naminexsnow | closed
There were so many gaps in her story. There was so much that he didn't know. And because of that, there was so much that he'd never learn. Damn all of the secrecy. Damn it all to Hell. Granted, if he wanted to complain about it, he knew exactly where to go--he'd just prefer not to. That'd ruin everything. Exposure was the last thing he needed. If they wanted secrecy, he could play that game.                                                    He'd been playing it all along. A softly hummed tune making it's way from the lips that held a popsicle stick between them and his hands in his deep pockets, Axel carried on in his journey, his clockwork mind working double time. It took very little time for him to find himself at a familiar metal gate closing in a large mansion. Gloved hands brushed through red locks as he gazed at the infamous, too-recognized building. Axel had never been a fan of the place. It had a creepy vibe to it.  Yet on that afternoon, he took a Dark Corridor into a room with a long white table within it's equally as white walls. The quiet was the first thing he noticed, until his eyes caught a glance of a piece of parchment with slightly messy red colour on it. His fingertips closed around the paper as though he was going to rip it from it's spot on the wall--and then he heard the door open. Without turning, he sighed slightly.                                        "You know, you should really stop drawing me."
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sadeyedtruthseeker · 10 years
// Hi Roxas-Mun, not sure if you would want to but I love your blog and would love to rp with you :D
(( Thank you. And, no, I'd love to roleplay with you too! ))
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