#cry by cigs after sex
lzrusrising · 1 year
drops these 91w coded lyrics and runs
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12 notes · View notes
shocymer · 7 months
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"To him who's giving you a second chance, If there's heaven and hell, would you still risk everything for him?"
Pairing : mafia!Mingi × f!reader
Word counts : 6,1k
Contents and Warning : 18+ smut mdni! , mafia! AU, mention of illegal drugs, TW! mention of abused (undetailed), mention of rape (undetailed), attachment issue, suicide attempt (see the end notes), smoking cigs!mingi, action, gunfight, bloodshed, soft dom!mingi, oral (giving), size kink, slightly choking, unprotected sex, cumshot, creampie, husband!Mingi.
× This works is part of "The Brothers Series", and never meant to represent Mingi in any shape or form ×
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Cold. Ache. Numb joints. Struggled to blink your eyes for a few times, you found yourself laying down in the dark alley for don’t even know how many hours have passed. Slowly moving your bruised frail hand to reach those chapped lips of yours. A familiar deep voice startled you. You saw those man through the corner of your eyes.
He's leaning against the alley wall next to you. Lighted his cigarette, before letting out a puff of smoke that slowly dissolve into thin air.
“Just like I told you before young lady. You should take my last offer.”
The tears rolled down your cheek. Recollecting your memories how he found you in the similar state a week before, except it isn’t worse as now. With the same bruises covered all over your body, due to escaping from your abused household, you could still save that perfect healthy legs of yours.
His words kept ringing inside of your head. As it’s like forced to get out of it. “Come with me, I can guarantee your safety.” Made you rethink over few times. Who else should I trust? People who only called themselves family constantly abusing you whenever they like just to venting out their anger issues. So far you could endure it all, but unfortunately not last night. In attempted to fight back, your legs get broken instead. Right in the middle of the night after all of those hell ride, you dragged your limping self to this dark alley with the only remaining strength.
The man shrugged his shoulder in impatience. Waiting for your answer who’s still silently cry while laying on the cold asphalt not moving an inches.
“So, how is it?” he’s asking your final decision.
You turn your head towards him, mouthing the words “Please take me.” Before the consciousness left you out.
He throw away the remaining cigarette that slipped between his fingers. Stepped on it with the tip of his sole then walk slowly towards your body. He crouched down while scanning your miserable state.
Shook his head as if he felt the pain after seeing you, then a deep sighed left from his mouth. “What a poor soul, you should’ve decided earlier.”
After he brushed off the dust on his black suit a little bit, he carried you into his arms. Proceed to walk step by step towards the end, greeted by his men who’s immediately open the car door for him. Then they drove away, taking you out of that terrible dark alley, leaving it’s coldness and your past behind.
“As expected you’re doing a good job.” His sweet voice echoed in your ears, quite the opposite of his intimidating looks.
It’s the same man who saved you a few years back, Song Mingi. He’d been diving in illegal activities since the beginning of his life, doing a lot of dirty works neatly. His men were scattered everywhere, all thanks to the connections he had built from a long time ago. And you think you’re also part of them.
You devoted your entire life for him as he’s your salvation. Obediently do everything he ordered without hesitation. Despite all of the sin he had done, never in any slightest he will put you in danger. To the point you’re getting bored of hearing his same message every time you’ll go on a mission.
“If the situation getting worse and you are in unfavorable state, find me. I’ll take care the rest of it.”
Sometimes you want to protest. Due to a lot of experiences of working under him for many years, you should be able to handle the worst possible thing. But he always forbids you, questioning your own safety and it ended with a long lecture. If so, what can you do? You can only sit with your head down waiting for him to finish his scolding. But deep down inside you’re happy about it.
“I just did what my master told me to do.” You responded in bliss everytime he praises you.
His fingertips run trough the strands of your hair, stroking it in delicate manner. “Good girl.” While looking into your eyes proudly. His smile is intoxicating. That’s become a strong reason for you to do his errands perfectly.
“This is for your hard work.” He put a white fancy paper bag on your bed. Then giving you few last caress on top of your head before leaving. Your eyes trailing his presence till it disappear behind the door.
When you peeked at the contents, it was a bundle of money and a jewelry box with small note on it.
Throw away the old one, I know it shredded into pieces.
- M.
You laughed at the note. How could you throw it away, that was the first gift he gave to you. You already guessed that the second you open the box, it’s an exact same bracelet that wrapped around your wrist for years, struggled to keep intact after it wrecked on your last two missions. Well, he’s pretty sweet for a criminal.
Different days, different matters. Beside the other trivial works, his biggest main source is the casino. What made him furious was someone trying to sabotage it by smuggling illegal drugs in. He already had one or two suspect names and somehow believed they’re located in a red light district area. Now, you’re into a heat arguments with him, hating every nonsense ideas that spurt out of your pretty lips.
“No. Definitely not.” He crossed his arms, sure thing your words flamed his anger even more.
“It’s much easier for me to blend in there. You’ll get their information faster.” You talk quietly afraid of his wrath. He always lets you join him wherever he goes. Except for one place, the red light district. Either he left you at his place or he never told you that he would go there.
