#customs impounding
newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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Customs guards removing 82 cartons of Irish Sweepstakes tickets from the liner America after it arrived at Pier 61, July 8, 1948. Sweepstakes tickets were sold all over the world, but were illegal in the U.S. Nonetheless, many thousands escaped discovery and the U.S. accounted for the majority of the tickets sold. The whole thing was a fraud—the money was supposed to go to Irish hospitals, but as little as 10% may actually have found its way there.
Photo: Anthony Camerano for the AP
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somedaylazysomeday · 8 months
Billy Butcher x fem!reader
You're called to tow Butcher's truck. He's unsurprisingly offended by that. (Takes place before the pilot of The Boys)
Rating: Mature. Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,600
Warnings: Swearing, veiled threats, feelings of helplessness, mentions of alcohol, descriptions of injuries from a fight, insults, and frank discussions of sexuality. (Butcher is his own warning, tbh)
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When most people said they were on a run, it meant that they were getting some exercise. Or going to the store. Or maybe fleeing from enemies. 
For you, a ‘run’ meant that you were out to tow a car from an illegal space. Honestly, it felt like fleeing from enemies sometimes, but that was only because the customers of your Uncle Bo’s tow service and impound lot didn’t want his product. Like any customer service job, you had your share of unpleasant interactions. 
This particular one was an easy pickup. Some guy had parked on private property and the owners were having his car towed. Simple, quick, legal. Those were the best jobs, at least in your opinion. Bo tended to favor jobs where he could get a little extra for helping or inconveniencing the right people.
You didn’t need to pay attention to the familiar motions of placing the lift under the car’s front wheels. It was an older car with significant damage to the paint and body, so you didn’t have to worry that you and Bo would be sued for scratches or dents. In fact, there were good odds that the car had been abandoned on the property. 
Still, you kept an eye on the surrounding neighborhood as you worked. This wasn’t a good part of the city. Just because you could take care of yourself in a nasty situation didn’t mean you wanted to get in one. 
“Hold on, love,” an accented voice called. “That’s mine.”
You turned, already dreading the conversation. You had been helping your Uncle Bo long enough to not be cowed by many people, but that didn’t mean confrontations with angry vehicle owners were fun. 
Fortunately, this vehicle owner - dark-haired and wearing a long coat - didn’t seem to be angry… yet. He also didn’t seem to need any input from you to keep the conversation going. “I’ll need you to lower my car back down. I’m on official business. Agent Butcher, CIA.”
The skepticism was clear on your face, you were sure of it. “Do you have some kind of identification?” 
His eyebrows lifted, but not in disbelief. No, it was like he took your words as a challenge, one that he relished. He fished inside his black leather duster and retrieved a wallet. He flashed a shining badge at you, making sure you could see the identification card displayed in the opposite panel. “That all you needed?” 
“Yeah,” you agreed, climbing back into the bed of the truck you drove to pick up tows across the city. The parking brake was already locked, so engaging the lift mechanism only took the press of a few buttons. 
Your new friend was finally displeased. With a face like thunder, he stood outside of the truck and frowned up at your open window. You had already locked the doors, of course, but you were ready to start rolling up the window if needed. This wouldn’t be the first time you’d had a pickup get violent.
“Last chance, love,” he growled, accent thicker than ever. “Let me car down or I’ll have you charged with obstruction of justice and inconveniencing a federal officer.” 
That surprised a laugh out of you. The man looked equally surprised, though with a lot more displeasure than you felt. “It’s not a crime to inconvenience a federal officer.” 
“C’mon,” he urged, leaning heavily against the outside of your door. It was hard to claim that he was breaching your personal space through a truck door, especially when his expression changed to one of pleading. “Do me one favor. Just one.” 
“Fine,” you conceded with a sigh. The triumphant smile that flashed over his handsome face convinced you that you were doing the right thing. “Here’s your favor: get a new forger.” 
“Pardon?” he asked, frowning. 
“The CIA doesn’t carry badges,” you told him. 
He tilted his head at you, pulling out the wallet once more. He flipped it open to display the badge. “Hate to argue with a beautiful bird, but what would you call this?” 
“I would call that an FBI badge with ‘CIA’ written across the top.” You reached out through the window to tap on the identification badge with his face on it. “The CIA doesn’t carry badges to show the public. They just have these ID cards. Get a new forger or change your cover story.” 
You pulled your arm back into the truck for just long enough to retrieve a business card from the collection stored on top of the passenger sun visor. “Pick up your car here between six and ten pm, or anytime after nine tomorrow morning.” 
That face was darkening again, but you didn’t give him the chance to say more than a syllable or two before you were pulling away from the curb. His car on the back of the truck made it more difficult to weave through the heavy traffic of downtown, but you managed. You had been navigating these streets for most of your life. Nothing about this was any different than every other day. 
When you dropped the ragged car at the yard, Uncle Bo examined it with an expression of deep skepticism. “Tell me none’a those bumper scratches are from you.” 
You scoffed. “How long has it been since I scratched a bumper?” 
“Years,” Uncle Bo admitted readily. “You’re getting better.” 
“Admit it,” you jabbed, “you’re going to leave this business to me when you finally decide to retire.” 
Uncle Bo snorted loudly. “If you’re still around the tow yard when I decide to retire, sure. You’ll have earned it. But you better not hold your breath - I’ve got years of steam left in me.”
“I’ll remind you about that next time I catch you napping in the office.” You turned, patting him on the shoulder. “Speaking of, I’m going to go enter this in the books. The owner caught an attitude. We’ll probably hear from him again and I want to make sure all of our paperwork is in place.” 
“Good idea,” Uncle Bo agreed. “I’m heading out for the night, but I’ll have my phone if you need anything. And I don’t nap in the office. My poor old eyes need rest!”
You didn’t bother replying to the age-old argument. Bo was already gone, and you were working the late shift. The lot stayed open until ten most nights, and all of Bo’s other employees had the day off. All two of them. They were both mechanics, and since they had planned to service all of the company vehicles early the next morning, you were stuck at the yard alone that night. Bo would have to cover tomorrow night, his tired eyes be damned.
You weren’t proud to admit that you had zoned out while entering the crappy sedan’s information into the tow yard log. This wasn’t a bad job, but there had to be something more out there. Working a dead-end job at a towing company wasn’t how you wanted to spend your life. Maybe it was time to start job-hunting. Again. During a recession and a notable lack of jobs on the market. 
The groan you let out was slightly muffled when your forehead hit the log book. 
The rest of your shift was spent at the desk in the back room, scrolling through employment sites on your phone. Tragically, the shitty job market hadn’t improved in the week since you had last checked. It seemed like your options were to stay at the tow yard, work in another equally unfulfilling job, or go back to school and learn to do something useful. 
At two minutes past ten, you let your phone clatter loudly onto the table as you began to gather your things. You had chosen to wear a thicker jacket than normal that night. It wasn’t quite winter yet in the city, but it was close enough that the darker hours were unpleasantly chilly. The thick material was warm against your hand when you grabbed the jacket and started to put it on. 
And, of course, that was when the phone started to ring. 
You stared at it for a long moment, dismayed. It was almost five past ten by that point, which meant you were five minutes past any obligation to pick it up. But you couldn’t risk losing business for your uncle. And if he was happy with the work you had done, he would complain less when you left early the next day. 
