#crying in 9
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dustedmagazine ¡ 1 year ago
Vague Plot — Crying in 9 (Island House)
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Vague Plot’s jams shimmer like highways melting in the heat, running straight on through Kansas or Nebraska until they disappear in the undecipherable distance. Which is to say, they go on for while, repeating the same short grooves ad infinitum, with modest changes, until the measures blow by like mile markers and the journey transcends itself.
“Moto” which opens, metes out the time in sharp, strummed intervals, a little syncopation marking irregular edges in the tick-tocky flow. And within that context, a sax can wail, a guitar can howl, a lick can bloom and fade and collapse in distortion. There’s order so that disorder can grow, a white picket fence around wild tangles of vegetation.
Vague Plot is made up of New York City avant-indie regulars, veterans of other bands, who got together to make driving, moving, long-form instrumental music a la Can and Popul Vuh during the pandemic. The one you’d probably pick out of a line-up first is Zachary Cale, here one of two guitarists, alongside Uriah Theriaultof Woodsy Pride. Phil Jacob of Psychic Lines plays the sax sometimes and a keyboard otherwise, while Ben Copperhead plays bass and John Studer drums.
The music grows contemplative in blues-tinged “Haunted Head” before spinning off into psychotropic grooves, like some weird mesh of Loren Connors and Om. It attains purity in the slow-evolving tones of closer “Windswept” which has a bit of Kluster in its crystalline lucidity.
You might think, with Cale involved, that there’s be a rustic rocker thread in Vague Plot’s aesthetic, a little Neil Young crashing through the motorisms. There mostly isn’t, sorry to disappoint, except oddly enough, on the tape’s best cut, “Cyclic.” Here Jacob’s sax wanders in and around a heavy groove that’s ever so slightly shaded with country rock tones. It’s a puzzle palace, a metronomic experiment in extended pulse, but with a ragged heart, and it’s the wildest and most excellent part of an excellent little album. Fuck the cowbell. Let’s have more guitar.
Jennifer Kelly    
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labombera-911 ¡ 9 months ago
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*ed sheeran was right loving can hurt sometimes
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greenouillee ¡ 6 months ago
I love how Star Trek will have the most heartbreaking dialogue over the worst CGI you've ever seen, like a real tv show should
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summergirl2408 ¡ 6 months ago
After about 11 months and 777.5 hours of work I am finally done and I am obsessed with the end result
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pattern by @forineffablereasons / @darcylindbergh
stitched on 18ct aida fabric with 2 strands of dmc floss
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911onabcbts ¡ 6 days ago
Aisha and Ryan 😭😭
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yanhuisan ¡ 11 months ago
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now i spend my days dreaming about you
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dcxdpdabbles ¡ 1 month ago
I can’t wait to see the next part for passion for fashion! i’m very interested in seeing how Tim handles everything.
Danny scurries across the street as quickly as possible. The flashing hand is counting down, meaning he only has a few seconds before clearing the road. He could wait for the next time it changes, but Danny was already late as it was.
Plus, he was pretty sure he was being followed. Usually, that wouldn't frighten him too severely, but seeing as he had been kidnapped once while in Gotham, it's safe to say this city wasn't exactly safe at all.
He manages to get across just as the light switches from the flashing red hand to a still red hand, and the cars waiting just as impatiently at the white lines roar their engines as soon as green in front of them.
They zoom past him, blaring through the wind at what Danny is sure is unsafe driving speeds. He sighs, pulling up his hood to protect his head from the gentle drizzle that started up. Today he was wearing what Dan called "sports luxe."
Danny thinks it just looked like a skater threw on a jacket over a hoodie, but what did he know? Apparently, not enough to have an opinion on the superiority of sports luxe.
Even the name sounded snobby. Dan threw a fit the moment he pointed it out, though. Sometimes, it was better to agree to disagree with his counterpart.
Danny had felt suffocated within the house lately. Gotham seemed to suddenly develop non-stop rain. It's been heavy rain, a light sprinkle, or threatening rain for a week straight. It was nothing compared to the bright, clear skies of home. How could people stand to live here all the time? It was downright miserable.