Frustration overwhelmed him, ended up taking off his black spectacle. “I hate to say this sweetie, but I’m a man and you’re a woman. I can’t let you go there.”
“But the sex worker..” You averted your gaze from him, hesitant to continue. “are mostly women, I thought that I can disguise as one of them.”
He immediately got up from the chair and walked towards you. His thumb and index finger grabbed your chin, turning your face to him, made you looking straight into his eyes. “Listen young lady, it’s not worth of the risk. I-” he shook his head then release the grip from your chin.
“I lost my mother there. She was brutally ganged by multiple crazy bastard.” You could see his jaw tightened, his stare were full of resentment. “I was only six that time. Then, father brought me here.”
Ah, somehow you’re familiar with the father figure he told you about. You believed there’s 8 of them who’s adopted by the father. As you remember, they named themselves KQ Fellaz. They’re quite famous cartel where you used to live before. Even though their existence is still questionable, but at that time people keep talking about them. You don’t even know if Mingi was part of it. In fact, you think he’s the father itself due to him has saved you before.
Now you understand, why he strictly banned you from going there. He didn’t budge at all after spilling over his bitter past. Couldn't stand the look on his face, you bring your warm hand to cupped his cheek, caressing it slowly hoping it’ll calm him down. When you’re about to hug him, there’s a knock on the door. Both of you turned to the source of the sound in reflex.
“Come in!” Mingi yelled.
A tall male figure entered the room. He looked friendly, his arms were wide open as if he was waiting for Mingi into his arms. Mingi’s eyes instantly lit up, then he returned the hug like an old friend who hasn't seen each other for a long time.
“Oh Yunho, I thought you wouldn’t come.” Mingi said as he let go.
“I’ll definitely come. But I couldn’t promise you exactly when.” He patted mingi’s back.
They’re lost in conversation, talking about those casino problems which this Yunho guy believed all the ruckus caused by the same prominent figure that interrupted his own works too. Meanwhile, you’re busy looking at him from the corner of the room where you’re sitting. He's the complete opposite of Mingi. His facial features are delicate, his skin is white as milk, his hair is short with dark brown colors and well styled. What equates them is only their clothing, they consistently wear black suits, although Yunho is much more formal, meanwhile Mingi looks a little bit casual just like how people dealing in this kind of works are supposed to be look like.
There’s no intimidating aura emits from him. Made you wonder, what works he’s in with those kind of look? An entertainer? Or public figure? Who knows, maybe he’s one of informants that your master is looking for.
You stopped your thoughts when his eyes met with yours. He gave you a soft smile, before turned back to Mingi.
“You’re into adopting too ?”
“She is..” Mingi took a quick glance at you, a thin smile formed his lips, “..my tool. You know, I’m not as good as father.” He always takes time to praise no one know whether those figure exist whenever he mentioned its name. Using his index and middle fingers, he gestured you to come over him.
You obediently approached Mingi, his arm automatically wrap around your waist as asserting your ownership to the person he’s talking to. If he did this, it means Yunho is one of his important business partners. But wait, they’re mentioned those same “father” before. So..
Yunho only chuckled at the sight of you two. Then immediately diverted it, “Tell me what else do you need?” he asked.
“I really need their exact location. Ya know there’s dealers activity around the red light district, but I’m still doubting whether it’s legit their quarters or their operation zone only.” Mingi reached for the lighter in his pocket to light the cigarette that placed between his lips. Smoked on it once or twice.
“I sent my men to check it last week, but fuck there’s no words back till now.” He continued while looking far away out of the window.
Yunho could sense the annoyance radiating through his words. “And? What’s your next move?”
He grinned while imagining how he would ravage those wretch. “Wiped clean their base of course. I don’t like any pests slink in my lovely fields.”
Knowing what to do, Yunho promised him that he’ll be back for few days to dig more information. Before leaving, he put his hand on Mingi’s shoulder, leaning closer to talk beside him in low tone. “Remember, don’t act rashly.” When Mingi turned to him, he only gave him a faint smile, “Oh and keep an eye on your surrounding bud.” Then, he patted Mingi’s shoulder for few times and walk away out of the room, leaving you two alone.
“.. Yes sir, please go this way. We can talk about it in my office.” The old man that known as the manager guided Mingi as soon as he set his foot at the casino entrance.
You look around, the situation is still the same as the normal days. Crowded by people who enjoy betting their own wealth, plus the sound of slot machines were rumbling in the background as you go deep inside. The casino has been around for almost a decade. Even though it’s still quite new, but its reputation is well known to be able to compete with others. And of course Mingi despise any slightest intervention for the continuity of his business. So, he intended to find out everything with his own eyes today.
“How about we talk about the matters here. I want to enjoy the casino atmosphere right now.” He declined the offer politely, giving a convincing reason with the only sole purpose which is to observe everything clearly.
The manager immediately snapped his fingers, called several waiters to prepare the VIP seats that located in the middle of the casino. Of course anything is done for your master as the respective owner of this place.
