tomluongo · 1 year
Long-time Bitcoin advocate and Wall St. vetern Caitlin Long joins me for one of my favorite conversations in the history of this podcast. We try to come to grips with contradictory behavior from the Federal Reserve and the reasons why these moments are so critical to the future of not just money but humanity itself. Show Notes: Caitlin on Twitter Custodia Bank Caitlin's Website Luongo: Crypto Liquidity and the Lifecycle of Ponzi Schemes Luongo: FDIC Insurance, Credit Suisse and the Day the Fed Killed Europe GGnG Podcast: Ep#133 Danielle Dimartino Booth
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talmagemoorehead · 2 years
First-principle thinking on Bitcoin and Banks
Who can remember the word hypothecation? Let's call it "H" (like heroin, close to pure evil). It's the dark magic that banks and stock brokers use to take legal possession of your assets without you knowing. When they go bankrupt, you lose.
Drawing from the video below, consider this: If you parked your car at a fancy restaurant, gave your keys to the valet, went in for dinner and the restaurant went bankrupt while you finished your Tiramisu, you could still legally step outside, grab your car keys and drive home. The vehicle was your property the whole time you were eating, even though you gave the keys to the valet. Common sense…
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reddragdiva · 4 months
by Amy Castor and David Gerard
In this episode:
Ethereum front-runners get front-run
Coinbase looks to play CeFi games (and re-enact 2022)
Uniswap refutes SEC accusations by detailing why they're true
Telegram's TON adds Tether
Custodia Bank is still trying again, and we seem to be the only people in crypto to notice that Lummis' stablecoin bill is a loophole written for Custodia
Money laundering, Binance, FTX, Craig Wright and all sorts of other fun.
We also have a life-sized cardboard cutout Sam Bankman-Fried, for all your many, many life-sized cardboard cutout Sam Bankman-Fried needs.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A wave of demonstrations across Angola has been triggered by a government decision to cut subsidies for petrol. 
The move to cut the subsidies was aimed at curbing government spending — but resulted in sharp fuel price hikes.
Thousands of young people — including many motorcycle taxi drivers — demonstrated on Saturday against the increase in fuel prices in the Angolan capital, Luanda, and other cities in the southern African country.
Heavy-handed police tactics
In Luanda, a heavy police presence patrolled the streets from Saturday morning, before firing tear gas to disperse a crowd that had gathered in the east of the capital. Several people were injured and the police made multiple arrests. 
"In Luanda, we arrested 32 demonstrators, and in Benguela, 55. The demonstrators were violent and attempted to set up roadblocks with burning fuel canisters and rubber tires," police spokesman Mateus Rodrigues told a press conference.
Activist Dito Dali, one of the organizers of the Luanda protest, contradicted the police account.
"We were peaceful. The police used violence without any reason. We have hundreds of photos and videos of the injured, some of which we have also posted on social media. It is only thanks to our composure that there were no deaths — as happened recently in Huambo," Dali told DW, referring to a protest in the central city during which police opened fire on a demonstration that authorities said had turned violent. Five people died in the Huambo protest. 
Fuel price hike was the last straw
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had long been calling for Angola to reduce fuel subsidies, and their removal resulted in the gasoline price increasing from 165 kwanza (€0.25) to 300 kwanza (€0.48) per liter on May 3, 2023. 
Angola is one of Africa's largest oil producers;however, it does not have sufficient refineries to meet its domestic demand for diesel and gasoline and therefore has to import a large portion of fuel at high costs.
Consumer fuel prices were heavily subsidized, which meant that fuel prices for end consumers were kept very low. But in 2022, fuel subsidies burdened the Angolan state budget with approximately €3.2 billion. 
Street vendors at risk
Even higher costs are expected this year. Angola's street vendors have also been bearing the brunt of the price hikes.
"It is unbearable that the government continues to make our lives more difficult," street vendor Custodia dos Santos told DW reporter Borralho Ndomba in Luanda.
