#crypto tax advisors
australiantax · 2 months
Australian Crypto Tax Specialists | Australian Tax Specialists
Are you searching for an expert Australian Crypto Tax specialist? We will provide you best crypto tax service. We provide the most useful advice in the crypto industry. Crypto investment can lead to serious problems if it is not properly and timely managed. We listen to your plan and provide you with ideal advice that helps you get maximum profit. 
VISIT HERE:- https://australiantaxspecialists.com.au
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mmbaaccountants · 2 months
How MMBA Accountants Support Businesses in Cambridge
As a business in Cambridge, you know how challenging it can be to face the complexities of running a successful company in this vibrant city. 
From managing your finances to staying compliant with tax regulations, the demands of business ownership can sometimes feel overwhelming. 
That's where MMBA Cambridge Accountants come in. With our comprehensive range of services and commitment to client success, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Why Us?
Understanding Your Business Needs
Comprehensive Accounting Solutions
Strategic Business Advisory
Tax Planning and Compliance
Technology and Innovation
MMBA Accountants is your go-to partner for all your accounting and financial needs in Cambridge. 
With our comprehensive range of services, experienced team, and commitment to client success, we are confident that we can help you achieve your business goals. 
Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your business!
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aat23 · 2 years
crypto tax advisors
When you visit us, you are with people who will take the time to truly understand you, who will bring tailor-made ideas and insight to your environment, and who are deeply committed to your success, helping you in making confident decisions about your future. In terms of service delivery and business regulatory compliance, we at accurate accounts & taxes adhere to the highest quality standards and benchmarks. Our client relationships are based on years of collaboration, dedication, and trust. We are best crypto tax advisors. Our tailored business tax agent and their approach enhances your company's performance, processes, and financial operations. Call us at (253) 520-8886 for a consultation immediately.
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fintax-andorra · 1 year
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With minimal tax rates for cryptocurrency profits, Andorra can prove to be a great option if you choose to move and become a tax resident here.
Get in touch for details:
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Biden wants to ban ripoff “financial advisors”
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I'll be at the Studio City branch of the LA Public Library on Monday, November 13 at 1830hPT to launch my new novel, The Lost Cause. There'll be a reading, a talk, a surprise guest (!!) and a signing, with books on sale. Tell your friends! Come on down!
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Once, American workers had "defined benefits pensions," where their employers promised to pay them a certain amount every year from their retirement to their death. Jimmy Carter swapped that out for 401(k)s, "market" pensions where you have to guess which stocks will be valuable or starve in your old age:
The initial 401(k) rollout had all kinds of pot-sweeteners that made them seem like a good deal, like heavy employer matching that doubled or even tripled the value of every dollar you put into the market for your retirement. But over the years, as Reaganomics took hold and workers' power ebbed away, all these goodies were clawed back. In the end, the market-based pension makes you the sucker at the poker table, flushing your savings into a rigged casino that is firmly tilted in favor of finance barons and other eminently guillotineable plutocrats.
Neoliberalism is many things, but most of all it is a cult of individualism. The fact that three generations of workers are nows facing down retirement without pensions that will provide them with secure housing and food – let alone money to see the odd movie, buy birthday gifts for their grandkids, or enjoy a meal out now and then – is framed as millions of individual failures, not a systemic one.
In other words, if you are facing food insecurity and homelessness after a lifetime of hard work, it's because you saved wrong. Perhaps you didn't save enough (through a 40-year run of wage stagnation and skyrocketing housing, health and education costs). Or perhaps you saved wrong, making the wrong bets on the stock market. If you can't afford to run your air conditioner during a heat dome, that's on you: you should have been better at stocks.
Apologists for this system will say that you don't have to be good at stocks – you just have to pay an Independent Financial Advisor to pick the stocks for you and you'll be fine. But IFAs don't work for free! What if you can't afford one?
