#cutiepie stamps
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weibikara · 6 months ago
MOE stamps overload !! vol.1 artworks by: hiide, hinoue itaru, ☆Gayarou, akatsuki mao, sakurazawa izumi, pop / animation from To Heart 2 anime / stamps templates by me ! FREE 2 USE !
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puddinzducky · 10 months ago
random pixels 2
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some stamps by @cocopies https://www.tumblr.com/cocopies/748056691525959680/cutiepie-stamps?source=share
one stamp by @aurore-vacances https://www.tumblr.com/aurore-vacances/739420128810303488/cure-wonderful-komugi-stamps-%E0%AB%AE-%E1%B4%A5?source=share
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draconic-duelist · 4 years ago
Stamp On The Ground... again
I could use some help with figuring out who some of the Creators/Characters are. Here’s my list so far:
0:29 - 0:32 __
0:32 - 0:35 Boyinaband (left); __ (right)
0:35 - 0:38 Pyrocynical
0:38 - 0:42 Toby Turner aka: "Tobuscus"
0:42 - 0:48 Simon's Cat
0:48 - 0:51 __
0:51 - 0:54 Eddsworld: Edd (left), Tom (middle), Matt (right)
0:54 - 0:58 __
0:58 - 1:01 Sassy the Sasquatch (left), SwaggerSouls (right)
1:01 - 1:04 __
1:04 - 1:07 SMOSH: Ian (left), Anthony (left)
1:07 - 1:10 Hellbenders: Zach (left), Chris (right)
1:10 - 1:14 Good Mythical Morning: Rhett (left), Link (right)
1:14 - 1:17 __
1:17 - 1:20 JohnTron
1:20 - 1:27 Markiplier (left), Cryotic (mid-left), Jack Septiceye (middle), PewDiePie (mid-right), Marzia "CutiePie" (right)
1:27 - 1:33 I AM WILDCAT (left), Vanoss (middle), H2O Delirious (right), Headcrab-zombie (front)
1:33 - 1:36 __
1:36 - 1:39 Saladfingers
1:39 - 1:40 __
1:40 - 1:42 __
1:42 - 1:44 Numa Numa Guy (Gary Brolsma)
1:44 - 1:45 Stephen 'Boogie2988' Williams
1:45 - 1:52 __
1:52 - 1:54 TheOdd1sOut (left), Jaiden Animations (right)
1:54 - 1:55 Achievement Hunter, Jeremy Dooley (?)
1:55 - 2:11 __ (cop), __ (popcorn guy)
2:11 - 2:15 SkyDoesMinecraft
2:15 - 2:18 __
2:18 - 2:21 Slow Mo Guys: Gavin (left), Daniel (right)
2:21 - 2:24 ASDFMovie: I Like Trains Kid
2:24 - 2:27 Charlie the Unicorn: Charlie (middle), Pink Unicorn (top), Blue Unicorn (various)
2:27 - 2:30 __
2:30 - 2:34 Lindsey Stirling (?)
2:34 - 2:37 Llamas With Hats: Paul (left), Carl (right)
3:37 - 2:38 Smii7y (left), Kryoz (right?)
2:38 - 2:40 __
2:40 - 2:43 Game Grumps: Arin (left), Dan (right)
2:43 - 2:46 Filthy Frank/Pink Guy (left), Green Cu*t (right)
2:47 - 2:56 Animator VS Animation: Orange Stickman
2:56 - 2:59 __ (left), __ (middle), __ (right)
2:59 - 3:02 PewDiePie (left), Amnesia Servant Grunt (right)
3:02 - 3:04 Logan Paul VS KSI (?)
