reddestchaos · 9 years
“Yeah, I don’t feel like getting eaten- I mean, I’m probably no too tasty. I’m already dead anyway, so.” He offers a hand, palm-up. He flashes a blinding grin full of fangs. “But dinner sounds good, as long as I’m not on the menu.”
Woaah, strifey, love the flowers. any of them man-eating? [reddestchaos]
-[ a smirk. ]-
They’ve already eaten two, why not y✿u? Come j✿in us for dinner!
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reddestchaos · 9 years
Fangs slowly released, jaw widening as they slipped out from under the other man’s skin. He licked up strife’s blood like a starving man, then pulled away, pressing a thumb to the holes, around which, a nasty bruise was forming.
“Do you love me, Strife?” He purred, like a contented cat, eyes half lidded, a sleek smile on his face. Blood had run down his face and all over his lower lip, a massive swathe of red.
"hmm, good morning strifeykins..." Parv was leaning over Will as the CEO woke up, eyes a brighter red than their usual cast, pale skin trembling with something held back. everything felt a bit- off. [reddestchaos]
Will blinked awake and flinched, falling off the bed, swearing loudly in Yulsi. He yelped and stood up, staring at Parv for a moment. “Parvis? Are? Are you okay?”
// reddestchaos //
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reddestchaos · 9 years
A low whine came from the man as he screwed his eyes shut, brain slowly processing what Sips said. “Dad was a demon incucumber- incutebus-incubus?” He bit his own hand, nibbling on the flesh between thumb and index finger, drawing blood. He licked it up and opened his eyes, blinking widely at the other. Confused. Could the senior help? He hoped. He was hungry.
“Hungry,” growled Parv, nuzzling against Sips’ cheek. “I’m hungry. It doesn’t-” He hissed and nipped the other’s chin. His eyes were watering, the pain in his stomach and chest was terrible and sharp.
He was conveniently forgetting about his heritage, the fact he probably needed not only to devour his victims in body, but in soul.
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reddestchaos · 9 years
“Hungry,” growled Parv, nuzzling against Sips’ cheek. “I’m hungry. It doesn’t-” He hissed and nipped the other’s chin. His eyes were watering, the pain in his stomach and chest was terrible and sharp.
He was conveniently forgetting about his heritage, the fact he probably needed not only to devour his victims in body, but in soul.
He unlatched from his current victim, grinning at sips. There was something wrong, though, and no matter how much he fed he didn’t feel full or even satisfied.
Tearing his victims apart was the only thing that made it feel better. But there was still that hunger. At this point, had Parv not been so madly starved, he would have come to the conclusion that he should try doing something else.
But he was practically feral as he stood, circled around sips, and rested a head on the other man’s shoulder.
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reddestchaos · 9 years
He unlatched from his current victim, grinning at sips. There was something wrong, though, and no matter how much he fed he didn’t feel full or even satisfied.
Tearing his victims apart was the only thing that made it feel better. But there was still that hunger. At this point, had Parv not been so madly starved, he would have come to the conclusion that he should try doing something else.
But he was practically feral as he stood, circled around sips, and rested a head on the other man’s shoulder.
With a nod Parv bolted off into the shadows. He tore through the dark and into the light of a villager’s porch. He slunk through the light, steps slowing, and carefully broke the door off its hinges.
He entered the house silently,  stalking up to one of them, sleeping silently. He lunged and tore, pulling flesh from bone, cracking the poor thing’s ribcage, and biting down onto  its upper arm. As he drank it started screaming- which only lasted a few seconds, cut off by the wet sound of Parv breaking it’s neck.
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reddestchaos · 9 years
Parv grinned against strife’s neck, eyes snapping shut.
He suddenly bit down on that stop, teeth digging into the soft flesh. His grip tightened on Will’s waist and hair as he drank- The taste was really satisfying, like a cool glass of water after being dehydrated to the bone. And of course he had to be careful not to bleed the man dry, which would be as bad as tearing him to bits and feasting on his sweet flesh.