“Sir, would you like some ladies for the companion, before we start?” The same old man made an offer while inviting him to take a seat.
He gestured with his hand to reject it. “No need, I bring my own. Shall we start now?” He pulled you to sit on his lap as soon as he sat on the couch. You catch what he means right away, then you begin to put your hand behind his neck while the other one rest on his clothed chest, acting like one of his own ladies. But on the contrary, he didn’t have any girls around.
All of his past trauma was swallowing over him, every girl touches made him uncomfortable in some kind of a way. Disgusted by the fact how his mother’s life ended by several men, he’s afraid of the possibility to unleashed the sickening behavior as a man whenever any woman approached him. But after he met you, he’ll bring you along whether to meet the clients or some of the influential person on his work. Therefore, beside of doing your job as his underlings, the other purpose was to avoid some ladies that sent to accompany him in every meetings with them. And that cause you often mistaken as his woman by a lot of people he met.
Back to the casino right now, you directed your gaze all over the room, trying to catch if something strange might be happen. Sometimes, you took a glance at Mingi who’s still talking to those manager, trying to read his cautious expression to the surrounding. He’ll occasionally caress your thigh for a few times, only to keep your composure.
You flicked your eyes to the side, noticing the odd. Proceed to run your fingertips from his chest up to his neck and end up covering your lips from the side which is pressing against his right ear. Mingi hold the grunts that almost escape from the back of his throat as he feel your soft breath hitting on his skin, and he finally giving the attention you wanted.
“2 o’clock direction. I’ll check it right away.” You whispered into his ear.
His eyes aimed at the place you’re referring to, then slightly lean away from you. “My sweetie is bored huh? You wanna look around?” He brushed his palm on your back gently, still didn’t drop the act.
“Yes please, can I?” You cooed at him, giving your pampered look as convincing as possible.
“Of course, everything for you baby.” Then he pulled you closer, pressing his lips to yours for a few seconds before let you go.
You didn’t expect he will kiss you right away. Isn’t it too much for a mere acting? Wait, did he repay your previous actions? Mingi’s expression was hard to read, he only smirked at you as if “good luck” was the only two words that written on his face. However, you swift away towards the possible problems occurred, after showed them your sweetest smile for the last time.
Well, it didn’t go smoothly as you wanted. You pretend to be interested in the slot machines that lined up near you, under the pretext of approaching those suspicious figures stealthily. But it ended up they’re in the middle of the crowd where it’s difficult for you to reach. You tried to sneak in, squishing your body among a lot of people. To be honest, this wasn’t your main forte. Your part is to deal with the target directly as a decoy. And there’s no other option, it’s too crowded for any commotion to occur, so the only thing you can do is watching them closely.
They drew closer to each other, it seems like exchanging something under their coat. You accidentally stole glances with one of them, and somehow he looks quite familiar but there’s no other clue because half of his face is covered with hat. You still tried to get closer carefully, but alas it didn’t work. They’re gone, blending in with the crowd, wearing the same black coat with people around in the casino.
You turned your gaze to Mingi from the place you’re standing right now. Only realized that his eyes was fixed on you from the earlier you left. Slightly shook your head at him, you gave him signal that the target was gone. He rolled his eyes, immediately stopping his conversation with the manager before barging out of the casino furiously. You followed him behind, who’s cursing along the way towards his car.
Pulled the highest gear and stepped on the gas pedal, he’s driving in full speed. His eyes pierced straight towards the road as if he could tear it apart. There’s too many questions running inside of your head, but you’re afraid to ask. So you just sit quietly on the passenger seat beside him.
He pressed the bridge of his nose every now and then, hoping it’ll reduce the headache a little bit. But it didn’t work either way. He decided to break the silence after quite some time. “Haa.. I can’t trust those old man either.”
You dared yourself to give him a response, “why? You have known him for a long time though.”
“It just.. my own suspicion. Nothings deep.” He looked much calmer than before while still focused on driving his car. “That’s why I bring you instead of useless bunch of my men.”
Right, the casino manager must be recognize them here and there if Mingi wanted to check it in secret. But it still didn’t work, you lost those troublemaker too. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t do it properly.”
He clicked his tongue before bringing his fingers that belong to his right hand, running through some stands of your loose hair. “Relax, sometime it tend to happen.” You thought he would be mad, but actually he calmed you instead. To the point you could feel the cold sweat enveloped over your palm because you’re too afraid of him.
His phone is ringing, the incoming call notification were written on the head unit screen, it’s from one of his men. Informed him that they had found the target location. He swerved the steering wheel all at once, immediately drove to the location they’re referring to. Just like how he speculated before, he felt satisfied that it was right, those bastards base was in the red light district area.
Upon the arrival, he gave you a warning sign to not to get out of the car no matter what happen, before rushing out and being greeted by his several men. You saw him through the car window, the way his annoyed expression drawn on his face, but still kept the composure remain. It can be seen that he burn the cigarettes tip and taking a deep drag of it, just to calm himself down.
