#crystals for safety
stonesbyhaille · 1 year
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gordon-freeman-phd · 9 months
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It's time to suit up, Gordon.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
Please just don't put any crystal in your drinking water. Even crystals that are supposedly "water safe".
If you want to charge drinking water, putting crystals next to or around a glass of water will suffice.
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ambermotta · 10 months
How to not Kill your Crystals — Crystal Safety
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How often have you looked up online and saw "to cleanse your crystals, use moonwater!", or "bury your crystals!"?
And how often did you hear of someone whose crystal ended up bleached, or entirely dissolved? (I'm looking at you, selenite)
Long post ahead but it's worth it, I promise
There are many methods of cleansing and charging crystals, but what beginner witches and pagans may not realize is that not every method is appropriate for every crystal.
While some methods are generally more harmless than others, if you don't know some of your crystal's basic properties, you might end up damaging them or even yourself!
So in this post I'll go through some general considerations and then list some cleansing & charging methods: the failproof, the ones you have to consider crystal safety, and the possibly harmful ones. Lastly, I'll list what you should NEVER do with your crystals.
So what's wrong with Moonwater?
There is nothing wrong with moon or sun energy itself. What can be dangerous is Water and Sunlight. It's all about physics and chemistry.
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Some crystals dissolve or release toxic chemicals in water. Some examples are Selenite & and Desert Rose (which is a type of Selenite), and Hematite. That means you should never leave them near water, humidity, wash them, or put them inside any elixirs.
Sidenote on elixirs: if you are going to ingest any type of water that has been in contact with crystals, you MUST do a through research to make sure they don't release ANY chemicals in the water.
Plus you can infuse water with crystal energy without them touching the water.
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by celestialearthminerals
The Sun
As for Sunlight, it can bleach your crystals and alter the coloration over time. The heat can also greatly damage them! An example of crystals that shouldn't be exposed to the sun is quartz. Pretty much all kinds, including amethyst and citrine.
Fun fact: burned amethyst clusters are very often sold as citrine. They have a burned yellow/brown/orange aspect to them, like in this image.
Real citrine has lighter yellow and orange tones.
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burned amethyst – fake citrine
Fail proof Cleansing & Charging
Nothing can go wrong with them when it comes to crystal safety. The worst that can happen is performing them poorly, which could affect cleansing and charging effectiveness.
There's no way to go wrong here. You can light an incense or burn herbs of your choosing, pick up a crystal, and cleanse them with the smoke. You can use energetic herbs such as rosemary to charge them.
Tip: You can choose the herbs and incense based on your stones properties! (For example, use a fiery herb to charge a fiery crystal)
There are many ways to go about this. Singing bowls, affirmations, vocal singing, bells, prayer, chanting, galdr (rune chanting), calming and uplifting music...
Choose your sound, cleanse your space, set your intention, and let Sound do its job. If you are going to charge the crystals yourself using a method such as chanting to your stones, cleansing yourself first and having a ritualistic setup would be nice. It can help you focus and make sure you will only send positive energies to your crystals.
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Reiki and Energy work
Absolutely no way to go wrong. Reiki is a wonderful cleasing/charging method.
You would have to be initiated in order to do Reiki, but if you can't afford that, any kind of energy work and energy manipulation will do. Just make sure to prepare yourself beforehand and focus on what you are doing.
You can use tools to help in energy manipulation, such as an athame or wand.
Water Glass Cleansing
You are NOT going to put your crystals INSIDE the water glass. That's why this is a safe cleansing method.
Fill a glass of water and set your intentions for the water to absorb all negativity from your crystals, then leave your stones & crystals near your glass of water for a few hours.
It is preferable to use a transparent glass. It doesn't have to be, but it is better. I also wouldn't recommend plastic of any kind.
Once you are done, dispose of the water, thanking it for its help, and wash the glass before using it again.
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Consider Crystal Safety with These
They are commonly believed to be harmless (and that's mostly true), but give them some thought anyway. I will explain why.
Immersing in Salt
Salt has strong cleansing properties. You can fill a small bowl with enough salt to bury your crystals and leave them there for a few hours to a day. You could also use salt water the same way.
Why be careful?
Salt can trigger chemical reactions in some crystals. I'm mainly talking about salt water, but just to be safe, it might be best to have caution with solid salt as well.
