#cute country shirt
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lifebykway · 20 days ago
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Let's Go Girls Tee
Now on Life by KWay
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the-twst-cast-needs-therapy · 6 months ago
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Thank you for your service, soldier 🫡
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wusopiejung25 · 8 months ago
[BLITZWAY - Woo Do Hwan]
Woo Do Hwan for GQ pictorial.
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tombama · 1 year ago
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Solid As A Rock
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paul-simon-juggling · 10 months ago
Such a good video I found from Paul and Artie's 1982 tour of Japan!!
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imeminemp3 · 1 year ago
i love snakes but im scared of spiders ah the dichotomy of man
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wizardnuke · 1 year ago
got my whole outfit planned for tomorrow
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partiallysame · 2 months ago
Being Price’s lil wife
-Task force 141 knew Price was married. Man wore his ring religiously, always putting it back on the second they were in the helicopter/plane/whatever after each mission
-He’d come to work with a lunch packed with a cute lil heart note
-To be honest they all assumed you were the same age as Price (old) He always said he’d been “married for years” (3)
-They never knew your name, Price only ever referred to you as The Missus
-Gaz swore Price had a photo of you in his wallet (he did) but they never knew what you looked like untilllllllll
-You called your husband simply to complain. The AC had gone out and the repair man wouldn't be able to get there for a couple days. No no this simply would not do, his perfect lil lady could not be uncomfortable in her own home he wouldn’t have it but fuck he’s out of the country for a few more days. His team however is not and while stupid, they do know how to do maintenance work (why? Just because.)
-He called his team for a very important mission. Gave them the address, accompanied with “I don’t want to hear a fucking thing about you causing any trouble or being disrespectful to the Missus you hear?” The boys were absolutely giddy to finally see the ever so important Missus.
-The second you opened the door Soap was apologizing for having the wrong house and oh so politely asked if you knew where the Price household was. This had to be the wrong one because there you stood, pretty young thing, big doe eyes. Standing in just a big shirt ending at the very tops of your thighs, lashes batting at the three soldiers standing at your door.
-“You’ve got the right place. John told me you were coming, please come in.” You had to hold in a giggle, watching all of their eyes go wide. Gaz immediately looking at the sky, the floor, anywhere but the wife of his captain that he was just undressing with his eyes.
-When you turned to guide them into the house they all saw PRICE printed on the back of the large tshirt just barely covering your ass (this is your own home pants are never required and its hot as hell without the ac). Now it was Ghost’s turn to look anywhere but at you.
-As they worked you’d bring them water or snacks. They now understood why Price kept you hidden from them. The perfect lil housewife. The woman of all of their dreams already taken.
-When they were finished they went to the kitchen to inform you they were done only to find a full meal set on the table waiting for them but worst of all? There you were reaching up to the top cabinet. On your tippy toes, your shirt (Price’s shirt) riding up enough to expose the bottom of your ass and lacey pink panties. Soap had to bite his knuckle to keep from groaning. Ghost grabbing the tops of his teammates heads, turning them away from the incredible sight in front of them.
-Price was right to keep you hidden from them
-They might just have to sneak in and break something every time Price was out of town if it meant this is what they got to see.
Price's lil wife Masterlist
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soren49 · 8 months ago
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Meowdy, Meowdy, Meowdy!  available on mugs and t-shirts on my merch store!  https://cosmiccrate.com/collections/the-shirt-hoard?page=1
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odysseys-blood · 11 months ago
did i ever tell yall im in a long standing fued w/ my dad bc a few years back along with some other fathers day gifts i got him one of those shirts that say "proud father of a few dumbass kids" and he refuses to wear it
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julymusings · 4 months ago
out there they're afraid even of the killer's shadow, and here i reside in his heartbeat like a home
or; the big bad red hood has a soft spot only for you [3.4k]
jason todd x fem!reader; tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff; aggressive unwanted advances, implied roofie attempt, violence & blood, slut-shaming; Jason “my girl can wear whatever she wants I can fight” Todd; in da clerb, we all fam ⎯ based on this !
series masterlist
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A humid, crowded, upscale club isn’t the most ideal way to spend your Friday night, and Jason knows this. Frankly, it’s not his either, but as the owner of the humid, crowded, upscale club, he had to make some appearances at his own business.
“It’s a night out,” he had said. “Let’s make the most of it.”
If you’re being honest, it’s also not the worst way to spend your Friday night. Not when Jason dressed up so deliciously, in a fitted t-shirt, jeans, and his leather jacket. Not when he took you to a booth in the corner of the club and had them bring over your favorite drinks and snacks with the order to keep them coming. Not when you got to wear that cute little black dress that’s been hanging in your closet for months with your favorite strappy heels, the ones with ribbons that wrapped around your ankle and tied into a bow in the back. Not when Jason sat you on his lap and settled a large hand on your thigh, where it stayed the whole night.
All in all, you would say you’re making the most of it. 
You’re sipping on your drink, chatting about something or the other with your boyfriend. He’s half listening, half drawing circles on your thigh and pressing kisses to your shoulder when one of the employees finds you. She’s freaking out because one of the performers hasn’t shown up, and there’s no one else to go in her place.
Jason huffs. He lifts you off his lap and sets you down on the seat. “I’m sorry, baby, I just gotta take care of this. I’ll be right back.”
“It’s okay. I’ll be here.” You smile over the rim of your glass.
He looks around for a moment, then gestures to someone across the room. One of the bouncers make their way to you.
“Just keep an eye out,” he tells him. “I don’t trust these entitled country club fuckers.”
He gives a curt nod. Jason leans in close, smirking, and says, “Especially not when you look like that,” and gives you a quick kiss before disappearing into the crowd with the employee.
A couple minutes later, a crash snaps your attention towards the bar. A young, college-aged-looking man is berating a waitress while a mess of shot glasses litter the floor around them. The waitress looks about to cry.
“Jesus Christ,” the bouncer says to himself. Then to you, “Gimme a second.”
You move to the edge of the booth to watch as he goes over and tries to pacify the man, but that only seems to make him angrier. He shoves the bouncer, yelling about “shitty customer service.” 
You don’t get to see what happens next, though, because your field of vision is obscured by an enormous, very shiny, and very douchey silver belt buckle. You look up for its owner, and a greasy-looking, white-haired man looks down at you. 
“Hey there, sweetheart.” A fake gold tooth catches the flashing lights and it glints in your eye. Uninvited, he slides into the booth across from you. He places a drink on the table, sliding it towards you. “You look thirsty. Got this for you.”