He pulled out his favorite handgun, racking the slide once to load in the bullet, then he gave the command to break into those place. His men spreading all over the main hall in swift motion, but strangely there’s not a single person was on guard there. Due to unexpected of this big place, Mingi ordered them to split up and told them to kill anyone they met.
On the other hand, you just sat quietly in the car, even though occasionally heard the gunshots noise one after another coming from the mansion which couldn't be muffled by how tight the car was. Oh to be the passenger princess, you’re hating how useless you are right now.
You startled by the sudden rang coming from Mingi’s phone, Yunho’s name was pop out on the screen. Hesitant whether you should answer or ignore it afraid of being too nosy. After you think clearly like how careless is your master to left out his important being here, you end up slide the green button to the right.
“Hello, where are you right now?” Yunho’s anxious voice heard across the phone.
You answered him carefully, “Uhm sir, it’s me. We’re in the red light district right now.”
“Wait, where’s Mingi?”
“He’s in the big white mansion,” you look around trying to describe how it’s look like. “..it’s located deep in the area, we turned left from the four junction of the main road, then-”
He cut off your explanation, “Shit, he’s lured in! All of it was a trap.” He sighed, “can you reach hi-” Good heaven, the call disconnected due to signal lost.
You shook the phone, hoping it’ll catch the signal back, but it didn’t work. As soon as you gathered your mind, you took the 'smith and wesson' out of the glove compartment, slipping in between the thigh band under your little black dress. Getting out of the car, you entered the white mansion in instant.
It's weirdly too calm on the first floor. Feeling like lost the sense of direction, you just followed your gut. Running to the left wing of mansion, checking on every single room, you only wished to find Mingi as soon as possible. On every step you wondered, Why did the gunshots noise stopped? It makes you difficult to track the source of the fight.
Shit thing’s happen, you just entered the wrong room when lost in your thought. There’s a man relaxed sitting on a big armchair while smoking his cigar. You really want to back off, but he already saw you first. You decided to play along rather than causing more complicated thing.
“Good grief, they sent a new bitch”
You came closer to his side while giving him a formality smile. Putting your hand to his shoulder and leaning over him, just keeping the act before you intended to attack him quickly. Alas, he gripped your wrist instead, after that twisting your arm and held it back. He’s grabbing the chunk of your hair then yanked your head to the side, “ I knew you’re not just an ordinary bitches”
You elbowed him in the face with other free hand and giving him a round kick in attempt to released yourself. You took a few steps back, pulled out your handgun then shooting him right on his leg. But if feels nothing to him, he proceed to kick your hand which holding the gun till it flew away. You dodged his every blows as best as you can. Cause it’s impossible to counter him with your only bare hands meanwhile he’s much bigger than you. In the end, he managed to grab your hair again. The pain spreading all over your head as if it almost ripping out your scalp.
You’re just about to give up, there’s no energy left in you. But the door slammed loudly, woke you up. There’s your master firing shots eagerly to this bastard. As soon as his dead body fall onto the floor, you run towards Mingi who’s covered in blood stain.
Your voice was shaking while wiping the blood out of his face, “you’re hurt.”
“It’s not mine.” Referring to those blood. He hold your hand gently, staring deep into your eyes, looking at how messed up you’re right now. “But you are the one who’s injured”
He crouched down to pick your gun and giving it back to you. “Who else using this gun type besides you.” After that, he smoothed your hair, running his finger through it. How could he’d be this gentle despite in the midst of chaos. It feels like the world is collided and there’s only you two left.
But those feels didn’t last long, both of you drawn to the sound of explosion coming from the deep within the mansion. You just aware that half of it was burned in fire when you looked outside. He took you to another side of mansion which he considered it safe. On your way there, many dead bodies laying around. You could identified one and two of them, only realizing it mostly coming from Mingi’s side.
“You didn’t lose right?” You asked him while still running hand in hand.
“What makes you think like that?” He turned towards you, “ I killed ‘em all on the other side.”
Before continuing his words, both of you were blocked by the groups of his men right in the middle of mansion grounds. When he was going to hand you over to them with the intention of taking you out safely, one of them firing the gun. The bullet grazed your upper right arms, made you fall onto your knees due to shock.
“Are you fucking out of your mind?!!” Mingi was furious at the sight, he bombard the remaining bullets he had to them without thinking, gunned them down one by one. However, he’s still out numbered. Whether he want it or not, he received multiple shots that pierced through his body. You almost gone crazy, seeing him so badly injured with your own eyes. It got to the point he couldn’t stand on his own feet anymore.
You stepped to the front, covering him in injured state while shooting them with your trembling left hand. Not too long, the strong wind hitting the ground while you’re still busying yourself in the gunfight, followed by the sound of helicopter blade getting closer. You squinted your eyes trying to see it clearly, then found a muscular man shooting his machine gun towards Mingi’s underlings, from inside of the helicopter.
“Step back! We’ll take over.” Yunho shouted, walking from your behind while pointing his gun at them.
Catching on the situation, you backed yourself out. Proceed to put Mingi’s arm around your shoulder then carried him to the safer place. You laid him down slowly, before starting to rip some part of your dress in attempt to stop his bleeding. Your tears fell right away in a moment he struggled to reach your cheek.
