesn't rlly know why you are doing this and how did you not get caught
also a little concerned by your well-being in this school
this school is full of chaotic dudes, are you coping well?
when he learns about your reasons, poor boy is sad
i mean even though he is an orphan, he has an adoptive father that loves and care for him a lot
he is not good with words, but you can tell him anything that you want, and he will do it for you
you can do martial arts? please train with him, he wants to improve his skills (and learn more about you)
unlike idia, he is fully convinced that you are a spy lmao
calms down a little after he hears about your situation
ahh...that was....unexpected
idk why but i can see him saying that all humans are like that
this is the time when you should use your martial art skills to knock some sense into him
cues his shocked face
so you know martial arts..?not bad.... for a human....
wanna spar?
Neige Leblanche
he is happy!!!
a female friend??? say no more
gets a little sad when he learns about your situation but is okay, this pretty boy here will make you happy
brings you out to shopping, gives your praises, cooks with you and etc
you can do martial arts? he will be interested to know how did you learn it. was it easy to learn?
might ask you to teach him a little so that he can use it for his career
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yan-twst · 5 years ago
would you do a scenario with leona, his s/o, and cheka just chilling in his room when cheka's just like, "leona oji-tan why don't you marry y/n so we can be a real family?" and leona, being smug as he is, just rolls with it?
warnings: none
they / them darling
Leona had to admit Farena had some nerve to keep sending Cheka over on the weekends to NRC, especially since the second-born was quite vocal on his dislike of the practice. However, Farena was stubborn as always, turning a blind eye to his brother’s complaints and insisting on sending his son over to bond with his uncle; which led to the usual scenario of Leona, his darling, and Cheka all relaxing in his room.
“Ojitan, can we go swim in the lounge?” asked Cheka, happily bouncing on the bed as Leona tried his best not to snap at the little brat.
“It’s a bit late, Cheka... You might catch a cold if you swim now. We wouldn’t want your mother to get mad...” Leona’s darling said, trying to get the young lion to settle down. The weather in Savanaclaw may have been controlled by magic, but it was still somewhat linked to a real Savannah; the nights became chilly, and the last thing Leona or his darling wanted was Leona’s sister-in-law calling to ask why the crown prince had caught a cold.
“Boo...” the young lion puffed his cheeks out, then crossed his arms. “Then can we at least play?”
“Don’t be too loud. I’m trying to sleep.” warned Leona as Cheka bounced off the bed.
“Ok, ok! Let’s play house!” cheered Cheka. “Hmm... Ojitan has to be the dad!”
“Oi, you already have a dad, brat. Want me to send you back to him?” said Leona, tail swishing. He wanted to sleep, damnit- perhaps even cuddle his darling, but there was nothing he could do as long as the tiny menace called his nephew was here. 
“Eh, no! I wanna play with ojitan and my friend!” he said, arms crossed. Cheka had taken to referring to Leona’s darling as his friend; granted, the little lion was so heavily guarded in his day-to-day life, that it wouldn’t be odd if he truly did see the older NRC student as a friend. “Um, can we still play house...? If Ojitan doesn’t wanna be the dad, then... I’m the dad! And I’m married to Ojitan’s partner! And, and, Ojitan is the kid!”
“Pff-” Leona’s darling held back a laugh at how quickly Leona shot up from his resting position at Cheka’s organization to play house; it seemed that Leona wasn’t pleased with being designated to be the kid, even less with Cheka deciding he’d play the role of his darling’s husband.
“Huh? No way. We aren’t playing house.” growled the lion, brows furrowed.
“That’s so boring, Ojitan!” whined Cheka, crossing his arms, but seemingly dropping the idea. Leona’s darling sighed- Leona had exhausted all of his “decent uncle” energy already, and it seemed like the lion really wasn’t up to deal with Cheka’s antics now. “... Leona ojitan, why don’t you and your partner get married for real? That way we wouldn’t even have to play house, cuz you’d be a family!”
“Gh- that’s-!” Leona’s darling choked on air, coughing a few times in a poor attempt to come up with a response to the young lion. That brat-
“Oh?” Leona quickly noticed his darling’s shock, and smirked. Well, it wasn’t as if they’d never mentioned marriage before- being from a royal family, Leona was expected to marry at some point, and he’d let his darling know- of course, they’d both need to graduate first, and then present them to the people of his kingdom (although... Leona bitterly doubted many would care about the second prince’s marriage); however, it seemed like the idea of marriage being brought up by someone else had flustered his darling... And if Leona liked one thing, it was to tease his beloved. “Well, Cheka does have a point, doesn’t he?”
“Wh- I, um-” Leona’s darling was bright red, as Cheka peered at his uncle and his darling with big, curious eyes, perhaps not understanding the conundrum he’d caused.
“Yes!! I wanna scatter the flowers in Ojitan’s wedding! And, and- uncle Ruggie can bring the rings!” Cheka clapped excitedly. Ruggie would probably run off with the rings, was something Leona thought- but it was currently teasing his darling time, not teasing Ruggie time. “Pleaase! I wanna throw the flowers!”