Cursing your own work ethic, you picked up the phone. “Yeah?” 
“I’m here for my fuckin’ car.” 
You seriously debated hanging up immediately. It was close, but you managed to hold onto your temper. “We get a lot of that here. Wanna give me some details?” 
In a longsuffering tone, your charming caller gave you the license plate number. That information confirmed your suspicions: this was the same man whose car you had picked up earlier in the day. 
“I’ll meet you at the gate,” you told him. “Did you bring a form of payment to settle your bill?” 
“I’ve got your money,” he growled. 
“Great,” you said, then hung up. 
You were glowering as you stomped outside into the chilly night. Bo was going to have to pay your overtime. Family or not, you refused to work for free.
“Finally,” the man growled, shoving his hands into the pockets of his coat. “Don’t wanna stand here all damn night.” 
You stopped, crossing your arms. “We’re closed.” 
“Now you tell me?” the man demanded. His accent was even thicker than it had been earlier, a rough British twang. His face was in shadows, but he was clearly irritated. “What the fuck are-?”
“I’ll help you get your car,” you interrupted tersely. “I’m just letting you know that I’m helping you when I don’t have to. Because I’m a great fucking person. You’re welcome. Now give me your ID and stop being an asshole or you can come back when we’re actually open.”
To your shock, he kept his mouth shut and held his ID out for you through the gaps in the chain-link fence. You took it, double checking the name against the one that the car had been registered to. An image labeled ‘Billy Butcher’ smirked up at you from the laminated card until you handed it back. 
“Give me your keys and the money. I’ll bring your car.”
Butcher huffed at that. “Not a chance. Let me in and I’ll get my own car.” 
“We’re closed,” you reminded, putting your hands on your hips. “I’m not letting you into the yard when I’m the only one here.” 
“Fine,” he gritted out, offering a wad of cash. A moment later, a set of keys was also slipped through the fence, dangling from his fingers. 
You frowned as you took the money and keys. Were his hands dirty? They looked dark around the knuckles… Quickly, you peeled off the correct number of bills and handed the rest back to him.
“Not taking a tip?” he asked, cocking a dark brow at you.
“I don’t need to steal your money.” With willpower, you managed to keep back a comment about how seeing idiots like him getting their cars towed was payment enough. 
“Be careful with her,” Butcher warned. “She’s temperamental.”
He stepped closer to the fence as he cautioned you, and you fought back a gasp. Butcher looked like he had gotten in a few fights in the few hours since you had picked up his car. One of his eyes was black, his lip was split, and one side of his face was beginning to swell. With that image in your head, you could see that his hand wasn’t dirty. His fingers were bruised, dried blood flaking at the joints of his knuckles.
“I’ll be right back.” 
Butcher didn’t say anything else as you walked off deeper into the lot, but it didn’t matter. You were lost in thought, trying to remember the signs of a concussion, and you were unlocking the door of his shitty sedan before you thought to wonder why you cared. 
Uncle Bo always liked to say that you were too soft-hearted to live in the city. You had always answered that with a snort and a rude comment, but you were starting to wonder if he may be right. 
A quick search on your phone brought up a list of symptoms, and you were keeping them fresh in your mind as you pulled the car up to the gate. As soon as you had thrown it into park, you slid from the stained seat and unlatched the chain. 
“No stupid moves.” You backed up slightly when Butcher stepped through the gates. “I’m armed.” 
Butcher looked you up and down, amusement on his face. “Whatever you say, love. ‘Sides, I don’t want nothing from you except my car.” 
You gestured invitingly toward his car. Butcher slid into the seat, caressing the steering wheel for a moment longer than you were comfortable with. He slammed the door, then rolled the window down. “See ya around.” 
Your reply - not that you intended to give one - was interrupted when he revved his engine and it promptly died. 
Butcher sat in shocked silence for a moment. He broke it almost immediately with a loud curse that he punctuated with a slam of his palm against the steering wheel. “Didn’t engage the battery disconnect, did you.” 
“Didn’t know you had one,” you said. “All the shit you said when I towed your car and you didn’t think to tell me you had a battery disconnect?” 
“Too busy findin’ out me badge is bullshit, weren’t I?” he hissed. 
“The disconnect couldn’t have been on when your car was towed,” you pointed out. “If it had been, it would have been on this whole time.” 
“I wasn’t planning to be away from my car that long.” Butcher whacked the dashboard for good measure. “Just needed to scope out the supes. Twenty minute job, then I was gonna be back in and driving away.” 
“The supes?” you repeated, frowning. “You were illegally parked in front of the Vought building. That’s why they called me to come tow you. You were spying on them?”
“Someone has to!” he snapped. “Everyone thinks those fuckers are up in their tower, waiting to protect the helpless and all of that shit. But they’re not. They’re a bunch of selfish cunts, and the only things they use their powers for is to get ahead or get off. And you’d better hope you’re never in their way for either of those, or you’ll be gone without anyone to ask what happened to you.”
The silence that fell after that was heavy and awkward. You nodded too many times, eventually finding the voice to say, “I need some coffee. Want some?” 
Butcher gave you a look so full of disbelief that you almost apologized outright, but he gave a slow nod. “Yeah.” 
You retreated to the office, filling two cheap paper cups with the pot of coffee you had unwisely brewed at eight thirty. Butcher hadn’t told you how he took his coffee, but he had answered one of your more pressing questions: he was definitely concussed.
Ultimately, that was none of your business, but it was still a little concerning. If you let him leave and he crashed his car, would it be your fault? Probably not in a legal sense. You could always claim that you hadn’t known he was injured. But would you be able to handle the guilt if he died or killed someone else? 
The moral questions tumbling through your mind kept you so focused on your thoughts that you handed Butcher his cup in utter silence, staring at him. Eventually, he swallowed a sip of the black coffee and begrudgingly said, “Thanks.” 
You blinked. “No problem. So, dead battery?” 
Butcher scowled into the open hood of his car. “Yeah. Does this a lot.” 
“I can get you a replacement,” you suggested. “As long as yours is decent and just needs charged, I can switch it out for another one for free. Or I have jumper cables if it’ll hold a charge long enough for you to get where you’re going.” 
With a slow shake of his head, Butcher said, “Nah, the battery is shot. And the alternator was holding on by a thread. This will’ve bumped it off for good. I’ll need a full replacement for both before I can drive this thing more than a mile or two.” 
Well. You sighed. “I can’t help you with a full replacement for either. I know a mechanic around the corner, but he’s not gonna be open this late. Best he’ll be able to do is tomorrow morning. At least it’ll be easy to get over there.” 
Butcher gave you a sidelong glance. “Suspiciously helpful for someone working after hours.” 
“I get paid overtime,” you replied, not missing a beat. “Besides, maybe I’m trying to earn a place in heaven.” 
“I know a faster way.” Butcher took another sip of coffee while you waited, brows lifted. “Get a drink with me.” 
The non sequitur made you blink. “What?” 
“A drink,” he repeated, exaggeratedly slowly. “Something better than shitty coffee. With me. In a bar - I’m not going to a fucking dance club.”
“How did we get from you threatening me to wanting us to get a drink?” you asked.
