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rapidwaterzzz · 4 months ago
Hermits as lyrics, except its abt my au and only i know what happens rn so it wont make sense to anyone
remember its an AU
au summary: there teens who got superpowers one day and are expected to js save the world (shocker they hate it)
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rapidwaterzzz · 4 months ago
Character list:
(heavily based off newest wildlife ep, some keep those powers, i changed the ones i didnt rlly like 😅)
Name: “B” Dubs
Age: 17
Height: 5’5
Ability: Time control, can speed up or slow down times
Drawback: Gets extremely tired if overused
Mastery: 80%, cant slow or speed up time for to long
Name: Cub Fan
Age: 17
Height: 5’8
Ability: Can summon any type of “hostile mob” entities, almost full control of said mobs
Drawback: If to many are spawned, can lose control of mobs and they can attack the wrong people
Mastery: 80%, limit of spawning 10 mobs at once without losing control of them
Name: Doc M’Seven
Age: 19
Height: 6’4
Ability: Creeper hybrid, can trigger explosions from his hands
Drawback: His body can’t resist the explosions itself (many scars)(metal arm and eye for a reason)
Mastery: 95%, rarely gets injured anymore
Name: Etho Slab
Age: 17
Height: 6’1
Ability: Shadow manipulation, can mess up opponents vision, and shadows can take a physical form
Drawback: Can cause dissociation and lightheadedness if large amount of shadows are manipulated at once
Mastery: 65%, goes over his manipulation limit a decent amount
Name: False Symmetry
Age: 18
Height: 5’7
Ability: Weather Manipulation ( can determine where lightning strikes, etc)
Drawback: Fatigue if to severe of a storm or weather condition is created
Mastery: 80%, doesn’t have full control on weather conditions yet, doesn’t know how to cause some weather conditions yet (hail, and tornados)
Name: Gemini Tay
Age: 16
Height: 5’4
Ability: Astral Projection, can spiritually travel to other areas, and talk to dead spirits (great for spying)
Drawback: Leaves body as a empty case pretty much, prone to injury if someone is jot guarding
Mastery: 50%, can’t control how long shes projecting
Name: Scar Goodtimes
Age: 17
Height: 6’2
Ability: Bungee limbs, can throw punches and kicks at a distance with stretch limbs with great strength
Drawback: Can cause severe cramps if stretched to far
Mastery: 75%, tends to stretch limbs to far
Name: Grian ___________
Age: 16
Height: 5’6
Ability: Steal, allows him to steal someones ability for 5 minutes after touching them
Drawback: Whatever drawback the ability he steals has, except he gets it way easier due to not having experience with said ability
Mastery: 85%, Pretty good at adapting to whatever ability is stolen
Name: Hypno Tized
Age: 17
Height: 6’1
Ability: Mind control, after holding eye contact , or physical contact, with opponent for 5 seconds, he can take full control of there mind for as long as he can hold it
Drawback: Migranes, dizzy spells, nausea if held for to long
Mastery: 60%, tends to take control of someone else for to long
Name: Jevin Islime
Age: 18
Height: 5’8
Ability: Slime, can excrete a slime from his skin thanks helps with sticking to things, sticking opponents in place, or can be slippery
Drawback: Drys out skin, can cause skin cracking and bleeding if to much slime is created
Mastery: 85%, good at going over his limit, and good at using it to his advantage
Name: Impulse Essvee
Age: 18
Height: 6’0
Ability: Teleportation, can teleport to any area he looks at , and can swap places with opponent if eye contact is held for 3 seconds
Drawback: Can get severe dizzy spells if he teleports to much in little time
Mastery: 80%, knows not to go to quickly, sometimes has little ‘spasms’ where he teleports around every 5 seconds which is out of his control
Name: Joe Hills
Age: 17
Height: 5’10
Ability: Healing melody, humming a specific melody can allow him to heal the person he’s touching
Drawback: Loses his voice easily
Mastery: 90%, cannot fully heal major injuries
Name: “K” Eralis
Age: 19
Height: 6’3
Ability: Eye Lock, If he makes eye contact with opponent, he can lock them in place for up to 7 minutes