"hmm, good morning strifeykins..." Parv was leaning over Will as the CEO woke up, eyes a brighter red than their usual cast, pale skin trembling with something held back. everything felt a bit- off. [reddestchaos]
Will blinked awake and flinched, falling off the bed, swearing loudly in Yulsi. He yelped and stood up, staring at Parv for a moment. “Parvis? Are? Are you okay?”
// reddestchaos //
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reddestchaos · 9 years
Parv’s other arm looped around Will’s waist, drawing him close. Releasing the alien’s hand, his hand darted up into his hair, tugging will’s head back none-too-gently. He eagerly kissed at the other’s neck, humming noncommittally.
He shivered, trying not to tear open strife’s throat right then and there. that wouldn’t do, there was only one of him. Just a bite would be good. he opened his mouth and licked right at the juncture of strife’s neck, where it met his shoulders.
"hmm, good morning strifeykins..." Parv was leaning over Will as the CEO woke up, eyes a brighter red than their usual cast, pale skin trembling with something held back. everything felt a bit- off. [reddestchaos]
Will blinked awake and flinched, falling off the bed, swearing loudly in Yulsi. He yelped and stood up, staring at Parv for a moment. “Parvis? Are? Are you okay?”
// reddestchaos //
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reddestchaos · 9 years
“I’m fine. I’m just a bit hungry. Can I have a snack?” He smiled and looked at Will, eyes wide and bright. With a swift movement, he slid over the bed to the same side as the CEO, gently taking the other man’s hand. This was raised to his lips, which pressed gently against the other’s knuckles.
"hmm, good morning strifeykins..." Parv was leaning over Will as the CEO woke up, eyes a brighter red than their usual cast, pale skin trembling with something held back. everything felt a bit- off. [reddestchaos]
Will blinked awake and flinched, falling off the bed, swearing loudly in Yulsi. He yelped and stood up, staring at Parv for a moment. “Parvis? Are? Are you okay?”
// reddestchaos //
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reddestchaos · 9 years
With a nod Parv bolted off into the shadows. He tore through the dark and into the light of a villager’s porch. He slunk through the light, steps slowing, and carefully broke the door off its hinges.
He entered the house silently,  stalking up to one of them, sleeping silently. He lunged and tore, pulling flesh from bone, cracking the poor thing’s ribcage, and biting down onto  its upper arm. As he drank it started screaming- which only lasted a few seconds, cut off by the wet sound of Parv breaking it’s neck.
With a sigh he  attempted to follow Sips into the air- but to no avail. “Walk. Flying is hard and I don’t like it.” He smiled and followed Sips.
The smell of the villagers burned his nostrils, even from this distance. Back at his castle, he had massacred every single one of this blood batteries. He knew he would have to replace them, but his hunger felt absolutely insatiable, and it didn’t help that he was such a messy eater. (they were covering the walls and every surface of his castle. Strife would probably NEVER help him clean that up.)
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reddestchaos · 9 years
With a sigh he  attempted to follow Sips into the air- but to no avail. “Walk. Flying is hard and I don’t like it.” He smiled and followed Sips.
The smell of the villagers burned his nostrils, even from this distance. Back at his castle, he had massacred every single one of this blood batteries. He knew he would have to replace them, but his hunger felt absolutely insatiable, and it didn’t help that he was such a messy eater. (they were covering the walls and every surface of his castle. Strife would probably NEVER help him clean that up.)
Parv seemed to lean against Sips subconsciously,  eyes flickering around wildly. His voice came out in the softest hiss. “Yess. Please.” A tremble of tension ran through the thin man, the permanent stains of blood over his skin seeming to writhe in anticipation.
The kid was pretty much a wreck.
“You got it.”
Without a moment to spare, Sips lead the man out and jumped into the air, levitating a few feet off the ground as he turned to look at Parv. “Can you fly yet or do you need me to walk? Either’s fine, but this way’s quicker and more fun.” 
Tonight’s playground was a quaint new village that had made the awful decision to set itself up so close to the factory. Sips assumed they hadn’t believed all the stories about the mysterious disappearances that seemed isolated to this area. Their ignorance was Sips’ bliss—they were easy targets, and perfect teething toys for his coven. 
