#cure flamingo x reader platonic
baileypie-writes · 4 months
Can you, please, make Tropical-Rouge precures with friend!Reader, who constantly insults enemies to anger them and force to let their guard down?
A/N ~ Sure! I really like this idea! I decided to make Reader a member of the team, even though it wasn’t mentioned. Hope that’s okay! And hope you enjoy!
~The Tropical Rouge Girls with a Teammate Who Insults the Villains~
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Fandom: Tropical-Rouge! Precure
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral, Pretty Cure
Relationship: Platonic
Characters Included: Manatsu Natsuumi/Cure Summer, Sango Suzumura/Cure Coral, Minori Ichinose/Cure Papaya, Asuka Takizawa/Cure Flamingo, Laura La Mer/Cure La Mer
Genre: Comedy
Rating: PG-13(for swearing)
Warnings: Swearing(Reader)
~Tropical-Rouge! Precure Masterlist~
Guide: Each girl’s dialouge is their own color(Summer’s is pink), and the uncolored dialogue is Reader.
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~Manatsu Natsuumi/Cure Summer~
~ Summer was initially shocked when she first hears you lash out at the bad guys. I mean, she knew you were intense, and even aggressive at times, but man! You weren’t even calling them basic insults either, they were so creative!
~ She totally joins in on the fun! Though, she admits, she’s definitely as good as you. She’s loud and intense, but when it comes to making up insults on the spot, they just don’t hit. But she still has a good time!
~ Cure Summer is not a mean girl at all. So she admires how you can confidently say such things. So she asks for advice! Both on making up insults, and just being mean in general. However, though she tries her best, being rude just isn’t one of her strong suits.
“Ha! Take that! See? Your Yarane-da doesn’t stand a chance, Crab-face!”
“Uh, Summer. Chongire is a crab. So being called “Crab-face” probably isn’t all that insulting.”
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~Sango Suzumura/Cure Coral~
~ Cure Coral isn’t a fan of being rude. So your behavior stresses her out quite a bit. She also can’t handle how mean your words are, despite them being said to a villain. She truly believes that no one deserves to be treated that way. Also, she hates whenever you swear. In her mind, profanity is totally unnecessary and barbaric.
~ The first time she hears your insults to the bad guys, she freezes in shock. She scolds you for your rudeness and language. But unfortunately, that doesn’t stop you.
~ While she very much dislikes your behavior, she has given up trying to get you to stop. She figured it’s just the way you are, and it’s not worth trying to change it.
“Man, that was easy! Take that, asshole!”
“(cure name)! Is that language really necessary?”
“Uh, yeah. It helps get my point across!”
“Which is….?”
“That these Yarane-das are all dogshit!”
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~Minori Ichinose/Cure Papaya~
~ At first, she’s not really sure what to do. She just listens to your words, impressed by how quickly you came up with them. However, she wasn’t sure how this contributed to defeating the Yarane-da. But you did.
~ You explained to her that it lowers the villains’ confidence, and makes them lose their focus. And that way, it makes it easier to win. That seemed to convince her that your insults were useful.
~ Now, Cure Papaya is completely fine with your methods of battling. It doesn’t bother her in the slightest, even when you use foul language. She even encourages you to keep going at times. As long as it helps to win the fight, she’s fine.
“(cure name), now would be a good time to make Numeri lose her focus.”
“Good idea! Hey you, slug! You’re so oily, that the US wants to invade it!”
“Nice. But slugs are slimy, not oily…”
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~Asuka Takizawa/Cure Flamingo~
~ Flamingo was fine with it at first. She even found your insults pretty funny. However, over time, it got pretty old. It just gives her headaches now.
~ It also bothers her how when you focus so much on talking to the bad guys, it cuts back on how much physical damage is done. You’re doing way more barking than biting.
~ She constantly reminds you to do what really matters in battles, and to get back to the real work. But of course, within a few moments, you’re back to yapping.
“Hey, Chongire! Has anyone told you that you look like a-“
“(cure name)! Less talking, more fighting!”
“Okay, okay! Fine!”
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~Laura La Mer/Cure La Mer~
~ Cure La Mer found your words disgustingly vulgar at first. It just wasn’t polite or charming in any way! How could the future queen allow herself to be around someone with such low decorum?
~ However, she eventually found herself cracking a smile at some of your insults. They were surprisingly funny. But she quickly reminds herself not to find humor in such awful words.
~ So whenever you battle, she almost always laughs at least once, only to correct herself. And she still claims that she does not find enjoyment in your behavior.
“C’mon, La Mer. You know I’m funny.”
“How insulting that you think I’d ever find humor in such foul language! That is definitely not queen like behavior!”
“Oh, really? Then why did I hear you laugh?”
“I-I wasn’t! I was coughing!”
“Uh huh….”
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baileypie-writes · 3 months
(checks your masterlist) Aha, so you're writing romantic stuff about Cure Flamingo! (if no, then sorry) How about fluffy oneshot of Asuka reacting on her Male S/O confesses his feelings through the firework?
A/N ~ Sure! And yes, I do write romantic fics for Asuka, as she’s 15:) Hope you enjoy!
~Hot to Cool~
Asuka Takizawa/Cure Flamingo x Male!Reader
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Fandom: Tropical-Rouge! Precure
Fanfic Type: Oneshot
Reader: Male
Relationship: Platonic to Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Synopsis: You and the Tropical Club were going to watch a firework show. And you wanted to use the opportunity to confess your love to the coolest girl you know, Asuka.
Warnings: Me being unable to write a non-cringey confession scene
~Tropical-Rouge! Precure Masterlist~
Today was hot.