Drawback: Can happen even with his teammates by mistake, cannot stop it
Mastery: 95%, wears eye-mask so no one can see his eyes while not in battle
Name: Mumbo Jumbo
Age: 18
Height: 6’4
Ability (up to change): Telekinesis, can move objects and entities without touching them
Drawback: Gets headache if he moves or lifts to many things at once
Mastery: 90%
Name: “Pearl”escent Moon
Age: 18
Height: 5’11
Ability: Flight (pretty self explanatory)
Drawback: Gets lightheaded and short of breath from high altitudes
Mastery: 95% Can fly for pretty long, and knows how to incorporate physical strength and flight into altercations
Name: Ren Dog
Age: 18
Height: 5’10
Ability: Wolf hybrid, heightened hearing, smell, and speed, can communicate with wolves and dogs, can morph into a dog
Drawback: None really
Mastery: 90%
Name: Skizz Leman
Age: 18
Height: 6’2
Ability: Solar Strength, he gains strength in the sun, has heightened strength and can shoot rays at opponents
Drawback: Gets fatigue after exzert to much sun energy
Mastery: 75%, sometime uses stored up sun energy to quickly
Name: “Joel” Smallish Beans
Age: 16
Height: 5’7
Ability: Electricity manipulation, can electrocute opponents, and can channel electrical currents (imagine denki from mha)
Drawback: Dizziness, and passing out if to much electricity is released (will be discombobulated for a 1-3 days depending on how much electricity was output)
Mastery: 65%, can’t control exactly where electricity outputs go, and sometimes loses control of how much electricity he outputs
Name: Tango Tek
Age: 18
Height: 5’8
Ability: Fire manipulation, can summon fires and shoot flames at people
Drawback: Can experience the more minor symptoms of heatstroke( fatigue, dehydration, fast breathing, muscle spasms, delirium, etc)
Mastery: 75%, loses control of flames once they attach to something
Name: Beef Vintage
Age: 17
Height: 6’1
Ability: Chains, can form chains out of any part of his body, which helps with transport and physical attacks
Drawback: Causes skin dryness if overuse
Mastery:85%, still working on aim
Name: Wels Knight
Age: 18
Height: 5’9
Ability: Weapon, any type of weapons can be created out of fat stored up in his body (like momo from mha, except only weapons)
Drawback: Can cause extreme weakness if he makes more weapons that fat stored
Mastery: 90%, knows his limits, sometimes overdoes it in panic
Name: Xb Crafted
Age: 17
Height: 5’7
Ability: Water Manipulation, can manipulate water, shooting it can have enough force to injure opponents, can also breathe underwater
Drawback: Can cause severe dehydration (dizziness, confusion, tiredness, etc)
Mastery: 85%, sometime outputs more water than he means to, and needs work on aiming
Name: Xisuma Void
Height: 6’3
Ability: Code manipulation, can manipulate code to change people attributes, abilities, and mental states for a set period of time
Drawback: Can cause severe confusion if to much is changed in a short time
Mastery: 99%
Name: Zed Aph
Height: 5’6
Ability: Static, can change opponents surroundings to look and sound static like
Drawback: Can mess up his own vision and hearing for a hour or twoif he keeps someone static-y for to long
Mastery: 80%, tends to forget his limits
Name: Cleo Zombie
Height: 5’8
Ability: Necromancy, can summon zombies of deceased people for a short period of time
Drawback: None known of
Mastery: 85%, Can’t hold control of zombies for to long
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rapidwaterzzz · 3 months ago
Everyone was adjusting differently to lives after the battle they had a week prior, against the empires kids. Some tried their best to stay in high hopes, but the amount of issues to come out of it threw a layer of stress on everything.
Tango laid in his bed, just waking up, in his house he had been in for years. He scoffed to himself, surprised he hadn’t burned the place down like everything else he happened to like. He sighed and arose from his bed, trudging toward his window to look out. A lot of other hermits houses were now decorated with ashes and burnt siding. His stomach dropped, how could he be this stupid?