Enter "predatory inclusion" – the practice of offering scammy, overpriced and substandard products to poor people and declaring it to be a good deed, because otherwise, those poor people would have to do without. The crypto bubble relied heavily on this: think of Spike Lee and others shilling for pump-and-dump scams as a way of "building Black wealth":
More recently, Intuit and other scammy tax-prep services have argued against the IRS's plan to offer free tax preparation as bad for Black and brown people, because it will deny them the chance to be deceived and ripped off with TurboTax:
Back in 2018, Trump won the predatory inclusion Olympics, when his Department of Labor let the Fifth Circuit abolish the "Fiduciary Rule" for Independent Financial Advisors:
What was the Fiduciary Rule? It said that your IFN had to put your interests ahead of their own. Like, if there were two different funds you could bet on, and one would pay your IFN a big commission, while the other would be a better bet for you, the IFN couldn't put your retirement savings into the fund that offered them a bribe.
When Trump killed the Fiduciary Rule, he proclaimed it a victory for poor people, especially Black and brown people. After all, if IFNs weren't allowed to accept bribes for giving you bad financial advice, then they would have to make up the difference by charging you for good advice. If you couldn't afford that advice, well, you'd have to make bad retirement investments on your own, without the benefit of their sleazy self-dealing.
The Biden Administration wants to change that. Biden's Acting Labor Secretary is Julie Su, and she's very good at her job. Last spring, she forced west coast dockworkers' bosses to cough up the contract they'd stalled on for a year, with 8-10% raises for every worker, owed retroactively:
Su has proposed a way to reinstate the Fiduciary Rule, as part of the Biden Administration's war on junk fees, estimating that this will increase retirees' net savings by 20%:
The new rule will force advisors who cheat their clients to pay restitution, and will require them to deliver all their advice in writing so that this cheating can be detected and punished.
The industry is furious, of course. They claim that "The Market (TM)" will solve this: if you get bad retirement savings advice and end up homeless and starving, then you will choose a different advisor in your next life, after you are reincarnated (I guess?).
And of course, they're also claiming that forcing IFNs to stop cheating their clients will deny poor people access to expert (bad) advice. As the Financial Services Institute's Dale Brown says, this will have a "negative impact on Main Street Americans’ access to financial advice":
Here's that rule – read it for yourself, then submit a comment expressing your views on it. The government wants to hear from you, and administrative law requires them to act on the comments they receive:
Su is part of a wave of progressive, technically skilled regulators in the Biden administration that resulted from a horse-trading exercise called the Unity Task Force, which divvied up access to top appointments among the progressive wing and the finance wing of the Democratic Party. The progressive appointments are nothing short of incredible – the most competent and principled agency leaders America has seen in half a century:
But then there's the finance wing's appointments, like Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley, who ruled against Lina Khan's attempt to block the rotten Microsoft/Activision merger (don't worry, Khan's appealing):
Perhaps the worst, though, is Biden's Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, a private equity ghoul who did a stint for the notorious wreckers Bain Capital before founding her own firm. Raimondo has stuffed her department full of Goldman Sachs alums, and has sidelined labor and civil society groups as she sets out to administer everything from the CHIPS Act to regulating ChatGPT.
As Henry Burke writes for the Revolving Door Project and The American Prospect, Raimondo's history as a corporate raider, her deference to the finance sector, and she and her husband's conflicts of interest from their massive stakes in companies she's regulating all serve to undermine Biden's agenda:
When the administration inevitably complains that its popular economic programs aren’t breaking through the media coverage, they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.
The Unity Task Force gave us generationally important policymakers, but ultimately, it's a classic "pizzaburger." If half your family wants pizza, and the other half wants burgers, and you serve them something halfway in between that makes none of them happy, you haven't made a wise compromise – you've just made an inedible mess:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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zenruption · 1 year
Masterworks: What Is It?
With an interest in art and a desire to further diversify our financial portfolio, my wife and I looked into Masterworks. With banks failing, crypto teetering and conventional investments underperforming, we wanted to have a small piece of a different pie. There aren’t good analytics, like with stock purchases or business ventures, but one thing seems clear, the price of art continues to climb.
Whether its due to tax havens, conspicuous consumption, or simply valuing original art, the art world has become more and more attractive to us. That being said, we are not people who can drop large sums of money on a Rembrandt and hang it on our wall. However, we can buy a fraction of a painting that is up for auction and that’s precisely what Masterworks provides.
Masterworks is a platform that allows investors to buy and sell shares of high-end artwork, with the goal of capturing the potential financial returns of investing in the art market. The idea behind Masterworks is to make investing in art more accessible to a wider range of investors, who may not have the financial means or expertise to purchase and manage a collection of fine art.