"That's why we joined the taxi drivers in their protests against the increase in fuel prices. Our survival and the survival of our children are at risk."
Custodia also mentioned the daily harassment street vendors face as Luanda's provincial government tightens measures against informal street traders. 
"We are regularly detained by security personnel or the police," she said. "We have to keep giving them money just to be able to continue working."
NGOs also under pressure
The protests have been further fueled by hundreds of NGO workers who are also very dissatisfied with their government which supports a new bill that aims to further regulate NGOs and associations.
Several Angolan NGOs launched a nationwide campaign against the proposed law earlier this week and warned that the government's goal was mainly to "control organizations." 
"If this law is enforced, we will find it difficult to continue our work," said Guilherme Neves, chairman of the human rights organization Associacao Maos Livres ("Free Hands Association") which has long been involved in helping persecuted activists and journalists.
The new law proposed by the ruling party MPLA is a kind of "license to erase non-governmental organizations that are not government-compliant," Neves added.
The OMUNGA Association — which has been promoting rural development and implementing rural projects for years — also sees itself threatened by the new law.
"Our government is becoming increasingly authoritarian. They want to control and regulate everything; they want to influence all activities of civil society. This is totalitarian," the association said in a statement.
"The protests of last weekend were only the beginning of our nationwide resistance movement," said activist Dito Dali.
"They will have to get used to the fact that we will no longer remain silent. The increase in fuel prices was just the straw that broke the camel's back."
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queenofcandynsoda · 1 year
Sol Fertilis: Omega Laws
The Omega Laws are a set of laws and mandates created to enforce “traditional” Omega roles in Verdorica and, later, Sol Fertilis. This is prior to the five “Open Policy Omega Laws”, where Omegas gain small but significant rights.
Omega Heat Suppression Ban (Lex Inhibitionis Caloris Omega)- The legal prohibition of heat suppressant medications or treatments for Omegas. This also extends to other forms of birth control for Omegas.
Omega Employment Realignment Act (Lex Reordinatio Implicatio Omega)- To remove Omegas from employment in all sectors. This is meant to have Omegas prioritize reproduction and child-rearing. This law was passed without the knowledge of the general public.
Marital Unification Act (Lex Coniugis Unificationis)- This law annulled all marriages between Omegas and non-Alphas. This also prevents any Omega from getting a marriage certificate if their spouse is not an Alpha. By default, cross-rank relationships are banned. 
Omega Educational Exclusion Act (Lex Exclusio Educandi Omega)- This law effectively prohibited Omegas from attending or entering colleges and higher education institutions.
Omega Education Restructuring Act (Lex Restructura Educandi Omega)- This law brings in a different curriculum for Omega students and is revised to emphasize subjects that are deemed suitable for their future roles and responsibilities within society. This only focuses on childrearing, domestic skills, and textile arts. 
Omega Financial Freeze Act (Lex Congelatio Financiarum Omega)- This froze all bank accounts that are under any Omega’s name. None of them can’t have access to them. Their money would be sent to their Alpha spouses’ names or the government take the money until they get married. 
Omega Mobility Restriction Act (Lex Restrictio Mobilis Omega)- This law banned Omegas from owning and using cars, trucks, bicycles, and other methods of independent transportation. 
Omega Co-Residency Mandate (Lex Cohabitatio Omega)- This legal measure aims to restrict Omegas from living alone. Instead, it mandates that they reside in communal or supervised living arrangements due to purported safety concerns.
Omega Monthly Health Checkup Mandate (Lex Mandatum Mensis Sanitatis Omega)- This law mandates all Omega individuals to undergo monthly medical checkups, primarily focusing on their reproductive and overall health
Omega Creativity Ban (Lex Creativitatis Omega)- This law created a complete prohibition on any form of entertainment, artistic expression, or creative work produced by Omegas.
Omega Travel Companion Mandate (Lex Socii Viatorum Omega)- This law prevents Omegas from traveling alone outside of their homes, especially if they are young or unmarried.
