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Aumenta la tassazione sugli asset digitali
Bitcoin e criptovalute, la stangata del governo. Sorpresa amara in manovra: la tassazione sulle plusvalenze passa dal 26% al 42%. Il governo si muove perché, come certifica Oam, da alcuni mesi gli italiani hanno iniziato a vendere le monete digitali. Brutte sorprese in arrivo per chi possiede bitcoin e criptovalute. Nel progetto di manovra finanziaria 2025, il governo ha annunciato di voler alzare al 42% la ritenuta da pagare sulla plusvalenza generata dalla vendita di bitcoin e token vari. Una vera stangata: l’aliquota attuale da versare in caso di plusvalenze superiori ai 2mila euro è del 26%, l’aumento che scatta dal primo gennaio 2025 per l’imposta sostitutiva è quindi del 61%. Probabilmente un record per il regime fiscale italiano. A scagliare il fulmine a cielo relativamente sereno è stato il viceministro dell’Economia, Maurizio Leo: “Un tema importante riguarda le plusvalenze da bitcoin” per cui "prevediamo un aumento della ritenuta dal 26% al 42%”, ha detto il numero due di via XX Settembre presentando la manovra in conferenza stampa. Cosa cambia Quello delle criptovalute non era affatto un regime fiscale di vantaggio. Da quando con la legge di bilancio del 2023 si è deciso di mettere le cripto nel mirino del fisco, le plusvalenze sono state tassate al 26% come le altre rendite finanziarie (a partire dai sempre più ricchi dividendi delle società quotate o dalle obbligazioni emesse dai privati). Unica eccezione nel panorama fiscale italiano sono i titoli di Stato che beneficiano - e continueranno a beneficiare - di una fiscalità di assoluto vantaggio: si paga solo il 12,5% per i rendimenti incassati dai bond pubblici, per la sola ragione che investendo in titoli di Stato si sostiene la spesa governativa. La disparità di trattamento è evidente, con le criptovalute che diventano l'asset più caro sul panorama finanziario italiano. “L’imposta sostitutiva al 42% prevista per il 2025 sarebbe fiscalmente discriminatoria e quindi iniqua, probabilmente anche incostituzionale”, ha tuonato Ferdinando Ametrano, amministratore delegato di CheckSig e tra i più grandi esperti italiani di valute digitali.
“Come tutte le idee mal concepite, avrebbe l'effetto dannoso di far fuggire i capitali cripto dall'Italia, creando distorsioni di mercato e inducendo gli investitori a realizzare il capital gain entro la fine del 2024”, con un “danno per l'industria italiana che fornisce servizi in ambito cripto enorme”, ha aggiunto. “Forte preoccupazione” anche da Gianluca Sommariva, amministratore delegato e co-fondatore di Hodlie, piattaforma italiana di gestione attiva di criptovalute tramite intelligenza artificiale. “Un aumento della tassazione al 42% sulle plusvalenze rappresenterebbe un duro colpo, specialmente per i piccoli investitori, che si troverebbero a dover affrontare una delle tassazioni più alte a livello globale”, ha detto il manager. Sommariva ha poi evidenziato che chi compra criptovalute attraverso gli Etf che replicano l'andamento di bitcoin e ethereum, sempre più popolari anche in Italia, potrebbe “eludere il problema” visto che “continuerebbero ad essere tassati al 26%”. Perché il governo alza ora l'aliquota La scelta del governo di colpire i possessori di criptovalute non arriva in un momento casuale: dopo il rally delle cripto degli ultimi mesi, con il bitcoin che ha aggiornato i suoi massimi oltre i 73mila dollari, anche gli investitori italiani hanno cominciato a monetizzare i loro investimenti e a vendere gli asset digitali. Lo conferma l’Oam, l’organismo agenti e mediatori che tiene conto dei broker attivi nel Paese: alla fine del secondo trimestre del 2024, ha spiegato l'organismo solo pochi giorni fa, sono 1,3 milioni gli italiani che possiedono token nei loro portafogli digitali, per un controvalore complessivo degli asset di 2,2 miliardi di euro, in calo del 22% rispetto al trimestre precedente (quando si era a 2,7 miliardi). L’organismo dettaglia anche le operazioni effettuate nel corso dell'anno: sommando i dati trimestrali emerge che fino a giugno sono state comprate valute digitali per 1,76 miliardi di euro, mentre sono state vendute criptovalute per più di 3,5 miliardi di euro. Da qualche mese, insomma, in Italia si vendono più cripto di quante ne vengono acquistate e, anche se non per ogni operazione scatta la plusvalenza, il governo ha pensato bene di piazzare la sua scommessa. Del resto, Consob ha rivelato che il 38% degli investitori in criptovalute mantiene i propri asset per 3-5 anni: se chi ha comprato bitcoin nel 2022, nel pieno del crypto winter, dovesse decidere di vendere il prossimo anno (tre anni dopo, in effetti) la plusvalenza non sarebbe affatto male. Un cittadino italiano che ha comprato un intero bitcoin a gennaio 2022 a 33mila euro lo potrebbe vendere ora a più di 61mila euro: se lo facesse entro dicembre pagherebbe 7.280 euro, mentre già il primo gennaio il conto salirebbe vertiginosamente a 11.760 euro. Se si vuole uscire dal mercato forse meglio accelerare i tempi e chiudere ogni operazione entro il 31 dicembre per beneficiare del vecchio regime fiscale. Read the full article
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The Mood in Social Media Predicts the Cryptomarket Movement Better Than Special Mass Media
Research shows that social media are becoming the most important factor for traders when making decisions.