“I- yes, of course, but, um-” Leona’s darling was all over the place. How to not make Cheka sad in this situation but also make him understand a marriage wouldn’t be happening until a couple of years was a strategy they did not know how to manage.
“Oh, so you agree? Mhm, that’s nice, I also think Ruggie would make an interesting ring carrier.” said Leona, slinging an arm around his beet-red darling’s shoulder. “I’d be more interested to see what sort of attire you’d wear, though... It’d be a traditional Afterglow Savannah wedding, wouldn’t it? Hm, perhaps I’d have to walk you through the traditions... That’d be quite a pain, though...”
“Ojitan has to be nice to his future spouse!!” said Cheka, jumping in to defend Leona’s darling. “Dad says married couples always have to be nice to each other and help each other! That’s why he always listens to mom”
“Yeah kid your dad says a lot of bullshit he doesn’t mean. The old man is probably just scared to disagree with his wife.” Leona said under his breath, so low his darling barely caught the bitter words. He quickly shook off the dark thoughts and went back to look at his darling with a smirk and playful narrowed eyes. “Well then! Do you think the ceremony would be better at day, or at night?”
“I- Leona, you can’t just- ask that now-!” his darling said, eyes flicking from Cheka to their boyfriend. “I- um... Evening...? Wait, that’s not- that’s not the main issue here-”
The topic had been enough to get Cheka fired up, though. The little lion was practically jumping all around the room, raving about how “cool” his ojitan’s wedding would be, and that he’d be the best flower boy ever- from the way he spoke, it was clear he hadn’t actually seen any weddings, and all his knowledge probably came from his parents’ wedding pictures and stories they’d tell him of their wedding. Leona chuckled, mildly entertained, then turned to look at his still-flustered darling.
“Hey,” he said softly into their ear, arm still around their shoulder. “I’m just messing around with Cheka, don’t think I’m gonna pressure you into a wedding so quickly. I know we both have to graduate, and being thrown into the royal family is messier than you’d think.”
“However... I’ll keep in mind you’d prefer an evening wedding- you know, for when the day comes when we do get married.” he said with a chuckle, pressing a little kiss to their cheek. 
The peace of the moment was instantly shattered by Cheka’s delighted “Ojitan just kissed his future spouse!!” that surely resounded through the whole dorm.
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deescade · 3 years ago
Hello again Nene-san! 🤗
I hope you're okay wherever you are right now. Since today was my first day at school (face to face), while I was walking (lunchtime) I was doing your latest click and drag game as a staff member of NRC. The crazy (well not that crazy) part is that I almost bump into someone making her bottle fall and I decided to help them when suddenly a hand freaking touched mine and we gave it to her and walks away like nothing happened. The other guys who saw it teased the guy, but I didn't heard it that much because of the volume of my music. Anyways, here are my results.
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Well it would make sense Lilia would be the top student, he is all about family and has been taking care of Malleus. Surely, he has the most experience when it comes to protection.
To think I'm calm would make it sense that I am close to Trein because poor guy only wants peace. I don't know why Vil likes me but ok. It's obvious he's into potions, (and I'm not that pretty so...)
Crowley as an admirer ??? Can't even prioritize a magicless human? No thank you. Vargas would sometimes not like me because of vibe differences.
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The only thing that makes sense that Silver would be the first is because when he poses when sleeping (any sleeping position of him makes everyone swoon)
Rook likes— wait scratch that, LOVES anything beautiful so it'd make sense when art is where you create the most little thing into a gorgeous piece of art.
We would be the best buddies with Sam because of FUN, though I would find his ways spooky but okay. About Crowley... YES. I definitely will disagree with his antics and be concern about the school and Yuu.
Trein as an admirer might be more platonic than romantic, this guy's has (theoretically?) a whole family + grandkids.
Trey must be immune due to have the most chaotic dormmates of Heartslabyul, and must be amazed on how I set things??
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I simply cannot understand why Jade would be the top of my class, especially when it's animal linguistics. He is an eel but it still doesn't make sense to me. But Malleus picking me as his fav teacher? ���🔥 YES! I'm boring so what?? I'm his fav teacher what else could you expect?
Being closest and having an admirer like Crewel would say so. I mean how can you not? He maybe got intrigued and made me his model for his clothes. (very easy to imagine.) Trein disagrees with me? Might be because of other matters, I'm boring so why aren't we friends??🤔 No offense but kids sleep during your lectures. That's no 🧢.
In Sebek's case is really simple, it's cuz Malleus likes me. Period, no explanation needed.
I hope you're doing fine and do tell me your favorite among the 3, stay safe always Nene-san 👋👋
Hi Chiyo!! Yes, I'm doing okay!! I'm actually kind of sick right now but otherwise, things have been alright! 🤧 hope you've been great! ❤ congrats on getting through your first day! I see you had a bit of a k-drama moment there, haha 😆
Ooh!! I think I like the last one the most, it's quite interesting and funny! You got a lot of my favorite characters, Malleus, Jade, and Crewel! You didn't have to roast Trein like that tho 💀😆 your commentary was hilarious, I love it!
You stay safe as well, Chiyo! Best wishes for you at school!🙏💙
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