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shanastoryteller · 3 months ago
Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 FMA?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6
A fuhrer is not a king, nor should he act like one lest he find himself quite efficiently assassinated, but this is ridiculous.
Parliament is giving Roy the runaround, about several things, and he's just letting them. Or worse, he doesn't notice, and while Ed might believe that of Roy, Maes certainly knows better. He hopes.
He's not a religious man, but he finds himself praying that Roy has someone on his team well versed in civilian politics. Surely they're not all military dogs? Even Pakor has to bend to the will of the people, no matter how distasteful he finds it.
The emperor in Xing doesn't so much, but that's because controlling the people is the duty of the twelve families and whoever fails is going find their their best concubines rejected and their princes and princesses falling ill with mysterious illnesses.
Honestly, controlling the twelve families is probably worse than trying to control the rest of the Xingese population. Vipers and rattlesnakes, the lot of them.
He's almost thankful that Al marrying Mei would end in war. She's nice enough, but he doesn't want either of them near the political shitshow that's the Xingese royal court. Their friendship with Ling is bad enough.
It's true in Xerxes, true in Xing, and becoming increasingly true in Amestris.
Every minute he's ever spent in court was a mistake.
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ryeallytired · 2 years ago
Tagged by @cuips-not-cute to do this: picrew
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Tagging: @lochsreblogs @cucurbitapuella @inomakani
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wearethepirategems · 8 years ago
am Anglesite / and wen i fuse / in order to / my crew amuse / i shoot arrow / from tunge it fliyes / we watch it 'splode / i lik my eyes
Oh my god. I have had the worst 24 hours in a very long time and reading this just now made me laugh so hard. Thank you so much for this. This is my favourite poetry meme anyway and to get an Anglesite one makes me so goddamn happy. Man, I wanna frame this thing. 
Thank you!
so cute, I need it on my wall as well!!- mimu
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lemonemenom · 4 years ago
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ryeallytired · 1 year ago
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💙🌊🐟💧 atlantic puffin!
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rivalcaptain · 10 years ago
cucurbitapuella replied to your post “NICE THOUGHTS CHALLENGE: Once you get this you have to say 5 nice...”
HIGH-FIVE FOR HAVING NAILS. Be proud with me, we can open cans of soda now. : D
BRO I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! And hell yeah, high-five for the "slowly getting nails" squad. It's a hard life.
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ryeallytired · 8 years ago
a summery of our first D&D session...
[listen with headphones for better immersion]
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copperbadge · 3 years ago
Sam, I keep seeing the WIP title and may I suggest "the ladyfingers and the tiger" to keep with the food theme?
Sadly for the same reason I could not call it Confit For A King -- there’s no confit nor ladyfingers! But there is a tiger. The tiger is a real tiger but also a metaphor. It all works in my head but it’s proving difficult on paper. 
Also I’m going for a theme where I get progressively more pretentious with each title. Fete for a King is a dumb pun, Infinite Jes is a play on both Shakespeare and David Foster Wallace, and The Lady And The Tiger references an extremely pompous (and kinda sidelong-racist) short story by Frank Stockton illustrating a philosophical dilemma. Soon I’m going to be getting into like, Ayn Rand territory. Perhaps a story about the palace Conservation Corps officers called Atlas Shrubbed. 
Are. You. Out. Of. Your. Mind. We spend so much energy wrapping you in metaphorical bubble wrap and here you go dosing yourself with rocket fuel. Must we upgrade to kevlar before you turn yourself into a molotov cocktail?
See, this is making me glad I didn’t go with my original plan of buying Everclear and watering it down to 50% ABV. 
You could probably get away with an "in character" basic but not beautiful map - maybe Noah had to do it for homework, or Eddie made himself one to mark where the cheeses come from?
The idea of Eddie drawing himself some kind of deranged treasure map with CHEESE HERE in the upper left corner is extremely compelling. :D 
It is weirdly refreshing to see another person on this site who isn't engaged with every single piece of media out there. I am glad the gay pirates exist! But I'm going to be over here with my point-and-click games instead!
I think one of the downsides of social media with regards to fandom in specific is that it presents a skew of proportion, in a way. It’s not really polite (or...in some ways necessary) to hop online and just announce you don’t like something. We just don’t do it, unless we’re critiquing the media for problematic elements of some kind. And I feel like that’s appropriate, for the most part. But it can get frustrating to be bombarded by other people reblogging content from the thing we don’t like (or even are just indifferent to) to the point where you kind of want to announce your dislike out of sheer perversity.
But like, there’s nothing wrong with people loving something and reblogging content of it, they’re not doing it to pester us. So whenever I find myself getting frustrated with those posts, I immediately go and blacklist the thing -- generally tags but also character names not in tags, just to be sure. I do this because at that point I am officially Reacting and don’t want to harsh anyone’s good time for no reason. But it does kind of create a feedback loop where I think some people go looking for reasons something might be problematic in order to announce they don’t like a thing and have justification for doing so.
