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ninsy · 4 months ago
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here is capri sketch 🫶🏼
I can't bring myself to finish it, but maybe sometime in the future😅
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alicenosubmundo · 25 days ago
beautiful and charming souls of the captive prince fandom, can you recommend comedy fanfics for me? if there is any... ...... I kind of wrote one but I would like to read others.....
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tomatette · 10 months ago
Random thoughts while re-reading 'Dark Rise/Dark Heir' #1
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Okay, knowing what I know after reading both books, I wonder *why*. His mother obviously didn't send Matthew to help Will out of the goodness of her heart. She told him to run when she was dying.
Not to save Will - she would have killed him herself if she could. So ... to keep him away from those who actually want to bring Sarcean back?
Why send him to the Stewards? Did she hope they would figure him out and find a way to dispose of him?
Ugh, I love how everything makes perfect sense when you first read it, and still make perfect sense - just in a completely different way - when you re-read it.
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nzarlissa · 3 months ago
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Двостороння закладинка по «Полоненому принцу» котру я зробила для @banshee_.shop
From «The Captive Prince». of C.S. Pacat. @c.s.pacat
Commission for the store @banshee_.shop Commission info-https://lissa-nzar-commisions.carrd.co/
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koglasain · 1 year ago
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Redraw of an old fanart 8D
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pynkhues · 13 days ago
Since we were talking about Gabrielle, it reminded me of this thread on twitter, great thread. But I actually wanted to get your opinion on this tweet specifically
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It is an interesting thread, anon, and that's an interesting tweet! I agree and I disagree with the thread overall - like I agree with their comment that Gabrielle is where Lestat learned to pour his love out to people who'd emotionally withhold from him, but I actually disagree with the note about Antoinette, especially given it kind of undermines their point about her being a Gabrielle substitute given Antoinette does nothing but give Lestat the love and validation that he thinks he wants. It's literally why he goes to her for comfort, and Gabrielle has never had any capacity to give Lestat comfort at all to the point it's explicitly stated multiple times in TVL.
I do understand the reading people have of her being dressed as a man in the finale as being about Gabrielle, and I do think it's a wink to book fans in some respects, but as a narrative beat in the context of the episode, I actually tend to read her dressing as a man as being about Louis. I think Louis and Antoinette share an insecurity about the things they aren't to Lestat, Antoinette being a white woman, and Louis being a Black man, and I think her dressing as a man is a way of signalling herself as Louis' ultimate replacement. She's kind of pitching herself in the same way Daniel does with Louis in 2.05 - he can be his Lestat, he can be his Claudia - I think Antoinette's doing the same thing - she can be Lestat's husband, she can be his daughter, if he'd only let her be.
As for the note about Armand, I kind of agree, but I do think it's an extreme read, as they identified, especially because Lestat does want Armand, and the fact that they never consumate their relationship is tied up more so - to me - in the assault in the 1700s and the triggered association to Magnus, the mutilation of Nicki a few years later, the imprisonment, and then the murder of Claudia and attempted murder of Louis. Does Armand want him too much for Lestat to ever truly want him back? Yeah, I think it probably comes into play, but I actually don't even think that's the primary reason they never got together. Lestat did initially want Armand, and it seems to me like a part of him still does from what I've heard of the later books (my forever disclaimer, haha - I've only read through Memnoch). I think Sam was right in his interview with Autumn where he said that they're just not really compatible in that way, and while Gabrielle and the way Lestat was taught to love is probably a part of that, I think it's a pretty small one.
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marzipanthots · 1 year ago
AHHHHHHHHHH cspacat posted my fan art on their instagram 💕🥹 I feel so honored A HISTORICAL MOMENT FOR ME!!!
I wanna give a shout out to Will and James for taking over my life💕💕🫶🏻🥹
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laur-the-cat-prince · 1 year ago
The Obligation of kings FANART OH MY GOD one of my fav capri artists featuring one of my fav capri fics the crossover i never knew i needed !!!please do more capri comics im begging you im going nuts @cspacat if you ever need an illustrator for a graphic novel there’s op !!! im never going to recover from this im afraid your style is so pretty especially in black and white i love it !!!!
i’d die on the spot if i got that offer 🪦
i have a hard time drawing just a single image, my brain thinks in comic panels (probably sense i’ve been drawing them for so long). i’ve definitely been kicking around the idea of sketching up some of the book scenes. i really would love to draw up the Inn scene from book two.
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ao3feed-darkrise · 1 year ago
by qlexy
Touching himself is meant to relieve some tension. Instead, it makes everything worse.
Words: 1588, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dark Rise Series - C. S. Pacat
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Visander (Dark Rise Series)
Relationships: Sarcean/Visander (Dark Rise Series)
Additional Tags: Masturbation, Angst, Sexual Fantasy, mentions of Phillip Creen/Visander, mild body dysphoria, set during Dark Heir, sometime during the ship voyage to Italy to be specific, hurt no comfort we die like cspacat intended us to, whispers of Anharion/Sarcean if you really squint
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ninsy · 4 months ago
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James from Dark Rise by C. S. Pacat
I love him with all my heart… C. S. Pacat just knows how to create blonde boys that you will love⭐️
I'm exploring the world of digital drawing a bit (I'm extremely bad at it so far)🤣
My ig:@ninsy.art
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alicenosubmundo · 25 days ago
After reading "The Song of Achilles, Captive Prince, Kaze to Ki No Uta and all for the game" and crying my eyes out for suffering gays, I kind of think they are the height of love.
Do you know any other gay couples that have a traumatized blonde and a loving, adorable brunette?
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tomatette · 10 months ago
Random thoughts while re-reading 'Dark Rise/Dark Heir' #2
Okay, I need to know what this passage looks like in the physical book
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Because if it looks like this too, then you cannot tell me it isn't intentional. Like ... what is that odd formatting of the ingraving? It made me stumble over the sentence the first time I read it. It just wouldn't be like Pacat to use this awkward formatting without a reason.
The position of the linebreak is completely off. At least if it's meant to be read the way Will reads it (as do I - usually).
I cannot return when I am called to fight So I will have a child
Whacky theory: What if it isn't?
I cannot return when I am called to fight So I will have a child
If you try to read it like that, the capitalized 'So' doesn't make any sense if it's a preposition. And the whole sentence doesn't make a lot of sense anyway - why fight to have a child?
I can't help but wonder ... what if the 'So' is capitalized because it isn't to be understood as a preposition but as a noun? A name or an object?
(Yes, I know I'm most likely reading too much into this, thank you hahaha)
If this wasn't an entirely different type of script I would have even entertained the idea that Will might have read it wrong. That the 'I' is actually a lowercase 'L' and belongs to the 'So'. Which would make it:
I cannot return when I am called to fight SoI will have a child
What is this nonsense? I have no idea. But I will eat my joyfully eat my kindle if the formatting of this little text will be important in any way whatsoever.
Oh, and if it actually looks different in the physical copy of the book - forget I said anything ... at all. I wasn't even here.
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comiccrusaders · 2 years ago
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#COMICBOOKREVIEW: Fence #4 by #CSPacat (@cspacat), #JohannatheMad (@JohannaTheMad) & more... from @boomstudios. #Review by @AntonioMabs #SCORE: 5/5. #comics #comicbooks https://www.comiccrusaders.com/review-fence-4-2/
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koglasain · 1 year ago
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peachesobviously · 2 years ago
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King Laurent and King Damianos
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leafirefly · 2 years ago
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I just love CS.Pacat’s books way too much.
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