#custom jumpsuits for women
alina-rubanenko · 1 year
TS2 Summer Jumpsuit
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TS2 Summer Jumpsuit
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Custom Jumpsuit from Usama Ishtay (n/a) & Jeanne Block Heel Bootie from L’ Agence ($445)
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isaacthedruid · 1 year
(spoilers for the Barbie movie)
As a trans-masc non-binary person, I saw myself in Allan. I’m a boy but not a Ken, I'm Ken-like but not quite.
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Allan’s role of being awkward, unsure and a little out of his element but still trying to help the Barbies through the chaos and events caused by the Kens, is how I feel as a trans-masc person who is still trying to advocate for women and discuss the issues they face.
I don't identify as a woman anymore but I still grew up as a girl, I lived as a young woman for 14 years, and people continue to be misogynistic towards me when they think I am one-- customers will talk to my male coworkers instead of me, when I’m the person with the answers
I wasn’t expecting to see myself, in terms of gender, in the character often described as Ken’s boyfriend, though it is said in a more playful, joking way rather than any attempt at representation. I’m gay and this version of Allan is definitely queer as well. Yet, that’s a separate story which has already been written, here’s an excellent article about that. [LINK]
Allan isn’t Ken, and he isn’t Barbie either. Allan is simply Allan, an idea with both masc and femme traits. He doesn’t fit into anything specific, he just is. Allan can wear Ken’s clothes but also Barbie’s pink jumpsuit-- but when he's not doing that undercover mission with the Barbies, we only ever see him wearing his own clothes. A set of clothes worn only by him, that iconic striped outfit that is signature to the real Allan doll.
Additionally, notice the horse patch on the front of his shirt, he never changed his clothes unlike the rest of the Kens when they discovered the patriarchy and a new version of masculinity, a toxic and destructive one. Allan only added something to his clothes to “fit in” or act as if he did, but he hated what the Kens did to Barbieland. He also wasn't brainwashed and never acted upon those destructive abilities that were laid out for him. He could've just joined the Kens and broke stuff and drank copious amounts of "brewskis" but he didn't.
Allan is different and it's constantly stated, "there's only one Allan" in this world of Kens (and Barbies).
I will never be Ken nor will I ever be a Barbie again, I’m not happy in either. I’ve tried both, neither is my style (or title). I wear Ken’s clothes as well as Barbie’s, and sometimes I wear Allan’s.
But, I like Allan’s clothes best, they fit me well.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Jack Fenton and Doc Saturday cross paths for the first time while shopping for XXL hazmat black and orange jumpsuits. Because there's only so many places they could possibly get those from.
There were many hazmat stores in North America. Sad as it may be, there were a great many dangerous materials in the world that required them. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat was smaller. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat that could be easily treated to be ectophobic was smaller still. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat that could be easily treated to be ectophobic in teal and orange was tiny. The number of stores that sold hypoallergenic hazmat that could be easily treated to be ectophobic in teal and orange and both extra extra large and child sizes was exactly one.
Therefore, every couple of years Jack and Maddie would load up the kids (six and four, this year!) and take the long drive to Harold Hardy's Hazmat Hut (which was, in fact, a massive warehouse). It was worth it!
There were a great many hazmat suppliers in the world. Some were big, some were small, some were specialized, some were less so. In their globe-trotting career, the Saturdays hadn't cared much about location or brand, only quality and whether or not they could hold up against both the rigors of combat and the vast array of biological substances the cryptids they studied produced.
But Zak was two, now, and as he grew he grew more interested in what his parents were doing, and well…
Doc had never expected to be shopping for toddler-sized hazmat suits in a place called Harold Hardy's Hazmat Hut. The place radiated sketchiness in a way he generally only experienced after falling into a tourist trap.
Drew had found several suits she liked and gone to the children's section to look for something for Zak, which left Doc to sift through the upper end of the adult section to sift through XLs in search of an XXL. Stores like this never had his size…
Jack preferred shopping with Maddie to shopping solo, but he wasn't going to stop her from connecting with a fellow mom! There were just so few women in science, even in this day and age.
Anyway, he knew where the XXL suits were, so he took himself off in that direction.
On his way there, though, he saw a man who was almost as tall as he was glaring down at a rack of XLs. That wouldn't do!
"Heyo!" said Jack, cheerfully. "Looking for the XXLs?"
The man looked up, brow furrowed. "Yes, actually."
"I can show you where they are!"
The man nodded.
"My name's Jack, by the way! Jack Fenton!"
"Doc Saturday. Do you work here?"
"Nah! Repeat customer. Maddie and I have been coming here for years! The kids, too! We're a Harold Hardy family, we Fentons!"
"You have children?"
"Two of 'em! Six and four, a girl and a boy! You?"
"Just one boy, for now. Are the children's hazmat suits here any good?"
"Eh, we've got to modify them a bit for our work, but they stand up about as well as the adult ones, otherwise. What field are you in? Industrial chemicals? Pathogens? It's ectology and thanatology for me and Maddie!"
"Biology and zoology, mostly."
"Oooh, nice. You'll probably want this brand, then!" He plunged his hand into the shelf seemingly at random and pulled out an XXL packaged suit. "They do a lot of other sizes, too, so you can match with the whole family!"
Doc took the package. "I'll have to review the specifications myself, but… thank you."
"No problem, Doc! Anything to help out a fellow scientist! Say, how old is your kid? Maybe we can set up a playdate for them!"
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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Calculated Carnage: The Numbers Don’t Lie
By Paul Gargano (google drive link)
Ten years ago, the Limelight was a landmark for bands who performed in New York City. Women danced in cages suspended from vaulted ceilings, stained glass surrounded a stage elevated on what used to be an altar and men and women mingled in lines for the unisex bathrooms. Built as a church decades earlier, the site had since been deconsecrated, converted to a nightclub, and angel-shaped disco balls hung where a crucifix was once suspended. It was the perfect–not to mention haunting and eerie–setting for the inspired debauchery of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll that made the late ‘80s and early ‘90s such revered times. And almost a decade later, recently reopened, it was the perfect venue to host the live chaos that is Slipknot.
Had there still been cages, more timid members of the crowd may have fled for them, seeking sanctity from the madness that overwhelmed the mosh pit, a floor previously occupied by rows of pews. In stark contrast to the gothic styling of the stained glass that overlooked them, Slipknot’s red jumpsuits were bright and glaring, punching into the flashing strobes and lights that lit the stage and sold-out crowd. It was a venue far too small for Slipknot–who had made their network television debut only hours earlier on Late Night With Conan O’Brien–but what it lacked in size, it made up for in character, with fans occupying choir lofts that overlooked the insanity.
It’s been a whirlwind year for Slipknot, and post-show was no exception, where #1 and #2–drummer Joey and bassist Paul, who both founded the band with #6, custom-percussionist Shawn–took some time away from the post-show madness to offer their insight behind the band that has taken the world by storm over the past year. They left the following morning for a European tour that was ultimately cut short by a personal issue at home–says Joey, “When you get a call that brings you back to where your whole mind should be, you’ve gotta take care of that stuff first and foremost”–and in the midst of planning this summer’s anticipated Tattoo The Earth tour with Sevendust and Coal Chamber, are already at work on their sophomore album, which they hope to release early next year. Who knew Des Moines, Iowa could be so inspiring?