3:04 - 3:06 Eddsworld: Matt (left), Tom (middle), Edd (right)
3:06 - 3:09 Cyanide and Happiness: Blueshirt
3:09 - 3:10 __ (left), __ (right)
3:10 - 3:12 __
3:12 - 3:15 __
3:21 - 3:27 __
3:29 - 3:33, 3:37 - 3:51 Freddie Twenty
3:34 - 3:36 Theo
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artificialqueens · 7 years ago
It's Not Personal, It's Fiction (Chap.3) (Biadore) - shadyqueenie
A/N: Hi cuties! I’m so sorry this took me a bit more but work’s a bitch and I still have to go to Uni so… I write mostly before sleeping :(
I have to say I was a bit… embarrassed, while I was writing this chapter? It has been ages since the last time I had a proper hookup… How do people flirt nowadays? (Let me know, really. I’m desperate) Thank you to all the cutiepies that wrote to me and supported me! Kisses! Your duh, shady
In this episode (?) ~ “My mother is from Cuba and my dad is from Honduras which basically means I have a large dick – no credit –  and a tendency to take things that don’t belong to me” she quoted perfectly. Bianca’s loud laugh echoed all over the pink room “You got impressed, didn’t you?”
Danny started to feel the stress of the race. Well, to be fair his stress’ cause had a name: Laganja. One of his best friends suddenly turned out to be one of his bitter enemy. One day they were escaping from the hotel security and the next one they barely spoke to each other. Not that Danny cared about hearing that annoying ‘okurrrr’ two hundred times a day – but Jay didn’t want to listen to him, and her attitude became annoying. Adore couldn’t take much more of that and made it pretty clear during the eighth episode’s airing.  In the lounge Laganja was crying and screaming something like “I wanna go home”, and “I don’t care anymore!”, and when she exited the room theatrically Adore made no effort at reaching her friend. She kept her glance low while Laganja’s voice was well audible from across the backstage.
When Laganja got eliminated Adore breathed a sigh of relief. It was mean, she knew that, but Adore couldn’t help but feel comforted. The way her long time friend changed was really painful. But the whole situation made her reflect – did she change too? “Hey, are you ok?” Adore came back to realty when she heard Bianca calling her. Adore didn’t realized she sit still for more than fifteen minutes in the laboratory after the airing. She had to de-drag, and she had to do it quickly. “Yeah” she grabbed her make up bag and sit in front of the mirror next to Bianca. “Do you want to talk about the Untucked?” the older tried again “Not now” act cool, Adore thought, starting to whipping his make up off. They were the only two in the laboratory – why has she always to be the slowest?! “Which means you’ll coming to bust my balls afterwards?” Adore smiled while turned her seat towards Bianca “Was that true?”, she needed to change the subject – or she could have burst into tears. Bianca didn’t bother to stop removing her make up “What?” “My mother is from Cuba and my dad is from Honduras which basically means I have a large dick – no credit –  and a tendency to take things that don’t belong to me” she quoted perfectly. Bianca’s loud laugh echoed all over the pink room “You got impressed, didn’t you?” Adore just smiled nervously “let’s call it curiosity” tried to setting the tone by putting her make up remover back in the bag. “Well, I’m afraid but the only way to find it out is by seeing it with your own eyes” Bianca stole a glance at her friend before frowning. She suddenly cupped Adore’s chin with a hand and looked at her lips “Why are you always so sloppy?!” Bianca asked by wiping off the lipstick from her friend’s face. Her motion was slow and gentle, and Adore couldn’t help but stare at her dazed. “Emh… Cameras are off” was the only thing that Danny managed to say before turning bright red “Too bad for them” sighed Roy standing up “they missed a one of a kind”
After dinner, Danny started finally to relax when someone knocked at his door. Roy? He was extremely disappointed finding out it was only the producer, the one that proposed the fake flirt. “Hi Danny, are you busy? Can I bother you for a minute?” she waited for Danny shaking his head before continues “There’s a cab in front of the hotel. We need you to come back to the studios now.” “What?!” he opened his eyes wide. The last time he was called at the studios was when Roy and him started faking a flirt. Maybe they wanted it to be a threesome – Courtney? “Laganja wanted to clarify the situation. Can you please come back there? It won’t take too long” the producer’s tone was soft. She knew she was asking Danny too much, but they were tight on time – and she was sure one of them was going to cry in front of the cameras. Hopefully both of them. “It’s going to be pointless” he stared, crossing his arms “I don’t really want to waist my time like that…”. Danny didn’t mean to sound harsh, but the way Jay acted during all the season was incomprehensible to him. Talking to him at that moment seemed the worst idea ever – he was mad at Jay (but mostly, at Laganja), and that attitude of him wasn’t the right one he should have kept for a reconciliation. “But Jay’s your friend, right?” she tried to sounding him out “He’s not coming back to the hotel tonight… Is this the way you want to break up with him?” Danny sighed – why was he so weak?
