#curse you 10 photo limit!
kookiecrush · 1 year
Can we just talk about the way Tae loves to put his arm around Jk's waist for a second? Because that is my favourite thing in the world. Love to see Tae claiming his man.
Funny how that's my favourite thing, too 🤔 It reminds me of an interview Tae did years ago. It went something along the lines of, "When you're on a date, would you rather hold hands or link arms?" And Tae said, "neither, I would rather hold their waist or hug them from behind." And he really does love to hold Jungkook's waist, doesn't he? 🥺
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23 notes · View notes
invisiblehoodie · 7 months
Well I have not done some pencil art dumps for a while and I find that outrageous /j
Here’s some random singular drawings that I liked~
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And eye
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alltimefail · 30 days
We have some unfinished business and a case to solve: The Case of the Curious Cancellation! 💀🔎
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Here are the ways you can help (be sure to read until the end).
I'm not sure how many people here on Tumblr are also over on DBDA Twitter, but there have been MANY developments in the last 24 hours and it's important for all of us to be on the same page if we're going to have a chance in hell of saving our show.
First and foremost, we need to get Dead Boy Detectives in the Netflix Top 10 again. This means running it as much as possible. Read about that below:
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As the graphic says, the goal is to have it running on a loop constantly, as much as you physically can. Be sure to have some level of volume on or else it won't count. If you're on Twitter be sure to post your rewatch (photos of your tv, commentary, etc.) with the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives !!!
Also, there's no better time to do this: the Tweet below brings up a great point! 👍
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Second, and easiest thing: KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE SHOW AND CREATING CONTENT ABOUT THE SHOW. Analysis, fics, fanart, shitposts, gif sets, memes, tik tok videos, so on - do not stop! Reblog other people's stuff and talk about it! Give fics kudos, comment, make fic rec lists and post that WIP or sketch! The most important thing to remember is to TAG YOUR POSTS AND CREATIONS. We need to trend!!! On Tumblr make sure you continue tagging your posts as you probably already are (look at my tags on this post if you need help, and remember not to use "DBD" on here because that is another fandom! We use DBDA here). On Twitter you want to use the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives for the rewatch and #SaveDeadBoyDetectives is a popular one, too. You can also use #DeadBoyDetectives. Hell, I usually use all three if I can! Hashtag every post you make about Dead Boys, no matter how annoying or "cringe" you may feel. Flood the fucking tag and do not stop.
Third, everyone needs to sign and keep circulating the petition. We've surpassed 5,000 signatures in a day which is fantastic, but we need more. Get everyone you know to sign it; tell them it takes no more than 15 seconds. Be annoying until they do it just to shut you up.
Fourth, request "Dead Boy Detectives Season 2" through Netflix's support website. It's a small thing but if we all do this a couple times a day it will get their attention. They really do vet these suggestions, and an influx of requests for a canceled show will raise eyebrows.
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Lastly, if you decide to write Netflix (via email or a letter - their office address has been floating around) please remember to stay concise and professional. Don't curse at them, don't call names. State that you are disappointed with the cancellation of the show, maybe add an anecdote about what it meant to you, and I would even recommend attaching some articles that emphasize people's displeasure with the platform abandoning shows on a whim and Netflix's flippant attitude toward queer shows in particular. Dead Boy Detective Agency on Twitter has retweeted every article on this topic so far, you can find their page here.
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You can also use graphics such as the ones below to affirm that the cancellation was unjust.
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(Source 1, Source 2)
I know this feels like a lot: know your limits and take care of yourself. Whether you do every single one of these things or just a few of these things, every llittle bit helps!
Even in the worst case scenario where nothing changes, this gesture will mean so much to everyone who made this show. We owe it to the writers, cast, crew, and each other to TRY. We can all agree that this show deserves at least another season and if Netflix isn't going to do it, they need to be open to selling it to someone who will. We cannot keep allowing them to axe these queer and diverse shows with little regard for their customers and their employees, but also because it sets a harmful standard in the industry that is destroying television.
Let's crack this case and bring our agency back! I truly believe in this community!! 💜 We can do this!!
If there are any spelling errors or issues with links let me know! I did this on mobile because I want to mobilize this information as quickly as possible! I'll be adding on to this with new developments and can answer any questions you all might have. Lets save our show!
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taki118 · 22 days
IruClarAzz Master Post Part 12
Just collecting all of the cuteness of the Love Trio and adding my commentary. Spoilers ahead very current with the manga. (Also warning I may make jabs at the IruAmeri ship here and there just small comparisons showing why I don’t like it as much, no hate but if you don’t like your ship being talked about even slightly negatively probably look away.)
If you didn’t see it Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, Part 3 here Part 4 here  Part 5 here Part 6 here Part 7 here Part 8 here Bonus here Part 9 here Part 10 here Part 11 here
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Getting ready
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Clara making sure the pair take care of themselves during the event
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They are so proud of themselves
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Look he has dolls of Azz and Clara and patches of Opera and Sullivan (The closest you can get of ameri imagery are the other designs if you squint)
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So the haunted house was a success and Iruma gets the prize but theres an issue and Azz and Clara are so upset for Iruma
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But as it turns out this rank can't be given by the teaching staff and will have to leave and work with one of the 13 crowns as a test, which Iruma has mixed feelings about. Again the focus is how he does not want to be separated from those he cares about again, but the focus is Azz and Clara followed by Sullivan and Opera, this could have easily been a group shot but its not, these are the people most important to Iruma
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Soooooooo I didn't take a shot of the gag (curse you tumblr photo limits) but the Crown Iruma is working with gives him a bell that he can use once during the test to get him something important he needs and Iruma rings it immediately and its followed by this and when I tell you I DIED at this moment of my god haha.
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The crown is undeniably confused but sir you don't understand you cannot separate them, and I am so happy it's been so long since these three got to do a thing together and oddly they are incredibly helpful.
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So the test is establishing a kingdom for the many eared demons and they gotta wear these cute ears to blend in
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I just love how delighted Clara is and if you'll notice Azz took out his phone to get a pic of her and Iruma before getting annoyed by what is very likely a scam
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I just love Azz stopping Clara
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The crown is talking up Iruma and the pair are so delighted
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A rather unfriendly boy of the many ears is brought on to be a guide and he's not happy about it I love that this is basically the "He asked for no pickles" meme
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Its just cute
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Again just cute, but this was kinda the perfect test for Iruma theres no way he'd want to rule over these demons
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I love that Azz is now fluent in Clara ..... to a degree.
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Haha the rare moments they share a braincell
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They see the boys room is full of books and I just like Iruma and Clara sharing a book
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So Iruma comes up with an interesting plan and again ask for the pairs help and god Azz's face
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We get a rare chapter from Clara's POV where we see just how miserable she was at school before Iruma and Azz came into her life
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And we get to see the important people to Clara and I think its nice how much she cares about her teachers
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I like that the center focus of Clara's Luck montage is her laughing with Iruma and Azz
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SO part of the plan is to teach the many ears magic while Iruma and Azz are having poor luck but suprisingly Clara's weird explaination works
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I love how Iruma is just delighted while Azz and Clara are being smug and teasing the kid
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Iruma is lucky he's with them as again he can't really cook but I love how they immedietly after hearing the growl clock it as Iruma but for once its not
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Again surprisingly (not really) Clara is the best for the situation they are in, currently taking care of kids to teach them.
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Clara goes full in on the school giving them looks that resemble their teachers and slight uniforms for kids, and again it actually helps to settle them down and focus.
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These outfits are so great though you can kinda see influences from the Bablys teaching staff in their designs but it's still undeniably them and I love the little like titles they have.
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discluded · 2 years
My Top 10 memorable 2022 MileApo moments 💚💛
In no particular order,
Mile defending Apo and telling him he's not weird. Mile Phakphum #1 apocolleague #1 Apo defender #1 Apo protector 😖
2. Whatever they put in the water that day at the XBlush shoot 🥴
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3. The Moon Represents My Heart at KPWT Taipei (curse you one video per post Tumblr limit). The audible gasp and excitement from the audience when they realized what song it was!!!
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4. MileApo at the Vogue Thailand Gala. Everything about them and how beautiful they were... Mile had just gotten out of COVID isolation #2 and now they had a Vogue spread and were mingling with the movers and shakers of the Thai ent industry. Also specifically these boyfriend soft launch selfies 😖
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5. Paper Mile at the KPWT send off. This one was bittersweet and making the best of a bad situation... Apo was doing his best to have Mile be included but even Apo was not his usual sparkly self. The appearance of paper Mile per the request of quarantined Mile really put the smile back on his face.
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6. Sharing dessert and water in the Red Sea Film Festival IGL
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7. Apo taking this sexy photo of Mile in Phuket and immediately being exposed as the photographer. Thank you @ apovision for God's work and thank you @/may for exposing them.
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8. Mile replying to this tweet. Yeah it's a tweet. Yeah he interacts with many fan tweets. But trust me, this is the one that made all of us deranged. It's the reason why I'm deranged now. I think about this all the time.
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9. Mile and Apo kissing live at KPWT Bangkok. I'm just going to make peace with the fact that we're likely never gonna see another live kiss at a KPWT show again. But we got this one.
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10. Holding up the pride flag together at KPWT Taipei. Wasn't Taipei beautiful!?! 😭 It was a beautiful moment for the entire cast and the audience, since it was Pride Week in Taipei 🌈
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Bonus: 11. Meeting all of you 🥰💕 Yeah I'm sappy as heck, what are you gonna do about it.
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If you've ever sent me an anon or liked or reblogged one of my posts or followed me or stalk my blog but don't have a Tumblr or written fic or drawn fanart or written meta or made gifs or made edits or trended for MileApo, thank you for making fandom a fun place. If you've learned anything new about yourself or the world or changed your perspective in life because of anything I reblogged, I'm glad something I said or did affected you 🥰
We often talk about about when being in fandom is annoying, but really, it's a community. If you've stayed, thanks for embracing respecting each other and loving KinnPorsche and loving Mile and Apo and the people in their lives (which includes all of us!)