METAL EDGE: Looking at what’s going on with today’s hard rock/metal scene, it’s starting to look a bit like the rap industry, with all the separate camps and alliances. #1 (JOEY): Honestly, that type of shit disgust’s (sic) me. #2 (PAUL): We don’t need it. It’s not that we’re going out of our way, we just say what we feel, so either take it or leave it. Korn opened a lot of doors when they came out, and that’s that. Limp Bizkit, well, I’m not going to go there… Wes [Borland] is a good guitar player. It’s scary. I picked up a magazine yesterday with a “Slipknot vs. Limp Bizkit” poll for fans to vote on, and it came out to be Slipknot over Limp Bizkit like 70% to 30%. I don’t know how that happened and I’m very worried about… I mean, you got a magazine that caters to the teenybopper metal crowd, and you’ve got every fucking issue with Korn, Marilyn Manson, Limp Bizkit and Orgy. And now Slipknot’s in every issue–I don’t like that. The thing is, I guess I can’t help it because if it matters that much to the kids, I say, “thank you.” You know how appreciative we all are, you’ve hung out with the band. You know how humble we all are about what’s happening to all of us. But, when the next record comes out, our record label is not going to fucking hear it until it’s done. No one’s going to hear it. No studio reports. There’s not going to be anything done. We’re going back to our old, old, old fucking dingy practice room with my mom coming down and fucking doing laundry in the middle of practice. That’s the way it needs to be done because we’ve accomplished this on writing music that we thought filled our emotional need. Now, the emotional need has been magnified so much because of the experiences we’ve been through, so it’s just gonna be a massively, apocalyptic, totally sick and disgusting record.
ME: Do you realize the impact you’re having on your fans? I was at your instore in New York City and it was more enthusiastic than any I’d seen before. Your fans really seem to connect with you. #1: Yeah, well that’s the thing. People always talk about needing to branch out and try different things, and I’m okay with that. We want to get our music out to different crowds, but I sometimes don’t. I wanna make sure that we please the fans that were there from the beginning and understood every aspect when no one else understood. I wanna make sure that that fan remains happy for every record. We expected to sell maybe 150-200,000 records–And not until after two years of touring. Well, I guess we filled a void in those kids… They needed this band for awhile. That’s the whole thing, I don’t necessarily want to lump myself in with those bands because I feel we have nothing in common with them, but I give total respect to Korn because on their first fucking record they opened up so many doors and they did something completely original. You’ve got the mainstay, bands like Black Sabbath, and they’re got a bunch of imitators, but there’s only one Black Sabbath. I’m not a fan of Limp Bizkit, but there’s only one of them–Even though they came after Korn. You’ve got the Deftones and stuff, they all have very energetic and very, at times, liberating music. Limp Bizkit I can’t get into, I’m not a fan, and I think we’re the total opposite of a lot of that stuff that band stands for. It’s for some people, it’s not for some people, and I don’t want to be liked by everyone–That’s the scary thing. It’s so weird that so many people have identified with what we’re doing now–It’s very scary. #2: Yes! And it’s amazing, too, because we don’t get a lot of help from the radio and MTV like these other bands. We occasionally get our video played, and there are some radio stations, but it just proves that the kids need something different. They’re sick of the same old shit being pumped down their throats.
ME: There’s an extra psychological burden, “We’re not just a band anymore, we’re a cultural force.” Did you ever want that? #1: You know what? Yes, I have, and I love the fact, I’m very fucking fortunate and grateful. I do not want to decrease it in any way. I do want to make it bigger. I wanna make it bigger by keeping the fire real and by keeping the emotion and all that shit real. And not worrying about my record label breathing down my neck like they did last time for rough mixes and fucking, “Can you try and make…” No! Ther’s why the ante has been upped on making such a fucking… You could even say it’s overcompensated and fucking disjointed as far as our personalities are concerned. We were going to record in May, but we’re going to stay out and tour because the demand for the record and the demand for us to tour now is so huge in the States–We haven’t been there, we really haven’t toured since early January and that was only like two-and-a-half weeks. Our shows were sold-out, but now we’re selling 30,000 copies a week and we’re beating the system by being played on MTV–which I’m not a fan of–and radio stations like the L.A. K-Rock and the New York K-Rock. I guess I thank them for playing us–We could have it a lot worse–but the fact is, the next record probably wouldn’t turn out the same because we’ve been through a lot of experiences now. We’re going to work so hard on it and I think it’s going to be so ground-breaking for the fact that when you go through all the things we’ve just gone through, it will never be like this again. That’s why it’s very hard for a lot of bands to copy their first record and I love that people say that. Our first record is that good. It is a very pinnacle-type album. I’m so glad that people say that because I still have that hunger that I had when I was fucking playing in front of three people in Lincoln, Nebraska with a bartender and then a cat outside, grasshoppers and fucking crickets. We are maintaining that type of a focus. #2: When we started this band, I knew it was something kids needed. I didn’t think it would be like this, but I had a feeling. Nothing’s settled in yet. We’re on the road playing shows, and that’s basically all that’s settled in! Get up and play another show! [Laughing]
ME: But it’s not enough to just “play another show” every night, you guys are beating the crap out of each other and takin’ bumps. #2: Who wants to see a band up onstage staring at their shoes? That’s not entertaining. We definitely have our bruises and our sore body parts after shows, but once we get the masks and coveralls on, I could have a broken leg and still go out there. In Australia, I tore cartilage in my knee, I couldn’t bend it, and I just taped it up really well and went out there. Shawn’s played with broken ribs. We just don’t feel the pain.
ME: You need to look into some aspirin endorsements! #2: Advil would be real nice! [Laughing] It hurts, the masks aren’t comfortable at all–it would be awesome to play in shorts and a t-shirts (sic), but that’s not us. After the show we can rest all we want.
ME: There’s a definite sense of surprise in your stage show, you never know what’s happening next. Does anyone ever take it too far and cross the line? #1: No. It can never go too far. Never too over-the-top. For a band like us, that’s the first sign of us not being what we stand for.
ME: Joey, from your vantage point onstage what do you see looking out from behind your kit? What goes through your head? #1: Honestly, I can’t even put that in words. You’re the first person that ever asked me that, but it’s something that I think about every day. I guess I see the other side of when I was in the audience watching Slayer or Metallica. I’m usually the first person out onstage, and everytime I come out there are literally tears. I really can’t explain it, it’s so grand, it’s so bigger than words. Literally, I’m getting cracked up just talking about it.
ME: Did you anticipate this kind of success, this fast? #1: Well, sometimes, but that’s just society’s control. Welcome it. If it happens this fast, welcome it and use it to your advantage and make sure that you… Like I said, I thanks all of our fans so much for fucking supporting what we have done, because it’s made me not wanna fucking destroy myself. Back in Des Moines, I thought I was literally going to die if I didn’t get to do this. I get to do it now. But, the whole thing is, when you climb one mountain, it’s time to make sure the next mountain gets climbed and the next one .And you gotta re-evaluate the goal because we got this many people on our side now. It’s like Guns N’ Roses coming so fucking fast, the next thing you know, the dude hasn’t put out a record in like a decade. Like Mike Patton, probably one of the most fucking insane performers and songwriters of the decade–He is so underrated, went on to sell millions of albums in the early ‘90s, and continually turned around and spit in everyone’s faces by putting out albums with some of the most fucked up shit I’ve ever heard. We always say that if things get too big, too fast, if there’s no room for the band to grow because we’ve already accomplished so much, it’ll be time for the band to stop. Johnny Rotten said that the easiest thing to do is stop being a rock star if you don’t want to be one anymore–I thought that statement had so much integrity, and it’s had such an impact on me. I think about that quote every day. #2: It’s amazing. Just to be able to see the country and play these shows for kids all over the place, it’s the most amazing thing. I can’t believe people get paid to do this. I would pay to do this! It rules, I can’t ask for anything more. I just sit back, smile, and if there’s any bullshit, I just smile and let it go on by without bothering me.