As Danny forecasted, it borne no fruit. They just cried and said nothing. At least when the cameras were on. And the whole story left Danny emotionally drained. He couldn’t wait to come back to the hotel and drink everything he could find inside the mini fridge (which, to his credit, he has already left it empty once). “Ok guys, stop” said a cameraman “We’re not going to push you harder. You can go now.” and suddenly all the camera lights were off.  As Danny heard those words he stood up ad rushed towards the door. Jay’s face was red at anger for that behavior – he wouldn’t let Danny get away that way. “I got you.” Said Jay before his former friend could leave the room “I don’t know what happened. But at some point you started thinking that me and Gia were not worth your friendship anymore. I got it – being friend with Bianca Del Rio sounds more appealing. But a day or another you’ll have to come back to LA – and we both know she lives in New York.” Danny stopped as he heard his friend’s name. Eventually Jay has shown his true colors “Is that a threat?” “No, not at all.” He replied, making one of those faces Danny started hating since the first days of airing “Instead, a reminder. But if you’re sure that your friendship is magical then… I’m happy for you! I hate to admit it, but she’s really likely to win… it seems that you bet on the winning horse” Danny exited the room slamming the door. How dare him? Yes, Roy was his friend. And he was happy for that. Even if their friendship started in an unconventional way, he felt that what they had was pretty sincere. After that little debacle during episode sixth’s airing they have spent a lot of time together. He felt like Roy was different compared to all his other friends – he was calm, wise and balanced. Something that Danny (and Adore) wasn’t. Being friend with someone like him was unexpected him –  he loved how sometimes Roy was too harsh and yet he let Danny rest against his shoulder –  but at that point Danny was almost depending on. Danny felt like he didn’t need anyone’s approval but Roy’s – and that crept the hell out of him because, as Jay reminded him, at the end of the show they’ll have to take different paths.
Roy woke up as he heard someone knocking at this door. Looking at the alarm clock he realized it was 4a.m. Who the hell…? Danny. Dumb answer for a dumb question. He turned on the table lamp and went to the door, rubbing his eyes. As always, he was right “Danny, what the…” Roy suddenly stopped himself. As soon as he opened the door Danny lowered his glance, but even if the light was faint Roy could tell his eyes were swollen and red. He must have cried really a lot. “Look, I really want to go to a place and I want to go there with you… Can you please, please follow me? Without grumbling and stuff, ok?” he asked in a whisper, too tired to spoke properly. Roy wanted to tell him that he wasn’t his babysitter, that he was tired too. But then he remembered he saw Danny crying in the bus, and that he had a fight with one of his closest friend. Something should have happened after they said goodnight – something that hurt Danny really bad and that was his way to relieve his pain. He acted just as his age demanded – and Roy couldn’t blame him. “Ok, just let me wear…something” he chuckled, as he was wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. “Bring a sweater” was the only thing Danny said, but Roy could tell he was smiling. At least a bit.
