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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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Fascinating #GrtArtcl for #CSIMGT725 relating to their term project, reporting to me and their peers re: their research and recommendations on the #PostCovidWorkplace #ProfTimRN "Google is creating a #postpandemicworkplace that will accommodate employees who got used to working from home over the past year and don’t want to be in the office all the time anymore." The #Googleplex of the Future Has Privacy Robots, Meeting Tents and Your Very Own Balloon Wall https://nyti.ms/32ZnEUn (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/COS3ixChWJnKbV7jGITAIENwaQJ0MVfgh7yq3o0/?igshid=xt73enkn0p79
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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#GrtArtcl relates to my #CSIMGT725 grad students' term project, and also the slides we looked at in class last night, my pics taken of #SVMC from its 2010 bankruptcy sale. "Frahm, a Yale archaeologist, describes a thought experiment that often comes up in introductory courses: “If the campus was just abandoned tomorrow, what would be left behind?”. The tables and chairs. Coat hangers. The bulky desktop computers. The signs urging us to keep six feet apart. Whatever is in the wastebasket. “Often in archaeology, really what we’re dealing with is people’s trash,” says Frahm. Which might include a Post-it note with a mysterious number, a tiny memorial to questions never answered and purposes long forgotten." #ProfTimRN #PostCovidWorkplace #ReturnToOffice https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/returning-to-office-frozen-in-pre-pandemic-time/2021/04/27/281ce604-9959-11eb-b28d-bfa7bb5cb2a5_story.html (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CON1cvHB_rVh5djcUDUw7yXh8aGnRm0dKenv980/?igshid=89kovjp86sk7
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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#GrtArtcl about #InteractiveFitness, a topic I'll be covering in my next #CSIMGT725 class as an example of companies using #BlueOceanStrategy to address #niche market need / want for #fitness during #Covid #lockdown, I can relate as I alternate daily between Oculus VR Supernatural workouts, and Peloton Interactive workouts "I think I’ve discovered the key to an active lifestyle. His name is Cody Rigsby, and he looks like a piece of Disney fan art." #ProfTimRN This Is Your Brain on Peloton (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMpIcuvBxnaTtXHtkJEdrI4cgD9rxmGBozYZH00/?igshid=1nqsfk96bst3y
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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#GrtArtcl about the tragic cost of #misinformation and the consequences of living in a world where we can no longer trust in #FactsMatter and in #Science and the reality of objective #Truth. #ProfTimRN #CSIMGT725 https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/disinformation-conspiracy-family/ (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMYkQDthR3THnQJK9aehsoimvKN6xRx9UaGHs40/?igshid=1faopb055mc3c
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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#GrtArtcl about Oculus VR and Supernatural and Peloton Interactive as new hi-tech ways to workout at home, particularly during #Covid #Lockdown (I'm an avid user of all three) to help my #CSIMGT725 #gradstudents prepare for their next guest #GrtMentor (another amazing Mystery Guest, keeping them guessing 🤠) looking forward to another awesome class next week...#ProfTimRN #VR #VirtualReality #Fitness https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/11/21254483/supernatural-oculus-quest-review-vr-fitness-within-interview https://www.instagram.com/p/CL-OWk4hTghk0L_9kPuXyJD9IXIGsvhP54R73Y0/?igshid=ap3u063mjeum
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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Really important #GrtArtcl and a #NewLrng for me re the problem of new #MD whobis #Unmatched to #Residency programs. "... Each year thousands of graduates emerge from medical schools with a virtually useless M.D. or D.O.; without residency experience, they do not qualify for licensure in any state." #CaveatEmptor #LetTheBuyerBeware of obtaining potentially useless degrees at great personal and financial expense. This goes for #NursingStudents and #RadiologyTech #CertifiedNursingAssistant programs as well, among others.... #ReadTheFinePrint, ask to see records of employment, and of acceptance of credits in higher degree programs at other schools (ie, if interested in studying for a nursing diploma with Associates Degree, ask whether the school guarantees acceptance of its degree in baccalaureate, BSN programs, and how many students successfully went on to obtain BSN or higher. #ProfTimRN #CSIMGT725 https://nyti.ms/3bkrV8C (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLffx5BB2_dloHPnm-q5hfzj192uai0ZHpaqeE0/?igshid=16chfbbp3hrpa
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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Tragic story, #GrtArtcl from The New York Times about a #HoustonDoctor Fired for Giving Away Doses of #CovidVaccine https://nyti.ms/3q5J38a #ProfTimRN comment: I know first-hand how challenging it can be in the last hours of a vaccine's shelf life to find takers to avoid wasting, if you end up having no-shows... if the story in this article is as presented, it seems that the physician went to great effort to do the right, responsible, and ethical thing, given the situation ...and was roundly punished for it. #CSIMGT725 (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLIjqb7BYIVW7jIybOo25oTWmzAz3pxLrvJGTw0/?igshid=1632shr0idqgb