ME: Do you think there’s a need for rock stars in society today? #1: Yes, because I needed them, and if I didn’t have them I wouldn’t be where I’m at. It’s like giving two cents back to the music that meant so much to me growing up–Black Sabbath, Slayer, Venom and Mercyful Fate. I showed up at the Clash of the Titans tour long before anyone else did because I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Tom Araya, and last summer, I got to hang out with him. That’s a weird thing, but I needed it to become who I am today. That’s why I’ll welcome it if it’s happened this fast, because people obviously needed it. When we were practicing for pre-production of our album, we were in the same rehearsal space as KISS. I was drawing their logos all over my books in school, now we were practicing next to them, we were standing outside listening to their whole set. The funny thing was, when they all left the room, we were stealing sticks and stuff! It’s being that fan, because we still are that. On OZZfest, I’d watch Slayer from the front row every day, not like a rock star standing on the side of the stage with a laminate.
ME: Has being from Des Moines had a lot to do with your development? #1: Absolutely. From day one. Had we come from L.A. or New York, we would not have the band that we have. Honestly, we grasped on to something early on that meant something so much, then you take that and revel in it, building, building and building, practicing, practicing and practicing, and creating, creating and creating. You magnify those three things, you keep it going and you network, and if you can do that coming from where we’ve come from, you can do it anywhere, because it was a virtual black hole that Corey describes as a graveyard with buildings. #2: It’s weird, it’s almost impossible to get A&R people to Iowa. Half the people don’t even know where it is–”Iowa, isn’t that the potato state?” No, it’s corn country. No one wants to go to Des Moines for their weekend! Finally, Ross Robinson came out and said that regardless of the label, he’ll do the record. Now there are people looking all over Iowa for bands, but there’s just the one and only… People were hoping it would be the “new metal Mecca,” but it’s only us! There area (sic) few good blues bands out here, though.
ME: How long was Slipknot in the making? #1: Ten years in the making. From the day I started playing drums, the day I started playing guitar. Me, Paul and Shawn started the band. Paul and I were playing in different side projects, and I met all those other guys because we’d set up shows with friends’ bands and we’d be playing for each other. There was no one in the audience. When you put up a flier you’d get fined $50. There’s no audience. Not a fucking person. And we had no money because we spent it all (sic) drum stands and guitar strings, struggling to buy that shit. There were no newspapers or radio stations that would tell you about the bands. No doubt, man, all this stuff that’s happened to the band? You don’t even hear about it there. We go home and it’s like we never left. A girl that was on Jenny Jones was big news, but Des Moines doesn’t recognize the gold album, selling out all our shows, being on Conan O’Brien, doing OZZfest. They do’t even write about it. You wouldn’t believe it, but it’s the truth. It just goes back to show me why that place is so fucking special, because it’s such an integral part of making music. I’m glad it’s still like that, because when I go back home, the only thing I want to do is get back on tour, work hard on writing music and stay doing that until the album’s finished.
ME: Was there a certain point where you had the vision that would evolve into Slipknot? #2: Well, it wasn’t planned, it definitely evolved. The lack of anything in Des Moines definitely fueled it, and we just went from there. When we got together, we didn’t have any rules about what it would be, we just got together and the nine people made it what it is. All day, every day, that’s what the band is. The band’s my life, it means everything, it’s my family. It’s what I love the most, and it’s what I hate the most.
ME: It sounds like you’ve accomplished more than you ever hoped to, what’s next? #2: For now, just doing our shows and being with my best friends. But in the long term, it’s going to be world domination. That’s what we’re trying to accomplish. #1: Once you climb one mountain you need to reevaluate and climb another one. We’re going to continue to tour and knock it out, all the way through Tattoo. Then we’d like to go into the studio. Then the next step is to take the most anticipated disjointed, apocalyptic, gross-sounding, disgusting type of exorcism you can imagine and put them all on one record. Every song will be twice what every song on the last album was. It’s all about the band maintaining the good attitude and integrity, and the same fire and hunger that we’ve had, and taking that and magnifying it and making a way better album. #2: Our next record is going to be over the fucking top. It’s going to be stupid!
ME: With things blowing up so fast, what are you proudest of as a band? #2: I’m proudest every day of just being in this band. What blows me away most of all is the fact that I get to do it. The fact that I’m in a band with my best friends, playing songs that we wrote in a basement, and seeing all the emotion from people who come out and get it every night. #1: Our middle finger attitude. How we’ve beaten the system in less than a year, all eyes have turned, and we’ve answered to nobody. That’s why I’m glad it happened as fast as it did. Hard work over time? Sure, good things come, but when it happens that fast it’s more poignant and people remember it more. It’s freaky and it’s very surreal, but that’s why I did welcome it. There’s a reason it happened so fast, because those kids need to stand for something. That’s why I think the next record may shun some people. Is it too over the top? No, it can’t be.
ME: Are you afraid of being “too metal”? #1: We’re fully metal, and we’ve always said that. People are afraid of that word because when Pearl jam and Nirvana came they were supposed to make music more open-minded, but they really made it more closed-minded than ever. We’ll always be a metal band.
ME: You were offered OZZfest this year, why not do it again? It’s a big risk headlining your own tour. #1: There are a lot of reasons why we didn’t do it. It was very cool to do it, but I don’t need an encore performance of it. The Tattoo tour wasn’t our concept, someone came up with it and brought it to us and it was something that we were into. We stepped in. It’s cool to start something from the ground up and not know if it’s going to work. I like everything to be very unpredictable, like playing a show.
ME: It seems like you guys have just gone out of your way to defy everyone in any position of power. Is that conscious? #1: No, because we’ve always done it and we still don’t make any money–There are nine people in this band! The stage manager will come up to us before the show and say, “Please don’t burn anything on the stage, don’t throw your drums, don’t break anything…” Well, that’s a bad thing to tell us, because we’re in debt anyway. Break it all, spend all the money! We’re not making any smart fucking business calls! That’s what lawyers and managers are for. It’s all about being in the moment and being in the vibe, and you can’t deny that. If you deny human feelings, you’re a fraud. #2: I think people are drawn to honesty. Who wants smoke blown up their ass? People want to know that we’re for real. People are drawn to it because they’re sick of all the other bullshit.
ME: We’ve heard about a lot of the bands that you don’t get along with, what are some of the bands you really respect? #1: Amen. They’re very good friends of ours and have the same type of fire even though they create a different style of music. I’m a very big fan of Mike Patton’s [Faith No More] projects and the Melvins. I respect all those guys because they don’t care. They make music just for themselves, they don’t let outside influences get to them.
ME: If you could leave your fans with any one message, what would it be? #2: Be yourselves and don’t fuckin’ worry about everyone else. Do your own shit… And, thanks! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank every kid who’s ever bought our album, checked the website out, or given us any support. If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be doing this interview, so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
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cheshirecatuniverse · 11 months
Fight Back! (Rocky)
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Rocky Mutsugi x Flag Girl! Reader
Song: Prince Charming - Willa Ford
Summary: To a lot of people, you're just a pretty piece of work. But tonight, you felt special.