Maybe the real MileApo was the friends we made along the way 🥹🥹🥹 (Mile would agree because he is equally sappy like me).
Many other beautiful memories I wanted to include... but I loved these so much. It was hard picking favorites, but I'm gonna 😤
Bonus runners up:
Looking like a royal couple at their first fan meet
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KPWT Seoul date (are you going to give us the video or not BOC...)
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Apo lifting Mile in the KPWT Taipei behind the scenes video
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Mile discretely rubbing Apo's waist underneath his suit jacket at the D7 event 🤭🤭🤭
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KPWT Taipei goodbye (x2)
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(alright no more for real or else I'm gonna be here all day)
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nonotnolan · 9 months
No Not Nolan's Year in Review
Apparently this is a tradition now, so-- here are the stories of 2023, ranked by the number of likes.   It also helps keep me a bit grounded-- it feels rough when recent stories don't pick up stream, but the year as a whole has still gone quite well. It's also nice to see where all of my work falls, note-wise.  And if you're feeling very nostalgic (or horny?) here is a link to 2021, and here is a link to 2022.
I'm leaving the eBook announcement posts out of my year end review, but I'm calling it out for myself so when I revisit this in December 2024, future-me will remember to grab those. I'm not planning to abandon this account anytime soon-- and I'm certainly not shifting to Patreon or PayPal or what have you. I'm not prolific or popular enough for any of that. The vast majority of my work will continue to remain free and open. I just wanted to prove to myself that I'm good enough of a writer to publish something that I can be proud of-- I have, and I am.
Do authors love notes and reblogs? Yes. But they often enjoy hearing direct feedback even more-- I know I sure do. Consider "messaging authors directly" as a New Year's Resolution. (Please note that begging for someone to write you a story is not feedback. Don't be that guy.)
12) Green Grass - 122 notes - December 2023 Two guys learn first hand that not everyone values the same things. Concise and straightforward. 11) Soul Stones: Long Distance - 192 notes - April 2023 A romantic story of two men using the power of body swapping to close the gap on a long distance relationship. Cell phones have nothing on being there in person. 10) Colony Freedom - 197 notes - September 2023 A slime alien attempts to rebuild its colony from the ground up after its overseers have completely vanished. Can it manage to find enough hosts for its family, or will its cover be ruined? 9) Cuerpo Inc: After Hours Perk - 249 notes - July 2023 Ethan tries to pretend to be Jake for the weekend, but he wasn't counting on Jake's nosy neighbor getting But if he can't be Jake, at least he can still have fun in Jake's body. 8) Summer Break Dullahans - 252 notes - June 2023 Eric was not expecting to find Ben's detached head in the dorms. I'm a big fan of detachable limb stories, so I decided to be a part of the change I want to see. (I'm also very rusty at GIMP / photoshop, but it gets the job done.) 7) The Great Gym Shift - 275 notes - August 2023 A version of The Great Shift, but with a limited radius. A gym instructor is stuck babysitting a bunch of grown men who suddenly find themselves in very muscular bodies. 6) Just Another Sunday - 279 notes - October 2023 A Chronovac story with unaware recipients and a retroactive reality shift that ripples through reality. I'm really happy with this one, though I will freely admit that I lucked out on the photos for this one. 5) An Excellent Choice - 291 notes - February 2023 My Valentine's Day story, dedicated to my boyfriend. As such, the emphasis is on a merging transformation sequence. Two men take advantage of new technology to become a new sum of themselves. 4) Group Project - 331 notes - November 2023 Another work set in the Swapper universe, where college students take advantage of body swapping technology for success or pleasure. This piece features Aiden, who has to hire a nerd to take over his body if he wants to pass his classes. 3) Cursing Fate - 337 notes - January 2023 It's an alien possession story with a dark twist. If you're going to align yourself with an extraterrestrial force, make sure you have something valuable to offer them. 2) Soul Stones: The Easy Life - 412 notes - March 2023 Alfie finds himself in the body of Jordan, one of the most popular athletes on the football team-- but he's not the one who plotted for the body swap to happen. It's one of my favorites for the year, and it's a series I could see myself returning to if the inspiration is right. 1) Rookie Mistake - 482 notes - May 2023 A novice magic user tries out an Astral Projection spell without reading all of the instructions. Things do not play out in his favor.
Special Mentions-
Travis Cordin - 382 notes - February 2023 by @mergeman My boyfriend's Valentine's Day story that he dedicated to me. A raw and electric story about a magic user who gives the resident nerd too much magical power.
Stories I Love (Part 1) and Stories I Love (Part 2) I was not expecting so many people to react to these lists, but these have been getting reblogged like crazy. More importantly, a lot of authors have been reaching out to show thanks and start conversations, which I appreciate even more. Like I said-- I'm not always the best at participating in the community, so I really enjoy hearing from people.
Top 5 All Time-
5) Revenge, Reversed - 517 notes - August 2020 4) Overbearing - 538 notes - May 2022 3) Finals Week - 552 notes - May 2021 2) Gym Merchandise - 610 notes - September 2022 1) Soulmate Swap - 659 notes - August 2022
It's always fascinating to see which stories get a second life through reblogs and new discoveries. Soulmate Swap is one of my heavy hitters, but both Gym Merchandise and Overbearing have gained a lot of momentum this year. Finals Week is starting to slip, though I'm still quite fond of it. I'm quite surprised to see Revenge, Reversed on this list given its age, but it's another one of my personal favorites.
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lindseybots · 26 days
*drum sounds*
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Screenshots brought to you via a shitty computer and tumblr’s website curse you mobile tumblr 10 photo limit
Sponsored by: Peep’s inability to do homework before they go to work
😅 But in all seriousness, I’m so glad you like the expressions. It’s nice to get a confirmation that the emotions here seemed to get the responses I was hoping for. I’m curious now as to which out of these is your favorite. 🤔
I look forward to drawing more expressions like these in the future!
(now go do your work, Peep)
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nentofus · 1 year
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okay to like / reblog / tag / save / whatever!
thought i should pop my personal prompt list for this year's OC-tober here! for ease of reading, the prompt list is as follows:
The Introduction Week 1. Newest OC 2. Your favourite OC 3. OC who gets the most love 4. OC who needs a little more love 5. Show some Pride 🏳️‍🌈 6. Your favourite ship (romantic, platonic, found family, any relationship!) 7. Draw over an IRL picture - Alternate option: OC you'd most want to meet IRL
Appearance Week 8. Extra appendages (like extra limbs, eyes, etc.) 9. New hairstyle / New outfit 10. Gloves or socks? 11. Swimsuit 12. Mascot costume / Cursed outfit 13. Crossdressing 14. Wearing something from your culture!
Aesthetics Week 15. Cyberpunk - Alternate option: Vapourwave 16. Cottagecore - Alternate option: Lolita 17. Galaxy - Alternate option: Ocean / Forest 18. Monochrome / Noir - Alternate option: Light academia / Dark academia 19. Neon / Eyestrain - Alternate option: 2000s scene kid / Hot Topic emo 20. Rockabilly / 50s - Alternate option: Ah Beng / Ah Lian (lol) 21. Your favourite aesthetic - Alternate option: Your least favourite aesthetic
Fun Week 22. Song redraw 23. Collab cafe item 24. Limited palette 25. Family Feud 26. Idol / Band subunit 27. Fake screenshot 28. Barbenheimer
The End Half-Week 29. Your OC with a canon character 30. Your comfort zone / comfort character 31. Halloween costume dressup - Alternate option: Guts & glory / Free day!
I'll be putting the explanations for a couple of these under a read-more so that those who aren't interested can skip the rest of my blathering! Feel free to ask questions if y'all like! My ask box + the replies on this post are always open :D
General - I wanted to make another self-indulgent prompt list this year for OC-tober so I did :3 - If you do feel like following along, remember that your health, comfort and motivation come first! Do as much as you want or as little as you want, or feel free to mix up the order or skip the prompts you don't like! - The alternate options were added because 1. I'm indecisive and 2. If a certain prompt doesn't appeal to you, then there's another choice! - I always have OCs on the brain so if you want to mention/tag me in your posts please do! I'll be responding under my main blog @complementary-oxymorons due to the interaction limitations of side blogs + wanting to keep my art blog as my personal art archive.
About the prompts - I understand that some prompts can be a bit confusing so I'll try to preemptively explain some! - Day 7: Draw over an IRL picture - For some ideas, it could be like drawing your OCs on a picture of a beach as if they're there having fun! Or maybe you could draw little chibis of your OCs sitting on your shoulder / messing with your hand while you draw :D (please do be mindful about the risks that come with uploading IRL photos though!). If you're concerned about privacy but still want to involve your "IRL self" in the piece, a possibility is to fully re-draw / trace over the reference photo you took! - Day 10: Gloves or socks - Yeah this is just me finding an excuse to draw my OCs who wear gloves or draw them in some super cute socks / stockings. Which team are you on? - Day 20 alternate: Ah Beng / Ah Lian - I thought it'd be funny because someone put it on Aesthetics Wiki (link). To those who have ah beng in ur neighbourhood just put portable speaker escooter tattoo slipper can liao also if yall know the typical ah beng spotify songs can tell me pls ok xiexie i only know 小幸运 and heng ong huat - Day 22: Song redraw - Some ideas could be redrawing your OCs on album art, or adapting them into the visuals of a song as if they're covering it! (Like how vtubers do hehe) - Day 23: Collab cafe item - Create a food or drink item that represents your OC! Some IPs (anime, games, etc.) collaborate with IRL cafes to create a themed menu which runs for a limited time only. The items on the menu tend to be references to the IP and its characters (e.g. an orange-haired character in the game gets a menu item that's an orange soda with decorative sprinkles, or a character who loves curry gets a menu item that's a special curry dish, something like that). If you're still unsure, google stuff like "collab cafe"! - Day 25: Family Feud - Feel free to redraw your favourite Family Feud clip as your OCs because there are a lot of strong contenders kekdog - Day 28: Barbenheimer - Exactly what it is! Feel free to draw your OCs dressing up to go to either movie or something. - Day 31 alternate: Guts & glory - This one's for those who prefer a more bloody Halloween :D Feel free to gore it up in any way you like. Plush, candy, flower, extra visceral... get those guts some air!!!
