#cu digimon au
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infini-tree · 17 hours ago
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old-ish art i wanted to finish so i can say i drew all the partners, lol.
if you're wondering why some of the kids' designs are different, they (and the characterization/theoretical character arc they'd go on this AU) is based on concepts/headcanons in tetocu23.
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digimonloving · 3 years ago
Im glad to hear you're writing isn't overwhelming you!! But, I do have smthn slightly off topic to ask, are you fine with ppl referencing you in their writing? Cus I've got a famous gabumon writer who does romance novels in my digi au as a lil reference. Wanted to make sure that's chill with you!(It's not like anyone will ever read it cus it's a personal writing thing but ya know khbfghd) -That one cookie anon
(Oh I'm completely fine w/ it!! There is someone who uses a Gabu that's like me in their Digimon DND game so I really don't mind it one bit!! I think it's really flattering tbh and it makes me giddy to think someone likes my silly lil Gabuself that muh to use in their lil stories fhsdfh aaaa
but that's v valid, thank ya for askin first anyway tho!! I would have been fine w/ it either way!! fhsdfhsd aaaaa
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symphonic-scream · 4 years ago
Ml Digimon au but sonic quotes
Oh you know me so well this is my weakness oh my god-
Nino: let's get litty in this bitch! Light that bitch up right now!
Nathaniel at any given moment: what are you two FUCKING talking about
Ivan: woah, Nathaniel, you're dehydrated buddie
Nathaniel: a little bit
Mylene: what have you been drinking?
Nathaniel: ...
Alix looking at Monodramon: hm so it's the power of... Purple. I don't want to touch it
Adrien waking up in the fountain: oh! Oh my god! Someone help me!!
Lila walking up to the temple: so, this is the fabled Tilted Towers
Luka: don't you fucking lie to me
???: You see, I had to trap the kids in the digiworld 'cus they disrespected gamers
Juleka: what the actual shit? WHERE DID LUKA GO?! HE WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME
Alix: where's my mom?
Luka: I miss my sister, Kagami. I'm gonna go
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years ago
drabbles remaining: 
All of Chaldea gets under a truth potion.
Raikou becomes a lily. It’s very precious to think about.
Utu Vs. Gilgamesh: The kidnapping of Hakuno and rescuing of Hakuno begins.
Caster Gilgamesh being treated as he deserves because he is the best king, the greatest king, and the only king that this writer needs in her life and clearly he needs another drabble up in this bitch.
Digimon AU Sequel: Everyone finds out that the three are gone
Personal Clay Sequel: Enkidu addresses Gil finding out that Hakuno isn’t human
Gudako finds that all these nice new features? Yeah, there’s some queens and consorts behind that.
Gils, Hakuno, Enkidu, Gudako, and the Cus all end up at Day One of the Fuyuki Singularity, hello Mash and Romani not knowing anything about the future
Chaldean Trick or Treating
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forwardsoftgo · 2 years ago
X gon give it to ya rick and morty
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localmurders · 8 years ago
What is the name of that digimon 02 au???
it’s called eternal!! well, sort of. let me explain,
i have a fic from a few years ago (which is called eternal) that i recently came back to and started to rewrite. it involved human-digimon experimentation and the zero two cast (sans ken) end up mutated because of it. 
i don’t want to say “fused with their partners” cus that makes it seem like it’s some type of evolution (which it isn’t) but artificially they’re fused with them. cept it’s actually a little less ‘digimon’ and a little more ‘real animal equivalent’ oriented. hence why iori has traits of an armadillo along with physical differences that would align with armadimon.
sorry if that doesn’t make a lot of sense, this fic’s still in progress and i don’t currently have the rewrite up anywhere because i’m not finished with it yet, but if you’re interested everything on my blog having to do with the verse (art; my talking about it; etc.) is tagged with “eternal” so there’s a handful of things there for you to look at if you like!! here’s the link for your convenience~
( msg me if you want the link to the old fic. i don’t just want to give it out publically cus i’m really embarrassed of it rip )
i’ll probably post the fic here on tumblr when i’m finished with it, and also over on ao3.thanks for being interested btw!! i appreciate it!