Investing in masterworks can be an attractive option for investors seeking to diversify their portfolio and potentially achieve high returns. Historically, fine art has been a valuable asset class, with prices for the most sought-after works often reaching into the millions or even billions of dollars. Investing in masterworks can offer the potential for capital appreciation, as well as the added benefit of owning a tangible, physical asset.
However, investing in masterworks also comes with certain risks and challenges. One of the main risks is the potential for market volatility, as the value of artwork can fluctuate based on factors such as supply and demand, economic conditions, and changes in tastes and trends. Additionally, investing in masterworks can be a relatively illiquid investment, meaning that it may be difficult to quickly sell shares of a particular work of art if needed.
Despite these risks, some investors may find investing in masterworks to be an attractive option due to the potential for high returns, the diversification benefits, and the aesthetic appeal of owning a piece of high-end artwork. It is important, however, to carefully consider the risks involved and to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
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uncloseted · 2 years
Is it actually worth it to invest in stocks? Not like crypto, but like five dollars a month with something like "acorns" (I saw it recommended on that budgeting app "mint" that I use)
Oh also with the stocks question, is it worth it to get a 401k or IRA or whatever? Thanks xxxx
Quick disclaimer up front: I'm not an investment professional, advisor, or financial planner. This is just what I've gathered from the research I've done, so make sure to do your own research before making any financial decisions. If you're interested in learning more about investment options, Investopedia is a good place to start.
Whether or not you should invest depends somewhat on your personal financial situation, but in general, it's a good idea as long as you're approaching it the right way.
That said, investing in general is a good idea. Investing allows you to "put your money to work"- basically, it allows you to use money you're not using to make more money. For example, if you invest $5000 in the stock market and get a 10% return reach year, after 5 years, you'll have $8,053. And if you contributed $100 each month for those 5 years, at the end you'd have $15,394. If you do that for 30 years, your investment will grow to $284,799. That's a huge amount of money for a pretty small up-front investment. If you contributed $100 up front and then $5 a month for 5 years, you'd have $556 at the end of that 5 year period. The potential for money to "grow" is why investing is worth it. There are a few other reasons why people invest their money as well. It allows people to save for retirement, it can help them to reach their fiancial goals for the future, and it can allow people to reduce the amount of money that they're taxed on.
There are a number of different options for how you can invest money. The investment option that will work best for you depends on how much risk you're willing to take on- the chance that your investment will produce a lower-than-expected return or that your investment will lose value. Investing in something like crypto is high risk, since the market is volatile, but it can also be high-return. For example, in 2021, Bitcoin increased in value by 63%, but in 2022, it lost more than 50% of its value. Something like a saving's account is very low-risk, but the return is also low, about 0.1% a year.
I want to take a quick detour here to talk about high-risk investments. I think a lot of people, especially young people, treat investing kind of like gambling, where it's a get-rich-quick scheme. They're interested in high-risk, high-reward investments because they think that they can become millionaires if they just pick the right stocks. But that's not really the case. A 2020 report found that over a 15-year period, nearly 90% of actively managed investment funds failed to beat the market- meaning that if a person had invested their money in the S&P 500, they would have made more money than if they invested their money with a professional who's paid to pick stocks. So unless you're an professional with a great track record, hand-picking stocks to invest in is almost always a bad idea. It's unlikely that you'll buy stock for a "unicorn" company, and if you're being given advice to invest in a certain asset, it's almost definitely too late for that advice to be profitable. It's boring, but the best approach is usually to invest in something safer and to wait for it to become profitable over time.
The first type of "investment" you'll want to make is just a saving's account. This account should have enough savings to get you through six months of being unemployed. Once you have a "rainy day" account, then you can start thinking about other investment options.
Here are a few investment options you might consider, and a few pros and cons for each one:
Savings account: an account you have at a bank or a credit union
Risk free
very low interest rates- currently about 0.1%
can withdraw money whenever you want
Certificate of Deposit (CD): an investment product where you let banks borrow your money for a low interest rate over a period of time
low risk
better interest rates than a savings account- currently about 0.4% for a 1-year CD and 0.6% for a 5 year CD.
can't withdraw money over the length of the period of time where the bank has the money. This time period can be between one month and several years. The longer the period of time, the higher the interest rate that you get.
