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astrologythingzzz · 2 years ago
Astrology observations 🩷
These are my first observations ever. I've studied astrology for quite a long time now, so I thought maybe I'll give it a try. 🩷
8th house suns / stelliums really experienced a traumatic upbringing/childhood and I feel like both parents are aloof and not very comforting
They also get along very well with scorpio suns/ scorpio placements or in general water placements
Do virgo suns and mars kiss very aggressively with tongue or is that just my experience 😵‍💫😵‍💫
Pisces rising men are the "pisces men" you all always talk about. They are the worst
They are stoners, they don't get their sh*t together. They kind of don't know how to deal with their sensitivity?? I only met aggressive, dominant and self absorbed pisces rising men.
This can also sometimes apply to pisces moon men. Especially paired with earth in their chart
I know a girl that was born in the evening of October 23rd. She insists on being a libra, even though in reality she's a scorpio sun. She miscalculated her sun sign and put 8am instead of 8pm (her birth time)
You absolutely cannot change her mind about that. She even downloaded co-star where it says that she's a scorpio sun. But she doesn't believe it. She even said " I don't care, I'm still a libra sun"
That's kind of a typical scorpio sun trait, they are very stubborn (because of their fixed nature)
Gemini risings can appear very fake. They aren't necessarily, but they're hardcore people pleasers, they need attention like the air they breathe. They wanna be involved in every friendship group possible. They love standing in the limelight
This could also be because of their leo ic (some gemini risings have leo ic, some have virgo ic) but the ones with leo ic were the star at home. Their parents always let them shine, they didn't have to dim their light at home. So now they're used to it.
If unevolved those leo ic's can be too pleased with themselves and even self-absorbed
Pisces suns cancer moons don't always have to be the "sweet innocent cry baby🥺" everyone makes of them. They can be loud (especially with a fire rising) they are extremely ambitious (because of their cardinal moon) and they go after whatever they want.
Gemini rising is a model placement. The long limbs, the bright eyes, the strong hair. MODELS
Also, there are no cusps in astrology. You're either one or another sign, but never a mixture of both. That is the exact reason for degrees in astrology!
You're either 29 degrees of any sign, or 0 degrees of the next.
If you feel more drawn to the next one, it could be because of personal placements in the next or prior sign or because of aspects that have the "vibe" of this sign.
But please let's eliminate cusps completely from astrology🩷
Astro.com and the app TimePassages are amazing for getting to know yourself and learning about astrology!
That's it for now, I hope everyone could resonate and please know, these are just my observations. They aren't meant to hurt anyone!! Please take everything with a grain of salt. 🩷
Also English isn't my first language so please don't be mean and feel free to correct me on any mistakes!
Hope you liked it, byee🩷🩷
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lunabeestarr1212 · 2 years ago
Random notes. 🪐☄️🛸👽 This is so cool!☀️✨❤️
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Look at the sign / degree if your MC. One of them typically is the sun sign of your dominant parent. My sister and I have my moms sun sign in this position.
The sign/ degree of the 5th house cusp is relative to your first born. My sister has an Aquarius degree and her first born is and Aquarius.
The sign/degree on the 3rd Indicates the flavor of the relationship between you and your siblings.
The sign/degree on the 7th house cusp tells you how you’ll meet your significant other. Or at least the first one lol. My first love was a Taurus and it is on my 7th house!
The sign/degree of the 8th house cusp deals with secrets and death and owing people. I’ve had a few friends pass away and there is a connection to how they died. For example- Leo - heart problems, Gemini breathing issues. Etc.
The sign/degree of your MC tells you what you would naturally be good at for a career.
My bff has a libra degree at her MC- she has a eyelash studio (libra-beauty)
The degree of your rising sign tells you what you do as soon as you wake up. Taurus-eat. Gemini- send text messages. Aries - exercise. Scorpio-have sex etc.
The sign/degree of your 12th house tells you about your unfinished business or the area in life where you’ll struggle the most. Believe me- it’s absolutely true in my case!!
Just my observations/experiences. Lmk if you agree!!
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chicknparm · 7 months ago
Hey guys, new chapter of fic just dropped. This took literal ages but is the longest, and imo, best chapter yet. There is more to come. Give it a read, give it a share, give it a comment if you feel like it. Hope you guys enjoy. <3
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kerinna · 22 days ago
hello! what are your thoughts on cusps? do you think the next sign/nakshatra themes will be strongly felt? my ascendant is 25 degrees scorpio in jyestha nakshatra, but i do resonate with many mula themes
No, I don't think it would be strongly felt.