Omega Custody Restriction Act (Lex Restrictionis Custodiae Omega)- This law that restricts non-Alpha and non-Omega citizens from having custody of Omega children. 
Omega Reformation Act (Lex Reforma Omega)- It is the mandatory placement of all Omegas into specialized facilities aimed at "restructuring" their minds and bodies. The four places are the Pink Center, Coelestis Progressus Omega Institutum/Heavenly Progress Omega Institute, Conservatio Omega Domus/Preservation Omega House, and Omega Sanctum.
Omega Rehabilitation and Repurposing Act (Lex Rehabilitatio et Redestinatio Omega)- This law is used to repurpose Omega individuals who have committed criminal offenses into conforming to traditional gender roles focused on family and child-rearing responsibilities. 
Omega Dress Code Act (Lex Vestitus Omega)- It is a clothing mandate that requires Omegas to only wear traditional clothes and shades of red. This is also based on their age and marital status.
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blockinsider · 1 month
Kamala Harris’ Lackluster Crypto Town Hall Sparks Industry Worries Pre-November Election
Key Points
Kamala Harris’s Crypto Town Hall event disappoints industry, leading to concerns ahead of the election.
The event failed to provide clarity and policy direction on crypto, leading to criticism from industry leaders.
The Crypto Town Hall event, arranged by the “Crypto For Harris” campaign, was a letdown for many industry leaders as it failed to provide the necessary clarity and policy direction.
The absence of Kamala Harris, the key figure of the event, was a major cause of disappointment. Attendees were looking forward to hearing her personal views on crypto. The lack of clear policy statements from her campaign did little to alleviate concerns about her stance on digital assets.
Industry Leaders Express Dissatisfaction
Caitlin Long, CEO of Custodia Bank, expressed her dissatisfaction with the event. She was expecting to hear about Harris’s crypto policy and how the Democrats planned to address the issue of crypto firms being de-banked.
The structure of the meeting also faced criticism. Many felt that the event was more of a lecture than a dialogue. Jake Brukhman, founder and CEO of CoinFund, criticized the lack of input from people within the crypto industry.
The event also failed to discuss challenges and regulations the industry has been facing under the leadership of SEC Chair Gary Gensler. This led to further criticism, as many felt that the event did not truly cover the main concerns of the industry.
Positive Moments and Implications for Future Elections
There were some positive moments in the meeting. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made a supportive comment on crypto legislation. He emphasized that crypto is here to stay, regardless of what happens. However, these positive comments were not enough to impress top figures in the crypto space.
The event’s failure to win over the crypto community may have increased support for former President Donald Trump, who has promised a lighter regulatory approach. Many in the industry are now skeptical of the Democrats’ assurances of a “reset” with the crypto sector, demanding clearer articulation of policy positions.
As the US 2024 presidential election approaches, crypto policy will be a major factor. The industry awaits more concrete statements from Harris and other candidates, hoping for a clearer picture of how digital assets will be treated under potential administrations.