Millions of analytical articles, news columns related to the crypto market and comments on social media have been processed in the University of Pennsylvania after which the mood scores on 53 topics and 300 cryptocurrencies have been structured.
Then a comparative analysis of the news agenda, the cryptocurrencies rate and moods in social media has been carried out. As a result, a confident advantage in terms of forecasting quality was with the social media! Profile portals with analytical forecasts have been left far behind.
Specialists attribute this primarily to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market as the tension of participants after the crypto winter is growing. Today any news can have a serious impact on the market.
The experts from the specialized publications simply do not have time to respond to the event but social media users are always “on guard” and instantly begin the views exchange during which a majority opinion is developed which ultimately turns out to be true.
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The Rise of Bitcoin and Digital Assets in Traditional Finance
In recent years, the financial landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation as Bitcoin and digital assets have gained significant traction within traditional finance. What was once viewed with skepticism by Wall Street giants has now become an undeniable force shaping the future of the industry. The rise of Bitcoin and digital assets in traditional finance represents a paradigm shift, challenging long-standing norms and offering new possibilities for investors, institutions, and the global economy. In this article, we will delve into the evolving stance of Wall Street, explore the factors driving this adoption, and examine the potential implications for the future of finance.
Wall Street's Change of Heart
In 2017, Larry Fink, the founder and CEO of BlackRock, referred to Bitcoin as an "index of money laundering." However, six years later, in 2023, Fink surprised the financial world by submitting an application for a Bitcoin spot ETF with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Not only did Fink express his support for Bitcoin, but he also emphasized its potential to revolutionize the financial landscape, considering it as a digitized form of gold.
Shifting Perspectives: Wall Street's Growing Interest in Crypto
Larry Fink is not the only Wall Street titan to have experienced a change of heart towards Bitcoin. Billionaire financier Ken Griffin, who once called the crypto sector a "jihadist call" against the USD, has also shifted his stance. Griffin's electronic trading company, Citadel Securities, is now backing a platform that facilitates institutional investors' participation in digital currency trading. Fidelity Investments, the largest 401(k) administrator in the US, is another major player exploring crypto. In 2022, Fidelity allowed its workers to invest a portion of their retirement savings in Bitcoin. Additionally, its subsidiary, Fidelity Digital Assets, has invested in EDX, a new crypto exchange. Notably, Fidelity filed for a Bitcoin spot ETF just two weeks after BlackRock, signaling Wall Street's growing interest in cryptocurrencies.
From Disruption to Assimilation
Initially, the crypto industry aimed to challenge Wall Street and Washington's dominance over the US financial system. However, a significant shift is occurring, as Wall Street now seeks to integrate with the crypto industry and join its ranks. This development is particularly striking given the crypto sector's weakened state, resulting from a prolonged crypto winter and increased regulatory scrutiny by the US SEC.
Traditional Finance Adopts Crypto Amid Challenges
The crypto sector in the US currently finds itself at a crossroads due to a series of challenges. The industry has faced a year of price declines, company failures, and bankruptcies, which have dampened interest in digital assets. Regulatory crackdowns have targeted crypto companies and their executives, resulting in criminal charges for entrepreneurs and public shaming of celebrity endorsers. However, these challenges have presented an opportunity for financial giants to offer a streamlined selection of crypto products and services that are less likely to attract regulatory scrutiny. Consequently, many users are now willing to embrace these offerings.
