#crying screaming i don´t want to
panda-of-the-trash · 5 months
Fuck online exams
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julia4today · 5 months
almuerzo fluff
(husband!miguel x pregnant!reader)
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what’s happens when people find out about you? about your kids. idk but i had this idea so just bare (bear?) with me. writing on iphone and computer-- there's some spanish in there. i don' t practice all that often since i left home so excuse any off translation
tw: swearing, angst if you squint, no proofreading
guards, hq doesn’t need ‘em. mainly because they have thousands of spidermen swinging around, ready to save. unfortunately those spidermen aren’t always the most aware when it comes to being in hq. considering you somehow managed to slip past them.
you, with a toddler on your hip and a basket of food in your hand combined with your intensely slow walking. you would expect to atleast have some hassle getting through the doors.
you were so close too, just one more hallway until you could have lunch in peace with your husband. unfortunately some spiders get nosy. some spiders try to detain you, take your kid from you, call over other spiders, and rummage through your food.
of course this doesn’t go without protest.
“ma’am who are you? and where did you get this kid? to what do you have business here?”
“give me back my kid.” you respond struggling against the grasp of a…dinosaur? no im just kidding, yet another peter parker.
“we have no way of knowing that she is yours.”
crying and kicking coming from your daughter, gabriella. “get away! get away! i want mommy!” she screams, trying her best to now push past the crowds to get to you. a spider picks her up, beginning to take her away.
“get your hands off my kid!” you say, as tears prick your eyes. finally struggling free and, slowly, running to grab gabriella. picking her up and holding her in your arms. “it’s okay honey, mommy’s here.”
wiping her tears you turn to face the group, looking around you notice your once perfectly made up lunch with all the food for a family of 5 (your husbands a big eater…) was now strewn across the floor.
“what the fuck is wrong with you?” you shout, covering your daughters ears, slowly rocking her. you hear a spider call the boss, your husband. how unfortunate for the group.
“we don’t know who you are, if you’re dangerous, what you’re doing here!”
“i’m pregnant, with my daughter, carrying a basket of food to my husband! how is that dangerous?!”
“well we-“ cut off my the stomping you know so well and the yelling you could never forget.
you could hear him, saying that “if it was something stupid he’d fire all of them.” that “if the woman was dangerous why didn’t they call him sooner?"
as he approaches you see his eyes widen and his body relax. he lets out a sigh. he easily makes his way through the masses, a path paved for him, through the sea of people.
the crowd watches in awe as he picks up the little girl. "hola mi princesa. ¿como estas?" he says softly as he wipes any excess tears from gabriella's eyes.
"papa they were s-so mean to mommy."
"i know baby, i'm sorry you had to go through that," he replies, glaring over at the, now, cowering and slightly shocked, group of spiders. he turns to you, placing a kiss on your cheek. "¿qué pasó, mi amor? pensé que venías a almorzar."
"yeah, well that's not what they thought. nuestra comida está arruinada," you hang your head in annoyance.
"i know, but luckily we have a food court, although nothing is better than your food," he lifts your face, sighing and turning around.
"what the hell is your problem? putos cabrones, THAT'S MY WIFE. idiots," he yells, still holding gabriella. who has now fallen asleep in her dads arms.
"s-sir we didn't know." a brave spider spoke up.
he rolls his eyes, resting his free hand on his hip. "and you think a pregnant lady, with her daughter, and a basket of food is really a threat? why did i hire such morons?!" he exclaims.
he turns towards you, putting on a sweet expression with a soft smile. "c'mon mami, let's go get some food." turning around once more he yells one last times.
"you all, pick up this mess and meet me in my office in two hours." everyone could pick up the sinister tone in his voice, it wasn't hard to miss.
"mi héroe," you say, and you all walk towards the food court. although when you have a group of teen spiders wandering around the building who are a little too obsessed with heir bosses personal lives, you don't get much privacy.
alright what do we think? also yes mahagony pt 2 is coming but honestly i haven' t had any motivation to start pt 2 yet. so sorry to those waiting. i woke up at 5 am and suddenly had the urge to make this so heres hoping we all like it
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skiiyoomin · 4 months
ʚContent: fluff!! very very little angst in the beginning but megumi is there to comfort! gn reader, not proofread.
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a/n im having megumi comfort brainrot ☹️
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Time ticked by. How much time went by? 30 minutes? 2 hours? 4 hours? You don´t remember. All you know is that the aching muscles of your neck and shoulders were paying the consequences of being hunched over endless textbooks sprawled across your desk.
And yet, you couldn´t pull away, you shouldn´t. No matter how much your body ached, or how much your eyelids begged to close. Not even if your own brain couldn´t focus on what you were attempting to study.
A soft knock snaps you out of your thoughts. The door opens, revealing the familiar figure of your boyfriend, Megumi.
"Megumi? What are you doing here? Shouldn´t you be studying for the finals?"
He steps inside your room and makes his way to you until he´s towering over you from your spot on your not very comfortable chair.
"I was....but you weren´t answering my messages so I wanted to check on you"
He murmurs the last bit, pink tinting his cheeks while his eyes drift downwards in a shy manner. After a moment, they lift back up to meet your own.
"You should get some rest, it´s already late"
Your head turns to the clock, and just like Megumi said, it was late. And while your body screamed to plop down on the bed and get rest, your mind kept telling you to keep pushing yourself.
"But..I can´t stop, I-I still have so much to study and if I go to sleep now-"
Rough yet warm hands cup your cheeks, tilting your head to look at him. If you looked hard enough, you could see hints of worry swirling in his irises as he looked at your pale face sunken eyes.
"You´re gonna do just fine, but in order to do that, you need to get proper rest. Overworking yourself is just going to make it worse."
Tears swell in your eyes and your lip quivers when you feel your last straw snap. All the frustration, stress and anxiety came crashing down all at once in the forms of endless tears and shaky breaths.
In embarrassement, you cover your red, tear stained face with your hands. The muffled sobs made his heart wrench with overwhelming sadness. There was nothing he hated more than seeing you cry.
His body emitted a comforting warmth as he lifted you in his arms and placed you snuggly on his lap once he sat down on your bed. The way he rested a hand on the back of your head, pushing it to the crook of his neck and soothed your back with the other, calmed you almost instantly.
There was a comforting silence in the room, except from the occasional sniffles or deep breaths. But neither of you were in any haste to unwrap your limbs from each other.
Though after a moment, when you relaxed significantly, he brought your head up from its place snuggled against his neck, and made you look him in the eyes. His forehead rested against yours, your noses barely grazing and for a moment, you felt grounded in the present, with him, and the moonlight illuminating his features.
He shifted his head to press a faint kiss to your forehead.
"Everything is gonna be okay"
He whispers against your skin. His thumbs rub just underneath your eyes, wiping away any remaining tears that refused to fall.
"And you´re smart, more than you give yourself credit for. But your body and mind need to rest. Promise you´ll do that?"
"Use your words baby"
"I promise"
He turns over so you´re laying on your sides, your arms and legs tangling with each other until your bodies were pressed impossibly close.
"I love you ´Gumi"
"I love you too sweetheart"
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scififettuccine · 3 months
Victoria Neuman x Fem!Reader: Darts
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Pairing: Victoria Neuman x Fem!Reader
Summary: Quick One-Shot Hurt/Comfort! Your girlfriend finds you playing darts in your office, and she can tell that something is up. If there's one thing Victoria doesn't like, it's seeing her girlfriend upset.
Word Count: 1.25k
Warnings: Darts (?), mentions of Homelander, mentions of Homelander being a whore, mentions of family death, glass cuts, corrupt government system, Vicky being a raging lesbian
Notes: I wrote this after playing darts for 3 hours. As you can see the concept has infected my brain. IF YOU DON"T UNDERSTAND HOW CRICKET WORKS WITH DARTS I'M VERY SORRY. (And honestly I don't know if the way my family plays is exactly right so don't come after me Dart Experts.) I know I put up a pole, and this option lost by a long shot, but half of it was already written and I needed to finish it since it was super gut wrenching <3
Your parents had added to the growing number of many unnecessary obituaries that came out of Homelander’s career. It happened around this time, ten years ago. Your parents had owned a bakery in the city, and on a hot day ten summers back, someone attempted to rob their small business. Of course, after the authorities were called, Vought added their golden boy to the scene. They must have expected some sort of heroic story, with a headline like “The Seven’s Homelander saves the lives of two elderly bakers, and keeps the beloved business open.” But instead of that headline, they weren't mentioned in any headline…Only in the obituary section of a few local newspapers due to Vought covering up Homelander’s sloppy use of his heat vision. The last you saw of your parents' bodies was the bottom half of one…and the top half of the other. You were twenty, planning your parent’s funeral all on your own from your dorm room halfway across the country. All Vought sent was a card extending their deepest condolences, signed by the company's CEO, and Homelander himself. Since then? You’ve had a vendetta against Homelander and Vought as a whole. Coincidentally, that's how you met your girlfriend, Victoria Neuman, and started working for The Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs.
You had been in your office all day, admittedly drowning yourself in work so you didn't have to think about it all. But once there was nothing else to drown yourself in, you cracked open another redbull and decided to play a game of darts. Since you didn't have a partner, you just decided to time yourself to see how long it would take you to clear the scoreboard: Three twenties, three nineteens, three eighteens, three seventeens, three sixteens, three fifteens, and three bullseyes. And of course…all your attempts were aimed at the sympathy card that had turned ten years old this morning. You played darts often, so you had gotten down to the bullseyes within 10 minutes. Yet the more you missed, the more you got upset…the more your mind drifted. You thought about what might have happened had you not gone off to college.
Double ninteens.
You thought about what might have happened had you just stayed and helped to better the family business.
Double sixteens.
You thought about what would have happened if you would have answered the phone when they called you earlier that day.
Shattered glass.
You gasped as the last dart you threw hit the frame you had hung on the wall, housing a photo of you and your parents holding a photo of you and your parents at your highschool graduation. You shook your head as you walked over to the mess…the dart you had thrown had pierced right through the center of the photo…right through your face. It was lodged deep into the wall, due to the force of your throw. You wanted to cry, scream out of frustration even…But a voice broke you out of your thoughts.