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Burying in Earth
Burying crystals (especially if close to a plant or tree) is a popular cleansing/charging method. After all, they came from the earth! Who else could take better care of them?
You can leave your crystals buried outside for a few hours to a day and let the planet do its job.
Why be careful?
If you are going to leave crystals outside beneath the earth, you shouldn't have to worry about the Sun. It is WATER that you should worry about.
If it rains, the water will reach your crystals. If want to bury non water-safe crystals, make sure rain won't get to them.
Tip #1: Don't forget where you buried them
Tip #2: An alternative to burying outside is to bury crystals on your household plant's pot. You can even match the plant's own properties to the energy you want to work on your crystal.
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Moonlight Bath
Not moon water, just moonlight. Just let your crystals bask in moonlight... It is almost failproof.
Why be careful?
I say it's almost failproof because it can only fail if you forget your crystals outside until the sun is out, or until it rains.
If you think you are prone to forgetting to collect your crystals before the sun shines, do this early in the night and set an alarm to collect your crystals in a few hours.
Tip: you can still cleanse and charge with Moon energy even if the weather is not favorable. Just be careful with rain.
Possibly Harmful Methods
For these, you NEED to know your crystals before you do them. Especially the ones involving water and heat, you should take into consideration your own health due to possible chemical releases!
Sun charging
While it can be great to have sun energy on some of your crystals, this is one of the unsafest methods for the crystals. A lot of them will bleach, change color and even crack after prolonged sunlight exposure. If you're leaving crystals in the Sun, I suggest you leave them out for no more than an hour.
Also, watch out for weather changes if you have a crystal that is not waterproof.
Sidenote: if you have crystal necklaces, remember you might also accidentally expose them to sunlight and rain when you wear them outdoors.
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Sun water
Can't have your crystals in the Sun, but it's a fire crystal so you would like it to be charged with sun energy?
If they are water safe, make some sun water, fill a bowl with it, and let your crystals sit in it for a few hours.
Moon water
As long as your crystal is waterproof, it should be fine. Just fill a bowl with moon water and let your crystals be for a few hours.
If you don't know if your crystals are water safe, it's best not to risk it.
Never Ever...
... Expose your crystals to intense heat
No candles, no hot water, no intense sunlight. Not only you will very likely damage your crystal, intense heat and burning of crystals can release toxic fumes.
... Use chemicals to clean crystals
No soaps, alcohol, detergents, salts, etc. They might trigger chemical reactions when in contact with some crystals. So unless you know exactly what you're doing, keep these away from them.
... Touch dissolved crystal water
If you put your crystal in water and a chemical reaction happened, it's best to not touch the water. It could cause skin irritation and intoxication.
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Sometimes we leave crystals outside so that they can be bestowed Nature's blessings, and we forget about them. It happens, as do all accidents.
But you can avoid a lot of damage (yours and theirs) by simply studying about them before submitting them to anything that could be potentially harmful.
Remember your crystals need a lot of love and care, and that goes for their physical care, too. They are unique because of their physical and chemical properties as well, not just spiritual ones.
Thank you for reading and love your crystals!
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meimi-haneoka · 5 months
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
how to get your capitano friends to stop talking to you, a step by step guide
step 1:
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step 2: you’ve been successfully blocked
[context: we were talking about capitano without a mask, so the girl in a mech “plot twist” came up]
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tangleslime2 · 8 months
The Way I Think Bug Fables Crystals Work
I am going to preface this by saying that I am not a programmer, nor a technician, nor a geologist. I have done 0 research on those subjects. This is entirely made up and might not make much sense.
Crystals are weird. They store information nearly indefinitely, and the storage space per amount of crystal is ridiculous. Another, though less efficient, function of crystals is energy storage. Most crystals contain at least a little energy. If you put the right information into the crystal and "program" it correctly, you can even get it to convert energy into different types!
(that's how a lot of mages work - they got affected by crystals and can now convert their own energy into magic.)
Blue crystals are standard - they can store information and such. Yellow crystals are full of energy and leaking it out into the world. Red crystals, like many others have theorized, are damaged and can't store information anymore, but they can still store energy! (Dead Lander Omega charges the one in Giant's Lair itself.) I have an idea for green crystals that are completely full of information, but due to the completely broken storage capacity of crystals, it doesn't come up much.