WC: 1.8k
Notes: my works can be gorey, violent, and other mature themes! HIII IM BACK, school has been a pain in the ass but i have never stopped writing! this is my first oneshot to my high&low x fast&furious au, keep an eye out for more in the future. not edited.
Fast & Furious AU Masterlist
The streets were buzzing with people and cars in parallel lines. Giving space for the race "track" of the night.
The crowds of people overflowed the sidewalks and onto the street. Groups were flaunting their modified cars, some placing bets on the races, and others who took the opportunity to sell car parts.
Three white motorcycles sped past you, making you rub your arms at the sudden breeze. The bikes, or rather the drivers, caught the attention to everyone around you.
"Is it... a gang?" The girl beside you asked obliviously. Like you, another one of the boss's "showgirls" as he likes to call you.
Behind you, a voice intruded, "Girrll, do you even know who sponsored tonight?"
One of the belt loops of your shorts had the flag loosely tied around it. The custom logo on the black and white was known well on these streets.
"White Rascals," You answered, looking around. The men dressed fully in white had been patrolling even before you got here. Easy to spot in the crowd. The deal was that if the race was on their territory, then it would be in their control.
You told the girls around you, " 'm gonna go find Tej." Then split fast to go through the crowds of people. You couldn't start a race without Tej, everyone's favorite announcer.
"You look stunning, (Y/n)."
"Cute top!"
"Check out the flag girl."
You thanked the people you knew and smiled at the strangers who whistled and yelled. Something that happened everytime you walked into the crowded streets.
Once a week, you'd take the time out of your night to be a spectacle. The men who ran the races always needed women in short-shorts and skirts to get people's attention.
Which was fine by you. You got a fat check at the end of every night.
"(Y/n)," Tej jogged over you when he spotted you. Wearing a white jumpsuit with his garage's name on the corner. His gold watch and rings complementing his brown skin. "You gonna help me sell tonight?"
"As long as the money pours," You smile and nodded, walking back with him to the starting line.
"Mhm," He hummed and crossed his arms. "Though, you're probably not gonna get much from the boss tonight. You should help me sell a couple cars tomorrow, too."
"Wait, why?" You scoffed in disbelief.
"Boss has to split with Rocky. 55 to 45."
Rocky, you knew vaguely that he was the leader of White Rascals. He must have been a convincing man to get forty-five percent.
You pursed your lips, hiding your agitation. "Fine. Text me tomorrow then."
You found yourself back on the edge of the sidelines. The cars for this match already cruising down to line up, their supporters following beside them.
"Boss says 5 minutes 'til," One of the other showgirls called out.
"My cue," Tej popped out his collar and walked in the middle of the road.
Once Tej stepped away from the street, you came after. You tugged the flag from your shorts as you strutted to the center. Heels, hitting the black street with almost a bit of passion. But you wouldn't let your boss get your very best, no. Not with the pay you'll get tonight.
The whistles and whoops were all ignored. Only the loud and vibrant colored cars in front you had your attention. With a hand on your hip you watched, the racers revving the engine. The headlights made your earrings glimmer, made your lip gloss shine.
For a moment, it made you be the thing everyone was looking at. The only thing, something you ignore because it didn't really matter to you. The rush and the control, that was what you made you giddy. As you yelled for the racers to be prepared you raised the flag in your hand, you smiled at the way the cars and crowd grew louder.
Then, at your decision, you abruptly brought down the flag. The cars hurtled past you, and you turned back to watch them get smaller and faster in the distance. Still smiling, in your own world.
Back in the sidelines you handed the flag to the next girl for the next round. You could still feel the eyes on the crowd on you, which was good. When the matches were over you had to stand around and clean Tej's products.
Thirty minutes later you ended up at one of the public bathrooms. The buddy-system isn't something that is easily forgettable, the other girls employed by the boss made that clear. So when one of showgirls you were more friendly with had to go, you would be evil to say no.
"I'm right behind you," You gave her permission to leave the bathroom before you.
You took only one minute to fix the small flaws in your hair, adjusting your top even though it was fine as it was. But a minute was all it took for some guy to get all in her business.
Running heels was not the best idea, but the way the stranger was holding her arms slowly trying to drag her away made you panic.
No, nope.
So you slipped a heel off and threw it. You watched as the man stumbled at the impact to his head.
It was not going be enough to stop him but it gave you enough time to take of your other heel. You ran to your friend's side, ignoring the way your foot got cut for stumbling into some broken glass.
"Mind your business," The man growled. More agitated at the fact that you were shielding your friend than that you threw your 5 inch heel at him.
"Or what, bitch? You gonna hit a girl?" You taunt. Behind you, your friend's face paled at your insane provoking response. She was ready to yank you out of there and run for her life.
"I will if I have-"
A hand on his shoulder, made the stranger turn around and get hit with a baton. Soon enough, you aware of your surroundings. Figures dressed in white, chic with their appearances.
"That will not happen." The man in white was composed, even had a casual smile but his eyes were burning.
You expected him to finish the job, but to your surprise he backed away. Letting a man behind him step forward.
The way this man carried himself, you have never met Rocky. But you knew you were in his presence even before he pulled his hands out his coat, revealing a pair of handcuffs hanging on his wrist. Even before he opened his mouth, revealing his silver grill.
When he took off his crimson tinted sunglasses, the aggravator before you cursed quietly.
Rocky didn't glare, he didn't need to.
He titled his head to the side, simply staring at the man. "What are you doing?"
The man laughed shaking his head and pointed at you, "I didn't do shit, if anything you need to care of this crazy lady."
The audacity this man had you and your friend stare at each other with disbelief. As if somehow he was going to make this all go away.
When Rocky walked closer, and it seemed like the man lost his mind.
"Hey! It's not my fucking fault. They're a bunch of whores who walk around starting problems."
Even before Rocky could swing a fist at the man, he stumbled to his knees. The man clutching his head in pain.
Rocky watched as you scowled, hand holding up a heel up above your head.
Koo and Kizzy let out audible sounds of suprise. Koo even took a small step back.
"Try touching one of my friends again," You warned. Then starting to yell, "Try it, you creep! I dare you!"
You started jam your heel in his head again and your friend squealed for you stop. Unfortunately, she tugged you far enough away so the man couldn't be hit again.
"Let the White Rascals deal with it," She pleaded.
"Like hell 'm not gonna do nothing," You scowled and loosened her grasp enough to kick your bloody foot to his back. It made the pathetic man crumble all the way to the ground.
"Oh please. His pathetic ass is fine."
One of the White Rascals walked up to his beaten up form. She crossed her arms, "Woww."
She looked to the man beside her, "What do you think, Koo? Do we dump him in the street or the dumpster."
You exhaled loudly at the sight of them dragging the guy away, stress beginning to subside in you. Another member of the White Rascals took your friend aside to consol her and offer her security.
Rocky quietly approached you, extending his hand, "Please, come with me."
"Why?" You asked. Despite your confusion, you put your hand into his much larger one. It felt as natural as gravity.
"You're injured," He looked down to your legs. Which made you realized how easily you forgotten your stinging cut. "Did he do this to you?
His warm eyes looked at you with concern. This complete stranger, who loomed over you with power. You tried not to look so taken back.
"No," You felt embarrassed, "I just.. didn't watch my step."
He nodded, leading you somewhere, "Okay, that's okay."
How you ended up on a bench with a leader of Sword kneeling before you, is honestly something you couldn't exactly explain. At first you refused to look at Rocky, looking at the cane he placed at the floor but then slowly ended up back to him.