“Everything alright in here, pretty girl…?” You heard the voice of your girlfriend and turned around, stepping over a bit to try and hide the mess of glass shards. When your eyes met hers, there was a concerned look on her face.
“Yeah…Yeah. It’s all good, Vic. I just knocked a picture frame off the wall.” You said, desperately trying to make your voice sound a little more upbeat than it truly was. Vicky raised a brow and looked up at the dart sticking out of the wall, then over to the dart board, and then to the card that was push-pinned to the dart board. Her gaze immediately softened, and her heart dropped.
“Baby…” She started, walking further into your office so she could close the door behind her. You shook your head and turned back around, trying to pick up some of the bigger glass shards with your hands.
“I’m fine. It’s not-” You cut yourself off with a wince as a piece of the glass slit your palm. “Shit-” Vicky shook her head and quickly moved to your side. She took your hand and turned your palm so the glass you had collected would fall back into the pile.
“You’re not fine. And you’re clearly not thinking straight if you're picking up broken glass with your bare hands, you're smarter than that.” Vicky sighed, moving to untuck her dress shirt so she could wipe the blood from your palm. It was moments like these where you truly understood how much Vicky cared about you. She would ruin a perfectly white dress shirt just to wipe blood off of a small cut. “You’ve gotta talk to me, pretty girl…What’s going on? You’ve been in here all day, there's 3 empty cans of RedBull on your desk, and you just threw a dart through a picture frame. Talk. Now.” You sighed and tried to pull your hand away, to which she held it a bit tighter.
“I can’t fucking stand it. How Vought gets off scott free after every fucked up thing they do. I was twenty years old, planning my parents' funeral from my dorm room. And what was he doing? Probably getting sucked off by some higher up for ‘a job well done.’ My parents were the only people I had. I sat in the first pew of that church alone. Completely and utterly alone.” You paused to take a breath, and pointed to the card pinned to the dart board. “That’s all I got. That’s all I have to show for it. I got…what? A fifty cent card with a bogus apology and two signatures on it? My parents were-” You choked on your words. “My parents were fucking sliced in half-” Your voice seemed to have left you as Vicky pulled you against her chest, being careful of the pile of glass shards.
“I know, baby…I know.” She cooed softly, tracing patterns on your back. Admittedly, you just sobbed into her shoulder, clutching onto her blazer as if it would disappear if you didn't. The two of you just sat like that. You couldn't even say how long. It was just the two of you, Vicky whispering comforting words to you as you let the ten years of suppressed emotions finally find some relief. “You are so strong, honey…And so incredibly loved, I want you to know that. You never have to hide these things from me. Whenever you want to talk about it, I'm here. I don’t care if I’m at a meeting with the god damn president…I’ll get to you as fast as I can.” Vicky pulled your face off her shoulder, and wiped your tears ever so gently. “I love you…So fucking much. It hurts me to see you like this.” Vicky herself was almost choked up at the sight of you in such sadness. She kissed your lips softly, before she moved to press her forehead against yours, her hands holding both sides of your face. “What can I do to make you feel even just a little bit better…? Say the word and it's yours.” She whispered. You swallowed and took a breath as you placed your hands over hers.
“Ice cream…and a Band-Aid.” You replied softly. Vicky laughed and squeezed your cheeks ever so slightly. 
“That's it? Just ice cream and a Band-Aid? You could have anything and you chose ice cream and a Band-Aid?” She smiled and shook her head, pressing another gentle kiss to your lips.
“Yeah…That’s it.” You replied softly.
“Alright pretty girl…what flavor?”
Well...what can I say? Shes my favorite. Hope you liked it as much as I did, most likely starting either Butcher x Supe!Reader or Soldier Boy x Sidekick!Reader real soon depending on the results of the pole...It's been really really close! Adieu!
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theowlwrites · 8 months
What’s with that attitude?
Melissa Schemmenti x F!Reader
Summary: Mellisa and Reader have been married for a few years, and the decide to start a family. The story will follow the pregnancy + some other scenarios with the baby. Hopefully I can turn this into a little series.
This is my first time posting my work, so im excited, but also very nervous haha. Hope you like it.
Warnings: A little bit of swearing, and some fluff.
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You will never forget the day when you found out you were pregnant. Mel and you had been trying for almost a year, and after what felt like a thousand pregnancy test taken in the dark and coldness of your bathroom floor, that time was different.
8 months earlier
Melissa wasn´t home just yet. She was driving the fastest she could. You just left early, just sended her a text message that didn´t explain why, she was worried.
For some reason, that past week you´ve been easily irritable, but today you exaggerated a bit.
In the morning, while Melissa was driving the both of you to school, you have complained about Mel breathing “to hard”.
“You don´t have to make that much noise” you said in a very harsh tone. Mel just gave you a look, and kept driving (and breathing just as she has been doing her whole live). ”Im asking nicely, just breath a little more quietly”
“That’s asking nicely?” Melissa dares to reply to your complain, and immediately regretted it.
“Im just saying” your tone higher than before “I´ve asked you several times to not breath that hard because It irritates me a lot, and you simply don´t care” suddenly you felt the urge to start crying, to scream, to get out of the car and start running. You really don´t understand where all this fellings are coming from.
“Oh c´mon, what’s with that attitude? You don’t like the way I breath, the way I chew my food, the way I drink coffee. Please tell me what I´m allowed to do in your presence my love, please enlighten me” Melissa´s voice was also higher that before, and full of sarcasm. It is very rare when Melissa burst out like this, and especially towards you. She actually never talk to you in bad way or anything, and usually saves this part of her personality to people that she doesn´t like, so that she was directing it towards you this time, was more than enough for your tears to flow.
“I want to get out” you said in a shaky voice, you were crying. Mellissa’s face immediately softening, putting her hand on your thigh.
“C´mon darling, Im sorry, I didn´t mean to talk to you like that … I just don´t know why you are being like this lately” You know she meant it, and you also knew that you were exaggerating, but you couldn´t help it.
“I want to get out …. Please” you said again in a calmer voice. “I don´t want to get to school like this” You pointed to your face, your eyes red and a little bit swollen for the crying. “Please” Melissa looked at you one more time, and nodded her head. She puled over at the side of the street. It was only 3 blocks to school. You started gathering your stuff, and before you opened the door, you turned around and kissed Melissa on the cheek.
“Im sorry ... im okay, we are okay, I just need to calm down” she gave you a quick kiss on the lips and nodded. She was preoccupied about you. It had been a hard month, you both were going through a lot, but still, all this attitude, all the fights you have had over nonsense, were really getting out of control.
“Please be careful, call me if you need anything”
That whole day at school, you didn´t see Melissa. In part because you felt embarrassed for your behavior earlies, but also, you have been feeling a little sick, you just wanted to stay sitting in you classroom. During the day, you have been texting each other. Just to let her know when you arrived at school, and then to let her know you were not going to the teacher’s room for lunch. Melissa didn´t argue, she understands you needed space, and to be honest, she needed it as well.
It was already 1 pm, just tow more hours till school was over, but you really couldn´t pull your self together. You were dizzy, with nauseas, and a headache.
Your kids were coloring, the have been doing it for the last hour, they have been pretty quiet and well behave, leaving you a little peace of mind to try to calm your symptoms and also to think about the emotional mess you have been lately.
Then, an idea crossed your mind.
You shook your head, it couldn’t be.
It has been a little more than a month and the doctor said that after three weeks it was very unlikely to happen.
After the first let down Mel and you had 6 months ago, both of you decided to give it one last chance. You were both very excited and hopeful, but 2 weeks after the procedure you had a little bleeding. You went to the gynecologist who said that, sadly, you weren’t pregnant.
Melissa was your rock, but even behind all that toughness you could see that she was devastated. That night you both didn’t even bother to go to bed, you just stayed on the couch, hugging each other, traying to calm your sobbing and making up to the idea that you were not going to start a family any time soon.
So the idea of being pregnant now, was very unlikely. But what if it was not a crazy idea?
You kept debating inside your head whether you should take a pregnancy test or save yourself from another disappointment. Fuck it. You were going to take the risk.
It was 1:30. You asked Barbara, the other kinder garden teacher to take care of your class for the remaining of the day, you explained to her that you weren’t felling very well and wanted to go home as soon as possible. You also begged her not to tell Melissa. Barbara wasn´t very sure of it, but knowing you for several years now, and being married to her best friend made it easier for her to trust you, therefore, help you in this situation.
You took an UBER, on the way home, you texted Melissa <<Im going home on my own, so you don´t have to wait for me on your way out>>  You barely remember when you got home, and how you went to the upstairs bathroom to pee on that too familiar little stik.
The sound of a notification forced you took look to your phone, It was Melissa <<What??? You okay?>>. You just answered with a <<Yes, Im fine, don’t worry>>
It was already 2:40, you had no idea how it was already that late and still you couldn´t look at the pregnancy test results. Instead, you peed on another one, and another one, until you had like 10 pregnancy test on the bathroom cabinet, covered with toilet paper so you couldn´t look at the negative result and feel disappointed once again.
You were sitting on the floor, with your arms crossed, with your head between your knees. You didn’t listen when the front door opened, or when hurry steps approached to the bathroom, much less did you hear the voice calling your name. It was until the redhead came to the bathroom, opening the door a little aggressively. She looked worried. She kneel in front of you, taking you hands into hers.
“My love, come on, what on earth is going on?” She started caressing your hair.
“I did something very stupid, and didn’t want to tell you because I don´t want to hurt you” You started crying. Melissa´s face harden and put some space between the both of you, thinking the worst.
“You cheat on me?” Your eyes widened. 
“No Mel… God, no” you clean your tears, and took her hands into yours once again, feeling how she relaxed at your touch “I… took another pregnancy test” It took Melissa a moment to say something back.
“Why?” She sat next to you, back against the wall, hugging you with one arm. “I mean…It´s okay, thank you for telling me… but what made you do it?”