“No, thanks. I’ve got one.” You hold your own glass up.
He rolls his eyes. “Pretty thing like you should be takin’ advantage of all the free drinks you could be gettin’.” His smile sends a chill down your spine.
“Again, I’m fine,” you say, a little harsher. “My boyfriend has brought me plenty of drinks already.”
He laughs. It’s a high-pitched, scratchy, wheezing sound. Like a kazoo. “I don’t see this boyfriend of yours anywhere. He should know better than to leave you alone. I’d treat you much better than him.” His eyes travel down your neck and stay there. You stand from the booth and take a big step back. It’s not entirely personal; no matter how much of a threat he may be, Jason is a worse one. And if he’s still in this neighborhood, never mind this building, you fear for this man’s safety much more than your own. But the man follows, bringing the cup with him. “Come on, honey, it’s a compliment. Show a little thanks. I don’t bite.”
You don’t have to be the world’s finest detective to know that is most definitely a lie. Or to know to avoid that cup at all costs.
You could just rebuff him, walk away. But you’re willing to bet he’d just move on to the next woman. One who’s probably a little less sober, and a little less aware of her surroundings. You feign a stumble and knock the drink out of his grip. It tips toward him, drenching him with its contents. He chokes out a shocked gasp.
“Oops,” you deadpan, not at all trying to hide your indifference.
“You bitch,” he snarls. He lunges forward, snatching your wrist. You try to pull it back, but his grip is iron and bruising. “I was doing you a favor. Do you see anyone else here looking at you?”
You’re suddenly grateful you didn’t put up much of a fight after Jason came home from patrolling one night insisting he show you some self-defense moves. Far be it from you to cause a scene, but this guy isn’t giving you much choice. You employ the cardinal rule of women’s self-defense: go for the crotch. You shift your weight to your non-dominant side and launch your dominant knee right into his groin. The sharp metal edge of his belt buckle slices the skin just above your knee, but it shocks him enough to release your wrist and double over. The same leg used in your attack plants itself on the ground, and you use the momentum to pistol your opposite fist forward. It collides with his nose in a bone-cracking cross. Your stacks of studded rings didn’t do him any favors, either. He cries out in pain. His hands fly up to cover his nose, and the cup falls from his grasp and shatters on the floor, garnering the attention of some surrounding patrons. Blood seeps between his fingers.
“You’re gonna fucking pay for that.” His tone drips with poison. He reaches into his coat pocket and brandishes a switchblade (because of course. You’re not surprised, though. It is Gotham). You look around in a panic, hoping to find Jason towering somewhere over the crowd. He’s not there. A few guys who work for him, though, have since taken notice of the commotion and are making their way towards you. You know they won’t make it in time. You weren’t scared a moment ago, but you definitely are now. Jason only briefly covered disarming techniques, and you didn’t have his practice to stay calm in situations like these. He steps closer, shoes crunching over the glass shards, and you step back. You’re backed into a corner, literally. Your back is pressed against the table. His eyes are glassy and void of color.
There is a resounding pop when the man’s knife-wielding hand is yanked to the side. Too fast for your brain to register, he thuds against the table next to you and the knife clatters to the ground. You look over and see Jason, one hand pressing his face into the table and the other twisting the man’s arm behind his back. 
When his men finally reach you, Jason is seething. They look almost as afraid as the man, whose whimpers are muffled by the pressure with which he’s flattened against the table.
“Who the fuck let this happen,” Jason glowers. Uncomfortable glances are shared between the men, all sharing the same sentiment; we fucked up big time.
Jason’s livid gaze flits back and forth among them. His veins flex against his forearms, rippling with effort. It looks like he’s putting all his strength into incapacitating the man, but you know better. He’s putting all his strength into restraint. The look on his face is cold and steely, with hardened, venom-green eyes and a clenched jaw. This isn’t Jason, the sweet boyfriend, or Jason the easy-going yet respected club proprietor. This is Jason the crime lord. Jason the anti-hero. This is the Red Hood. Who makes his own rules and kills anyone who breaks them. It’s a bit off-putting for you to see him like this; he’s never like this with you. He’s always just…Jason. Your Jason.
One of his men speaks up. “We’re sorry, Boss, we were keepin’ an eye like you asked, but there was trouble up at the bar.”
Jason scowls. “Trouble that required all of you?”
At their silence, he rolls his eyes. “Idiots,” he says under his breath. He jerks the man up to stand, the hand that was pressing him to the table now gripping the back of his shirt collar. “Someone take care of this.” He shoves the man in their direction. Hard. One of them catches him. “And for fuck’s sake, check him for anything else.” 
While they’re busy patting him down, Jason turns back to you. You get whiplash from how quick his demeanor changes. Though still tense, the rigidity of his expression is long gone, replaced with tender concern.
“Are you okay?” His wide eyes scan you up and down, searching for any signs of injury. You manage a nod, still a bit stunned by his apparent shape-shifting abilities. “I’m so sorry, honey, this is my fault. It’s my fault for leaving you alone.” He pulls you close for a hug and kisses the top of your head, murmuring further apologies into your hair.
You pull back and cup his face in your hands. “It’s okay, Jay, I’m fine. I promise.” You lean in to kiss him and feel his shoulders relax.
“Jesus, man, sorry! Wouldn’t’a come on so strong if I knew she was your whore. How much did ‘ya pay for her, anyway?” His voice rings from behind. Jason tenses up again. When he pulls back from you, he’s gone. He’s like Jekyll-turned-Hyde when the combatant that lay dormant inside him reassumes his body.
He turns around, but his large frame shields you from seeing the scene unfold. You place a hand on his arm, a silent message of support, and you can feel him vibrating with anger. His hand comes to rest over yours and gives a reassuring squeeze.
“You know what?” You can’t be sure who he’s speaking to, but you can hear the eerie smile in his tone. “I’ll take care of this.” He faces you. “Can you give me a minute? Is that okay?” His voice is calm.
You know he would stay if you asked him to. And you never would, but you know he would go outside and kill that guy if you asked him to. And maybe you’re feeling a tad vindictive after the whole ordeal, so you just say, “Okay.”
He kisses your forehead, squeezing your hand once more. “I’ll come find you,” he says, stepping away, and you nod.
“Ross,” he commands. “Take her to the office. Get her whatever she wants.” Jason then speaks to all of his men. His tone drips with disdain. “Tomorrow we’ll talk about who’s getting fired for this.” You catch some of his men flinch.
He grabs the man by the collar once again and stalks towards the exit, dragging him along.
