#kel multiverse au
somekindofsentience · 7 months
posting tiny snippets of fanfic until someone finds it interesting enough for me to finish it and put it all on ao3, part 5
content warning: serious self-harm, references to emotional neglect and abuse.
[MARI - 25]
Mari booted up the old PC. The Puppeteer watched, warped face sneering in the reflection of the black screen, long, stringy hair covering thin shoulders; Sunny was busy with Basil today. 
Trying to ignore the creature behind her, Mari looked out the window. Perhaps her vision was getting worse, some parts of the backyard looked blank, like raindrops distorting the view outside a windowpane. She could still see the forest and sky, and figure outside. He was always there too, scarf flapping in the wind. She imagined him as her father, waiting peacefully for her to come outside and play…
Come now, Mari. You know that’s not good enough. Take a break, we can do more soon.
Mari’s fingers tapped absent-mindedly along the desk. She played out some notes… right, G4, E5, …left, C4, G4 and E4, once again,... everything played mezzoforte, she hummed quietly to herself… 
Yes, this one would sound good enough for Dad. This one would be perfect…
She closed her eyes. It was like it was all really there… left, A3, C#4 and E4; G3, C#4 and E4, repeat,... right, G5, D5, no, wait, E5…
Mari froze.
What was she doing?
No, what the fuck was she doing?
No, no, no. Absolutely not. Never again
Her mother's voice echoed in her head. 
Don't hurt yourself, Mari. I told you to stop. You're burdening me and everyone else.
No, no, wait, but,
Mari slammed her hands on the edge of the desk, and again. Over and over and over and over and over. She hit them harder and harder. Over and over and over and over and over. She hit them until they turned purple and throbbed, she hit them until they went numb. Then she kept hitting. 
She stopped. Her fingers were shaking, bent in odd directions. The bandages must've slipped off.
She knew it was supposed to hurt, but it didn't. She looked blankly at the shattered mechanics of her hands.
Her mother burst into the room, the door flying open. Mari hadn't heard the footsteps. “God, Mari, what did I tell you? That's the third time this month.”
Mari stood up and looked at her mother's shoes, avoiding her eyes. They were navy velvet loafers, with a small rose near the top of the shoe. Perfect mom shoes for a perfect mom.
“No, we're not going to the hospital again. They're fed up with you.” Her mother grabbed Mari's wrists, pulling them harshly. She peered at the fingers.
“Go and clean them up and bandage them. I'm sick of this. I know you miss him, but this isn't appropriate.”
Mari moved to leave, slipping past her mother, avoiding touch. As she walked toward the door, her mother sighed deeply.
“You know you're fine. Don't pretend otherwise. I'm fine and you're fine. If you weren’t fine, you would talk to me.”
Mari nodded distractedly, and busied herself in the bathroom. Puppeteer loomed in the mirror, hissing the words her mother said. 
You're a burden. She's sick of you. They’re fed up with you. You're fine. You're fine. You're fine. This isn’t appropriate.
Mari tried to ignore it.
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raiiny-bay · 6 months
thinking about it & genuinely i don't think i could have picked a better name for kel if i tried. that guy is a kelly through & through
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emerald-onion · 1 year
*Casually slide into the tag* Anyway who wants to hear those AUs I have but don't know if I would ever be able to write
oneirataxia (OMORI)
In which Sunny's dream world comes to life and brings forth the apocalypse. All the adults disappear, leaving the teenagers and children to fend for themselves. While on a supply run, Kel and Hector find a familiar face, but something doesn't seem right...?
"I'm sorry, but my name is OMORI, not SUNNY."
Idea Given Form (Undertale Multiverse)
Every Keeper of the Balance (which includes Nightmare, Dream, Ink, and Error) is an Eldritch Being, a Child of the Void, an Idea Given Form.
Even if some of them may not even know it.
Madoka Magica AU (Undertale Multiverse)
An Undertale Multiverse magical girl AU, with a few twists of my own.
