#culture in the pens
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sushiisiu · 9 months ago
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khura'inese wedding
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kisanofindia · 2 years ago
पेन कल्चर तकनीक अपनाकर कैसे उन्नत मछली पालन कर रहे मणिपुर के ये आदिवासी मछुआरे
आजीविका बढ़ाने में मिली मदद
मणिपुर की जनजातीय आबादी की आजीविका का मुख्य स्रोत खेती और मछली पालन है। मछली उनका मुख्य भोजन भी है। मगर राज्य की आबादी की जरूरतें अपने जल स्रोतों से पूरी नहीं हो पाती थी जिस कारण दूसरे राज्यों से मछली मंगानी पड़ती थी, मगर पेन कल्चर तकनीक अपनाने के बाद न सिर्फ़ आदिवासियों की आजीविका में सुधार हुआ, बल्कि मछली का उत्पादन भी बढ़ा।
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पेन कल्चर तकनीक से मछली पालन (Fish Farming with Pen Culture or aquaculture system): भारत के पूर्वी कोने में बसे छोटे से राज्य मणिपुर की जनजातीय आबादी के लिए कृषि और मछली पालन ही आजीविका का मुख्य साधन है। मगर यहां के जल स्रोतों का पूरी तरह से उपयोग न होने के कारण दूसरे राज्यों से मछलियां मंगानी पड़ती थीं।
राज्य में तालाब, झील, जलाशय तो बहुत हैं, मगर उनकी पूरी क्षमता का इस्तेमाल नहीं हो पाता। राज्य की करीब 95 प्रतिशत आबादी मछली का सेवन करती है, मगर उनकी ज़रूरत सिर्फ़ राज्य के उत्पादन से पूरी नहीं हो पा रही थी, खासतौर पर मैपिथेल बांध बनने के बाद एक बड़ी आबादी विस्थापित हो गई और भूमि का बड़ा हिस्सा जल��ग्न हो गया।
इससे खेती से गुज़र बसर करना मुश्कि�� हो गया और राज्य की बड़ी जनजातीय आबादी को आजीविका के दूसरे विकल्पों की तलाश करनी पड़ी। ऐसे में मछली पालन में ही अधिक संभावना नज़र आई। इसलिए ICAR-CIFRI ने इनकी आजीवि��ा में बढ़ोतरी के लिए पेन कल्चर तकनीक से मछली पालन को बढ़ावा देने की पहल की।
मैपिथेल बांध से प्रभावित आबादी
मणिपुर में मैपिथेल बांध बनने के कारण विस्थापन की बड़ी समस्या सामने आई। साथ ही आजीविका का संकट भी आया। ऐसे में प्रभावित लोगों ने एक साथ मिलकर “The Mapithel Dam Affected Fishery Co-operative Society” नाम से एक को-ऑपरेटिव सोसाइटी बनाई और 370 सदस्यों को रजिस्टर्ड किया। विस्थापित लोगों के लिए आजीविका का प्रमुख स्रोत मछली पालन ही था, लेकिन जलाशयों में मछली का स्टॉक नहीं था।
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विस्थापित जनजातीय आबादी की मदद
जनजातीय लोगों की आजीविका में सुधार के लिए ICAR-CIFRI की ओर से पहल की गई और इसके तहत दो ICAR-CIFRI Pen और HDPE pens (0.1 हेक्टेयर आकार का पेन) देने के साथ ही 50,000 मछली के बीज, 2 टन पेलेटेटेड फीड स्टॉकिंग सामग्री के रूप में दी गई। ये कदम इसलिए उठाया गया ताकि जलाशय में मछलियों की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी हो सके। इसके अलावा, ICAR-CIFRI की ओर से 10 मीटर लंबी एक मोटरयुक्त FRP नाव भी दी गई। ICAR-CIFRI की इस पहल का मकसद मछली पालन को बढ़ावा देकर जनजातीय आबादी की आजीविका में सुधार करना था।
और पढ़ें......
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anatomical-puppet · 6 months ago
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MYSTERY TWINS BIRTHDAY‼️‼️‼️‼️ time for my own obligatory teen designs yayyy ^_^
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thelostcanyon · 10 months ago
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Roadrunner and Mimbres Pot by Andrew Steuer III, India ink on vellum.
