Tagged by cursedmaleficent
Name: Elys Nicknames: El, Minou/Minette (half an inside joke, half used as a pet name occasionally) Birthday: October 12th Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Height: 5’2”  Favorite color: Green or Red Time and date at current moment: 12:42PM 11/26/2014 Average hours of sleep: Hahahfjkahkgah | generally like 4 hours Lucky Number: 7 Last thing I googled: "I'm going in for the kill, I'm doing it for a thrill" [I was looking up lyrics] First word that comes to mind: Kerfuffle (ffs elys) One place that makes me happy: Florida!!! Universal Studios to be specific How many blankets I sleep under:  5 Favorite Fictional Character: John Mitchell from BBC's Being Human Book: Heir to the Shadows by Anne Bishop (Part of the Black Jewels Trilogy)  Animation: Probably Dreamworks with Disney being very, very close to tie. TV show: Being Human, Once Upon a Time, Misfits, Merlin, Love/Hate. Favorite Beverage: Caffeine Free Diet Coke  Favorite Food: Chicken Quesadillas Last movie I’ve seen in cinemas: Big Hero 6 Dream Holiday: Going to Australia tbh  Dream Wedding: I don't want to get married ever no thnx Dream Job: Forensic Psychologist
Tag 10 [or 8 thats cool too, el] others you want to know more about:
ninemelodies, dancingflxmes, claireverie, frostbitings, maenadist (if u didnt see this one coming ur not even paying attention to how i live my life), xbustersword, naminexsnow, goldentailedthief
and that's all i've got bc idk if anyone else actually likes me and won't shun me for tagging them oooops
u dont even have to do this tbh
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happysummersnowman · 10 years
Generator says 13
Models AU
(I’ll use an adult Olaf… It’s easier to picture him as a model that way for me, even though I know there are child models)
Strutting down the runway, swaying his hips like his best friend , Elsa, had taught him, Olaf spun on his heel and winked at the crowd below. His tight black pants left little to the imagination and his heeled boots and white ruffled top gave him a sort of feminine yet masculine look. He pulled it off quite well, and he knew it.
He strutted backstage and turned the corner, walking to the dressing room of a rather saucy coworker who would be on next.
Swinging the door open and leaning on the doorframe lazily, one leg crossed over the other he spoke in a smooth, teasing voice.
"You’re on Sweetums. I warmed ‘em up for ya" He gave her a wink, he knew she hated when he used pet names. 
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hiccupphaddork-blog · 10 years
✍ (we need a thread together)
» Send me a ✍ and I will generate a number 1-200
"You can’t just say whatever comes to mind!"
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nepravdx-blog · 10 years
If I get 10 “LINE!” ‘s the mun will record themselves saying something IN CHARACTER as their Muse
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forever-a-hybrid · 10 years
Once you’ve been tagged list 6 things you and your muse have in common and 6 things you don’t. Then pass this along to some other people. >
I was tagged by misterperfecthair
6 Similarities between Mun and Muse? 1. We both attempt to keep our emotions locked away, because our version of each emotion is stronger than most humans' 2. The decisions we make are almost always rational and logical, rarely making a decision based on gut feeling 3. People treated us as children as if we were different and did not belong anywhere 4. Science is our main course of study 5. Both muse and mun are completely awesome 6. We both have similar ideas on nearly every subject of matter
6 Differences between Mun and Muse? 1. Spock is half Vulcan half human while I am completely human 2. Muse is from the future and can travel through space where all i have is a telescope and a limited knowledge of the universe 3. The half-Vulcan finally was accepted by a 'family' while I continue to struggle 4. He is highly regarded while everyone thinks I'm a fake 5. Male vs. female 6. Everything
Alright, so I’m going to tag: ziencora fxmily cursedmaleficent and anyone else who wants to do this why is it still underlining *cries*  
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I would see you getting the world 'filth' tattooed across your forehead.
He set his lips into a pout, but then a grin replaced his frown.
"It’s appropriate for me, anyway. Most people I come across would agree."
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volkmond-archive-blog · 10 years
I’m pregnant and it’s yours (omfg)
Pregnancy Meme
"… Excuse me? I don’t recall that we…" The Diviner shook his head. "While I am unsure whether you say this simply to test me, or whether you speak truth, I shall believe it best to offer my assistance when you need it."
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A little mouse's eyes widened in awe as she stared at a floating sprite that she discovered near a patch of trees and bushes. She had never seen such a thing in her life, and she was awful curious as to where it came from and what it was. It could possibly be a fairy, but it wasn't a talking one like Miss Fawn. As she neared the sprite, she stopped in her tracks to find that there were more of them nearby, and they appeared to be in a group. Taking a few cautious steps forward, she examined the sprites to see if they were safe to be around.
As she neared the sprites, the mouse saw something else in the distance, but she couldn't seem to make out what it was. It was bigger than a sprite that's for sure, and didn't glow like one either. Knowing that the mouse's vision wasn't the best, she squinted her eyes to get a better look at the creature. If the apprentice had a heart, it would have skipped a few beats in horror as the creature came into view. It's twisted horns and cape struck fear into the girl. Without thinking, she turned around and ran behind the nearest tree trying to hide herself. Hopefully whoever this person was didn't see her, and even if it did see her, she hoped that they weren't as scary as they seemed to be.
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nepravdx-blog · 10 years
☒ A NOTP with your Muse in it.
Honestly, I am not sure. There isn't really any ships with Arvo in it? At least not yet. I mean...I guess Arvo/Clementine? If that is even a thing? Idk I'm one of those people who is like "MY MUSE/EVERYONE." But with someone with a child muse, that is a no-no.Althought I've always thought doing an rp where the child has a crush on my muse would be fuCKING CUTE? But, obviously a Clementine would never have a crush on Arvo. I guess I'm thinking more for my Bigby muse.
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riverstyxandbrimstone · 10 years
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cursedmaleficent started following you
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"What is this? Oh la dee dah. Lookee here ahem. Tis be the fair dragon lady of lore. How you doin Mally."
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❀ (of course
Mom is the best
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Send me “&” for my muses reaction to yours tracing one of their scars.
It was an odd sensation, having one of his scars touched. Not something he would usually allow. Erik was more the type to shift violently away from such an intrusion and snap angrily at whoever dared do it. Instead, he just moved back a step, calmly and without any fury behind the action.
"Do you think me weak for having them?" he asked. It wasn’t self-pity that spurred the question, it was genuine curiosity. He was still so unused to this fairy in his life and he had not quite worked out how she thought of him.
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