“I felt sick, and I have been an emotional mess, getting angry for everything, crying at the slightest situation…” You sight. “I felt that I needed to do it” Melissa was quiet for a moment, she noticed the pregnancy test in top of the sink cover with toilet paper.
“Have you looked at the results?” You shook your head. “Would you like to look at it together?”
“No” You answered quickly. “I know is negative, it is just my mind playing tricks” you start crying again. Melissa hugs you, starting to cry as well. “Just throw them all away.., please baby”
Melissa nodded. She helped you get on you feet and guided you to the bed, were you laid looking at the celling, waiting for Melissa to come back from the task you have assigned her.
Mel went inside the bathroom, letting her tears run free know that you weren’t there. She doesn´t mind being vulnerable in front of you, she just feels the need of being strong for you.
She took the trash can with one hand, with the intention of just throw all the pregnancy test to the bin without looking at them, but she just can´t help it. She picks up a test, closing her eyes and sighing. She rises her hand to the level of her face, and opens her eyes.
She picks another one, and another one, and another one. Positive. “Oh my god, sweetheart” It´s all she managed to say, better said, to scream. At the sound of your wife screaming, you rushed into the bathroom. “They are all positive love, you ARE pregnant, we are going to have a baby” Mel showed you the pregnancy test on her hand.
Two stripes.
Next thing you remember, you were crying happy tears, while Mellissa hugged you, kissed you, and of course kissed your belly.
After a while. you are lying in bed, with Mellissa hugging you, with one hand on your stomach.
“So this little bean here is to blame for the attitude I´ve been having all week” Mellissa just laughs. “I´m sorry love, I should have suspected earlier”
“Oh, forget about that, I mean… I was a little freaked out with everything that was going on, but now” She kissed you belly once again “All that matters is that this little bean and you, are okay”
“And you too” You add, running you fingers though Mel´s hair “I can´t do this without you”
Mel moved to be facing you. “I´ll always be around for you tow” She kissed you on the lips. “I´m not gonna lie, feels a little challenging having a kid at my age, but” You cut her off, she usually has this little break downs about her being too old for you, or too old for having a baby.
“There´s nothing wrong with your age, I think you have a perfect age, actually, it is one of the things I love the must about you” You begin to trace with your finger the expression lines that form on Melisa's forehead. “You are beautiful, the most beautiful woman I´ve ever seen… And you are going to be an excellent mother” You kissed her forehead.
“I love you” She says hugging you even tighter, trying not to squeeze your belly. “You are going to be an excellent mother as well.”
“We make a great team Schemmenti, we are going to take good care of this little bean”
She hums in responds and in one quick move stands up from the bed, and extends her hand towards you. “Speaking of which, you need to eat, c´mon. That bean ain´t gonna grow on its own” You smiled at her and took her hand, letting her guide you towards the kitchen. On boy, you have to get ready for overprotective Mellissa. But you don’t really mind, you loved seeing her happy and excited. Your only concern right now is to take care of your pregnancy, and enjoy this whole process with the love of your life. ​
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nikkisheep · 2 years
Help Me
Daryl Dixon x female!reader
Warnings: SMUT, reader is of age, soft sex, dirty talk, oral (f), Daryl's accent (lord have mercy), cheating (reader has a shitty bf), mentions of hitting (from reader's bf), Daryl's mouth, flirting, praising (good girl, sweet girl), I think that is all, DON"T READ IF NOT COMFORTABLE
Summary: After your shitty boyfriend stormed off when he hit you, Daryl is there to pick up the pieces. Daryl would do anything for you, so what happens when you give him a very special request? Especially after using those eyes of yours.
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Another fight, another argument. Honestly, it was getting old. Your boyfriend had hit you and you screamed at him to get out. To get away from you. It was the first time he did that and you were sure that he would do it again if you said anything else.
Daryl was working on his bike when he saw the two of you arguing. He honestly didn't understand what you saw in the guy. Hell, everyone was confused on that. The guy was sleeping around with anything that moved but you.
You were crying when someone knocked on your door. When opening it, you met the one and only Daryl Dixon. Sheepish smile, his hair slightly in his eyes, his body moving side to side as if with nerves. He wore his shirt with three buttons open and he had cut off the sleeves so he could stay cool.
"I uh I heard what that bastard said to ya. I wanted to make sure yer alright," His deep voice drawled.
He noticed the tears and wanted to kill the man responsible.
"Thank you Daryl. I'm okay."
"Yer' sure 'cause I can sit with ya, if you want."
"Daryl, do ya wanna sit with me?" You flirted.
It wasn't uncommon for the two of you to flirt, even though you had a boyfriend. The thing between you and the archer was simple. You would flirt, create sexual tension and then go on your way. Daryl didn't know that if he asked, you would drop on your knees in a heart beat.
"Nah, I gotta get that bike out ther' fixed before the next run." He rubbed the back of his neck.
Daryl left and you were alone. You thought about the way he looked at you. He had glanced down your tank top for a quick second and you smirked at the thought of the archer checking you out. You wanted him to. You wanted him.
Fixing Daryl a plate, your boyfriend looked at you. He had a black eye and a busted lip. He said that he got attacked while on a hunt. He glanced at Daryl as you give the man the plate of food. He did not like the archer at all. Daryl had beat the shit out of him when he went outside, Rick had to separate the two of them. Daryl was left untouched. He watched as the two of you laughed at something and he noticed Daryl's smile. He only smiled with you. Only you.
"So Daryl, how was your hunt?" Your boyfriend spoke up, stopping Daryl's smile.
"It was fine. Killed a rabbit."
"That's all?"
"Well, I was almost gonna be walker food if I didn't get out of ther'."
"Back before all of this started, I was shooting deer left and right and all you can get is a small rabbit I-"
"That is enough," You interrupt.
"Don't cut me off, woman." He yelled at you.
"Don't talk to her like that."
You rolled your eyes at the fight and left. You were not going to deal with the shit anymore. You were blushing at Daryl sticking up for you.
"You don't get to tell me how to talk to my girlfriend,'' Your boyfriend said.
"I am not sure if she actually wants to be yer girlfriend anymore."
"You better shut it, Dixon."
"You better watch yerself when it comes to her. I will kill ya if ya even say anything to her that hurts her feelins'," Daryl said.
You were setting up a tent a bit from the group. About a hundred yards if anything. You were still close but was by some trees. You told Rick that you wanted some space for a bit. Daryl made himself known when he walked into the shelter of your tent.
"Nice littl' place ya got here," He said, looking at you.
"Daryl, can I ask you something?" You said with doe eyes. The way he was looking at you had your pants warming.
"What is it?"
"Help me," You mutter.
"I need your help."
"With what, darlin'?"
You stood up and reached for your shirt. Removing it quickly, you heard Daryl inhale sharply. You looked down at him, his knees spread, allowing you to step in between them.
"Daryl," You sigh.
"Sweethear', I am not sur' what it is you need me to help you with."
You smile before grabbing your pants to shimmy off. He groaned at your panties.
"I need you to give me a massage. Please," You say softly.
"A massage?"
"Yeah, to help loosen me up," You smirk at his flustered face.
"I-I can give ya one."
His rough hands traveled the length of your body, massaging every muscle until you were moaning from it. His hair tickled your neck as he placed kisses to it. You didn't know how or when it went from a "simple" massage to this but you weren't complaining.
His hands gripped your hips as he moved you to your back.
"I gotta give ya a frontal massage.'' He said as he moved to between your legs.
By this time, you were completely naked. Daryl had asked if everything was okay with you and all you did was moan a yes. Daryl slides his fingers up your core and you bite back a moan.
It has been so long since your boyfriend had touched you, Daryl's hands was heavenly. You moaned when his tongue licked a bold stripe up your pussy.
"Darlin, yer gonna need to be quiet if ya wan' me to continue."
You nod as he went back to eating you out like a starved man. One of his hands placed with your breasts as the other started to circle your clit. You wanted to scream his name but didn't want anyone knowing what you were doing.
"Who's making ya feel this good, sweet girl?"
"Fuck, you. You are Daryl."
"That''s fucking right. I am. Not that bastard." You moan as he shit talked your boyfriend at the same time as fucking your pussy with his tongue.
"Oh Daryl," You moan before pulling him by his hair, making him come up to your face.
"I want you now," He groans as he quickly pulls his pants down. His shirt was torn off, on the ground with the rest of your clothes.
He moved above you, moving his hips to yours.
"Ya ready?"
"Never been more ready than I am right now," You moan as he pushed inside.
The stretch had you arching, it felt so good. He was so thick and big. Your mouth made an "O'' shape as he started to move. His arms held himself above you and caged you in. You wrapped your arms around his body to rake your nails down his back.
"Daryl," You moan into his open mouth.
"Tell me how good I'm making ya fee'."
"So good, Daryl. Fucking me so good," You threw your head back.
That's my good girl. You're mine. My good girl."
"He never made you feel so good," He groaned, picking up pace.
His thrusts were smooth. He knew what he was doing, his pubic bone brushed against your clit every time he fucked into you. His body moved with your own as his dick stroked against your g-spot. You raked your nails deeper into his shoulders as you neared your end. You could barely breathe as he fucked into you with sharp thrusts. His hips were moving in rhythm with yours and he could tell you were getting closer when he felt your walls grip his so hard. He was having trouble pulling out.
"You are mine, all mine."
"All yours," You moan loudly.
"Cum for me, sweet girl," Daryl ordered softly. Your body listened and you climaxed so hard that you nearly blacked out.
Daryl stilled inside you as he orgasmed inside of your cunt. He moaned your name as he did so. He smiled as he rolled off you.
"That was fun and so damn good," You both laugh.
"I mean it, Daryl. I am yours if you want me to be."
"What about that shit head?"
"He doesn't have to know just yet," You smiled.
"I want him to know," he said as he looked at the marks on your chest.
"I just want to find the time to end things," You said.
"Are ya goin' to end it?"
"Daryl, I will end it right now if you asked."
"Daryl, do you want me to end it with him?" You look at him.
"Even if you don't, you're still my girl."