The Future of Crypto's Ambition
As the weakened crypto industry seeks to regain strength, its ambition to democratize finance is put to the test. Matthew Sigel, from VanEck, suggests that during bear markets, assets often transition from weak to strong hands. Similarly, this phenomenon appears to be happening in the crypto industry as well. The embrace of cryptocurrencies by Wall Street giants like BlackRock, Fidelity, and Citadel Securities signifies a seismic shift in the financial landscape. While the crypto sector faces challenges and regulatory obstacles, the adoption by traditional finance players offers new opportunities for growth and mainstream acceptance.
As we reach the end of our exploration into the rise of Bitcoin and digital assets in traditional finance, it becomes clear that a seismic shift is underway. Wall Street, once hesitant and skeptical, now embraces the potential of cryptocurrencies to revolutionize the financial landscape. The adoption by industry giants such as BlackRock, Fidelity, and Citadel Securities not only provides a stamp of approval but also signals a wider acceptance and integration of digital assets into mainstream finance. While challenges and regulatory hurdles persist, the increased participation of traditional finance in the crypto sector brings new opportunities for growth, innovation, and the democratization of finance. As we move forward, it will be fascinating to witness how this synergy between digital assets and traditional finance unfolds and shapes the future of the global economy. For more articles visit: Cryptotechnews24 Source: cryptonews.com
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I read that President Barack Obama headlined the Obama Foundation 2024 Democracy Forum in Chicago over the weekend, inspiring new leaders and positive change with his classic elocution to urge people not to abandon their convictions but welcome diverse opinions across party lines. I’m more interested in why President Obama didn’t invite a prince of excellence, a living genius.
Why didn’t he invite Harry? September 11? Sandy Hook? Rape decades? Alan Bennett Krueger? Alan, an esteemed labor economist and Harvard grad, advised two presidents and served in the Obama administration as an assistant secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy from 2009 to 2010 and was the 27th chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers from 2011 to 2013. He devoted much of his research to the impact of a minimum wage, arguing that it should be higher and that it wouldn’t slow hiring or productivity. He was listed in the 50 highest ranked economists in the world, received accolades and awards and was a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. On March 16, 2019, at 58 years-old, he killed himself in Princeton, New Jersey, leaving behind a wife and two children.
To past and present Twitter CEOs and Board of Directors and general counsel, Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Richard William Costolo, Parag Agrawal, Omid Kordestani, Patrick Pichette, Bret Taylor, Ned Segal, Leslie Berland, Sean Edgett, Vijaya Gadde, the firm Union Square Ventures and others:
Hi. Twitter is the cryptowinter of my discontent. Your social networking site was once described by someone within as, “It’s almost a teenager. And it’s not a very healthy teenager. It says mean things. It attacks women and people of color.” That’s not accurate in December 2024. That, I’m using air quotes, quotable is mild badmouthing from a compliant convent worker who stumbled upon one quiet mouse in the church darkness and said nothing, almost happily. Your news service has become a non-vital mud-cooler paddling cesspool of underage female genital mutilation, or FGM, for short. The highly touted social strategy of Twitter by fleshbot Prince Harry Windsor is extracted from the razzmatazz it takes to somehow rape-fuck a sleeping, unconscious tween with a doily dildo in the shape of a knife. Is that codespeak enough for you? In a castle cubicle is your CEO, typing kink friendly, not kid-friendly, declarations of chop and peel with absolute authority.
I get how an entire work team could miss the dirtied coal mine Xymposium wasteland graphics. Twitter is the guillotine of baroque art. There needs to be a demotion. Vocal protest. Punishment. Or is vagina hacking something that Twitter investors prefer on their gilded masthead? Take for instance his one-way conversations, for the purpose of riling up Twitter users by calling them entitled with audacity meaning they are tied and leashed, is always of pedophilia output and goes something like this: “How old are you?” His reply to his own question: “I’m teen sex old.” His favorite phrase, possibly in his rape memoir, is “slut me out.” He truly distinguishes himself by admitting that he’s into “mixen business” and his sexuality is “eating a lollipop.” He is a self-described mastertwat who incriminates himself most of the time by writing in Old English. Ironic since his quill stays dipped below female legal age.