While crystals can be used to make computers, there's a problem in that crystals just store information. They don't really like that information being changed. You need a lot of energy for that, compared to the little bit in blue crystals, so crystal computer systems need a source of energy. Sometimes this is a yellow crystal, but it's more frequently a "typical" source like burning fuel or hydroelectric.
Putting energy into the crystals solves that problem, but creates a new one. You have to put hard limits on how quickly the energy goes into the crystals, or else they'll get full and start leaking that energy into the surrounding area. Crystals start leaking energy at about two-thirds full, so yellow crystals only leak a little bit, but with the way crystal computers are set up, there's a danger of getting a completely full crystal, which will often cause the problems inherent in something releasing large amounts of energy with no direction and has a not-insignificant chance of exploding. Crystal computers, especially larger systems, have parts that limit the flow of energy to keep the Leakage at reasonable levels. This also limits how fast the computer can run processes, but what can you do.
All in all, crystal computers are a lot smaller than our own (which is good since the ones using them are bugs), but also slower and more dangerous. If humans still existed in Bug Fables, it's unlikely they'd make the switch, except maybe for things that had to consider weight like drones.
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ryanjames-posts · 6 months
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theantarwitch · 1 year
Mini rant: I will not enter in empty discussions with mentally alienated people. I will block.
Don't come to my posts to tell me that some specific stone/crystal can "actually" be antioxidant if you mix it with water. Eat damn rice and olive for that. Veggies, Karen, eat your damn salad. And remember that no stone or crystal is pure, even if Zinc have that property, it must to be pure and/or linked to chemicals like in food, so you don't get poisoned by any other metal that come in that damn stone.
And much less come to tell me that is important to "Detox Lymph Nodes to reduce acidity on the body when A)Lymph nodes don't do that, they fight infections. B)They can be "drained", not "detoxed" C)Body acidity is absurdly balanced and self adjusted and is medically hard to even change the ph of the different parts of the body (highly lethal, link here).
I can discuss points of view and all, but new age bullshit like that? nope. Go to preach dangerous shit in your own posts or at least learn to use wikipedia before start to say shit. Zero tolerance to that kind of people. Easy like that. I usually just block silently but tonight I get enough. Fuck off.
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bebemoon · 2 years
.。❅*⋆⍋*。 𝓯𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓰𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 @𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓭𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓻2022 .
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versace medusa aevitas satin platform pump in baby pink . poster girl cut-out detail mesh mini slip dress (in black/sand beige) . viktor & rolf “flowerbomb pink crystal” limited edition eau de parfum
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jw anderson “carrie” bumper-moon shoulder bag in black . gucci tulle gloves w/ crystal bows in black
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mycollectioncloud · 8 months
Free Falling Tower of Life.
A constant limbo Is what my life has become
From a princess safe only in a tower To life-changing moments of beautiful and free falling chaos
I want to feel the chaos freely But the safety of the tower beckons
In any world Could I possibly have both?
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stonesbyhaille · 1 year
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re: what fandom 'a little life' came from, my immediate knee-jerk thought was "backstreet boys." i have absolutely no basis for this other than Terminally Online Brain Worms esp bc..........there are 5 of those boyband fellas and as far as i remember only 4 main characters in that book lmfao. what can i say. the boyband angle feel right
yeah i'll incorporate that into my belief system
#fandom life#total speculation!!!!!! but i love it!#a little life#Ok but fr i think the time period of peak bsb rpf fits HY's age group#Also the (initial) thing of we are a group of successful handsome men all just kind of hanging out .. is very boyband au rpf ..#the nebulousness of the setting (in time period etc) is very fanfictiony to me the thing of everyone being successful in different fields#very fanfictiony#And one of them has a horribly traumatic backstory... classic fanfic trope! tho taken to extremes here. who here remembers#the 'rape recovery' fanfic trope. HY said what if that.. but no recovery . which sure is a valid artistic choice a valid question.#what if someone DIDNT get better. but full disclosure i could NOT finish this book i really felt i had to stop for my own safety .#as if people don't not get better all the time u know??? and as that one reviewer said . WHO in the world of this book#WOULDNT become a crystal meth addict. etc. there's no legit way out and that's a total authorial construction.#anyway i do actually think she's a skilled writer but i did not feel the compulsion to finish this book that so many ppl have felt#built different i guess. just walk out!#if you're a normie who never read any absurdly ott h/c fanfiction i guess it hit different tho!#mangoamango#asks#i welcome furhter speculation.... i always thought it was possible it was some band i'd never heard of or some 90s manga i never read#I did manage to read her first book 'the people in the trees' and yes i would describe it as 'good'#but it's like . imagine an ursula le guin book but evil
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acrystalwitch · 1 year
I saw a crystal post that was a bit long for me to reblog but I wanna put out a shorter psa in case people don’t know. (I hope we all already do?)