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hprarepairfest · 1 year
Prompting is now OPEN!
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You can now submit up to 10 prompts for the Rare Pair Fest IV!
Link: https://airtable.com/appIAM4MIXD8nkYo1/shrtVx8t6lu5ufkrX
Remember: This fest contains adult content and is only open to those over the age of 18.
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To search your ship to see if it meets this criteria, use the otp:true search function. 
More info:
You can submit up to 10 prompts with no need to claim. You do not need to prompt in order to claim.
Prompting will be cut off at 350 prompts or August 15 - whichever comes first. This is so all prompts have a fair chance of being selected.
All ships written for this fest may only involve characters that exist in the Harry Potter Universe. This includes those from The Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts. Nameless Characters that can be assumed to exist are also welcome. (eg. Hermione Granger’s Mother)
All poly ships are welcome as none are yet to be considered rare by this fest’s metrics.
Ships such as Harry/Slytherin, or Snape/Coworker are welcome.
Self-prompting is allowed for this fest! An option on the claiming form will allow you to self prompt.
Any and all kinds of creations are welcome to be submitted! Write fic, make art, record a podfic, make text posts, create playlists, craft a moodboard (using copyright free art), invent a recipe, create a photo journal, whittle a sculpture, record a mixed tape from your 90′s boombox… the only limit on what you can create is your imagination!
If you have any questions feel free to contact us through
Email: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/EVAM2mX Tumblr: https://hprarepairfest.tumblr.com/ask
You can also check out all current prompts here:
Link: https://airtable.com/appIAM4MIXD8nkYo1/shrUBAZj2JTpuhCV2
All the best, and happy prompting!
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dre6ming · 2 years
The delicate beginning rush
Chapter VIII ~ I wished on a dandelion
Masterlist < all chapters are here>
Instagram photo dump masterlist
To be added to the tag list click HERE <but I’ve reached my limit of 50 tags per post so idk>
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
Warning: anxiety, cursing, age gap (10years), kissing, crying, fluff, angst …. hope that’s all
Plot: you try to get Austin out of your system by dating Joshua, but it feels so wrong to string him along. Eventually you and Austin give in and sparks fly
Word count: ~6900
Disclaimer: everything is fake :))
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March 12th
My heart is racing and my hands are trembling. If 10 years ago you've told me, that I'd be here, walking the Oscar's red carpet as a nominee, I probably would've laughed right in your face. Regardless here I am now, and it feels like the air is too thick to breath in. "Hey, calm down, sweet dumpling." Timmy places his hand at the small of my back rubbing reassuring circles. I try to relax, shaking my shoulders slightly to release some of the tension in them. "You've got this." He whispers in my ear. I nod, but really I don't believe him, seems unreal, what's happening right now.
"And the Oscar, for best actress in a lead role, goes to" Scarlet Johansson makes a pause in her speech and the room goes quiet, I can almost hear my heart thudding against my rib cage. "(Y/n) (L/n), Reconstructing Amelia." There's this annoying buzzing in my ears, everything is blurry, but I can feel Timmy shake me awake, as I turn my head to him, smiling brightly. "You won!" He screams at me, wearing his most sincere smile, with tears at the bream of his eyes. "I did, oh fuck, I did!" I say hugging him and quickly, getting up to walk over on the stage and get my award.
My legs are shaking and I'm sweating, so I wipe my hands on my pants before taking the award from Chris Evans, after hugging both him and Scarlet. Standing in front of the microphone, with lights shining in my eyes and the crowd watching me, I get cold chills down my spine. "This is an extraordinary honor, that the academy, has granted me. No award has the power to truly define something so subjective as art, but it is fulfilling when you receive it nonetheless. I want to congratulate all the other nominees and everyone who was brave enough to make and put out a movie this year, regardless of it being on any list tonight or not. Acting is truly an escape for me, I find comfort in being able to tell the story of so many people with just one person. I want to thank my teachers, my fans, my team, my costars, for constant support and a great long partnership, it takes a village and this award is for every person in my life who supports me, loves me, teaches me, who guides me and who trusts me to have the privilege of doing what I love. Thank you!" I lift my award up in the air, letting out a few nervous laughs, before carefully stepping off the stage and right into Timmy's arms, where I start to cry profusely. "I'm so proud of you sweet dumpling" he says kissing my hair, squeezing me as tight as he can in his arms.
"Come on let's get your name on the thing!" He says, dragging me over to the station where they engrave your name on the award. "I can't believe this is real." I watch wide eyed as my name gets put on the gold statue. The happiness I feel right now is unmatched to anything I've felt before. It's a high so maddening I wish for it to never end. "Of course it did, you're so talented, bug" I laugh at his nick name for me, one he hasn't used in years. "Thank you." I whisper leaning into his shoulder, as Timmy puts one arm over my shoulder, caressing my arm. "For what, bug?" Giving him the side eye, we break into laughter, knowing full well his big ego shines bright. "For everything, big brother" his eyes glimmer with tears and he sniffs quickly, trying to hold them back.
After getting the award engraved, I had the stay for the rest of the ceremony. My movie ended up winning a few more categories, taking home 4 awards total. Then it's fast forward to the hotel room, to get changed for the after party and fixing up my makeup since I cried most of it off. "Ready to go?" Jeremiah asks, popping up the collar of his silk shirt. "Yeah" I giggle, smoothing the fabric of my dress. I chose a pink and orange number, decided it reminded me a lot of the outfit Taylor wore when she won, album of the year, at the Grammys, for the second time.
The party was nice, I guess I could say I had fun, but I'm not the party person. Crowded events make me nervous, I hate meeting new people and the whole time I had this bubble in my chest, ready to burst. It isn't until me and Timmy are out of the elevator and into my very quiet, very big, very empty apartment, that the bubble bursts.
My vision gets blurry and tears start flowing. "W-what's wrong?" Timothee asks worried, holding my shoulders. "Why am I not enough?" I say fully breaking down and falling in his arms. He understands what I mean. Why am I not enough for my parents? As my knees give up on me, Timmy catches me and carries me bridal style to my room, placing me on the bed and cuddling close to me. "Shh you are enough, bug, you are everything!" He says over and over again. I hear the words, but they mean nothing, he's not the one I want to hear saying those things. So I keep crying into his shoulder, clinging onto his shirt, shaking with every sob, while he keeps comforting me. I fall asleep in his arms and just like that the happiest day of my life, was also one of the saddest.
March 14th
Breathing in deeply, I look at myself in the mirror. The white wedding dress, fits me perfectly and my hair is neatly done. I look gorgeous. I really do. I'll be honest here, I was never that kind of girl who dreamed of her wedding, or pictured the perfect dress, but I do have to say, standing here all glammed and ready to walk down the aisle, I understand why some people love fantasizing about their wedding day.
This music video is going to look beautiful, for the past week or so, me and Joshua have been going back and forth with ideas, adding as many little Easter eggs as possible. The wedding scene is inspired by Bella's and Edward's wedding in Twilight. My prom dress is green, like the one in the movie "tick tick boom" and these are just a few small details.
After talking to Taylor and waking up that morning, texting Joshua was a bit of an impulse decision. He and I had a nice dinner and we laughed a lot, but it felt like hanging out with a best friend, nothing more. Still that didn't stop me from kissing him when he left. I close my eyes sighing, I know I'm a horrible person, because I keep telling myself I'll feel it, but no matter how many time I kiss him, all I think about is Austin and how good it would feel if it were him.
Austin...I groan at the thought of him, turning away from the mirror and scratching the inside of my palm, to stop myself from running my hands through my hair. I haven't talked to him since that night. He texted me a couple of times and I replied with short, empty texts. He called one time also, but I was with Joshua at the time and I rejected the call, so he never called again. Distancing myself from Austin, didn't help much with getting him out of my head, if anything it made it worse, cause I'm always wondering what he's doing, how he's doing. I must've stalked every fan page ever created for him, but all that did was remind me of why I should keep my distance. The comments about me and him, didn't die down since he always likes and comments on my instagram posts, giving fans every reason to believe something is going on between us.
"Ready?" Someone from production comes and asks me. "Yeah" I say, lifting the front of my dress up and walking after the girl.
March 17th
It's 5:20 am, too early for anything, but here I am in the back of my car as Matt drives to the airport for our flight to LA, which leaves in 2 and a half hours. "Ugh I hate mornings!" I groan taking a big sip of my coffee, making Matt laugh at me. "I know miss, I'm sorry!" Shaking my head, I take my phone out, opening instagram and posting a few stills from the music video, which comes out this Friday, same release date as my single. Of course my team tried to push for Joshua to wait and release it next week, but his team kept insisting a double release would create enough clout for the both of us. Before I get to finish the post my phone buzzes with a text from Austin?!
Austin B🕺:
Hey, are you in LA?
No, not yet, had something come up and had to push leaving for LA by two days.
Austin B🕺:
Oh, I see. Do you still want to come over?
Um yeah, sure, maybe Thursday?
Austin B🕺:
Perfect. Here's my address: location
Ok, what time should I be over?
Austin B🕺:
2pm? Making pizza from scratch takes time.
Ok, c u
Austin B🕺:
Got it!
After closing my texts with him, I try to get my heart back to it's normal rhythm, because just like every other time I spoke to him, my heart jumped out of my chest. I can't stop the stupid smile from spreading on my face. "Good news?" Matt asks me, causing me to blink rapidly trying to focus my eyes. "Um yeah, no, sure, I mean-" I stumble over my words. "Got it miss, I was just messing with you" he says grinning.
Looking out the window, it's nice to see New York come alive as 6 am rolls around. The city never really sleeps, but there's definitely a drop in the activity level at night. I look at the people running around, bumping into each other, living their normal lives, some are going to work, some are on their way to run an errand, some are on their way to some school they go to.