The way he bandaged your foot was so gentle and kind, it made you feel a mix a things. Especially when he cleaned the cut on your foot with rubbing alcohol. He muttered apologies when he heard the hisses under your breath.
Rocky even went as far as slipping your heel back onto your foot. The rough pads on his finger grazing your skin in the process. It felt, comforting.
"I'll have one of my men take you home in a couple minutes," He rose up from the ground.
"I can't. Boss only pays if I'm here the whole night," You stood up too, lips pursing at the pain in your foot.
"Careful," Rocky's hands held your arms when you saw you struggling to stand. For a moment you looked up at him meekly. Again, the feeling of his hands on you.
"Don't worry about that," He shook his head, "I'll make sure you get your money."
"But," You tilted your head, "Why?"
It was foreign to have anyone around here do so much for you.
Rocly looked at you with clear eyes. He honestly answered, "I protect women."
You laughed, a smile suddenly appearing on your face. Then leaned up, pressing your lips to his cheek. He didn't have his sunglasses on to hide the way his eyes widened.
You smiled deviously. Happy with his frozen state. "You must get a lot of girls with that line."
© 2023 chesirecatuniverse all rights reserved.
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Agent Lewis Part 2
Vinny Capone
As Agent Lewis awaited the final memory transfer that would complete his transformation into Vinny Capone, he found himself surrounded by the trappings of his new identity. His new suits had arrived, along with a motherlode box of cigars. He had already indulged in all of the previous cigars, despite never having smoked one before. Yet, it felt strangely natural for him, as if the act of smoking a cigar was encoded in his very being.
When the tailor arrived with the custom suits, Agent Lewis knew that this was the final piece of the puzzle. As he stood before the mirror, dressed in the finest garments money could buy, he couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. Power, money, and authority radiated from his reflection, his fat belly straining against the fabric of his tailored suit. A top hat perched atop his head, concealing his baldness, while his magnificent mustache tickled his lips and a cigar dangled effortlessly from his fingers. But it was the custom silk boxers that sent him over the edge, igniting a primal desire within him.
Unable to resist the overwhelming surge of arousal, Agent Lewis succumbed to the sensations coursing through his body. As he touched his new penis, his hands working around his protruding belly, he felt a surge of pleasure wash over him, culminating in an unexpected release. With that surge, he felt a shift within him, a transformation taking place on a deeper level. In that moment, he became Vinny Capone, embracing his new identity with a sense of fervor and abandon.
When he woke up the next day, following the final memory transfer, Agent Lewis was a distant memory. In his place stood Vinny Capone, fully immersed in his role as the Italian mob boss. Mission information flooded his mind, and he found himself internally fighting the distrust that Vinny harbored towards everyone, including his handler. But despite the internal conflict, Vinny remained resolute in his determination to carry out the mission, ready to navigate the treacherous world of organized crime with cunning and guile.
As Agent Lewis, now fully immersed in his role as Vinny, prepared to enter the field, he found himself translating every word he heard from Italian to English with ease. Fluent in Italian now, he felt a surge of confidence coursing through him. The craving for power, women, money, and control over the East Coast was overpowering, driving him forward with a singular focus.
Before he could be introduced into the field, his handler had one final task for him. "Vinny" walked down the hall with a short gait, smoking a cigar, the motion feeling entirely natural to him now. This was how he walked, talked, and thought. He entered a secure room, unsure what he was doing. The door opened to see the real Vinny Capone, shackled. and their eyes met in shock.
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Agent Lewis, now fully realizing the extent of his transformation, struggled to comprehend that he was face-to-face with his enemy. But as he studied the real Vinny Capone, shackled in a prison jumpsuit and slightly sedated, he couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between them. They looked like clones, a testament to the success of the transformation process.
With a mixture of awe and apprehension, Agent Lewis approached the real Vinny, ready to engage in conversation. Despite the tension hanging in the air, there was a sense of understanding between them. They were two sides of the same coin, each driven by their own desires and motivations. As they began to talk, Agent Lewis realized that this encounter would be the ultimate test of his abilities as Vinny Capone, the Italian mob boss.
After spending a few hours conversing and indulging in cigars with the real Vinny Capone, Agent Lewis, now fully embracing his role, felt even more confident in his ability to assume the life of Vinny. This wasn't just a temporary stand-in; it was real. As he left the facility, he was handed Vinny's guns and possessions, items that had been taken from him when he was arrested. Oddly enough, "Vinny" remembered the details of his own arrest all too well, a testament to the depth of the memory alterations.
Accompanied by his bodyguards, who were also undercover agents, Agent Lewis, now fully immersed in his new identity, exited the facility. With each step, he felt a sense of transformation taking place within him. Part of Agent Lewis was left behind in that facility, replaced by the persona of Vinny Capone, America's most feared mob boss.
As he stepped out into the world, ready to navigate the treacherous waters of organized crime, Agent Lewis knew that there was no turning back. He was Vinny Capone now, and he was prepared to wield his newfound power with cunning and ruthlessness, determined to leave his mark on the criminal underworld.
Life as Vinny:
As a few weeks passed, Agent Lewis, now fully entrenched in his role as Vinny Capone, found himself navigating the intricate webs of the criminal underworld with skill and finesse. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities, and Vinny seized them with calculated precision.
He forged alliances with other powerful figures in the mob, leveraging his newfound influence to expand his territory and solidify his control over the East Coast. His reputation as a ruthless and cunning leader grew with each passing day, instilling fear and respect in equal measure among his rivals and subordinates alike.
Despite the inherent dangers of his new life, Agent Lewis, now fully committed to his mission, embraced the thrill of living on the edge. He moved through the shadows with the confidence of a man who knew he was destined for greatness, his every action calculated to further his goals and cement his legacy.
But amidst the chaos and danger of his new existence, Agent Lewis occasionally found himself grappling with moments of doubt and uncertainty. The memories of his former life as an undercover agent lingered in the recesses of his mind, a constant reminder of the high stakes of his mission and the sacrifices he had made to assume the identity of Vinny Capone.
Yet, with each passing day, Agent Lewis grew more adept at compartmentalizing his emotions and suppressing his former self. He had become Vinny Capone, and there was no room for doubt or hesitation in his world of power and influence.
As the weeks turned into months, Agent Lewis, now fully immersed in his new identity, continued to rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld, his ambitions know no bounds. With every move he made, he edged closer to achieving his ultimate goal: bringing down the very organization he had infiltrated from within. And with each passing day, the line between Agent Lewis and Vinny Capone blurred further, until they were indistinguishable from one another in the eyes of the world.
As Agent Lewis continued to embrace his new identity as Vinny Capone, he found himself reveling in the sensations and perks that came with it. The feel of the cigar between his fingers, the weight of his large belly, the tickle of his mustache on his lips – it all seemed to suit him perfectly. He relished the fine clothes that adorned his frame, the attention of women who were drawn to his power and wealth. Even his small dick size didn't bother him; in his world, dominance came from more than just physical attributes.
With each passing day, Agent Lewis noticed how the room would shift when he entered, the air thickening with a mix of reverence and fear. His presence commanded attention, and he wielded it with a sense of authority that he had never experienced before. Communication with his handler became increasingly sparse and cryptic, a sign of the deepening isolation that came with his newfound power.