Butcher smirked, and you suddenly understood the expression ‘curl of the lips’. “I’ve never threatened you, love. Trust me, you’d remember. But it’s been a shit night. Shit week, actually. The only good part of it so far has been you. Best I can figure… you’re the only thing that can keep tonight from being a waste of my fuckin’ time.” 
“Flattering,” you said dryly. But you didn’t turn him down. You couldn’t claim to be interested in Billy Butcher. At least, not romantically. You thought he was interesting in a tragic comedy kind of way. More importantly, you thought - if you played your cards right - you might be able to convince him to see a doctor and make sure he didn’t have some kind of concussion-induced brain injury. 
“You know what?” you asked, watching Butcher brace for whatever horrible thing he thought you were going to say. “I could use a drink. But I get to choose the place.” 
He was quiet for much longer than you had expected, but he nodded at last. “Don’t choose somewhere shitty.”
You rolled your eyes, snatching the coffee cup from his hand. Despite his complaints, it was almost empty, and it sailed neatly into the trash can when you tossed it with an expert hand. “I’ll call my mechanic on the way.”
Butcher paused to lock his car before you left. It was a futile gesture since you would lock the yard’s gate behind you, but he insisted. Besides, it gave you a chance to call the mechanic. You even had time to find a route to your favorite bar that led past a 24-hour health clinic. All you had to do was make light conversation until you made it to the doors…
“Why do you work at a towing company?”
You blinked at the abruptness of the question, but gamely answered it: “My uncle owns it. I’ve been helping him since I was a teenager.” 
Butcher grunted. “Most people leave their first job.” 
“And what about you?” you asked, a hint of challenge in your voice. “Why do you do what you do? What do you do?” 
“I help keep supes from killing us all.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed awkwardly. “They seem like a real threat to society with all of the crime-fighting and donations to charity.” 
“Public relations, love,” Butcher told you, “nothing more.” 
“Of course they use public relations,” you replied, trying to ignore the little tingle that went through you at him using that pet name in that tone. “Most businesses have to do some kind of public relations. Especially big companies like Vought.” 
Butcher snorted. “They don’t use PR to neaten up their image; they use it to cover the mountain of shit their pet psychopaths get into. And that lot ain’t heroes. They’re a bunch of cunts with too much power and not enough people to tell ‘em to knock it off. They’re dangerous, and what makes ‘em that way is people like you who think they’re heroes.”
“Okay,” you said slowly, trying to decide between pacifying him by agreeing or antagonizing him so you could hear more of his ranting. It was fascinating and oddly entertaining, and you found yourself slowing down so you could keep talking before he got to the clinic. “But what about-?” 
“They ain’t good for society,” he insisted, interrupting you without seeming to notice. “You’re probably more of a hero than they are, and all you do is inconvenience good people.” 
“You were parked in a fire lane,” you reminded him, getting irritated. “If anyone was inconveniencing people-” 
“Have you ever thought about the people who are around for a supe fight?” Butcher asked, ignoring your excellent point. “Collateral damage, they say. Supes ruin a lot of lives, and it’s supposed to all be worth it.” 
“Sometimes,” you conceded. “But it all depends on the situation, right? If you’re just basing it off of lives saved versus lives lost, doesn’t it make more sense to sacrifice a few to save a lot of people?”
Butcher narrowed his eyes at you. “Spoken like someone who’s never had to see a kid crushed by a car or a couple cut in half by a laser beam.” 
“What are you doing about it, since you hate supes so much?” 
“Fuck-all,” Butcher told you. At your strange look, he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Seems like it most days, anyway.” 
“And on the other days?” you pressed. 
“The other days…” He frowned, staring at the dirty sidewalk in front of you both, but he didn’t really seem to see it. “Some days, I help people. Help ‘em from being the next statistic Vought sweeps under the fuckin’ rug, you know?” 
You didn’t, not really. But something about the weariness in his voice was familiar, and you felt its echo in your chest. “Yeah, I know.” 
Both of you fell silent after that, but it wasn’t uncomfortable or stilted. You were at ease beside him as you walked. In fact, you were almost a little sad when you saw that you were rapidly approaching your secret destination.
Halfway up the block, a small medical clinic advertised its services with signs in multiple languages and a well-illuminated caduceus symbol. The automatic doors opened at odd intervals to let patients in or out, spilling light across the sidewalk every time. It was staffed and reliable without being crowded, and everything in the clinic was ruthlessly clean. It was the place you took Uncle Bo, your coworkers, and yourself if something happened at the tow yard, or if someone was feeling under the weather. They had always been good to you, and you knew they would be good to Billy Butcher, too. 
“Maybe we should stop here for a minute,” you suggested, pausing by the door.
Butcher glanced up at the sign, dark brows furrowing. The next instant, his eyes were roaming up and down your body and face. “You hurt?” 
“No, but you might be.” Butcher sighed and started walking again, but you didn’t budge. “I’m serious! You might have a concussion and that can end up ruining your life.” 
Butcher rounded, now several feet ahead of you. “You really think I don’t know what a concussion feels like? Just call me a pussy. It’s faster.”
You rolled your eyes, but caught up with him as he started walking away again. After a block of irritable silence, he glanced sidelong at you. “Are you actually interested in a drink? Or did you just want to get me to a doctor?” 
“Bit of both,” you answered after a moment of consideration.
“Makes one of us,” he muttered. “Don’t know how much I feel like having a drink now. You’ve ruined my appetite.”
“Wanting a drink doesn’t count as an appetite.” You weren’t entirely sure why you were still following Butcher down the sidewalk. 
“Is this what you do?” he demanded, stopping short and rounding on you. His face was all righteous fury, dark brows stabbing upward as his nostrils flared. His hands braced against his hips, splaying his coat until he looked like a big creature puffing itself bigger with rage. “Nag people to make yourself feel more important? It’s annoyin’ as fuck.” 
You had stopped short to keep from running into Butcher, so it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing that you dropped your eyes to the bit of sidewalk between you. After a few breaths to get yourself back on an even keel, you met his eyes again. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized freely. “I didn’t realize I was bothering you so badly. I’ll have one fo the technicians call you tomorrow morning with details about your car.”
It was your turn to whip around and start walking in the opposite direction. You weren’t entirely shocked when a second set of footsteps began to echo yours. You glanced up at Butcher. “You don’t have to come back with me. I’ll make sure your car gets to the mechanic shop tomorrow.” 
“Not gonna let you walk back there alone, am I?” he asked. “There’s too many dumb fuckers about for that.” 
There was clearly no point in arguing with him, so you didn’t bother. You wrapped your arms around yourself, even though it made you walk like a duck. The evening was just tipping from cool to cold, especially with the wind picking up. And the lack of conversation between you and Butcher somehow managed to be colder than the autumn night.
“If it makes you feel any better,” you started, breaking the silence, “I don’t think that you’re concussed. Not anymore.”
“Yeah?” Butcher pressed when he had finished giving a loud snort. “What am I then, doctor?” 
You stared him full in the face as you replied, “A conspiracy nut with a vendetta against supes. But you’re pretty harmless, all things considered.” 
Butcher laughed at that, loud and sharp. The joy made him look more savage, his teeth flashing sharply white against the darkness of his facial hair, and you needed a moment before you could pull your eyes from his face. “Can’t argue with none of that, love. But if you think I’m anywhere near as dangerous as an uncontrolled supe, you haven’t been payin’ attention.” 