Feel free to ask any questions (because I don't know if I ever got around to writing these :(
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wolfvnger · 3 years
Name: Yri-Kelfrig Fandraldottir
Nickname(s): Yri, Yri-K, Kel, Kelsie, Fri, Frigs
Species: Frost Giant, Demigod
Ethnicity/Race: Jotunn Asgardian
Aliases: Princess of Asgard, Little Princess, The Green-eyed Tigress, The Heir of Jotunheim, Daughter of Loki, Tricksteress, Future Queen of Asgard, Horse Tamer
Age: 11
Birthday: November 25th
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Height: 4’6
Hair colour: Dark blonde
Eye colour: Green
Pronouns: Depends on who she identifies as in the time so - she/her/they/them/he/him (she/her in rp)
Gender: Fluid
Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic
Accent: Slightly British but rather thick Norwegian.
From her universe Earth-77003
AU Fandral the Dashing (father)
AU Loki Laufeyson (mother)
From alternate realities, other rps!
@inz-lokisdottir (multiversal older half sister)
@kaiduslokison (multiversal older half brother)
@wolfyocs (multiversal older half sister)
@einarlokison (multiversal older half brother)
@lottie-lokisdottir (multiversal older half sister)
Superhuman strength, durability and speed
Regenerative Healing Factor
Cold Immunity
Asgardian Magic
Astral projection
Expert combat skills
Sword mastery
Personality Type: ENFJ (Protagonist) but sometimes harbours a little bit of INTP (Logician)
Personality: It must be said that Yri is a very cunning girl, much like Loki she takes on the mischievous side well, even though it worries Fandral, she is more than capable of being serious when it is needed. She is prone to having strong opinions, but she’s far from being closed-minded. She recognises the importance of allowing others to express themselves fully. Even when she don’t agree with someone, she recognises that person’s right to voice their truth. With this she’s a very reliable young girl, never wanting to let anyone down.
Her heart’s desire is what drives her and saying that she is passionate would be an understatement. Yri’s is known for harboring a deep desire to be a force for positive change and is rather charismatic. She has no trouble speaking out about what she believes to be right and it’s worth saying that she’s a little extrovert that’s for sure. She’s polite even on the battlefield and she even has a way of throwing people off with her occasional witty retorts. Yri is by nature very curious, always seeking things that she can’t yet understand and often gets herself caught up in learning more than she can handle. Really is the INTP inside of her.
Unfortunately, she can be a little unrealistic and can put too much pressure on herself to right the wrongs and can becoming impatient if things don’t always go as she originally planned.
Yri-Kelfrig was born and raised in Asgard, by her fathers- or well Loki had been the mother at the time of her birth. Her name was hyphenated because neither could settle on one. Unlike many of her variant siblings, there was little to no trauma surrounding her younger life, instead it was filled with light and happiness which every child of course deserves. Speaking of, Yri’s childhood was filled with hours upon hours spent playing with other kids, training as a warrior and learning to master magic. She was dubbed the ‘Green-eyed Tigress’ by her friends because of her fierce skill when fighting. She became a skilled young Asgardian warrior and a particularly beloved horsewoman, proving that her love for animals trumped all.
She had an exceptionally close bond with her cousin, Tyrell, who is the son of Thor and Valkyrie of her universe but she rarely saw him after they moved to Midgard for a time after Thor agreed to help the Avengers.
When Yri was around 6 her parents took her off world and showed her all of the nine realms, telling her that one day she would help to protect them and even though she was never set to be Queen because Tyrell was heir to the throne she’d still be expected to help rule over Asgard either way. (True Lion King moment I swear). It didn’t matter nor bother her because there was something more that caught her attention. She spent time time pouring over books, becoming obsessed with whether there was more beyond the stars of the nine realms.
By the age of 8 she had bugged Heimdall into teaching her about what was beyond Asgard, whether there was more to the universe than that of what she’d been already taught. Heimdall could not resist the curiosity of the young Princess and was more than happy to encourage her knowledge. With great excitement Loki also enlightened her with stories of Midgard’s religions and cultures.
She had just turned 9 when she was attempting a forbidden magic spell in one of her many hiding places she had discovered when she was younger which resulted in her accidentally being thrown into a portal that sent her to another earth where she met her older multiverse siblings @inz-lokisdottir and Rúna Maximoff-Lokisdottir. She spent quite a few months on their earth, mainly because she had no way of getting back to her universe. That was until Loki and Fandral eventually showed up and took her home.