He was on his hands and knees, breathing faster than he could process. What the fuck was happening, it was hot, he was sweating. His mouth was really dry. He saw flames, he saw people panicking throughout the flames.
oh shit
did he do that.
He couldn’t move. he had to watch in horror of what might be his fault. He was unbelievably sore, from what?
“Tango! Are you okay dude?.. I FOUND HIM” who was that? They did a quick glance of tango, the latter scanning the man in front of him. why couldn’t he make out his name. Tango tried so hard to get up, he really did, he had to help with

 whatever was happening
“Top! slow down! You’re going to hurt yourself worse! I gotcha bud..”
Hurt himself worse? before he could look for an injury, he was on his feet. His legs weren’t working, god damnit, why wasn’t anything right.
“Top, you with me?” His assist asked, throwing tangos arm over his own.
” Tango slurred out, atleast he thinks he did.
Tango couldn’t remember past that. He couldn’t remember who even helped him. If he was just careful with his fire for once this wouldn’t happen. He looked at the gauze and bandaged wrapped around his arm from his wrist to his mid upper arm. He didn’t know what was under it but he was scared to remove it. It hurts, but it was tolerable . He closed his curtains and sighed, putting his head in his hands. He was gonna get kicked out of the hermits, what was he gonna do. As if planned, he heard a knock at the door
Yea this was it, he should kiss his house goodbye. He held his head down in defeat and walked downstairs to his front door, wincing while opening it. He was met with Impulse and Skizz at his door, sending two of his best friends to send him off? Cruel.
“You’re alive thank god” Impulse hugged the shorter, quickly followed by Skizz.
“What do you mean thank god I’m alive? Im fine!” Tango reassured them. They both looked at him as if he had two heads.
“Top, buddy, when was the last time you talked to anyone?” Skizz let himself in the house followed by impulse, the three walking themselves to the couch, sitting down.
“Oh uh
.. hm

” Tango thought really hard, when was the last time he talked to anyone? He woke up in his room, waiting for, why wasn’t he in the infirmary, usually X forced them in there? HM, weird.
“Tango, what do you remember?” Impulse questioned. No one told Tango he was having a suprise therapy session, boo.
“The whole fire thing, someone carried me off i guess?” Tango responded, messing with the bandages on his arm, his hand quickly getting swatted by Impulse.
“Okay. I think we’re taking a trip to the infirmary. “ Skizz nodded in agreement, what was so wrong? Tango was terrified, how bad did he mess up.
Tango was now sat on a medical bench in what resembled a doctor’s office, Skizz sitting in a chair off to the side, apparently Impulse was Joels temporary babysitter. They did remind him of parents, so it was fitting. Cub was washing his hands on the other side of the room, quickly drying them and turning back to Tango.
“So I want to check the laceration first, and then we’ll deal with the head problems.” Cub said to Skizz.
“Im still here y’know, you could tell me!” Tango scoffed, leaning back and giving his arm to Cub. Cub quickly removed the dressing, revealing a long gash with stitches in it, it was gross. Cub cleaned up around the cut with a saline solution.
“So i’m gonna leave the stitches in another week to be safe, it was a pretty brutal cut, how did it even happen?” Cub asked Tango this time, putting a new dressing on. Tango thought back, maybe these are the head issues he was talking about.
“Smajor used his ice to knock a piece of loose wood off a house like a jerkface! It sliced his arm, im not sure if it hit his head..” Skizz responded. Tango stared into space.
When could that have possibly happened, was that why he was on the ground. Why were there so many blanks in his story?
“Ah, okay.” Tango was then put to torture of testing his mental state. He wanted to set himself on fire the whole time, thats all he understood. Cub ruled that Tango had a mild concussion of sorts, and that the dehydration from overdoing his fire had some effect on him, and now he had to stay with Skizz for a while for some other reason Cub wouldn’t tell him. How awesome. He didn’t care about staying with Skizz, but god if he didn’t feel like a child before, he did now. He loved his life!