Bonds: loans that are made to raise capital for projects or to finance business operations.
lower returns than stocks- between 5-6% for long-term government bonds
some risk: the borrower might not be able to pay the money back.
bonds can struggle to keep up with inflation. For example, if a bond pays a 4% yield and inflation is 3%, the bond's real rate of return is 1%.
Bonds from governments are low-risk, since they're unlikely to run out of money. Bonds from companies like Apple, Amazon, or Netflix have higher risk, but can also have higher returns.
The return on a bond will also depend on the length of the bond. Short term bonds have a smaller return than long term bonds.
Stocks: an investment where you purchase a small part of a company and get access to the company's earnings.
a compounded return of 7-8% each year, accounting for inflation
can pull money out any time if you need it for something else
if the company becomes very successful, you can sell your stocks for more money than you spent on them
higher risk, since companies can lose value or go bankrupt
the stock market can crash, such as in 2008-2009
investments are not insured, so if the stock market crashes, you lose the money you had invested
you will likely see loses over short periods of time, but over long periods of time, stocks are typically profitable
risk can be lowered if you invest in a fund
Mutual Fund : stocks from many different companies are pooled together in one fund
reduces risk because it allows investors to not be dependent on the success of one company
Index Fund: buys stocks and assets that make up a "market index" such as the S&P 500 or Dow Jones
reduces risk because these companies are stable
requires less management than other types of stock investing
high risk, since the crypto market is volatile
high reward; individuals who bought Bitcoin for ten cents in 2009 could have sold for $17,527 in 2018
difficult to predict when to sell
Retirement plans: a plan that allows you to save for retirement. It's important to have one of these plans because Social Security benefits are typically not enough to live off of once a person retires.
401K: a retirement plan that is offered by an employer
you contribute a portion of your paycheck or income to the 401k and choose savings or investment options to help your account grow
contributions are pre-tax, which reduces annual taxable income and tax liability, but 401k is taxed when you withdraw it
federal legal protection
many employers will match the contributions that you make to your 401k, which doubles the money you have in your account
if you want to withdraw your money early, you have to pay a fee (typically 10%)
higher annual contributions than an IRA
IRAs: a retirement savings tool
no matching from employer
future withdrawals are tax-free for Roth IRAs but are taxed upon withdrawal for traditional IRAs
maximum annual contribution of $6000
more investing options than a 401k
more control over costs
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csmeaner · 2 years
Here’s an idea for anyone trying to save money instead of spend on CS, but find a regular savings account too easy to break into: open an account with a licensed investment firm and put your money there. (Note, my post is aimed at the US since that’s all I know. Do your research if you like this idea!)
It’s not foolproof since you have to keep some money in your bank for bills and things. It’s one tool in your arsenal to keep you on track.
You can open up all kinds of accounts with all levels of risk, so most firms will encourage you to meet with an advisor and let them manage your account. This advisor will get a small percentage of your money per year in exchange for helping you manage your account. (Fee schedules and amount can vary, so do your research!) They will help your money grow and are motivated to do so because that fattens their paycheck in turn. IE: 2.5% of $1000 per year is more than 2.5% of $100.
Contrast this with CS owners, who are motivated to drain your accounts, lmao.
(If you’re prone to CS FOMO tactics, do NOT manage your own accounts. All of a sudden you’ll be buying penny stocks, crypto, etc chasing after that big win. Then one day you wake up and your life savings are gone.)
Have a 401K? If not, open one. 401Ks are especially great because the tax man will fuck you if you withdraw money from it before retirement. You aren’t inclined to withdraw from it unless you’re desperate. By “desperate”, I mean “I need money for my cancer treatment”, not “I need to buy this latest Grem/Dainty/etc”.
An IRA is another good choice. The tax man will also fuck you on withdrawals from IRAs. 401Ks and IRAs are meant to sit there and grow until you retire, which is why you get hit with penalties if you withdraw early. 
If you’re a minor, you’ll need your parents’ help, and also you shouldn’t be buying this shit in the first place.
Put the money you plan to spend on a CS design, or a comm, or whatever other spending you need to stop into one of these accounts.
