cantillat-moved · 4 years
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! He changed his mind
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maledicti-oculi · 4 years
❝ deny it all you want, but you saved me. ❞
god of war (2018) starters
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🐍— ❝That was because she desired it, nothing more...boy.❞ Rider argued, in her own way. She didn’t want him to expect things of her, didn’t want him to believe she would never harm him. For now, he was the most precious things to her true master. But, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t kill him if she had to. Sakura came first, she would always come first above all else....Even the world and it’s whole, came second to that girl’s life. She would take a thousand more years of being that cursed being, if it meant Sakura was saved from torment. 
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originlist · 4 years
@cursedjustice​ сказал(а):
"Someone used a grail and wished that "Emiya would feel happiness and love instead of suffering into numb silence all the time. Though they didn't say WHICH Emiya so checking in to see if you feel any effects? Are you still a gun -shaped sword who has goldfish memory and no cooking skills because you soul them for golden spider veins and major depression?"
Shirou isn’t the iteration that annoys him the most, but after hearing him say all this, the rankings are getting ever closer. Alter sighs though his nose. This even even more asinine than usual. “Do you have nothing better to do than walk by and say whatever dumb shit comes into your kid brain?”
The idea of someone wasting a grail wish on that is unbelievable enough, not to mention that he’d be included. Barely even an Emiya, and clearly not feeling any side effects of ‘mental health’.
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“Go ask Archer. If not you, he’s ‘Emiya’.” Go waste your time being rude to the Archer nobody likes, will you.
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If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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elevatumtactica · 4 years
❝ don’t worry, i’ll take care of it! ❞
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“Thank You but are you sure, you can handle it fighting grima alone is dangerous.”She was concern that the man might get hurt so she went to help him out honestly she didn’t want someone to die on her behalf.”Hold on I’ll fight with you it’ll be too much for you to take on alone.”
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fnprtscn · 5 years
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Sang Krasue (2019)
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ardenssolis · 4 years
@cursedjustice​ said (inbox):
"I doubt most mages would be able to sustain the mana output required for you to fight seriously for too long. Those Sphinxes you summon could easily overpower the average servant. Have you ever been in a War where you could fight the way you liked?"
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     ❝YOU ARE CORRECT. I require a great deal of mana, and most are not able to handle that output.❞ He had many Noble Phantasms, and Servants such as him were often 'mana guzzlers' to an extent. He had his own high amount that naturally clung to his body, but even still, that was not enough when push came to shove. Chuckling softly, he rested his cheek against closed fist, amusement gleaming within those golden eyes. ❝Shirou, you always come to me with the most intriguing of questions. I wonder why that is, although you will gain no complaint from me. It is refreshing.❞ The other always knew just how to capture his interest, but then again, Shirou brought up things that most did not. If anything, that showed the intellect this young man held. He was a thinker in a world where people took things for face value. 
     ❝There is only one I can recall. My Master had other sources to assist him if necessary to allow me to fight at my full potential, but an enemy Servant made sure to slaughter him and his entire clan to cut off my source, so I wound up having to use the last bit of my own to try and grant myself victory.❞ He had been stopped, of course. Him channeling all his mana into the Dendera Lightbulb would have leveled the entirety of Tokyo had it not been for the combined efforts of various Servants. Alas...he could have won that war, but that was then and this was now. He had long since brushed aside his foolishness from that incident and realized his wish was one not meant to happen.
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jinruinokibo · 4 years
@cursedjustice​ asked: Gives him (One) Headpat.
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     A headpat from Shirou ... !
     Perhaps this simple gesture of affection may not have meant anything at all but the thought of being able to receive from someone he held deep admiration for was more than enough to stir the master’s heart with joy. For some reason, it felt oddly natural. Maybe it had to do with Shirou’s nature as a caregiver but either way, Ritsuka was pleased with what he was getting. Whatever the reason was, the master would return it with a bashful smile.
     ❛ ... Ehehe. I feel like I’m being spoiled by senpai  — just kidding ... haha ... ❜ He was going to imagine that he was being rewarded for his hard work or something. Ritsuka really did understand how Mashu felt in this moment. 
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ecarlatecendrillon · 5 years
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▲ + "Why are you like this?" Prompted. { @cursedjustice​ }
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    “What do you mean by this?” Confused Mashiro noises.
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cantillat-moved · 4 years
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And now calter is carrying two Shirous like a mamma cat
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@parallelord​ & @cursedjustice​
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maledicti-oculi · 4 years
❝ need a hand? i’ve got two. ❞
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the witcher (show) starters
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🐍— ❝Shirou....❞ At first Medusa was confused by his offer, surely he knew the strength she possessed. He had seen her in action many times by now, he had even been on the receiving end of her attacks. A few boxes, were nothing to a monster that held such tremendous strength. But, here he was offering her help in carrying them. Then, after a moment she thought about his words. Perhaps, he was simply offering a kind gesture towards her as she was Sakura’s servant. His play on words, completely going over her head. ❝I do not require help, but if you wish to take a box.....I will not deny you. ❞ 
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originlist · 4 years
@cursedjustice​ спросил(а):
Lewds Ritsu! Ungloved hand holding is only the most WHOLESOME thing done with this man.
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“Ah, senpai, I feel so cared for.”
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Can’t help but laugh a little. It’s nice, admittedly, to know that Shirou’s still the same as ever with regards to him. Wholesome! Supportive! Thanks, Shirou, for your ungloved hand holding in these trying times.
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steelfireblades · 4 years
❛❛ is this a gift for me? ❜❜
Feeling his brow twitch somewhat on being asked that and nodding there with that usual frown, unsure of his gift that he made and passed to the other there with light confusion as to why he did that.
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Going quiet for a moment with that light sigh before turning his head to the side and trying to come up something to give an explanation for things, "I figured it do better in your hands than mine, don't ask as to why I gave you this either... even I don't why I did myself..." looking at the very thing he handed off to the other while tilting his head at the gift there and guessing a small part of himself figured to give something that be useful in some way.
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katatede · 5 years
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@cursedjustice said: Muramasa WAS having a decent conversation with Ibaraki until some overly ambitious Great Demon appeared trying attack them both, proclaiming it's foolish desire to eat them to gain more power. With one swift slash of Myoujingiri Muramasa, the demon was split clean in half. "Tch. Loud idgit." He looked over the remains and tossed it's heart to Ibaraki. "A snack. You were sayin' about those damn fools who tried to kidnap you to force you to work at a brothel that one time?"
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The Oni was quite contently chatting to Muramasa, recounting some amusing tales of things that happened during his life that weren’t written down in the history books. When the Demon approached them, Ibaraki was annoyed more than Anything. The preposterous notion of some pipsqueak like this eating HIM made him bark a loud laugh, but just as he was about to summon his right hand and CRUSH the annoying pest, Muramasa decided to show of his impressive swordsmanship. 
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“Good show!” he complimented, catching the heart and licking his lips with obvious eagerness for his unexpected little treat. He took a large bite of it and hummed contently, chewing and swallowing it before he picked up his tale right where heh had left off, clearly unfazed by the interruption. “So anyway, as I was saying, I was in my female form at the time and--”
and so the two carried right on as they had been.
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homeport-moved · 5 years
cursedjustice replied to your post:
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“Majin-san is smart.”
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revuestars · 4 years
( inbox ) @cursedjustice​: -Radiates Big Senpai Energy-
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     BSE ( Big Senpai Energy ) huh... fear not, for she is not threatened! Ritsuka radiates her own senpai energy, but for now, it’s still growing.
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