The freewheeling constellations of rape-legitimizing accounts where he feasts on the violent end of Tom Cruise and I are not muted, privatized or even deleted, so resources—humans, that’s you people—can eavesdrop on him at any time and invoke disciplinary corrective action to protect the domain where policymakers rely on the dissemination of international affairs. His canvas cutlery ranges from cat herding to a tomato-flavoured hatchet. Nobody at Twitter says anything. The English gentleman writes: HairyCutter, Prince Chopstixxx, The Hacksmith, PornKunt, UnrulyPorn, RickUncut, ZenThornPorn, ZenGrey, tweenhearts, goblinz, Sk5teBlade, release the fuckcut, Fuck Cut Calling Me So Early Fo, Mannnnn what the fuck cut his ass I’m sick, Don’t let the prudes mislead you Jane Austen’s work is full of sex, If you’re not a whore, you can see the door, a 5 star slut, I just caught a gusher from sliding down my throat and choking me I’m confused on how I did it, but I did, chunky fila (his dad) chunky artz (his dad), Maddie Citadel, SicilyVee, DMVBarbershop, VadeBeatz, VadeChather, Vadact, enjoying a slice of carrot, it’s time to chop carrots, nice little fennel and carrot salad, an American-sized slice of carrot cake, I must chop cake this December, It’s only Day 2 of this carb cut, marbley cake, Buncake9, Jimbo Slice, Alan Iceblade, Puckside, Axe Hallow, Axel Pond, Knifecat, Vaginapalooza, riptidemamba, dickfax, Daddydi65501944, Bloodwing, bloodweave, bloodbadge, bloodpussy, bloodvam, Bloodwrit, and Daniel Bloodworth.
Does TechCrunch want to hire him for a conference? How about a webinar on the parallels of style and subject to Prince Harry Windsor and The Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl, who was lured and kidnapped on January 23, 2002 in Pakistan for what he thought would be an interview and executed by beheading on February 1st of that year? Does society need more sidewalk gunshot ambushes, high towers collapsing, school shootings or suburban family annihilation?
On August 13, 2018 Christopher Watts murdered his pregnant wife and two toddler daughters, disposing of their bodies in shallow graves and submerging them in oil tanks like trash. Three months after the Meghan Markle and Henry Windsor wedding fakeness. In Frederick, Colorado, American oil field operator Christopher Lee Watts strangled his pregnant wife, Shanann, and his two daughters with his bare hands, then dumped them in gruesome crude oil storage tanks, through a hatch at the top. The little girl corpses had scratches on their buttocks from being shoved through the receptacle not meant for human containment. Chris Watts was sentenced to five life sentences with no possibility of parole. This has Prince Harry’s quilted undertones, like all tragedies. Netflix, a company he calls Netfucks01 and NuttFreaks, made a documentary about the evil crime, American Murder: The Family Next Door. Knickerbockerglory is the production company in Hammersmith, London, England that produced it. Why would a British production company near Queens Wharf, created on February 28, 2011, be so interested in a Weld County, Frederick, Colorado familicide, feticide, child murder case in oil field America?
This is more than untwisting Harry’s code of nimble balletics. It’s more than telling you that his olly-cut olive branch verbosity, meaning unripened fruit or cheese, is something the press has printed for 30 years of my life. It’s more than his orc that he stole from Middle-earth fantasy fiction or his slimer-green pedo socks or his vulgar thoughts which mean vulva thoughts. It’s more than his rants that veer sharply into skewering facts through machismo to increase the fever of celebrities who have watched me grow up at a tethered distance and regular folk whom feel powerless. It’s the whole enterprise of disregarding the human tragedy that House of Windsor has caused. Someone show me the heart, brains and authenticity you get when you hire Harry and Meghan, who script-read bedlocked statements in promotion, publicity and merchandising appearances. If you give less attention to a scuzzy rapist and his wife, they’ll divorce.
Prince Harry, the man often highlighted with recognition or reward, is a pedophile in his own right and wants to stab my private parts as revenge for a vehicular chase, under pressure from his daddy. Everyone knows. People around you know it. People tend to notice when you festoon the machete rapist Duke with microphones and red carpets while they await emancipatory reality. Prince Harry was listed among the 2024 TIME Magazine 100 Climate index on November 12th. I get the climatic irony and I say to myself, whatever the fuck. Prince Harry, Twitter CEO, wrote on a website with lawmakers, “Mint young harlot in and out of chap-fallen underwear amateur squirter” — want to hire Harry as a guest editor on the special issue of social justice? You should watch a documentary about two strangled little girls, Time Magazine press room.