You’ve met Ross once or twice, though never exchanged more than a few words. He smiles at you. It’s amiable, if not slightly nervous. You know where the office is, but you’re still grateful for the guide. The mesh of moving bodies under dim lights makes all four corners of the room look the same. With the adrenaline wearing off, your hands ache and you become acutely aware of the stinging shock that shoots up your knee when you walk on it but, persevering, you follow him to the back. He holds the door that reads ‘RESTRICTED - DO NOT ENTER’ open for you, and you smile in thanks.
Various employees, servers and performers alike, mill about in the back hallways. You know some of them, having met in passing during other visits to the club, and offer polite greetings as you walk by. When you arrive at Jason’s office, Ross unlocks the door for you and you step inside.
It’s a nice office, noticeably homier than it was when you and Jason met. The first time he brought you back here it was just a desk, a chair, and a filing cabinet. You perched yourself on his desk while he sat in his chair and you teased him for not having a place for guests to sit, saying something about ‘men and their awful interior designing skills.’
“It’s not ‘bad skills,’ it’s cost-effective. ‘M runnin’ a business here, baby. If you need a place to sit that badly, you can sit right here.” He joked, patting his lap. And he said it with such conviction you believed him, but the next time you visited there was a brand new, plushy suede couch pushed against the wall.
You find a seat on said couch and try to get comfortable despite your protesting joints. From here you can spot a framed photo on Jason’s desk; the two of you smiling while bathing a shelter dog at the Wayne Animal Sanctuary. But while you smile at the camera, his gaze is trained on you.
 Ross stands in the doorway, stoic as a bodyguard should be. “Do you need anything?” He asks you.
“No, I’m okay. Thank you, though.”
“‘Course. I’ll be outside. Just yell if you need anything.” He moves to exit, but pauses. “Look,” he says, “We’re all really sorry about what happened. It was our fault. You have every right to hate us.” He chuckles self-deprecatingly. “God knows the boss does.”
You purse your lips, unsure how to respond. Technically Jason did instruct them not to leave you alone. But really, the only person at fault is that horrible man, and he was currently getting what he deserved.
“It’s okay, Ross,” you say, and you mean it. “I don’t blame you. And Jason’s not gonna fire any of you, okay? I won’t let him.”
He exhales. “Okay, you—yeah. Okay. Thanks.” He loiters awkwardly in the doorway for a moment. “Listen, Todd’s always been a great boss. But it’s no joke when it comes to you. Don’t know exactly what happened, but after meeting you, he’s just…different. Not sure if I believe it, but after the first time you were here, one of the bartenders swears they heard him whistling. Anyway, just mean to say…we’re glad he has you.”
His sincerity warms your heart. You thank him, and he assumes his post outside, closing the door. 
At last in decent lighting, you take the time to examine yourself. Your knee, knuckles, and wrist are splotchy with bruises. A small scrape rests just above your knee from you were scratched. There’s a splattering of blood on your knuckles and on the rings you’re wearing. You grimace, the reality of what just happened settling in. Someone pulled a knife on you. If Jason hadn’t been there…the thought leaves you cold.
There are voices on the other side of the door, then receding footsteps. After a few seconds, a knock.
“Baby? Can I come in?”
“Yes,” you call out. Jason enters, locking the door behind him. There are some smatterings of blood on his hands and face, and he’s holding a first aid kit. Your immediate instinct is that he’s the one who needs first aid.
“Are you okay?” You ask as he kneels on the floor in front of you. “Did he hurt you?”
Jason tilts his head like a confused puppy, eyebrow raised. Just like that, The Red Hood is gone. He’s Jason again. He speaks softly, with a hint of his usual boyish charm. “Should I be insulted by you asking me that?” He picks up your un-injured leg and places the foot on his thigh, beginning to unravel the ribbon wrapped around your ankle. He removes the shoe and places it to the side, then repeats with your other foot. But when he moves it, your knee twitches and you wince. He frowns but doesn’t say anything. He sees the way your eyes travel between all the spots of blood. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, none of it’s mine.”
You sigh in relief. “You didn’t…kill him, did you?”
He chuckles, lightly massaging your foot. “Nah…did you want me to? ‘Cause I can still—”
He smirks at you, before leaning down to press a kiss to your bruised knee. It’s so gentle, so loving, it completely contradicts the bloodstains that adorn him. As his hands move up to your calf, your hand moves to his hair, fingers threading through the white streaks and pushing them back so you can get a better view of his eyes. They’re a silky teal, bordering on sea green. They remind you of lake trips in the summer, and ice skating during the holidays.
“How bad is he? Like, on a scale of ‘he can walk it off’ to ‘he needs to go to the hospital.’”
Jason pauses his movements, looking thoughtful for a moment.
“He…he’s walking himself to the hospital.”
There’s not much you can say to that. After all, you gave him to okay to go fuck that guy up.
From the first aid kit, he retrieves a box of Band-Aids. They’re the children’s ones, decorated with cartoons and various characters. A specific one catches your eye, and you pick it out of the carton.
“Robin? Really?”
Jason breathes out a small laugh. “One of my guys’ daughter loves him.” He unwraps the bandage and sticks it over the scratch. You admire the small red plaster. Jason traces a finger over the emblem in the center, a black and yellow ‘R’.
He moves from your leg to your hand, gingerly laying it in his palm. One by one he slides each of your rings off. They’re not particularly special, but you still like them and you try to protest when he tosses them in the trash. He’s quick to assuage you with promises to buy you new ones with, hopefully, less blood.
"Did you see how good I got him?" You suddenly feel shy asking such a question. Like a child seeking validation.
"I did see," Jason says. And there's not a hint of condescension in his tone. "I'm proud of you. You remembered what I taught you."
You beam under his pride.
He uses a sanitizing wipe to remove the droplets of blood from your knuckles, kissing each one along the way. He reaches your wrist last. There’s a purple hand-shaped mark that wraps around it, and he stares at it. You can see his thoughts race at sixty miles an hour, and you know he’s beating himself up about it.
“Hey.” The hand in his hair moves to stroke his cheek. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. I promise. I love you.”
He leans forward to press his forehead to your wrist. “I’m sorry,” he breathes. “I’m sorry.” He places gentle kisses on the purple skin. “I’m sorry. I love you.” He moves to the scratch above your knee, pressing more kisses, repeating the words like a prayer. Your hand is still enclosed in his hands, and his cool fingers soothe the throbbing swell. You pull his head up, holding his chin in your fingertips. His eyes close as he soaks in your warm touch.