“Wow, this like the ugliest terrace I’ve ever seen” noticed Roy. Empty and big wooden planter boxes and carpenter’s equipment were scattered all over the place. When Roy realized Danny and him were not going outside the hotel has he feared, but at the top of it, he imagined something fancier. Instead, there wasn’t a plant, nor fancy led lights or anything like that – it was at the limit of depression. Not even the crack of the dawn could have saved the setting “Why did you wanted to go there?” “Do you remember the last time we saw the city from a different prospective than the one we have from the bus?” asked Danny, proceeding to the balustrade. He looked at the lights of the skyline in front of him as if it was the first time. “The day before the race started..?” replied Roy has it was the most obvious thing in the world “Why do you always have to ask dumb questions?!” “You are the dumb! I was trying to be metaphorical or some shits like that” he stamped his feet as if he was angry, but he couldn’t hide the smile that appeared in his face as he heard Roy’s reply “You know,” he stared again “I saw Laganja” “Where?” “The producer sent me a car after dinner and they brought me at the studios. They filmed another drama between young queens” he tried to let it be of little significance, but the way he clenched his fist betrayed him “Fuck, I cried like a baby in front of the cameras– like, really a lot.” “They are pushing really hard, you should have known it “ “I do. But Ganj was one of my dearest friends and I cannot believe our friendship is ruined because of… this” said stretching his arms out   “He’s a dumb if he ruins your friendship because of this, and you’re smart enough to realize it” Danny nodded, his glance was still lost. He felt like he was about to cry again – maybe because of the cold breeze that pierced his face. “So, tell me. what was the point of this metaphor with the skyline?” Roy tried his best to cheer him up – but being supportive was not one of his best qualities. At least not when someone’s crying. Danny shook his head. He made a terrible mistake by talking about something he didn’t really want to remind himself “I’ve already forgot it. Maybe I wanted to talk about Jay. I was just trying to start a conversation without sounding pathetic” “Well I’m really sorry to disappoint you – but that was one of the most sugary things I’ve ever heard” “Ahhh, fuck!” Danny buried his face in his hands as he laughed nervously. He waited few seconds, then breathed “I mean. It felt like ages since we started this show. But it’s not. And I remember I met Ganj a week before everything started and she wasn’t the one you met in this race, I swear” he stepped closer to Roy and rested his elbow on the balustrade “How can something that lasts so short change us so much?” The older breathed deeply “This race feels like living in a bubble, don’t you think? We are here, and eventually we bound together. But we actually don’t know how we usually behave in our everyday life. I don’t know what you have done before entering the race, and you don’t know nothing about me. As far as I know, you can be a totally different person, and I wouldn’t mind – because in a certain way is reasonable.” Roy spoke slowly, eking every single word out “What I mean is that maybe someone’s trying to impress the cameras and not the other contestants – which is good. We’re not here to make friends. I don’t think I’ll keep in touch with most of the queens here – and it’s a common thought among all of us. After all, who wants to befriend with some of them?!” he tried to sound funny, but as he looked Danny’s worried face he didn’t feel like he had to add something else. On the other hand, in Danny’s mind Jay’s words recalled. Was Roy going to ditch him as soon as the race would end? Was he a completely different person in his everyday life? He cared about Roy, but after his monologue they didn’t seem to be on the same page. “You didn’t want to hear something like that, did you?” the older’s voice brought him back to reality. “Nah, not really” Danny made an unconvincingly smirk “Are you going to ditch me after the show?”  he asked uncertain. Roy laughed so hard Danny was scared someone might found them “That’s what bothers you?” “Kind of..?” “Ok, hear me out.I won’t ditch you. Pinky promise.” he took his hands’ in Danny’s and looked at him right in the eyes, but the youngest was so embarrassed for being such a drama queen that couldn’t look at him “Danny,” Roy tried again “I meant it. We will keep in touch and you’ll find out that I’m the same bitter, old lady you came to know here. What can I say to make you feel better?” Danny shrugged. He couldn’t tell Roy was sincere or not – he could just trust him. The only thing he knew at that time was that he needed to lighten the situation. Sighing, he was ready to break the promise he made to himself before entering the race “In a moment we will feel better” a sly smile peaked in Danny’s face as he put his hand in his jacket’s right pocket, and then he let out two joints. “What..? I go back on what I said – you’re not smart at all. First the club night, then this… Do you want to get banned?” this time, Roy really meant to sound too apprehensive. He wasn’t the kind of person who smoked regularly. Especially weed. He has never wanted to be labeled as ‘killjoy’, but he couldn’t find amusement in getting drunk and throwing up minutes before, or being so stoned he wouldn’t remember anything the day after. And he couldn’t lie to himself. The ‘I’m too old for this shit’ line (more like a mantra) wasn’t working with that, as he has never found amusement in those kind of entertainments – not even in his twenties. “No one comes here… Come on, old man!” Danny winked as he lighted one of the joints.
