#currently it is ~6000 words and nowhere near done
somekindofsentience · 7 months
posting tiny snippets of fanfic until someone finds it interesting and i am motivated to finish it, part 1
content warning: self harm.
At least 46,656.
Oar dipped into murky, purple waters as Kel pushed himself along the river. How many times had he travelled through this exact spot, in this odd, hand-whittled canoe? He couldn't remember.
46,656 universes. Maybe more. Hopefully more.
Eerie, white light streamed in from the… ceiling? Roof? Could it be the Sun? 
He didn't think this place had a Sun.
But he supposed it didn't really matter.
He pulled himself towards the shore, which was made of an opaque salmon crystal, and pulled his dull, orange canoe onto the bank. He dragged it to one of the many coral-like plants, each brightly coloured with pastel pink, orange, green, and laid it along the plant’s pointy edges to dry. 
Kel sat down, feeling the hard, cool ground beneath him.
He turned his eyes to the fleshy, pink walls surrounding the water. They stood high above him, making him seem like a small bug tasked with climbing a mountain, beating with obscure, lifelike movement. Their ribbed texture reminded Kel of cutting slices of ham with a jagged kitchen knife. 
Ham sandwiches. 
The walls themselves seemed to hold their breath.
Kel hesitated. He had tried not to think about this.
How many times had he watched Hero-
Kel put a hand over his mouth, his head spun around, the world began to cave in, heavy smoke filled his lungs, he couldn't breathe, he was dying, he was dying, he was-
Kel stuck his hand into his pocket and grabbed forcefully onto the edge of his knife.
He took a deep breath in as the blood dripped down his fingers. Calmness enveloped him.
Sure, it was an unhealthy way to cope, but what else was he supposed to do? Talk about his feelings to the open air? Wait for comfort no-one would give him? Waste time letting a panic attack occur?
Fast relief was far more important than worrying over his mental health. He had things to do.
Kel pulled a wrap of white bandages out of his pocket and pulled some around his bleeding hand, leaning back on the pulsating wall. He dipped his knife into the river, and pulled it out completely clean.
The light began to fade, and Kel realised he wouldn’t be able to travel to the Forest tonight. 
I'll have to set up camp.
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theduckofindeed · 8 months
Chapter 1 of My Sun and Moon Fanfic is Almost Done!
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about a fanfic I’m writing about Sun and Moon from FNAF: Security Breach.  I’ve really been struggling with the story’s opening, but I’m finally starting to make some progress there, so getting this story published in the “near” future is starting to look more and more likely.
Chapter 1 has now been relocated to much later in the story.  So chapter 2 has become the new chapter 1, and I’m rather proud of how it’s coming along.  I want to be careful to avoid filler and make sure that every scene progresses the story, and I’ve managed to pack a decent amount of detail into that first chapter.  Oh, and chapter 1 is already over 6000 words, but there’s nowhere to break it in half!  We start at a very logical opening, Sun’s first day at the Daycare.  Splitting that in half would be weird.
Just gotta get this first section done (maybe spanning a month?), and then I should feel more comfortable publishing chapters.  I’m just struggling a bit because some of the scenes I have planned don’t have a clear order, chronologically speaking.  Especially at first, as Sun is just doing his day-to-day job, so there are plenty of things that could happen in any order.  Instead, I have to figure out which scenes serve my current purpose of progressing more abstract themes…not sure if that makes sense, but I think that explains why I’m having a harder time writing this story than I have others.  I have roughly four things that must be established during this first section of the story.  But now that chapter 1 is close to being done, I should at least have a very solid foundation from which to continue.
Last of all, I wanted to mention that the story is more or less going to be strictly from Sun’s POV.  Except for the original chapter 1, which was relocated for a reason.  At first, Sun isn’t going to be quite as we remember him in the game.  He’s still a new AI and has yet to fully learn how to communicate with humans without coming off as, well, robotic.  But worry not, for soon enough, he will grow into the Sun we all know and love!  It will take a bit more time for Moon to appear in the story, but I’ve already written a lot of future scenes starring the both of them, and I’m liking my interpretation of Moon so far.
So my next order of business: continue the story’s opening and decide on a proper title and summary!
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suzukiblu · 3 years
current projects’ current progress:
next Avamorphs (8600/6000)
warlord!Geralt (4900/5000)
“atlantean sex ed” sequel (2000/2000)
“it’s good to be young” epilogue (3000/1000)
Yennefer accidental baby acquisition (8500/3000)
FTH Good Omens fic (8400/10000)
omega!Darcy (300/2000)
trans!Geraskier (4100/????)
mermaid!Jaskier (11200/????)
bruxa!Jaskier (2700/????)
clay kids (33000/?????)
