#cursed cat alastor plush
a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
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Everyone! There are plushies!
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notwhatiam · 3 months
Of all the horribly misused stock photo Amazon advertisements that I’ve come across during my time on the internet, I think this one might be my all-time favorite.
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Look at her.
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So peaceful. So serene. She’s having a magical Christmas, because she got exactly what she wanted:
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cozycraftzbl · 2 months
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This little bastard has been gnawing at the edges of my brain demanding to be let loose. he has now been given physical form and is sure to lay siege to the world as we know it, but my mind is now finally free of its cursed presence
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theabhainnhotel · 9 days
Hazbin Hotel Bootlegs I found on Pinterest: A Saga
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A lot of Cursed Cat Alastor for some reason.
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jitterbonesjoey · 2 months
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fattysnowwhite · 3 months
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Было сложно не поддаться общему увлечению мемами с котом, у меня вся лента тут была забита. Люблю иногда шить игрушки, отвлекает от одежды.
На заказ шить не буду, да и если бы шила, как будто смогла бы отправить. Я сюда по-позже выкройку выложу, как откорректирую. Чтобы все желающие смогли пошить и никто не ушёл обиженным.
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anixplushiescr · 3 months
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ammonitetheseaserpent · 4 months
So um. here’s this
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Also here’s the art of CC Alastor: https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1b82bjj/cursed_cat_alastor_is_everywhere_lol_i_drew_one/
[Image ID: A four square chart. Along the left edge, the top square is labeled ‘No thoughts, head empty’ while the bottom square is labeled ‘Plotting’. Along the top edge, the left square is labeled ‘Mascot of IRL person’ while the right square is labeled ‘Joke-y alt form of character’.
In the top-left square is the Hourglass Dog from the ENA webseries, a 3D model of a yellow dog with very short limbs and a massive head. In the top-right square is the dog plush of N from Murder Drones, with short limbs and an oval-like shape. In the bottom-left square is the Annoying Dog from Undertale, a simplistic, pixelated white dog with pointy ears and a blank smile. Finally, the bottom-right square sports the Cursed Cat Alastor, a red cat with a toothy, sinister grin and small antlers. End ID]
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salmonpancakes-blog · 2 months
a new intruder has invited himself into the house. >u<
my husband doesn't know the concept and doesn't like it at all, I can't wait for him to watch it before falling asleep, I'm going to have a good laugh. 8D
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captainsparklefingers · 4 months
I should not seriously be considering the logistics of how one would go about making a cursed cat Alastor plush.
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hazelfoureyes · 4 months
What would be really cute is if a spell backfired temporarily turning alastor into the cursed cat alastor and the reader ends up fawning over him and taking care of him, not realizing its actually him. He's just loving all the attention from her 🤭
I love catlastor! Omg yes! Just a quick little piece while he’s so popular. That is so cute!!
It was, decidedly, not cute. A … raccoon? Mutant Fennec Fox? No, no it was more feline. But, hmm. Maybe hell had their own breeds of trash animals. Either way, you picked up the little creature. Red and black, stupid fucking smile, sharp teeth. It seemed to be shaking? No, vibrating? Quaking?? You struggled to keep it in your hands, but managed to tuck it under your arm like a football.
You had found it roaming the lobby, perhaps it was a resident’s … pet? It cocked it’s head, staring at you while you were staring at it from your bed.
“Psst Psst,” you offered it a piece of meat, but no response. Its eyes searched the room, seemingly not limited in their range of motion. With a screech it launched itself at the mounted deer head above the fireplace.
You pulled and tugged, its jaw locked onto the antlers. “Come on you little shit, come on,” You put your leg against the wall for leverage. Then your other leg. Soon you were hanging from the deer, too, by way of the tiny animal’s legs.
How was it so strong? Determination? Magic? Pure unbridled insanity? The ever dilated eyes seem to beg the latter.
Finally, it lost interest and you both dropped to the ground.
“Do… do you want scratches?”
It’s eyes blinked independently of eachother.
You reached out a trembling hand, focused entirely on the row of yellowed teeth grinning back at you.
With a well placed scratch behind it’s ear, the little creature softened and fell over onto it’s side like a horse about to die.
“Aww?” You wondered out loud, “You like that?” You scooped it up and got comfortable in the plush chair opposite the cold fireplace. “Only Lucifer would think a fireplace in hell made any sense,” you ran your hand down the length of the ball of fur and fangs, “He belongs on a travel size chess set, not designing hotels.”