Meanwhile, his bodyguards, also deep undercover, faced their own moral dilemmas. Were they going to stick to the original plan of bringing down the organization from within, or were they becoming too entangled in the world of Vinny Capone to remember their true mission? It was a question that weighed heavily on Agent Lewis's mind as he navigated the treacherous waters of organized crime, his every move scrutinized by both his allies and adversaries alike.
Yet, despite the mounting complexities of his situation, Agent Lewis remained resolute in his determination to see his mission through to the end. Whether he was Vinny Capone or Agent Lewis, one thing was certain – he would stop at nothing to dismantle the organization that had wreaked havoc on so many lives. But as the lines between his two identities continued to blur, he couldn't help but wonder where his true allegiance lay and what sacrifices he would ultimately have to make to achieve his goal.
As one year passed since assuming the persona of Vinny Capone, Agent Lewis found himself deeply entrenched in the inner workings of the criminal organization. He had meticulously identified all the key players critical to bringing down the syndicate, but he knew that dismantling Vinny's organization wouldn't be enough to eradicate organized crime entirely. Another group would inevitably rise to take its place, perpetuating the cycle of corruption and violence.
Part one here https://www.tumblr.com/dcigar/744504830862737408/agent-lewis-pt-1-agent-lewis-awoke-with-a-start
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royalexhibition · 1 year
Elvis’s Girl
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Hello!! This is my first time writing for Elvis. Not really sure where I was going with this. Just a little something I wrote in my free time! (:
1970. International Hotel.
It's not like people would pay too much attention to many anyway. You are no one famous. Just a normal woman dating one of the most famous men in the world. He’s the only thing that makes you happy in this world. Not the money or the expensive gifts. It’s all about him and that’s all you want. You’re selfish. You arrived separately backstage from Elvis since he had to be there earlier.
"This is my supper." Elvis and you shared a small pack of M&M’s that you stole from the hotel room. "Just eat the other ones. I want the red ones." All he did was sigh loudly and not argue. "Sometimes I wonder about you. You’re one strange woman." He might say that, but he still looks at me with admiration. "Whatever. You’re strange too, so you can’t say much." You finished up the M&Ms, and it was already time for him to go on stage.
The Sweet Inspirations followed beside us. Yesterday, when you got there really close to showtime, Sissy brought her daughter Whitney. She called Elvis ‘Mr. Elvis and you almost died. She’s almost five, so you can’t get too mad at her. Even when he tried to hold her, she started to cry. Gotta love kids.
Jerry led me to one of the many red and white seats. The same one you’ve sat in for the past couple of nights. Vernon was there with his now-wife. You don’t remember her name, but it’s not essential. His dad has always been kind to me. At first, you were a little hesitant because there is a 10-plus-year age gap between us. Even though you always get told you look about 25,
Tonight is a late show. We’ll probably be here until midnight, which is unfortunate because the Colonel is sitting at the same table. He’s off, and he asks me about things you don’t know about. Elvis has told me this is not true 85% of the time. You tend to tell him you don’t want to hear about it. It’s his business, not yours. Things like that give you anxiety, and you hate to worry about something that doesn’t involve you. In no way do you feel like you need to share anything with the colonel. He just gives you the creeps sometimes.
The ladies in the crowd went wild the entire night with every song. You can’t blame them. His giving out kisses doesn’t bother me because you know he’s coming home with me at the end of the night. It’s part of the job too, so who are you to complain? Despite all the crazy women, you enjoyed yourself and felt like his biggest fan. Just as E was finishing up the last song, Jerry came around to pull the three of y’all from the booth to meet him backstage. The curtains closed as you walked up the stage to greet the one tall, sweaty man that you loved. The beads of his jumpsuit strings hit together as he walked towards Charlie to grab his custom towel.
You ran up to him and gave him a firm embrace as he lifted you off the ground for a hot second. “That was a great show, honey.” You planted a big kiss on his cheek before he could catch your lips to give you a long passionate kiss. “Thank you, baby. Just wait until tomorrow night. I’m bringin’ you up there with me.” He teased as he put you back down. It made him chuckle cause he knows you hate public attention.
“We’ll see about that, Mr. Presley.” You rolled your eyes as you walked with him to the hotel suite that you two shared.
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Discover the Perfect Beach Dresses for Women at Kiyaunas Kloset Clothing Store
If you are looking for the ideal beach dresses for women to elevate your summer style, Kiyaunas Kloset Clothing Store is your go-to destination. Our collection offers a variety of chic and versatile options that are perfect for making a statement by the sea or poolside. From elegant beach dresses to stylish jumpsuits and matching sets, we have everything you need to look fabulous and feel confident during the sunny season.
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At Kiyaunas Kloset Clothing Store, we understand that every woman desires a unique look that reflects her personal style. That’s why our beach dress collection is designed to cater to various tastes and preferences. Whether you’re drawn to vibrant prints or classic solid colors, our selection features something for everyone. Our dresses are crafted from lightweight, breathable fabrics that ensure comfort and elegance, making them ideal for both daytime lounging and evening beachside dinners.
In addition to our stunning beach dresses, we also offer a range of black lingerie sets that are perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to your summer wardrobe. Our matching sets are designed to provide both comfort and style, allowing you to transition seamlessly from a day at the beach to a night out. The intricate details and luxurious fabrics used in our lingerie collections ensure that you feel confident and alluring, no matter the occasion.
For those seeking a more versatile option, our jumpsuits are an excellent choice. Jumpsuits are not only stylish but also practical, providing a one-piece solution that is both easy to wear and effortlessly chic. Our jumpsuit collection includes various styles and cuts, from sleek and fitted to relaxed and flowing, ensuring that you find the perfect piece to suit your body type and personal style.
Each piece in our collection is carefully selected to meet our high standards of quality and fashion. We prioritize creating outfits that are not only on-trend but also made to last, so you can enjoy your beach dresses, lingerie sets, and jumpsuits for seasons to come. The attention to detail in our designs reflects our commitment to providing our customers with exceptional products that enhance their summer experience.
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In conclusion, Kiyaunas Kloset Clothing Store is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best with our exclusive range of beach dresses for women. Our collection, which includes black lingerie set, matching sets, and jumpsuits, is designed to cater to diverse styles and preferences, ensuring that you have the perfect outfit for every occasion. Embrace the season with confidence and elegance by choosing pieces that not only highlight your personal style but also offer unparalleled comfort and quality. Explore our collection today and discover why Kiyaunas Kloset Clothing Store is the ultimate destination for summer fashion.
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jazzlrsposts · 6 months
Multicolor Striped Tank Top
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Multicolor Striped Tank Top Horizontally multicolor striped soft feel sleeveless tank top with bottom side slit and scoop neckline.
This top is soft to touch.
The colorful theme of this top is suitable for a day look with minimal accessory.
It has a regular fit.
High-low design of this top comes with a side slit on both sides.
The multicolor striped tank top is a fun and playful piece of clothing that is perfect for casual outings or warm summer days.
The vibrant stripes add a pop of color and personality to the top, while the sleeveless cut is both comfortable and practical for warmer weather.
The top is made from high-quality materials that are both soft and breathable, making it comfortable to wear all day long.
The stripes are also strategically placed to flatter the figure and create a slimming effect, making this top a great choice for those who want to look and feel their best.
The multicolor stripes are eye-catching and add a playful touch to the top.
The range of colors also makes the top versatile and easy to pair with a variety of bottoms.
Along with denim shorts to skirts and pants.
The tank top can be worn on its own or layered with a jacket or cardigan for cooler weather.
The cut of the top is also flattering, with a fitted waist.
The loose, flowing hemline that adds a touch of movement.