You reach for another wipe and begin wiping the blood from his face. Some of it has dried, so you press the wipe a little harder, and blood rushes to his cheeks to give him an adorable flush. You repeat the process on his hands. Blood erased and wipes discarded, you pull him up to the couch to lie down with you. He stretches out, so large that his feet hang over the armrest. You snuggle up to his side and your head rests on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. It’s surreal, how utterly soft he is, and just for you. How no one else gets to see him like this. He goes out at night as a fighter, a crusader, a deadly threat. And then he comes home to sleep in your arms. In your bed.
You place your hand against his chest, right over his heart to feel it thrum beneath your palm. It beats simple and steady, and just for you.
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am i the only one who likes the whole jason owning the iceberg lounge storyline (aside from the whole penguin prisoner thing but i only write according to canon that i like and leave out the things i don't! whoops🤷‍♀️);
the feminine urge to write more fics that take place within the universe of this one...
divider is from here
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shawtuzi · 2 months ago
thinkin’ of sheriff toji!
cw include: black coded!fem reader, toji is very sweet in this hehe, lots of fluff, premature ejaculation (he came in his pants while they were making out), size kink, breeding kink, oral f & m receiving, protected & unprotected sex, squirting, creampie, backshots, pussyjob, mating press
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˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who was the biggest n’ strongest man you’d ever met in all your days. standing at a whopping six three and well over two hundred pounds of pure handsomeness.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who always stopped by your booth at the farmers market on sunday’s, partaking in every homemade sweet treat you had to offer. ‘these cream puffs are almost as sweet as you, sugar’ he’d always say with a low chuckle, his heart relishing in the way you’d act so bashful afterwards.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who always helped you pack your booth up after the farmers market was closed. he’d do most of the work, insisting that a ‘pretty lady’ such as yourself shouldn’t be worried about such things when he’s around.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who smells of aftershave and on a rare occasion cinnamon! he’d always had a bit of an oral fixation so best believe he was always chewing on his favorite cinnamon gum.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who was elated when he found out you were unwed and not seeing anyone. the second he saw you selling your sweet lil pastries on that fateful sunday, he was already picturing how cute you’d look next to him.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who passes by your house every tuesday and friday morning on his morning runs. you always refilled your hummingbird feeders on those mornings so each time he passed by he had to say hello bc duh! as you converse with him you can’t help but notice how….nice and toned his body is, especially when he lifts his shirt up to wipe his sweat away! the happy trail that led into his sweats definitely had you curious but he didn’t need to know that.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who picked up a habit of calling you everything but your name. pretty girl, sugar, darlin’, peach, honeysuckle—you name it!! it didn’t bother you in the slightest especially with that low country drawl of his hehe.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who is flooredddd when you bring him lunch at the station. you looked breathtaking in your pretty pink sundress and matching kitten heels, he could’ve ate you up instead if he was being completely honest.
“now what do we have here?” toji chuckled, tipping his hate up to get a better look at you. you didn’t say anything but your toothy smile said more than enough for him. you sat the pink tupperware in front of him with shaky hands, giggling when he was quick to pull the top off.
“s’nothin’ special just some baked ziti i whipped up, i remember you saying it was your favorite when you were younger! n-not that i made it specifically for you of course, but i m-mean i certainly wouldn’t mind making you a-anything you wanted….”
as toji watched you babble he couldn’t help but let his lips lift into a smirk—were you….flustered?
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who picked up on your crush on him faster than it took you to even register it. after you brought him lunch he thought it was only fair that he treated you to dinner, granted he quite literally served you meat and potatoes bc let’s face it he’s still a man. that night he learned a bunch about you, securing his bond with you even more.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who finally grew a pair and asked you on a proper date. his ears were as red as your famous fried tomatoes, and he stumbled over his words but you said yes regardless with the biggest smile he’d ever seen you wear. although he was sure you liked him just as much as he liked you he couldn’t help but be shocked that you said yes!
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who took you to the fanciest restaurant in town, insisting that you get whatever your little heart desired. he was looking as handsome as ever in his formal jacket and button up shirt, and you looked liked the most darling doll in your pastel pink dress. you recalled him saying one time he absolutely adored you in the color pink, so pink on the first date was definitely a no brainer.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who finally bit the bullet and asked you to be his darling after your third date. you both shared a steamy kiss afterwards and as corny as it sounds one of your legs did lift up a tiny bit out of instinct when his lips smushed into yours <333
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who surprisingly takes you out dancing every other week. sure dinners and picnics are fun especially there’s a little making out but he believes this is where the intimacy lies.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who came in his pants the first time you two made out. it wasn’t his fault it rlly wasn’t!! it’s just the way you were grinding your hips into his lap as you tongues tangled together that he couldn’t help but bust a nut right then and there!
“a-agh f-fuck,” toji growled against your lips, his hands gripping harshly onto the plushness of your love handles. “y-you okay?” your voice was breathy and boarder line whiny as you inspected toji’s face for anything wrong. he grunted something about him being fine then buried his face in your neck, inhaling the sweet smell of your vanilla n caramel scented perfume. it wasn’t until you felt a sudden warmth against your panty clad pussy that you realized what the big man was so embarrassed about hehe.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who couldn’t help but slobber all over your pussy like a dog the first time he ate you out. you’d never known what pure ecstasy felt like until you felt toji’s plush lips wrap around your swollen clit.
“to-tojiiii!” you squealed, pink pedicured toes curling in pleasure when you felt toji’s tongue draw figure eights around your clit. pulled the skin above your clit up, spitting on the pink bud before sucking it back into his mouth. he’s pulled three orgasms out of you now and frighteningly enough he wasn’t showing any signs of stopping.
“stop—mmph, movin’” toji purred, throwing his arm over your stomach to keep you in place. his skillful tongue began to draw the letters of his name, a deep chuckle rumbled in his chest when your hips bucked upwards. “can ya guess what i’m spellin’ peach?” he asked spelling his name once more. just as he finished the dot on the ‘i’ you came with a loud scream of his name, your fluids soaking his chin and neck.
toji sloppily wiped his mouth with the back of his hands before moving himself up the bed to hover over you. “you’re so smart darlin’ i was spellin’ my name,” he chuckled, squishing your cheeks together before giving you a messy kiss, which you happily returned.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who can’t help but jerk off to the thought of you daily. he’d be minding his business on patrol until he’d see something that reminded him of you and from there it was over. god did he love eating your lil pussy till you cried, he liked it so much that even the mere thought had him popping a boner. almost every night he’d call you, panting and groaning into the phone as he beat his dick to your voice—it wouldn’t even have to be sexual, you talking about just anything had him leaking like a faucet.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji whose dick was as big as his heart. i’m talking eight and a half inches and so thick that the first time he showed it to you you were worried that he wouldn’t fit in your mouth/pussy. ‘don’ worry peach i’ll make it fit’ he said to you as he ran that fat tip over your glossed up lips.
