kimludcom · 10 months
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woobosco · 2 years
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Afro Culture (My culture)
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thehazeldruid · 1 year
Snoke's Misinterpretation
A spell to keep people from seeing your true intentions
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What you need
A basil leaf- for protecting you and your secret
A piece of obsidian- for keeping your secret
A small piece of black cloth and string- to hold the ingredients
A small piece of paper and a pen
A black candle
A stick of frankincense incense- to instill a false vision to those you wish to keep the secret from
What to do
Prepare yourself as necessary. Ground, meditate, center. prepare your work space as necessary. Call on the elements, cast a circle, call to a deity, build the magic required for the spell.
Envision what it is you wish to keep secret, keep it in your mind. Write on the paper a way you wish others to see your intentions. Something similar, though easily confused for your actual intentions.
Light the candle and incense, keeping this false vision at the forefront of your mind. Instill the words written on the paper with that vision., waft it through the incense smoke.
Pick up the piece of obsidian and whisper your true intentions to it. Whatever it is that must be kept secret, instill this within the stone.
Wrap the basil leaf around the stone, then wrap the paper around the leaf.
Place this inside the cloth and tie it shut. Once more waft the sachet through the incense, again focusing on the false vision.
Allow the candle and incense to burn out, and keep the sachet on your person as long as you must keep your secret.
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Recharge it in incense with a black candle whenever you need to. Tweaking or reaffirming the false vision to hide your secret.
Best of luck and happy casting witches!
The Hazel Druid
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adhd-culture--is · 2 years
adhd cultutre is being like ‘ill start my work in an hour’ and then get distracted seeing if you could theoretically set up a livestream on your shitty laptop and only look up 3 hours later
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chronicalsofcricket · 2 months
Emotional Support Britta
I recently started binge-watching The Nanny. Its on my list of cultutrally important sitcoms, and so far I really like it. But I really love not understanding things that are clearly references. When a character says a name that ive never heard in my life but the entire crowd starts cheering... That feels like drugs. I don't know If I can explain why.
I've only started to experience that very recently. I fell asleep to a livestream marathon on amazon of Cheers. Fading in and out of conciousness to the sound of canned laughter and fuzzy audio made me feel something I havent felt since 2009.
Like many others, I have an unholy obsession with Community. I literally got a Peacock subscription after Netflix AND Hulu removed it from their platforms. I debated buying it on a few different platforms but ultimatley went with Peacock because my mom loves Below Deck and my sense of worth is based in what I can do for others. I finally caved because I was having a mental breakdown and needed my emotional support Britta.
Which brings us right back around to The Nanny, which was recommended to me via Peacock. I've just inadvertently pulled an all nighter working on a copy and watching the entire first season.
Reader, I'm so very tired and my eyes have been an inch from my phone screen for over 24 hours. The voices in my head are starting to sound like Fran Drescher. I'm going to bed.
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calumaai · 3 months
Textual (html) to audiovisual to live & spatial and augmented
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flowerdeliver · 5 months
Disbuds Flower: Understanding the Impact and Representation in Art and Cultutre 
Disbuds flower has a profound effect on your mental health and overall attitude. According to scientific research, being near flowers can make people feel happier, more relaxed, and less stressed. The aromas and hues of flowers appeal to our senses, infusing your home with a cheerful, peaceful atmosphere.
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Improving the Quality of Indoor Air and Elevating Emotion
The overall cleanliness of the air you breathe in your house might be improved with the help of Altona florists since they are natural air cleaners. They contribute to air freshening by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. It has been discovered that some flowers, such as peace flowers and orchids, may eliminate typical indoor air pollutants, improving the health and ventilation of your home.
Flowers Can Provide A Healthy Environment and Help Reduce Stress:
Flowers are proven to improve mood and reduce stress since they are natural antidepressants. When workers view the lovely flowers, their worries will subside, and they will feel at ease. Flower arrangements set thoughtfully by a Prahran florist can benefit workers' psychological well-being. Stress-free, happy, and healthy workers perform better at work and are typically more productive.
Exploring The Advantages of Fresh Flowers in Your Home for Your Health
In the modern, technologically advanced society, feeling cut off from the natural world is simple. You may add a little bit of nature to your living area by adding fresh flowers. Flowers' beauty and vitality inspire wonder and gratitude, connecting us to the natural world and serving as a constant reminder of its magnificence all around us.