The sleeveless cut is also practical and allows for easy layering with other pieces.
About Our Online Store
Jazzlr is an online e-commerce store for women’s distinctive clothing, with a focus on day-to-day fashion and lifestyle. In 2021, we started our first online store, which soon became a successful concept, and now we have hundreds of happy customers. Jazzlr aims to offer a variety of fashionable women’s clothing and accessories, including dresses, shorts, pants, tops, jumpsuits, and many more, at affordable prices to meet the needs of different customers. We have women’s clothing in styles ranging from modest to provocative, covering a wide range of ages and occasions. We at Jazzlr strive to not only offer the best customer service in the business, but also provide the hottest and most unique fashion apparel you will ever find.
Call us directly
Phone: +91 9999097979
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womanwesterndress · 8 months
Navy choker neck bodycon dress
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90’s look polka dot sleeveless above knee-length skater dress with a removable tie that can be styled accordingly. It has a back neck keyhole opening with double elastic loop and loop buttons. Concealed zipper opening on the front left side seam. This dress has a regular fit.
About our Online Store
Jazzlr is an online e-commerce store for women’s distinctive clothing, with a focus on day-to-day fashion and lifestyle. In 2021, we started our first online store, which soon became a successful concept, and now we have hundreds of happy customers. Jazzlr aims to offer a variety of fashionable women’s clothing and accessories, including dresses, shorts, pants, tops, jumpsuits, and many more, at affordable prices to meet the needs of different customers. We have women’s clothing in styles ranging from modest to provocative, covering a wide range of ages and occasions. We at Jazzlr strive to not only offer the best customer service in the business, but also provide the hottest and most unique fashion apparel you will ever find.
Talk To Us
Got Questions? Call us
+91 9999097979
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alina-rubanenko · 1 year
TS2 Jumpsuit with Knitted Cardigan
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TS2 Jumpsuit with Knitted Cardigan
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kkatiehere · 10 months
 Flycurvy.Com Legit Or Scam?
🔥Introduction to Flycurvy
Flycurvy stands as a global online haven for plus-size women, offering a blend of comfortable and avant-garde fashion. The brand aims to provide today’s curvaceous women with a diverse selection of clothing options, ensuring a unique and stylish look that instills confidence. FlyCurvy distinguishes itself by offering the latest plus-size fashions at affordable prices, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of curvy women.
Pros Fashion Diversity: FlyCurvy prides itself on offering a wide variety of styles, ensuring that customers can find unique and trendy clothing options. Affordability: The brand focuses on providing fashionable clothing at prices that are accessible to a broad audience. Inclusivity: FlyCurvy’s size range, from L to 5XL (equivalent to US size 10–28), showcases a commitment to inclusivity in catering to various body types. Cons Limited Product Imagery: Some customers have expressed a desire for more detailed pictures of products to better assess their look and feel. Size Consistency: While generally praised for accurate sizing, there have been reports of size inconsistency across different products, requiring customers to carefully check product measurements.
🌺Legitimacy of Flycurvy
Yes, FlyCurvy is a legitimate fashion brand. The company is committed to delivering orders that align with the advertised product images, reflecting a dedication to authenticity and transparency. Despite some challenges in the return and refund process, FlyCurvy maintains a legitimate status in the fashion industry.
🌺Website Ratings
On Trustpilot, FlyCurvy has received a positive rating, 3.0 out of 5 from 670 reviews, indicating a satisfactory level of customer satisfaction. While not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the brand’s Trustpilot rating is a testament to its commitment to meeting customer expectations.
🌺Flycurvy Quality Review
The brand consistently maintains high-quality materials, ensuring that the colors remain vibrant even after repeated washing. This underscores the brand’s dedication to the durability of its products. Nevertheless, a notable drawback is the brand’s limited provision of detailed images for its merchandise. This deficiency may deter online shoppers who heavily depend on visuals to gauge the appearance and texture of products.
🌺Flycurvy Sizing Review
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🌺Flycurvy Price Review
FlyCurvy offers a range of prices to cater to different budget preferences:
Tops: $10–40 Dresses: $20–60 Bottoms: $30–60 Outwear: $40–60 Jumpsuits & Rompers: $30–70
The brand balances affordability and style, making it accessible to a wide audience. Additionally, frequent sales and discounts contribute to customer satisfaction.
🌺Flycurvy Shipping info
FlyCurvy ships your order to USA, Canada, Australia, UK, and Europe, with delivery times ranging from 10–20 business days for regular items and up to 20 days for pre-ordered merchandise. While some customers find the shipping times slightly longer than average, the brand provides order tracking to keep customers informed about delivery status.
🌺Flycurvy Returns & Refunds
FlyCurvy’s return and refund policy have received mixed reviews. The 30-day return period is standard, but the return process, including photographing the item and arranging for return shipping, may be perceived as cumbersome. The brand accepts refund requests for issues like lack of items, broken packages, and quality concerns, but not for simple change of mind or sizing errors without quality problems.
🌺Flycurvy Customer Service
FlyCurvy’s customer service is generally commended for its swift responses and proactive approach. However, some customers express frustration with the return and refund process, highlighting an area for potential improvement.
🌺Flycurvy bestseller reviews
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“Absolutely stunning! This dress far surpassed my expectations with how nice the fabric is. It hangs beautifully and is lined. Just make sure you measure the midsection to make sure it will fit around your waist because the material does not stretch in the middle. Highly recommend” — — a reviewer from FlyCurvy
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“I love the way this dress fits and I love the way it looks in the front and the back. It looks much more expensive than it actually is and the material is high quality. This dress is extremely figure flattering and will cover up any imperfections you might have. I found the perfect shoes to go with it as well. I highly recommend that you purchased this dress” — — a reviewer from Flycurvy
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“It was perfect for the formal wear night on our recent vacation. Everyone was absolutely stunned by the dress and I got some beautiful pictures with it. Fit great too. The material is comfy. Highly recommend.” — — a reviewer from Flycurvy
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“Love the color of this shirt. It is light and flowey. It hangs loose on me so I will be belting it around the waist so that it’s not completely hiding my shape. It will need to be de-wrinkled but the fabric is comfortable and breathable.” — — a reviewer from FlyCurvy
🌺Customer Feedback
Flycurvy has received more than 656 reviews on Trustpilot, with an average rating of 3.0 stars, which means most customers are satisfied with their purchases. Customer reviews on Trustpilot indicate an overall positive experience with Flycurvy. Customers appreciate the high quality, unique designs, and affordable prices. While some mention sizing and colours inconsistencies and shipping times, the brand’s commitment to customer service and inclusivity is evident.
🌺Flycurvy Alternatives
Xpluswear: XplusWear addresses the often-neglected fashion needs of plus-sized women, offering them a chance to showcase their unique style without limitations. Representing a progressive approach to inclusive fashion, XplusWear caters to the contemporary and stylish woman, emphasizing that one’s size should not define their fashion choices, but rather their individual style.
BloomChic: BloomChic is an online fast fashion retailer for modern women sizes 10–30. The brand provides a variety of fashionable and cute clothes for mid and plus sized women, from dresses to swimwear. Their prices range from $20 to $40.
CurveDream: CurveDream is an internet-based women’s clothing label that provides a diverse range of products such as dresses, tops, suits, and bottoms. The brand offers sizes extending up to 5XL at affordable prices, typically falling between $20 and $50.
🌺Flycurvy Promotions & Discounts
Flycurvy offers various promotions and discounts that can be used to save money on purchases.
