#currently amos
romanticvampiric · 3 months
Another wip of my illustration for Ayato's birthday to give myself strength... 💔
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I want you to know that this is going very much against my laziness and my procrastination, that’s how much I love that man.
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sublecturas · 3 months
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"El arte de amar", de Erich Fromm en la #LíneaB
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vv-ispy · 2 months
something something samsara cycles I don't think it's a coincidence that the overthrow of Decarabian involved Jean and Diluc's ancestor + Venti's lookalike friend -> Mondstadt archon quest the key players taking down Dvalin were Jean and Diluc + Venti
Is. Traveler Amos?
Or put another way, traveler is the one with the floaty friend -> bard has the floaty friend. Venti is friends with Dvalin the terror of the tower/Amos is friends? Lovers? Something? With Decarabian the tyrant in the tower. Venti -> Amos, Traveler -> Nameless bard, Paimon -> Venti?
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femaleboysblog · 27 days
@calcar thanks for the tag! <3
The game is to name 5 songs I've been really liking lately
im tagging @huachimongo @karmelarts @noodles-penne
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wip of amos bc this is taking me forever and i’m currently living on a farm so that’s not helping me work quicker
anyway ig this is like a sneak peek
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lonelystarlet · 6 months
i just adore this song so much
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artbytaggerung · 1 year
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More speed painting. 2hr20min so far, goal was 3hr but we'll see...
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leparolemie · 10 months
"Do you remember
The 21st night of September?
Love was changin' the minds of pretenders
While chasin' the clouds away"
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anadiasmount · 3 months
need him
he iss soo :((( missing jude hours rn 💔💔 HIM WITH KIDS?? that caption is so real 👎👎
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manjiroscum · 1 year
got kaveh and baizhu, i can now rest my soul 😌
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my-stack-of-books · 1 year
So far loving Debt of Time but one think I don’t agree with is  Amos Diggory being Lily Evens first kiss!!
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ryder-the-writer · 1 year
i can’t find the strawberry emoji please hold
CLAUDE MY LOVE!! wow just what to say, i mean you're just amazing and incredible and all other words that can describe how awesome you are. everything that you write, i drop everything to read and fall immediately in love with, from your wonderful fics to your random musings about tits and bespoke pussy. you have impeccable taste in music and films and reacting to the oscars with you was so much fun. i am so utterly happy that i know you and it makes my day every time i see your name pop up in my notifications. you're honestly just amazing and i'm giving you all the kisses right now (and also a lemon cupcake) <333
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sublecturas · 3 months
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Nunca más
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whoarethegirls · 1 year
amo was the 9/11 of scene albums if i’m honest
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rukhsandbooks · 1 year
This series always makes me crave all the food and coffee. In fact, I was going to make the bookpic chicken kebabs but unfortunately, I currently do not have any kebabs in my kitchen and so the leftovers that I do have made the cut instead.
I started this series after a friend, (@artbymeezy on insta) recommended it. We had planned to buddy read this book and I never thought it would happen. But it did, in fact, he was so captivated, he binged it and I fell behind (I was also very distracted by romance novels and non-fiction…thanks booksta). I did still manage to finish reading it in the same month as him so I’m still considering it a buddy read. I also messaged him while I read in our little 2 person book club, so once again still considering it a buddy read.
Amos and Avasarala were my favourites in this book. I feel like I read all the other chapters just to get to another Amos chapter. I’m also really glad I’ve read some of the novellas because the insight from those really added to this story (in subtle ways and you can enjoy the series without the novellas but I like details and background and information so I liked having the insider novella information). I don’t think I had any qualms with this book other than not liking Alex and Bobbie fraternizing and I don’t think Avasarala’s pistachios were mentioned in this book so that was a little disappointing.
I was going to take a brief break from the series again but my friend has already started reading Babylon’s Ashes so I guess I better keep going.
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authorofemotion · 2 years
what they don’t tell you about taking your cat on walks is that they Will find and try to start fights with possums
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