#cryptic tantomile
munkustance · 2 years
Tantomile and Coricopat?👀
Headcanons, Backstory, Family, Pairings, Personality, Plotbunnies? And anything else you wanna add, I wanna hear it all!!🥰
Favorite and least favorite foods?
If they had a human home, what would it be like?
What song(s) that aren’t canon do you think fits their character?
What kind of cat do you think they would be if they weren’t an Anthropomorphic cat? (Example: I think Tugger would be a Russet Marble Tabby Maine Coone Cat and Cassandra would be a Dark Mink or Solid Burmese Cat)
Sorry this took so long, just school. I think answering all of these will take a long time lets just be honest. But I'll try to work with these whenever I can. ALSO, there might be spelling and grammar mistakes because english is not my first language.
My thoughts and feelings for the twins were like nonexistent when I first got into cats, but after seeing the international tour in november they just shot right up into my top ten. Espessially Tantomile as she was the green eyes that went by me when the show started and was like 4 meters from me during the naming of cats and Mister Mistoffelees (and I swear we had a special moment during the naming of cats cuz we 100% made eye contact and right after that she reached her paw out, TO ME, but sadly there were two people in our way...)
Eh, so with that being said, here are my headcanons for everyones favorite mystical twins!
Tantomile and Coricopat share the same spirit so if one of them becomes the Jellicle choice, they are both chosen.
Although the spirit is the same, the cats are not. Coricopat is much more um... dumb. It's not the right word but the only one I can think of. Like he's just.. he's there, having fun. While Tantomile is definitely the older and more mature of the two. Their reactions during the Mistoffelees number is the best explanation I can give. Just look at them.
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When it comes to their powers they are both very strong with their psychic energy but again Tantomile is just keeping a little secret about her more cryptic side. The only other cat to know about her other side is of course her other half. They are like ying and yang kinda, but not really. Again, this thing with putting my thought into words. Either way, more on that later.
Random but Coricopat loves butterflies.
Now my usual backstory for these two is that they lived with a real witch and that they found the junkyard and the Jellicles thanks to their powers. Quite simple.
But, today I read through the Cats wiki just for fun and stumbled across the hc that Tantomile and Coricopat are Macavitys children. And I just died right then and there.
Is it in my main headcanons for Cats? No... But it sure as hell has it's own little world in my brain now. Just, stop and think about it for a minute and perhaps join me on the floor while I scream about the potential angst.
This goes without saying but, they're twins.
While they don't really have a real parents, unless you wanna go the Macavity route, Munkustrap has an extreme soft spot for them. So Munkustrap is their unofficial dad even though they are just a few years younger then him.
Also love the rarepair of Tantomile and Demeter. Them just laying in Demeters pipe cuddling *chef kiss*
Coricopat is a dork, an adorable dork, and I love him. He gets easily distracted, especially when Mungojerrie is within his psychic range.
Tantomile has a calm presence, even when some cats gets weirded out by the twins. Something she hides extremely well however is her cryptic side. Let's just say it's very much the opposite of the Tantomile we all know and love.
Oh I loooove this one!
So Macavity is obsessed with magical cats right.. so he kidnaps Coricopat, ya know as you do. The thing is, Tantomile is of course not okay with that.. so um, she ya know. Goes all cryptic and ballistic on Macavitys ass and saves her brother.
Yea, that one has been stuck in my brain for the longest of time and I love it so much.
Oh uh yeah, they don't eat. Might be a weird hc but it's mine.
Human home:
They primarily live in the junkyard but they do have their little witch hut together with their old little witch lady. It's quite small but it's perfect for the three of them. There is a bunch of pillows and blankest all over the place just for the twins. And there is a lot of purple.
Song(s) that fit their character:
Ah yes, the inspiration for my cryptic Tantomile
...sorry, don't know what came out of me just then.
Also sorry Coricopat, don't really have a song for you.
What kind of cat would they be irl:
Maybe a mix between Korat, Balinese and Russian Blue.
Anyways... that´s it
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Rumpleteaser: "Can you stop talking cryptically and tell me what we're doing here?"
Tantomile: "Would you, so soon, ask the winds of time to change its course as you would my own?"
Rumpleteaser: "I don't know what you're saying!"
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
Saw this tweet and thought of how the three (comonly headcanoned) set of twins would react
Tantomile: If only one body could remain it would still be both of us
Coricopat: We would simply fuse together
Tantomile: We can do that
Coricopat: It’s not that hard
Rumpleteazer: *shrugs* They’ve got a point. *gets into a cartoonish fighting stance* Put ‘em up!