I sight turning my head, the thought of school brings this tremendous guilt in me. I loved school, I loved learning, at one point I almost considered my parents idea, of going to college, but my career was just picking up and I couldn't miss those opportunities. Now I could probably do it, but I feel like if I do, I'd loose momentum, I have an album on the way, I'm in the process of auditioning for more things, I couldn't handle college on top of all this. I've been in this weird spiral of thought for almost a week now, I haven't talked to my parents in so long, my mom stopped calling as well and now I have a little golden statue staring at me, telling about all the things I did to deserve being ignored by them. My therapist and Timmy keep telling me nothing in this world should make my parents act like this, but my head begs to differ.
Matt opens my door, taking me by surprise and I wipe a single tear form my cheek, before he notices. "Thank you!" I say smiling at him.
We walk to the gate and I keep my head down, trying to avoid attention. After going through security, I sit around waiting for Matt to come back with something to eat, I feel very faint and like everything is spinning, I haven't eaten in a day or two, I can't remember. It's exhausting to try and stop thinking about all the things that keep me up at night, also working hard and running around on very little sleep, is just not sustainable. "Here you are miss, eat this." I make a disgusted face at the tomato sandwich he brought over. Usually that would be my favorite thing to eat, but right now I'm at this point of starvation where everything looks nauseating. "I know but you have to" I take the sandwich in my hands and take little bites out of it, slowly getting myself to enjoy it. "Good, eat it all, I got you a chocolate bar as well, your favorite, caramel filling" Matt shows me the chocolate bar and I take a couple more bite out of the sandwich. It does actually feel good to have something in my stomach.
March 18th
"My goodness you look amazing" Brianna and Jeremiah say at the same time. "Orange is your color kid" Levis says, giving me a good look over. Today is the day I have the shoot for Variety magazine with Austin. I chose a custom made orange dress by Teuta Matoshi, the butterflies on the shoulders match the ones on my hair clips and my orange makeup definitely makes my eyes pop out. "Thank you guys"
"Ok so first you'll be taking the pictures and then the interview, both you and Austin already have the questions, so be calm" Levis says as one of the Verity assistants comes over to show me the way on set. Walking over to where they sat a piano and a guitar, my eyes wondere around and then I see him. Tall, blonde, in a black leather jacket and as he turns around I see he's wearing an orange top, to match my dress. My heart skips a beat when his eyes land on me and a big smile gets plastered on his face. "Hi there gorgeous!" Austin says coming over.
My heart starts running laps in my chest. "A-Austin, hello" I try to move over the fact that he called me gorgeous and the fact that I just stammered, because of it. He lets out a chuckle, looking over at someone calling his name. This is not going to be good if I keep acting like this around him, going over to his house tomorrow will be just awkward. "Ok so we want you over at the piano and Austin you can sit on the floor, hold the guitar." We take our positions, sitting down at the piano, looking at the keys, I run my fingers over them. Playing its like second nature, so I just do it, without even thinking that's not what I'm supposed to. I'm playing "dandelions", not singing any of the lyrics, but still, knowing this song is about the boy sitting on the ground next to me, makes me feel butterflies in my stomach, like I wish for him to figure out this song is about him. Finding some sense in my head, I quickly stop playing mouthing a small apology. I don't dare to look at Austin, I just pose as they tell me too.
"Ok, now, we'd like Austin at the piano and you (Y/n) sitting on top of it." Getting up, I kindly take the help of one of the production assistants, stepping on the small stool and sitting on the piano. I cross my legs and for a second I break my promise not to look at Austin, when the slit on my long dress falls open, revealing my thigh and he lets out a growl. My eyes meet his blue ones, his pupils are blown wide and there's a slight pink tint to his cheeks. Austin looks like a deer caught in the headlights, wide eyed, frozen on the spot. "Breathe" he whispers, making me feel the burn in my lungs. Looking away, I try to breathe, hoping it's not that obvious to everyone in the room that he just took my breath away.
The photographers snap a few shots of us and then someone says it's time for a break after which we'll get to filming the interview. I'm stuck on the piano waiting for someone to help me get down. Austin comes into my vision field smirking. "Need some help?" I don't trust my voice to sound normal, so I simply nod. "Ok" he places both hands on either side of me, holding them up, not touching me. "Can I?" Austin asks and I offer another small nod, but he shakes his head smirking "I need you to say it, darling" there it is, that pet name again, I didn't even realize how much I've missed it in the time I tried to avoid Austin.
"Yes, please" I let out batting my lashes at him, gasping when I feel his flaming palms on my waist. I brace myself on his shoulders, as he lifts me up, placing me on the ground. Nothing too bad, except there's a moment there when he holds me up, just for a second longer and our faces are inches apart, Austin's breath brushing my cheek. "Thanks" I cringe at how breathless that sounded and I move past him.
"Is everything ok? You've been avoiding me." Austin asks, walking by my side. Fuck he has me figured out. "Yeah, no, I've been busy" fiddling with the skirt of my dress, I still avoid meeting his face. "Lies" Austin states and then using one long finger he lifts my chin up, forcing our eyes to meet again. "I missed talking to you" I gasp, looking around, nobody seems to be paying any mind to us. "Why do you keep avoiding me? Did I do something?" He looks genuinely concerned that he might have done something to make me ignore him. Something in the back of my brain screams at me that I should tell him the truth, that I have a huge crush on him and I'm stringing along another boy in the hopes of forgetting him.
"No, Austin, you didn't, I've just been having a hard time, 'm not in the best place right now." Not a lie, only not the truth I wanted to say. "What's wrong?" I sigh, taking a step back and shaking my head. I'm not willing to discuss this with him, now or maybe ever.  "Ok people let's go, everyone back to your spots, it's late already." Thanking god for this very welcomed interruption, I turn and move over to my chair.
The interview goes by fast, even though we talked for almost two hours. At one point I was looking into Austin's eyes and it felt like it was just the two of us, two close friends catching up. We got a tad carried away, asking questions that weren't scripted, but the director loved it, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Now I'm in hair and makeup getting everything taken off, fidgeting in my chair, ready to go sleep. A knock on the door, makes both me and the girl taking care of taking off my glam, look in it's direction. There, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, is Austin smiling. Walking to sit into the empty chair next to me. "So do you like pineapple on pizza or not?" He squints hie eyes at me, waiting for my answer, making me snort. "I like pineapple on pizza"
"Blasphemy" he says scrunching up his nose, making a disgusted face. "Oh come on!" I laugh at his clear disapproval. "It tastes good." I try to reason with him but he doesn't seem to have it, as he starts waving his hands around to make me stop talking. "What song were you playing earlier? I don't think I recognized it." His question takes me by surprise and I feel the heat rising into my cheeks, painting them a scarlet shade. Austin lifts his brows up at me, as I have not answered his question. What should I do?
I slide my fingers over my lips, mimicking the action of zipping them shut, which makes Austin, throw his head back laughing. "Fine don't tell me, but just so you know it sounds beautiful, does it have lyrics yet?" I simply shrug my shoulders smirking at him. "I'm done here!" The girl attending to my make up says and I thank her.
As I jump out of my chair, I almost fall down, stumbling over my own feet, but Austin is quick to catch me. "Careful there!" He warns, before taking his hands off of me and putting them into the pockets of his jeans. "Thanks." I mumble, taking my bag and walking out of the room, with him hot on my heels. "Ready to go miss?" Matt asks, getting up from his chair. "Yes, Matt, I'm ready" I glance at Austin and smile at him, offering a little wave, but he surprises me by bringing me in for a hug. I melt into his arms, feeling the warmth of his body against mine, inhaling his scent. I'm getting drunk on the feeling of being cocooned by him. "I'll see you tomorrow, don't be late." Austin whispers, causing shivers to run down my spine.
When we pull apart I try to sit up straight, fixing my bag on my shoulder and pushing some hair behind my ears. "I won't" is all I say, before turning on my hills and walking fast in the direction of the parking lot, jumping into the car as soon as I can. In the small enclosed space, away from him, my thoughts clear up and I decide I should text Joshua, tell him how today went, but I'll avoid any of my interaction with Austin. We haven't put a label on what me and Joshua are, but feels like for him we're already dating, maybe we are and I'm just slow.
Wyd? 2day was grate 4 me, the interview, came out amazing.
Glad 2 hear. I'm good, had a late morning and then went in the studio 4 a few hours.
Anything I can hear?
Not yet, it's mostly scraps.
I'm sure it's amazing.
Doing anything exciting while in LA?
Not really, no. I'll be back in a week, I have to go for an audition in person.
I miss you💟
Me 2 💟
I put my phone in my bag and lean forward. "Matt can I get my own car? I want to go around on my own a bit." I say, hoping he won't question me on it. "Sure miss, if you want you can have this one, no need to rent another one." I nod, sitting back in my seat, counting my fingers, something I do to calm myself down. When Matt parks the car, I don't wait for him to come around and open the door for me, walking out and straight into the elevator. "Here miss, for later." He hands me the car keys and I thank him.
The hotel room looks nice, but I miss home, I miss my cats. Throwing myself on the bed, I snuggle under the thick covers, falling asleep quickly. When I wake up a few hours later I'm confused by the dark room, but when I look at my phone it makes sense, it's 10pm. Groaning annoyed I throw my hands and feet around, trashing the bed. I know I won't be able to fall asleep anymore, so the next best thing that comes to mind is to go out. Grabbing my jacket and putting it on, I pull out the keys that were still in the pocket of it, spinning them on my finger.
All my excitement dies down when I get in the drivers seat and see the car is an automatic, I've never driven one before. "Ugh" I slam my head against the steering wheel, fighting back tears. "Ok I can do this." I try to keep my cool, quickly googling instructions on driving an automatic. Thank god for google, in an hour I manage to get an idea of what I'm supposed to do, so I turn the car on and slowly drive away.
LA definitely looks beautiful at night, but it's still too crowded for me and I know there's no place where I could go and not get photographed. I listen to my GPS and make a right turn at the next intersection, spotting the store I need. Grinning I park in a spot far away for the entrance. I promised Austin, I'd teach him how to crochet, so I'll keep my word.