But if you don't have anything in Mula in your D1 chart, maybe look at your D10(It's the chart of your career, fame, power etc) because you may have a placement in that chart in Mula.
Take care ❣️
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aaaaaa19cc · 11 months ago
My experience based on my birth chart placements
*Nobody asked, but I saw someone doing this and I found it interesting. (English it’s my second language if there is any mistake). There are a lot of positive placements in my chart, but it’s important to analyze the negative ones.
Saturn in 1st house: I never had self-esteem. I was like the weirdest kid ever in terms of appearance, and even after some years, when things got better, I couldn’t just trust I was worthy. I love myself today, cause I can see my qualities (as a venus dominant), and I developed I lot of things. But, after all, I still have Venus square Saturn in the chart ruining my confidence. This aspect also makes people compliment my smile a lot. In terms of appearance I have a good bone structure with bony shoulders. I already had tooth caries twice, so I’m not lucky with that.
Psychologically, I have a feeling that people thinks I’m too serious or boring sometimes. My life was always hard and I have barely been happy. It really feels like there is something heavy in my back and I have to carry this without having any joy. I can’t even understand other's people happiness. This is not a rule for everyone with this placement. I believe this is karmic, cause my dad is a Capricorn sun and I have lots of Aquarius placements. This is also the most serious placement of the whole chart.
Pluto in 7th: I don’t know shit about it, but my 7th house is also Scorpio, and I’m worried. I don’t know if there is something to do with 7th house, but people doesn’t like me. Anywhere I go people bully me or treat me mean with no reason. I have no friends. My last relationship was intense and almost destructive. The only friends I had were extremely disrespectful to me, they were always bullying me and I had to heal for the horrible things they said to me and about me.
Mars in 11th: I think this it’s the another reason for my loneliness. This is a good placement, but the friends I had were always trying to fight me. It’s hard to develop a good friendship with that.
Moon in 12th: My Taurus moon here makes me wanna stay in my house for several weeks. I love being alone, in home, doing whatever I want without having to deal with anyone. These are the moments I’m the happiest. My battle here begins with my intrusive thoughts. As an Aquarius mercury I think too much. These thoughts made me develop severe anxiety. The anxiety and the extreme loneliness combo makes my life too hard to handle. I relate to much with Megan Thee Stalion (a beloved and admired Aquarius woman) when she sings about her anxiety and depressive thoughts.
Another thing about this placement: my mom have always been my (hidden) enemy. She was always talking shit about me behind my back and trying to shame me in public and in family meetings. And I absolutely hate her 😄. Also, moon square Uranus in my chart it’s another indicator of this lack of affection.
And the worst thing about it it’s that woman are also my hidden enemies. And this is so scary, because I don’t know what these bitches are talking behind my back but I guess it would be something terrible. I’m always bullied and disrespected almost everywhere I go and now that I discovered that the moon means ‘other woman’ I’m shocked. It feels like I only have enemies.
Lilith in 10th house: Honestly, I don’t understand why does this damn asteroid exists in astrology, because it only means bad things to people’s life (woman specially, as our life wasn’t difficult enough). This placement made people (disgusting men ALL the time) sexualize me for almost whole life. I don’t get the point os this. I read recently in a post that this placement makes the public hate you, and it’s absolutely true. Being a woman it’s the worst thing ever most of the times. Also, Amy Winehouse had this placement.
Sun in 0° Pisces: I was born at 19/02 and spent my whole life as an Aquarius sun. The day I first made my birth chart and discovered I would be a Pisces, I almost freaked out.
I relate a LOT with Aquarius. I’m a future person, open minded and cold hearted, but not too rebellious because of the Venus and Saturn dominance in the chart. I could never be a Pisces, cause never in my life I suffered for another person. Almost everybody is insignificant to me, actually. The main focus have always been and will always be me and my desires. I’m empathetic, but not the type of person who cancel their plans to help somebody.
Being born on a cusp is very confusing because we DONT KNOW who we actually are, as it’s really difficult to analyze our own personality. So, I use other people as a mirror to see who I really am.