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recentlyheardcom · 3 months
The Federal Reserve, Custodia Bank, and the Battle over Sovereignty
Introduction Because it strikes into the lively enchantment stage on the Tenth Circuit, the continuing authorized battle between Custodia Financial institution and the Federal Reserve has garnered vital consideration, particularly given the involvement of assorted amicus briefs. A complete of seven briefs had been filed on July third, the final day for supporting, or impartial, briefs to be…
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market-news-24 · 5 months
In a significant industry development, the CEO of Custodia Bank has publicly praised the decision made by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) regarding the zero collateral value of cryptocurrency. This new stance marks a pivotal moment in the financial world, potentially altering how digital assets are perceived and handled by major financial institutions. The announcement is seen as a bold move, signaling a growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies despite their volatile nature. Stay tuned for more updates as this story unfolds, shedding light on what this could mean for the future of banking and digital currency. [ad_1] In a recent development that's catching the eyes of investors and financial experts, Custodia Bank's CEO Caitlin Long has publicly supported the latest move by the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) involving Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. From April 30 onwards, the DTCC plans to implement changes in collateral values for certain securities, a yearly routine tied to its line-of-credit facility renewal. A significant part of this update is assigning a zero collateral value to crypto-bearing ETFs, which essentially means that these securities will be fully discounted in situations requiring collateral. This adjustment reflects a cautious approach towards handling the risk associated with the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies within the financial system. Caitlin Long appreciates this decision, highlighting its role in curbing potential "leverage-based financialization games" that could have otherwise taken place, potentially placing undue blame on Bitcoin for any resultant issues. This stance from DTCC doesn't impact the utilization of crypto ETFs for lending purposes or their role as collateral in brokerage activities. It surfaces amidst a wave of growing interest in crypto investment products, notably after the launch of Spot Bitcoin ETFs. These ETFs have seen a rapid accumulation of assets under management, crossing the $12.5 billion mark within just three months of their introduction. However, a recent downturn has been noticed with a significant weekly outflow from these funds. Additionally, Custodia Bank, under Caitlin Long’s leadership, is currently embroiled in a legal battle with the Federal Reserve following a decision that might restrict the bank's operational capabilities. The bank is fighting back with an appeal, signifying its intent to keep pushing against what it sees as a limiting ruling by a Wyoming district judge this past March. This news is pivotal for those invested in the crypto marketplace and traditional banking systems, marking a moment of evolving regulations and perceptions towards digital assets in financial infrastructures. As the scenario unfolds, it will be interesting to see the long-term impacts of these decisions on the crypto investment landscape and the legal battle between Custodia Bank and the Federal Reserve. [ad_2] 1. Why is the Custodia Bank CEO happy about the DTCC's decision on crypto? The Custodia Bank CEO is glad because the DTCC decided that crypto will have a zero collateral value. This means that the financial industry is recognizing the unique nature and risks of cryptocurrencies, which aligns with Custodia Bank's approach to innovation and security in crypto banking. 2. What does "zero collateral value" mean for cryptocurrencies? Zero collateral value means that, in the eyes of the DTCC, cryptocurrencies cannot be used as security or guarantee for borrowing money. This decision reflects a cautious approach to the risks associated with crypto assets. 3. How might this decision affect the crypto Market? While the decision highlights concerns about the stability and reliability of cryptocurrencies, it could also push for more transparent and secure practices within the crypto Market. In the long run, this may help in building trust and stability in the industry. 4. Will this decision impact how banks deal with cryptocurrencies?
Yes, it’s likely to impact how banks approach cryptocurrencies. Banks might become more cautious about accepting crypto as collateral for loans. However, it also opens up an opportunity for banks like Custodia to innovate and find new ways to integrate crypto securely into the financial system. 5. Is this decision final, or can it change in the future? Decisions like this can evolve over time as the Market and regulatory landscape change. If cryptocurrencies become more stable and secure, and if regulatory frameworks around them are strengthened, the DTCC and other financial institutions may revisit and adjust their stance on the collateral value of crypto assets. [ad_1]
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blockchainfeed · 5 months
Custodia, a Wyoming-based aspiring crypto bank, filed a notice of appeal against a court ruling that affirmed the Federal Reserve's rejection of its bid for a master account and membership. #Blockchain #Crypto
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tomluongo · 2 months
Podcast Episode #183 - Caitlin Long and the Conundrums of Europe
Bitcoin advocate, Wall St. vetaran and CEO of Custodia Bank Caitlin Long joins us for a quick trip around the recent European elections and how we see them interfacing with the capital markets.   Show Notes:Custodia BankEpisode #156 – Caitlin Long and the Lingering Questions Over Fed Crypto PolicyEpisode #138 – Caitlin Long and Plumbing the Depths of the Eurodollar Previous Shows Podcast…
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cryptomode2024 · 8 months
To show their support for Custodia Bank, the Blockchain Association and the Attorney General of Wyoming have added their names to the move.