You hold his hand, “please don’t move too much, I tried my best to treat your wound okay?”
When you finished covered his wounds, his grip was weakened. You can’t think clearly at the moment, checking his heartbeat back and forth by pressing your ear on top of his chest. You tried to talk to him over and over, hoping he would stay conscious. Till there’s one time you couldn’t feel his breath anymore.
“No! please don’t leave me!” You cried out, crumbling apart, there’s no point to continue your life if he’s gone. Everything’s went silence as if there’s no gunfight going on in the background.
You decided to racked the slide of your gun, then pointing out under your chin. The tears keep running out of your eyes as you looked down to his body. You took a deep breath, then putting you finger to the trigger. Chanting his name in the whisper. After that, you didn’t felt anything as you went black out.
More than a week passed since that day, you’re sitting in front of his room with your bandaged arm. Luckily you’re immediately fainted right before pulling the trigger. If not, you wouldn’t know if Mingi is still alive until now. He woke up a few days ago after he went into short coma. His three brothers took turns looking after him, you don’t know the rest of their name but surely Yunho is one of them.
To be honest, you really wanted to scold him the second he woke up, but Yunho already done that, so you don’t need to.
“He’s looking for you.” Yunho said that to you before he left.
You knocked on the door, then stepping into Mingi’s room. He smiled at you as soon as you come closer towards his bed. Right now, he’s leaning against the headboard with his naked torso covered in the bandage, he looks much better than the last time you saw him. You sure have known for a long time how fit his body is. But not today, you felt something strange when you looked at his toned chest as if you want to run your fingertips through it.
“What’s wrong?” His voice interrupted your thoughts.
You shook your head in instant, “nothing.”
“C’mere.” He pulled you to sit next to him. Then brushing his hair back before he put his forehead into the nape of your neck. “Is it weird if I miss you this bad?”
You chuckled, starting to caress his hair gently. “No, you’re not. I feel the same way.”
“You do?” he’s still in the same position, mumbled his words.
“Yes I do, sir.”
He grunted while looking up at you. “Don’t call me sir.” His lips pressing against your ear, “call my name instead, okay sweetie?” He’s started to nibble your earlobe, flicking it using his tongue then tugging it between his teeth.
Biting your lower lips, you tried to hold the sensation of him sucking on your skin. You put your hand on his chest, which had been itching to touch it since your first step into his room. Teasing him a little bit more by trailing on every curved of his chest to his abdominal muscle with your second fingers. He groaned, while he’s still kissing on the side of your neck.
He talked between the kisses, “you know what, actually I want to devour you back in the casino.” He bite on your neck, “the way your plumped ass pressed on my cock.” He bite you again, “the way your delicate fingers touched my skin.” He bite you for the third time before whispering into your ear, “and of course, the way your lips slammed with mine.”
You turned to him, circling your hands to the back of his neck. Staring deep into his eyes, mouthing “I love you” then began to devour his lips passionately. He gave the same energy by parting your lips with his tongue, trying to collide it with yours. You moan between the kisses as he grope your butt to pick you onto his lap.
But really, this isn’t the stamina of someone who just woken up from a coma while still being injured here and there. You grinded on his clothed cock, feeling it growing hard on every stroke you made.
He parted out from the kiss only to see the aroused face of yours. The way your half lidded eye staring on him and how red is your flushed cheek, making him groan on the sight of it. He brought his hand to pull your skirt up, starting to teased your wet clothed clit using his thumb that moving in circle. You throw your head back while moaning out his name.
His other hand slightly choking on your throat while you still dry humping his cock erratically, all of it brought you to the cloud nine as you came in your panties, drenched it out to the core.
“Ah Mingi, stop!” You couldn’t resist your body to spasm after pinching your clit hard, he didn’t give you break to riding down your first orgasm. He’s satisfied at how messy you are right now, then giving you a quick kiss on your lips as a reward.
Didn’t want to lose, you started trailing kisses on his chest down to his stomach. And stopped right in front of his bulge, unbuttoning his pants, then letting it out sprung free. His cock is swollen hard and throbbing at every single touch you made. You looked up at him, feeling proud of yourself as he can’t do anything and only anticipating what will you do next.
You licked the tip of his hard member, twisting it between your tongue to the left and right, before sucking on it hard. Your hand started stroking the remaining length up and down, while you’re bobbing your head to bring it deeper touching to the back of your throat. He couldn’t help but groan loudly, while he grab your hair as it guide you to move faster. “I- I’m so close baby.” You could feel his cock is pulsing, then he shoot his load into your mouth.
Sticking out your tongue, you showed him that you took all of his cum then you swallowed it all the way. “Baby, ride my cock right away.” He cooed. You yanked your panties, and started to slide his cock slowly into your tight pussy. It’s unexpectedly big, that it's bulging out your lower belly everytime it hitting on your womb. At first you grinding it slowly, made him throwing his head back to the headboard. But after quite some time, he dig his fingers on your waist, thrusting his cock deeper and faster. You only cried out incoherent moan as he thrusting it frantically. Pain and pleasure becoming one, he gave one last hard thrust, before filled his cum into your pussy. You squirm and spasm as you feel his hot seed keep spurting in your womb.