"Daryl, answer the question."
"I want you to end it 'cause I-I love ya and I wand yer to myself."
He looked away.
"You love me?"
"Yeah, I do. Have for a while."
"I am ending it tonight, Daryl. I love you and I'm going to end it now."
"End it in the morning." He said as he cuddled you closer to his chest and the two of you went to sleep.
"I love ya, darlin'."
"I love you too, Daryl."
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five-miles-over · 11 months
The Phantom of Asgard - Part Two (Thor: The Dark World!Loki x Reader)
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(Thank you @michelleleewise for this artwork)
Summary: It has been three days since you or anyone else in Asgard has seen a sign from the Phantom. Meanwhile, your friend tries to use a book from Midgard to convince you that ghosts exist.
Warnings: dark!Loki ,hypnotism, mentions of the plot of "Crimson Peak"
You closed the door behind you. "What are we doing here? I thought you were too scared of the Phantom to venture in the palace after dark."
"This library is different from that one. We're safe." Revna sat down on one of the comfy armchairs, leaning back. Ingrid, on the other hand, immediately searched through several books within a section of the library labeled as "Midgardian literature" as soon as she finished lighting a few candles. She pulled out a dark red hardcover book with a black stripe on the binding. "This is where Prince Thor kept his special books from Midgard. I heard from one of the Warriors Five who heard it from the All-Father himself that these books were brought from another library found in a place called New York."
"As in…New York where Thor fought alongside a bunch of so-called heroes?" You raised an eyebrow.
Ingrid placed the book in a table in front of Revna. "I thought I would show you this book since you still don;'t believe in the existence of the Phantom of Asgard."
"Actually…" Revna adjusted her position on the couch, "you never told us what happened two nights ago when we went to investigate the Phantom. We heard you screaming…and then nothing."
You ran your fingers through your hair and knelt beside her. "I told you what happened. Nothing," you lied.
"I'm not buying it."
"Well, I'm not selling." You quipped. "Crimson Peak?" You turned your attention to the hardcover, stroking the leather cover and eyeing the gold lettering.
"Crimson Peak, written by Edith Sharpe." Ingrid opened to the first page, which contained a dedication to the author's father and to her childhood friend Alan McMichael. "It's a book about this woman who married a dark, handsome man whose family home is filled with ghosts hiding in red clay!" Ingrid moved a candle closer to the book. "Maybe Lady Sharpe will change your mind about phantoms."
For the next hour, Ingrid took it upon herself to play narrator, putting on a dreamier-than-usual voice to reenact Edith's thoughts when she encountered the Sharpe siblings for the first time. 
As for Revna, she quickly became invested in the story. All she needed was the writer description of Edith's first kiss with her husband Baronet Thomas Sharpe in his workshop - the way he lifted her skirt and pinned her against the window, his passion overtaking him in the moment as he crashed his lips onto hers. "That's it." Revna declared with a loud sigh. "I want a Thomas Sharpe of my own." 
"Well, why don't you ask Prince Thor to bring you one when he visits Midgard again?" You teased her. 
Ingrid tutted. "Don't be hasty, ladies…" 
"Please, I would bet that he could out-dance all of the men of Asgard." Revna leaned back again, crossing one leg over the other.
"That's because no one here knows how to waltz." Ingrid turned the page and continued to read.
With every detail about Lady Edith's experience as the wife of Thomas Sharpe, encountering ghosts in 'Crimson Peak" that warned her of Thomas's previous marriages, you begin to picture eery, faceless monsters - no, walking skeletons - covered in red liquid that dripped with every movement. It was a far cry from the Phantom you encountered, who was truly just the God of Mischief in hiding.
But just as things started to sound too grim, the story would mention some intimate detail about Thomas, like the part of how surprisingly strong his arms were underneath the loose white shirts he wrote. And those were most entertaining to listen to, not because of how perfectly Edith expressed her love for her husband in a nuanced manner, but because of how they made Revna close her eyes and sigh, almost as if she were the one in Edith's place. You and Ingrid - how on earth was she still able to maintain a good narrative pace? - couldn't hold back peels of laughter.
"Ingrid…" Revna moaned softly, throwing her head back, which was starting to bead with sweat. "I want him."
"Even after he murdered his father-in-law, and his ex-wives?"
"He's a human and we're from Asgard" Revna countered. "I'll deal with his sister before the wedding. I'll set her up with someone."
You snickered. "Oh, so we're talking about a wedding?"
"Yeah, why not? I'll have him stay in Asgard with us."
"Let's hope the Phantom doesn't get to him," Ingrid reminded you both, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes.
"Still scared?" Revna rested her chin on her palm.
Ingrid closed the book. "No one has seen him or heard from him in the past three days." She lowered her voice to a whisper, "What if he's planning a murder? Or worse…?"
"Then we'll just have Thomas's sister deal with him."
"You're insane," you interjected under your breath and hugged your knees underneath your gown while your thoughts wandered to the Phantom. Maybe no one has heard from him because he's left Asgard. He was, after all, the God of Mischief. It would be easier to search Midgard for a Thomas Sharpe doppelgänger than to attempt to completely understand Loki's psyche. And whatever he did, or wherever he went, you were bound to find out about it at some point.
Still…there was one thing you hadn't managed to understand about your encounter with the Phantom: why you? Or rather, what did he want with you? Before going into hiding as the phantom, the god of mischief was known for his silver tongue, begrudgingly praised by Asgardians. He always knew how to get what he wanted, how he wanted, and when he wanted it, one way or another. So there must have been an ulterior motive behind him showing you his magic. Some twisted, dark reason for him holding you close, touching you so intimately while he confessed the truth behind the Phantom of Asgard.
And what of the lilly he left behind when he disappeared into the night? You could still picture its pristine white petals and perfectly-cut stem, which was decorated by a green silk ribbon whose hue resembled the cape worm by the younger prince in formal events. Perhaps if you'd encountered two or more other maidens with similar 'presents' from the Phantom of Asgard, you’d have suspected that the God of Mischief had adopted a philandering persona. Though between the two princes of Asgard, it was Thor who cavorted with noble girls and laid with whomever caught his eye. Loki, on the other hand, struck you as the more romantic one, the kind of prince described in tales whispered among girls as they brushed each others’ hair. The type of prince who would never think to look at anyone else with desire after he lost his heart to someone.
“Hey?” Revna snapped her fingers in front of you, amidst Ingrid giggling. “Hello? You alright?
You blinked, accidentally saved from your own wandering mind. “We should probably head to bed…I’m fine, just tired.”
"You’re bluffing.” Revna crossed her arms. “Seriously, what happened that night? You refuse to tell us anything, and clearly you are off.”
“Look, the phantom just…” You swallowed and stood up reluctantly, wrapping your finger around the edge of another sofa. “He…he didn’t do anything. I couldn’t see him but I…I felt something hold me.” You increased your pitch to sound more nonchalant. “And then he sent me on my way.”
“So he hugged you?” Ingrid stepped closer after she returned the book.
You confirmed her words. “Nothing more, nothing less.”
“That’s weird.” Revna made her way to the door and Ingrid extinguished most of the candles in the library fro the night. “Well, try to get some sleep. Who knows, maybe it was a one-time thing. At least he was nice…”
You mumbled a ‘yes’, and Revna decided that all three of you ought to head to your bedroom now. She descended down the steps of the library with Ingrid following suit.
But before you could blow out the last candle in the library, the doors swung shut with a booming thud. Holding the flickering candle by your side, you strode towards the entrance of the library only to be stopped by a harsh whisper.
You turned around to find none other than the beautiful Phantom of Asgard standing behind you with his silk gloves, tailored black waistcoat and signature emerald mask. His raven curls and pale, square-like forehead not obscured by the mask glowed in the faint candlelight.
Your fingers pressed further into the candlestick, not caring if they left an imprint in the wax. “You…you’re not supposed to be in this part of the library.” You muttered, inching your other hand towards the doorknob and twisting it.
“And why not? Because I’m a phantom, doomed to haunt only the darkest hall, past the throne room?” He darkly chuckled, taking a step forward. With a simple flick of the wrist, the doorknob you held instantly went stiff. “Don’t pretend you don’t know the truth.”He delicately clasped your chin. “Tell me who I am.”
“You’re the God of Mischief.”
He wrapped his gloved fingers around your cheek and leaned in even closer. “Say my name.”
Heat rose in your cheeks and between your thighs. You closed your eyes, struggling to believe just how easily he could make you flushed with just a single touch. “You’re Prince Loki.”
The God of Mischief answered you by pressing his forehead against yours, while his other hand held your shoulder.
“My prince….” You felt his lips against the tip of your nose. “Don’t tease.”
“And what should I do instead?” He taunted, whispering against the side of your face. “This?” He lightly kissed your neck, and smirked when you let out a sigh. “If only you knew how much I have missed your warmth. Have you been thinking of me, sweet one?”
“How did you know?” You tried to look down only for the God of Mischief to force your eyes to meet his. “Forget I ask,” you faltered. “You’re the God of Mischief.”
“Exactly.” Loki walked backward, leading you to a couch. “Honestly, must you ladies always be in packs like she-wolves?” He remarked in a playful tone. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you alone in this palace once.”
You chose to remain silent as Loki’s hand rested on your waist, and you sensed him reappear behind you, his chest pressed against your back. “It pains me to be away from you, sweet one.”
Your hand slid down across your body, towards his. “My prince…”
“Loki.”You glanced over your shoulder. “You say that I am the only one who knows the truth…”
“Yes?” He goaded with a light kiss behind your ear.
"Then why…” You began, wondering how best to pose your question to the god of Mischief. It certainly didn’t help that his other hand inched towards your rib, lingering just below your breast. “Why? Why are you….touching me?”
He froze. “You don’t like it?” In that moment ,Loki’s voice dropped to a scared murmur, a voice so innocent and fearful that it could’ve been mistaken for a boy’s.
“No…I do like it but…” You took a deep breath. “You could have any woman in this palace, in any of the Nine Realms. Why me?”