Knocked a couple commissions off the list, posted the next "mad elephants", and got some additional word count on top of that, so yay for progress/posting. Didn't actually keep track of how much I specifically wrote but it was a decent chunk so I'm pleased. Might be done for the day now, though, we'll just have to see.
God, some of these are getting REAL long for still being nowhere near done, haha whoops. Whoops!!
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notyourprettyboyxo · 7 years
Summer Days
I’m writing a currently 6000+ word Billy Hargrove x Henderson!Reader fanfic. More than likely it’ll be a lot more. I’m nowhere near done.
You were spending the summer with your brother in Hawkins. Your first time back in the small town for the last nine years. You were done school in California and just looking for some fun. You didn’t count on your ex, who’d moved away last year, to be there though.
If you want to be tagged, let me know! I’ll update this as I post chapters.
Can also follow the tag ‘ SummerDays Oddlittlewriter ‘
Enjoy and let me know what you think!
 1 2 3 4
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Series (Dean/Sam)
Dean Prompts Mini-Masterlist
1-120– Prompts for these are listed on another post, and the titles of each completed part contain the links to that part. I’m nowhere near done with these, but I have about 25 up currently.
Christmas Drabbles Mini-Masterlist
1-25--Prompts for these are tagged in another post, and the titles of each completed part have the links to those parts.
The Stand-In [Dean Winchester]:
Series Masterlist– Firefighter!Dean finds the Reader after being stood up on a blind date, and a blossoming relationship forms. She hated blind dates, but little did she know, this would be her last one.
Professor Winchester [Sam Winchester]:
Series Masterlist--Professor!Sam is a new teacher fresh out of his degree, and Reader is one of his students. Will a forbidden relationship form between the two of them? It takes a semester, but the answer might just be yes.
Professor Winchester [Dean Winchester]:
Series Masterlist--Professor!Dean hires a new TA for the year, and Reader gets a chance to see a side of him that most people don’t. Can he help her to learn how to have fun in the nightmare that is her college career? We’ll see. 
Dean Stories:
It Wasn’t Hard– It isn’t hard to fall in love, especially with Dean Winchester. This is a short drabble showing that.
Just Like Daddy– Daddy!Dean talks with one of his daughters about always being there for her younger sister. Somewhere along the way, gardening gets put aside and some dragons are turned into princesses.
Nicknames–Dean finally finds the perfect nickname for his girlfriend… After a lot of trial and error. Sam is partially scarred by what he sees.
It’ll Be Okay, Babe--Reader is pregnant with her first child and is worried about what type of parents her and Dean will be. Dean reassures her that they’ll be great and cleans the baby’s room...Again.
I Know a Secret--Reader finds a little somethin’ somethin’ on Sam’s laptop after drinking some and has a nice chat with Dean about it.
Why Didn’t I?--This is pure angst based on the song “Marry Me” by Thomas Rhett. 
His Rut (A/B/O)--Alpha!Dean is going through his rut, and his Omega decides to help him through it. It’s 6000 words of filthy smut for all you A/B/O lovers out there.
The Harsh Reality--This one’s a slightly angsty drabble about how you can’t always get what you want in life, and sometimes you have to move on with it anyways.
Working On It--Dean can be a little insensitive sometimes, but he’s working on it.
Sam Stories:
If I Were There– Sam calls the reader and some phone smut describing what he would do ensues, prompting the title, “If I Were There.”
It has to be Perfect (A/B/O)– Nesting and scenting are present in this fic, including Alpha!Sam and an Omega!Reader preparing their room for a baby.
The Nightly Routine– Getting a routine down for a second child isn’t hard, but waking up in the middle of the night to care for a screaming infant is. Daddy!Sam and reader take care of their children in this one.
Yes, Goddamn It– Thoughts of unrequited love are present for a moment here. Sam is hurt and the Reader takes it upon herself to care for him, and in doing so, some questions arise about if there really is something between them.
This Moment– A brief drabble cataloging just a short but meaningful moment in the reader’s life with Sam.
You Should Wear Those More Often– Reader has a Glasses!Kink and Sam wearing glasses doesn’t help. This is just over 4000 words of smut, though there is some semblance of a plot line. In the end, Sam finds that maybe he himself might just have a Glasses!Kink.
Watching the Time Go By-- This was an entry for impala-dreamer’s OP4A challenge. The prompt was, “I promise, I won’t let go.” If you know me, you know I’m a sucker for Daddy!Sam and Mama!Reader so here you go.
My Love--Sculptor!Sam is entering an art expo and Reader is his muse. It’s a lot of fluff and first time feelings in this one.
A Little Less Wise--Another little drabble about having some wisdom teeth get pulled out, inspired by my own wisdom teeth removal.