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shadowseekernews · 9 months
Spot Bitcoin ETF Issuers Are Rushing To Slash Fees, Be Careful
Caitlin Long, the founder of Custodia Bank, is sounding the alarm about the race by spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) issuers in the United States to slash fees to near zero. Taking to X on January 8, the founder urged clients planning to buy these regulated products to be cautious about these ultra-low fees, as they could indicate hidden risks. The Spot Bitcoin ETF Fee Race Is A…
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reddragdiva · 1 year
by Amy Castor and David Gerard
our incredible clown car journey through Custodia's attempt to get a fed account by capture of one tiny state, in the face of their own blithering incompetence
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Operazione "Sfarzo Criminale": scoperte frodi online ai danni di correntisti per l'acquisto di capi di alta moda. In arresto 8 persone
Operazione "Sfarzo Criminale": scoperte frodi online ai danni di correntisti per l'acquisto di capi di alta moda. In arresto 8 persone. Verbano-Cusio-Ossola. Nelle prime ore di venerdì 15 dicembre, i carabinieri dei Comandi Provinciali di Verbania e Napoli, coordinati dalla Procura di Napoli, hanno arrestato 8 persone (di cui 4 in carcere e 4 agli arresti domiciliari) in esecuzione di un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare, emessa dal Tribunale partenopeo, ritenute responsabili, a vario titolo, di associazione per delinquere finalizzata alla commissione di frodi informatiche e accesso abusivo a sistemi informatici. L’attività investigativa, scaturita da una truffa informatica perpetrata nel 2021 ai danni di un correntista di un Istituto di Credito piemontese, condotta attraverso l’analisi di tabulati telefonici e dei fotogrammi acquisiti presso attività commerciali, intercettazioni telefoniche e telematiche, nonché numerosi riscontri effettuati presso gli Istituti di credito, ha consentito di: a. identificare i responsabili delle frodi, ricostruendo la struttura di un agguerrito network criminale, radicato in provincia di Napoli, che si avvaleva di tecnologie avanzate per eludere i complessi sistemi di sicurezza predisposti dagli istituti di credito; b. ricostruire il relativo modus operandi, consistente: − in una preliminare attività di “phishing”, basata sull’utilizzo di software per l’invio massivo di SMS “esca”, recanti link di reindirizzamento a siti web clone, del tutto identici a quelli di diversi Istituti di Credito (registrati su portali web dedicati attraverso l’utilizzo di documenti falsi ovvero intestati a prestanome); − in un successivo contatto telefonico con le vittime, effettuato da sodali addetti a un call center clandestino, i quali: - per indurre in inganno gli utenti, mediante un software ad hoc, attribuivano alle sim utilizzate (intestate a prestanomi) una numerazione corrispondente ai numeri verdi degli istituti bancari (c.d. “spoofing”); - acquisivano con artifizi vari l’identità digitale delle vittime e le relative credenziali di accesso; -  inviavano successivamente un sms attestante il buon esito dell’operazione, per fugare eventuali sospetti, e l’avviso che entro 24/48 h sarebbe pervenuto un nuovo codice d’accesso al servizio di home banking; − nell’accesso abusivo all’app. di home banking delle vittime, per mezzo della quale gli addetti alla “monetizzazione” dei crediti: - svuotavano i conti correnti, creando carte di credito virtuali con cui accedevano ai servizi “Pay by link” offerti dalla società NEXI ovvero ai servizi di pagamento contactless offerti da “Samsung Pay”, “Apple Pay” e/o “Google Pay”; - acquistavano capi di abbigliamento/accessori iconici di marchi d’alta moda nazionali ed esteri tramite portali web dedicati ovvero presso esercizi commerciali ubicati a Milano e Roma; c. documentare oltre 300 episodi delittuosi (tentati/consumati) perpetrati nei confronti di 146 vittime residenti in diverse Regioni (Piemonte, Lombardia, Calabria, Lazio, Campania, Basilicata, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Veneto, Sicilia, Abruzzo, Toscana, Trentino, Sardegna, Marche, Puglia e F.V.G.); d. accertare la sottrazione di circa 164mila euro da parte del sodalizio, che saranno recuperati contestualmente all’esecuzione di un decreto di sequestro preventivo. Sequestrati dai carabinieri nel corso delle indagini numerosi computer e telefoni cellulari utilizzati per mettere in atto il piano criminoso: all’esito di una perquisizione eseguita a Napoli, due degli odierni arrestati sono stati sorpresi in flagranza di reato mentre perpetravano una truffa nei confronti di un ignaro correntista.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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bitcoincables · 10 months