The months spent on that earth was crucial to her properly learning the language of English since her vocabulary was more Shakespearean and she spoke Asgardian (Norwegian).
Upon returning home, Yri was desperate to learn how to speak English and spend time on earth. Despite Loki’s surprising reluctance, she was allowed to spent a few months with Thor down on Midgard where she lived among the Avengers. She didn’t necessarily have much to do with them, but she grew close with her universe’s Peter Parker and Yelena Belova (yes she was there). She learnt to better speak English and the ways of Midgard.
She returned not long after Loki summoned her back home to Asgard, claiming to have important news.
It turned out that Thor had revoked his spot as King (if that’s even possible) in order to ‘find himself’ and spend his time with the Avengers as a full fledged member of their team. It was later known that Tyrell ran off with the Guardians of the Galaxy having found a deep liking for what they did as a living. Therefore, the position of power was handed to Yri being the next heir to the throne of Asgard. This would in fact change a lot given it was well known that she was part Frost Giant and by birthright as well heir of Jotunheim.
Loki and Fandral spent the year training her in the ways of Queen, or at least to the best of their ability. Freya, Loki’s mother helped a great deal. Surprisingly, being the future Queen suited her, it was no secret that she was excited to hold the title and lead the place she called home.
When Yri turned 11 she finally got the permission to recreate the portal and travel back to visit her variant siblings.
Special side stories:
Extra(s)/Fun facts:
• Out of all the horses owned in Asgard she has a beautiful bay stallion called Halvar.
• Some of the horses in Asgard are highly sprung and hard to handle, even the stable hands have trouble. Yri is the only one capable of properly calming them.
Faceclaim: Anna Von Klinski
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
sometimes you spend so much time writing horrible aus for your silly little multiverse fic that you forget this game actually has a good ending.
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
posting tiny snippets of fanfic until someone finds it interesting and i am motivated to finish it, part 3
Kel scoured the Cool Forest. It was one of those recurring places he came to, looking for more flowers. He thought he’d been here hundreds of times before, but obviously there must be something he missed. 
Kel looked around. The eerie blue leaves of white-bark trees blocked out most light, so he had to rely on the glowing red lanterns that floated among them. The lanterns were naturally formed - originally, Kel thought they were fruit, but they tasted disgusting, and they didn't make good soup, so now they lit the way during his journeys in the forest. 
They worked relatively well as soap, too. The glow came from the lanterns being filled with a strange liquid that cleaned, but didn’t strip off his flesh like the river. 
Little creatures with dozens of yellow eyes fearfully scuttled into the purple bushes as Kel peeked into them. He worked systematically, like the repetitive nature of the forest, a tree surrounded by a circle of bushes, another tree surrounded by a circle of bushes, so on, so forth. It felt like it had been copy-pasted by some vengeful God.
He kneeled down when he spotted the soft blue glow - but froze angrily when he got a clear look into the flower.
There’s that goddamn black glass again.
Unlike the clear crystal flower from last night, this one was tinted black, swaying in the wind like it was taunting Kel. 
Why were these fucking failed-flowers even created? They didn’t even work. People can’t die twice in the same universe. He couldn’t even enter them properly, they just erred out after the double-death and he was forcefully removed. It all felt so stupid.
Kel angrily kicked at the Lily of the Valley, and it smashed on the floor, black glass shattering over the lime green dirt floor. The glow instantly died. Good riddance.
He pulled out a worn leather notebook, and took a small note, pen cap in his mouth. ‘Lily of the Valley, #2,252. Failure.’
Kel furiously searched through more bushes. If he didn’t find anything good, he was going to be so fucking mad, but there was nothing to do with that anger, except yell at the sky deliriously. He liked to pretend he was taking revenge on someone, some God, but the sky never responded, unless streaming and fading pulsing light as time changed counts as a reply.
He felt like her in those moments, in the universes where she managed to live past the age of 12. Sometimes it made it all feel better, but sometimes it just made everything worse. 
Reminded him endlessly of the point of all this.