Mungojerrie: *also gets in to a fighting stance with a huge grin on his face but can barely brace himself before Rumpleteazer tackles him*
Mistoffelees, deadpan: Does us not being identical twins protect me at all?
Victoria, with an innocent smile on her face: *cracks knuckles* No <3
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emmikay · 3 years
Tantomile: I get my news from the only reliable source.
Tantomile: The cryptic symbolism in my dreams.
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rainbowratsstuff · 4 years
cryptid misto: The void of space is a vast expanse.... Tugger: You're adorable like omg I love you
Tugger loves his cryptic little demon boyfriend <3
Though it makes me think Misto's been spending too much time with Coricopat and Tantomile
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therum-tum-misto · 4 years
Is Jemima magical 🤔
Short answer: yes!
Long answer under the cut, because I mean Long:
So obviously this'll change with production/interpretation but as with everything I'm going on '98 to make it easy for us all, and also on my default headcanons, which are almost shamefully basic and therefore pretty well known.
Jemima is (biologically) the child of Demeter and Macavity. Obviously she's never known Macavity and was raised by loving parents in the Junkyard tribe. She never actually shows signs of magic as a kitten, and she's the sweetest cat that ever lived, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief about having dodged the Mini Macavity bullet
While she never showed signs of active magic, she was.... distant. (This gets into a thing on how magic manifests and how it affects its hosts and it's kind of involved and we'd be here forever, but just know it makes sense ok? I can expand on it if so desired.) She bonded with the other kittens but not... as much as the rest of them bonded with each other, and she had a tendency to wander off for seemingly no reason, and stare into space for long amounts of time. Which isn't so weird- she is younger, and quiet, and maybe just not quite as social as her peers. Apart from those couple things she's thriving socially, so it's whatever.
When Jemima is just getting to be an older kitten, however, (think seven or eight in human years) things... change.
Tantomile and Coricopat move into the junkyard. They're older kittens (late teens), and they are, without a doubt, magical. They can not only sense cats out of eye and ear range, but identify them correctly. They seem to, to some level, be able to see the future, and the present. And not only that but their powers are honed- they can tell the fortune of a specific cat or the outcome of a specific event, and while they're cryptic, they're unfailingly accurate.
Jemima latches onto Tantomile the second she meets her. The twins are... offputting, to say the least, to any cat who's grown up with some kind of social expectations, but Jemima doesn't see it. She isn't bothered by the unblinking stares and creepy unison movements, and she follows them (but especially Tantomile) wherever they go, as much as she's allowed. Coricopat is kind of neutral on her, and doesn't mind her, but Tantomile actually enjoys having her around.
In fact, Tantomile is the first to notice her magic. The adults in her life barely bothered looking for it, since she never displayed any of the physical traits that indicate magic and never levitated or teleported anything. But a month after they move there, Tanto and Cori argued, and Jemima found Tantomile sulking thinking things over afterward. Jemima has no siblings, and certainly no connection like Tantomile and Coricopat experience, with anyone. But when Tantomile refused to tell her what was wrong, she sympathetically put her paw on Tantomile's shoulder, and proceeded to relay exactly everything Tantomile was feeling, in an "I know you must feel...." way. Word for word, and even some of the things Tanto had yet to find words for. But she was exactly on the mark.
Even if she hadn't Felt it, Tanto would have known she was talking to another magical cat.
The thing about Jemima's magic is, it's passive. She can't start or stop it, like Mistoffelees can, and can't choose when to use it to it's fullest, like the twins. She's kind of hovering in a space of half-magic, where she can see and feel and understand the things magical cats can (and then some) but she herself has no powers to wield. Which is why she doesn't Look like a magical cat- the stress Demeter was under during her pregnancy effectively quashed any development Jemima's magic might have undergone. But that doesn't mean it's not there.
Her magic is what we see during Moments of Happiness, and again in Memory- the twins can feel that Grizabella was there, but they can't feel or speak what she was feeling, like Jemima can. And Jemima can't make that initial connection, because she doesn't have enough magic to reach out with, without Grizabella right there. Which is why in moments of happiness, Tantomile has to touch her before she gets up and sings. But once that happens, Jemima understands what's going on and who Grizabella is (not just to the tribe, but her whole life, her triumphs and hardships and fears, everything) and that's why she sings in the reprise of Memory, she doesn't need Grizabella to tell her who she is.