“Oh princess! Where are you” Xb giggled when he heard that familiar swedish voice. He looked back from his place on the shore of the lake, and waved Keralis over. Keralis skipped over, and sat down in the sand next to Xb. Xb looked at the taller, trying his best to make eye contact through the blindfold Keralis had. Xb didn’t understand how he could possibly see with it on, but Keralis assured him he could.
“Oh sweet-face, you look rough” Keralis deadpanned spoke, cupping Xb’s cheek. Oh yea, black eye.
“ Well thats rude, you’re not looking much better!” Xb rebuttled, playfully hitting the other.
“When I get my hands on that guy, ooh i swear he will pay!” Keralis growled, Xb finding it hard to take him seriously. Xb looked at the bruises and minor cuts all over Keralis, still feeling upset but knowing it could’ve been so much worse, so he knew he could be more grateful.
“Its really not that bad, could’ve been worse” Xb shrugged, he got off easy with a black eye and a maybe broken nose and a maybe sprained wrist, he would live.
Xb tried to shake himself out of the daze he was in. Fwhip just rocked his shit, and now he was on the ground. His nose was bleeding, and his eye hurt like hell. It was whatever, the empires people looked like they were evacuating, so he should go start helping out he figured.
“Sweetface, oh my god! Are you okay?! Who did this?!” Keralis ran up to Xb, at some point he must’ve put his blindfold back on. Keralis cupped Xb’s face in his hand, he did that a-lot to anyone he cared about. Keralis wiped the blood dripping from Xb’s nose, and then looked around.
“We’re going to the doctor place, i’m getting you ice for that” Keralis grabbed Xb’s wrist, Xb wincing, and they ran off to the infirmary.
At the infirmary, Keralis pushed Xb into a chair, and went a grabbed an icepack and a tissue box. The older held the icepack in place, and Xb pinched his nose, dealing with the pain, to slow the bleeding. Xb and Keralis watched almost all of their friends come into the infirmary, some being more severe than others. Xb suggested they should leave to let the others in worse shape have the room, and with the convincing of Keralis that he wasn’t in that bad of shape, they left off to Keralis’s place as a compromise. They sat on Keralis’s bed, Keralis made sure Xb was as comfortable as possible.
“K, are you all good?” Xb sat up from the bed to ask the other. Keralis looked back with an overly offended look.
“You think I would let those weak empirians hurt me? Im hurt princess!” He playfully put his hand against his head, pouting, looking away. Xb laughed, pulling the other onto the bed.
“You promise you’re not hurt?” Xb questioned.
“I promise.” Keralis reassured “Ill message X about you wrist, he might get you a brace or something”
“K i promise its no issue” Xb responded, not wanting to be to much trouble to the older two.
“Xb, you’re hurt, and you don’t want it to get worse. Either way, sweetface deserves the best treatment!” Keralis pulled out his communicator, typing a message to X. Xb sighed and laid back on the bed, very quickly closing his eyes and falling asleep.
“Hello? Earth to XB!” Keralis waved a hand infront of Xb’s face, the younger snapping back into reality and looking at the older.
“Maybe you should get tested for a concussion
” Keralis gained a more serious tone, Xb just brushing it off.
“Im fine! I was just thinking,” Xb started “are you positive you aren’t hurt at all” Xb looked back to Keralis.
“Princess i’m a-okay, i promise” K laughed, Xb smiling in response. They would survive, and thats all Xb needed.
Pearl and Gem sat on the lawn out front of Gems house, simply taking in the breeze. It was something they always did to decompress, whether it was after a battle or any week. The two weren’t in the best shape after the empires battle, but things could be worse right? Pearl had torn her ACL after landing wrong from flying, and had a whole leg brace as a result . Gem just had a decent amount of bruises and scrapes from being stuck doing hand to hand combat.
“Hows the leg” Gem looked over at the brunette, her simply looking back and shrugging.
“Hurts, but whatcha gonna do” Pearl laughed. Pearl was still recovering from the surgery she had to have to repair it. It was scary when it first happened, Pearl was in the worst pain she had ever experiences.