“Because you are the only one who sees me as I am, and yet chooses my company.” Loki pushed a few locks of your hair aside. “I do not want you solely for your beauty, sweet one. I also want you for your heart.” He nuzzled against your hair. “Were someone to take you away from this place, I swear that I would burn this palace to the ground…”
“Loki.” You swallowed. Did he just say that he wanted your heart? That he would set Asgard on fire at a moment’s notice?
“Stay by my side, even if it’s only for a few moments,” he pleaded, caressing your hair. “Turn your face away from this garish light of day,…and simply take delight in this darkness, with each of its sensations.” Loki wrapped his long fingers around your neck. His intoxicating whisper drove away any defensive part of you that wanted to flee.
“As you wish,” was all that left your lips.
He rested on the couch, with you in his arms. “Someday, I’ll show you the stories in this library I enjoy the most. But tonight, all I ask is that you relieve me from my solitude.” Loki kept his fingers entangled in your hair, with the other hand resting on your own arm. He whispered, for your ears only,
“I ditt smil mitt hjerte finner ro,
I dine øyne, kjærlighet jeg for alltid skal tro."
(In your smile, my heart finds peace,
In your eyes, love I shall forever believe.)
He repeated the couplet two more times, and a strange calm fell over you. Your eyelids started to grow heavy, and your limbs became numb, like you were melting into a puddle. In a matter of moments, you fell fast asleep, a peaceful smile on your face.
“My beauty…” Loki whispered. For a brief moment, Loki lifted his mask and leaned down to kiss your eyelid. He slid the mask back on and simply held you for a few moments. While you slept in his embrace, Loki pondered to himself about the future of Asgard. He contemplated about how or if he would ever convey the news of him “not quite dying” to Thor.
How would he explain the disappearance of the All-father from Asgard? Would his punishment be worsened? No, that wouldn’t be possible, given that his original sentence was to spend the rest of his godly not-terribly-signifiant life in the dungeons.
“In due time,” Loki uttered to no one in particular. With those words, the God of Mischief lifted you in his arms in a bridal carry, and opened the library doors with a silent spell.
Once he brought you to his chambers, the God of Mischief placed you on a round bed adorned with ivory white satin bedsheets and gold pillows. He gently positioned you so that you lay on your side, and pushed the strands of hair obscuring your face. Then he conjured an emerald green cape and draped it over your body.
Would that he could, he would join you in his bed and hold you close as your heartbeat lulled him to sleep. But it would leave him far too vulnerable. What if you tried to remove his mask while he slept, lest you became repulsed by his looks, leaving him in the early hours of daylight? Alone in his bed, surrounded with his own demons and his own battles to fight? It was better that he suppress his own desires, at least for now. Forcing himself to tear his gaze away from your perfection, the God of Mischief closed the door of his own chamber and disappeared into the night.
Tagging: @icytrickster17 @mischievoushiddleston,@lokischambermaid , @lady-rose-moon , @lokisgoodgirl , @lokisninerealms @jennyggggrrr ,, @tom-hiddleston-imagines , @lokiismineforever @smolvenger @winterfrostlovetriangle , @the-haven-of-fiction , @turniptitaness @cakesandtom ,@sallymagnoliaposts @leahs-reading-nook @holdmytesseract @muddyorbsblr @anukulee @acidcasualties @lotsoflokilove23 @caffiend-queen @aesonmae @asgards-princess-of-mischief @eleniblue @fruityfucker @el-zef @huntress-artemiss @evelyn-rathmore @lovingchoices14
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vintageaustin · 5 months
goodbye kiss
austin butler x reader.
summeray: the reader and austin meet again, and spend one night together
warnings: angst cussing alchol depresion pregnancy cheating mention of sex not acteul sex tho
authors note: i personally really love this and i hope you guys do as well, enjoy kids, there are so many songs combined into this song let me know if you can find them!!
Massive thanks to @austinbutlerslovers and @elvismylove04 for the help🩷
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It was Friday night, and like usually, you felt alone. You didn´t mind feeling alone, but... there was something about being so lonely that you didn´t even notice you were crying till now. The road was long, sure, and you tried to have fun in the meantime.
So even though it was a whopping 57 degrees in Vegas, you decided to go out and maybe look for someone who was just as damaged as you are. You liked taking a walk on the wild side. It made you feel alive, and feeling alive was better than feeling nothing at all.
Your heart broke with every step you took. You had never really been in love, you thought as you wandered the streets of Las Vegas, except for that one boy. You were hoping that at the gates they´d tell you that he was yours. He was born in August. You just met him too soon.
As you got lost in your thoughts, you bumped into someone. I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, you said softly. The stranger chuckled, and you, on the other hand, still hadn´t looked up. "It´s okay." He laughed gently. That voice that laugh, you recognized it. 
"A-austin, you whispered as you looked up. There he was standing in front of you, but something was different; it was like the light faded from his eyes. He wasn´t doing okay, and well, neither were you."W-what are you doing here? You stuttered, and he smiled softly looking.
Down at you, ¨I was looking for you" he whispered.
You looked at him a bit, taken aback. "For me?" you asked, kind of confused. To be fair, you and Austin broke up a while ago. Though you never stopped loving one another, you never really talked again after you broke up. "You're dad, he, uh, he called me." You looked at Austin and turned around, walking away.
"You´re dad!?" The little voice in your head was screaming. You hadn´t talked to your parents in ages, and now they send your ex-boyfriend over to check up on you??. How sick is that!? Your thoughts got interrupted as Austin called you multiple times, "Angel!? Wait up, cmon, let me explain!" he said. And you shook your head. "I don't wanna hear it aus, you either don´t mention them and we have a fun night and forget about this tomorrow, or I leave," you said, kind of cold and huffed. 
Looking at those striking blue eyes, Austin chuckled and nodded. "Wanna get drunk in my hotel room then?" You smiled softly and nodded as he grabbed your hand and started running down the street to the corner store. The two of you got a cheap bottle of vodka and whiskey. Then make your way back to his hotel room.
And you couldn´t help but think maybe the two of you lived in silence for too long. You were broken, and he ran allong like he was supposed to, and maybe the days the two of you had were gone, rock and roll sent the two of you insane back then... You couldn't help but wonder if it would do that again.
You got snapped out of your thoughts as Austin spoke up. "Do you want a drink?" he asked as he took a hold of your waist gently. You nodded and smiled. I'd love to" hear you whisper as Austin leaned closer and smiled. "I got you," he chuckled, kissing your cheek. He went over to the mini bar and poured the both of you a shot. As you got half way through the first bottle,.
You and Austin were talking about your lives now and reminiscing about the good old days. Those 20 minutes felt like forever, but you learned a lot about him. You learned he had a girlfriend, yet he remembered the day he wrote "mine" on your upper thigh so well.
This night was doomed from the start; you shouldn´t be here; he was taken, and this was wrong; no words could save this; he was drunk, and you were pissed. You sighed softly and got up. You walked over to the door and leaned against it. "I should go." You said soft enough that he could tell that you were hurt. As you looked up, he was walking over to you. "Angel," he said barely in a whisper as he looked into your soul with those striking blue eyes.
He made you look up at him as he took a hold of your chin. "Don't leave," he said barely in a whisper. "I just got my angel back,” he mumbled as his eyes fell down on your lips, and he started leaning in closer and closer until you felt his soft lips on yours. The kiss was rough but sweet. Was this your goodbye kiss? You thought to yourself.
One night, after that, you go your way, and I´ll go my way, you said, and Austin nodded and picked you up. Kissing you again, he laid you down on the bed. He was so gentle with you, and the both of you were so drunk. You knew it was wrong, and so did he, but you loved him, and he loved you.
So one thing led to another, and you woke up in Austin in his arms the next morning. You looked around and sighed softly. "Shit" you muttered and looked over at Austin, who was sleeping peacefully. You got up carefully and took a quick shower before getting your clothes back on. 
You wrote him one last note before you grabbed your stuff and left his hotel. "I hope someday we´ll meet again—forever, your angel." that´s what she wrote.
He tried calling you; he tried finding your apartment, but there was no luck.
You knew one day you'd meet again because, a month after you slept together, you found out you were pregnant.
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i-amm-mj · 1 year
Sugar Daddy - NSFW
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Sugardaddy! Toji Fushiguro x female reader
Author´s note: Bad writing, i know. I´m trying to improve (my english too), don´t worry hehe 
You´ve never done this before. You never could do something like this… but the life of a college student can be quite harsh when lectures, homework, and all of that occupy every second of your time, and don´t even let you have a part time job or something that can help you cover your expenses.
You didn’t know what to do, you were desperate to say the least. So, when you asked to your roommate for options, and she immediately suggested that you should look for a sugar daddy, you almost had a panic attack. But that panic turned into curiosity, and two weeks later you met Toji Fushiguro. An incredible handsome AND rich man that had promised to give you everything you wanted at the cost of two or three nights per week due to his schedules.
The deal had started three months ago… and you are sure you´d started it before if you knew how happy you were gonna be in it.
Toji was amazing at making you cry while folding you in half, abusing your cunt with his dick so deliciously that all you were able to do was roll your eyes to the insides of your skull, blabbering “Right there, daddy” and “More, daddy. Please”. And of course, his abilities didn´t end there. He was also skilled with his tongue and his large, thick fingers.
You still remember the first time he had fingered you in his car. Two of his fingers deep in your pussy while his thumb circled your throbbing clit. No man had ever been able to make you moan so hard with just one hand. And his tongue? He had literally made you scream with it, tonguefucking you and sucking on your clit like a madman. You had memorized the way your fluids and his saliva had mixed on the counter of his kitchen, and how wet your pussy had been at the time, so much that his dick had entered you without any prep after that.
And yeah, you´d never done this before, and will never do, not if it wasn´t with Toji, because you were excellent right now. You´d never been so happy with the way a man fucks you, never had so much money in your bank account, or covered on the finest clothes and jewelry, and so pampered that you almost… ALMOST want to fall in love.      
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
Idk if I'm doing this right but I always think about bittersweet trio angst and I really like your stories.