Cas Stories:
I’m Impressed– Cas and the Reader are about to get down when something turns the moment from sweet and loving to wary and cautious. Don’t worry, I’m a sucker for happy endings so it gets resolved pretty quickly. There’s no actual smut in this one, though.
It’s Valentine’s Day (Part 1)-- I entered a Valentine’s Day thing with Chelsea and Beka. This is part 1 of the Cas fic I wrote for my Valentine.
It’s Valentine’s Day (Part 2)--Part 2 of the above fic.
The Call of the Wild Burrito (Jared and Jensen)– Reader is part of the cast with Jensen and Jared, and together they journey to hunt an invisible demon. Wait, was that sulfur or just Jared’s ass?
Blue-Eyed Jensen Ackles, Anyone?--This is just a lovely pic I edited a little when discussing a blue-eyed Jensen Ackles with my friend.
The Spell--Dean and Cas get hit by a spell that turns them into three year olds. Sam is left to take care of them and figure out the witch situation, and he realizes that toddlers are a force to be reckoned with.
UPDATED 8/8/18
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dramallamadingdang · 8 years
emeraldfalconsims replied to your photo
“You know…I think Sandy Bruty might be a little bit insane. All during...”
You know, it occurs to me that with the way sim genetics work and the way you've set up the experiment, you have a very real possibility of breeding some hair/eye/skin colors right out of the population entirely.
Oh, I think that’s inevitable, actually. Partly, it’s because of my “selection bias” from the start, in that I knew I was going to have four specific characters in the mix -- Goopy, Sandy, Ben, and Komei -- because they’re my favorite pre-made Sims. They, unfortunately, have lots of “duplicate” genes between them -- 2 S1s, 2 S2s, 2 blond(e)s, 3 with light blue eyes, etc. Then, for the other four, it was a conscious attempt to bring in all the other genetic traits (and I succeeded in that I’ve got an S3, an S4, and all the hair/eye colors represented, although I’m a bit light on dominant genes...which actually might be good thing) while also not duplicating face templates, having four of each sex, AND trying to represent all 5 aspirations available in the game. It was difficult, and I didn’t actually succeed with the aspirations, as I had no Popularity Sim. But I’ve fixed that in the Horde of Nine. Not deliberately, though, since I did end up randomly assigning aspirations. Anyway, those biases resulted in a rather limited gene pool where certain traits have a high chance of propagation while others have little chance.
So, all that said:
I'm pretty sure green eyes are going to die out quickly. They're recessive and only Andrea Hogan has them and she's been one of the weakest breeders of the bunch. To date, she's only had two children, and the non-alien one has his father's light blue eyes. Both her kids likely have recessive green genes, but those might not ever be expressed in their own offspring. We'll see what the second born-in-game generation brings...
For that same reason and because of how skin genetics work in the game, S4 skin might go fairly quickly, too...although it'll be helped by the fact that I only have default replacement skins in the game, no custom gene-expanding skintones. So, an S4 parent breeding with an S3 would have a 50% chance of having an S4 kid...but of course not nearly so high a chance if they breed with an S1. Sooooo, we'll have to see how Andrea's one non-alien kid, who's also S4, breeds and, more importantly, with whom he breeds. I'm pretty sure that'll be the only other kid Andrea has, besides Elizabeth the alien kid, as she's nearing the age where conception is impossible.
S3 could possibly be weak because only Orlando has it, and it can easily be "diluted" by breeding with lighter-skinned Sims...which is all that he's done, so far. Although one of those kids does have S3, so...
Brandi has gray eyes, also recessive, but she's breeding well with multiple partners, so I'm pretty sure those genes have been spread around enough to last for a while, at least as a recessive that might pop up randomly.
Red hair might not last long. Of the original bunch, only Komei has it, and the double-redhead alien kid of his (GUESS WHICH ONE?) likely won't be breeding. But, if I'm remembering right, I think it's possible for two blond(e) parents to have a redhead kid out of nowhere. I could be remembering wrong, though. Also, Komei, to date, has had kids with four different partners, only one of whom was also a redhead, so there's lots of recessive redheads around. If they breed with the multitude of blond(e)s and blond(e)-recessives, red might be OK. I hope so. :)
Sooooo, in the end, it's looking like I'm probably going to end up with a bunch of folks with:
The alien, S1, or S2 skin tone 
Alien or light blue eyes
Blond(e) hair, because of Ben and Sandy and their double-recessive-in-all-traits kids. Plus Marisa who had an alien kid with the blond-haired pollinator... with whom Sandy also had TWINS!) Lots of blond(e) genes floating around! (But at least I fixed Andrea's genes so that her genetic hair color is indeed black, not blonde. *eye roll* )
Also a good amount of brown hair, thanks to Brandi, Orlando, and the brown-haired PT, with whom Brandi had two kids.