“hah! s-shit pretty girl ‘yer takin’ it like a champ,” toji grinned, teeth clamping onto his bottom lip. you whimpered around his dick, spit dripping from your mouth and foaming up at the base creating the perfect mess. toji preferred his head sloppy and you delivered, the obscene noises of you choking around his cock sounded like music to his ears.
when toji cums he cums a lot….like a lot a lot. i mean look at the breeder balls on this man, he was bound to give you a mouthful—and he did!!
“take it all sweetness, swallow my cum like a good girl,” toji growled, caressing the bulge in your cheek. it was so much it began to drip from your mouth and onto his thighs but neither of you seemed to care. he tasted salty, but there was this tinge of sweetness to him that had you moaning like a bitch in heat. toji was shocked, yet extremely turned on when you whined for him to feed you more of his cum, your doe eyes looking as shiny as ever.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who almost shed tears the first time you two made love. he handled you as if you were the worlds most precious china, his calloused hands touching you ever softly with love laced in every squeeze have gave your body.
“s’good toji,” you mewled, tightening your legs around his slim waist. toji pressed his lips against yours, happily swallowing up every moan and whine you let out. his skillful hips slammed into yours, his hard stomach rubbing deliciously against your puffy clit. “such a good pussy. y’see darlin’? told you she’d be able to take me,” he slurred, groaning rather loudly when he heard you pussy squelch at a particularly hard thrust.
he used protection of course, but the thought of him being able to nut inside you had his orgasm approaching far sooner than he wanted to.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who made you squirt for the first time ever that same night, his eyes as wide as saucers as a fountain of your essence hit his lower stomach. you were utterly embarrassed, hiding your face in his pillows as you kicked your feet at him to not tease you. he did tease you, but it’s okay bc he thought that shit was so. fucking. hot.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who made it his mission to make you squirt every single time you two fooled around.
“c’mon sugar, where that special spot of yours eh?” toji hummed, the rough pads of his fingers rubbing against your most sensitive parts. he was knuckle deep inside your pussy, absolutely determined to get you to squirt on his fingers. you weren’t even too sure what he meant by your ‘special spot’ until his fingers bumped into that spongy area that had your eyes rolling back.
“ohh? right here huh? is that the spot peach?” he smirked, increasing the pressure of his fingers. your thighs began to tremble, drool slipping past your parted lips and onto your chin. “o-oh my goodness!” you squealed, hips pushing upwards when toji pressed roughly on your lower tummy. your thighs trembled violently as your release hit you like a truck, wave after wave of your cum soaking toji’s hand and wrist.
when you finished toji slapped your pussy followed by ‘atta fucking girl, my peach is so good f’me.’
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who has a habit of fucking you on top of his patrol car. he just can’t help himself!! especially when you’re all tipsy and handsy after your dates :(( it was supposed to be a one time thing but soon every other week he’d have you on top of car, panties around your ankles while he fucked you like a madman.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who fucked you on every surface of his house once you finally let him hit raw. you brought it up randomly one night that you had started taking birth control a few weeks prior and wanted to feel him, all of him.
“fuckkk honey,” toji hissed, pushing his hips forward one last time before releasing inside of you for the fourth time that night. your legs were practically jello, your hands holding onto the kitchen counter for dear life. you didn’t even know how you ended up from the living room to the kitchen, but you were in no place to do thinking rn sooo oh well!
you gasped when toji flipped your body around, strong arms lifting you off the ground. you weakly wrapped your legs around his waist, mewling when you felt his tip press snugly against your clit. “jesus you’re worse than the drugs i lock those sorry fuckers at the station up for,” toji grinned, gripping roughly onto your ass cheeks.
“d-don’t say stuff like that honey,” you sniffled, back arching when you felt the coolness of the wall against it. toji now had you pressed against the wall, his head tilted down, “a little to the left and—mmph, there we gooo.” your dropped open when toji slipped inside you once again, your walls hugging his dick tightly. you could feel him throbbing inside you, dick begging for yet another release.
“you’re relentless,” you hissed, manicured nails digging into his toned back. toji chuckled, flexing his back muscles to soothe the stings from your nails.
‘mmm only for you sugar’
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji whose become a serious fan of backshots ever since he got with you. you’re on the curvier side, giving him lots of soft to grip and slap to his hearts content. hearts form in his eyes every time he gets to see the beautiful recoil of your ass against his pelvis.
˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊ sheriff!toji who develops a serious breeding kink the more he gets to fuck you raw. not only does the sight of his cum leaking from spent pussy draw something animalistic out of him, but he also thinks you’d make the prettiest mommy <33
“how pretty,” toji murmured to himself, pushing softly on your stomach. a flood of his cum dripped from your cunt, soiling the sheets beneath your trembling body. “y’er gonna make a such a pretty momma one day,” he spoke softly, rubbing his hands on the backs of your thighs before pushing them wayyy back.
“at this rate m’sure it’ll ha-happen soon,” your giggle was replaced with a moan when toji placed his cock between your folds, his hips drawing back before pushing forward. his tongue poked out to swipe over his bottom lip, a pool of drool forming on his tongue at the thought of knocking you up.
‘you think?’
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be-xkyy · 2 months ago
Ok I can't stop thinking about a farmer x a city girl.
Tw: Yandere,smut, forced breeding.
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She who is a city girl who studies in a good university, has a nice car, a nice house and a bright future.
She who goes to the countryside every year because her grandfather lives there and she takes advantage of her vacations to go see her favorite grandfather.
She who during one of those visits and when she is on the porch meets the sexy farmer who helps her grandfather with what he needs, she who stays looking at him longer than necessary, absorbing his firm figure and admiring his muscular forearms visible thanks to the rolled up sleeves of his blue shirt that accentuate his sun-tanned skin, his serious brown eyes with long eyelashes and his sexy jaw covered by a short beard...
She who wakes up from her daydream when he says in a thick and firm voice to get out of the way because she is blocking his way and only then she notices the shopping bags in his big hands so she moves awkwardly letting him enter the house.
She who walks into the house while she can't help but think he's a grumpy, rude jerk, she who walks into the kitchen and sees the man leaving the bags on the counter while he talks to his grandfather who smiles when he sees her and formally introduces them.