I remember someone talking about boo wanting to leave the boys out of a warped belief of the boys intentions and trying to do the best thing for them.
What if boo actually tried to leave or did, what do you think the boys would do?
I believe this would fall under short stories:3
Stay safe and have a good day く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
Warped understandings.
Boo wasn't dumb, they saw how both looked at each other longingly. Love was still there and as Seth lovingly said they were the Jolene of the relationship. The homewrecker in a way, even though the door was wide open for anyone to come in. But when talking to Seth that day, they saw how he wanted to be better for Alphonse and he is now. Both Alphonse and Boo can see, it just hurt because Boo knows that Alphonse will forever love Seth. Maybe even more than them?
Boo was a good at fixing things. The bakery, their home, and even the boys were products of it. But after fixing things, you just need to let go of them, yes this will hurt them. But Seth and Alphonse being happy will lighten the sting a bit.
"Boo? Where you a-.....What are you doing?" Alphonse stood in the door way as Boo was packing. Causing the other to pause as they were writing the note they were gonna leave. Hurt wasn't even the word to explain what was on his face, "A...Are you trying to leave?" He uttered with tears in his eyes.
"I....Al-" Boo couldn't think of what to say as their....ex, yes, ex boyfriend stood in front of them. "I got a job offering in another town to see if I wanted to open a bakery there! And I need to stay there for two years to see if my baking's good enough for-" Their paper being snatched form them cut them off.
Alphonse was skimming the note and started to read it a loud, shouting it even. "Alphonse and Seth I know it seems cruel of me to do this but I know this is for them best." Backing away from Boo, who tried to take it back, "You both don't need me anymore and I notice that I'm sorry for coming between you two'?? Boo what the fuck is this???" The commotion caused Seth to hurl down the hall form the kitchen.
"Aye! What ya hollerin' for??" He demanded as he looked between Boo and Alphonse. The former looking nervously at him and the later about to burst down in tears. Seth was so, so confused, what happen? He was just cleaning dishes and-
"Read this!" Paper shoved to him, Seth flipped it over quickly and began to read. What.....What caused Boo to write this?? 'you both don;t need me anymore?' he thought.
"Sugar? your....leaving us?" Wailing with tears coming quickly as he looked pleading to Boo. Then back to the note as it explained, "I know I'm the biggest obstacle you have to overcome before getting together. So to save you the trouble I chose to leave first?? You were just going to leave with a note behind??" Tears and heaving breathing was his answer as he saw Boo start crying.
"I...I just think I'm in the way. You both love and know each other before me I shouldn't stop you from that!" Screaming as they began to wipe furiously at their eyes trying to stop their tears. Why are they crying? This is just going to make it harder on the boys! Long arms yanked them into a hug as Alphonse started to sob in their shoulder.
"Why-Why would you ever feel like that? Boo, no, I wanna be with you don't leave me...Don't leave us!" A struggle to get out of the hold was his answer but Seth locked them in from he other side.
"Sugar, we didn't work out. We know that and I'm happy for both of you don't leave thinking this will fix everything!" Flashbacks to his mother leaving was plaguing his thoughts as he held tightly this time. The person he loves isn't going away that easily this time.
"I...I don't know why I just feel like I should!' Answering as they felt more tears fall, Boo was clutching both boys as they held them tight. All three were sobbing in each other's arms as they talked it through, clearing up this misunderstandings.
"I love you both, I can't imagine one of you leaving to be happy for the other two. It doesn't seem right." Trying to explaining this felt like trying to explain why he felt a pull to the both of them. Seth nodded into Boo's shoulder not wanting to let go, what if they vanish into thin air?
"I struggled with thinking I should leave. And....we all know how that happen. There's something that makes me want to stay with the both of you. So please, sugar. Stay." Begging for them Seth felt more tears fall as Alphonse caressed his head, trying to sooth him. Boo listened to everything, then decided.
"okay, I'll stay. You both wouldn't know what to do with out my anyways." Joking to try to lighten the mood only made them cry in happiness. Boo then started crying again "I'm sorry." Both boys began comforting them and rocking as a group.
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
crying over it all // clement novalak
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summary: there are few things in this world more mortifying than failing your drivers test when everyone else your age has a license. it’s made even worse when your boyfriend is a racing driver
pairing: clement novalak x female reader
warnings: reader fails her driving test, which leads to significant self loathing, clem is just trying to be supportive and god I need someone like him right now
authors note: guess who failed her drivers test 🙃 I’ve rebooked it but now I have to commute by way of three buses to my college campus :( and don't even get me started on field placement...i wish i had never left it this long but at this point i need to trust to process and find some sort of way to move past it.
“I’m sorry, but you will need to retake your road driving test. I understand that’s not what you wanted to hear, but you need some more practice. you can see the full list of mistakes inside.”
it had been twenty minutes since she’s heard those words, and she still felt shaky on her feet. her hands had shook and tears fell down her face as she went inside, taking a number and waiting in a notoriously long dmv line to admit to the woman at the desk that she needed to rebook her test.
she didn’t want clement to see her like this, utterly defeated and trying not to scream her lungs out as she watched four teenagers in line in front of her get their licenses.
she was twenty one, for god sakes. she should have been driving by now.
she was sitting on the wooden bench, slouched I gracefully and letting the tears fall as she played with her car keys when clement found her.
what was the point of even owning a fucking car if she couldn’t drive it?
“oh, love." clem frowned, feeling his own stomach sink when he saw how distraught she was. "i take it that things didn't go well."
"could you tell?" she sobbed, trying to wipe her eyes. "was it that obvious? i hate myself, clement. how is it that i can't do something that pretty much everybody my age has been able to do since they were sixteen."
his heart ached as he heard her words. he'd passed his test on the first try, and he drove things for a living, so he's never really thought about what it must have been like for her, having to bum rides off her friends and family or to be bound to the transit schedule. while she was in college, it hadn't been the biggest deal, although it was a minor inconvenience. now that she would be working full time, the stakes were higher.
"i'm sorry, pretty girl." he frowned, pulling her closer, allowing her rest her head on his shoulder. "but you can take it again, and you know what you did wrong, right?"
"i start work next week, clem. i've looked up the commute and if i take public transit, it's almost two hours each way. and i feel like i'm a burden by constantly asking people for rides, or telling them that if they can't pick me up, we can't hang out. hell, my mother had to drive to my first date with you!"
clem chuckled at the memory, the image of a frazzled y/n stepping out of her mother's suv and frantically scanning the parking lot for clement. moments later, her mother had insisted to getting out of the car and introducing herself to clem. y/n thought that she would combust then and there.
"your mother loves me!"
"yeah, but imagine being a grown-ass adult and still having to get your mother to drive you to appointments because you don;t want to chance the bus route not aligning with your appointment time? i feel like my grandmother, and she's ninety, clement. she had her license revoked because she has cataracts."
"i know it hurts right now, but you are never a burden, y/n. your friends love having you in the car when they drive. hell, i feel like i drive better when you're next to me. i don't mind driving you places, you know. it means that i get to spend more time with you."
she smiled at the gesture, turning to allow clem to cup her chin and wipe some of her tears away. her face was flushed, eyes red and puffy. she couldn't shake the idea that she might have made a scene inside the testing center.
"i know. i just wish i could be more independent. transiting gives me so much fucking anxiety. i went over the curb when i three=point-turned and an old lady on a mobility scooter started yelling at me."
"but you never go over the curb."
"exactly! i think i was nervous, when i practiced the route with my dad, there were never any cars on the road. and i think after that happened, i got into my head and it screwed everything else up. i'm such a fuck up. i feel like i've let everybody down, especially you, since you helped pay for my fucking car."
'"hey, hey, don;t talk like that. you'll get it. i promise you. you know jenson button didn't pass his road test on his first try, right?"
she snorted, sitting up straighter, but still clutching clem's hand. "did he really?"
"yeah, and i think lando failed as well."
"yeah well, i've seen how lando drives. that doesn't surprise me at all."
having a laugh seemed to help, and at least now if people mwere staring at her it was because of the f2 driver sitting next to her, not because she was a grown woman who still couldn't drive and decided to cry about it, and then fling her keys onto the grass.
"i have some plans i might have to move around, and then i need to call my parents, and then my dad can take me out to practice a bit more but i have to trust that when i take it again in october, something goes right. because i know exactly what i fucked up."
she moved to get up from the bench, clm following closely behind as she shamefacedly handed him the keys to her volkswagen. well, the volkswagen now, since she couldn't drive it without someone who'd had their license for five years present.
"i'm proud of you for trying. i know that this was something you put off for a long time because of your anxiety, and even though it didn't work out, at least you tried." clem encouraged, his arms comfortably slung around her shoulders as she laced her fingers with his. "hey, it could be worse. you could have had your dad drive you here."
"clement, don't even joke!" she laughed. "you know that i hate taking transit, and that i don't always feel safe going places alone."
"i know. and if you ever feel unsafe, or too anxious to function, or just like you want to see my gorgeous face, call me. as long as im in the country, i will come and get you. and if im not, i'll send someone i trust."
"like who? max fewtrell? his driving is worse than landos."
clem snorted. "i meant ria. or pietra.
"thank you, clement." she sighed, leaning into him as he unlocked the car. "i love you."
"i love you more, pretty girl." he kissed the top of her head softly. "it will all work itself out, love. just you wait. and then you'll be the one driving me places."
@httpiastri @magnummagnussen @oconso @thatsdemko @scuderiamh @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @sidcrosbyspuck @cartierre @clemswrld @love4lando
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Treading Water
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!Reader
summary: Frank cares for you when you're struggling.
warnings: descriptions of anxiety/depression, descriptions of nudity
a/n: I've been feeling like utter crap this week so I wrote this piece and it was very cathartic. I hope someone else gets comfort from this :)
wc: 1.3k
A swallow passed through your strained throat. Your mouth was dry, your head felt heavy. The limbs on your body were hard to hold up, like they’d been filled with lead overnight. 
You tossed and turned in bed, the sheets rustling so much that they came loose but you didn’t care. You just wanted some fucking peace. You thought sleep would grant you that, but you weren’t that lucky. 