“Maybe you’re not, but I don’t see any supes around here,” you pointed out. “Controlled or otherwise.” 
“Thank fuck for that,” Butcher muttered. “Well, seein’ as I’m not so dangerous after all, maybe we should go get a drink.” 
“Thought you weren’t in the mood anymore,” you said, a challenging little tilt to your chin. 
Butcher stroked his chin, thoughtful eyes on you. “I could be persuaded. That is, if you’re still in the mood.” 
“Not really,” you admitted, watching him deflate slightly from the corner of your eye. “But I have some energy and frustration to burn off. You interested in helping out with that?” 
It took a moment for Butcher’s parted lips to form words, and you watched the process patiently. “Are you propositionin’ me?” 
“Yes,” you confirmed. “Are you offended by that?” 
“Offended you beat me to it.” Butcher’s grin had gone from disbelieving to wolfish in less time than it took to get that sentence out. “And I accept.” 
“Good, we’ll go to my apartment,” you decided. “It’s close and clean.” 
“Had me at ‘close’,” Butcher told you, trailing close to your heels. “Lead on, love.”
Author's Note - This definitely isn't a substantial enough plot to need two parts, but I ran out of time to edit. Explicit part two coming tomorrow!
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 9 months
(103) You've heard of fake marriage, now get ready for fake divorce!
Rodimus has been impounded on an alien planet whose natives respect only drama, and his "quick thinking," ploy to get him UN-impounded is to explain that, no, his awful parallel parking is not due to flagrant disrespect for the local laws and customs, but rather due to emotional distress owing to his recent divorce from Minimus Ambus.
["But it WAS due to your flagrant disrespect for local laws and customs," Minimus insists, offended. We all know he made the parking situation completely, exhaustively clear when they disembarked. Not the point, Mims.]
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
"Highly confidential" documents obtained by BBC Persian outline how Iran's government is trying to crack down on women who do not wear a hijab.
Two documents from April and May reveal the judiciary could set up "mobile courts" in public places like shopping malls to punish dress code violations.
They also show schoolgirls could face action by the education ministry and that celebrities could be jailed for up to 10 years for "promoting corruption".
Iran's government has not commented.
However, an Iranian newspaper that published a short section of one of the directives has been charged with publishing classified documents.
And some of the directives were included in the controversial "Hijab and Chastity Bill" that is currently being reviewed by the Guardian Council watchdog before becoming law.
Iran's parliament passed the bill in September - a year after protests erupted over the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was detained by morality police for allegedly not wearing her hijab properly.
Women burnt their headscarves or waved them in the air at the demonstrations against clerical rule, during which hundreds of people were reportedly killed in a brutal crackdown by security forces.
Although the unrest has subsided, a growing number of women and girls have stopped covering their hair in public altogether in open acts of defiance.
According to the leaked documents, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi approved a series of directives aimed at coordinating action by the government and other entities to address the issue of women not covering their hair in public - several months before parliament began debating the hijab bill in secret.
Security services - including the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) intelligence service, the ministry of intelligence, and the Security Police - were granted extensive powers to implement those directives, they show.
Some of the directives state that:
Police should "prepare the necessary documentation regarding schoolgirls who unveil" so that appropriate action can be taken through the education ministry
Celebrities, influencers and bloggers who do not cover their hair, or who "encourage unveiling" on social media, should face the charge of "promoting corruption", which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Officers will also be able to enter their homes and seize their computers and mobile phones
Officers can seal or shut down without permission any shops or other businesses not comply with the hijab regulations, and that any customers who violate them should be denied services, forced to leave, or handed over to the judiciary
Cafes considered "corrupting centres" because of the role they played in last year's protests should be shut down, particularly those near schools and universities
Officers are authorised to initiate legal proceedings against women who resist warnings to cover their hair on charges including "promoting corruption"
There is a need for a national database of "motorcycle number plate bank" so those carrying female drivers or passengers with uncovered hair can be identified
Monitoring should be increased of companies whose employees "violate dress codes provocatively and immodestly during entry, exit, and within the premises"
A significant portion of the directives in the leaked documents have already been implemented, including setting up hijab enforcement units inside metro stations and other public spaces; impounding cars that transport unveiled women; denying services to women violating the dress code; and closing cafes.
According to the documents, the police force is required to assign a sufficient number of officers to "identify and warn women who have unveiled themselves", and that in areas where there is sufficient manpower IRGC personnel will help carry out the task.
In the past few months Iranians have noticed the presence of hijab enforcers at metro stations across the capital, Tehran.
The interior ministry and Tehran municipality have described them as "self-motivated forces that do not require a licence for their activities".
But the documents show that their presence is the result of a government decision, which has required planning and the allocation of resources.
The documents also emphasise the importance of "extensively filming and documenting the identity of those involved in unveiling", and indicate that hijab enforcers filming women and girls are affiliated to the security services.
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pinehutch · 1 year
Was I even going that fast?
summer friday afternoon, you seventeen, you speeding past me on the right, you promise of the rest of the summer ahead. summer friday afternoon and you, little black car, spoiled and custom-spoilered and spoiling for the fight against inertia. summer friday and I’m older, so I could be your mother (I couldn’t), or I could be your mom’s weird friend (better), so I can drive my own sedate sedan steadily and let you overtake me in a rush of choices.
It’s all I’ve got, man.
and I can watch you (not you but what you’d call you, where you’d place yourself in this story) hit wet sand and gravel at a little too fast and then you’re spinning down the off-ramp and you’re not getting to the highway with your tire at that angle and your back end hovering over the ditch and you facing the wrong way while a transport comes. (and we, you’re not the only one here, we get you off the road.)
My fucking car, it’s all I have.
I could be your mom’s weird friend, and you know it when you tell me that four weeks ago this little black car with its freshly bent axle and its scraped-bare front bumper was in impound and it wasn’t your fault. you need me to know this: it wasn’t your fault. it was only that you were on the highway, and someone else was, and sometimes you are seventeen and your blood tries to sing its way out of your body and life is blinding bright and richer than you’d imagined and risk is a plastic and moldable concept. you spoke like you’d been hunted.
when the deer run switchbacks through these old hills, can you call that stunt-braking?
I’ve got nothing left
oh kid even my evening’s just started; you’ve got days and days, years, whole eras. you’ve got your mom’s number in your phone. you’ve got this nice couple with a dog looking at your tire. you've got a tow-truck coming. no one is laughing at you too much. you’ve still got this car (maybe don’t drive it yet).
here: you’ve got a bottle of water and someone to remind you to breathe.
here, you’re connected all together in your selfness.
here, you’ve got the horrible gorgeous long future scraped out in front of you, rubber in reverse.
(you have, almost certainly, decades. you will drive recklessly again. i hope you don’t kill anyone, but people — generally — will die, and you’ll mourn them. you’ll love them, and so you’ll pay the grief-price of it that we all do. you’ll succeed and then you’ll fail, again and again. sometimes the success will feel as inevitable as making your turn. some failure will come from an impossible direction.
you’ll sit on your kitchen floor some nights and sob to yourself that you’ve got nothing left. you’ll be wrong then, wrong again.
you will have summer friday afternoons, and rainy tuesdays in november. you will, eventually (i hope, i hope) laugh about this. you’ll move out of your parents’ house and live in a place where people walk to meet their friends. maybe you’ll have a favourite place to meet them. maybe you’ll take a little more time: you have it. you have so much more.)