Don’t have enough cash to transfer that money AND for bills, groceries, etc? Then whatever you wanted to buy is out of your price range! And that’s OK, by the way. CS likes to make you feel like you need to buy the equivalent of a semi-luxury brand purse every week.
I started doing this about three years ago after I realized I was spending an inheritance at an alarming rate. So I shoved the remaining 25K into very low-risk investments and even with the shitty economy I’m sitting at 50K.
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cryptofinancetruck · 2 years
Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022
Recession – or the "R word" as politicians like to call it – pops up in everybody’s conversations these days, and with good reason. Many investors are searching for assets to shield them from the impending storm as they consider the likelihood of a recession or a stagflationary environment. However, according to experts, you won't find it in crypto. What could an economic ice age mean for crypto? Make sure to stick till the end of this video as we have a lot to cover. Welcome to the finance bro, Lets dive right in. Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? What includes in this video? 1. What will happen to crypto incase of a recession? 2. What does this mean for bitcoin? 3. How likely is a recession going to happen? 4. Can a crypto crash itself trigger a recession? 5. How does inflation affect crypto currency? 6. Is there an opportunity for investors? Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? ✅🔥Trade hundreds of crypto-currencies with low fees on FTX, Use our referral code FINANCEBRO upon sign-up and get a free coin when you trade $10 or more. https://link.blockfolio.com/9dzp/8l3l... Watch our other videos! 💸 You NEED to know this about Ethereum before you Invest. https://youtu.be/qnyPz42JjCg Should you be fearful or full of greed. 💸 https://youtu.be/34bxIQfigZ8 Top 5 safest crypto exchanges 2022 💸 https://youtu.be/Yt0iGDQNsM4 Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? #cryptocurrency #economiccrisis #cryptocurrencybitcoin Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? Disclaimer: Some of the links and products that appear on this video are from companies in which The Finance Bro will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or available in your country. This is not legal or accounting advice. This material is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Always consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto?
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legalpillers24 · 1 month
Crypto Tax Solutions: Unlock Success with Online Chartered Accountants
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In today's dynamic world of cryptocurrency, it can be difficult to manage your crypto taxation. However, if you hire chartered accountant online, you will get the clarity and peace of mind. Here, in this article, we will tell you why it is important to hire CA online for crypto taxation.
Importance of Hiring Chartered Accountant Online for Crypto Taxation
Understand the Regulations of Crypto Taxation: Online CA possesses the updated knowledge about the constantly changing tax laws related to crypto currencies. They will make sure about the compliance to relevant regulations by keeping updated about the most recent rules & guidelines that have been issued by regulatory agencies and tax authorities.
Maximizing Tax Deductions & Credits: If you hire CA online, they help you in identifying the possible tax deductions & credits in order to balance the crypto currency gains and reduce the total tax liability. They help the clients in taking the benefits of all the deductions that have been available including transaction fees, mining costs, and crypto donations to charities.
Comprehensive Record Keeping: It is essential to keep the proper record for reporting crypto currency transactions precisely for the tax purposes. If you hire online CA, then they will assist you in maintaining the comprehensive records of your crypto activities. These crypto activities include purchases, sales, exchanges, and transfers. This proper record keeping is not just make sure about compliance with tax regulations but also provides valuable insights into the financial performance of crypto investments.
Addressing Tax Compliance Issues: If you hire CA online in India, then they represent & assist you at the time of tax audits & inquiries related to crypto currency transactions. Chartered Accountants will navigate the audit process, gather relevant documentations, and communicate with the tax authorities on your behalf for the resolution of any compliance related issues.
Peace of Mind: If you hire Chartered Accountant online in India, then they will provide you the peace of mind. You can stay stress free knowing that you have a trusted financial advisor by your side to navigate the complexities of crypto taxation. You can focus on growing your crypto portfolio.
It is a smart move to hire Chartered Accountant online for anyone who want to navigate the world of digital assets. Online CA will become trusted partner in making sure about your financial success and compliance due to their expertise, personalized approach, and convenience.
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mmbaaccountants · 3 months
How MMBA's Nationwide Presence Revolutionizes Accounting Services
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Hey there! Have you ever wondered how MMBA Accountants are changing the way accounting services work? Well, let me tell you, it's pretty cool!
You see, MMBA's nationwide presence isn't just about having offices all over the place. It's about being there for you wherever you are.