The city natives said it was just the first signs of spring, the year's rainy season.
Not to mention, it was a grim reminder that for all the time they had been in this stupid city, they only recently found out who Batman was. He wasn't sure how long Clockwork would be willing to wait, but Danny feared they were getting near an unmentioned deadline.
This morning, he had woken to a clock ticking in his chest. It faded after a while, but Danny had received the message just as loud and clear as the tick tick tick sound was.
There was a very real bomb fused to his core by the God of Time, and he said god was becoming upset with his lack of results. Dan, who had gotten the same message, was seemingly more reserved as he carefully pinned the few fabrics for their next part of the fashion contest.
The silence following their discussion of today's new experimental fashion style had felt choking. Danny had chosen to escape and walk around the city while Dan retreated further into his cave of fabrics. They agreed to meet up for lunch at one pm at the same pizza that Red Robin took him on a date to.
They could gather clues about Batman if they went to where he had shown up.
His date with Tim Drake had been a bust. The man was sweet but seemed too loyal to Batman's secrets. No matter what tricks Danny tried on that date, Tim danced around his probing for any Batman intel like a well-trained ballerina.
He couldn't even get the guy to admit he knew Batman. Either he was the best actor in the world, or Tim didn't know a thing about Batman. Still, the date at the arcade and then dinner had been a relaxing bit of fun.
Something was charming about making someone blush with a mere glance that had Danny feeling on cloud nine. He knows on some level that he is considered hot here, but to witness his effect on someone was something entirely else.
He might have asked for a second date were it not for the man who followed them throughout the date from a distance. Danny noticed him sometime after Tim had shyly offered to buy him some ice cream.
He was taking their picture. As soon as Danny saw him,, he cut the date off quickly. Not only was ita a waste of time if Tim couldn't lead him to Batman, but he also didn't want to drag poor Tim into nanother kidnapping attempt.
Was it a jerk move to cut the date mid-way? Probably.
Did it make him feel like Dash? Uncomfortably so.
But needs most. As soon as Dany told Tim he wasn't feeling well and that he would call him (he didn't), the half had all but run away. The man had quickly followed in step with him, until Danny lost him in the city two hours later.
He returned home with no leads, a new stalker, and the terrier tick tick tick echoing in his rib cage.
Three days later, the same man was back, following Danny from a distance. He was doing a good job staying further away today, but Danny had caught sight of the hummingbird tattoo and realized who it was.
Danny glances at a nearby store window to discreetly check behind him. Sure enough, the same hummingbird flashed briefly as the man reached up to raise his own hoodie.
It's on the right hand, running along the thumb. Danny breathes through his nose, walking as casually as possible but putting more speed into his steps. Around him, people are walking briskly, and his vision is somewhat disorientated by the few umbrellas that are folded open.
He slides through gaps of people, weaving and waving as casually as he can. The distance between the man and him grew bigger, but Danny knew he was still within sight.
He stuffs his hands into his pocket, feeling around for a knife disguised as a comb that Pamela had given him after picking up her new outfit. Danny had to admit that Dan outdid himself with it because she looked like a badass nymph.
Apparently, she heard some whispers that the Fenton twins were a thing of beauty and powerful men were interested in adding them to their collection. Ew.
She said it was better to be safe than sorry while presenting Dan with his own knife. "The world is a nightmare. Be the terror in it, not the victim."
Dan put her words on a poster and hung it in his studio.
Danny glances at another window, feeling his stomach drop when a familiar ticking starts up as the man quickly closes the space between. Somehow, a deep part of his soul knows that should the man catch him, Danny's bomb would be set off.
Breaking into a run, Danny pushed people out of the way, uncaring for the scene he was causing. He heard a curse before footsteps rapidly followed him. Multiple sets of footsteps.
There was more than one.
Crude. crude. crude. Stop ticking! I know I'm in danger! He thinks frantically, pushing his human legs to go faster. He blows his hoodie off his head as he sprints.