I’ve got nothing left. oh sweetheart, oh fool. come around me to the right again; let me, sinister, instigating, chase you off the side of this road into the next.
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eriexplosion · 8 months
Cut and Run time
Early intro to Hunter and Echo's co-leading style where Hunter makes the calls but Echo tends to be the one he uses as a soundboard. No wonder he absolutely cannot function even more than before when Echo leaves.
I swear the Omega Discovers Dirt scene was just to flex with the dirt cloud animations.
I REALLY want to know how the batch met Cut. But also, Tech's SMILE and very very slight laughter undertone when saying "Why not? We're all deserters now." is giving me life. As is Echo's FACE OF REALIZATION here.
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"Ma'am" Echo is the most polite and CUTEST PERSON ALIVE.
Okay I can never get over Cut's face falling into worried and then asking about Crosshair and he is SO sincere about it. The quiet subtle way that this informs Aftermath, even if you didn't see him in TCW it DOES tell you that Crosshair wasn't Always like that, and that Cut at least has a positive enough relationship with him to be concerned about him.
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Also he absolutely is worried at first that Crosshair has been killed, you know he is, like, that is always going to be a risk with clones. Hearing that it's complicated and getting into mind control discussions isn't like GREAT but at least it's better than him having been killed during the war right
Omega though, just. Casually. OH HE MUST MEAN THE INHIBITOR CHIP :D She's so chipper about it. Like it was just a thing surely everyone knew. And then Tech backing her up with HOW ELSE DID YOU THINK IT WORKED? Ridiculous squad.
Honestly the expressions in this episode are fucking gold because the knowing smiles when Hunter nods for Omega to go ahead outside and Hunter's bewildered double take. He is not a parent. He swears.
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He JUST MET THAT KID he's NOT a parent.
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Anyway Cut's onto his bullshit.
OMEGA NOT KNOWING WHAT FUN IS THOUGH. BABY GIRL. Learning about dirt AND fun in one day.
Cut's single grey streak in his hair is gorgeous too, what a handsome man. He also looks like he's got a bit of dad bod going too.
Rampart is doing his very best customer service voice about chain codes. But even a glimpse at his face has me going BOO HISS BOO.
Now Omega gets to learn about mortal danger, it's a very busy day for this child. Cut's soft dadding has me Emotional. He's SO GENTLE.
"Tech do you think you can forge some chain codes?" "I only learned of them moments ago, but yes!" The way I adore him your honor.
The moment with Omega taking off her headpiece is so underrated, like despite how much she wants to be with the batch, Kamino was her home and this was a piece of her life that she already knows doesn't fit anymore. But even if it doesn't fit, it's still a lot to take it off and officially leave that behind her.
It's SENDING ME that Tech doesn't even actually say they should impound the ship he just sideways implies it and Echo picks it up IMMEDIATELY and then goes 'yeah okay' like we say that Echo carries the brain cell but when put into range of Tech that brain cell goes pinging off into the fucking distance like it was set next to an opposite charged magnet.
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Full Of Rage
I love the Tech & Echo dynamic so fucking much, honestly, Tech being so chill and then Echo just. WE CAN'T GET CAUGHT AT ALL WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??????
Like Echo, bby, you knew exactly what you were doing when you went along with this plan.
"Found her." The pointing really sells it.
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"Well... We didn't let her go!" Followed up by Tech and Echo squabbling over removing the boot is so funny, this episode is SO fucking funny and I feel like we don't talk about how hilarious it is enough.
I admit part of why I want season 3 to have a portion where Echo and Tech are on their own together is because I adore the squabbling they're so fucking funny. When Echo asks if he wants to give it a try apparently he did because he was already outside to stun the guy that catches them.
Wrecker is so sweet and gentle with Omega I'm <3 The Boy.
Okay though the fact that Hunter literally did not tell Omega anything at all, just straight up said Nothing because it was going to be a hard conversation and Hunter will physically leap off a building before willingly having a hard conversation. And they do this to her REPEATEDLY because they didn't tell her about Echo leaving either in season two. No need to have hard discussions when you can just spring something on the child with no warning, right? Anyway, his avoidance is established so early and there's no way he gets through the whole of season 3 without being forced to confront it and willingly undertake a Difficult Thing without being forced into it.
THE FACT THAT HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THIS CONVERSATION WITH WRECKER presumably because Wrecker would have tried to talk him out of it because he's the first one that engages with Omega as an Individual and not like, the vague concept of a child.
Hoist your local Gonky for enrichment purposes
This is just such a sweet and sincere episode that also happens to be hilarious, I just really adore it.
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lakewinnipeg · 9 months
hi. longtime follower here. ur nta in this situation like at all lol. like sure you couldve handled the talking better but you were being yelled at so who cares. im from the usa and border patrol is everywhere in my area and they use violent dogs to detect drugs and shit. when i was a toddler my family got inspected for being visibly mixed race and they pointed guns at us and its so traumatic that i still remember it. border patrol has multiple checkpoints in my area and ive gone through them more than most people do in their lives. they're cops with every tool at their disposal! of course it's fucking scary!! plus getting ur car impounded sucks and they can do it for no reason at all so yeah
thank u I felt like so insane in that situation BC I was trying to tell that person about how dangerous it can potentially be at the border if they decide to fuck with you & she was like youre insulting me and you're saying I am a criminal. & I kept on trying to be like Can you listen to me can you look this up and she just got more and more insulted the whole time
I literally look and sound white and so does my mom but she's still stopped every single time we go thru customs BC of her muslim name it literally does not matter if you are the most angelic person on earth border control can do whatever the fuck they want with no accountability at all
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This day in history
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This Thursday (Oct 19), I'm in Charleston, WV to give the 41st annual McCreight Lecture in the Humanities. And on Friday (Oct 20), I'm at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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#20yrsago RIAA streamlines confiscation of customers’ life’s savings https://www.wired.com/2003/10/riaa-croons-a-new-warning-tune/
#20yrsago Google softens AdSense ToS https://memex.craphound.com/2003/10/18/google-softens-adsense-tos/
#20yrsago What’s Radical About the Weblog Form in Journalism? https://web.archive.org/web/20031112231950/https://journalism.nyu.edu/pubzone/weblogs/pressthink/2003/10/16/radical_ten.html
#10yrsago UK government sends 40,000 texts to semi-random foreigners (and some Brits): “You are required to leave the UK!” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/18/labour-answers-40000-go-home-texts-immigrants
#10yrsago TSA admits “terrorists in America are not plotting against aviation” https://professional-troublemaker.com/2013/10/17/tsa-admits-in-leaked-doc-no-evidence-of-terrorist-plots-against-aviation-in-us/
#5yrsago A data-driven look at the devastating efficacy of a far-right judge-education program https://elliottash.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ash-Chen-Naidu-Ideas-Have-Consequences-Impact-Law-Economics-American-Justice.pdf
#5yrsago US veterans operate in Yemen as mercenary assassins for Middle Eastern autocrats https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/aramroston/mercenaries-assassination-us-yemen-uae-spear-golan-dahlan
#5yrsago Slaves – including children – make the bricks for Cambodia’s housing bubble https://static1.squarespace.com/static/596df9f8d1758e3b451e0fb2/t/5bc4d7cdc83025e41e7b10a0/1539627177544/Blood+bricks+high+res+v2.pdf