Need tax advice in East London? Boom, they got you covered.
Looking for accounting firms in Cambridge? Yep, they're there too.
Even if you're in search for accountants in Luton, MMBA's accountant is just a call away!
And it's not just about the locations; it's how they do things differently. They understand that each area is unique, so they tailor their services to fit your needs exactly.
Plus, they use fancy tech stuff to make sure they're always available to help you out. No waiting around for days for an answer. That's pretty awesome, right?
You might be thinking, "How do I know this is true?" Well, let me tell you, MMBA has helped thousands of clients all over the UK.
They've saved people money, helped them plan for the future, and made their lives a whole lot easier.
Plus, they've got the numbers to back it up. With MMBA, you're in good hands.
So, next time you're in need of accounting services, think MMBA. They're not your average accountants. They're the future of accounting, and they're here to help you every step of the way.
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staking1 · 3 months
Best crypto currency plan in india
The "best" cryptocurrency investment plan in India, or anywhere else, depends on various factors such as your risk tolerance, investment goals, time horizon, and understanding of the cryptocurrency market. Here's a general guideline to help you devise a cryptocurrency investment plan:
Research and Education: Before investing, thoroughly research cryptocurrencies, their underlying technology, and the market trends. Understand the risks involved, including volatility, regulation, and security concerns.
Diversification: Avoid putting all your funds into a single cryptocurrency. Diversify your investment across multiple assets to spread risk. Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other established cryptocurrencies can be considered alongside promising altcoins.
Long-Term Perspective: Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile. Consider adopting a long-term investment approach to ride out short-term fluctuations and benefit from potential long-term growth.
Risk Management: Only invest what you can afford to lose. Cryptocurrency markets can be unpredictable, and prices can experience significant fluctuations in short periods.
Stay Informed: Stay updated with cryptocurrency news, market analysis, and regulatory developments, especially in India, where regulations can impact the crypto market significantly.
Security Measures: Invest in reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) and use hardware wallets for storing large amounts of cryptocurrency to enhance security.
Regulatory Compliance: Understand the legal status of cryptocurrencies in India and ensure compliance with relevant regulations, tax laws, and reporting requirements.
Professional Advice: Consider consulting with a financial advisor or investment professional who understands cryptocurrencies to get personalized advice based on your financial situation and goals.
Monitor and Rebalance: Regularly monitor your cryptocurrency portfolio and consider rebalancing it based on market conditions and changes in your investment objectives.
Avoid FOMO and Hype: Don't make investment decisions based solely on fear of missing out (FOMO) or hype. Conduct thorough research and analysis before investing in any cryptocurrency.
Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the best cryptocurrency investment plan. It's essential to tailor your investment strategy to your individual circumstances and risk tolerance. For more information visit us: stakingbarhor
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sataxaccountants1 · 3 months
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accountantsau · 4 months
Understanding Expat Tax Accounting Services in Sydney with Professional Assistance
People who are thinking of working overseas need to understand completely about expat tax and hence need to seek expert help about expat tax accounting services in Sydney. They need to look for assistance from tax accountants for the right accounting services in order to receive the greatest support. Professionals ensure that all tax-related operations, such as calculating tax liabilities, are completed in a way that ensures correct adherence to the guidelines provided by the Australian Tax Office.
Accountants help with a variety of accounting services, including specialised ones that need for in-depth knowledge of tax rules, such as filing taxes on cryptocurrency, late tax return filing in Sydney, etc. If the crypto tax form is filled out incorrectly, it is essential to get professional help to prevent a serious tax audit.
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It is possible for both individuals and businesses to miss a few years of income tax return filing deadlines, which might lead to issues later on. Professional tax accountants can guarantee that both individuals and corporations appropriately file their past-due taxes. Hiring seasoned accountants is recommended since there are penalties for filing taxes after the deadline that need to be paid while following the correct procedures and documentation.
Many people, particularly business managers of small organisations, are aware of how challenging taxes and the rules governing them can be. Tax accountants help with managing tax-related matters and filing necessary documentation. Businesses need to monitor GST daily, which helps with money recovery via BAS and accounting statements.