The appearance of fresh flowers on your desk may boost your productivity and creative thinking. According to research, having flowers nearby can boost concentration, foster creativity, and improve cognitive function. Adding flowers to your workstation, whether at home or in a business, may create a positive and motivating environment.
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cmsjnc · 1 year
Our Story : Celebrating Cultutral Significance: Hindi Diwas
ABHIRI GHATGE On 20 September the Department of Hindi celebrated ‘Hindi Diwas’ and inaugurated their club Gyandeep. Assistant Professor Dr Subhadra Kumari graced the stage with a rousing introductory speech, and reminded us that Hindi Diwas prevails as an annual tribute to our linguistic and cultural unity. Principal Dr Sr Mary Louisa S, in her address, emphasised the pivotal role that Hindi…
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lhmagazin · 2 years
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'culture is perishing in overproduction, in an avalanche of words. in the madness of quantity.' The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera
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woobosco · 2 years
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Afro Culture (My culture)
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Ken Kesey, Acid Test Graduation (1966) Photo : Gene Anthony.
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irkenheretic · 4 years
CAN I JUST SAY THAT i fucking hate how like. while it was planned that invader zim was gonna have two protagonists- zim and dib- its always dib that gets more... development?
like. i love the show dont get me wrong. but it really irks me (no pun intended) that the crew stresses that zin and dib are equals, and yet dib is the one that actually has character development and nuance put into his actions. hes changed from the show and his relationship with his family have gotten better
with zim? its the OPPOSITE
hes always written off by crew members as "oh, zim? yeah he wont ever change." the Main Character is stagnant. while the comics make dib's life better, they make zim's worse. 777, zim's only friend, is now only helping him because he has his kids hostage. you used to be able to make the case that red was a little sympathetic towards zim, now him and purple are interchangeable assholes to the point where they SWITCH COLORS in issue 4. zim himself is more 2d and has more of a Cartoon Badguy role to dib's Plucky Young Hero and it really doesnt feel like theyre on equal ground anymore. it just feels like dib is the new protagonist, and the traditional Cartoon Good Guy, and zim is just a joke without the CORE TENANT OF HIS CHARACTER, that being that hes not stupid, just misguided.
and it really feels like the comics treat him like hes stupid and doesnt have a friend in the world or anyone that likes him even a LITTLE because who would ever like ZIM amirite?
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marquisoforder · 3 years
Free my brethren in the danmei fandoms from the shackles of Eurocentric interpretations of royalty and court politics in the novels cause I’m tired of y’all going by the Western rule of the thumb when discussing sect politics in MDZS or military rhetoric in SPL and Yuwu or even court intrigue in Golden Stage or whatever
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asavt · 3 years
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I wanted to give it a try... and draw these two
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iasnext2018-blog · 5 years
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Kalamkariis an ancient style of hand painting done on cotton or silk fabric with a tamarind pen, using natural dyes. The word Kalamkari is derived from a Persian word where ‘kalam‘ means pen and ‘kari‘ refers to craftsmanship. This art involves 23 tedious steps of dyeing, bleaching, hand painting, block printing, starching, cleaning and more. Motifs drawn in Kalamkari spans from flowers, peacock, paisleys to divine characters of Hindu epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana. Nowadays, this art is primarily done to create Kalamkari sarees.
Centuries ago, folk singers and painters used to wander from one village to other, narrating stories of Hindu mythology to the village people. But with course of time, the process of telling tales transformed into canvas painting and that’s when Kalamkari art first saw the light of day. This colorful art dates back to more than 3000 B.C. According to the historians, fabric samples depicting Kalamkari art was found at the archeological sites of Mohenjo-daro.
Types of Kalamkari
There are two identifiable styles of Kalamkari art in India – Srikalahasti style and Machilipatnam style. In the Machilipatnam style of Kalamkari, motifs are essentially printed with hand-carved traditional blocks with intricate detailing painted by hands. On the other hand, Srikalahasti style of painting draws inspiration from the Hindu mythology describing scenes from the epics and folklore. This style holds a strong religious connect because of its origin in the temples. In recent times, two other types of Kalamkari patterns have also emerged, based on the states where it is created. Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh are two prime states in India, where two different types of Kalamkari patterns are done. The Andhra Kalamkari borrows design inspiration from forts, palaces and temples of India, along with motifs of animals and birds. While the Gujarat Kalamkari depict motifs of mythological characters like Krishna-Arjuna from Mahabharata, lord Krishna, lord Ganesha, lord Buddha
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