#5yrsago Deleting Facebook is not enough: without antitrust, the company will be our lives’ “operating system” https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2018/10/25/facebook-autocracy-app/
#5yrsago Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz on how the US economy became a “rigged, inherited plutocracy” and how to fix it https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-american-economy-is-rigged/
#5yrsago City of Seattle’s official tow partner impounded a homeless woman’s stolen car and wanted $21,634 to give it back https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/a-21364-bill-how-a-homeless-woman-fought-her-way-out-of-tow-company-hell/
#5yrsago GDPR: Good for privacy, even better for Google’s dominance https://cliqz.com/en/magazine/study-google-is-the-biggest-beneficiary-of-the-gdpr
#5yrsago Radical expansion of Australia’s national firewall will censor search results and websites https://www2.computerworld.com.au/article/648404/new-anti-piracy-laws-target-search-engines/
#5yrsago Anaheim’s living wage ballot measure pits big corporate donors against union money https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-disney-unions-anaheim-elections-20181018-story.html
#1yrago Being good at your job is praxis: The FTC can mandate Right to Repair without (further) Congressional authorization https://pluralistic.net/2022/10/18/administrative-competence/#i-know-stuff
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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flightofficeuk · 9 months
Rituals hanging around the Christmas Eve within the UK’s Panorama
Christmas is a time of festive cheer and dazzling lights and is a wonderful time to pack your bags and embark on a journey. A vacation on Christmas holiday with your loved ones is one of the most thrilling year end break for all of us. From traditional gatherings, exhilarating events to seasonal markets, Christmas feasts, and the best carol singing. Christmas is a cherished custom, thus the days leading up to the holiday are among the busiest of the year at airports, railway stations, and bus terminals as people travel to visit their loved ones. Many individuals decorate their homes with colourful lights and display various Christmas decorations, such as a wreath made of evergreen branches, in anticipation of Christmas. Most families also put up Christmas trees. Giving gifts is a major Christmas tradition. Gifts are bought or made for all people. The gifts are wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree to be opened on Christmas morning. Special Christmas songs, or carols, are sung and heard throughout the holiday season.
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Christians celebrate Christmas as the birth date of Jesus Christ, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the foundation of their faith. Mary, a young teenager, was living in the hamlet of Nazareth and was betrothed to Joseph, a Jewish carpenter.
Christmas is celebrated with rich fervour across the globe in different communities, which are absorbed deep within the Christian faith. And in the UK, the Christmas Eve is one of the best times for celebrating Christmas Holidays for its denizens amidst celebrating eventful days and nights surrounded in the undertones of traditional rituals and superimposed by the new age cultures. 
Christmas is the time when denizens in the UK are ready for celebrating the Christmas Holidays. Very often, if not always, these holidays are lived around across the colourful stalls where your fertile imagination is impounded for once by the sight of gift selling stalls. God sent the angel Gabriel to visit Mary one day. The angel informed Mary that she would have a son via the power of the Holy Spirit. She would have this child and call him Jesus. Mary miraculously became pregnant while engaged to Joseph, just as the angel had predicted. Then, in a dream, God sent an angel to Joseph to corroborate Mary's account. She had conceived a kid via the power of the Holy Spirit.
The idea of relishing in the delectable meals may even seem godlier and often motivational. Families in London and counties of the UK indulge in the activities like Carol singing, visiting to churches and cathedrals to attend the masses and night outs in the city pubs. Households in the UK often have Christmas Eve parties with a unique kind of attainment. Meat pies and sherry is arranged for Santa Claus, while carrots are served in the basket for the reindeers, which drive the Santa Claus.
Implanting the Christmas Fir Tree is still one of the common rituals, and further beyond embellishing the tree with petite gifts eventually makes entire celebration better than ever.  On many occasions, the households in the UK get around decorating the Mistletoe, Ivy and the Holly. The popular event happening around in the Oxford Street of London goes further ahead and translates into making the whole event of Christmas far more enticing than otherwise. 
The UK and Christian communities living out there have interesting motivations, while they involve themselves in the Carol Services, or go out rightly for the Nativity Plays.  One of the most popular Christmas Carol Service is broadcast from Cambridge’s Chapel of King’s College and titled as “Nine Lessons” and this service has its own dignity and vox populi.
Christmas Celebrated by Children in the UK
The taste of celebrating Christmas especially with respect to the children in the UK comes with lot of excitement of different kind.  Gifts from the Santa would find entry in Stockings or the Pillow-cases, or there may be the time when parents would get through a secretive moment in time where the packaged gifts are placed underneath the children’s beds.
Children in return may even try out to go for offerings like the mince pies, which are served with exotic Brandy for Father Christmas. But in general, children make sure to offer the best of Christmas gifts, which truly have non-alcoholic nature. 
Christian Meals and the Openings for the Day
Christmas meals have a special taste and momentous appeal, and the timings for these meals is often quite mystic. Usually, the Christmas meals are arranged on the regular times of lunch, or these may even be organised before afternoon. Meals like Brussel Sprouts is one of the best giving around. Cranberry Sauce and Turkey are often the best treatments to look around.  And for the people of the UK, Wassailing is still an amazing activity with the Christianenlightenment. Children find the time for themselves to get into the Christian feel.
 Look for the Best Deals on the Christmas Flights
If you have made the plans for Christmas, and these plans are motivated by travelling to another country or nation, then you should immediately start searching for thecheap Christmas flight deals. These smart deals would help you in getting Christmas travel tickets on discounts, and in addition to reeling offers. In the end, let your Christmas Eve be a memorable event. Fly to exotic locations and relish in the Christmas holidays.
OTA are offering you a variety of budget friendly travel deals to some of the most happening destinations. Enjoy Christmas Eve with your family by traveling to your dream location and save big. Our massive range of captivating airfares gives you an opportunity to escape from your mundane routine and make tons of memories with family to cherish forever! OTA has put up an intriguing package of surprises for all travel wizards. Our attractive deals on low-cost Christmas flights will entice you to take a trip. We provide customized offers to satisfy all of your travel needs. We make your journey more enjoyable by offering low-cost air tickets and 24-hour customer support. If you run into any problems while travelling, our travel specialists will always be happy to assist you. 
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The Fun and Excitement Surrounding Christmas is Next Level
And finally as you set yourself free for the Christmas party, make sure that everything is in the right place and format. You will need to make sure that the flight bookings are done in advance. Let the Christmas be your memorable day and you feel enchanted in the carol singing all the yuletide days and nights. And again, check the best flight deals for keeping your Christmas celebrations in budget.
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seanauticmarine · 4 days
Unlocking Global Trade: The Importance of an ECTN Certificate for Smooth Shipping
1. Introduction to Global Trade Logistics
Navigating global trade involves intricate logistics, complex regulations, and meticulous documentation. Among the crucial documents is the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) certificate. Without it, shipping operations can come to a grinding halt, particularly in countries that require this vital document for customs clearance.
