#curious about these other vans tho 👀
cressthebest · 6 months
Tender Curiosities, Baby! thoughts pt. 3
chapter 4:
1. awwww barty is about to go to reg about his boy (evan) problems
2. barty notices that reg was expecting someone else 👀
3. BARTY MY DUDE that is NOT the way to begin the conversation. all he does is ask reg if he’s gay. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 SIR that’s not what you do
4. reg telling the story of how sirius walked in on him making out with some boy 😭😭😭 and sirius just gave reg A THUMBS UP. stop that’s so in canon
5. i love how tender and personal reg and barty’s conversation is
6. 😦😦 barty. wtf my man. you just KISSED regulus like that. just straight up kissed him
7. i love how call reg is being tho. he’s just like. “Explain to me your thought process here. In words, preferably.”
9. barty told reg everything about evan!! he’s so soft and in love
11. oh wait i think they’re doing more than kissing
12. wait they stop
13. these people have so much self control to not fuck
14. “It was a curious thing, it was a tender thing,” THE TITLE YALL
15. reg just silently lets evan and barty do their thing. no questions, no comments, no look of surprise
16. “Still, he found himself telling Regulus one morning that they weren’t sleeping together, they were just sleeping together, and they were taking it slow.” -barty AWWWWW that’s so cute!! they’re so tender and in love!!!
17. dorlene mention <333
18. barty lost the bet about reg and james being together 😭😭 i love them
20. damn, one “i love you” and suddenly they’re about to fuck after months of not doing it
21. i love the different types of relationships in ahb in terms of privacy. wolfstar is loud and will snog anywhere and declare their love. jegulus is private by nature, but don’t mind doing coupley things around others. dorlene is literally just a couple who everyone knows is a couple, and they say things, but theyre not into pda really. and rosekiller straight up just don’t tell anyone
22. barty is being forced to drive the speed limit and he is APPALLED
23. the heist was so much easier to read the second time around, and from barty’s perspective. barty is so calm about it, that i literally have to remind myself that the heist is actually a big deal, and not just sneaking into a house or something
24. the fact that barty turns the radio on is always wild to me. car chase, guns about to be shot, and barty’s like AH YES! classical music will do!!
25. i forget how deranged barty is, then he goes and says something that makes me remember like “He’d make every last person in this van murderers if that’s what it would take to see Evan again.” ALRIGHTY SIR
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marypsue · 1 year
pls elaborate on the realizations you had re: stranger things, characterization choices, and scooby doo? Is it that all/both easily freaked out characters are stoners, which is a common belief abt shaggy? (even tho shaggy is only a stoner in the live action movies 😒 and not the cartoons 😒 i will die on this hill 😒😒) Or something else? I am very curious 👀
Oh it was just. They took away Jonathan's entire personality and replaced it with 'weed joke', which I hated, and gave him a terrible haircut, which I also hated. And I didn't get the point of it (other than apparently they are bored of the Byers and can't think of anything interesting to do with them, which. Pick me. I have ideas. My hand is raised).
But then they also gave Jonathan a best friend who apparently is scared shitless of supernatural shenanigans but will do just about anything for his friends and a Scooby Snack, a brightly-painted logo-adorned van that the crew spend a whole season driving around solving mysteries in, and a personality transplant that's just 'weed joke'. And they do so many shot-for-shot recreations and lift so many production design and plot elements from classic films and television. And like.
They're doing an extended riff on Shaggy and Scooby. I get it. I don't like it, I think it was poorly done and that any time you have to change who a character has already been established as to make them fit into the mold of the thing you're riffing on, it's bad storytelling. But I get it now.
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If you don't mind me asking, what kind of van are you getting? I only know 2 kinds and I highly doubt you'll drive in one of them
Okay, dream van: a vintage Kombi
Realistically in my current price range: a converted Toyota Hiace
Me @ me right now:
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tamberrio · 2 years
Any antiform au tidbits 👀? The designs look so cool I’m curious!
oh ho HO I am so glad you asked
For the au I had sort of two branching ideas. The first was to keep it mostly canon compliant with the exception that everyone now has access to antiforms
The second, which was the original idea, was to have this be a full on au in a completely different world where the antiforms are actually everyone's main forms and they all just Look Like That.
Since it was the original idea, here are things I've been thinking for the latter:
Org XIII (which is actually 13 this time since Roxas isn't in it) are these wanderers with dark cloaks and glowy eyes, and they basically travel across the world doing... something. Very mysterious (absolutely not the creator drawing a blank, of course not, why--why would you even think--)
To those who caught the reference, yes! Xion is based off of *deep sigh* Anti Black Coat Nightmare (aka boss with long name, aka the one that took me hours to beat in ddd (still a wicked design tho))
My idea with the nobodies and their somebodies (Sora and Roxas, and Namine and Kairi) was that twins can sometimes take extra light or darkness from one another before they're born, possibly leaving one side with more concentrated power while the other is left as an unstable malleable wisp. This is why Sora has more concentrated darkness on his arms while Roxas' are more like a ghost (which can sometimes change size and still hold things)
Kairi took basically ALL of Namine's light, which left Namine a frail ghost. She has to be kept in a tower so that she doesn't float away or whatever Ansem the Wise believes (Kairi feels guilty about this) (Also I like to make Ansem the Wise a terrible person in all of my aus <3)
I like to think that Ventus and Vanitas each had perfectly even halves of light and dark, both of which were already incredibly strong, but Ven got both lights and Van got both darks
To this end I also like to think that Van ran away and is just this being of pure darkness that hides in the woods and Sora sometimes brings him lunch because beings of darkness still have to eat ya know and befriending the feral creature in the woods seems like something Sora would do
As for the former I have NO clue how things would go down in that one, like how everyone would discover their antiforms, but if you guys have any ideas for either take lemme know!
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