Walking around I pick a few colors of yarn and a few crochet hooks, you really don't need much for this hobby. After paying for my things, I smile at the nice cashier and make my way back to my car. Deciding next I could drive to McDonald's and maybe get something to eat, it's almost midnight, but I could use a bite to eat. The drive through is empty, so I get my order pretty quick and as I'm eating in the car, it occurs to me that this is a great time to film one of my video journals for my therapist. Putting my phone on the dash I start recording myself.
"I feel empty?! I think" I sigh, eating some more of my chicken nuggets. "I've been feeling numb, maybe that's more correct. Like I have empathy inside, but I don't really care." And that's when it hits me, this could be a song, not just one of my video diaries I send to my therapist. "Oh my, this, wait a minute." Searching desperately in my bag, I fish out a pen, then putting the car in drive I go back to the window. "Hi, hello, can I please have some more tissues?" I ask smiling, the girl at the register clearly flustered. "Yes, oh my god, you're (Y/n), right? I'm such a big fan." It warms my heart to hear this, I love my fans and I love when they have the courage to talk to me. "Yes, would you like an autograph? I'm not really feeling that picture ready right now." The girl nods eagerly, handing me a tissue to sing. "Who should I make this to?" I ask "Amber" nodding I sign my name and add a cute message for her. "Thank you" she says, offering me a huge stack of tissues. "No, please, thank you."
Back in the parking lot I start scribbling away, words flowing through my pen. Hours later, I think I have something I'm happy with, so I put my phone back on the dash and start recording. "Hi Jack, yeah, so it's" I look at the time and widen my eyes, it's 4am, I've been here for four hours. "Anyway, 4am, god, well, I just got this idea, I named it, numb little bug" I clear my throat and start singing. "I don't feel a single thing, have the pills done too much, haven't caught up with my friends in weeks and now, we're out of touch."
Ok so the part with the pills is a lie, I don't actually have any prescribed medication, but it sounded good, so we'll just go with it.
"I've been driving in LA and the world just feels to big" I keep singing and when I'm done, pleased with my work, I fold all the tissues neatly and put them in my purse, driving to my hotel. Maybe I'll catch some sleep before I go meet up with Austin.
After a long shower, I get under the covers, but I don't feel sleepy, so I take my phone and make sure to text the recording to Jack, then I open instagram. The first thing I see are pictures of me making out with Joshua. This is getting out of hand. Sitting my phone down, I stare at the ceiling, praying for sleep to find me, which thankfully it eventually does. Next time I wake up is 10am and I call Jack on face time to talk to him about the new song I send.
"So I loved it, I think we can make it sound real pop, you know, and dancy" I nod and pick up my ukulele, playin softly. "Like this?" I ask, as I keep playing and he goes over to the keyboard, playing a mixture of high and low notes. "I love it" I say and start singing along to the music. We keep at it for the next two hours and then I have to get up and get ready for my day with Austin.
A pair of mom jeans and a tank top with a cardigan will have to do it for now, it's not like it's a date or anything. For my hair I decide to braid it and add some cute hair clips to it. Then I'm out the door, already worried I'll be late.
As I dive humming along to the radio, I look in my rearview mirror and notice a car driving very close behind me, then I notice the guy on the right seat, holding up a camera. My anxiety picks up and I ask Siri to call Austin on speaker. "Hey there!" His sweet voice comes through the phone. "Austin I'm being followed, I'm, I-" I'm panicking is what I'm doing. "Ok are you alone? Where's your security?" Austin tries to keep calm, but I can hear, the change in his voice. "Yes, im alone, I'm in the car." I hear him sigh and then there's just silence. "Austin?" I ask hoping he didn't just end the call.
"I'm here, stay calm, tell me where you are" I breathe through my nose, holding back hot tears, trying to focus my eyes on the road. "I'm on main with 34th street." I sob, tightening my hands around the wheel and looking back to see the car still close behind me. Paparazzi can sometimes be too intrusive, dangerous even. "Ok there should be a sign in a couple of yards, pointing to the highway."
"The highway? Austin I've never driven on the highway and I'm driving an automatic, which I drove for the first time just a few hours ago." My voice picks up in volume and I hear a weird ringing in my ears. I'm having a full on panic attack. "Shhh you'll be fine, come on, do you see the sign?" I try to focus, looking for the sign and spotting it, right in front. I take a sharp left and then in just a few minutes I find myself on the highway. "I'm on the highway, now what?"
"Are they still after you?" Austin asks. "Yes" I say after checking. "Ok, take the exit on 56th boulevard and then the first right." I push the gas, gaining some distance between me and the car, then follow Austin's instructions. "Ok, done." I look back and I can't see them anymore. "I think I lost them" Austin let's out a breath and so do I. "Ok I'll stay with you, you're not far from my place now." Swallowing hard I set my GPS back up and follow it, with Austin still on the phone. "I think I see you're gate." I say
"Ok I'm opening it now." I look one more time again making sure I'm still free of those guys from earlier, then drive through the gate. After I stop the car, I just sit there, still. I can't move, too high on adrenaline. When my door opens, I let out a scream and put my hands up to protect myself. "Hey, hey, it's ok, (y/n) it's me, Austin" he takes me in his arms and pulls me out of the car, holding me close to his chest. "You're safe" he says, petting my back slowly. I burry my face in his chest, taking in his musky scent. "I was so scared." I say, letting my tears fall, soaking into his black shirt that he has on.
"I know, my darling, I know, come on." Austin bends down and placing both hands behind my thighs, he lifts me up. I hang onto him like a monkey, with my arms around his neck and my legs locked behind him. Being a gentleman he supports me up, by my back. I love how good this feels I don't even dare to let my brain process that this is wrong. "Wait. Take the bag, from the car." Austin walks around, opening the passenger seat door and taking my bag as well as the bag holding the crochet supplies. He carries me around like I weight, nothing, walking through his open front door and closing it behind himself.
Austin sits down on the couch with me, tightly wrapped around him, so now I'm straddling his lap, with my head in the crook of his neck. His big palms caress up and down my back, soothing me. I don't want this to ever stop. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." Austin says, speaking low, as if he's afraid he'll scare me, if his voice got too loud. I pull away a bit, to be able to look at him and he takes my face in his hands, wiping my cheeks, with the pads of his thumbs. His blue eyes so deep, I could get lost in them forever. One of his hands, moves some loose pieces of my hair away and then as his eyes fall on my neck, anger flashes on his face. I furrow my brows confused. "He's here with you, in LA?" I search his face, for a clue about what the hell he means.
Austin blows air through his nostrils and then snaps his eyes away from my neck and back into my eyes, holding eye contact. "What?" "Is Joshua here with you?" Austin asks only adding fuel to my growing confusion. Touching my neck on the spot where Austin's eyes were fixed, I remember the purple bruise Joshua left there. Is he angry at that? And if he is, why is that? "N-no" my voice in barely a whisper and I try not to cry again.
Hearing my answer, Austin's eyes soften again, then one of his hands comes to sit on top of mine on my neck. I feel dizzy, the breath getting caught in my lungs. I look at him flushed, shallow breaths falling from my lips and onto his. When my lips brush over his, I realize we've been slowly getting closer and closer. "What are you doing?" I ask, out of breath, forcing myself to listen to that small part of my brain, that screams at me this is wrong. "Tell me to stop, please!" Austin begs me, his plush, soft lips, slowly touching mine as he speaks. I wish to make myself able to say 'stop' , but I can't. I want this too much, it feels so safe, familiar and warm. Like every worry in the world has just vanished. For a second I wonder if this is just a highly realistic dream again.
"(Y/n)" Austin says out of breath, like his making an effort to keep calm. My name sounds like burning embers, coming out of his mouth and I tremble. "Austin" I say, like I craved saying it for so long. "Can I kiss you?" Austin asks and every fiber of me saying I should stop right now and leave, loses to the stronger part of me, that has been wondering how his lips would feel against mine. "Please !" I plead and then he brings my face closer, finally smashing his lips against mine. It's hungry, hurried, raw, but also tender and sweet. Our lips move in perfect sink, nothing has ever felt so wrong but so good. Butterflies flap their wings around in my belly, my head flying on another planet. Starting to feel more and more comfortable, I lace my fingers in his hair, pulling at the roots, making Austin groan in my mouth. His tongue, brushes against my lower lip and I open my mouth for him, letting him take full control.
Austin's hands move over to my waist, holding me flush against his chest. He tastes so good, like mint and burnt sugar. I could stay like this an eternity, in his lap, with his tongue exploring my mouth. Our hearts beat in sink, our moves fluid. When we break apart, we stay with our foreheads glued together, breathing heavy. "I should know better, but I don't, please don't hate me!" Austin says, squeezing my waist. "I should know better as well, but I don't" I say, but Austin shakes his head, pulling me back so he can look me in the eyes. "You're 19, I'm 29, I should be the one knowing better" What he just said, leaves me stuck, he's so right, but I don't know if the fact that he knows, this thing between us shouldn't be happening, changes anything. "I wanted to do that for a while now." I say, making him smile brightly. "You did?" He asks with a strange glimmer in his eyes.
Biting my lip, I nod, scratching his scalp, causing him to close his eyes and throw his head back. I stare at his Adam's apple and leaning forward I kiss it, feeling the vibration of his growl against my lips. I pepper kisses up his neck, then his chin, then the corner of his mouth and finally his lips. We both sigh into the kiss. One of his hands comes up to hold the back of my head. "I wished upon a dandelion for you" I say against his lips and he pulls back to look at me. "Really? Well seems like that wish came true."
"Do you want to hear the song?" I ask smiling down at him. Austin nods and I get off of his lap. "May I?" I ask pointing to the white piano in his living room. "Yes, please!" Austin responds. Sitting down at the piano, I look back at him on the couch and pat the spot next to me. He jumps over the back of the couch and comes to sit next to me, kissing the top of my head. "Ok, this is 'Dandelions'" I start playing, looking at him connect the dots in his brain, a huge smile stretching on his lips as he figures out it's the song from yesterday. "Maybe it's the way you say my name, maybe it's the way you play your game, but it's so good, I've never known anybody like you. But it's so good I've never dreamed of nobody like you and I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime and I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine. I'm in the field of dandelions wishing on everyone that you would be mine."