2. What is an ECTN Certificate?
The ECTN certificate is an electronic document that serves as a cargo tracking tool, ensuring all shipments entering specific countries are properly registered and compliant with local regulations. It acts as a safeguard for both the shipper and the country receiving the goods. Secure your ECTN certificate to ensure a smooth flow of goods across borders.
3. Why an ECTN Certificate is Mandatory in Some Countries
Several African nations, including Senegal, Djibouti, and Angola, mandate the ECTN certificate for all imports. Failure to present this document can result in hefty fines, delayed cargo, or even the impounding of shipments. The ECTN Senegal requirement highlights how these nations rely on the certificate to prevent fraud, ensure customs transparency, and maintain efficient border control.
4. Countries Requiring ECTN for Customs Clearance
Countries like Congo, South Sudan, and Chad mandate the ECTN certificate for customs clearance, making it essential for shippers to be aware of each country’s specific regulations. For instance, the ECTN Congo plays a key role in controlling trade within the Democratic Republic of Congo’s borders. Similarly, ECTN South Sudan is vital for the clearance of goods in the young but fast-growing economy.
5. Consequences of Not Having an ECTN
Without an ECTN certificate, a shipment may face significant delays. In the worst-case scenario, cargo could be sent back or held indefinitely at the port of entry. For countries like ECTN Guinea Bissau, presenting this certificate is more than a formality—it is a legal necessity for importing goods.
6. Streamlining Global Shipping with ECTN
Using an ECTN certificate ensures the traceability of shipments from origin to destination. It helps freight forwarders manage their shipping operations by providing real-time data and visibility into the entire supply chain. Whether shipping to ECTN Djibouti or ECTN Angola, the certificate makes the logistics more efficient.
7. The Role of ECTN in Enhancing Security
An ECTN certificate is not just about compliance but also about security. By requiring shippers to disclose comprehensive details about their cargo, countries like Niger and the Central African Republic have increased their ability to monitor and safeguard the goods entering their borders. To ensure seamless entry, obtain your ECTN Central African Republic.
8. How to Get an ECTN Certificate
Obtaining an ECTN certificate can be a straightforward process if the right steps are followed. Start by contacting a certified agent who can assist with the required documents, such as the bill of lading, commercial invoice, and freight details. To ensure compliance, learn the step-by-step guide on how to get an ECTN certificate.
9. ECTN in Angola and Chad
Both ECTN Angola and ECTN Chad are essential documents for cargo headed to these nations. As major players in the African trade landscape, Angola and Chad have made it mandatory for all shipments to be registered through the ECTN portal. Failure to comply could disrupt your entire supply chain.
10. Simplifying Freight Forwarding with ECTN
Freight forwarders have found that using the ECTN certificate simplifies not only the shipping process but also customs declarations. It removes the ambiguity of multiple national regulations and ensures that goods are moved with greater efficiency across borders. For shipments headed to ECTN Niger, having the certificate in place significantly reduces processing time.
11. Addressing Common Misconceptions about ECTN
One common misconception is that the ECTN certificate is optional for certain countries. However, failing to secure the correct documentation can lead to severe repercussions. Countries like ECTN Senegal and Djibouti take non-compliance very seriously, leading to costly penalties or shipment seizures. Always ensure your cargo is documented with an ECTN Senegal certificate to avoid unnecessary issues.
12. Conclusion: The ECTN’s Vital Role in International Trade
In summary, an ECTN certificate is a critical element in today’s global shipping environment. From Senegal to South Sudan, and Congo to Guinea Bissau, ensuring that your cargo complies with local regulations is not just good practice but essential for successful international trade. The ECTN certificate secures your shipments, accelerates customs clearance, and ensures seamless global logistics.
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ambereh · 19 days
Artificial Sinkholes
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Artificial sinkholes are man-made depressions or holes that mimic the natural phenomenon of sinkholes. They can be created intentionally for various purposes or occur as a result of human activities.
Decline of water levels - drought, groundwater pumping (wells, quarries, mines)
Disturbance of the soil - digging through soil layers, soil removal, drilling
Point-source of water - leaking water/sewer pipes, injection of water
Concentration of water flow - storm water drains, swales, etc.
Water impoundments - basins, ponds, dams
Heavy loads on the surface - structures, equipment
Artificial sinkholes are created through various human activities and processes that induce subsidence or collapse of the ground.
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Although a natural process, the formation of sinkholes is often accelerated or triggered by human influences, such as broken drains, water mains and sewerage pipes, or modified drainage and diverted surface water; these wash sediment into the underlying materials, causing subsidence.
Infrastructure damage
Roads and Bridges: Sinkholes can cause roads and bridges to collapse, making them unusable and requiring costly repairs. This disrupts traffic flow and can be dangerous for drivers.
Buildings and Homes: The ground beneath buildings can collapse, leading to foundation damage, cracks in walls, and even complete collapse. This can displace residents and cause significant financial losses.
Utilities: Sinkholes can damage underground utilities like water pipes, sewer lines, and electrical cables. This can lead to service disruptions, water contamination, and safety hazards.
Environmental degradation
Poisoning the Water: Picture a leaky pipe buried underground, slowly releasing sewage or industrial chemicals into the soil. This pollution can seep into groundwater, contaminating rivers, lakes, and even drinking water supplies. Artificial sinkholes can expose these contaminated areas, spreading the pollution further and harming aquatic life. 
Destroying Homes: Imagine a forest teeming with animals, each playing a crucial role in the ecosystem. A sudden sinkhole opens up, swallowing trees and disrupting the natural habitat. Animals are forced to relocate, displacing them from their homes and potentially disrupting the food chain. This can lead to a decline in biodiversity and even the extinction of certain species.
Eroding the Earth: Picture a fertile field, providing food and supporting life. A sinkhole forms, exposing the soil to erosion by wind and rain. This can make the land less fertile, impacting agriculture and potentially leading to desertification.
Choking the Air: Imagine a city shrouded in smog, the air thick with dust and pollutants. Artificial sinkholes can expose bare soil, which can be easily picked up by wind and carried into the air, contributing to air pollution and respiratory problems. 
Economic losses
Businesses Shut Down: When a sinkhole damages a business, it can force them to close, leading to job losses and a decline in economic activity. This can impact suppliers, customers, and the entire local economy.
Transportation Disruptions: Sinkholes can close roads and highways, making it difficult for people to get to work, school, or appointments. This can lead to delays, lost productivity, and increased costs for businesses that rely on transportation.
Tourism Suffers: Sinkholes can damage popular tourist attractions, deterring visitors and causing a decline in tourism revenue, which can be devastating for local economies that depend on tourism.
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Artificial sinkholes, created through human activities such as mining, construction, or groundwater extraction, offer valuable insights into both the risks and the potential for managing subsurface instability. While they pose significant safety and environmental challenges, understanding and mitigating their impacts can enhance our ability to manage geological hazards and improve construction practices. By advancing our knowledge in this area, we can develop more effective strategies for prevention and response, ultimately safeguarding both infrastructure and communities.
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allinsurancewebsite · 24 days
Car insurance renewal is a critical aspect of vehicle ownership in Dubai. Failing to renew your policy on time can lead to significant financial and legal consequences. This blog will explore the importance of car insurance renewal, why continuous coverage is essential, and how to make the renewal process as smooth as possible.