Your hand jumped, “Are you purring? Wittle Gobwin hates Luci?” It’s tail wagged side to side, “Awww. Okay, yeah, you’re pretty cute.”
You don’t remember falling asleep, but you woke up gasping, struggling to expand your lungs fully. Looking down you found none other than the cannibal deer of the Pride Ring, Alastor, cuddled on your lap.
Too weak to move him, too scared to wake him, you wiggled yourself up enough to breath and pretended to be asleep. It was best, you thought correctly, that he could have the illusion of sneaking out undetected.
The next morning you passed him in the halls, unable to stop yourself from whispering “wittle gobwin.”
Luckily, you were a fast runner.
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult: @nonetheartist , fizzled-phoenix , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @fjorjestertealeaf , @pansexual-opera-house , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @roxxie-wolf , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @phobophobular , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @surusurusuru , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum , @ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
LOOL YES!! That's what you get Alastor!! Cursed cat!Alastor adores Vox and would never hurt him. Honestly it'd be hilarious if Vox does an interview that night and the entire hotel (plus Lucifer) catches it and Cursed cat!Alastor is on Vox's shoulders just purring away and happily nuzzling Vox's screen and being happily petted and Alastor is gripping his fixed staff, grinding his fangs, jealousy leaking from him.
Charlie is pleased: "Alastor, I knew you could find that cat a good home! Thank you! =D"
Everyone else is fucking shocked. They know Alastor threw that cat at the Vees for entertainment and hell raising purposes (and in Husk's case, a way to try and get Vox to come back to him. Most of Alastor's schemes involving the Vees always, always revolve about getting Vox back.)
The interview is about a new product of Voxtech, but at the end of it, they ask about Vox's new pet and Vox just puffs up, proud as can be:
Vox: "This little demon just charged into the lobby, brutally attacking my staff! 2 or 3 died, I think 4 or 5 were maimed so I of course had to keep him! Isn't that right, Venom? (Cause Vox thought he had rabies....and he foams at the mouth when he attacks...so...and the V theme.) Isn't he precious?"
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*sir is fine, for future reference. but YEAH, alastor would definitely be seething with rage- like whole fucking cartoon ass face too, he's NOT having the time of his life rn. why the FUCK was vox petting that hellspawn???? that should've been HIM ???????????
also venom is a perfect name for that little shit, honestly, though ill be fr i can only think of the. You know. Venom.
anyway whatever here's another writing snip. (vv short because i have morning classes tmw and im going to freak if im late again) you guys are greedy asf but whatever ill provide like any good father would
"Oh, dear... and he *kept* it, is that right?" Rosie gasps as she watches Alastor grip his hair tightly, head cradled in his hands. She giggles as she continues teasing the poor demon, "My, Alastor, isn't he quite the catch? Compassionate and caring to boot, not to mention that he seems to be *quite* popular among the denizens of Hell!"
"Rosie, my dear, please. Stop talking. For the love of God, stop talking," Alastor's ears flatten more as he begs his friend, Rosie merely laughing softly in delight as she watches.
"You can hardly blame me for being curious, Alastor! I mean, you always refused to take your sweet little picture box to Cannibal Town when the two of you were still talking... why, I had to learn of your dalliance through Mimzy! And, not to devalue my beloved's qualities, of course, but she's *hardly* the greatest source of information one can find-- I married her out of love, not for her communication skills."
"That *thing* probably has rabies," Alastor spits out, looking as if he'd just swallowed a particularly bitter pill. "I don't *understand* what he sees in it!"
"Well, it does look quite like you," Rosie points out leisurely. She takes a sip out of her teacup before continuing, "Perhaps he's treating it as a substitute for you? You know, in the way that some would treat their plushs like pets, he's treating his pet as... well, you."
Alastor narrows his eyes at her. "Vox *knows* that if he wanted to talk to me, he could easily just go over and tune into our shared frequencies. He's *replacing* me with it, Rosie, I just know it!"
"Hm... well, in that case, why don't you just go and make it clear to him that you aren't replacable?" Rosie taps the edge of her cup with a knowing glint in her abyssal black eyes, holding her good friend's gaze steadily. "You've never shyed away from confrontation before, have you, Alastor? Why be hesitant now?"
Alastor licked his lips, staring down in his lap before he picked up his own teacup and downed the liquid inside like a shot.
"Thank you for hosting me today, Rosie. I think... I've reached a conclusion."
A knowing smirk crosses the Cannibal Overlord's face. "Of course you have. I expect to be formally introduced to your lovely little muse soon, you understand?"
"Yes, my fair lady," Alastor rolls his eyes with amusement. "But you had better not try and take a bite of him."