He groaned, “that was so good.” Then tucked your hair behind your ear. While still sitting on his lap, you put your head on his shoulder trying to catch your breath.
“Baby..” he called you softly.
You still felt tired, didn’t budge at all in his arms. “Hmm?”
“I think my stitches are open.”
You immediately sat down to his side before seeing the blood seeping through his lower bandage. You shook your head. Ah, it looks like both of you have to be patient for quite some time, until Mingi recover completely.
Milan, 3 Years later.
“Mingi stop!” You pushed him while giggling at how ticklish he’s kissing you. He’s on top of you right now, planting kisses all over you neck, and leaving some mark on it.
You covered his mouth, this is your second attempt to stop him from attacking you. “Come on, there’s our babies around.” You sulking at him.
He back off easily every time you mention the kids. “Alright alright.” Then, he took a seat beside you obediently.
Mingi and you got a pair of twins right away after the marriage, now they’re almost two years old. Walking around the living room and playing with their toys.
Mingi decided to move out to the complete opposite of different continents after he recovered from the injuries. Leaving out the dangerous work and starting a new life with you instead. Sometimes he miss the old times. Just like right now, he’ll teasing you whenever remembered the piece memories of it.
“I can’t get it out of my mind the way you looked at me in those mansion.” He chuckled.
“What am I supposed to do? You’re dying, it’s not even funny.” You’re even more annoyed at him.
“It just, you don’t need to stain your hand by shooting those bastards to death.” He’s giving a serious looks on his face. “It was my biggest regret that I can’t protect you.”
You caress his cheek, “why? You’re doing your best and please stop blaming yourself.”
“It’s not like that, I want you to remain pure. So just let me bear all of your sin. I don’t want to drag you into the hell. An angel is supposed to be in heaven” He frowned, disappointed for all of the things that have been through.
You never know if he thinks about you like that, the sweet side of him never changed since the first time you met, he always save you no matter what happen.
You laughed, “I don’t want to stay in heaven by myself. Let me bring the heaven to you”
“Right, you always bring heaven to me though.” Shaking his head and starting to laugh too. He immediately stand up to approach the twins.
“Let’s wrap it up my prince and princess, it’s a nap time for you two.” He chase them around, which hating to take a nap.
You heard the doorbell rang, so you rushed to open the door.
“Oh Hello, Is Mr. Song at home?” A man who looks a little younger, looking for your husband.
“Wait a minute” You turned your back “Honey, there’s someone looking for you!” You’re going inside, taking his place to put your lovely twin babies to the bed.
Mingi walked towards the front door, fall silent for a moment, after looking at the figure who’s standing right in front of him. “Jongho?”
“Well, long time no see, brother.”
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disclaimer : this works didn't instigate any psychological deviation so please seeking the professional when you feel unwell. All of it is purely fiction and for entertaintment purpose only.
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babayagakeanu · 6 months
Dating a jealous John Constantine includes…
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Requested by a lovely anon, they asked for a jealousy!headcannon with our boy, John, and the reader is just a pure little ball of fluff.
John is an asshole, let’s face it, never to you, but to everyone else. He’s protective that way, keeps a long distance between him and everyone he meets, because his job requires him to. You, on the other hand, are his light in the darkness that surrounds him. One smile of your’s and John’s nerves go slack at one glance.
You’ve been dating for some time, in fact, in January it’ll be two years. Before John, you were a barista at a local coffee shop and stumbled upon him when you were attacked by a winged creature while walking to your car. John just happened to be the unlucky bastard to be there.
He was wrong. After saving your life, he looked at you, flushed cheeks stained with tears, eye’s bloodshot and wild, your h/c hair blowing wild in the wind and boy, was he stuck. Even in great terror, you remained beautiful.
It wasn’t long until you asked him out. Yes, you had to do it. It was months until he was able to hold your hand, and you were patient with him, still are. Every outburst, every fight, you never yelled, or shouted at him. Hell, your first fight was about you leaving a candle lit in the apartment while napping, and after you cried as he shouted at you, he knelt down and apologized, saying he was never going to treat you again like he just did.
John grew a lot within your relationship, he quit smoking, by your doing. You refused to kiss him after he smoked, and that started to get under his skin after a while, so he ditched the cigs and switched to nicotine patches.
John is a very jealous creature!! This man refuses to let go of you in public, always having a very protective arm casted around you as you walked the streets of your bustling city.
With you being so calm and pure, you were unaware of how beautiful you actually were. You had curves that drove John absolutely manic, and guys turned their heads at you all the time.
“If that dude keeps fucking looking at you, I’m gonna shoot him.”
“John, stop, you can’t walk around public saying you’re gonna shoot people!”
John let you wear what you wanted, but if men kept stealing glances and acting like peeping Tom’s, John would eventually make a show of putting his suit jacket around you, heart warming up at the sight of you in all black.
As we move into the sexier side of things, praise kink galoreeeee!
