codehunter · 1 year
Upload, read, write excel file in Python flask
Im using this code which asks user to upload a file, which I want to be read into a dataframe.Then this dataframe should be displayed as output on the page.
What should I write in the return, so as to accomplish this ?
from flask import Flask, request, jsonifyimport flask_excel as excelimport pandas as pdapp=Flask(__name__)@app.route("/upload", methods=['GET', 'POST'])def upload_file(): if request.method == 'POST': return jsonify({"result": request.get_array(field_name='file')}) return ''' <!doctype html> <title>Upload an excel file</title> <h1>Excel file upload (csv, tsv, csvz, tsvz only)</h1> <form action="" method=post enctype=multipart/form-data> <p><input type=file name=file><input type=submit value=Upload> </form> '''@app.route("/export", methods=['GET'])def export_records(): return if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()
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whooleon · 4 years
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Countess was trying to set a trap for bugsies, but got caught in the net herself 🥺
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agro-n · 3 years
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ЖКУ "Волшебная лейка" для огурцов, тыкв, кабачков, патиссон Цена​ ➖ 200 ₽❗ Фасовка ➖ 500 мл❕ Назначение:​ удобрение для подкормок тыквенных культур. Обеспечивает здоровый рост​ и обильное плодоношение. На практике садоводам затруднительно вносить микроэлементы отдельно. Внесение их в составе «Волшебная лейка» существенно упрощает этот процесс, а так как они содержатся в физиологически выверенных пропорциях, нет риска излишнего внесения. Преимущества: 🔴Комплексное, жидкое 🔴Быстрый, видимый эффект​ 🔴Сбалансированный состав 🔴Стимулирует развитие листового аппарата и полноценное плодоношение 🔴Увеличивает сопротивляемость растений неблагоприятным условиям среды, болезням ✔N (г/л)​​​ 31 ✔P2O5​ (г/л)​​​ 18 ✔K2O (г/л)​​​ 55.25 ✔MgO (г/л)​​​ 2.54 ✔Микроэлементы​ мг/л, Fe (ДТПА) – 108; Mn (ЭДТА) – 84; Zn (ЭДТА) – 28; Cu (ЭДТА) – 20; Mo – 8; B – 40 Рекомендации по применению ✅Бахчевые культуры: Доза применения препарата Огурец, тыква, кабачок, патиссон и другие бахчевые культуры: Полив - 20 мл на 3 л воды. Обычная поливочная норма. 1-я корневая подкормка через 7-10 дней после высадки рассады, 2-я корневая подкормка​ в фазе завязывания плодов. В период плодоношения каждые 7 –10 дней. Опрыскивание - 20 мл на 1 л воды. До полного смачивания листовой поверхности.​ Листовые подкормки (опрыскивание) - 3-4 раза за сезон.​ ​ ✅Рассада: Доза применения препарата Полив - 20 мл на 5 - 7 л воды. Обычная поливочная норма. Время, особенности применения Периодичность применения - каждые 10-12 дней. Более подробная информация есть на нашем сайте ➡️​ www.agro-n.com П�� вопросам закупки обращайтесь в ➡️ direct или контакты указанные на странице или на нашем сайте ➡️​​​​​​​​ www.agro-n.com #бхз​​ #буйскиеудобрения​​​​​​​​​ #буйскийхимическийзавод​​​​​​​​​ #овощи​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #фрукты​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #цветы https://www.instagram.com/p/CSvzs-PDnlG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kunal4479 · 3 years
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#naturr (at Lunavada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSvZ-uRoSyD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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criztiansf · 3 years
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Amazonia (en Sansahuari, Sucumbios, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSvZ-8tAEEDwzFznJVv1mX4NlD_syk9JbU7LbY0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lostinyv · 3 years
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#Truth https://www.instagram.com/p/CSvZ-V8HcoJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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revrend-blog · 3 years
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a night with Vincent https://www.instagram.com/p/CSVZ-1mF3hT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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petpeevescomic · 3 years
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Pet Peeves 8/8/21, in which Freddy attempts a new source of #revenue. (Check out the NEW Pet Peeves book, “More Social Than Distant,” at link in bio!) . . . . #patreon #income #fundthearts #comicstrip #humor #momlife #parenting #parents #moms #dads #dadlife #children #kids #family #ParentWin #webcomic #calvinandhobbes #snoopy #dogs #dogsofinstagram #familylove #familyfun #fun #funny #love https://www.instagram.com/p/CSVZ-i2s90E/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nine18210 · 3 years
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Primas 😊 siglos de los siglos (en Paseo Shopping Portoviejo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSVZ-k0nxcj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ddiivvaaphilosophy · 3 years
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New Moon in Leo #newmooninleo #newmoonintentions #newmoonritual (at Raeford, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSVZ-BiLV_4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stiri-noi · 6 years
ANSVSA a început controale pentru mini-vacanţa de 1 Mai
ANSVSA a dispus demararea acţiunilor specifice perioadei premergătoare zilei de 1 Mai, prin intensificarea controalelor oficiale şi a măsurilor care trebuie aplicate pentru prevenirea toxiinfecţiilor alimentare.
Scopul acţiunii este protejarea sănătăţii consumatorilor, în contextul unei afluenţe mari de turişti şi a creşterii rulajului de marfă pentru unităţile din industria alimentară din zonele de agrement şi localităţile de interes turistic.