Pearl flew back up into the air, to do some cool landing attack thing-y Gem thought were always cool. Gem made note of her going up, still trying to wrestle Fwhip. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Shubble sent some of vine Pearls way as she went to land, being followed by a yelp, thud, and a scream. Gems heart dropped, but she had a fight to finish, kicking Fwhip in the stomach. As he fell to the ground, Joey Graceffa did a whistle, implying that it was the empirians time to run, which they all quickly did. Gem almost immediately ran over to Pearl who was on the ground, grabbing her knee with tears streaming down her face.
“Pearl your okay! It-Itll be fine! What happened?!” Gem kneeled down next to the older, moving her hands to get a better view of whatever injury had occurred. X had all the hermits learn basic first aid, so she prayed it was something she could help with. There was bruising around the area, and swelling, not a good sign.
“I-It popped! Something tore!” Pearl yelled in desperation, tears flowing faster as she gritted her teeth. Oh god it popped. Gem did a quick scan of the area to get help, Gem might’ve been more panicked than pearl at this point.
“MUMBO HELP” Gem screamed as loud as she could, Mumbo jumped and spun around, immediately running over to the two girls. He immediately kneeled down on the other side of Pearl from Gem. Pearl was hyperventilating at this point, eyes squeezed shut.
“Oh wow, uh okay, what happened?!” Mumbo tried to assess the situation, he now looked panicked himself.
“Something popped in her knee, i-i don’t know what to do!” Gem grabbed Pearls hand, trying every effort to calm her down.
“Oh god, she probably tore a ligament.. we need X” Mumbo pulled out his communicator and called X.
“X we really need your help, Pearl tore something in her knee, and Gem looks like shes about to faint herself” Mumbo frantically said to X. Did she really look that scared, she shouldn’t be the issue here, Pearls hurt! She heard faintly X on the other end, but couldn’t understand what he was saying. A few minutes later X ran over
“Oh my, Mumbo can you carry her we need an MRI.” Mumbo nodded and picked her up, trying not to touch her knee, the four then speed walking to the infirmary, which was luckily near by.
After the MRI, it was confirmed she had torn her ACL, and that X and Cub were gonna do surgery on it. Gem got no warning until she was told Pearl was in surgery. Gem slumped back in the chair she was in, on the verge of tears. Gem heard a room door open, and watched Impulse walk by, take notice of her, and sit down next to her.
“Whats wrong, are you hurt?” Impulse immediately started comforting the tear eyed Gem.
“Pearls hurt, shes in surgery. Everyones hurt. This sucks” Tears rolled down her cheeks before she quickly whipped them. Impulse sadly nodded.
“You should go home and clean up and rest, i’m sure X or Cub will let you know the second Pearl is out, it might be a while.” Gem nodded and got up, Impulse leading the way to her house. Pearl had to be okay.
“Yea, still sucks though, I should’ve focused Shubble instead of Fwhip.” Gem sat up from her laying position, sighing.
“And then have Fwhip kick my ass when i landed and potentially putting us in a worse situation? No thanks, ill live with a torn up leg” Pearl also sat up, patting Gem on the back. Gem chuckled, getting up and turning around to help Pearl up. Pearl got up as best as she could keeping her leg with the brace straight. She caught her balance, and both Gem and Pearl started walking towards there respective houses. They would be okay.
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rapidwaterzzz · 4 months ago
Curse of Ability : Prologue
Flames and smoke consumed the alley way, not helping with the blurry vision he currently had. he was leaned against a wall of some sort. He was in agony, his side was throbbing
why did his side hurt so bad?
he moved his neck and heard a groan, was that him? he couldnt tell anymore, everything around him was spinning, and it felt like his senses were giving out. he pressed a hand to the aching on his abdomen, nothing was on his hand as he pulled away. He only noticed the purple and blue markings painting his side.
when did that happen? he couldnt remember. his head hurt. why did his head hurt to?