So, I’m not compatible with water and earth signs. For real. I love air signs, specially Libra and hate fire signs a little bit, except for Aries. I get along a lot with libra and Scorpio, this last one probably because of the Taurus rising. And all of this relationships patters tells me I’m more like an air sign than a water sign.
When people ask me about my sun sign I always say Aquarius. And I only see the Aquarius memes. 😆
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syringavulgaris · 2 months ago
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Kasey Jueds
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lackingacreativename · 2 months ago
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itsallhoney · 2 months ago
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minotaurmerkaba · 9 months ago
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walkthenightalone · 5 months ago
Virgo-Libra Cusps are interesting. Like you get the stress of a Virgo but the indecisiveness of a Libra.
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foldmorepaper · 1 year ago
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"Bullfrogs, blackbirds The house is aging backwards"
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ew-nm · 1 year ago
This week, I'm featuring Cusp, an indie-rock band based out of Chicago. Members include Jen, Gaelen, Matt, and Tommy. Their latest EP, "Thanks So Much" releases March 15th, 2024!
you can Find their Instagram Here || And their Bandcamp Here
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blake-wukong · 2 years ago
What do you think of cusp signs? I was born Oct. 19, so I’m a Libra, but I never felt like one. I usually vibed with Scorpio, until I discovered cusps and I feel like the Libra-Scorpio cusp is perfect for me. Where you born on a cusp (they typically go from the 19th to the 26th)?
I honestly needed a break from all the negative BB stuff so thank you for this asks!!
I love cusps signs & their names too!! I was born on the Cusps of Beauty (Sept. 19)
But if you’re new to the zodiac signs & astrology I suggest looking into your birth chart to see what other planets you might be mixed with. Your sun rules your ego & personality overall, but perhaps your moon is ruled my a different sign which can yeah make you feel much different then your actual sun sign. I also suggest studying the houses as well.
This is a great website to learn all that stuff: https://cafeastrology.com
It’s a good website & the people who run it know what they talk about so I suggest giving it a go. Also read this too. (Click for somewhat better quality)
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pastlivesandperfectoceans · 2 years ago
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Leo-Virgo Cusp <3 thats me<3
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abeautifulpathtocross · 2 years ago
My whole life I thought I was just a Taurus.
When in fact I’m an Aries-Taurus Cusp.
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itsallhoney · 3 months ago
in the spirit of everything i’m posting tonight (i guess) i’d like to recommend all of the artists with <100k monthly listeners on spotify along with their songs that made it into my top 100 this year.
there are 15 artists and i think i can only post 10 audio links and i'm really not going to do anything about that
Kara Lane - 182 monthly listeners I Wish I Had a God (#55) and In the Dirt (#89)
Bigger Better Sun - 367 monthly listeners Push to Bend (#90)
Emma Tricca - 1,110 monthly listeners Leaves (#92) the preview doesn't do it justice
Josaleigh Pollett - 1,496 monthly listeners YKWIM (#94)
Pearla - 2,015 monthly listeners Get in Touch With You (#2), Forgive Yourself (#12), Pear Shaped World (#54) & everything but the title track of Oh, Glistening Onion, the Nighttime is Coming (#1, 21, 27, 31, 40, 44, 58, 62, 66, 76, 87)
Innerlove. - 4,237 monthly listeners 26 (#47)
Small Million - 6,633 monthly listeners Old Habits (#63) and Good Impressions (#73) i feel like i've championed these three artists enough to skip them now
Stolen Jars - 12,005 monthly listeners Smoke in the House (#71)
Gladie - 12,956 monthly listeners Hit the Ground Running (#20)
Thank You, I'm Sorry - 17,652 monthly listeners Brain Empty (#74)
Sen Morimoto - 25,361 monthly listeners St. Peter Blind (#18), Bad State (#26), Reality (#41), Naive (#45), Diagnosis (#61), Deeper (#93)
Cusp - 25,411 monthly listeners Spill (#37)
Anna B Savage - 36,526 monthly listeners Always on My Mind (#97) look this song was in my bedtime playlist and it's just a cover. if you're going to look her up, listen to something from in|FLUX
IAN SWEET - 46,073 monthly listeners Bloody Knees (#11), Comeback (#30), Smoking Again (#48), Sucker (#60), Your Spit (#98)
Jess Williamson - 94,621 monthly listeners Time Ain’t Accidental (#81) and Roads (#84)
oh yeah, these are all active artists too
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