John loved praising you in bed, always coaxing you through your orgasm.
“My good girl is doing so well coming around my cock, you take me so good, baby.”
And his hands are constantly all over you, ass grabbing as he passes by you in the small kitchen, laying a hand on one of your breasts as you watch tv, John just loves you.
Jealousy sex would go crazy! His hips snapping into you as you lay on the kitchen table, breasted exposed out of the top you wore put that night, your mewls and whines playing like a broken record throughout the apartment.
“You think anyone can fuck you like I can?” His hands would definitely be around your neck, not choking you, but very much a possessive hold. “No way anyone could make my good girl cum like me, can they?” He asks, and he definitely has a sort of mocking tone to his voice. All you can do is nod as pleasure tears through your body, a loud cry of his name rattling the apartment.
To make a long story short, John may have his jealous ways, but somehow, you tamed the beast roaring inside him, and taught John how to properly love and be loved.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Reflections | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: alcoholism, toxic relationship dynamics, mentions/descriptions of smut (MDNI 18+ ONLY), angstangstangst, the crippling reality of being broke and in your twenties, an ambiguous ending! Up to your imagination what happens next :)
Word Count: 5026
A/N: For a lovely nonnie!! This fic hits close to home LMFAO as does the song the fic is inspired by. Not to call you out nonnie but tell me you’ve been in a situationship that ended horribly without telling me you’ve been in a situationship that ended horribly… lol. Anyway, i hope y’all enjoy this absolute angst cesspool of pre-season one Dean!! 
Songs of the fic ! (did anyone else’s exes listen to the trifecta of male manipulator music aka car seat headrest, cigs after sec, and the neighbourhood? bonus points if chase atlantic is thrown in there, too)
Reflections by the Neighbourhood
Casual by Chappell Roan
Working for the Knife by Mitski
It’s Only Sex by Car Seat Headrest
Cry by Cigarettes After Sex
Queue up your favorite music streaming service if you’d like, and have a wonderful read!
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Meeting Dean Winchester was among the more wonderful things that happened to you. After graduating from college, your life had been complete hell. Between non-stop job interviews, working shifts at a crappy restaurant job you’d had since sophomore year to be able to pay your rent, and a crumbling relationship with your family, you were drowning. Needing a night off, you decided to go out with a few of your friends. 
It was that night that you met Dean. As soon as you walked into the bar, he caught your eye. He was busy chatting with a pretty blonde with long, toned legs, but you hardly noted her. He was all muscle, tall, freckled, and had probably been sculpted by the gods. 
Men didn’t usually hold your attention. You were too busy and had too many previous relationships with frat boys and abusive idiots to worry about or focus on another one. Dean, however, was different. 
Through the night, you tried to just enjoy your time with your friends, but every piece of you was hoping that the beautiful stranger would come over and talk to you. And finally, finally, your silent prayer came true. 
His confidence was intimidating. Your friends all blushed and giggled when he approached, and your best friend pulled your other two girls away to another table to let you and Dean talk. 
“Your friend seems disappointed,” he said evenly. 
“In what?” you asked, a smile pulling at your lips. 
“That I’m talking to you and not her,” the man replied. 
Oh, god. You knew his type. You knew he’d be horrible for you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. “You’re very sure of yourself…” you trailed off, waiting for him to tell you his name. 
“Dean,” he told you. 
“Dean.” The name felt good rolling off your tongue. “Nice to meet you, Dean.”
“Trust me, pleasure’s all mine,” he replied. 
You rolled your eyes playfully. “You can drop the cheesy lines.”
Dean furrowed his eyebrows. 
“C’mon, you know exactly what I’m talking about,” you smirked, taking a sip of your beer.
“Most girls like ‘em,” he said, confidence unwavering. 
“Do you think I’m like most girls?” you asked, eyes challenging and lustful. 
“No,” he smirked. 
That night was officially marked in the calendar as the night you had the best sex of your life. Dean was incredibly giving in bed, and he wouldn’t let himself finish until you did. He knew when to be gentle and when to be rough with you, and you appreciated how attentive to your reactions he was. 
After that, Dean came over to your apartment every night for four days. And yet, you still knew very little about him. 
“Where ‘re you from, Dee?” you asked, sitting on the couch across from him with a beer in your hand. 
“Lawrence. In Kansas,” he replied shortly. Dean normally wasn’t as curt with you, and you knew you needed to press further into that.
“We’re a long way from Kansas, Toto,” you joked. “What’s got you out here?” 
“Eh, y’know. My brother’s off at Stanford, my dad’s a dick when he’s not around, and I just needed to get away for a bit,” Dean explained, shrugging. 
“Brother?” you asked. 
A smile spread across his face. “Yeah, uh, Sam’s his name. He’s in undergrad for law. His freshman year.”
“Oh, damn. He must be really smart, then,” you prompted. 
Dean nodded, still grinning. “Yeah, he is.”
“What about you?” you asked.
“What about me?” he replied, taking a sip of his beer. 
He shook his head. “Nah. Dropped out as soon as it was legal to.”
You snickered. 
