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mitsunuuuun · 5 months ago
#おうちごはん #CurryFriedRice #PotatoCroquettes
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detroitpigout · 3 years ago
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Love this place open during Covid business is booming. Just opened dining room for very first time how cool. Today Peanut Noodle n Chicken Medium Heat right at my highest level. So good only 10 Bucks could only eat half. My 4th visit since open. They have 2 other locations in Commerce and West Bloomfield. HOT n New another faboulus Thai place Downriver bottom of the hill next to Lowe's tucked in the corner. Owners have another location open almost a decent very popular as I believe this one will be also. One only for take out hopefully in November don't room will open. Got both the Thai Tom Soups Definitely Delicious *TOM YUM -Thai’s favorite soup with straw mushrooms, tomato, lime leaves, lemongrass, lemon juice, and a touch of chili paste. Topped with green onion and cilantro. *TOM KHA -Coconut soup with limes leaves, lemongrass, and lemon juice. Topped with green onion and cilantro Kha so addictive very best ever eaten I buying 2 next visit a must try OMG. Had the great dish mega portion CURRY FRIED RICE -Fried rice with eggs, onions, pineapples, tomato, cashew nuts, and curry powder. Ordered medium at the top of my heat level next time mild so I can share with family. Actually a perfect meal for 2 on 19 bucks. Find them on Facebook Yelp and Google a Website too Enjoy. #spicybangkokcafe #tomyumsoup #tomkhasoup #curryfriedrice #thaifood #downriverfriendseat #motorcitymunchers @spicybangkokcafe (at Spicy Bangkok Café) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc8zMWNPCwD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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idben · 4 years ago
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我只有「每天晚餐可以這樣吃然後不會胖」這樣微小而卑微的願望。 #dinner #curry #curryfriedrice (在 國立臺北教育大學 National Taipei University of Education) https://www.instagram.com/p/CInTLwjrbAI/?igshid=14d82kjhqcnu3
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carolestars · 5 years ago
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#nofilter #dinner #lemonjuice🍋 #curryfriedrice #irridescent #colorsoffood #homecooking #mykichen https://www.instagram.com/p/B8YmyGFBSw0/?igshid=rebe08dyayh4
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aktoshi · 6 years ago
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Today's lunch. Curry fried rice. カレー炒飯 #todayslunch #lunch 実家のGohan #jikkanogohan #friedrice #curryfriedrice #nagoya (実家のGohan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B23Cp4_lfej/?igshid=1lgodb1wfgm5c
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cherryching317 · 7 years ago
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簡簡單單整個蕃茄炒蛋加個咖哩炒飯算啦。。。。聽晚罷工先得🤨🤨🤨😎😎😎 Don't really want to cook tonight!!!! Make simple curry fried rice and fried egg with tomato. Need to take off as #cherryTheChef for a week🙄🙄🙄 #cherryTheChef #friedEggWithTomato #curryFriedRice
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theandysan · 8 years ago
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Sneak peek at an upcoming video/lunch :D #KimchiFriedCurryRice #kimchi #friedrice #curryfriedrice (at Portage, Michigan)
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andikahasta-blog · 8 years ago
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Ayo masak .. nasi goreng bumbu curry with sambel jeletet .. Gurih di suapan awal, kemudian pedas ketika dikunyah.. #apalah #ayomasak #nasigoreng #friedrice #curry #curryfriedrice..
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anvilcustoms · 6 years ago
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Bangkok Day 4: Lady’s & Gentlemen.....save your pennies, pack a bag, book a ticket, travel the world. . I started today like the previous 3...a call home to talk with my girls. I miss those 3 so much. A 12 hour difference so you can imagine. Then coffee, then I hopped in the #tuktuk and headed towards #WatPho, the #RecliningBuddha. . The #RoyalPalace is within walking distance, I visited there first. Instant JawDropitis.....stunning to say the least. More on that later. Onto Wat Pho I went, again, I was absolutely floored by the preservation of antiquity and the reverence locals have to the surrounding Temples & Shrines....you’ll see later. PS: The Pants. More on those later....but I was stopped at the Royal Gate of the Royal Palace by the Royal Army because bare legs are forbidden...so I bought these pants from a street hustler lady for 100 baht. 👖 . I currently sitting in air conditioning eating lunch. Well, actually 3 lunches. I ordered #padthai, #curryfriedrice and #cashewchicken (after I was born & raised in the Cashew Chicken Capitol of the World.....more on my food likings later! . After lunch, I head riverside, to hop a boat for a long tour along the shoreline. I can hop off & back on as much as I want for about 8 baht ($0.25 cents US). Oh, my 3 lunches totaled $7 US....you’re welcome. . Blessings from #Bangkok! I hope everyone back home is good and healthy! I love you all! Stay positive and do yourself RIGHT! ➖ #RyanTheAnvil http://bit.ly/2J8eb4v www.anvilcustoms.com
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downtoearthfood · 8 years ago
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Free Samples of #curryfriedrice @kaispiceshawaii at #DTEKapolei today 😋 #eathealthybehappy http://ift.tt/2odZ24s
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detroitpigout · 4 years ago
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HOT n New another faboulus Thai place Downriver bottom of the hill next to Lowe's tucked in the corner. Owners have another location open almost a decent very popular as I believe this one will be also. One only for take out hopefully in November don't room will open. Got both the Thai Tom Soups Definitely Delicious *TOM YUM -Thai’s favorite soup with straw mushrooms, tomato, lime leaves, lemongrass, lemon juice, and a touch of chili paste. Topped with green onion and cilantro. *TOM KHA -Coconut soup with limes leaves, lemongrass, and lemon juice. Topped with green onion and cilantro Kha so addictive very best ever eaten I buying 2 next visit a must try OMG. Had the great dish mega portion CURRY FRIED RICE -Fried rice with eggs, onions, pineapples, tomato, cashew nuts, and curry powder. Ordered medium at the top of my heat level next time mild so I can share with family. Actually a perfect meal for 2 on 19 bucks. Find them on Facebook Yelp and Google a Website too Enjoy. #spicybangkokcafe #tomyumsoup #tomkhasoup #curryfriedrice #thaifood #downriverfriendseat #motorcitymunchers (at Spicy Bangkok Café) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGV07R8ATGG/?igshid=mutx8pjtuiiv
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tararinethaicuisine · 4 years ago
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Saturday Brunch Curry Fried Rice and Egg on Top. Delicious. We are open for DineIn too now. ⠀ #curryfriedrice #thaicuisine #eggontop #saturdaybrunch (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKrf7D7j8wk/?igshid=110onf5i87zgx
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reason-tobe-blog · 7 years ago
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Stewed chicken in Pekini sauce ♥ #stewedchicken #Pekinisauce #friedrice #noodles #curryfriedrice #dzinchaotbilisi #chinesecuisine @dzinchao (at Dzin Chao ძინ ჩაო)
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sugar113 · 9 years ago
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Quick lunch made with leftovers in the fridge :) #curryfriedrice #kimchitofu #mixveggiesoup #sofullnow (Osaka, Japan)
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tararinethaicuisine · 5 years ago
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Curry Fried rice for Lunch. #curryfriedrice (at Fort Collins, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmj_GWjgLM/?igshid=1gsawlfwdg7hn
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