Although an ordinary thing to tech savants, I found subcultures on Twitter other than that Grandpacore, all starched in his prose. Over the years, Harry must have noticed that women have posed in selfies wearing pantyhose and affixed these personal photographs to their Instagram that he then absconded and posted in Twitter columns, rebranding them with his overlord, sick-root, literary vigilantism. I think the women are telling him to go to hell and release the contract girl and he posts their photographs with lighthearted threats about not being able to talk about my eventual rape. I didn’t know this was a thing. Horse hoes hose hog, entrapment, wrapped, tights, shiny, lace, fishnet, encasement. Harry’s favorite thread of conversation in taupe and black.
A selection from Harry’s accounts where he scolds the subjects of feminist self-exhibition: Hosed UK Wife, Pretty Polly Legs, Leggy Lawyer, Hannah Stocking, Pantyhose Cheerleader, Gaby Nylons, Kelli Xylon, 11 Percent Elastene, Italian Pantyhose Lover 80, Nylon Stunners, Pantyhose Eggs, Sheer Tex, Shearhose, The Rose Bliss, Panty Shower Teen, The Nxked Doll and Hairy Body Stocking 1. Which could be anybody. But sometimes you never really know. How Harry Windsor, useless earth specimen, knows so much about women’s hosiery, including textile, tells you all you need to know about his convoluted marriage, his degree of workplace autonomy and his dedication to rape. Is it legal to re-post photographs in a bunch of gainful profit twittering pixels?
The most essential aspect of the pantyhose culture is that in Jackson, Michigan, Allen Stanford Champion, 41, strangled Nancy Thomas, 59, to death with a pair of pantyhose during an argument on October 29, 2021. Among other distinctions, he has red hair and rosemary and reaper tattoos.
Kate Middleton. Online Harry calls her: Catholic Middle. I’ve always liked Kate and her family. I’m only using strongly-worded reporting to prove that Prince Harry, as Twitter CEO, will use anyone nearest him to push an incubating rape plan. The hand-built accounts that have her likeness are as follows: Slutty Katee, Hot Upskirt Kate Gallery, Catie Turner Slug Drinking Water, Queen of Degeneracy, Throat Goat Kay, Keira Middleton which could be anyone, Ella Fiddleton, Eden Middleton, Madty Middleton, Daisy Middleton, Cake Middleton, Let them eat cake (Middleton), Can’t Middleton, Medix Kate Your most sensual doctor, Kate Middleton is an anagram of naked tit model, his words. I wonder if she’d roll her eyes or be devastated to know that her name, her regal title, her young children are being borrowed by a deeply troubled cyber assailant. I wonder if Twitter bigwigs would punish you or hold you liable for using Kate and underage Charlotte on the basis of sex for a perverted rapey site-gag without permission.
Why does Prince William support Aston Villa? | That Peter Crouch Podcast Video on YouTube. Go to YouTube, search for that video, with 1.9 million views on the BBC Sounds channel. 54 seconds in. Speaking of emails, Will says, as he delivers mic’d up soundbites of common Irish-born schooling, there’s a knock at the door in which he retrieves two plates of curry in the role of housework. Then, in an olive green shirt, he guffaws over the discounted devalue of someone. The video is from 4 years ago, when a female like me is past her expiration date for something or other of her own choosing. It IS humorous, Will. The ongoing erasure of a young woman and her streamlined educated dreams, her chance at marriage and motherhood, a normal life, any life. I’m glad you find levity in this situation.
Prince Harry, a manchild of two faces, one for the public and one for a dicey encounter, loyal only to his daddy whom little girls were not writing to by lantern light, is a profiteer and conniver of past accidental events. In supercomputer microaggressions that lead to everyday gun violence and, fittingly, with his wife, who could have obtained payments and babies with somebody else but said I Do to the bachelor connected to September 11, Sandy Hook, a Marathon explosion, Parkland and an Orlando nightclub shooting, he scrawls red ink on Twitter like the well-intentioned machine he isn’t, constructing his starlight spiel with butcher shop talk. His job becomes career-ending for some and life-ending for others, including me. What constitutes grounds for job termination? Copycat crimes? He’s overdue.
I have screengrabs from the ominous clouds of Twitter and a useless Meghan. The person Harry calls Megnutt, a seduchess. I don’t think they’re in love. Divorce.
The TIG’s California sushi rolled knowledge of rhapsody husband:
Heightened state, sugar high:
Duchess promoting book about three generations of an Irish family in New York two years before dating him; Who's afraid of little old me:
Customized Nutella, she knew of genital mutilation prior to nuptials. Zoom in on the “a.” It’s Harry’s watermark. He deleted her social media only to upload a chunk of it to aggravate and cause suicide:
Rats riot gear in teen corner:
2021 Sussex Holiday Card, nutmeg lies, firsties, ripped jean thread:
All posts authored by Prince Harry.