something bad happened, what couldve possibly happened

.DOC HELP I CANT _____ __” was all he could make out from the yelling. what happened to etho? he squinted and peered in the direction the noise was coming from. he saw a green-ish figure trying to lift something off of who he assumed was etho‘s leg. ethos hair was stained red in the front. there was a taller fully green figure running over to the situation, helping move whatever it was off probably ethos leg. his head was pounding even harder now, the edges of his vision fading to a black. where was his help? where was everyone else? it hurts so bad, he wanted help.
a figure ran up to him, and was shouting something he couldnt make out. he had brown hair and yellow eyes, who was it. why wasnt his head working. his eyes were closing, he accepted his fate, to escape his bodies agony. everything faded to black as he gave up fighting to stay awake.
He woke up in a much nicer and quieter environment. he felt pillows and blankets surrounding him, the throbbing from earlier was now dulled down. he was slightly sitting up when he opened his eyes, he assumed whatever hospital bed he was in had a reclining feature. he took notice of the iv that was now dug into his hand, and the clean t shirt and shorts he was now dressed in, it felt nice. he took in his surroundings, there was a curtain in the room separating him from someone else, he was curious who was there but didn’t trust himself to move. the door creeped open, whoever it was coming in after realizing he was awake.
“Oh Grian! You’re awake, how are you feeling?” Xisuma exclaimed as he came in, quickly quieting his voice as he remembered whoever else was in the room.
“im good, what happened?” grian pondered to the older. X gave him a concerned look, then walked over to the laptop in the room, typing something on it.
“so you’re concussed, and have a broken rib or two. do you not remember the fight? against those empires people.” X questioned while checking grians heartrate. the empires people? it all came rushing back to him. smajor and the other empires people attacked hermitcraft.
“oh yea
 whos on the other side of the curtain?” grian continued, raising his head slightly to look over.
“ etho, all your vitals are good, i do want you to stay here one more night just to make sure your okay.” X always was extra careful around injuries, he kept zed in this infirmary for 3 days over just a broken arm. grian didnt mind staying though, the bed was quite comfortable, and etho was here to keep him company!
“what happened to him?” grian nervously asked, thinking the worst after the blur he remembered from last night. something was on top of him, and he remembered there was blood. oh god.
“oh, broken leg and he cracked his head open. joes about to hurt himself with all the healings hes done so ethos gonna be out of commission for a while.” x sighed peaking around the curtain. grian didnt know if he was happy or sad for etho, he was happy etho didnt have to go out risking his life, but he knew etho would hate staying behind.
why did they take on that fight
they KNEW they would lose
the empires kids were just rich kids spending there parents money to hurt others, specifically the hermits. why are they so evil, atleast they had actual parents, and werent dropped off to some community with other orphans. this sucked, he hated this
“are you alright?” x snapped grian out of his trance, grians eyes locking to xisuma.
“y-yea, just thinking” x had a reassuring smile, and walked over to push back the curtain, revealing ethos sleeping form. he looked beaten to shit, did he try to fight them all himself, my god. his leg was in a boot elevated on a stack of pillows, and gauze was wrapped around his head, with extra padding on the left of his forehead, other scrapes and bruises around his body. Grian tried to recollect what could’ve happened, which was quickly interrupted.
“Blumming hell X im not waiting any longer, did they die?” Joel slammed the door open, and immediately made eye contact with the startled X and grian. Etho started to stir, Joel almost immediately gaining an apologetic look on his face.
“Oops, my bad” he awkwardly laughed
“Joel! You woke him up!” X reprimanded the younger, Grian quietly watched. Joel didn’t look great, but he was in better condition than himself and etho by far. Joel was in a hoodie and sweatpants, his hair unkept, and there was some markings on Joels hands that he couldnt make out. a plethora of ows came from the other side of the room. the 3 looked over to be met with etho sitting up, staring right back at them.
“oh, etho, my bad” Joel scratched the back of his neck.
“Etho how are you feeling, well obviously well enough to sit up on your own” X walked over and put the bed’s recliner up, Etho carefully laying back onto it.