She who greets him with a sullen nod still offended by his previous attitude while he greets her back in kind while the grandfather rambles on about his favorite granddaughter and how you're so cute, smart and extraordinary... she who notices him silently scoffing at the words of his grandfather who says he'll happily go get the album with your photos from when you were a baby.
She who when they're alone asks him in an annoyed voice what's so funny only for him to reply in a mocking voice something like "I don't think it's very smart to come to the countryside in heels and those clothes... rather I think it's something extraordinarily stupid."
She who gets annoyed by his mocking tone and his sneering look at her shorts and tank top, and she tells him that this is a free country and he can wear whatever he wants and if he doesn't like it he can tear his eyes out.
She who gets even more annoyed when he laughs as he puts the last of his canned soup away in the cupboard, and puts the plastic bags away in a drawer, then approaches her and says in a mocking voice "Why tear my eyes out when I can do something much better... like tear your clothes off?"
She who doesn't know how she ended up pinned face down on the kitchen counter with her shorts and panties caught around her ankles as his fat cock abuses her wet, rubbery pussy, her walls sucking and sucking his cock as if they wanted to get him deeper while one of his calloused hands covers her mouth tightly preventing her moans from escaping.
She who rolls her eyes when he uses his free hand to tightly grab a handful of her hair tilting her head back and sending waves of pain and pleasure to her swollen pussy as he makes her teary eyes look into his dilated eyes.
She who whimpers sharply into his hand as he thrusts hard into her and gets close to her ear and says things like "Such a good girl, just one good fuck was all it took to get rid of your attitude huh?" or "Let daddy turn you into an honest girl, what are those slutty clothes you wear? No. There won't be any more of that for you."
She feels her body shake and her toes tense as his cock hits that spot inside her over and over again making her see stars and causing her orgasm to wash over her and her pussy to tighten around his cock and he growls at the delicious sensation moving his hips harder chasing her orgasm before giving a few more thrusts and staying still deep inside her flooding her insides with his warm semen while she stays limp on the cold counter so fucked that she can't think about anything not even the fact that she's not taking birth control.
The one who can't help but squeeze you with his weight, his chest on your back while his fingers move a strand of hair stuck to your sweaty forehead and whispers in your ear with a dark voice that shivers "You know it's time to settle down, I'm not getting any younger and I want to have at least 8 children, but don't worry honey we have plenty of time to do it... after all you're not going anywhere."
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piastappies · 7 months ago
summary. upon coming to the race with your little girl, oscar and you are facing a challenging situation as your daughter gets completely enamoured with every dog she sees.
notes. oscar piastri x leclerc!wife!reader. first osc fic!!! (the obsession is getting out of hand). also pls let me know if you’d like to read something else with dad!oscar. also got inspired by @eccentricwritingbaby’s series with dad!lando!!!! didn’t proofread (idc)
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dressed in an orange shirt with her dad’s number on the back, little chloe was an absolute ray of sunshine, whenever you took her to the race, which, honestly, wasn’t such a common occurrence as some people expected. your little girl loved coming to the race, mostly because it was a chance for her to meet all her favorite uncles in one place, while watching the cars drive really fast, which always made her giggle a little, especially once she started to recognize oscar’s car amongst others. despite her obvious love for the event, she was still a toddler and dragging her every other week to the airport to go to another country was something you and oscar decided to push further in time.
nevertheless, you could deny your husband the happiness of his little girl’s presence at his home race. as much as you hated the thought of such a long flight with a toddler, because the nice to melbourne flight was never a short one without any layovers, and you really tried to stick to at least some of chloe’s day schedule. but in the end it was the pure happiness in your husband’s eyes, when you spent two weeks in his home country before a race.
with said mclaren shirt with piastri written on her back, chloe was happily skipping, holding oscar’s hand as she looked around her, until a small gasp slipped her lips, freezing in her tracks, causing you to stop as well, your forehead creasing with confusion until your eyes followed hers. a puppy — simba, to be precise.
at first you thought she was scared, when her eyes widened in shock and, as you wrongfully assumed, fear, but she was quick to reveal her true feelings. a shy smile crept onto her face as she looked at oscar, who crouched to be on the same level as her. “daddy. i pet puppy, please?” her baby voice often made you and oscar’s mom jokingly call her oscar whisperer, because if you weren’t there to keep him in check, baby piastri would get every single thing she looked at. “let’s ask auntie kika first, okay?” oscar’s face lit up with a warm smile as he gently fixed his daughter’s piggytails.
back in monaco, you had a few situations, where you could learn your daughter how to behave around animals and she was picking it up pretty quickly. as horribly as it sounds, leo, your brother’s dog, was… a bit of a guinea pig, but since chloe was a literal little angel, who was afraid of making anyone sad (hence you had to put a ban on buying plushies as gifts, because she wanted every single one to sleep with her to the point where there was no more room on the bed for her), so there were never any fur or tail pulling, screaming into poor dog’s ear or anything that could cause any harm to leo and in consequence, to chloe.
a happy grin was plastered on her face, when kika and pierre walked up to them first, the girl quickly started gushing about the adorableness of her favorite papaya girl. “i pet puppy, please? ‘tie kika?” the three years old asked, holding her hands behind her back. “i gentle.” she adds, pointing at herself as if kika wasn’t completely drowning in the cuteness of the situation.
“of course, pumpkin. simba really missed you.” she chuckles softly, the two of you watching as chloe starts petting the small dog with delicacy, babbling something slightly incoherent to simba, who tried licking her fingers as she giggled. “you should get her a dog.” your friend laughed softly, nudging you with her elbow.
“we’re thinking about it, but i don’t think it’s gonna happen in near future.” you replied, a small smile tugging on your lips as chloe was completely infatuated with simba. “she’s still a lot of work, and you know how it is during the season, it’d be even more exhausting than it is now.”
few minutes later, after a quick chat with kika as you were walking down the paddock, catching up with oscar, who had to take a quick call. before you know it, your daughter squeales happily as she lets go of your hand, starting to run away, before oscar scoops her up in his arms. “hey, you can’t do that, squish.” oscar said gently. “you almost gave us a heart attack. if you wanna go somewhere, you have to tell us, okay?”
“suis désolée, daddy.” chloe replied a bit sadly as she pulled out her bottom lip. “but…” she scrunched her nose, unable to form a proper sentence in one language. “c’est uncle charles.” i’m sorry/it is.