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reddestchaos · 9 years
Parv seemed to lean against Sips subconsciously,  eyes flickering around wildly. His voice came out in the softest hiss. “Yess. Please.” A tremble of tension ran through the thin man, the permanent stains of blood over his skin seeming to writhe in anticipation.
The kid was pretty much a wreck.
Sips! heyyy friend, long time no see. Uh, well, Parvy has a bit of a problem. You see, I'm somehow a vampire. As you can guess, this is bad for my bloodmagic business! help. [reddestchaos]
Aw, shit man! How’d you think that happened? Wait—I bet you did the same thing I did—did you use any weird blood in your altar? ‘Cause blood vendors these days are always out to getcha!
So what sort of help do you need, pal? 
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reddestchaos · 9 years
“Yeah eh... I don’t remember? I harvest my own blood and blood from some victims I’ve had for a while. I don’t think I coulda’ gotten tainted unless someone willingly put it into my altar? And I found it destroyed after I died.” His grin looked a little too wide and his eyes were a little too bright red. He looked tense- strung together as all hell, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
That vampirism my be messing with his incubus heritage a bit. too much.
Sips! heyyy friend, long time no see. Uh, well, Parvy has a bit of a problem. You see, I'm somehow a vampire. As you can guess, this is bad for my bloodmagic business! help. [reddestchaos]
Aw, shit man! How’d you think that happened? Wait—I bet you did the same thing I did—did you use any weird blood in your altar? ‘Cause blood vendors these days are always out to getcha!
So what sort of help do you need, pal? 
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reddestchaos · 9 years
Sneaks in while Parv is asleep and fucking obliterates Parv's blood altar. Job done, off he fucks!
Parv soared across the sky, skimming treetops and bouncing slightly whenever he reached the end of his arc.several bounces in, pain struck him suddenly in the chest like needles. His heart was constricting, pounding suddenly faster and faster until-everything was a tunnel of black and he swore as he suddenly plummeted, letting go of the orb he held.crunch.Some time later, he rose off the ground, covered in his own blood, eyes a brighter red than normal.They turned to look at a curious looter who pulled back, shocked.Parv grabbed and tore-he sunk his teeth into the red mess, growling like something feral.
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reddestchaos · 9 years
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After two days of testing out the plugins we are dipping our toe in the water and opening up the server for beta testing. People can join if they send an ask to be added to the whitelist which will be removed once the server is open to the entire public.
Current server features include:
Chat channels
Coloured text
Users are free to ask the mods for help and there is a maximum capacity of 60 people on the server. 
IP: yogsanctuary.mcpro.co
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reddestchaos · 9 years
((Can you guys do me a favor and reblog this if you're interested in RPing something other than sex? I mean...like, if I can start an RP with you without worrying that you're going to be constantly trying to seduce my character or steer the action toward something like that. Friendship is fine, of course. Angst is fine, fighting is fine, etc. Could you reblog if you're more interested in the process and the characters than THAT destination?))
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reddestchaos · 9 years
When Parv momentarily left his blood altar, Sips snuck in unnoticed, vial of tainted blood in hand. He poured some into the altar basin, quickly making his escape when he heard the other return. ((COVEN PLOT: Your muse has been infected with the vampire virus! It will take effect when your muse dies, after which they will have 3 days to find the cure to stop the curse becoming permanent! Good luck!))
Parv hobbled back to his altar, carrying a mug of coffee. Not like he needed it, the lifeblood of the witches screaming below his castle fueling him indefinitely.Something twinged after a small while, the blood in the altar basin always siphoning through his system- Something felt off after the basin emptied when he approached, but he passed it off as the coffee being too strong.
He let the basin fill up again.
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reddestchaos · 10 years
You kneel and take her hand, all gentlemanly, and kiss it. "I'm pleased to hear that, Wife."
*slides in with a sexy pose.* Hello wife. Looking pretty today. How are you? [Reddestchaos]
*Giggles* Thanks, I’m doing great. 
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