La aceste acţiuni tematice vor participa medicii veterinari din cadrul Direcţiilor Sanitare Veterinare şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor (DSVSA) judeţene, circumscripţiilor sanitare veterinare şi pentru siguranţa alimentelor (CSVSA) dar şi ai circumscripţiilor sanitare veterinare zonale (CSVZ).
În perioada 27.04 – 01.05.2018 va fi asigurată permanenţa, va fi afişat programul de lucru, numele medicului veterinar responsabil şi numărul de telefon la care consumatorii pot sesiza orice aspect privind nerespectarea normelor sanitare veterinare.
Controalele urmăresc respectarea condiţiilor de igienă în unităţile supuse controlului sanitar veterinar şi pentru siguranţa alimentelor, situate în special în zonele de agrement/ localităţile de interes turistic, în care se organizează anumite evenimente (târguri de vară, pelerinaje la aşezămintele de cult cu ocazia unor sărbători religioase, hramuri bisericeşti).
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whooleon · 4 years
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The Countess got a nice bath/ drink of water today too 🥰
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syzygy-002 · 7 years
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 🍃 (44) Persona, 1966 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂                             🌀           𝟎𝟏. Análisis Este punto se extrae gracias a la frase “¿Crees que no lo entiendo? El sueño imposible de ser. No de parecer, sino de ser. Consciente en cada momento. Vigilante. Al mismo tiempo, el abismo entre lo que eres para los otros y para ti misma, el sentimiento de vértigo y el deseo constante de, al menos, estar expuesta, de ser analizada, diseccionada, quizás incluso aniquilada. Cada palabra una mentira, cada gesto una falsedad, cada sonrisa una mueca”.
En algún momento… ¿han analizado a cierta persona, que según su comportamiento, gustos, pláticas hicieron una conclusión? Por ejemplo: esta persona era reservada porque tenía miedo al contacto humano.
La actividad propone analizar a una persona y, en su post, redactar la conclusión que hayan tenido. Como tal, no es necesario mencionar nombres, sólo ustedes sabrán a quién se refieren.                           𝟎𝟐. Silencio Imaginen estar por un momento… en este lugar donde el silencio reina. Donde es inútil hablar o gritar porque no saldrá sonido alguno; ¿cómo creen que se sentirían?
Un ejemplo es vivir en una película muda(?), por mucho que muevan o quiten ningún sonido se emite. Nada, absolutamente nada.                                   𝟎𝟑. Ser escuchados. Si existiera esa persona que… les da la oportunidad de escucharles todo lo que tengan para decir, ¿qué le dirían? Este texto será como una confesión, o un monólogo donde ustedes hablan y hablan, relatando todo lo que quisieron decir y no se pudo antes.                                     🌀          🌱 Tag en tumblr: #fest44 🌱 Títulos, decoración, estructura a su elección. 🌱 Si la actividad no es de su beneficio, desista de ella.                                            🌀          🌱 Sipnosis: Elisabet Vogler es una conocida actriz teatral que, durante una representación de Electra, se queda sin habla. Ingresada en un hospital, aunque no sufre ningún tipo de enfermedad continúa sin pronunciar sonido alguno. Para sacarla de su mutismo, se traslada junto con Alma, su enfermera, a una idílica casa de verano. 🌱 Trailer: https://youtu.be/amxvetvKfho 🌱 Película: https://youtu.be/csvZ-YziIC0
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years
Subventricular zones: new key targets for glioblastoma treatment
We aimed to identify subventricular zone (SVZ)-related prognostic factors of survival and patterns of recurrence among patients with glioblastoma.
Forty-three patients with primary diagnosed glioblastoma treated in our Cancer Center between 2006 and 2010 were identified. All patients received surgical resection, followed by temozolomide-based chemoradiation. Ipsilateral (iSVZ), contralateral (cSVZ) and bilateral (bSVZ) SVZs were retrospectively segmented and radiation dose-volume histograms were generated. Multivariate analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model was assessed to examine the relationship between prognostic factors and time to progression (TTP) or overall survival (OS).
Median age was 59 years (range: 25–85). Median follow-up, OS and TTP were 22.7 months (range 7.5–69.7 months), 22.7 months (95% CI 14.5–26.2 months) and 6.4 months (95% CI 4.4–9.3 months), respectively. On univariate analysis, initial contact to SVZ was a poor prognostic factor for OS (18.7 vs 41.7 months, p = 0.014) and TTP (4.6 vs 12.9 months, p = 0.002). Patients whose bSVZ volume receiving at least 20 Gy (V20Gy) was greater than 84% had a significantly improved TTP (17.7 months vs 5.2 months, p = 0.017). This radiation dose coverage was compatible with an hippocampal sparing. On multivariate analysis, initial contact to SVZ and V20 Gy to bSVZ lesser than 84% remained poor prognostic factors for TTP (HR = 3.07, p = 0.012 and HR = 2.67, p = 0.047, respectively).
Our results suggest that contact to SVZ, as well as insufficient bSVZ radiation dose coverage (V20Gy <84%), might be independent poor prognostic factors for TTP. Therefore, targeting SVZ could be of crucial interest for optimizing glioblastoma treatment.
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whooleon · 4 years
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Briggsy looks like a proud mom
The Countess looks like she’s dispensing some SERIOUS wisdom
My babies are growing up 🥺
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whooleon · 4 years
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Keep it to study for the test 🤫
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