You wanted to scream, to cry, to do something, but you just lay there, a lump of dead weight. Your jaw clenched as you thought about the tasks you could’ve done today—that you should’ve done today. There was a pile of dishes in the sink, an overflowing basket of laundry that you’d promised him you would handle, a growing list of tasks for work that all felt far too difficult to manage. 
Your heart pounded. Your hands were shaking, probably from low blood sugar but you couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed. Tears pricked at your eyes as another wave of discomfort crested, your body flinging from freezing cold to burning hot without warning. You shifted miserably under your blankets once more, pulling your arms out to alleviate the heat. The gentle breeze running throughout your apartment stung your skin and the new lack of weight over your torso filled you with dread. 
It wasn’t safe. You weren’t safe. Everything was going to come crashing down and you were in no fucking state to handle it. So you’d force him to. Burden him with yet another crisis. Fucking useless, you screamed at yourself. Get up. Do something. 
But you couldn’t. 
So you pulled the covers back up to your chin, wretchedly flipping over to your other side in a desperate attempt to find comfort. 
Frank’s muscles ached as he treaded up the stairs to your shared apartment. His job had taken far too long and all he wanted to do was curl up in your arms and sleep. Leaning against the wall as he searched for his keys, he let out a sigh. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and…frowned. 
On a normal day, you’d be on the couch watching tv or reading, scented candles lit, relaxing as you waited for him to return. He knew it was late, but there was no sign that you had even been here today. 
Pulling off his boots and jacket, he meandered through the kitchen and living space, still not finding any indication of you. Finally, he stepped into the dark bedroom, brows furrowing even further as he noticed the trembling lump in the bed. 
“Sweetheart?” He murmured, his voice raspier than usual since he hadn’t used it much today. Receiving no response, he shuffled to your side of the bed and crouched before you. 
Your eyes were squeezed shut, glistening tear tracks paving the way down your cheeks. Frank could see the tension in your figure as you tried to stop new sobs from building. 
“Hey, what’s wrong babydoll? What happened?” He used his knees to move closer to the bed, brushing some of the hair from your overly warm face. 
A shuddering breath escaped you. “Dunno.” 
“Have you felt bad all day?” Frank continued to trace his fingertips over your cheeks. 
You nodded sorrowfully, eyes still closed.  
“Oh doll, you shoulda called me. I was gone so long…” 
“Not your fault.” You whispered, eyes finally opening but refusing to meet his. “You shouldn’t have to worry about me.”
“‘course I worry ‘bout you. You worry ‘bout me dontcha?” 
You bit your lip, curling in on yourself. 
“Hey, it’s a’right sweetheart. You don’ have to hide from me. You can’t help not feelin’ good, doll. You eaten today?” He implored, pressing a kiss to your nose. 
Shaking your head, you finally meet his gaze. “‘M sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry, babydoll. We can eat somethin’ together. How ‘bout a bath? Would that be good?” 
You gave a shaky nod and Frank smiled. “Attagirl. I’ll go start the bath, yah? You just relax.”  Pressing a kiss to your hair, he headed to the bathroom to fill the tub. 
Washing his hands and stripping out of his soiled gear, he briefly washed himself up before slipping back into the bedroom to retrieve you when the water was comfortable. 
“A’right, doll. Tub’s ready for ya. Can I carry you there?” 
Nodding, you reached out to grasp his shoulders. He cradled your body against his chest, nuzzling your forehead before carrying you to the bathroom. His gentle hands helped peel your clothes off before steadying you as you settled in the tub. A small sigh burst from your lips as you let the warm water soothe your aching body. 
Frank pulled your body wash from the shower caddy, pouring some into his hands. He lathered the soap over your body, taking extra care to knead your shoulders and neck where you tended to hold the most tension. Your forehead softly knocked against his as you tilted into him. 
“Thank you.” Your voice was hoarse from crying and it made his own throat ache in sympathy. 
“No need to thank me, doll. I’m gonna order us some food, then I’ll come back to dry you off, yah?” 
You let your eyes fall closed, this time a bit less dismally. Breathing deeply, you heard Frank puttering around the apartment beyond the bathroom door. His grumbles and heavy footfalls would normally make you smile, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that just yet. 
After what felt like mere minutes, Frank returned with your fluffiest towel and some of his clothes. He pulled you from the tub carefully, taking the time to dry every drop of moisture from your skin. 
Pulling one of his hoodies over your head, he smiled at you. “There’s my beautiful girl. Feeling any better?” 
You collapsed against his chest with a nod. Trudging out of the bathroom in his shadow, a new rush of anxiety filled you as you noticed all of the work that needed to be done, that you should’ve done already. 
Your breaths shortened and your eyes turned glassy. Frank seemed to immediately notice the change in your demeanor. He scooped you up, swiftly moving you to the couch and pulling you into his lap. 
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours, sweetheart? Talk to me.” His thumb drew patterns across your nape. 
“The dishes.” You sniffled, tears pouring down your cheeks. 
“What about the dishes, babydoll?” 
“I didn’t do them. I’m so sorry Frankie, I was gonna—“ 
“Hey, they’re just dishes, doll. They can wait another day. That’s no reason to apologize.” Combing his fingers through your hair, he met your tearful eyes with a firm gaze. “You been beatin’ yourself up all day?” 
After you failed to respond, Frank sighed. “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like chores were more important than your health, sweetheart. It’s ok to have a bad day, you don’ expect me to do the dishes when I come home bleedin’, do ya?” 
You shook your head, burying your face in his neck. He continued to pet your hair. 
“Exactly, doll. Jus’ cause you weren’t shot doesn’t mean you ain’t hurtin’ just the same. It’s ok to rest when you’re not feelin’ good. Always.” 
You nodded against his neck and he pulled back to kiss your hair again. 
After eating the food that Frank had ordered for the two of you, and draining a couple glasses of water at his insistence, the two of you padded back to the bedroom. Your eyes widened slightly as you took in the sight before you. 
“You changed the sheets?” You murmured, looking up at Frank. 
“Yah, sweetheart. Got out the nice soft ones you like so much.” 
You wrapped Frank in a tight embrace. “I love you, Frankie. Thank you.” 
“I love you too, babydoll. I’ll always be here for ya.” Lifting your chin with a strong finger, he tenderly kissed your lips. “Always.”
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hyperfixationgirl · 1 year
Hiiiiii!!! I saw your post about wanting to receive asks/requests so I figured I’ll try to shoot my shot and ask this request!!
Can I please have a shy reader that LOVES it when Steve Harrington overstimulates her to the point that she’s a blabbering mess? A bit messy if you can but anything would be fine! Thank you so much! ✨
OMG hiii!! Thank you sooo much for taking your time requesting something and I hope I did your ask justice.🥰
Remember, this is my first time writing something like this and english is not my first language:)
If you like it, please reblog<33
Warnings: 18+!!! Overstimulation, Spitting, dom Steve, P in V (unprotected), oral (F receiving), praise, degradation (slut), daddy kink, creampie (Let me know if i missed something)
Imagine laying on Steves bed totally naked, while he´s on his knees between your thighs fully clothed.
He´s been eating you out for what feels like hours, and he wont stop.
"Whos pussy is this baby? Who is making you feel this good?" he asks between kissing your clit and licking your pussy.
You try to say something but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is a muffled whine.
Steve removes his head from between your legs, spits on your pussy and put two of his thick fingers in. "I said, who owns this fucking pussy?" he says a little more stern than before.
"It´s daddys... all daddys" you say quietly and hide your face in a pillow.
"Thats right pretty girl, only mine, now come for me".
You can feel the pressure building in your lower stomach and then you´re coming for like the 5th time, you cant even remember, everything is just a blur.
Steve then removes his fingers which makes you cry out and look at up at him with big eyes.
"Noooo!!! Daddy please don’t stop... please!!!!" you almost scream.
"I need to fuck this messy pussy now honey or i´m going to come in my fucking pants" he says while taking his jeans and underwear off.
"Yes, daddy, plea... need it, daddy..." You don´t even know what you’re saying, you´re desperate to feel his cock inside of you.
"Look at you, can´t even make sense right now, just a blabbering mess for daddy" Steve almost laughs at you while he pushes his cock into you.
You start blabbering again, thanking him and telling him how good it feels.
"You gonna cum again baby? Make a fucking mess over my big cock like my little slut?" Steve just thrust harder and deeper into you and you almost can´t take it anymore.
"Daddy, i´s too much, I can´t, hurts..." you say, but your body is betraying you and that feeling in your stomach is back again.
"You can do it, I can feel you squeezing me honey"
You try to hold it but it´s impossible, he´s hitting your spot and his talking makes you feel like you´re floating.
"Good fucking girl baby" Steve says while emptying himself into you.
He pulls out and takes you into his arms laying down.
"Thank you Stevie" you say sleepily.
"You´re welcome baby, thank you for doing so good".
AHHHH, this was so scaryyyy. I really hope it was okay.
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And now i will never again hear a certain song
without thinking of a certain demon and his angel 🩷
I know that i have read a wonderful book when i dont want to start the next story right away. This is what exactly happened - again - with this wonderful fanfic.
Find the light
by klikantuna
This is the second book i read from @klikandtuna, the first one broke my heart - you absolutely have to read it. She promised me her other books are more fluffy and she absolutely kept her promise.
Whats it about?
Its a human AU with Crowley being a rockstar and Aziraphale the headmaster of a private school. So basically they don't have anything to do with each other - except that they go back a looooong time. 😉
What i love about it!
The author interweaves past and present again, as i already know from another story of her. So it slowly unfolds on 2 different timelines and it will grip your heart, i promise! 🤍
And this story is so so so romantic that its very likely going to break your heart too, but in a good way.
I know some people out there are into watching reactions to GO, well mine would have been actually crying, deep deep sighs, sometimes stopping to read the book and press it to my chest with teary eyes, going back to reread some scenes several times and twice i actually fetched my diary to copy some passages in my journal.