It’s one of those situations where we just have to gently restrain our inner toddler. I’m getting better at it as I get older; my policy these days is “If someone asks my opinion about something that isn’t actually impacting me, I will give it as truthfully but politely as possible, expressing joy in the joy of others. Otherwise I’ll keep my damn mouth shut.” 
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copperbadge · 2 years ago
I will have you guys know that even while traveling I looked through the notes and reblogs and googled a bunch of cars on a spectrum from “beautifully ugly” to “I don’t think I could sit upright in that” and made my decision. 
As a side note, thanks to the folks who reminded me that while VW has come a long way from its Nazi roots, it has, well, Nazi roots. I know several Jews who have in the past said they’re not comfortable being in one, let alone owning one, and that blips out of my memory sometimes, so I appreciated the reminder. 
Anyway, thank you also to everyone who suggested a Citroen. Several of you may recognize your remarks about it in the passage below ( @cucurbitapuella and @perevision and @digitaldiscipline especially). 
Georgie generally drove cars from the Palace motor pool on the job, but for personal use she had a car that, the first time Monday saw it, made her burst out laughing.
"Why do you drive Barbie's Dream Jeep?" she'd asked, pointing at the powder-blue Citroen parked in the little lot behind the kitchen garden. 
"The Citroen E-Merhari is an extremely maneuverable and durable car," Georgie had told her with dignity.
"Didn't Tintin drive a Citroen?" Monday had asked. 
"So did James Bond. And Indiana Jones!" 
So as they headed out for drinks that afternoon, Monday did what she always did on seeing the Citroen: she danced up to it singing Come on Barbie, let's go party! Oh, oh, oh, oh!
Why do I do this to myself? Why do I keep writing about cars? I don't like driving! I have to identify rideshares that pick me up by their license plates because I have, in the words of one of my favorite podcasters, Car Blindness (praying and searching for a cure) where I can't tell one model or type from another. Michaelis's sports car is simply The Jaguar because it sounds cool and I know they have them in Europe. I had to rewrite part of Twelve Points because I managed to fuck up the cost of a Ferrari AND the currency exchange rate simultaneously.
All of which is to say, European readers and gearheads, I need help. In Royals/Ramblers, Georgie needs to drive Monday into town, and I want to shift the scene from her office to Fons-Askaz by mentioning the car she drives. It needs to be small, practical, durable, safe, and European make; I would also like it to be slightly tacky, the kind of car you wouldn't think a suave, classy woman with a law degree and the capacity to kill you with a plastic soda bottle would drive. I am open to suggestions, because all I've got right now is an antique VW Beetle, which is a little tackier than I wanted to go but also could be a ton of fun.
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fatedgambler · 10 years ago
What's this? Kingdom Hearts 3? In the Unreal Engine? Interesting. Also news; Nomura has begun working full time on it.
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lemonemenom · 5 years ago
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90s windbreaker/scrunchie/looking like a box of Crayola threw up on you
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waxscoralpants · 2 years ago
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@cucurbitapuella @opalescent-potato several true things have been said
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They would get two tickets to Barbie please
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glaed-blog · 11 years ago
cucurbitapuella said: I’d go with you, if you want, I have some free time today! And I could buy more scrapbooking stuff. : 3 And hang out with you!
Ahhhjh that's so cool! :'D Yes, that would be awesome! I haven't seen you in like a year!!! we can buy all kinds of cool stuff and maybe get some ice cream, since it's so warm out!
and I can just stop by and pick you up, since you're right on the way. i'm p sure I still have your address in my gps, but would you mind mailing it to me just in case?
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latin-student-problems · 12 years ago
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ryeallytired · 3 years ago
@cucurbitapuella a puffin for you!
🎉Welcome, little tufted puffin! 🎉
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We’re unbeaklievably excited to announce that our tufted puffin colony has grown by one very adorable addition! This floofy puffling (yes, that’s really what they’re called!) hatched at the Aquarium on August 3 weighing just 48 grams. Now almost a month old, she currently weighs 357 grams thanks to the care of her parents and our aviculture and veterinary teams.
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The family of three is currently on exhibit, but may not be readily in view to our guests. Just like their wild burrows, their nest boxes at the Aquarium are deceptively long—wild ones can be as much as 7 feet deep! As she continues to grow, she’ll eventually head behind the scenes for a short while to practice her swimming and eating skills until she fully fledges and can join the rest of the colony on exhibit.
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The birds in our colony are part of a Species Survival Plan (SSP), a program managed by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums that oversees the health and breeding of over 180 tufted puffins at 14 different facilities.
Please join us in sea-lebrating the puffling and sending well-fishes to the colony and to the dedicated team caring for all of our birds!
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rivalcaptain · 10 years ago
cucurbitapuella replied to your post: I'M GONNA BE KING OF THE COSPLAY
AWWWW, YES. :D I am only sorry that I’m too lost to be there with you…
IT'S ALRIGHT MAN! I'M JUST HAPPY TO BE HERE! Soon I will cross the ocean and get you though, then you can get lost at a convention instead.
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