Genuine Tax Advisors Provide the Following Services
Crypto Tax Return: As cryptocurrencies gain popularity, a large amount of money is invested in them with the expectation of a profit. Profits from cryptocurrency trading are liable to capital gains reporting regulations and income tax. A cryptocurrency tax filing company checks tax obligations, ensures that all tax data is filed correctly, and helps to supply the required tax services.
Accounting & Bookkeeping: Businesses that manage their money well are able to function profitably and submit their taxes. Small business accounting services guarantee that all incoming money is tracked and appropriately documented. A deeper examination of the company's income and spending is made possible by the accounting process.
It's likely that businesses don't always have enough workers on hand to do their payroll services in a way that complies with the law. Payroll professionals are capable of handling every facet, encompassing extra services and crediting salaries to employees.
Individuals who try to handle things on their own run the danger of getting even more confused about the taxes. By speaking with tax professionals, you may fix issues and avoid fines.      
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protosnom · 5 months
This video is about how to cash out millions in Bitcoin. It discusses the different steps involved in cashing out large amounts of Bitcoin, including tax strategies, over-the-counter trading, and wealth management.
Here are some key points from the video:
Planning and execution are important. Cashing out millions in Bitcoin requires careful planning and execution to minimize market impact and optimize price.
Consider professional guidance. The video recommends partnering with a financial institution like First Security Bank Solutions for guidance on tax strategies, wealth management, and other aspects of cashing out Bitcoin.
Fragment large sales into smaller tranches. This helps to minimize market impact and optimize price.
Explore over-the-counter (OTC) trading desks. OTC desks can provide high volume transactions with institutional buyers.
Avoid exchange volatility. OTC trading desks can help to avoid exchange volatility, which can occur when large amounts of Bitcoin are sold on an exchange.
Millions mean millions in potential tax liabilities. The video recommends partnering with a tax advisor to help minimize tax liabilities.
Consider strategic charitable donations. Charitable donations of Bitcoin can be used to offset capital gains taxes.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. The video recommends diversifying your portfolio with other assets to mitigate risk and stabilize wealth.
Secure your remaining Bitcoin. The video recommends storing Bitcoin in a multi-signature cold storage solution for maximum theft protection.
First Security offers industry-leading security options. The video mentions that First Security Bank Solutions offers industry-leading security options for Bitcoin storage.
Ensure smooth wealth transfer. The video recommends creating a robust estate plan that includes your Bitcoin holdings.
Secure flexible credit lines. The video mentions that First Security Bank Solutions can provide flexible credit lines backed by your Bitcoin.
Establish a donor-advised fund (DAF). A DAF can be used to strategically manage charitable giving over time and maximize tax benefits.
Leverage First Security's international banking network. This can be helpful for seamless cross-border transactions and currency conversion.
Explore opportunities to invest your Bitcoin in sustainable and impactful projects. This can provide financial rewards with a social conscience.
Allocate a portion to high-growth potential crypto startups. This can provide venture capital style returns, but also carries high risk.
Consider diversifying into real estate. This can be done with Bitcoin-backed mortgages or direct property investments.
Invest in rare and valuable digital art (NFTs). This can provide diversification and potential appreciation.
Secure your financial legacy. The video mentions that First Security Bank Solutions can help you build a lasting financial dynasty.
Overall, this video provides a helpful overview of the different steps involved in cashing out millions in Bitcoin. If you are considering cashing out a large amount of Bitcoin, it is important to seek professional guidance to ensure that you do so in a safe and tax-efficient manner.
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blogchaindeveloper · 6 months
Cryptocurrency Regulations Around the World
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From the United States to China, and various countries in between, governments are grappling with the task of overseeing the burgeoning crypto space. In this comprehensive guide, we navigate through the current regulatory frameworks and developments in different nations, shedding light on how they approach the complex realm of digital currencies.
For those eager to learn cryptocurrency trading and become a cryptocurrency expert or crypto advisor, understanding the regulatory landscape is crucial. As the demand for knowledge in this field grows, Blockchain Council's crypto trading courses emerge as a beacon, offering unparalleled insights into cryptocurrency trading and the broader realm of digital assets.
United States
The United States, a key player in the cryptocurrency market, has witnessed significant regulatory shifts in recent times. In 2022, a new framework emerged, paving the way for enhanced regulation. Market regulators such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) gained authority in this evolving landscape.