Bitcoin Companies Prepare for Institutional Surge
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CEO of Morgan Creek Capital Management, Mark Yusko, predicts that once a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) is approved by the SEC, there will be $300 billion in inflows. Yusko believes that a spot ETF would address regulatory concerns and provide institutions with a regulated and secure way to add bitcoin to their portfolios. Cathie Wood, CEO of ARK Invest, is also optimistic about the approval of a bitcoin ETF. She stated that "the odds are going up" for the approval of her firm's application. The SEC is now actively engaging with spot bitcoin ETF hopefuls, which is seen as a positive sign after years of disappointment.
In response to concerns about the banking system cutting off bitcoin and crypto companies, Custodia, a full-reserve bank based in Wyoming, has launched a bitcoin custody service to reduce risk for depositors. The bank's legal framework ensures that clients retain ownership over their assets, even in unforeseen circumstances. Custodia's service offers segregated custody accounts, which enhance transparency and provide on-chain visibility. These measures are intended to reduce risks for depositors and ensure that bitcoin held on deposit remains accessible even in the event of a Custodia bankruptcy.
Bitcoin companies are also ramping up their efforts to attract institutional investors. Unchained, for example, offers a collaborative custody model where bitcoin private keys are distributed among several qualified custodians to reduce the risk of a single point of failure. Unchained leverages bitcoin native capabilities, allowing customers to recover funds without having to use proprietary tools. Swan, a bitcoin-only exchange, has raised $205 million in funding to expand their institutional-facing business lines. They offer bitcoin-backed lending and asset management, providing practical solutions for those seeking liquidity without selling their bitcoin. These companies anticipate increased institutional participation in bitcoin and are preparing for an institutional surge.
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scontomio · 10 months
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💣 Wukouney Mini iPhone Power Bank, 5000 mAh Caricatore Portatile Powerbank Caricabatterie Batteria Esterna Compatibile con iPhone 14/14 Pro/14 Pro Max/13/12/11/X/X 🤑 a soli 9,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/wukouney-mini-iphone-power-bank-5000-mah-caricatore-portatile-powerbank-caricabatterie-batteria-esterna-compatibile-con-iphone-14-14-pro-14-pro-max-13-12-11-x-x/?feed_id=182434&_unique_id=6553e091da9a3&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Wukouney%20Mini%20iPhone%20Power%20Bank%2C%205000%20mAh%20Caricatore%20Portatile%20Powerbank%20Caricabatterie%20Batteria%20Esterna%20Compatibile%20con%20iPhone%2014%2F14%20Pro%2F14%20Pro%20Max%2F13%2F12%2F11%2FX%2FX Il Wukouney Mini iPhone Power Bank è un caricatore portatile compatibile con iPhone, dotato di una batteria ai polimeri di litio da 5000 mAh. Con dimensioni ridotte e peso leggero, può essere facilmente trasportato come fonte di alimentazione di riserva. Grazie alla tecnologia power-through, il power bank si carica automaticamente quando si collega al telefono cellulare. Compatibile con diversi modelli di iPhone e Airpods, offre un'ampia gamma di opzioni di ricarica. Realizzato con materiali di alta qualità, garantisce sicurezza e protezione per il dispositivo. Dotato di un indicatore LED blu e una custodia in silicone, questo power bank è pratico e resistente. #coupon #wukouney #caricabatterie #offerteamazon #scontomio
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