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infini-tree · 7 months ago
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holding him (in the original adventure anime style this time)
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infini-tree · 1 year ago
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digi au thoughts in vague chronological order feat.:
doodle the wormmon and ??? the elecmon
donning the traditional goggles
[krupp vc] idk, its like a pager?
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infini-tree · 1 year ago
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and i finally finish george's elecmon evolutions! and also put in harold's wormmon evos together. for symmetry.
the notes on Salmon/Bufeomon are here. Postmon/Archivemon are... much less cut-and-dry conceptually. Postmon is based on e-mail and communication/connection with a little bit of super sentai and hermes if by the former association (and also continues the Pun Names)
Archimon is based on the archiving/collection of information and indiana jones (but let's be real it's more 2019 carmen sandiego than anything). the hat may or may not be sentient and it attacks with it!
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infini-tree · 2 years ago
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this au really was just an excuse for me to draw Creatures and so: harold's wormmon's digivolution line, a worm that got eaten by a fish that got eaten by a dolphin! it also has themes of fishing tools since Salmon has the fish hook nose piercing and Bufeomon has its two Little Buddies (aka harpoons)
Salmon is. well. based on spawning salmon. Bufeomon was based on the amazon river dolphin as opposed to its ocean counterparts (its also where its name comes from). also this screencap
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infini-tree · 1 year ago
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hands you digimon au stuff feat. toyagumon (aka the closest thing to captain existing in this au) and the not-plot twist of the century.
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infini-tree · 2 years ago
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i've been drawing their partners as an attempt at warmup and to put down my thoughts, so, [gestures at them]
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infini-tree · 2 years ago
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a while back i made a fake digimon evo. its tentative name is ToyPteranomon, a toyagumon that used a digimental of kindness to evolve. its based on those old dino-chi robot pterodactyl toys.
(i don't know what would be funnier-- it being much smaller than regular Pteranomon and packing a punch, or being at a similar size to it)
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infini-tree · 1 year ago
I would kill for Archmon and Bufoemon.
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the duality of man digimon
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infini-tree · 1 year ago
hi. digimon au thoughts
elecmon and wormmon appeared while the boys were setting up their first attempt to make an all-digital issue of their comic.
wormmon appeared while harold was messing around in ms paint. meanwhile, elecmon hitched a ride on an e-mail that bounced back to george after it got curious about the contents. wormmon has a similar demeanor to harold in kindergarten, but elecmon i imagine to be headstrong and will challenge george's sense of Kid Justice.
(at the start, they don't have nicknames, but wormmon will eventually be called Doodle by harold. elecmon will take a much longer time to pick out a name for itself that's probably a word it saw in a comic transcript.)
the boys get their initial meet and greet with their partners and take out a low level digimon that also crossed over. there's still some monster of the week elements as a result of other adversarial digimon intersecting with human life/technology.
a few days later they learn about some strange occurrence happening at the school’s computer labs. they get there ready to fight and thats where they find the toyagumon that will eventually be named Captain. or at least parts of him, since the lego bricks are scattered throughout the school and causing weird stuff as they're moving independently from his body. they put him back together, cue an encounter to the thing that did that to him.
meanwhile with melvin, he has some device in his lab that created various simulations at far what he's expected and is doing extended research on it. in reality the “simulations” is a digital gate and a hagurumon respectively, who he calls the Geartron 3000. (it isnt pleased with the name).
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infini-tree · 2 years ago
not drawing it atm because frankly fanmade digimon design conventions are not my bread and butter, but i may as well write out the legacy kid trio’s main evolution line and also the basic themes for the ones who are definitely getting fanmade evos (ie. george and harold)
(continued from this, for context)
george’s elecmon: some sort of reference to indiana jones in later evolutions, or at least whips. crest of courage/friendship motifs?
harold’s wormmon: basically a bait worm > fish > dolphin. crest of reliability/friendship motif?
melvin’s hagurumon: he gets three, but they’re made up of “canon” ones
main route: hagurumon > guardromon > andromon
melvinborg* route: hagurumon > clockmon > nanomon
booger boy route: hagurumon > numemon > giant numemon?
* this one’s just for fun, he’s probably not going to appear in this theoretical au i’m doing
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