“Look, it’s almost morning” Roy wanted to reply, and he really tried his best, but he ended up coughing. Smoking didn’t fit his skills “Oh God, tomorrow I’ll look like a zombie. Or is it already today?” after throwing the joint butt away he covered his head with the arms. Danny smiled. Giving to Roy one of his joints was one of the best ideas he has ever had in days. Roy spent and hour giggling and talking nonsense, he was like a teenager with his first beer. That new version of Roy definitely knew how to make Danny feel better “Don’t worry, people expect elderly having bags under their eyes… Or in your case red eyes! What the fuck Roy, how can they be so red?!” “Oh well, thank you! Very kind of you!” They burst into laugh, and it was all the joints’ fault, but they couldn’t stop laughing. Danny rested his head in Roy’s shoulder, his laugh getting lighter. Weed had a strange effect on both of them – but while Danny was used to it, Roy felt as if the ground around him was shaking.   Taking deep breaths, he felt the urge to comfort (or at least trying to comfort) Danny again. Living this adventure with this young boy made him realize how much he liked being a reference point. Not for everyone, of course. He didn’t care about everyone as he cared about Danny. When he looked at him he felt the urge of protecting him, as if he was too fragile. And maybe, he really was. “I think I’ll say it only once, so listen well. I’m glad I didn’t give up with the story of the fake relationship. You’re pretty mature for your age, and you are smart. Don’t let people tell you otherwise. Especially the Laganja types. Ok?” he placed his arm around the younger’s shoulders and squeezed in sympathy, trying to catch his glance to make sure he understood what he has just said. As Roy touched him, a shiver ran down Danny’s back. He had only a few seconds to look at him before his mind went blank and decided to kiss him. It was irresponsible and Danny knew it by the moment their lips touched, but he felt broken and he was sure that his friend’s arms were the safest place in the world. His mind was wandering when he felt Roy’s hand in his shoulders, pushing Danny slightly away. In a handful of seconds he had to come up with a convincing explanation “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry” “Listen, Danny…” Roy tried to say something, but he didn’t really know how to continue. It was a strange feeling for him – he has always had the ready answer, but not in that occasion. Luckily, Danny came forward. “No wait, wait” he put a finger in his lips to shush him “You said that before. The ‘we live in a bubble’ thing. And I’m really sorry. If we were in a random club, I would have never kissed you. Not that I would have never wanted to kiss you but not in that situation and… can you understand me?” As Roy nodded, Danny continued “The point is that in the first episodes I really felt alone. It was a felling I was not used to. But then we started this thing and I’m really, really grateful – because from that moment on I knew I had you. And I don’t want to ruin everything just because you have the softest lips I’ve ever tasted and… Can I kiss them again?” What the fuck Daniel, his mind screamed. It was all the joint’s fault. Sober Roy wouldn’t allow it he thought to himself. But then he saw Danny biting his lower lip and, thank God, he wasn’t lucid “Will this become a habit?” “Probably” “And are you sure you understood the bubble story?” Danny nodded. “If it has to happen again not in front o f the cameras, nor in public places or in front of the other queens. Understood?” Danny nodded again, vehemently. “Then yes, you can.” “Like now?” Roy smiled while lifting his eyes and whispered a single “Yes”
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