I sing with all my heart and I feel Austin watch me close. Finishing the song, Austin quickly grabs my face and kisses me. It's open mouthed and warm, my emotions furling inside me, my heart running laps in my chest. "I loved it, it's beautiful. Did you really write it for me?" Austin asks surprised. "Yes, I did. Austin I like you, I do"
"I like you too." He says happily, brushing his nose against mine. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Austin asks, looking at me, brushing some strands of loose hair out of my face. "Yes, but we need to move slow. I still have my reservations about this." I say. "Of course, you set the pace, I promise." I smile at Austin and hug him. "Do you still want to make pizza?" Austin asks. I giggle excited and get up, rolling up the sleeves of my cardigan. "Hell yeah" I say. Austin laughs, getting up from the piano bench and showing me the way to his kitchen.
"Here little chef" he says, putting an apron over my head, helping me tie it at the back. Being short, I have to fold it a bit on itself at the waist but it's fine. "I bought the set specially for today, I don't usually care for my clothes getting dirty." Austin says as he turns around and I tie his apron, like he did for me. "I should've asked if they come in sizes, sorry"
"Eh it's fine, the more of my clothes it covers, the better, I'm a messy cook" I say grinning.
Austin claps his hands. "Ready to learn how to make pizza?" He asks rubbing his palms together. "Yes sir, teach away" he bites his bottom lip, shaking his head. "You're gonna be the death of me, my darling"
"Say it again" I request, before I can stop the words coming out of my mouth. Austin bends down, bringing his mouth to my ear, making the hair on my arms stand up. "My darling" he says, in a low voice. "Now let's make some pizza, my sweet darling" he grins at me standing up straight and I roll my eyes at him, pushing against his chest playfully.
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer @jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweeknd @cerenaydins-blog @girlblogger2002 @gigisworldsstuff @my-baexht-Is @xmusselisims @denised916 @bluepeacheslandia @kibumslatina
@samaraannhan20 @goldobsessionworld @silliypapercreatorangle @cmrxac @donnamarie23 @justarandomfamdomblog @marlowmode @natsnosehair @xxgggooomm @banksmars @namoreno @areuirish @choppedlamphandscowboy @yeetfack-blog @fangirl125reader @aliceforbes @k-1898 @lucid315 @numberonepaperbeard-blog @denised916 @hannahhhhhig @izzyisdefinatelybusy
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pluckysidekick · 2 years
Hope everyone who celebrates had a relaxing and fun Thanksgiving! After we’ve been starved for BTS, cast and crew gifted us with some juicy ones this week. First up - Anthony Natale, a.k.a. Capt. Thom, rewarded us with yesterday’s cast meal - on the Claw set!
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Something about seeing our beloved cast having a meal in the Claw warms my heart. There were a few posts from yesterday that clued us in that production was pushing through the holiday, including Thomas Cadrot (Jonas Glass) sharing that it was a wrap for him on ND in ep. 10 (can’t wait to see him in action!). I’m sure the American cast and crew are sad to be away from their families but the show must go on. So much to unpack here! Love seeing Ace surrounded by his onscreen parents (including Nicole Oliver who plays Rebecca), and this is the first confirmation that Jean Rosario is in S4 (Erica Serra). Melinda Hsu Taylor is onset to direct Ep. 11 (as well as being co-exec. producer). Check out the Claw coffee cups with little favors on top, and looks like they have special booklets - is it a breakdown for the rest of the season, or perhaps a special menu from the awesome craft team? Also loving the wardrobe, especially George’s tan vest and Nancy of course in a blazer and scarf combo. Did I mention Tunji looks amazing?
UPDATE: On further examination, the booklet is titled ‘Family Haggadah’ ! We now know from Ace and Nancy’s text chain from 404 that Ace is planning a Passover Seder dinner. This should be episode 11, and set in April of 2020 (when Passover fell in that year).
Next, we have to talk about Kennedy’s much welcomed chaos this week.
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Both of these photos were taken earlier in the season based on her earlier posts in the same wardrobe, but Kennedy posting them now with her special brand of teasing is much needed to get us through this interminable hiatus. First the hilarious Nancy and George pic - i believe they are on the university set based on the timing (see my earlier post linked below). The looks on both of their faces are perfect. Who are they running from and to? And who’s next to Nancy - Ace? Nick? Ryan? Carson? Or a mystery cast member (played by Henry Zaga perhaps?). Kennedy’s wearing the same scarf/top combo from back in September so I suspect that’s when this pic is from.
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The Nace pic is another thing entirely. Eagle eyed fans noted that the skulls are covering up SOMETHING. A symbol for the curse breaking ritual? A death mark? Is it a Weekend at Bernie’s themed episode as some fans have suggested, with Nancy and Ace just a little dead? Kennedy’s covering up of Ace’s wardrobe is also curious. We know from earlier posts from the same ep. (one from the Claw and one from Icarus Hall) he’s wearing some sort of light grey jacket. Looking at what’s peeking through, is it covering up dark colored scrubs perhaps? Or something to do with the ritual? A hospital gown? And what’s with Nancy’s purse? Absolutely maddening. And we love Kennedy for it. Also, earring. S4 can’t come soon enough.
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We saw a few more fun photos and videos from the crew that hint at some new sets. Maddison and applebananapear posted videos of the same cow (the Crew visits the farm?!?) while Anthony Natale posted shots from the Claw exterior including Capt. Thom in the water! Is he going to save Ace?
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There’s also an Airstream onset, which we got a glimpse of from the outside and the inside, courtesy of Thomas Cadrot and applebananpear respectively. Do we get to see our crew camping? Perhaps they’re on the run?
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Last one I can squeeze into this post - a video of applebananapear sneaking a drink courtesy of sangalicious - from a hospital set (check out the Acadia Medical Center sign). It shouldn’t be a surprise that someone is in the hospital at this point in the season.
OK, friends, that’s all I have room for (did you know Tumblr mobile has 10 photo limit?). DP Nick Thomas just posted some amazing photos from set that give us more of the farm set and more, check them out now! Maybe I’ll do another post as they are stellar with lots of new clues. Also look for long overdue The Space Between Ch. 12 very soon, complete with the morning after for Nace and actual progress in the case. Bye for now!
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Axis and allies with a puppeteer s/o who does shows for kids ♥️ please and thank you
Allies + Axis with a puppeteer S/O
(I think this was asked prior to one of my limited character rules, but please keep in mind to skim over the rules before asking uwu thank you)
He thinks it's wicked creepy.
Even if it's for kids
Swears the puppets are slowly stealing the life of the kids
S/O might as well have fun with it
That back fires a little. Once he was the tiny puppet version if himself becomes... involves.
His puppet now must be the hero in the show as well.
Congrats! Now puppets are only 56% creepy...
He actually thinks it's sweet.
He use to play puppets with America at one point.
That was until one of them mysteriously crawled in bed with America as a little kid. That snowballed into a lot of tears and screaming that night....
He's glad to see most of the kids enjoying the show.
His S/O can witness England giving his attention to the kids who did find the puppets scary.
Magic tricks and song a longs is his thing, so his S/O can be at rest at events from now on.
He's neither here or there.
Thinks the kids reaction is adorable though.
It also doesn't take long for him to sit in the middle of the children as a very involved audience member.
There will be one or two kids sitting in his lap, hiding their face in his cape at the 'Scary dragon' parts.
He may have 'lost' his cape at a couple events because he didn't have the heart to take it from the little sprouts when they thought it was a heros cape.
And yes he gasps dramatically and eggs on the children as well during the show. May have also pretended to cry at some parts.
He's no stranger to stage plays and puppets.
He introduces his S/O to shadow puppets, and is wicked impressive with them as well.
Offers to help with the shows, even if it's with string or hand puppets.
He starts to make shadow boxes and puppets for the more scared kids to play with, making Goofy voices for them.
Oddly enough any recording or photos of him doing so vanish completely...
Insert happy Russia noises.
Of COURSE he collects puppets, especially from his country.
Some of which seemed cursed but those are the ones he holds the dearest to his heart, seeming them as misunderstood like him.
He has zero problem helping out, but the stage maaay need to be made a little bigger.
Kind of loves being the villian in the stories.
His S/O has since then edited the stories so the villians have a happy ending as well.
The kids flock to him when he gives his stage bow.
Scarf has now become a swing, and Russia a jungle gym.
He will not want to leave so good luck.
Tis hand puppet time!
He has kept a puppet that a small girl gave him during his... less that joyful Era.
He let's his S/O hold it ONLY if they are wearing gloves and all lose hair and clothing is tucked away!
He doesn't mind watching the show. It makes him feel nostalgic and childish.
Don't tell anyone he mouths the words after learning the scripts
Doesn't know what to do with the kids who are creeper out by the puppets.
He guesses he's a guardian now?
Once tossed a piece of popcorn at one of the evil villians, and the kids went wild with laughter.
7/10 would like to join events more often.
Yall thought he'd be scared?
He is a child om the inside and enjoys it more then literally anyone his S/O met.
Loves to help make tiny clothes for the puppets and even makes cute props for the kids.
Has some cute story ideas.
Occasionally joins in or watches over the scared children, distracting them or letting them hide and cling to him.
Sweet baby boy, is sweet.
He will make a very successful attempt at making him and his S/O as puppets.
They hold hands now. And will never let go.
An immediate spewing fountain of puppet history. How their made, the diffeent cultures between countries
S/O has a whole library of ideas and inspiration at their hands
He LOVES watching it with the children, even letting them gasp and hide their faces into his arms.
His S/O has to refrain from breaking character due to the stern and focused look he has during the show.
Make him as a puppet, PLEASE
It will be the guardian of his anime figurines from then on out.
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letterboard-fantasy · 2 years
Magical Malevolence
“You are dead. You do not have plot armor, apparently.” - The Narrator
//ahhhhh surprise! Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year!! Now, it is time to present… Magical Malevolence!! Thank you to everyone who participated! After all, we can’t have an essence without all of you :] keep an eye out for part two!! Curse the 10 photo limit!!