His eyes bounce around wildly, searching for anywhere safe, when he lands on an open car door of a nice black car with a man settling in the back as a diver buckles up. Not stopping to think, Danny leaps into it, ignoring the shout of surprise from the man who he landed across the lap.
He hits the diver's seat, babbling, "Drive! Drive! Drive! Please, they're after me! DRIVE"
The man he's lying on reacts fast enough to slam the car door closed just as a large man slams against it. It's someone built like a brick house and looking rather mean as he punches the glass .
Thankfully, the thing must be bulletproof because it doesn't budge. The driver slams his foot on the gas, peeling away from the crowd of kidnappers who attempt to surround the car. They nearly miss slamming into oncoming traffic, but the driver quickly drifts their car into a perfect U and flies off.
Danny gasps, slumping with relief. "Hate this stupid city so much sometimes." He grumbles under his breath, only noticing he spoke in Spanish when the man makes a fumbling sentence in response.
"Er...espanol...un poquito?" The man holds his fingers up, having them separated by only a bit of space.
" I speak English."
"Oh, good. Mind telling me what all that was about, lad? Do we need to go to the police?" The man asks, his voice gentle and warm.
Danny realizes then that he is staring into the face of the man who started the fashion contest. He is also still lying across his lap. With a yelp, he flings himself away, scrambling into the seat beside Bruce Wayne.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Wayne! I was being chased by...um, I don't know actually who they were."
"Bane's men." The driver says grimly in an English accent. "They were wearing the hummingbird of his inner circle."
"Alfred, please take us to Commissioner Gordon." Mr. Wayne commands, face turning hard, and Danny is about to tell him he's fine being dropped at home when suddenly-
"Are you hurt, chum?" Mr. Wayne asks, noticing Danny staring down at his chest pale face. Or maybe it was how he was frozen in place, waiting for a boom that might be coming.
The bomb stops ticking. Danny feels around his chest, wondering why when it clicks in his head.
He stares into the startled eyes of Mr. Wayne before he feels a sharp prick on the back of his neck. He has a few seconds of whirling around to see the driver- Aflred- settling back in his driving seat. A needle in his hand.
"Are you Batman?" Danny whispers, leaning into Mr. Wayne's face. "
Batman, have you hugged your kids lately?"
"Shit. Here, I thought I escaped a kidnapping."
The world went black, and there was only one thing he was aware of. The sound.
Tic tic tic tic tic tic
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jackwhiteprophetic ¡ 8 months ago
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Can we talk about this shot for a second. What the fuck.
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grapejuicegay ¡ 6 months ago
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I'm always gonna fight to come home to my family
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eggcromancer ¡ 11 months ago
Happy late birthday, it was a wonderful post you made, I just gotta ask something outta the silly.
Do you think it's as cute as I do, the idea of moon having a second nightcap that's party hat coloured and he swaps that on for birthdays
@sea-menace Dream big, my friend! Why stop at 2 nightcaps...? >:}
We got some seasonal caps:
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Modern day AU, where Fazbear Co. runs a content farm TikTok account; and Moon is horribly out of touch with gen alpha humour (because no one bought the animatronics internet plans 🥲) caps:
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And @lavenoon's jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, amazing Accidentally Undercover fic caps! ✨
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Pretend that Agent Dusk lost his original nightcap in a deadly shootout with a rival spy team and he needs to whip up a replacement PRONTO before he loses all street creds (He still won of course, but at what cost,,,,)
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gojuo ¡ 5 months ago
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But it is a game that has driven you to one of your own deepest fears, Joshua. Isolation. This terrible... isolation. I hope for your sake, Joshua, that you can find redemption.
UNTIL DAWN REMAKE (2024) dev. Supermassive Games
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jimmysea ¡ 8 months ago
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CENTURY OF LOVE (2024) - Episode 10
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parksnark ¡ 1 year ago
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Adaine feels stable and loved for the first time
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werewolf-artfriend ¡ 9 months ago
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vergil gerbil
gerbil vergil
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qwakque ¡ 9 months ago
yall fw kalim al asim??!!
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911onabcbts ¡ 11 days ago
post episode interview with ryan.
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