Prince Archie, horny at 5 years-old:
Prince Louis, horny at 6 years-old:
Princess Charlotte, sexualized by her Uncle:
Princess Charlotte likes big dick at 9. That seems young:
Princess Charlotte, pimped by ginger Uncle:
Harry’s unique diction for his sister-in-law:
Duchess auditions on the pelvic floor, shadows:
She knew all her life what he was doing to me. She married him and became his helper anyway. I don’t want a mixed reception on the red carpet. I want a divorce:
Paper jam of rape:
Netflix love lies, off-roading revenge:
Jocular Netflix POLO documentary of hilarious rape; Miloš Balać: Polo means solo or first at cracking:
Harry, foiled magazine guest editor:
Drill team:
Actor Dean Norris didn’t write this; misplaced punctuation is Harry’s slicing revenge:
Monica Lewinsky didn’t write this; the punctuation is six times, clock is seventeen, which is Harry’s retroactive chopping; two months after the Meghan & Henry wedding:
Charles, the original Pedo King:
Se7en Deadly Strings, Harry’s yellowed cranium circles:
Jack Dorsey is a sexual predator; it’s right there in print, with a dot; Jack Patrick Dorsey, a paedo:
A silent Prince is stalking all women:
Upon his lectern, Hannibal:
Blades of glory:
Twitter: ask an agent cousin who these two little girls are:
Twitter: dot matrix printer of my beating and rape:
Twitter: this is his royally sage death threats taken UP a notch:
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DEEP FAKE AI Trump Dad Calls Son a Disgrace Bitcoin Crashes Zcash Soars ...
AI Trump Dad Calls Son a Disgrace Bitcoin Crashes Zcash Soars with Privacy ETF ProposaL
Today's episode dives deep into the latest crypto headlines: EXCLUSIVE: AI resurrects Trump's dad to judge his son's presidency (you won't believe what he says!) Bitcoin BLOODBATH: Is this the biggest crash ever? Experts weigh in. Rich Dad Poor Dad author reveals his BTC crash survival plan. MASSIVE crypto giveaway: Binance sweetens the ERC-404 integration deal. Crypto airdrop scams exposed: Protect yourself from the 46% trap. X goes free: Audio & video calls now for all users (even the broke ones). Zcash zooms: Grayscale's "Privacy ETF" proposal sends ZEC soaring. Microsoft goes white: Xbox Series X gets a sleek new colorway. Beware the drainers: Learn how to keep your crypto safe. #crypto #bitcoin #crash #ai #trump #beyondtheblockchain #investing #richdadpoordad #airdrop #scam #privacy #xbox #microsoft #web3 #blockchain #Crypto: CryptoChaos, CryptoDrama, CryptoWinter, #ZCASH
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Bitcoin Holds Steady as Traders Prepare for Options Expiry
Bitcoin prices have remained relatively stable in the last 24 hours, down around 0.6%. Traders are preparing for the expiration of bitcoin options worth $3.75 billion on Deribit this Friday. They have been rolling their positions forward from January to February expiry contracts. The max pain point for bitcoin's January expiry options is $41,000. The theory is that options sellers, typically institutions with ample capital supply, try to push the spot market closer to the max pain point to cause maximum damage to options buyers.
In other news, Swiss cryptocurrency banking group Sygnum has completed a successful funding round, giving it a valuation of $900 million. This is seen as a positive sign for the crypto industry, as it indicates a thawing of the "crypto winter" that has affected the market. Sygnum plans to use the funds to expand its services into European and Asian news markets. The collapse of U.S. crypto-friendly banking firms Silvergate and Signature in early 2023 was a significant event during the bear market, but Sygnum's successful funding round shows that the industry is rebounding.
Tesla, on the other hand, did not mention bitcoin in its latest earnings report, suggesting that the company did not buy or sell any BTC in the last quarter of 2022. Tesla currently holds over 9,720 BTC, making it the third-largest public holder of the asset. The company acquired 43,000 BTC in February 2021 but sold 75% of its holdings by Q2 2022. Tesla's remaining BTC is worth $387 million at current prices.
To read the full article, click here.
Hashtags: bitcoin, cryptomarkets, cryptowinter, tesla
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#CryptoWinter is Here again
Is The Crypto Winter Here Again?
The return of Bitcoin Winter is subjective and dependent on your point of view and definition of the term “winter.” The opposing viewpoints are presented here:
Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Winter:
Recent precipitous decline in value: Throughout 2022 and into 2023, the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies fell precipitously. Bitcoin reached a record high of about $69,000 in November 2021 but fell to approximately $17,000 in June 2023.