//The Voices and RED TEXT will appear in a reblog shortly! So, please wait for that post before reblogging!! Thank you <333 - Yami
S Skins:
“Mister Mushroom” and “Innocent Princess”
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Mister Mushroom: Angel Drew [ @idv-artists-trio ] | Innocent Princess: Yami Kazuichi [ @the-oletus-parlor ]
Essence + Shop A Tiers
“The Hero”, “The Storyteller” and “The Storyteller’s Voice; The Narrator”
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The Storyteller: Taegan Collins [ @idv-sinful-deities ] | The Storyteller’s Voice; The Narrator: Phineas Smith [ @idv-ask-the-showman ] | The Hero: Beatriz [ @traditional-dancer-idv ]
B Tiers
“Miss Sunshine”, “Miss Deer”, “Friendly Fox”, “Little Fairy”, and “Little Rose”
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Miss Sunshine: Kitty Nutella [ @idv-artists-trio ] | Miss Deer: Adelaide [ @ask-the-teacher-idv ] | Friendly Fox: Blindspot [ @ask-blindspot-aesop ] | Little Fairy: Beth Anastazja [ @ask-idv-baker ] | Little Rose: Luciana [ @ask-the-dummy ]
“Your childhood called. It wants it’s precious memories back, because this isn’t how this story is supposed to go.”
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freddie-foxs · 1 year
hi, i love your gifs! just out of curiosity how do you make them? i tried making a few just for fun and it just didn't work at all so i'd love to know your process 🙃
Thank you so much!
This is a long one, but I hope it answers the question. I have shown the processes in both Adobe photoshop (which I usually use) and photopea which is a free online photoshop tool.
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First of all, go to File and then hover over Import, then Video Frames to Layers
Once it's loaded, you should get a pop up like this:
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and then you just move the little arrows below the timeline until you have the section you want. The frame on the screen is what the bigger arrow points to. As you move the little ones around, it will show what the little one are on before snapping back to the big arrow. You don't need to have it perfect. You can always cut out the frames you don't want later.
Very important to note is to click on Limit To Every _ Frames and make sure the number is 2. Sometimes you have repeated frames and this is the quickest way to get rid of them. Repeated frames can create a much larger file size or a gif that stutters and pauses.
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Next, you cut the frames down as shown. You don't have to, but you can also remove the extra layers that you don't need.
Then it's the fun part. The editing.
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(the recording wouldn't show the editing tabs) Now you can change the brightness, the contrast, the colours. Anything you want. First, find a frame where the subject of the gif is in focus. Tip for using curves is to find the brightest and whitest part of the picture and use the eyedropper in curse to set that point to white. Then find the blackest part and make that black. (photopea does not appear to have this function, so you might just have to play around and hope for the best). In Hue/Saturation, modify the colours individually. This gif is of a character in front of a fire which throws off a yellow light. Increasing the contrast tens to saturate the colours. To see exactly what colours you are modifying, drag the saturation all the way up to see the colour. Then drag the slider down until you reach your desired result.
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Then you can crop as you want. Sometimes it will take a moment to load.
The next part is to sharpen the gif. You don't have to again. I have done many without sharpening, although sometimes the sharpening does make the gif better.
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First you need to convert the frame animation into a video timeline. There is a button in the corner of the timeline that looks like three bars with a pointer in the middle. It may pop up with a message, but just click OK.
Next, select all the layers including your editing layers. In the Filter tab, click Convert for Smart Filters. If a message pops up, click OK. This will condense all the layers into a single layer. You can check to make sure the animation still plays by pressing the space bar or by dragging the pointer along the timeline. You MUST convert it to a video timeline before converting for smart filters. If you don't, the animation will not play.
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Now, pull down the Filter tab again and go to Sharpen > Smart Sharpen.
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It will pop up with a tab that looks like this. ^ Drag this tab to the side of your screen so that you can see the gif as well. You can then play around the the amount and the radius until you reach something that works for you.
Photopea does not appear to do this either. I can't quite tell if the sharpening is working or not.
After that, you can add text or do further editing if needed. You can crop it again, whatever you like.
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To export as a gif, go to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). Alternatively, you can click Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S.
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It might take a minute to load. You should have this pop up. This is where I usually change the size. To post a gif or photo on Tumblr, your file needs to be 9.5MB. I know it tends to say 10, but every time I try to post a gif larger that 9.5MB, it would tell me it was too big.
I usually resize my gifs to a height of 450px. Sometime if the file size is very small (eg. <4MB) I will make it bigger. Just below your image on the left side is a number (eg. 29.4M). This is the file size. Once this number is below 9.5M, it is small enough to be posted on Tumblr.
Photopea does not have a timeline, so making a gif is a little different. I would also advise roughly cutting down you gif a a video editor so you roughly have what you want. You can still delete the layers.
Editing is the same as it is in photoshop.
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To export, go to File > Export as > GIF
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The gif will start playing. You can modify the speed, the size, rename it etc. Then just click save and it will download.
These are the gifs made.
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These first two were made in photoshop, the last in photopea.
To conclude, photoshop produces clearer higher quality gifs, but is also very expensive. Photopea can produce gifs that are equally usable, although the quality might be lower.
Photoshop also provides more freedom with the gif. You can make two separate gifs and put them together after converting to a timeline, adding the smart filter and copying and pasting one of them onto the other.
I am perfectly happy to provide more tutorials for gifmaking. Just drop by my ask box.
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spamton-addison · 1 year
okay all the questions I can think of before I have to leave
1 general backstory overview?
2 pronouns?
3 favorite food, movie, snack, book, and person?
4 an object they really like
5 sexual/romantic orientation(s)?
6 how many friends do they have?
7 cursed by the visions or doomed by the narrative
8 are you interested in maybe them hanging out with my characters sometime maybe…….
9 does their name have a meaning?
10 are they yours or did you revamp them? (Or are they just a blorbo?)
11 do they like rain?
12 favorite tv show
13 old television colorbars? Yes or no?
14 touch tone telephone or rotary dial phone?
15 why do they stand out to you so much?
16 I am out of ideas. I will send more if I think of them and pls keep writing if you’d like/can
1. sale is the oldest sibling of the addison family (hes 28 usually, but around 24 in some aus . hes always the oldest sibling though) he was happy once and then his best friend got cucked by a capitalist bastard which caused him to completely shut down emotionally in some fucked up misguided attempt to protect himself and his siblings from further harm its a whole thing . he is constantly overworking himself in order to avoid thinking about what happens and refuses to let himself cry ever
2. pronouns are he/him this man is CIS
3. favourite food: nothing i can think of specifically but he used to really like sour things and meat . he hates beef specifically though
favourite movie: he doesnt give himself time to watch anything recreationally. he probably wouldve liked deadpool/deadpool 2 if hed ever watched them though (sorry. my movie knowledge is limited and im projecting)
favourite snack: coffee is not a snack but it is to him . he probably ate coffee beans before the horrors as a joke
favourite book: he doesnt give himself time to read but he probably would like fantasy books . think like the dragon stones trilogy or eragon . also maybe the hunger games
favourite person: thatd either be his (missing) best friend Loveluck, his sibling Reverb (in aus where reverb exists) or his sibling Radio (in aus where radio exists)
4. he has this one specific pen that hes used for years and never throws away . he would rather spend a fuck ton of money getting ink specifically for this one pen than just buy a ton of new ones cheap . it is his favourite pen . otherwise he has a photo of him and his siblings he keeps in his room, but hes kept it facedown since the horrors (it hurts to look at)
5. hes aroace :D
6. anywhere between zero and maybe three . depends on the au
7. doomed by the narrative but also the narrative wants to save him . he is dead set on dooming himself . but also he suffers in nearly every au so i think that counts as doomed by the narrative
8. he doesnt get out much anymore and is kind of mean to most people but ABSOLUTELY . young sale (pre shutdown) is tolerable and a fun guy to be around probably
9. take a wild guess what the name Sale could possibly mean/silly
10. sale is my oc but he was Supposed to just be a generic yellow addison to act as the scapegoat . it got a little out of hand and now hes my everything
11. ya he likes the rain its grounding . when it rains is like the only time he lets himself take a break from work because he can just focus on the white noise of the rain . its nice to him . rain is actually one of the few things he likes now that he Didnt like before
12. he hates like everything to do with tv shows . probably the pokemon anime
13. possibly
14. touch tone . he has a personal vendetta against rotary dial phones
16. sale has like. two main character arcs to me, regardless of au . notably being his first arc, in which he digs himself into a terribly awfully deep hole, and his second arc being then realising he wants to get Out of it again . although in the aus where he Does get to heal he is never the same as he was before it all, he still heals and gets to move on with his life . even if it takes him literal years to get to a point where he can even start .
despite how poor his circumstances are (largely by his own fault but caused by the disappearance of loveluck) and despite how hard it is for him to keep going every day he never wants to die . he wants this hell to end but he doesnt want that end to be by dying . he wants to live . he wishes he still could . but he is so scared and he lets that fear control him and that is why he so routinely makes the shittiest decisions . he is trying his best but his best right now is terrible because of how centred he is on avoiding the past .
he means so much to me
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
That Time I was All In: Written Review
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Less than 24 hours ago I was in a record-breaking event, among 81K other wrestling fans and my first ever live wrestling show. So I'm gonna detail my time at the event in segments. We shall start with the general experience here, and then I will put as many photos as I can put within Tumblr limits (which means I may have to spread it out a few days) that I took from my phone which aren't absolute crap or obscured by flailing hands, signs and foam fingers XD
I will try to pair them in the hashtag #danwhosallin
[pictures p1: Boxpark] [pictures p2: Zero Hour 1] [pictures p3: Zero Hour 2] [pictures p4: Main Card 1] [pictures p5: Main Card 2] [pictures p6: Main Card 3] [pictures p7: Main Card 4] [pictures p8: Main Card 5] [pictures p9: Main Card 6] [pictures p10: Main Card 7] [pictures p11: Misc]
So without further ado, let's talk about my experience.
