23 | Female | USA | Science fiction and Soviet music are my passions. Here you'll find plenty of Star Trek and the occasional Slavic one-hit wonder.
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I’ve never seen one like you before, almost human.
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“Behavioral activation is one of the most important CBT skills used in treating depression. It has to do with the way that behaviors and feelings influence each other.
Behavioral Activation is based on the well-researched understanding that depression often keeps us from doing the things that bring enjoyment and meaning to our lives. This “downward spiral” (explained in the first chapter of this manual) causes us to feel even worse. In Behavioral Activation we work to reverse this cycle using our actions and choices.”
Behavioral Activation involves:
Understanding the “vicious cycles” of depression
Monitoring our daily activities
Identification of goals and values
Building an upward spiral of motivation and energy through pleasure and mastery
Activity Scheduling: purposefully scheduling in enjoyable and meaningful activities
Problem solving around potential barriers to activation
Reducing avoidance
Working as a team to make gradual, systematic, sustained progress. Change doesn’t happen overnight!
Using between-session assignments. Practice changes the brain, little by little!
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People can get a bit like, “Oh my God, your life is different than mine.” But no, it’s not. Everyone’s got the same problems. We all get jobs, and we lose them. We have a good time, and we don’t have a good time. That’s it, you know? It’s changed in that some people have a certain expectation of what they might find when they meet me, which sucks, because I’m not that thing.
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Since her youth, Cersei has been commodified and objectified by nearly everyone around her. Losing her mother at age four, her closest points of reference were Tywin and her brothers. Therefore, the primary understanding she has of herself is through the men around her. […] When Tywin orders her to marry Loras Tyrell, her face first lights in anger as she informs her father that she is the Queen Regent and not some broodmare for him to marry off. Seconds later, it dissolves into a desperate sort of sadness as she begs him, “Father, don’t make me do it again please.”
It is hard for me to understand how someone could fail to see the complexities of Cersei’s character. She has never been the sort of one-dimensional sociopath that Ramsay Bolton was, even her most horrible acts have been motivated by her desire to protect both her children and herself at all costs. Many of the shows fan-favorite characters have committed similarly murderous acts, yet they remain beloved because their motivations are understood as more sympathetic than Cersei’s. Even her twin brother Jaime, who is similar to her in almost every way, is seen as a much more redeemable and loved a character than she is. Cersei, of course, has understood these double standards her entire life and sees how things fall around her differently because of her gender. (x)
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reminder that this blog only supports one queen, and that is Her Grace, Cersei of the House Lannister, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms
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Cersei, Qyburn, and The Mountain in King’s Landing during the Battle of Winterfell
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Lena Headey: “As usual with Cersei, she’s trapped in a web of her own making.”
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Helping the starving, American-style. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, c. 1970s.
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Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones Season Eight
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i hate that i’m so absent as a person. i don’t start conversations. i can barely maintain them. i’m so weary and spaced out all the time to the point where i can’t even keep up small talk and i’m just so disappointed in myself
#depression#anxiety#i feel like i'm halfway to becoming a normal person again but this is the main thing i can't overcome#it's like i've forgotten how to be human
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7 depression tips and why they work, from someone who’s been hardcore depressed for two years
hi so im recovering from a really mean depression and there are some things i learned and that i would like to tell you.
1. you need to reappropriate your space and time. depression is lying to you and generally shrinks your living space (aka: you spend your time in bed/behind your computer/in your room…). visit and do something (even if its just scrolling down social media) in each room you have access to. expand your perception and space, you’ll breathe more easily.
2. plan depression outfits. a depression outfit is a comfy one you still can go out in. to me, it’s old ripped jeans and a turtleneck, my old work uniforms, sweaters. dressing up is one of the most important parts of managing depression. first of all, you’ll feel less like pathetic with proper clothes on (nothing worse than staying in your pj all day). secondly, and it’s a crucial point: it allows you to get out to run some errands. imagine you have to go grocery shopping or to the post office. if you’re in your unwashed pajamas you’ve been wearing for three days or more (been there done that) what you have to do is to undress, shower (if you can), and put on real, clean clothes. which is three things. depression messes wih one’s ability to start things, so it’s very likely you’ll drop your errands and just stay at home feeling like shit. but if you’re already wearing clothes, you just have to put on a coat and get out of the house. which is, trust me, 10 times easier than doing the whole dressing up thing.
3. it’s okay if you stay the whole day in bed but force yourself to get up in the morning (anytime before noon) and drink a glass of water/juice. again, depression messes up with your ability to start doing things, but if you concentrate your will to just get up and drink something before going back to bed, i promise you’ll feel less shitty and might actually end up getting up for good since you’ve been through the trouble of getting up. You’ll feel better (and also you need water!)
4. do one (1) physical, material thing that will improve your life conditions per day. aka: washing a single glass, scrubbing the mirror, etc. you’ll feel proud of yourself, and the tidiest your environment, the less shitty your brain will be. plus, again: if you manage to wash a single dish, maybe you’ll find yourself cleaning the whole kitchen without noticing. and thats a good thing. no pressure: just do one single thing. and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t, of course, but try, it’s gonna be better that way.
5. open the window (especially at night, i personally find it very soothing) and just… breathe fresh air, looking at the horizon or closing your eyes, and breathe in and out slowly. it’s great to take fresh air. bonus if you have anxiety/ptsd, honestly. opening the windows is one of the easiest ways i know to stop a panic attack.
6. brush your teeth everyday, even if it’s the only thing you manage to do. i know every depression guide recommends it, but it’s really important. not showering for a few days is okay, you’re not gonna get sick that way. but dental hygiene is capital. not to mention you’ll feel less rotting in the inside if you’re less rotting in the outside. you can use your phone to schedule your teeth brushing of the day! really helps.
7. think about your hobbies and force yourself to do something related to an old hobby of yours. i know it’s no fun. i know you can’t feel anything, so why bother? but really, do bother. do it and eventually as you recover it will be fun again. you haven’t lost your passion, your goals, your motivation. it’s still there, but depression is like a blanket that covers it all. forcing yourself to still act on your hobbies (especially if those are not screen-related: books, gardening, etc.) will help digging through the depression layers to expose your will to live again. trust me on this one. i really thought i was just an apathetic mess, but actually depression was just mean. i believe in you!
and finally: hold tight and it’s gonna be okay! recovery is possible, and it’s gonna arrive sooner than you expect. energy and motivation are good things and they’re still around here waiting for you!
feel free to add your own! you’re all gonna make it i promise.
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