Winter is here again, and Bitcoin is feeling the chill. As temperatures plunge, so does the market.
A new crypto winter has been speculated about due to this precipitous fall and other market downturns.
Investors no longer have faith in the cryptocurrency sector due to the failure of large companies like TerraUSD and FTX and the intensifying regulatory scrutiny of the industry. Adding to the gloomy mood, this can cause additional selloffs and less investment.
Referring to past “winters” that lasted for several years, Bitcoin’s price has traditionally gone through boom and bust cycles. Some may interpret the present recession as the start of yet another long slump if this trend continues.
Crypto Winter’s Opponents:
Recent surge: Bitcoin’s price has been showing indications of recovery since June 2023, but it is still far from its all-time high. It has been trading around $21,500 since today (January 16, 2024), which could indicate a change in trend.
Despite the losses, big banks and companies are showing a growing interest in blockchain technology and Bitcoin. This consistent focus from institutions has the ability to bring about prosperity and stability in the long run.
Innovations in blockchain technology, such as DeFi and NFTs, are gaining popularity as a result of technological developments. This continuous improvement has the potential to draw in new customers and drive up the value in the future.
It may be too soon to call the crypto market a “winter” despite the fact that it is undoubtedly facing difficulties and unknowns. The course of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market as a whole will be decided in the next months.
Grayscale stock clearing: Grayscale, the world’s largest Bitcoin investment trust, recently announced plans to sell off a portion of its Bitcoin holdings to meet shareholder redemption requests. This could lead to increased selling pressure on the open market, potentially driving down Bitcoin prices further.
Macroeconomic factors:
The broader macroeconomic environment, with rising interest rates and a potential recession looming, could further dampen investor appetite for risky assets like Bitcoin.
Arguments against a new crypto winter:
Early days for Bitcoin ETFs:
It’s still early days for Bitcoin ETFs, and their initial performance may not be indicative of their long-term prospects. Increased adoption and regulatory clarity could lead to greater demand for these ETFs in the future.
Institutional interest:
Despite the recent turmoil, institutional interest in Bitcoin and blockchain technology remains strong. Major financial institutions and corporations are continuing to invest and experiment in this space, providing a potential source of future growth.
Technological advancements:
The underlying blockchain technology continues to evolve and develop, with innovations like DeFi and NFTs gaining traction. This ongoing progress could attract new users and fuel future value increases for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Ultimately, whether or not we are entering a new crypto winter will depend on a variety of factors, including the performance of Bitcoin ETFs, the actions of Grayscale and other major players, the broader macroeconomic environment, and the ongoing development of blockchain technology.
Is the Feds going to Pivot on the QT and the interest Hike soon in March 2024 ?
It’s important to remember that the crypto market is still in its early stages and is subject to high volatility. While the recent developments may raise concerns about a potential winter, it’s also important to consider the positive factors that could contribute to future growth.
Disclaimer : General Disclaimer:
This information is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
The cryptocurrency market is volatile and unpredictable. The opinions expressed in this discussion are solely my own and may not be accurate. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
I am not a financial advisor and do not guarantee any specific outcomes. You are solely responsible for your own investment decisions.
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Digifinex Labs: Coinbase-Backed Qredo Faces Financial Crisis, Reduces Staff by 50% Once Again
The job cuts continued into late last month, and the current headcount at the company now stands at around 50, down from over 200 earlier this year, as per the sources.
Qredo is actively seeking fresh funding and exploring opportunities for strategic mergers and acquisitions to secure its financial stability, two of the four sources revealed. Notably, 10T Holdings, which led Qredo’s Series A investment, is assisting in these efforts, as per the sources. However, 10T Holdings has not responded immediately to requests for comment.
Qredo’s financial challenges stem from a decline in its business. A Qredo spokesperson explained, “Qredo saw a monthly average of $2.5 billion in transactional activity in H2 2022 and through Q1 2023. This activity has decreased, along with the overall market activity, over the course of this year. Faced with this prolonged ‘cryptowinter,’ Qredo has made the decision to streamline its operations and concentrate on the core areas of growth in web3 wallets and custody solutions.”
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Lawyers Role In Shaping Blockchain Technology
Finance and technology have moved in lockstep throughout history, from the abacus to the algorithm. But the increasing complexity of money matters, coupled with regulatory grey areas around emerging digital technologies, mean that lawyers have a growing role in shaping future financial systems.