My journey to Wembley started on Saturday morning. I had purchased to attend the Box Park party, promised to have meet & greet, early access merch and a £10 voucher for food and drink. Problem however is that I don't live too near to London, and I had only ever been to Wembley once for an England football game vs Montenegro - which much to our disappointment was a direly boring 0-0 draw, so I had to leave for a 7:48 train, I came out the wrong stop where it ate up my ticket and had to walk to the box park, and I was met with a familiar British custom.
It may be associated with Brits but we fucking hate queuing, we just uphold a level of decorum when it comes to cutting in, this queue was like an advanced game of Snake, every time you went around a bend there was another bend, then right at Wembley rampway there was zigzag queues, you got wristbands then zigzagged more just to get into the building and: more queues!
All this queuing sadly meant I could hear but missed Jericho, Bryan and the Acclaimed addressing the crowd while in the queue, but I made it in for Tony Schiavone - prompted to curse by RJ City, Lethal and Satnam doing Woos, Jarrett struts and a Macho Man impression, Nigel McGuinness doing some Derren Brown magic with Singh and Lethal (picked the smallest woman in the crowd to lift and neither could lift after the trick) and then Jarrett and Karen doing a Q&A. The Q&A was pretty insightful actually, he talked about mental health, a Terry Funk story, Grado teases, his hatred of Hogan, he outwardly confronted a guy who asked Karen who was better in bed between him and Angle. Hobbs was also in the building, I spotted him when queuing to the merch stand, Aubrey was doing an AEW Heels table too and Rosario Grillo & Dean Alexander (The Young Bucks' 'stunt double' were outside taking a break). There was also an action figure box to pose in, and I did a photo with Lethal and Satnam, the dude is fucking massive, I had to pose with 2 other strangers for time reasons and that was it. If I'm honest I probably wouldn't do it again, you queue more than you explore.
That experience led me to arrive to Wembley on Sunday much earlier, I got there about 2:30, an hour before doors will open. I had an overpriced ice cream that would unwittingly be the last thing I ate for 23 hours and slowly soaked in the surroundings; cosplay, various shirts from AEW and other companies (the guy in the Hana Kimura shirt behind commentary was on my train), there were a pair in full Bret and Bulldog cosplay too. I noticed the Cultaholic guys by their logo and they offered to interview me on 4 questions, though I am a little embarrassed by some of my answers, I said that Rey Mysterio was the most underrated wrestler given how much he overcame, which is still a statement I maintain but if I were asked again I would probably say the most underrated is Malenko, a great technician who never got his flowers. Also a slight addendum since while I would have Chad Gable in AEW like I said I'd probably pick Io Shirai ahead of him.
Regardless, a few steps forward soaking things in I found myself in the path of a woman with her phone up dressed in purple, I wasn't sure if it was a vlog or a panoramic picture but then I realised something:
Oh shit that's Emi Sakura
Had I been half a bit braver I probably would've asked her for a photo, but seeing her taking it in as a fan - alongside Lulu, Mei was apparently at the event but I didn't see her - made me reconsider, wrestlers are people too.
Getting into the stadium was weird, they had me queue at Turnstile G, but I had to go all the way to Turnstile C's area to reach the block I'd enter through. The fact that my wristband said 'Pitch Access' made me realise how grossly I had underestimated my closeness to the ring. I just had to soak that in too, I was on the pitch, four rows from ringside! People were still coming in halfway into the pre-show, that just showed how much were coming.
Attending a wrestling event also had its pros and cons. When the Pre-Show started we could only see the matches, all the packages and interviews done by Renee and Kip were not shown to us, which is a major shame and also kept us out of loop such as people cheering far back and not knowing that's RJ interviewing audience members, and even though there's a chance of getting on tv there's also the chance that people with signs and foam fingers will get in the way of your FOV especially when they feel the camera's on them 90% of the time. Security would also keep asking us to sit down at times, something the ringside seats seemed exempt from, meaning anything outside the ring couldn't really be seen unless on a time delay on the screen. I also felt like the bass of the crowd noise wasn't pitchside, we were chanting and loud but not as loud at it would seem on a tv screen, much of that would've came from the stands (given the larger amount of people there) but it made it hard to hear. But on the other side you get to see the downtime stuff too, so we got to cheer for Tony, Justin, Bryce, Aubrey and Hobbs before the cameras rolled, I also spotted Whatculture's Simon Miller to massive surprise (Oku and Leon Slater were also among the security beaten by Miro and Hobbs).
Pre-show was good, but since we were only privy to the matches it was a bit quiet, part of me thought the Hobbs stuff was just for the attendees, it irked me that no women's match was on either; could've put Emi in a 10 woman tag with Nyla, Bunny, Penelope and Taya vs faces like Itoh (since she's facing Nyla for TJPW), Sky Blue, Riho, maybe even Billie and Athena. Or could've just had a 4-way of Ruby, Diamante, Willow and Mercedes Martinez to determine the TBS title contender. Still, people were into it, Grado made his much teased appearance - no Like a Prayer though - Cole and MJF actually won the ROH tag titles, and HOOK and Jack Perry put on a nice little no rules match which saw Jack get scraped up pretty good by the real glass - I only heard about the altercation this morning, I don't really have thoughts on it - but it was a matter that the 2 hours could've offered more wrestling, even if it was unaired matches for the audience not seeing the promos. Mercedes Moné appeared on the tron 3 times, but each time I grabbed my phone to snap a photo the screen moved away, leading to me cursing each time XD Also TK promotions of the Fulham game and Jacksonville Jaguars games were met with loud boos, it was hilarious.
From the main card though it was just all fun and entertainment. Watching wrestling live is a bit slower, but fan engagement does make it more enjoyable. Wembley was 90% Samoa Joe territory, and while that opened the door for some Punk shithousery with Cena and Hogan moves we all knew he was keeping his X Division unofficial belt. In fact the biggest pop he got was simply hovering around a trans rights sign, but make no mistake people are cheering the sign in that case. It surprised me that the Elite matches came straight after, the trios match was good but it never hit full gear, we kept trying to will the Golden Elite on but their momentum often got stifled. That being said, shit does Takeshita and Ibushi hit each other hard, you could see them rattling their opponents, the Gunns were also quite entertaining at ringside but the finish caught us all by surprise. The Bucks/FTR match was good, it was a slow burner and the Bucks' streamers stuck to the scaffolding for the rest of the night but as much as the audience were Anti-Punk and Pro-Kenny they weren't exactly Pro-Bucks either, also chants of 'Please don't shoot me' for Cash was a bit tongue in cheek.
Stadium Stampede may not have been everyone's cup of tea, and alas I didn't get the pleasure of seeing someone obliterated at my feet, but dammit it was one of my favourite matches. The BCC walked down a few rows away from me, but people were swarming to them so I didn't bother trying there. I could spot Kingston up in the stands brawling with Claudio, and while yes there were some botches and unwilling equipment, there were a lot of fun and brutal spots, including Penta hitting some chair shots that did not look like they were protected (maybe a gimmicked chair?). And Eddie is fucking over, that man will destroy the metaphorical roof when he becomes world champion. The women's match was fun too, lots of good wrestling there, however between the Buck's Freddie Mercury gear and Saraya coming out to We Will Rock You I did again think back to Emi Sakura missing out, and other people using her shtick. As much as the crowd loved it I also was a bit let down that Saraya won, because there was little reason to put the title on Shida in the end - and I was really hoping Shida could retain in a PPV in front of a crowd for once - but to their credit they did build Saraya's face turn well in the match, the PTO/Curb Stomp combo to Toni was pretty awesome too.
The Coffin match was fun, I actually expected more interference, but there were a lot of hefty bumps. English Oak tables too sturdy to break once though we'd find, as Sting needed two attempts to send Swerve through it. Sting was a lot of fun here, Swerve was great too and his blue robe was pretty awesome. Jericho/Ospreay though, fuck what a match that was; we have to start considering Ospreay as one the best in the world because he keeps on delivering. I never had doubts that Jericho could put on this performance at the big stage, his snap rana caught me by surprise though, and while he is no Freddie (who is?) his Fozzy entrance was fun, surprised Sammy didn't turn either it felt like we were gonna linger on it. The Trios title was good too, good on Julia - who like the other HoB members rocked the white outfit, and the Bray lantern - for taking a bump too. Wembley loves the Acclaimed but we also loved us some Brody 'woof' King, right result in the end too and maybe a HoB face turn or at least a show of respect, it definitely set us up for the big finale.
And what a finale, fans were high on both but it was Adam Cole who played the heel for most of the match, the absolutely grisly brainbuster on the edge of the steps, but the dramatic tension was palpable throughout. It was the right move not to turn either too, and the draw fakeout too was great for fan engagement, we ate it all up, and news that they'll come back next year was met with much approval and confetti - some of which I grabbed for keepsakes. TK even came into the ring to close the night, no boos there.
After the show I hovered around to find Simon Miller's live Ups & Downs show, you can only see me briefly because we were all squished like sardines, the girls chanting for Willow was by my suggestion though, but after the recording Simon was nice enough to see us all and to do photos. It was a late and long travel back because it was a lot of last calls for trains (last calls that lasted 2 minutes), very tight, very warm, then I slept for 5 hours XD Airbeds suck y'know?
So yeah, a long weekend but a great show. Even the best show isn't perfect of course but that doesn't subtract it from being great. All in 2024 will be different however, the first time can carry on being the first time, but the second will depend on the card. But the fans were still great, signs and obstruction aside it's not like they mean it, many of them were very friendly, so it was all a good time.
Match of the Night: For me it's the main event just edging Stadium Stampede and Ospreay/Jericho, the story won out in investment Best Entrance: Jericho with the Fozzy entrance for me, Saraya's was nice with her family and Jack Perry in the limo was decent but Jericho takes the best one easily Best Attire: Toughest one to pick because of how many good ones there were but the one that stuck with me was Swerve's blue robe Best Performance: Ospreay for wrestling, Cole and MJF for storytelling Spot of the Night: Adam Cole's Brainbuster on MJF on the steps, it was a spot where you had to be inch perfect because it was right on the line of the steps, and MJF sold it like he was murdered
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