1. Why Car Insurance Renewal Matters
Car insurance renewal is not just a formality; it is a legal requirement in Dubai. Driving without valid insurance can result in hefty fines, legal penalties, and even the impounding of your vehicle. Beyond the legal aspect, renewing your insurance ensures that you are protected against potential financial losses from accidents, theft, or damage to your vehicle.
2. Avoiding Coverage Gaps
One of the primary reasons to prioritize car insurance renewal is to avoid coverage gaps. A lapse in coverage, even for a short period, can leave you vulnerable to unexpected expenses. Accidents or incidents occurring during a lapse in coverage will not be covered by your insurance, leaving you to bear the full financial burden. Ensuring continuous coverage through timely renewal is crucial for maintaining peace of mind on the road.
3. How to Handle Car Insurance Renewal Online
Renewing your car insurance online in Dubai has never been easier. Most car insurance companies offer online renewal options, allowing you to renew your policy from the comfort of your home. By renewing online, you can also compare different policies, check updated car insurance prices, and choose a plan that best suits your needs and budget.
To renew your car insurance online:
Visit the Insurance Provider’s Website: Most car insurance companies have a dedicated section for policy renewal.
Enter Your Policy Details: Provide your policy number and any other required information.
Review and Update Your Coverage: Take this opportunity to review your existing coverage and make any necessary adjustments.
Make the Payment: Complete the renewal by making the payment online.
Receive Confirmation: You’ll receive a confirmation email and your renewed policy details once the payment is processed.
4. Monitoring Car Insurance Price Changes
Car insurance prices can fluctuate based on various factors, including changes in your driving record, vehicle value, and the insurance market. It’s important to monitor these changes when renewing your policy. If you notice a significant increase in your premium, take the time to compare quotes from other car insurance companies. This ensures that you’re getting the best deal without compromising on coverage.
5. The Role of Car Insurance Companies in Dubai
In Dubai, numerous car insurance companies provide a range of coverage options tailored to different needs. Choosing a reputable insurer is key to ensuring a smooth renewal process and reliable coverage. Look for companies with a strong track record, good customer service, and positive reviews. Consider consulting platforms like Allinsurance.ae to compare different insurers and their offerings.
6. The Benefits of Early Renewal
Renewing your car insurance policy before it expires has its advantages. Many insurers offer early renewal discounts, allowing you to save on your premium. Additionally, early renewal ensures that you have plenty of time to review your coverage and make informed decisions without the pressure of a looming deadline.
Car insurance renewal is a crucial responsibility for every vehicle owner in Dubai. Ensuring continuous coverage protects you from financial risks and legal consequences. By renewing your policy online, monitoring car insurance prices, and choosing the right car insurance company, you can make the renewal process hassle-free and beneficial. For more guidance on car insurance renewal in Dubai, visit Allinsurance.ae.
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Private Property Impounding From PPI
PatrolWorks with LPR creates an opportunity for PPI companies to grow their business with both new and existing customers!! The opportunity: extending your services from impounding to offer comprehensive parking management. For more detail visit over website https://www.patrolworksparkingsolutions.com/
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redride · 2 months
okay so i have an idea to what krystal's strangers & freaks encounter would be.
so my idea is that any of the three would run into her while she's fixing something in the parking lot of los santos customs. and if she likes their vibes she'd probably ask them if they can get her bike back from the police impound or alternatively get it back because it's been stolen by one of the prospects of her former mc.
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wtftowing · 3 months
Raleigh Towing: Your Reliable Partner for Roadside Assistance
When you find yourself stranded on the side of the road due to a vehicle breakdown, accident, or any other issue, having a reliable towing service to call can be a lifesaver. For residents and travelers in Raleigh, North Carolina, Raleigh Towing is that trusted partner. Offering a wide range of services, Raleigh Towing ensures that motorists receive prompt, professional, and comprehensive roadside assistance. This article explores the essential services provided by Raleigh Towing and why they are the preferred choice for drivers in the area.
Comprehensive Towing Services
Raleigh Towing is equipped to handle a variety of towing needs, ensuring that no matter what kind of vehicle you drive, they have the right solution for you.
Light-Duty Towing: This service caters to everyday vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and small SUVs. Raleigh Towing’s fleet of light-duty tow trucks is equipped to transport these vehicles safely and efficiently, whether to a repair shop, your home, or another destination.
Medium-Duty Towing: For larger vehicles, such as vans and small trucks, medium-duty towing is available. This service is particularly important for businesses that rely on these vehicles, ensuring minimal downtime and disruption.
Heavy-Duty Towing: Heavy-duty towing services are designed for the largest vehicles on the road, including buses, semi-trucks, and construction equipment. Raleigh Towing’s robust tow trucks are capable of handling the weight and complexity of these massive vehicles, providing safe and reliable transport.
Emergency Roadside Assistance
Raleigh Towing offers a comprehensive range of emergency roadside assistance services to help drivers get back on the road quickly:
Jump-Starts: A dead battery can leave you stranded at the most inconvenient times. Raleigh Towing’s technicians are equipped to jump-start your vehicle, getting you back on your way without delay.
Tire Changes: Flat tires can happen anytime, anywhere. Raleigh Towing provides quick tire change services, ensuring you can continue your journey without undue delay.
Fuel Delivery: Running out of gas is a common but frustrating mishap. Raleigh Towing offers fuel delivery services, bringing enough fuel to get you to the nearest gas station.
Lockout Services: Locking your keys inside your car can be a major inconvenience. Raleigh Towing’s lockout services ensure you can regain access to your vehicle quickly and without damage.
Minor Repairs: Sometimes, a minor issue can be resolved on-site, allowing you to continue your journey. Raleigh Towing’s technicians are trained to perform minor repairs, such as fixing a loose battery connection or replacing a broken belt.
Accident Recovery
In the event of a car accident, Raleigh Towing provides professional accident recovery services. Their team arrives promptly at the scene to tow away damaged vehicles, helping to clear the road and prevent further incidents. They handle these situations with care and professionalism, ensuring that the vehicles are safely transported to repair facilities or impound lots.
Specialized Towing
Raleigh Towing also offers specialized towing services for unique vehicles, including motorcycles, boats, and classic cars. They understand the specific needs of these vehicles and have the necessary equipment to transport them safely.
Customer-Centric Approach
What sets emergency towing apart is their commitment to customer satisfaction. They understand that being stranded on the road can be a stressful experience. Their friendly and professional staff are trained to handle each situation with care and empathy, ensuring that customers feel supported and reassured throughout the process.
Raleigh Towing is more than just a towing company; it is a vital resource for drivers in Raleigh, North Carolina. With a comprehensive range of services, including light, medium, and heavy-duty towing, emergency roadside assistance, and specialized towing, they are equipped to handle any roadside situation. Their customer-centric approach ensures that every driver receives the support they need, making Raleigh Towing the trusted partner for all your roadside assistance needs. Whether you face a minor inconvenience or a major emergency, Raleigh Towing is there to help you get back on the road safely and quickly.
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toriexpress · 3 months
Large Arms Consignment intercepted in Lagos Airport & Onne Ports
The Nigerian Customs Service has impounded another cache of arms and other military items illegally imported into the country from Turkiye through the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. Fifty-five pieces of unassembled Jojef Magnum (Tomahawk) semi-automatic shotgun and other military and para-military hardware and accoutrement were discovered on Wednesday, July 3, neatly packed and…
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