#curt merlo
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Potčinjavanje kroz priključivanje (Loran Dane)

Mesto kolektivnog oružanog sukoba progresivno se proširilo s bojnog polja na čitavu planetu. Na isti način, njegovo trajanje sada se prostire do večnosti, bez objave rata i primirja. (...) Savremeni stratezi iz tog razloga podvlače da moderna pobeda proizlazi iz osvajanja srca pripadnika date populacije pre nego iz zaposedanja njihove teritorije. Potčinjavanje treba postići kroz priključivanje a priključivanje kroz uvažavanje. Zapravo, radi se o tome da je potrebno nametnuti se u unutrašnjem svetu svakog, tamo gde se sada uspostavlja društveni kontakt između ljudskih kolektivnosti. Ogoljeni mondijalizacijom, dovedeni u međusobni kontakt globalizacijom, ispresecani telekomunikacijom, svi članovi od kojih se sastoje te kolektivnosti u svom unutrašnjem svetu danas nose borbenu liniju. (...) Takvo ustrojstvo pasivnih pristalica može se sumirati tipičnom rečenicom: "Borbena linija u svakoj osobi, i više niko na borbenoj liniji." (...) Sav političko-strateški izazov jednog sveta koji nije ni u stanju rata ni u stanju mira, koji onemogućava bilo kakvo rešenje sukoba klasičnim vojnim ili pravnim sredstvima, sastoji se u tome da se pasivne pristalice zaustave na rubu akcije, na pragu ratoborne rešenosti, i spreče da postanu aktivne pristalice.
Pisac: Loran Dane, "Polemosfera". Citirano prema: Nevidljivi komitet, “Našim prijateljima”. Izdavač: Fakultet za medije i komunikacije, Novi Sad, 2016. Ilustracija: Curt Merlo. Moderator: Jovan Pavlović Jona.
#comité invisible#nevidljivi komitet#lauren dane#loran dane#društvo#demokratija#ekonomija#politika#vlast#tehnika#kritika#curt merlo#citat#citat iz knjige
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Loving Illustrator Curt Merlo's GUNK comic covers
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ARTIST: Curt Merlo
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Open Casting - VA Spec - Judge Tawny
This open call for voice samples is in the interest of creating two small, additional roles in NALE, which previously did not exist, for Dylan Merlo and Judge Tawny.
These are unpaid roles; they're outside our budget as they don't need to exist in-game, but we're going to add each of them if we get a sufficiently high-quality submission for each part.
This would be a chance for a VA to get an additional credit for a very small amount of work.
What's needed
Judge Tawny's roll only involves the following lines:
"Order!" - assertive, strong, angry? Shouted in court to quieten proceedings.
"Penalty." - Commanding, assertive. Said to Nina when she is penalised for presenting the wrong evidence.
We need 4 variants of each of the above lines.
"Not guilty." - Assertive, but relieved. Used at the end of each case.
"Guilty." - Assertive, strong. Used as part of the "game over" flow.
We only need one variant of these.
These must be cut up into individual files (ideally in lossless format, 44100Hz/32-bit PCM or higher), recorded on high-quality hardware and cleaned up to a good degree before being delivered. It is preferable that the samples are in stereo. Note that as we're creating this role mainly to allow someone to fill it, we will only actually use the samples if we get a submission that we feel fits the character and hits the necessary level of quality. In terms of style, Judge Tawny is a mature American woman, in her 60s, with a strong, assertive attitude and a commanding demeanour, as one would expect from a judge. She has southern origins (though with a mild accent). She's strong-willed, and not easily intimidated (at one point staring down a literal demon in court, with words to the effect of "you're not the first creature of darkness I've struck down in court and you won't be the last"). She's also somewhat cougarish. We imagine her as having a voice similar to Washu in the ADV Tenchi Muyo dub:
... however, we're interested in any other interpretations that satisfy her character.
The samples in this role are to be featured initially in Nina Aquila: Legal Eagle, Season One, and may go on to feature in other NALE products. You'll be featured in the game's credits as Judge Tawny's VA. This is an unpaid role; we're going to modify the game's scripting to add situations where it would be used, mainly to allow a VA to get an additional credit under their belt.
Although this is no guarantee of future work, you would be considered as the first port-of-call were we to extend Tawny's role in future games to a larger, potentially paid role.
About Tawny
Judge Barbara Tawny is part of Fledge City's judiciary; strictly speaking these are chosen for trials at random from a pool, but as a conceit for the game, the player's trials are always adjudicated by Tawny.
Tawny is well respected, and considered astute, strong-willed and fearless. She's sharp-tongued and makes no apologies for it. Despite that, she is not known to be cruel; she has a caring, if curt, nature, but with her vast courtroom experience, she easily sees through mind games and crude attempts at trickery or obfuscation, and has zero tolerance for such things.
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Curt Merlo
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Emisija istorije (Basara)