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ofcrystalsandart · 23 days ago
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Me as a baby winning best New Artist at the Grammys 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Commission Info | Ko-Fi
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goldnightshaade · 3 months ago
Mando’a Brush Script
So I tend to struggle with canonical Mando’a scripts because it’s so blocky and not very translatable into normal handwriting. Hence, I sat down and spent an afternoon working out Mando’a into a brush script.
Here is the result:
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Brush script tends to look different and require different strokes depending on the hand holding the brush, so I made a version for both left and right hands for each style of script
Thick script: this script is meant to be used for official/professional writing. It’s more blocky and has more rules as to how individual letters are written.
Thin script: this script is meant to be used for more casual/personal writing. It’s looser, and has few/no rules around how letters are written. It’s expected that individuals have their own handwriting of this script.
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czikpisia · 4 months ago
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Hrubieszów folk costume, South East Poland
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padfootastic · 3 months ago
my headcanon of the day is that harry tried his first sip of alcohol (firewhisky) with sirius.
it was during the christmas holidays from hell, after the first DoM vision and mr weasley is in the hospital and harry’s being treated like voldemort v. 2, and he’s so so sick of everyone and their grandmothers tiptoeing around him. sirius is the only one who truly understands how much (and we’re not gonna talk about how it’s bc they did the same with him, supposed right hand man of the dark lord & betrayer of his friends, nope, this is not that kind of post)
and he tries to do whatever he could to alleviate it but honestly, nothing helped. it was another evening when harry was trying to escape, hide from the accusing eyes, when he stumbled upon sirius with a tumbler of firewhiskey in his hand and, basically out of desperation, snatched it from him and gulped it down.
cue hilarity of increasing proportions bc no one ever told baby boy what would happen if one chugs such a drink, and he spent the next half hour with smoke escaping various orifices and sirius giggling in a way he’d literally never seen before so maybe, it’s not all that bad eh?
from that day, it became an unspoken ritual for both of them come together at the end of the day (or when they’d reached the end of their ropes, whoever came first) and sirius to pour himself a glass that was slightly too full, and harry who kept stealing it from him (with, thankfully, shorter sips)
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morecrearty · 1 year ago
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i lied about probably not drawing much for the rest of the month 🤥 i went to the natural history museum with my pal & we drew lots of wonky lil guys ✍🏻😌
i am pleased to announce that the main scanner at my local library has been fixed and now nobody will be spared from my sketchbook spreads xoxo
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samejimachich · 10 months ago
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"端午の節句" or "こどもの日" is Japanese public holiday in 5/5. the day of boys, praying for their health and live. incidentally, "ひな祭り" is the day of girls in 3/3, the girls's version of "こどもの日".
Also ”柏餅” is the special snack in 5/5. sweet boiled (and mashed) white beans mixed with miso inside mochi, wrapped with Kashiwa oak leaf.
leaf doesn't eat but only for scent. each material have meaning of health and longevity.
however, mochi is the most killing food in Japan.
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ludo-ree · 29 days ago
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normalize drawing ace aro girlboys you don't remember the canon lore to
come to think of it l when I was really into mcyt I never made like any art so I'm making up for it now
(btw when I drew these it was when my phone was taken so I really needed to do something anything to distract myself from yk shity life, and they were my first thought)
ok kinda a rant
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allium duo was always one of my favorite pairings idk I just liked their dynamic
but I'm kinda emotional about them? I don't know if I was at a weird place in life when I hyperfixationed on them but DEAR CELESTIA I need another random crack ship to be emotional depend on cuz I can't keep goin on like this they're just friends in canon and in my headcanon they've always been more QPR (along with tubbs)
I don't know what's wrong with me I hate Minecraft roleplay sm
dw I'll make some personal designs for em soon
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 8 months ago
happy to have an offgun sunday show back on the docket but i can already tell this series is going to put a bee in my bonnet every week about late stage capitalism foisting its cancer upon all workplace cultures and turning things like internships from learning and exploratory opportunities to build skills and discover interests in a field, to an expectation of free/low paid but inexplicably pre-skilled labour. do you think ye olde blacksmith's apprentice showed up to the first day of the apprenticeship and the blacksmith is like "what do you mean you don't know how to shoe a horse?? that's so basic" no. the expectation of apprenticeship is that a newborn emptyheaded youngin with a vague notion that metal is cool shows up, and is taught how to blacksmith. the expectation is not that the young savant of metalwork turns up with a list of horses already shoed, including One Very Special One in the Royal Stable, and god would you please please please allow me to debase myself for you, o blacksmith? my resumé is just like the journeyman's!! this workplace culture is a modern invention!! they used to teach you things at work!!