Don’t put selenite in your body! And really… don’t put any crystal in your body or water without knowing if it can first ❤️
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wizard-irl · 2 years
Crystal Safety
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If you don’t know what it is and are unable to find out, play it extraordinarily safe. Gloves, mask, dark rooms, lead-lined cases, keep it away from anything it could feasibly react to, don’t sleep in the same room as it, etc.. Treat it like you’re handling a deadly bacteria because sure, this green crystal could be an emerald, but it could also be dioptase, which is not only more fragile than emerald but also contains copper, which is dangerous if inhaled (something that may happen if it breaks).
Failing the above, at least keep it away from sun, water, skin, and mucus membranes, and don’t breathe in or on it.
If you don’t know what it is but can find it out, find out! There’s many tests that can tell you what your crystal actually is, such as testing its hardness, streak colour, cleavage, crystal habit, lustre, etc.. Tumbled crystals remove a few identifiable traits, but its still possible.
If you suspect your crystal to be fake, find that out too! See if your crystal is what you were sold was, because people do lie. Scratch tests and acetone often remove dyes such as with howlite “turquoise”, and scratch tests can also reveal glass and resin fakes. Remember to scratch on sides that won’t be displayed. If you really need to know, there are appraisers with the training and technology to find out. Even if intent matters more than any intrinsic property of the crystal, its safer to know what you’re handling anyways.
If you do know what it is, follow proper care for that crystal. Not every crystal requires the same care, even if they are structurally similar. Clear quartz can’t bleach in the sun like amethyst can.
Before you buy a crystal, research its chemical properties. If you don’t know that realgar contains mercury, and you buy it and use it frequently in contact with your skin, you’re going to get mercury poisoning. 
Crystal safety isn’t hard if you know what you’re doing, but don’t think that because they’re (normally) inert, come from the Earth, and are used for spiritual healing, that they cannot physically harm you. 
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
I don't intend to use Witchblr and Wizardblr blog ask buttons like Google, but how do I research crystals for my practice correctly? Because if I type in, say, "clear quartz correspondence " at Google I get Crystal Healing stuff instead of witchcraft or magic, and I wondered how to tell what sources are safe and what sources aren't. Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy looks fairly good, the author has some scientific knowledge and disclaimers to back her up, but she still mentions healing ( and used the word " tribe " about a social media community: yikes!)
I figured I'd ask the Crystal Wizard, I mean after all, even a Wizard starts somewhere! 🙂
Google does often fail us, unfortunately.
And I have more bad news: There's really nothing good that I've found by going through Google. All of the posts about what crystals can do in magic that I've found have been through Tumblr.
And when I go through my books on crystals (which are, unfortunately, also focused on crystal healing), I have to take a chisel and figure out what the stones can be used for outside of crystal healing just based on what's attributed to them.
The appropriation of chakras and smudging alongside the crystal healing and "raising your vibrations" bullshit has become so baked into resources about crystals that it hurts my head.
Your crystal website might rank a "Yikes" on the Jasper Scale if:
it's littered in appropriated terms such as smudging
it uses the "version" of chakras that was appropriated and made up by white "spiritualists"
it says or implies that crystals can literally heal physical illnesses, mental illnesses, or neurodiversity (I have seen too many "these crystals can cure depression/autism/ADHD/trauma" in my time)
it doesn't come with safety warnings about crystals that are toxic to put in water, put in salt, or handle in their raw forms (i.e. malachite, tiger's eye, galena/galenite)
it says the only way to make a crystal elixir is to put the stone literally in the water (the non-direct method of "just put the stone really close to the container" works just as well for anything you'd need a crystal elixir for, and doesn't come with a risk of poisoning yourself)
it seeks to romanticize or exotify Native American, Asian, and Romani cultures
it uses literal, actual slurs (such as the G-slur for Romani)
And there are more red flags that I'm missing here, but I've been losing a battle against a headache for several days now. Hopefully, this helps you know some of the common red flags.
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