The SEC, led by Chairman Gary Gensler, has taken proactive steps towards regulation, exemplified by the high-profile lawsuit against Ripple. Gensler has emphasized the need for investor protection, referring to the crypto markets as "a Wild West." The White House has also expressed its intent to address illegal cryptocurrency activities, contemplating amendments to existing statutes and evaluating risks associated with decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens.
The prospect of a digital dollar is on the horizon, with the Biden administration recognizing "significant benefits" in exploring a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell sees a CBDC as a means to eliminate the reliance on alternative coins in the country.
In China, cryptocurrencies are classified as property for inheritance purposes. The People's Bank of China (PBOC) has imposed bans on crypto exchanges and Bitcoin mining, citing concerns about public financing and regulatory approval. Despite these restrictions, China has been actively developing its digital yuan (e-CNY), officially initiating the next phase of its CBDC pilot test program in 2022.
Canada takes a proactive stance on crypto regulation. While not considered legal tender, cryptocurrencies are subject to capital gains tax. The country approved the first Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), and crypto trading platforms must register with regulatory authorities. All crypto investment firms are classified as money service businesses, necessitating registration with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC).
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, cryptocurrency trading  is considered property, and exchanges must register with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The regulatory landscape gained further clarity when the lower house of the British Parliament recognized crypto assets as regulated financial instruments, extending current laws to cover stablecoins.
Japan adopts a progressive approach, recognizing cryptocurrencies as legal property under the Payment Services Act (PSA). Crypto exchanges must register with the Financial Services Agency (FSA) and adhere to anti-money laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT) obligations. The country treats crypto trading gains as miscellaneous income and has been actively working on regulatory aspects, including taxation.
Australia classifies cryptocurrencies as legal property, subjecting them to capital gains tax. Exchanges must register with the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) and comply with AML/CTF obligations. Regulatory requirements were introduced for initial coin offerings (ICOs), and privacy coins were banned on exchanges.
Singapore, like the UK, classifies cryptocurrency as property. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) licenses and regulates exchanges under the Payment Services Act (PSA). Long-term capital gains are not taxed, making Singapore a favorable environment for cryptocurrency activities.
South Korea
South Korea mandates registration for cryptocurrency exchanges and virtual asset service providers with the Korea Financial Intelligence Unit (KFIU). The country imposed a 20% tax on digital assets, which was initially set to take effect in 2022 but has been delayed until 2025. Legislation, known as the Digital Asset Basic Act, is underway to regulate the crypto space.
India remains in a state of regulatory uncertainty regarding cryptocurrencies. While a bill circulates proposing a ban on private cryptocurrencies, it has not been voted on. India imposes a 30% tax on crypto investments and a 1% tax deduction at source (TDS) on crypto trades. The country launched a tokenized rupee pilot program in late 2022.
Brazil has not designated Bitcoin as legal tender, but it passed a law recognizing cryptocurrencies as valid payment methods. The regulatory framework, known as the "Legal Framework for Virtual Assets," designates the Brazilian Central Bank to regulate crypto exchanges.
European Union
Cryptocurrency is legal across most of the European Union, but individual member states govern exchanges. Taxation ranges from 0% to 50%, varying by country. Recent directives, such as the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA), aim to enhance consumer protections and introduce licensing requirements.
Ongoing Global Developments
As the cryptocurrency market evolves, regulations worldwide are a work in progress. Many countries are actively developing policies and legislation to address the unique challenges posed by digital currencies. In the U.S., crypto exchanges face regulations, and in the EU, legislation requiring crypto service providers to seek an operating license is on the horizon. While crypto regulations are gradually taking shape, the process remains slow and subject to controversy.
In conclusion, cryptocurrencies demand a nuanced understanding of regulatory intricacies, making crypto trading courses indispensable for those eager to learn crypto trading. As governments worldwide seek to strike a balance between innovation and oversight, individuals aiming to become cryptocurrency experts or crypto advisors must stay informed.
Blockchain Council's cryptocurrency trading courses, designed to impart in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrency trading and the top cryptocurrencies, stand as a gateway to mastery in this dynamic field. Whether you're starting your journey or seeking to enhance your expertise, Blockchain Council's crypto trading courses provide the essential tools to navigate the intricate world of cryptocurrency with confidence and proficiency.
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