[breathing audibly] i just think entry level should mean entry level, and that as much effort goes into gathering experience that makes people competitively hire-able, ability, opportunity, and luck also play a role. it is lucky to know your passion early enough to be able to groom yourself to competitiveness in a sharky field of work, but a person should be able to turn up for entry level positions/interning with an unabashed "i know nothing" as long as it's followed with an "and i'm ready to learn" and it is in neoliberalism's favour to allow work environments to cut their costs by eschewing the responsibility to teach. to train the trainee.
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shotsyfeather · 2 months ago
Random things I draw ✍🏼
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gingersnaptaff · 4 months ago
Me again! Bringing in some hot gossip about the Welsh Laws of Women. (By which I mean from the laws of Hywel Dda.)
No. No! Don't run away, it's good shit, I promise!
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So, the legal majority for a girl was twelve. This is different to a boy. Under Welsh law, they didn't become men until they were 14, and, if they were high-ranking, were fostered out to other nobles, whereas girls were kept at home, hence the 'father's platter.' What's interesting to me is that after she became a woman she was entitled to hold her own property as an unmarried woman and 'go wherever she pleased.'
I realise I am saying that verbatim to what I've highlighted but like think about it!!!! She wasn't bound to her family - except in marriage but I'll get into that - and she legally had the right to go bye byes! Her father didn't rule her life, basically. She's a free spirit.
NOW, the right to land is pretty tricky, on account of different parts of Wales having different customs. You gotta remember that Wales was NEVER really united* under one big fish until AFTER the Normanic Conquest, and even then that took some fuckin doing.
(*Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Owain Gwynedd, and Llywelyn Fawr are exceptions. That's the House of Aberffraw, bb!)
So, in South Wales, it seems more prevalent to give land to a lady's descendants when there were no men to take up the land. This is far better than in North Wales (and may I just say as a North Walian *clears throat* WHAT THE FUCK?) where basically Salic Law applied which is basically where u gotta give it to a male descendent. Female lineal descendants were excluded. Boo!!!
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BUT!!! However, matrilineal bloodlines should not be discounted. Royal women still had claims to the throne that could be used by their descendants to press their claim. Owain Glyndŵr did this. I suspect if u were related to a Welsh lady you could try and do it but, pls, don't use this tumblr post to try and convince the jury. It's on you, bud.
Now, there are two forms of marriage. Your normal one where your parents pick for you or at the very least gift u to your husbando like in Culhwch and Olwen, and the one where you can ELOPE. Because Welsh law didn't see marriage as a religious thing the sanctity of marriage wasn't in question so, therefore, you could have a little fun and y'know nyoom after your chosen beau. (Gwenllian ferch Gruffudd ap Cynan did this. She's ace.)
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The Mabinogi gives us a lot of good shit about the gift of kin stuff. Branwen gets gifted to Matholwch by Bendigeidfran, all fine and dandy. BUT Welsh law states that your relatives - mam, dad, grandads, grandmum's, great-grandad's and grrat-grandmum's - needed to take counsel cuz y'know it's a big fuckin thing, giving somebody in marriage. So, that's why Efnisien is so upset because he wasn't given a say. He thinks he is legally entitled to do so. However, he's only her half-brother so not full-blooded. Therefore, he's unable to have a say because he isn't fully related to her.
(A lot of Welsh law is prevaricated on kin ties.)
Also for all u Rhiannon lovers out there - like me - the Welsh law was on her side when she fought to free herself from Gwawl ap Clud. (Although the badger-in-a-sack game was a bit much.) Welsh law forbade a woman from being married against her will. Yeah, your family could try and capture you and bring you back but like if you'd bonked the lad you could stay. You'd made your choice. Nobody can take that away from you. All that was needed in a personal bestowal was continued cohabitation. *clicks teeth, finger guns.*
Also, there are marriage laws too, but I don't want to clutter up the feed too much, or overly ramble. Suffice to say there's some fun ones!
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maerynarts · 2 years ago
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studies of musicians in rastak, an iranian folk band that i’ve been obsessed with (and a highly unsuccessful attempt to get over my jjk brainrot)
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 4 months ago
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cultober was this month, and i wanted to do something a little sillier than other, longer prompt challenges normally allow. so i did a little poem type thing. YAY.
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