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
i posted like a tiny bit to ao3
considering that the majority of this fic isn't anywhere near done i can't promise regular updates but i hope this... interests people??
next update will be when i finish the mari au
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
posting tiny snippets of fanfic until people find it interesting but remember this is just a segment of a wider multiverse, part 6
content warning: description designed to remind reader of an in-game jumpscare
[MARI - 25]
“I’m going out,” Mari’s mother yelled from the living room. Mari made no effort to reply.
Her mother leaving meant the knocking would start up again, like someone was watching her house just to target Mari. 
It scared her. 
The Puppeteer whispered things that the person might do. 
It didn’t help.
Mari sighed, and leaned back on her bed. The knocking started up again.
“Open the door.”
It was Sunny’s voice. He looked at her forcefully. She turned away from him, staring at the wall. 
He is with Basil.
“Open the door,” he repeated.
Mari lay down. Maybe she could will the knocking away. 
He isn’t supposed to be here.
“Open the door.”
She covered her head with a pillow. She knew what was going to happen.
Sunny angrily threw his halo on the ground.
Suddenly, Sunny’s voice distorted, and he let out a piercing shriek. Mari froze, burying herself more, squeezing her eyes shut. Sunny kept shrieking, screaming, like he was a child throwing a tantrum, he wouldn’t shut up, he wouldn’t shut up, he wouldn’t shut up. Mari could see his snapped neck and twisted features, mouth gaping open to eat her, eyes empty, empty, empty, begging, wailing…
Sunny went dead silent.
Mari opened her eyes. She was in front of the door, and it was open.
I didn’t do that.
“Oh-oh-oh my gosh! M-Mari! It’s me! Aubrey? Do you remember me?” 
A short, brown-haired girl beamed. She was wearing a pink shirt and a long, beige skirt, clutching her fingers together. Her eyes were shining, like she’d seen a present or a shiny toy. She looked simple.
This isn’t Aubrey, Mari thought. Aubrey was shorter, and carried a stuffed toy. Aubrey…
Aubrey’s real features had escaped her mind. But this wasn’t Aubrey.
“I didn’t expect you to open the door!”
I didn’t open it.
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
posting tiny snippets of fanfic until someone finds it interesting and i am motivated to finish it, part 4
content warning: gore, drowning.
[MARI - 25]
Mari plummeted through the grass, soil swallowing her up, suffocating her with darkness, she was drowning just like he did. Her hands disappeared and the Puppeteer’s gnarled fingers wrapped around her throat, yet you still did it you still did it you still did it you still did it
Mari gasped for air, choking in an inky black ocean, and the Puppeteer tightened its grip. She tried to scream out, but no words could be heard, her ears filled up with swollen water, leaking into her mind, fading out, the Puppeteer’s limbs tangled with her, pulling her down, lower and lower and lower and lower…
Mari crashed onto solid ground. The Puppeteer was gone.
She looked around, picking up her shovel. A small note was written on the handle.
A shovel for burying your sins.
A movie theatre. Everything was dark like the ocean. Rows of seats stretched on forever, down to a brightly lit stage. The stage had nothing on it.
Shh! The movie is about to start!, said No-One. The theatre was empty. 
Mari moved down the stairs, shielding her eyes from the light. Something drew her to it. Her fingers were missing. 
Shh! The movie is about to start!, repeated No-One. Shh! The movie is about to start!
Her hands were missing. She dropped the shovel, but she kept walking.
Shh! The movie is about to start! A chorus sang those words piercingly, like a choir at a church. Shh! The movie is about to start!
Her arms were missing. She reached the stage.
Shh! The movie is about to start!
Mari looked down. Her body was missing. She was missing. 
You are meant to be here.
A man with a crooked neck stared at her with harshly dyed black hair. His eyes were white scribbles. He was the movie.
You were born to be here.
The man reached into her neck and pulled out her throat.
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
posting tiny snippets of fanfic until someone finds it interesting and i am motivated to finish it, part 1
content warning: self harm.
At least 46,656.
Oar dipped into murky, purple waters as Kel pushed himself along the river. How many times had he travelled through this exact spot, in this odd, hand-whittled canoe? He couldn't remember.