“you still gotta tell me or mommy first.” oscar reminded her firmly, her sad pout breaking his heart a little, so… to change that, he smothered her face in small, quick kisses, making the toddler squirm in his arms, giggling cutely. “okay, c’mon, let’s say hi to uncle charles.”
as soon as baby piastri’s feet touched the ground, she ran for her life towards charles, the red pins in her hair being a small symbol of support for one of her favorite uncles. she was about to take a leap and jump into the driver’s arms, when she abruptly stopped mid-way, her mouth forming into a big ‘O’, girl’s attention has shifted from one beloved uncle to another as the youngest leclerc brother appeared in the line of her vision.
“uncle a’tty!” chloe squeaked even louder than before, happiness overflowing her adorable expression. arthur chuckled, taking a few long strides towards the three years old, before picking her up and doing a small spin, his niece erupting into a fit of giggles.
“my uncle a’tty.” she beamed, her arms wrapped around his neck, nuzzling her cheek against his. you could tell that your older brother’s heart just melted upon hearing chloe’s words, while your other older brother felt like he got stabbed with a knife.
“not a hi to your other best uncle?” charles asked in almost a desperate tone to get some attention from his favorite (and only) niece. oscar, you and alex just rolled your eyes playfully at his antics. a flicker of hope spread on his face as your daughter perked up slightly and let out a gasp.
“uncle lan?”
“oh, c’mon, squish.” your brother sighed, running a hand through his hair. a silly smile appeared on chloe’s face as she made grabby hands towards charles, who got over his exasperation pretty quickly. “play with leo, please?” she asks with big eyes and before you knew it, chloe was happily babbling to the mini dachshund.
although, the biggest fun she always had was with roscoe. mostly, because whenever she was around him, he was the chillest dog on the planet earth. she loved leo and simba, but they were still puppies with lots of energy and as much it would seem like chloe would love that, but when it came to doggies, she loved to just sit next to them and pet them endlessly.
that’s what she loved, whenever oscar and you took her to a race, that sometimes, beside being a bubbly little girl, cheering for her favorite person in the world along her second favorite person in the world, she could spend the time cheering and spending time with her favorite animals, while also being blissfully unaware of the tormenting of her mom’s brother.
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wandascosmic · 19 days ago
hii! i have a request!
i was thinking about wanda being with reader for some years, dating. and so they decide to take a trip to sokovia together, so reader could know where wanda grew up in. at first wanda was a bit self conscious about it, because it ain’t a very pretty country. but reader was just very sweet about it. and since it’s in europe it’s very very cold. wanda is so used to it it’s scary. she also is a natural vodka drinker, and doesn’t ever get drunk. sometimes just tipsy. she insists on showing reader every hidden spot and corner..,, and maybe steal some make out sessions. wanda realizes she wants to marry her in that trip.
be mine (request)
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: in which wanda makes sure she wants you to be her wife (though she's known the answer all along)
word count: 1350
tags: unedited, fluff, brief alcohol, you both are the dorkiest duo, wanda loves you a lot, you love wanda a lot, sokovia appreciation, lots of cuteness
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You and Wanda Maximoff have been dating for 3 years, and best friends for 5. 
Wanda had joined the Avengers shortly after you, wide-eyed, fearful, and anxious having still been riding off the death of her beloved brother. 
However, with your help, she found herself once more, and was excited to finally share her culture with the most important person of her life. 
“Okay, so it can get pretty cold, most of the time,” Wanda tells you as you’re packing together in your bedroom in the compound. “But it might get pretty warm pretty fast so pack clothes for many different kinds of weather.” 
“Got it, Maximoff,” you answer, heading to your closet and grabbing a couple sweaters. 
Wanda was excited, but then again, you grew up in California, where there endless beaches, and no war. No run-down buildings, or crazy weather, only endless sunshine. 
Maybe she shouldn’t be making you go. 
“You know,” Wanda says quietly, and you turn around abruptly, noticing the expression on her face. 
“What’s going on?” you ask, putting down your sweaters on the bed and heading over to her.
“Sokovia isn’t very glamorous,” she laughs awkwardly. “I’m not sure you’re gonna like it, and I really don’t want to force you to go somewhere you’re just gonna hate.” 
“Maximoff,” you start, cupping her cheek, “You grew up there. It’s your home country, it’s what makes you, you. Of course, I’m gonna love it. Plus, I’m gonna learn so much more about your culture and just you in general, why wouldn’t I love it?” 
“Are you sure?” Wanda asks, fiddling with the rings on her fingers. “Yes, I’m sure.” 
22 hours later, and you’ve finally landed in Wanda’s home country. 
She was right, it’s not very glamorous, but it’s still absolutely beautiful to you. 
This is where your favorite person in the world grew up in. 
However, it was absolutely freezing the second you stepped out of the airport. 
You begin to shiver, and look over to Wanda to see if she also feels the effect in her navy blue zip-up. 
Wanda doesn’t seem fazed by it, and goes immediately to calling an Uber so you can get to your hotel. 
“Wanda,” you ask, making her look up from her phone. “Are you cold?” 
“Not really, no,” Wanda shrugs, but suddenly, her eyes widen seeing your shivering form. “Holy shit, detka, you’re freezing!” Wanda takes her sweater off, leaving her in a t-shirt and puts it around your shoulders. 
Your eyes widen, and you try to take the sweater off, but Wanda stops you. “Wanda, now you’re gonna get cold.” 
“I’m fine, detka,” she says. “I’m pretty used to the weather.” 
“Scarily used to it,” you mutter. 
“Right, I forgot the cold makes you grumpy.”
“Or I’ve been spending too much time locked up in my bedroom in a huge tower.” 
“Wanda,” your voice has begun to slur after only your second shot of Vodka. Was the alcohol in Sokovia super-infused or something? 
“Yes, detka,” Wanda laughs at how drowsy you look already. 
“Jesus christ, Maximoff,” you look over to the array of 5 empty shot glasses of vodka in front of your girlfriend. “You can really hold your liquor.” 
“Yes, and you can’t,” Wanda teases, laughing when you give her a pouting expression. She shrugs. “I’m mostly just used to the vodka from being here for so long.” 
“Are you sure you aren’t Thor in another universe?” you say, now slurring heavily. “He’s a natural drinker.” You pause, looking around as if you’re searching for something, before making eye contact with your favorite green-eyed witch. “Plus, you’re so pretty you could easily be a goddess.” 
Wanda blushes, looking away as her heart fills with adoration. 
Wanda felt slightly guilty. 
She had only brought you here because she wanted to be absolutely sure she wanted to marry you, having bought a ring around 5 months ago. 