And for Aozora City, it’s pretty much always hot. But today, it was hot hot. After all, it was summer. So while you tried to enjoy your time out with your friends, all you could think about was possibly dying from heat stroke.
By now, you were wishing that you and your friends had bought ice cream instead of tropical melon bread earlier. You were so miserable, that you weren’t paying attention to the words of concern from Asuka.
A sudden slap on the back brought you back down to earth. “Huh?”
“I was asking if you’re okay. You don’t look good at all.” She said.
“Oh, haha. Yeah, I’m kinda not okay. I’m so hot.” You wiped beads of sweat from your brows.
“Yeah, me too. But you look like you’re really dying.” She laughed. She then handed you a water bottle. “Here.”
“Oh, hallelujah. Thank you.” You said dramatically. You took the bottle, and opened it. It hadn’t been open before, so the cap unscrewed with a satisfying crack. After that, you wasted no time chugging down the refreshing, cold goodness.
“Woah, slow down! You’ll choke or something!��� Asuka warned. But you didn’t stop. Thankfully though, you turned out fine. When you were done, half the bottle was gone.
“Hah, sorry. I kinda drank most of it.” You said, handing it back to her.
“It’s fine. At least now I know you’re not gonna die.” She playfully elbowed you in the shoulder.
You laughed, and a blush spread across your cheeks. But it was probably hard to tell, since your face was already so red from the heat. You had developed a bit of a crush on Asuka, so her playful gesture made you flustered. Actually, any major attention from her made you feel flustered. How could it not? She was so cool and tough! Those were some of the things that drew you to her in the first place.
“C’mon guys! You’re falling behind!” Laura called in an annoyed tone, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Asuka groaned. “Let’s go. Before the mermaid starts whining even more.”
You just laughed, and picked up the pace alongside her.
All of you had finally made it to your destination: a nice hill overlooking the beach. It would be great view for the fireworks, which you had forgotten about for a while now, due to the heat.
There was a big tree which casted a large bit of shade that fit all of you under it. You basically bolted to it, desperate for an escape from the sun’s unmerciful rays. The moment you flopped down onto the grass, you let out a big sigh of relief. It was pleasantly cool. Most of your friends laughed, but you couldn’t care less.
“Ugh, make some room for the rest of us, (name).” Laura scoffed.
You groaned a bit, before sitting up, and doing as “her majesty” commanded. Everybody sat down, and to your luck, Asuka chose the spot next to you. With nobody on your other side, you took note of this opportunity.
You thought that if you were feeling brave enough, you would confess to Asuka during the fireworks. You’ve wanted to many times before, but you just felt so intimidated by her coolness. And you also didn’t want to ruin your friendship, especially since you’re now part of the Tropical Club. But you decided that you should just suck it up, and go for it!
But not yet.
The sun finally started to set, painting the sky many colors. All of your friends oohed and awed, while you and Asuka just admired it in silence.
“The fireworks haven’t even started yet, and the sky is already beautiful.” You said.
“Yeah.” Asuka agreed.
It was so peaceful. You could hear the wind, along with the cries of cicadas. And they never seemed to get quieter, even as the night settled in. Though not long later, a loud boom covered their sounds.
“Look! The fireworks are starting!” Manatsu yelled, pointing at the sky.
Everybody looked in the direction of her finger. You could only see the remaining sparks. But just a moment later, a big burst of color exploded into the sky, another loud boom accompanying it.
Everybody started verbally admiring the pretty lights as more and more lit up. You really did have the best spot in the house. Nothing blocked the view, so you could see everything perfectly. This really was the best chance you could ask for.
Glancing at Asuka, you could see the reflections of the fireworks in her eyes. You had to stop yourself from staring, and get to the point. “Hey, Asuka.” You called. But due to the booms, she couldn’t hear. “Asuka!” You tried again, louder this time.
Your words reached her, so she turned to face you. “Yeah?” She said loudly, so you too could hear.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. What is it?” Her face displayed a cool, unbothered expression.
“Do you wanna go out with me?” You asked, keeping eye contact. A particularly large and loud firework went off. You could see its glow from the corner of your eye.
Asuka’s eyes widened a bit, and her brown raised. “Wow. I didn’t expect you to ask me so soon.”
You were confused. That was definitely not the answer you were expecting. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“I mean, I thought it was gonna be a while longer before you asked me out.”
“Wait.” You realized. “You knew I liked you this whole time?”
“Well, yeah. It wasn’t hard to notice.” She chuckled, and elbowed you for the second time that day.
“Wow.” You blushed, but thankfully it was dark enough outside to hide it.
Before an awkward silence could creep in, Asuka said something else. “Oh yeah, I didn’t answer your question. Anyway, yes.”
“Oh, really?” Your eyes lit up with joy.
“Yeah. I like you too. You’re a really cool guy.” She smiled. You felt her hand move closer to yours on the grass, just barely touching your pinky finger.
You laughed. “Please,” You placed your hand on top of hers. “no one is cooler than you, Asuka.”
She laughed too, and intertwined her fingers with yours. “How about this? We’re both cool.”
“Eh, fine with me.” You said. The two of you turned back to the firework show, almost having forgotten about it. At that point, Manatsu was standing, cheering almost as if the fireworks were actual performers. Sango, Minori and Laura sat a bit in front of you. No one seemed to hear or notice what had just happened, which you were glad about. Though, you knew you had to tell them soon.
But it wouldn’t be too bad. After all, once the word gets out, you and Asuka would be known as the coolest couple in school. In fact, the two of you were so cool, that the days heat didn’t seem to affect you anymore.
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