The tenderness the 2 characters show each other is absolutely breathtaking. And i do hope i dont spoil too much (STOP READING HERE IF U DONT WANT TO KNOW) but there is a scene when Aziraphale is picking out clothes for Crowley, that is SO thoughtful and careful and attentive that i absolutely want someone to do that in exactly the same way for me. Read it and come back to scream with me!
This book also gave me a lot to think of.
Her characters tend to cry a lot - this irritated me in the beginning. Until i realised: i would have cried in all those scenes myself - hell, most of the time i absolutely did. It was just my (toxic?) picture of men simply not or at least only rarely crying. I really had to let this belief go, it was time. Thank you for this wake-up-call.
And secondly its the way they treat each other. i don´t know if that even is possible in real life, if the author draws from her own experiences or a brilliant imagination. But i absolutely fucking want that kind of romance and love and care in my life, too. oh and if i ever should get married, if think i want the author to write my wedding-vows. 😂 least i can say "i have standards" now that are probably unreachable ;)
There are other really really important messages in this fanfic, on how to treat kids in school, on gender-topics and it couldnt be a better coincidence (was it?) that it was completed in pride-month.
All in all - this fanfic is incredibly written and for anyone who has seen David and Michael on Stage at "Pub in the Park" - this picture is literally the book!!!
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So there is also fanart with the fanfic and from what i understand even a printed version available.
So if you are into big big big emotions, go read the book and come back to sing with me 🤗
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jessysapphireblue · 1 year
Sleepy you Luffy x Oc
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You know the drill. As always nicknames, female and a magician. This contains fluff and freaking out. Have fun
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"Je! JEEEEE!", Luffy shouted across the whole sunny, on the search for you. Hands on his hips, looking pouty. He knew you never ignore his calls for your name, as he also checked each room, even earning some beatings from Nami since he just walked into the bathroom.
"Je, pls come here. I´m bored and-", he began to whine but stopped when he saw your sleeping form under the tree next to the swing, a book in your lap. Walking to you, he kneeled down and began to wave his hand in front of your face, earning no reaction.
"Je?", Luffy whispered and tapped your nose, as you were out like a light. Laughter slipped pass his lips, while looking at you. Standing up, he sat next to you, and pulled your head onto his shoulder, making you smile a little in your sleep.
"Shishishi! Sleep more", he kissed your head before looking at the book in your lap. Taking it, he looked through it, seeing a loose paper. Taking it, his eyes widen in happiness. On it were ideas he requested you should try to figure out with your magic, such as, making Devil Fruit user swim. Looking down at your book, he saw a potion brewing you figured out due to his request.
He swore, in that moment, he was so happy and touched, doing stuff not only for him but also the crew!
"Ah, that was great, thanks Sanji!", Chopper beamed at their chef who made him a dessert. "Sure, Chopper. Glad you liked it", grinned Sanji as "AHHHHHHH!!!", Usopp screamed, making Chopper flinch. "Oi, shut it Usopp", Sanji growled at him. "B-B-But T-T-the L-L-Lu- APOCALYPSE!", the sniper stuttered before screaming out, pointing outside.
"Hm?", Sanji walked to the door, looking outside, which made his eyes widen, and he accidentally inhaled his cigarette, making him cough. "AH! SANJI!", Usopp and Chopper screamed before turning into his heavy point and doing a heimlich maneuver on his friend, which caused Sanji to spit his cigarette out before coughing.
"Usopp, you´re right", Sanji chocked out while the Sniper nodded. The doctor himself now being curious, looking outside.
Luffy has deciaded to move you two to the other side of the deck, resting against a wall, his strawhat on your head, while he looked at your book, smiling. "AH! THE WORLD IS ENDING!", Chopper shrunk himself. "Chopper, no worries! I get the Anti- Ghost system!" "Yes! Pls do! Luffy is posessed!", Chopper began to cry.
"One way to try out", said Sanji and took a plate with desserts outside, making both boys watching before Franky and Brook entered. "What are you doing?", asked Franky. "SHHHHH!", they shushed him
Sanji came back pale as a ghost. "He said no" "Who said no?" "Luffy said no to food" "A DEMON IS INSIDE HIM!!!" "DEMON?! NOOOOOO!!!!", Brook screamed. "What is now wrong?" "Zoro!", Usopp and Chopper flung at his legs, crying. "You have to help us" "ha? No thanks", he simply said. "Moss head, our captain is possessed" "Luffy? As if", the swordman rolled his eye. "He said no to his food and is reading a book, with real words in it", admitted Sanji and the room went quiet.
"We throw him in the water", Zoro walked straight out of the door. "OI! LU-" "SHHHH!", he shushed Zoro. "You knock him out, I cut his head off" "Oi! Don´t kill him", said Franky. "Chopper can sew his head back on", he simply said.
All walked out, straight to their captain, who closed your book and tugged it away. "Shh, Je´s sleeping" "Luffy, this will be for your own safety" "Luffy-san, we promise we save you", bowed brook down before Sanji wanted to kick him, making Luffy evade. "WHOA! Guys", Luffy Shouted but quickly shut up, looking towards you before breathing out.
"Luffy, don´t worry, we will get this demon out of you!", Chopper said confident before a huge fight between the boys broke out, Luffy being busy evading every single attack.
"YOU ALL!!!!", Nami appeared with a deadly aura behind her, making them gulp.
Hearing some loud noises you yawned and stretched yourself, rubbing the sleep from your eyes only to saw the boys being stucked into the Sunny deck. "What the-" "What were you guys doing?!", Nami sneered at them
Soon, all boys said what they saw. "In conclusion" " THIS IS NOT LUFFY!", all shouted besides Luffy who looked confused. "I am Me" "No! You sat with her here against a wall, while you read a book!" "The potion book! There are so many cool things in there", Luffy beamed at them. "You declined dessert", stated Sanji, making all turn to him, including you.
"You guys always told be to be a...seniable boyfriend! So that´s what I did" "Seniable?" "You mean sensible, idiot", groaned Nami. "Yes! Je was so busy these last days and didn´t get to sleep and now she did and she deserved it" "Fufufu~ responsible boyfriend", admitted Robin. "Aww, Lu. Thank you so much. On the next island, food goes on me"
"JACKPOT!!!", he cheered. "Sanji food!!!", jumping up, Luffy dashed towards the kitchen, making everyone breath out.
"what a chaotic crew" "You mean captain"
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littlemessyjessi · 6 months
I feel, deep in my bones, that one could summon fae!Felix by repeating that bit he does in Topline thrice over in a mirror: BOM DIGI DIGI BOM BOM BOM BOM and maybe it works faster if you try to 'go deep' with it... or maybe this is just stuck in my head in an audio stim kind of way and I live in the land of delulu
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A Guide to Summoning Your Faelix: AKA Faerie Felix / the most sweetest thing in the world.
SO let's do this!
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First, we'll need to set the mood. Obviously, we're gonna need blue. It is his favorite color. Even though poor baby was recently heartbroken because the color analyst told him that blue doesn't work for him. Even though OBVIOUSLY that is incorrect! He is gorgeous in blue. Precious baby. How dare they? Unacceptable.
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So, I just feel like it's absolutely NECESSARY that we include blue for the baby chick. Fuck them color swatches.
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NEXT! Brownies as an offering. Non negotiable. Here is his recipe. Enjoy. They are fantastic.
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Third.... we must call on the spirit of Bang Chan for he can always find his Lixie. Plus, he's our resident source of Lixie information. If he doesn't know, he'll figure it out for us. Bang Chan for President.
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Now, it's time to get down to business. This is very serious. Set the lights. Turn on the music. Look in the mirror and say it.
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Put all the bass you got in your voice and ..... POOF!
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Congratulations! You have completed your very first summoning.
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Now, let's discuss care for your Fae Felix.
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First and foremost, he is going to require lots of love and affection. If you do not feel as if you can provide adequate love and affection for your Faelix then please reconsider.
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If your Faelix does not receive adequate time, care and affection then he will cry. And subsequently, I will come to beat your ass.
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And! I'm telling Minho! And he'll help me whoop ass. So be prepared and think about that when moving forward with your Faelix.
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Minho is watching...
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Always watching.
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Perhaps, a Hyunjinnie would be more suitable for you or perhaps a Minho. They still require love and affection but they do understand that everyone needs alone time.
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Though, if you do choose to summon Minho... god help you.
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If you have an aversion to copious amounts of physical displays of love and affection, PLEASE AND I AM BEGGING YOU... do NOT summon yourself a Changbinnie. He WILL be giving you his love and you WILL like it.
Fair warning.
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But back to Faelix.
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Now, please remember that your Faelix can handle some spice but not exceedingly so.
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Be mindful of his dietary needs.
If not he'll scream.
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On that note, you are going to need to stock up on rice cakes. Trust me. And probably fried chicken. Just do it.
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It is also important to note that your Faelix is also sensitive to scary things so he's not likely to be a horror movie buddy for you. If you really, really, REALLY want him to... he'll do it to make you happy. However, he will basically turn your room into a nest at night and cover you with cuddles all night long... because he's scared to death. Poor Lixie. You will have a much better experience if you pick a comedy or action. He'll still cuddle you (if you want it) but it won't be out of fear. And nobody wants a scared Lix. He deserves to be happy.
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Also, on this note of Fae Felix. Just so you know, you're not supposed to give fairies your name. No matter how much they beg.
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However, Felix is literally the one that you could tell anything and he wouldn't use it against you. You're secret is safe with him. As is your soul.
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Now, in summary : It's all important but here are your TOP 3 to remember!
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Number One: Please provide adequate love, affection and care for your Faelix.
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Number Two: Please mind his dietary needs and plan accordingly. Give him whatever he wants. Or else he is going to become insane.
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Number Three: The Final and Most Important Rule of All
Remember that Minho is watching... always watching.
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He sees all.
He knows all.
I know, You know, We know, Lee Know
Thank you for coming to my presentation and have a nice day.
Please help yourself to a treat on your way out. We're serving brownies. Obviously.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this crazy tangent of mine and thank you so much for sending it in!
Love, K
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