She didn’t know why she ever doubted you, but bringing you here, to her home country, was her test to make sure everything would be absolutely perfect if she were to be your wife for the rest of your life. 
And you passed the test, with flying colors. 
So far, you’ve been adoring every single Sokovian tradition, every Sokovian market, every ounce of this country that made Wanda who she is. 
Wanda loves you.
And she was sure she wanted to marry you. 
Not in a rowdy Sokovian bar with you so drunk you were blissfully unaware of everything that was going on, but soon, she was sure of it. 
“Okay, come on,” Wanda was laughing as she was running, holding your hand and dragging you behind her. 
“Maximoff, where the hell are we going,” you ask. 
“This was my favorite garden growing up, it’s kinda hidden but it’s incredible! Come on,” Wanda continues to drag you towards an apartment around a block from where you learned she grew up, and as Wanda continues to drag you towards a small patch of grass near it, you gasp. 
“Oh my god, it’s so pretty,” you say in awe. 
“I know, right,” Wanda says, but she’s not admiring the garden anymore, she’s admiring you.
This is where she was gonna marry you. 
On this beautiful, isolated, patch of grass with the sacred garden that got her through every ounce of fear she felt as a child. 
3 months later, she was gonna do it. 
She was gonna ask you to be her wife. 
It was your 4-year anniversary, and she was gonna do it.
She was going to take you to your favorite restaurant, you would go on a small walk, and she was gonna take you to the Manhattan bridge, also your favorite. 
“Maximoff, this feels excessive. Why are we just going to my favorite places? You’re half of this relationship,” you ask, as Wanda is bringing you to the Manhattan bridge. Don’t get you wrong, it is one of your top 3 favorite places in New York, number one being lying in bed with Wanda, but Wanda deserved at least some of her favorite things on your anniversary too. 
“I don’t mind. My favorite thing in the world is being with you, and seeing you happy, and with this I get both,” Wanda answers easily. However, she doesn’t notice the adoring look you give her, too nervous with the ring in her jacket pocket. She really hopes she doesn’t chicken out. 
You both slow as you walk towards the middle of the bridge, you automatically peering over the ledge to look at the water as you’ve done a million times. 
And Wanda was betting on you doing that. 
Slowly, she grabs the ring out of her pocket, a silver ring with a sapphire in the middle, and gets down on one knee. 
She takes a deep breath. 
Now only anticipating your turning around.
And slowly, you do. 
And your eyes widen. 
And a huge smile breaks out on your face. 
And a huge smile breaks out on hers. 
“Maximoff…” “Will you marry me?” she cuts you off, eyes hopeful and smile big. “Ever since you came with me to Sokovia, I’ve been wanting to ask you constantly, but I didn’t know how. Truth be told, I kinda brought you on that trip to make sure this was the right choice, but I did know that it was from the beginning. It’s just, my culture has a lot of traditions that some people don’t understand, so I thought maybe if I immersed you in that I could make sure that you wouldn’t hate me someday if I did something but I really do love you and–” You cut her off with a kiss.
“Of course I’ll marry you, you dork,” you say, still smiling as you cup her cheeks. 
“Really?” Wanda asks, vulnerable, and suddenly wiping tears from her eyes that she didn’t know had begun falling. 
“Absolutely,” you nod, giving her your finger for her to place the ring on. 
“I can’t wait for you to be my wife,” Wanda laughs. 
“I can’t wait for you to be mine.” 
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lazysoulwriter · 2 months ago
My Man, My Rules - Rafe Cameron
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There was a fight. Of course, there was a fight.
Because Rafe Cameron couldn’t go one week without being knee-deep in some rich-kid drama.
And as usual, it all started with some guy looking at him the wrong way. Or maybe breathing too close. Or—God forbid—standing within a five-foot radius of her.
So now, here he was, blood dripping from his nose, shirt torn at the collar, grinning like he just won a championship fight, while his friends stood around awkwardly, avoiding her gaze.
She, on the other hand, was livid.
“Oh, great. Just fucking great,” she started, storming up to him. “Again, Rafe? You really have one brain cell, and you let Topper borrow it for the night, huh?”
“No.” She raised a finger, effectively shutting him up. “I swear to God, Cameron, if you get into one more fight, I will personally beat your ass myself.”
The entire party went silent.
Kelce let out a low whistle. Topper looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole. Even the guy Rafe had just fought—some dude from Chapel Hill who probably just wanted a beer—was staring like he had just witnessed something far more terrifying than Rafe Cameron’s right hook.
Rafe, though? He just looked amused.
“You done?” he asked, licking his busted lip.
She stepped closer, grabbing his face with both hands. “Oh, I am not done. In fact, I’m just getting started. Because you know what, Rafe? You’re mine. My man. And that means I get to decide if you’re allowed to get your dumb ass into fights.”
He blinked. “I’m… not allowed?”
“That’s right,” she snapped. “Not. Allowed. What the fuck do you think this is? Some fight club for trust fund babies? No, sir. We are done with this. From now on, I make the rules. You got a problem with someone? You tell me. You feel like punching someone? You tell me. You wanna get your knuckles bloody? I will find you a punching bag, Rafe Cameron, but it will NOT be at a fucking country club party.”
Rafe looked at her for a long second. Then, he smirked. “Kinda hot when you boss me around like that.”
She groaned, letting go of his face only to smack the back of his head. “Are you hearing me? You are banned from fighting. BANNED.”
“…Like, for life?”
“Oh my fucking God—”
She turned to the crowd, gesturing wildly. “Does ANYONE else want to tell this idiot what I’m saying before I lose my mind?”
Kelce coughed. “I think she means you’re not supposed to fight anymore, bro.”
Rafe scoffed. “Yeah, no shit, Kelce—”
She grabbed his chin again, forcing him to look at her. “Do. You. Understand. Me?”
His smirk softened just a little. “Yeah, baby. I understand.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Do you really?”
“I do.” He leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to her nose. “I promise.”
She squinted, trying to decide if she believed him. Finally, she sighed and wiped some blood off his cheek with her sleeve. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I am cute,” he agreed. “And strong. And—”
“Do not make me take it back, Cameron.”
He grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist. “C’mon, let’s get outta here.”
She sighed dramatically but let him pull her away. “Fine. But if I ever catch you fighting again—”
“I know, I know. You’ll beat my ass.”
“Damn right, I will.”
Rafe smirked, tugging her even closer. “My scary little girlfriend.”
She rolled her eyes. “And don’t you forget it.”
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