Among the areas receiving particular attention is the use of blockchain. Though better associated with speculative digital assets such as bitcoin, which are facing a “cryptowinter” amid scandals and falling prices, many banks are exploring use of the technology.
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#cryptocrash #cryptowinter #cryptobearmarket #cryptosentiment #cryptoregulationhttps://hackernoon.com/is-this-the-end-of-crypto
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Broker Imperial Wealth International about trends in the cryptocurrency market
2022 is remembered for cryptowinter. Then there was a prolonged period of rapid price decline, and interest in digital currency decreased. But new decisions, perspectives that formed trends in Forex changed the situation. What will happen to crypto in 2023 and popular trends are described in this article, written with the support of experts from broker Imperial Wealth International.
Cryptocurrency market in 2023. What to expect?
There will be more institutional investors. The trend will be long-lasting, as many companies start investing in digital currency. Plus, they are releasing their own cryptocurrency products… Source https://forex-asia.info/broker-reviews/cryptocurrency-market-trends-in-2023-insights-from-imperial-wealth-international
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Winter Is Coming. Cryptowinter!
Oh, sorry, cryptowinter not coming. She has already arrived a long time ago. She simply pressed the freeze button and froze all the still
Oh, sorry, cryptowinter not coming. She has already arrived a long time ago. She simply pressed the freeze button and froze all the still lively little bulls into a ice-bone.Winter has been lasting since November 2021 with brief warm spells. But this time, it hit hard. The bear market celebrates victory! Hodlers, oh my dear hodlers… Continue reading Untitled
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Mining industry revives after crypto winter
It seems that a giant mining company will soon appear in the United States – this will happen in case of a merger between the largest industry representatives Hut 8 Mining and US Bitcoin Corp, who announced such intentions the day before.
If all goes according to the plan Hut 8 Corp will be listed in the US with a market capitalization of $990 million.
According to preliminary calculations the hash rate will be 7.5 EH / s which will make it one of the largest public miners in North America.
In general, the news is very positive for the entire crypto industry. Miners have been hit hard during the cryptowinter. Many flagships such as Marathon Digital and Riot Blockchain had to sell their bitcoin reserves as the cost of mining was below the asset’s value.
The market is slowly but surely crawling up, halving is just around the corner, and market participants are beginning to prepare for a bull run.
There is another important aspect of this event: recently crypto-players under US jurisdiction have been under pressure from the SEC. Some experts expressed concern that due to the current situation not only exchanges, but also other market participants may move to other jurisdictions.
However, as the upcoming deal shows, so far there are no threats for the US crypto market in general.
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#Breaking: The statement said the #Lazerpay team stands ready to help members of its community that may have "questions or concerns."
The statement said the Lazerpay team stands ready to help members of its community that may have "questions or concerns." #web3 #cryptowinter #funding https://t.co/cCDiYt6gzU — Bitcoin News (@BTCTN) April 15, 2023 Source: Twitter
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Do you Bitcoin? Blockchain is still in BETA mode... the Federal Reserve is about to pump the dollar again...! Which means the dollar power is parallel to this countermeasure, less buying power for the dollar. The last time we had a mini recession was in 2008 when our dollar was pumped before. It affected a lot of people that are still trying to catch up with debt. We are out of the #cryptowinter and in the #cryptowars Everything is on track... I see people jumping on board the crypto space to hedge their wealth. Bitcoin has a max cap supply, the demand of preservation of wealth is near. Fiat is technically an intrinsic value of what paper means to the economy you live in Pre-determined by the government. I have nothing but respect for our country but the crypto war is imminent. The financial seasaw has been parachuting down on us.. Bitcoin is a global currency, established anonymously for the people to have a voice because you vote with your "money". One thing I have to say is, as a fintech analytical researcher, I have seen and experienced the growth and development of this new economy. I have taught several people what I know. If you need help (technical support and history) getting set-up, feel free to contact me for a consultation at [email protected] #Bitcoin #BuyRedSellGreen #HODL #Strong #Blockchain #Satoshi #SatoshiNakamoto #CryptoQueenE https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ICpBLAu_a/?igshid=1jszuvsyz65v6
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The crypto-winter is over, says the former head of Bitfinex's strategy The increase in the number of transactions in the world of crypto-currencies has led many users and specialists in digital assets to delve further into the workings of the phenomenon.
#Bitcoin Markets#bitcoin price updates#Bitfinex39s#btc market news#CryptoWinter#latest bitcoin prices#STRATEGY
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