“Fine,so do i not get an explanation on why im in the infirmary in a boot and with something wrong with my head..” Etho squinted his eyes, looking inbetween his leg and X.
“The whole empires battle happened, you thought you had Pixl, and then he dropped a giant piece of metal that luckily, only messed up your ankle. Then i guess as you fell and cracked your head open?” X removed the gauze on ethos head, revealing a gash closed up with staples, quickly replacing the dressing, ouch.
“Damn dude, almost killed you, you look badass now!” Joel walked over and sat on the end of Ethos bed, facing grian.
“okay, can i leave?” Etho moved his elevated leg as carefully as possible, slowly swinging both of his legs over the edge of the bed, attempting to get up before X immediately pushed him back
“you think im going to let you leave 5 minutes after you got up? your concussed, and are down a leg, we have to figure out someone to temporarily live with you!” Etho dramatically rolled his eyes and sighed, getting back into place onto the bed.
“ I can live with him, trust me im great at helping the poor out” Joel announced to X, X shaking his head.
“Not with your hand situation, your not in a much better place, im still thinking about sending someone with you.” Joel folded in on himself, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands, now having a more serious, worried expression on his face.
“Actually, let me see how the marks look now” X walked up to Joel and took one his hands, revealing purplish- reddish lightning scars starting at his finger tips leading down to slightly past his wrist. Joels hands also had gained a tremor of sorts, Joel looked away embarrassed.
“What happened?” Grian questions, Joel looking even more uncomfortable, X let go of his hands and went to write something onto his laptop.
“He went a little to far with his lightning, and he has scarring now and a tremor. He’s never had this before I couldnt really tell you why its happened, Joel does it hurt to touch?” Joel sighed and touched one of the scars, wincing the slightest bit.
“I mean, a little bit, but im not a bitch i can take it” Joel laughed, covering his hands again with his hoodie.
“Yea, your gonna stay with impulse for a week.” X pulled out his communicator, typing a message to who he assumed was impulse.
“What, why!? Ive been fine this whole time, what changed??” Joel jumped up from the end of the bed, immediately challenging the temporary move.
“I don’t know if i trust you to not use your electricity or use your hands to much, so impulse can make sure you don’t hurt yourself more” X simply stated, making eye contact with Joel. He knew every hermit like the back of his hand, and he knew Joel didnt have an off switch, and knew he would just make his hands worse.
“And Etho, would you rather room with Beef or Doc for a bit?” X asked the other, Etho pondering for a bit, fiddling with his fingers.
“Uh, Beef, probably.” X nodded in response and typed something out on his communicator, presumably messaging beef about his new roommate.
“Also, you both are staying here overnight, cause of the concussions, i want to make sure they aren’t horrible. Etho i want to make sure you can atleast make it to the bathroom if i leave and it’s just you two. And you too grian.” X grabbed a pair of crutches from the corner of the room and motioned Etho to maneuver off the bed. He handed them to Etho, the younger getting onto his one good foot, and used the crutches to hobble to the bathroom door, and back.
“Grian now you” why did he have to prove he could walk, he was pretty much okay! Grian sat up, immediately remembering the broken ribs. He got up and walked to the bathroom door, a group of profanitys leaving his mouth in the process. He mad his way back, his ribs killing him with even breathing now, this sucked.
“Okay good, me and Joel are going to leave now, if you need anything at all don’t hesitate to call me! Goodnight!” He waved as he ushed Joel out the door, Joel still arguing his living situation. The door shut and the room stayed silent.
“So what now” Etho asked, looking at the shorter, finishing up messing with the straps on his boot.
“I don’t know, kind of tired i might just go to sleep.” Grian muttered, looking at the clock, it was 11:17 pm. He rustled himself into the bed to get comfier, before realizing the light was left on, he couldnt move, he was slready in agony.
“I got it” Etho spoke as if he read the youngers mind, fumbling with his crutches and making his way over to the lightswitch, flicking the light off. Grian mumbled his thanks and Etho got into bed, both of them quickly falling asleep.
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