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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Just got a #ThankYou card from a 12th grader in #California named #Alyssa, her amazing #HighSchoolTeacher wrote thank you cards to #HealthcareHeroes ... It was meant to be that I got this card today.... I am honored and privileged to have just given my 250th #CovidVaccination at Trinitas Regional Medical Center. #ProfTimRN. #CSIMGT725 #DoYourPart #VaccinesWork #GetYourShot #ScienceMatters #FactsMatter #WeAreAllInThisTogether (at Trinitas Regional Medical Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKhVS-yhfICDQFOGOtXWumnz1AQCwoJ2JQpVxw0/?igshid=1qxgbsw8yx5wh
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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For all those being deployed to #CovidVaccination duty, #EvidenceBasedPractice dictates that #ZTrack is the way to go.... and with 200 Pfizer #CovidVaccine injections under my belt (and counting), I can vouch for the benefits of the technique: minimal patient discomfort (by their own admission) and very minimal-to-none bleeding post-injection. #ProfTimRN #CSIMGT725 #NursingEducation @lippincott_nursingcenter https://journals.lww.com/nursing/Citation/2005/07000/Administering_medication_by_the_Z_track_method.18.aspx (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKVHhf8hK1ZMkbV-pLXkZIr1jeVXZPwtsd_23g0/?igshid=yubiv2l4fr5y
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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#CovidVaccination #StillLife #GetYourShot #VaccinesWork #FactsMatter #ScienceMatters #PublicHealthIsOURResponsibility #WeAreAllInThisTogether #ProfTimRN #CSIMGT725 (at Elizabeth, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUdY3FB2udaGx0zGYTnv2gcVHzGG_xUe-KFO40/?igshid=q7mg7tzy5cuw
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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Today privileged to give my first #CovidVaccination ... hoping that at least 80% of our fellow Americans step up and #TakeAShot and do what's required for #CrushingCovid19. #VaccinesWork #CovidVaccine #IgnoranceIsAChoice #Nursing #GotTheShot #WearAMask #DoYourPart #ProfTimRN #CSIBUS605 #CSIMGT725 Here's a #GrtArtcl re: vaccination misinformation and how to combat it: https://lnkd.in/etDZQ29 https://www.instagram.com/p/CI9OSmaBga8sVECYRuXK4KJDT_KFOMUzHWlTtc0/?igshid=180bvzbs2qanw
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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Didn't feel a thing. Big Day! 2021 will be brighter for us all! #VaccinationDay ! #Covid19 #vaccination #ProfTimRN #VaccinationWorks #TakeTheShot #VaccinationSavesLives #WearAMask #ProfTimRN #CSIBUS605 #CSIMGT725 https://www.instagram.com/p/CI6ZtJJBbiyWy9tPqdPjezazRxcw-Ef-QJZ7Co0/?igshid=148r1tkgl0iwd
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timkglenn · 4 years ago
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This is the way I felt when I was figuring out how I wanted to teach my first graduate course in the #ChazanoffSchoolOfBusiness #CSIMGT725 , (and now am privileged to be continuing to teach with #CSIBUS605) ... the inspirational spirit of protection and creation -- (mine, I have given the name #JacquesCousteau , and I realized a year or two ago that Jacques has been with me, protecting me from the darkest periods, and leading me to, and celebrating the periods of greatest light, throughout my life) -- that wakes you in the middle of the night, leading you to the #FlowState that transports you to a place that has no time, where time itself disappears into the act of creation. It literally takes your breath away when it happens, because you realize in retrospect that you weren't in charge at all, that you weren't "driving" -- the spirit ("Jacques," in my case) was -- and it's in those rare moments that you know the presence of, and touch the finger of -- God. #ProfTimRN (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFnqEK1h3NtXtKSKpq-ZIuK-AghuQN0Q8OAf3A0/?igshid=1big0lranrg0w
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timkglenn · 5 years ago
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My latest published comment in The New York Times , this one in response to OpEd by descendant of #Jefferson saying to tear down his Memorial #ProfTimRN #csimgt725 #CSIMGT605 (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCU4mGSh0qNK8n7_ZokKPUZNabazuhYds9vVXc0/?igshid=13hervec9s9gt
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timkglenn · 5 years ago
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Another #GrtArtcl about #ClinicallyIntegratedSupplyChain , by @JeffreyAshkenase , I used this article as a key resource for my upcoming virtual #PremierBreakthroughs2020 presentation. #ProfTimRN #csimgt725 #CSIMGT605 #healthcare #supplychain (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCZdg-hc4YmvOQTrhECzEPjTQhS9wJFalXUh40/?igshid=dgebyz8p53i7
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timkglenn · 5 years ago
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Really great article #GrtArtcl worth sharing #CSIMGT725 #proftimrn #CSIMGT605 The New York Times What If #WorkingFromHome Goes on … Forever? https://nyti.ms/3ha4DEp (at College of Staten Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBR8xb0hukHtUkNmcUT8UG0YlZNLOA_wSFXxzM0/?igshid=14wuer4skg3bm
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