Coupon Codes: Flycurvyoffers a variety of coupon codes that can be used to get discounts on purchases. Buy More and Save More: Flycurvy occasionally offers discounts for buying multiple items, as the brand occasionally provides discounts for bulk orders. For example, one current offer is “Clearence Sale From $9.9.” “5 for $19.9”
🌺Contact Flycurvy
Flycurvy offers email/FB Messenger customer service only. If you have any questions or issues, please send a mail [email protected] or drop a DM via FB they will reply within 48 business Hrs.
Flycurvy emerges as a legitimate and customer-oriented fashion brand for plus-size women. With its commitment to diversity, affordability, and customer satisfaction, Flycurvy provides a valuable option for curvaceous women seeking trendy and comfortable clothing. While areas for improvement exist, the brand’s positive ratings and customer testimonials affirm its status as a reliable destination for plus-size fashion.
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dezangofashionzone · 2 years
Best Ankara Long Gown Styles 2023
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If you are looking to make an impact with your style, then look no further than the long gowns made of Ankara fabric. From classic to modern styles, there are plenty of options available to find the perfect gown for any occasion. In this post, we will explore some of the best Ankara long gown styles for 2023 so you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends!
What are Ankara's styles?
Ankara styles are some of the most popular and stylish ways to wear the traditional African wax print fabric. There are endless possibilities when it comes to styling Ankara, from simple and chic dresses to statement-making jumpsuits and bold prints. Whether you’re looking for a new outfit for a special occasion or just want to add some African flair to your wardrobe, check out these Ankara styles for some inspiration.
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Ankara Long Gown Styles 2023
Ankara's long gown styles are one of the most popular choices for African women's clothing. The Ankara fabric is known for its vibrant colours and patterns, which make it perfect for creating beautiful and stylish gowns. If you're looking for some inspiration on what to wear to your next special event, take a look at these Ankara long gown styles for 2023. One of the hottest trends in Ankara fabrics right now is bold prints. If you want to make a statement with your gown, opt for a dress with a large, floral print or an eye-catching geometric design. For a more understated look, choose a dress with smaller prints or solid-coloured fabric. Another popular trend is mixing and matching different colours and patterns. For example, you could pair a brightly-coloured Ankara top with a black skirt or pants. Or, try pairing two different prints together, such as a leopard print skirt with a striped top. This is a great way to add some personality to your outfit and make it truly unique. If you're looking for something truly original, consider having your dress custom-made using Ankara fabric. This is a great option if you can't find exactly what you're looking for off the rack. With custom-made dresses, you can choose your own colours, and patterns, and even add embellishments like beads or sequins.
Ankara Long Gowns for Special Occasions
When it comes to Ankara long gowns, there are endless possibilities for styling them for special occasions. Whether you're attending a wedding or a formal event, or simply want to make a fashion statement, there's an Ankara long gown out there for you. One of the most popular ways to style an Ankara long gown is by pairing it with matching accessories. This can include a headwrap or headscarf, shoes, and jewellery that complement the colours in your dress. Another option is to go for a more minimalist look and let the dress speak for itself. This is especially effective if the dress has intricate details or embellishments. If you're looking for inspiration on how to style your Ankara long gown, be sure to check out our gallery of photos below. From formal to casual looks, we've got you covered.
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Ankara Long Gowns for Every Day
There are many reasons to love Ankara long gowns. They are incredibly versatile and can be worn for any occasion, from casual days out to more formal occasions. They are also very comfortable, which is always a bonus! Whether you are looking for a new dress to add to your wardrobe or simply want to find the perfect Ankara gown for a special event, we have got you covered. Check out our selection of the best Ankara long gowns below.
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Tips for Wearing Ankara Long Gowns
- Rock Ankara Long Gowns with Confidence: The first step to looking great in any outfit is confidence. No matter what style you choose, make sure you walk with your head held high and shoulders back. This will instantly make you look 10 times better and feeling good in what you’re wearing always helps too! - Keep it Simple: Ankara long gowns are already a statement piece so there’s no need to go over the top with your accessories. Let the dress do the talking by keeping your jewellery and makeup relatively simple. A pair of nude heels or sandals will also complement the dress perfectly. - Consider Your Body Type: Not all styles of Ankara long gowns will suit every body type so it’s important to take this into consideration when choosing a dress. If you’re not sure which style will flatter you most, ask for help from a friend or sales assistant. - Be Comfortable: The last thing you want is to be tugging at your dress or feeling uncomfortable all night long. Choose a style that you know you’ll be able to wear without any issues and make sure it’s the right size too – nothing ruins a good outfit like an ill-fitting garment! -
Where to Buy Ankara Long Gowns
There are a few places to buy Ankara long gowns. The most popular is probably online. You can find a variety of styles and designs online. Another great place to buy Ankara long gowns is at your local African market. This is a great place to find traditional and modern styles. You can also find a variety of sizes at these markets. Finally, you can always go to a tailor and have a gown made specifically for you. Read the full article
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tajlibracreations · 2 years
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Nu Epsilon Theta and Nubian Excellence Queens Activewear Jumpsuits by TajLibra Creations
Nu Epsilon Theta, a BGLO, and Nubian Excellence Queens represent Crowned Excellence in their Activewear Jumpsuits. They support Women in every method possible, keeping their crown straight and never allowing a crown to hit the ground.
This activewear jumpsuit is great for the gym, running errands and step show rehearsals
Activewear Jumpsuit
Outfit Type: Clothing - Full Body - Jumpsuit
Sub part Type: Jumpsuit
Fashion Choice: Feminine
Age: Teen to Elder
All Occults
Custom Swatch
Occasions: Everyday, Athletic, Hot Weather
Swatches: 4
Variations:  Two per Organization
Disallowed for Random
Recolor designed by TajLibra Creations
Mesh: Base Game Compatible;  Activewear Just Doing it Jumpsuit by Dreaming4Sims (8 Swatches)
Models Credits - Photography by @tajlibra
DOWNLOAD Activewear Jumpsuit on 🖱️Patreon
File Name(s):
Uploaded on 11/28/2022 by @tajlibracreations @tajlibra
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Do not sell or place MY custom content behind paywalls or on paysites. My content is not for sale. Link directly to my Patreon, tumblr, or simfileshare link.
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I credit mesh creators and link to required meshes whenever possible, you should as well. My goal is to never use a mesh that requires payment to download.
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Omg I work in retail too at a children's clothing store and I felt that tag you wrote so much, customers are so frustrating, every day I have to tell someone "well that's unisex so it's really up to you". The worst part is, if our boys section is too colourful people don't recognise it as boys product, but they always complain about boys not having enough options or the colours being boring. We literally can't win.
It's fr absurd, just today I had this teenage guy buy a women's jacket because it was in the mens section, which like who cares it's a jacket but when I had to go find a tag for it and started looking in the women's section he started to freak a little bit was like no no no no no I found it over in the men's rack and it was giving me like these super defensive crazy eyes. so I just didn't tell him it was teeechnically a young woman's sweatshirt cuz like who the fuck cares it's a fucking jacket and he obviously liked it. The weird comments I hear parents say about children's clothes are so fucking stupid. what they think looks like boy clothes and girl clothes is ridiculous, I promise your kid does not care if the boring minimalist gray jumpsuit looks more like a girl jumpsuit or a boy jumpsuit. 🙄🙄🙄 The way people behave around clothes is so bizarre I feel like I'm in a fucking experiment every time I talk to a customer
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