ANYWAY! This is all very interesting to me for non-Simming reasons, too. (Warning: Lampooning creationism and a bit of politics ahead...)
I like engaging young-Earth Creationists (those who believe that the Earth is about 6000 years old because Genesis is a science book) in discussion/debate. They will often talk about "genetic information" by saying that evolution is impossible because it "requires an increase in genetic information, and that's impossible." (Even though it doesn't require such an increase in "information," -- whatever that is -- AND it's also not impossible to increase "information" -- if information = alleles -- anyway, via mutation. But that's all beside the point when it comes this.)
Anyway, I like to ask them to explain how post-Flood world human repopulation works from a genetic point of view. Since “genetic information can’t increase” and the Bible says that only Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives survived the Flood and no one else, you start with only 4 people of each sex (which I did, too). You also (presumably) limit them to holy monogamous matrimony, so only four possible breeding pairs (which I didn't do with my 8, so I have 16 possible breeding pairs). Also, the Bible's sample is limited not just to 8 people from the same ethnic background but the four men are a father and three sons (thus making 3 of the 8 starting individuals virtually genetically identical unless they were born to different mothers and...oh, hey, I did kind of duplicate that with Ben, Sandy, and Marisa! Go me!) So, from that, how on Earth do you account for the "increase in genetic information" required to have the sort of genetically-diverse human population we see now?
To date, I've gotten three answers:
"Goddidit" from those who have no other answer, which is always the answer when they can't answer a question. 
"Well, there might have been more people that survived somewhere" from those who don't perhaps realize that's not Biblical-literal at all, and also means that Godly genocidal global flood they love so much wasn't quite so global after all, so there goes their entire house of cards because the global Flood hypothesis is downright central to their entire theory...using that word in the non-scientific sense, of course.
And, my favorite, from those who tie themselves in knots so as not to invoke God in their creationist rhetoric in order to appear more "This isn't religion at all! It's science that ought to be taught in place of -- I mean, alongside of eviolution in public schools, all in the interest of ‘fairness!’" in their stance: "Those 8 people had 'more genes' to start with." Which, of course, means that 1) They have absolutely no idea what genes are or how they work and 2) Even if they were somehow right, then Noah and his family clearly weren't human, so...What? Humans as we know them today evolved (Or maybe "devolved," in their minds) practically overnight from those 8 super-non-humans even though God never said anything about creating any super-non-humans and, if he had, then the super-non-humans would all trace their lineage back to Adam and Even and they would be the ones made in God’s image, not us? But even if that was the case, then losing that extra "information" over time  -- in order to somehow allow for humans with non-Israelite genetics -- ought to result in increasingly less diversity, not more, so...Yeah.
It's just so entertaining! (Well, except for the part where this is what the current administration as well as the newly-confirmed Secretary of Education would like to see taught in our public schools as science. It’s downright terrifying.)
Still, here I am in my little Sim-scenario, watching traits decreasing in frequency and perhaps eventually disappearing altogether right before my very eyes in an isolated population of eight. And that's without monogamy and with adding "information" in the form of alien alleles, too. Because -- Guess what?! -- TS2 genetics are based on real-world genetics. It’s greatly simplified, of course, but still... There we are. Never let it be said that Simming isn’t educational. I mean, with the way the US is headed, it might eventually be a better teacher of genetics than the public schools. :P
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suzukiblu · 4 years
current projects’ current progress:
next Avamorphs (5500/6000)
warlord!Geralt (3700/5000)
“atlantean sex ed” sequel (700/2000)
“it’s good to be young” epilogue (1000/1000)
Yennefer accidental baby acquisition (5000/3000)
omega!Darcy (0/2000)
trans!Geraskier (2000/????)
mermaid!Jaskier (11000/????)
bruxa!Jaskier (2700/????)
clay kids (33000/?????)
Progress! Still not done with “it’s good to be young” or the accidental baby acquisition despite hitting word count on both but who is surprised by this, NO ONE is surprised by this. Also mermaid!Jaskier is just . . . NOT ending, haha. I think I actually know where I’m going with it now, though, so hey, there’s that, I’ve got that. It’s just . . . nowhere near the end, most likely. 
Anyway, time to write more. Dunno what I’m GONNA write, but I’ll figure it out. 
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suzukiblu · 5 years
current projects’ current status:
Azula/Yue arranged marriage (3000/6000)
WoW fic (0/5000)
“mad elephants” (3000/????)
McGenji/McHanzo (8000/????)
I took some time off from Responsible Writing ‘cuz I was a little blocked on the Azue and also cranky about needing to take my car in for repairs and, uh, accidentally eight thousand words, jfc self, I did NOT think I had written that much. Hope you guys still like Overwatch because that fic is nowhere NEAR to done yet. :X 
Now back to commissions, at least for my mandated 1k a day. 
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