46,656 universes. Maybe more. Hopefully more.
Eerie, white light streamed in from the… ceiling? Roof? Could it be the Sun? 
He didn't think this place had a Sun.
But he supposed it didn't really matter.
He pulled himself towards the shore, which was made of an opaque salmon crystal, and pulled his dull, orange canoe onto the bank. He dragged it to one of the many coral-like plants, each brightly coloured with pastel pink, orange, green, and laid it along the plant’s pointy edges to dry. 
Kel sat down, feeling the hard, cool ground beneath him.
He turned his eyes to the fleshy, pink walls surrounding the water. They stood high above him, making him seem like a small bug tasked with climbing a mountain, beating with obscure, lifelike movement. Their ribbed texture reminded Kel of cutting slices of ham with a jagged kitchen knife. 
Ham sandwiches. 
The walls themselves seemed to hold their breath.
Kel hesitated. He had tried not to think about this.
How many times had he watched Hero-
Kel put a hand over his mouth, his head spun around, the world began to cave in, heavy smoke filled his lungs, he couldn't breathe, he was dying, he was dying, he was-
Kel stuck his hand into his pocket and grabbed forcefully onto the edge of his knife.
He took a deep breath in as the blood dripped down his fingers. Calmness enveloped him.
Sure, it was an unhealthy way to cope, but what else was he supposed to do? Talk about his feelings to the open air? Wait for comfort no-one would give him? Waste time letting a panic attack occur?
Fast relief was far more important than worrying over his mental health. He had things to do.
Kel pulled a wrap of white bandages out of his pocket and pulled some around his bleeding hand, leaning back on the pulsating wall. He dipped his knife into the river, and pulled it out completely clean.
The light began to fade, and Kel realised he wouldn’t be able to travel to the Forest tonight. 
I'll have to set up camp.
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somekindofsentience · 7 months
posting tiny snippets of fanfic until someone finds it interesting and i am motivated to finish it, part 2
warning: major omori spoilers, mentions of death.
Kel pulled out a small glowing tulip bud from his backpack, white, clear and crystalline, made of glass. It reflected the glow of the blue fire, but it also flickered with its own blue colour. Kel could almost see the universe held inside it, a calm sunset, four friends; then a cold graveyard, a delusional child. 
That one was a fucking disaster. Again.
At least he now knew ‘The Truth’ for that Kel. Although, really, the killing of someone else always seemed to set off the chain of death. 
Murderers, that’s what we all are, Kel thought to himself, rotating the glass.
Resisting the urge to smash it into pieces, he sighed, tossing it into the river. After all, he might have to fish all these out again sometime, so it would be worth trying to keep the functional ones around, but out of sight. He watched the glow dim as the flower sank into the acidic waves, like a lost ship taking its final breaths.
As he drifted off to sleep, Kel wondered how many crystalline flowers he had left. How much time he had left. The world closed in around his fear, where he would sleep through nightmares in numbed horror.
In these nightmares, he watched everyone die over and over, dead bodies being dragged to hiding places and graves being dug, weeping parents. He saw an echo of his past self relive the worlds again and again, a naive child who thought positivity would solve everything, banging at closed doors and crying quietly in a bathroom, breakdowns in front of five corpses. He saw only failure and husks, shells of humanity. 
Happiness doesn’t work. Happiness stopped working.
Tonight, yet again, there was a girl with dark brown hair, clutching a stuffed toy, happy and innocent… a girl with faded pink dye in her hair, clutching her hands, empty inside… a girl with bright pink hair and green coloured contacts, gripping a bat, furious… a boy with blue hair and a beanie,... many more, standing around him, enclosing him… but they all had the same golden eyes, the ones that bore into him.
My name’s Aubrey. Who are you? 
Hey. Who are you?
New kid, huh? Who are you, then?
I’m Rei. Who are you?
They repeated the questions, but he had no answer. He couldn’t speak, words failed him, so they encircled him like sharks, bats looming over his head, sky darkening, vision darkening…
Who have you become?
Kel turned in his sleep, covering his head as if to block something out.
Outside his mind, feeble glows pulsed synchronically at the bottom of the river, distress calls for dead universes.
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