"Who, little old me? I'd never, dear!"
"You had better not," Alastor frowns. Though his tone is joking, his expression falls flat.
Elsewhere, in the Entertainment District, Vox sneezes into Venom's fur as he cradles the fluffball of red fur. The freaky kitten turns to look up at him with a questioning look, but he only ruffles Venom's ears apologetically.
"Sorry, Ven. I don't know what came over me just now- oh, look at this! Should we get you this collar, or that one...?"
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cozycraftzbl · 3 days
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Damn it he got my chips
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forbidden-sunlight · 2 years
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Although this a blog for yandere literature, please be mindful that the content may contain triggers.
Furthermore, these stories/headcanons are for entertainment purposes only. The behavior depicted here is not unhealthy and should not be encouraged.
If you wish to read something much more pleasant than a possible series of unfortunate events, here is the link to my other blog, @an-idyllic-novelist
For everyone else, welcome~!
The broken ring, this marriage will fail anyway
yandere!carcel escalante with ines!reader scenario
I’m a villainess but I became a mother
Pink Venom [yandere!calix x loure!reader]
Father I don’t want to get married
I’m not seducing the female lead’s obsessive father! [yandere!regis floyen x agent!reader]
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
Who made me a princess
yandere!athanasia de alger obelia with fem!reader headcanons
The dark history of the reincarnated villainess
It Appears That I Have Been Reincarnated as a Draconic Villainess in a Self-Indulgent Fic! [on hiatus]
[ poly!yanderes x Iana magnolia!reader]
part one
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six
part seven
Record of Ragnarok
yandere!thor headcanons with fem!kokushibo!reader
yandere!poseidon headcanons with fem!kokushibo!reader
yandere!loki with fem!kokushibo!reader [request]
yandere!Jack the ripper with fem!tanjiro!reader
part one
part two
yandere!poseidon with muichiro!fem!reader [request]
yandere!poseidon with shinobu!reader headcanons
platonic!yandere!shiva with nezuko!reader headcanons
yandere!aphrodite with muichiro!fem!reader headcanons
yandere!apollo with fem!giyuu!reader scenario
yandere!beezlebub with makima!reader headcanons
Chainsaw Man
False Garden of Eden [csm!various x stoic!reader]
yandere!kusuriuri with chise!reader headcanons
part one
part two
part three
Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy!
Yandere!Dark Schneider with Shinobu!reader headcanons
The Case Study of Vanitas
Tanz des Todes [yandere!Vanitas with gender neutral! Addams! reader]
part one
part two
Scum Villian's Self-Saving System
yandere!luo binghe with shixiong!male!reader headcanons
The White Husky and His Pet Cat Shizun
yandere!merman!chu wanning with male!researcher!reader scenario
Web Series
The Amazing Digital Circus
yandere!Jax with gender neutral!magician!reader headcanons
yandere!Ragatha with gender neutral! rabbit plush! reader headcanons
yandere!Jax who is touch-starved for gender-neutral!reader scenario
Hazbin Hotel
yandere!Alastor with gender neutral!tinkerer!reader headcanons
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
yandere!Vox with fem!reader scenario
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader Valentine's Day scenario
platonic yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario
[part one]
[part two]
[part three]
Cursed Cat!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader [ask]
yandere!Alastor with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario: jealousy
Original Works
yandere!emperor with empress!reader scenario
yandere!literary agent with fem!reader scenario
[1] [2] [complete]
yandere!holy knight with saintess!reader scenario
[1] [2] [3] [epilogue] [complete]
yandere!ceo with villainess!reader scenario [1] [2] [3]
yandere imagine with wicked stepmother!reader
yandere imagine with gender-neutral!screenwriter!reader
yandere!merman with fem! mob game character!reader imagine
Progress Bar [as of 6.20. 2024]
Reading the following book(s): Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis, Into The Riverlands by Nghi Vo, Beach Read by Emily Henry.
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Tired Juno here! I’m tired. As you can tell. Very, very tired.
On the plus side I finally have motivation to start on the cursed Alastor cat squishmallow style plush I’ve been wanting to make. I’m gonna have to find the post I got the idea from again. Which will be a pain. Then I have to design the pattern…
It’ll be fun.
I’m just tired right now. Exhausted, if you would. Physically and emotionally drained.
Yeah I think that’s all I have tho update yall on
Good luck
Best wishes
Sleep well
Drink water
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fattysnowwhite · 3 months
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Вот и выкройка, размер листов А4. Надеюсь, и без перевода понятно что где.
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