It's why she's so insistent on trying to touch Grizabella before Moments Of Happiness- not curiosity, but because she can feel her, just out of reach.
Most of the Jellicles never find out about Jemima's magic, and write that one instance off as an effect of the Jellicle Moon. Tantomile and Coricopat know, of course, and so does Demeter, since Tantomile told her almost straight away. Old Deuteronomy knows, as he has some magic himself, and magical cats can identify each other, at any time throught any disguise. It follows that Mistoffelees knows as well.
(Misto is the most powerful cat there, and when he first met Jemima he almost immediately understood what was going on. He was still pretty young and incredibly skittish, but the first thing he did when they met was allow her to touch him, since she could sense his magic but wouldn't know anything about it and whether or not it was safe.)
(On this note... these things go both ways, between magical cats. Without any way to truly connect to non-magical cats, Jemima can connect to others but not vice versa. However, with the help of the twins, she was able to relate to Grizabella as if they both had magic. These things are finicky, but this is the force behind "if you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is"... normal cats don't work like that, but with the interference of Jemima's magic (via Tanto and Cori) the cats who touch Grizabella experience her feelings as Jemima would.)
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♦ For Electra and Tantomile, please. Thanks
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
-Is a wiz at making friendship bracelets in all of their forms - rubber bands, braiding, beaded, cord - you name it and she can make it for you (she’s also really good at guessing what kinds of colours you will like and matching them to the general vibe you give off with your outfits).
-She likes collecting keys that have made their way into the junkyard, and carefully knots each of them to a length of string she’s hidden in a secret spot. When she was asked why she did that and what they were for, she just shrugged and said “In case I need to open a door” (she thinks that you can only use one key per door, and she’s saving them)
-Will give you *way too much information* on your first meeting with her - and usually very cryptically. She’ll often open a conversation making a comment about what colour your aura is and explaining what that might mean, or indicating that the energy of the room isn’t right for a conversation, or asking an out of the blue personal question like if you’ve lost something recently. She doesn’t mean any malice by it - that’s just how she talks with people (she’s very awkward).
-Has been told many times that she *scares the daylights* out of people because she slinks up behind them so quickly and quietly without announcing herself, so she has gotten into the habit of snapping her fingers or clearing her throat as an indicator that “Hello I am here now”
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isolationstreet · 4 years
for the shipp: Tantomile & Bombalurina
Who is the clingy one? - Tantomile even if shes not always the the best at expressing emotions she feels them incredibly strongly and once she gets attached to something she can never really let it go
Who is more likely to admit a mistake? - Bombalurina even though shes prideful shes nothing if not honest even if that means admitting she made a mistake 
Would they lie to make each other happy? - they both have considered it at some point but never would actually go through with lying to each other 
Who is more experimental (in bed)? - even if bombalu is the more experienced partner in bed tantomile is  quite curious ans always seems to be the one introducing no ideas and concepts into their relationship in bed to keep it interesting and fresh even stuff bombalu probably never even would have considered before being with tantomile     
Who is more spontaneous? - bombalu it comes as a side effect of being friends with tugger 
What do they do to cheer up each other on a bad day? - tantomile will spot some cryptic yet still oddly comforting prose and bombalu leans towards more hands on physical means of comfort 
Is there something they’d like to change about each other? - bombalu wishes tantomile could be more straight forward with her emotions where as tantomile sometimes can get a bit jealous  when it comes to bombalu sleeping around with other cats 
How do they describe one another to other people? - bombalu refers to tantomile as her favorite shy and sexy physic where as tantomile would describe bombalu as a fiery  whirlwind of emotions 
How are they both handling money? - Bomblu spends her mony fialy librably tending to live life fast and lavishly where as tantomile CLAIMS she has no need of earthly possessions but you know she has a savings account anyway
Who is the more romantic one? - honestly? depends on the day 
Lazy days or adventure together? Who prefers what? - weirdly enough bombalu goes on more adventures and tantomile has more lazy days bout both actually prefer what the other has grass is greener on the otherside and all that 
Who is the one to more likely initiate sex? - Bombalurina but theyre both pretty forward in initiating it especially after they've been together a while   
If they had a pillow fight, who would win? - bombalu but nother of them are ever really particularly invested in pillow fights 
Who plans more cute surprises for the other? - tantomile shes always trying to come up with little ways to surprise bomba like  makingh er breakfast or bring her art because little surprises are a lot easier ways for her to express her emotions rather than just out right saying “i love you” 
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munkustance · 1 year
Tantomile: What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm fucking pissed.
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