Sada već možemo reći da se istorija više ne događa već da se emituje. Pozadina te postistorijske megaprodukcije informacija možda nije uzrokovana stepenom socijalne inercije na kome više ne postoji volja za zbiljskim događajima, koliko svesnom namerom da se istorija podvrgne kontroli iz jednog centra. Sveprisutnost i nezamenjivost kompjutera već sada postaje faktor ograničavanja lične slobode. Sažimajući unutar jednog interfejsa oblasti tako različite kao što su rad, novčane transakcije, zabava, korespodencija, informatička era čini ljude neraskidivo vezanim za terminale prenosivih ili desktop računara. Interaktivnost i user-friendly interface ukazuju na tendenciju da se interaktivnost uspostavi u oba smera, kako u pravcu korisnik-interfejs, tako u pravcu interfejs-korisnik, koja već sada vrši mnogostruk uticaj na živote ljudi, preteći da u dogledno vreme preraste u sredstvo otvorene kontrole nad pojedincima.

Pisac: Svetislav Basara. Knjiga: “Drvo istorije”. Izdavač: Službeni glasnik, 2008. Ilustracija: Curt Merlo. Moderator: MozGoDER vELičANsTvENi →
✓ svAkE NEDELJE TAčNo u 09H - oD 1. JANuARA 2017! →
✓ EkoNoMski EpiLoG: DoNiRAJTE BLoG @ pAyPAL.ME →
✓ A DNEvNicu čuvAJTE za pRoDAvNicu @ REDBuBBLE →
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s MoJE TAčkE, NAGLAvAčkE: ✓ “PressPausePlay”: Na klik mišem od kraja kulture → ✓ Izazov dijaloga o modernosti → ✓ “Birdboy“: odrastanje u umirućem svetu →
oBELEžENA TRAsA NA puTu Do spAsA: ✓ Strašno je “naučno” živeti (Paveze) → ✓ Internet feudalizam (Kobek) → ✓ Mašina je izgovor (Selin) →
#svetislav basara#citat iz knjige#društvo#demokratija#vlast#tehnika#istorija#kritika#curt merlo#službeni glasnik
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“But nearly two years later, national advocates for Indigenous women say the conversation that Crotty started—and that the #MeToo movement recently amplified—has not led to widespread change in Indian country. “It’s difficult to talk about these things because of the oppression and racism that still exists today,” says Rebecca Balog of the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center. “Do we want to air our dirty laundry for outsiders to look at tribes and further diminish us? How do you find your healing and hold people accountable when the message since 1491 has been to stay together, that the enemies are not in the home or in the community but on the outside? It takes a lot of bravery to disclose abuse and break that code of silence.”- From Confronting the ‘Native Harvey weinsteins’
Illustration by Curt Merlo.
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Curt Mi gato jardinero Especialista en flores Curt My gardener cat Flowers specialist (en Merlo, Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9EbUIQjOFp/?igshid=ifcp3uc2vhar
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