“What about you? What are you doin’ out here?” Dean asked, sinking further into your couch. Even the way he sat emanated confidence. 
You sighed. 
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to upset you—”
You shook your head. “No, no! It’s okay. It’s just— It’s complicated.” Dean allowed you to collect your thoughts for a moment. “Went to school, got myself a degree, and I graduated last year. And now, I’m barely keeping myself afloat. Applied to tons of places, got interviews at some, and all of ‘em fell through.”
“Oh,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
You shrugged, taking a deep breath. “It’s alright. I’m sure every new grad goes through this shit.”
“What about your family?” Dean asked you. “You close with them?”
You scoffed. “All of them can suck my dick.”
Dean chuckled, clearly caught off-guard. “Jesus. That bad?”
“Absolutely.” You stretched and put your empty beer bottle down on the coffee table. “Life’s not all bad, though.”
“Oh?” Dean prompted. 
“I met you, didn’t I?” you smiled lopsidedly. 
The man chuckled but said nothing. 
Immediately, you felt embarrassed. “Sorry, I— I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable if I did. I know we’re just hooking up, and—”
Dean shook his head. “No, no. It’s okay. Just… I wanna be upfront with you. I’m just rolling through. I’m never gonna be in one place for long.”
Your heart sank. “Oh.”
“It’s nothing against you, trust me. You’re—” Dean cut himself off, sighing. He sat up fully, put his beer down, and turned to face you. “Trust me. It’s not you.” He put his hand over yours, making you look up at him. 
‘Damn his gorgeous face,’ you thought. You would never be able to stay angry with him for too long. You surged forward and pressed his lips to yours, pushing him down on the couch. 
If you couldn’t have anything else with Dean, you were going to have sex with him as much as humanly possible. Slowly but surely, he was giving you indications that he was forming feelings for you, too. 
Dean started staying the night around a week into the two of you hooking up. You were pleasantly surprised when he’d hold you while you slept, too. The sex became more passionate as opposed to rough and hard, even though you thoroughly enjoyed both. He asked you questions about your upbringing and your job, and was giving you every signal that he was interested in you for more than just sex. 
And then, he disappeared. You called him several times, but you never got an answer. To say you were crushed was an understatement. 
Even though you’d only known Dean for three weeks, you were falling hard for him. He had an effect on you that no one else did. Dean was kind, compassionate, funny, smart, and although immature at times, he had all the makings of a wonderful man and partner. And just like that, he left. No word, no note— nothing. Just the night before he was telling you how glad he was that he met you. Maybe that should have been a sign that something was wrong, but you supposed hindsight was 20/20. 
At work that day, you were a complete mess of smudged eyeliner, knotted hair pulled back in a claw clip, and puffy eyes from crying. 
“You good, (Y/N/N)?” one of your coworkers asked when she found you on your smoke break. 
The cigarette trembled between your fingers, and tears poured down your cheeks. Your only response was a frantic head nod. 
She gave you a deadpan look. “What’s wrong?” she asked. 
Holding the cigarette away from your face, you scrubbed your hand over your eyes. “Just this fucking guy.”
She grimaced, sucking in air through her teeth. “Shit. That’ll do it.”
“Yeah,” you sniffed. “On top of everything else that’s fucking falling apart in my life, I thought—” you cut yourself off, sighing. “Whatever. He’s a dick.” You took in a deep breath, trying to steel your nerves, and took a puff of your cigarette. You let out all the air and smoke from your lungs and turned to face your friend. “I gotta get back. I’m sure table twenty-five needs another fucking bucket of Michelob.” Having smoked almost the entire cigarette, you dropped it on the ground and stomped out the remaining embers.
Your coworker laughed as you opened the back door to the kitchen for her. “Let me know if you need anything,” she told you. 
Nodding, you smiled in thanks for her kindness.
Truthfully, you were drowning. Bills just kept piling up, two more job applications had fallen through, and the restaurant had been slowing down on the weekdays steadily since summer ended. Tips were shitty, and your situation had gotten so bad, you’d need to start working a second job and taking the bus to work. If you couldn’t find a second job or a job your degree suited soon, you were screwed.
After yet another fight with your parents over how much of a screw-up you were in comparison to your brother and sister, you were done. You needed something to numb the world out. None of your friends were able to go out, seeing as it was a weeknight, and they all had “real” jobs. 
And so, you sat on your couch and drank alone. You didn’t want to run up your power bill any more than it would already be this month, so you sat in silence with candles lit as you drank. Your logical mind knew this was a horrible idea— combining emotional exhaustion, fire hazards, and alcohol— but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Your next late-night escapade with drinking came when you discovered you could numb out the feeling of being hungry with alcohol. The fridge and pantry were virtually empty, and you hadn’t had enough time or spare change to go to the grocery store after barely scraping by on rent and your bills the week prior. 
Drinking also helped you to sleep through breakfast, so the only time you really needed to eat was lunch before going to work. You’d stopped responding to your friends’ texts, and your routine didn’t consist of anything aside from working, drinking, and applying to jobs. 
The weeks droned by, and despite the chaos in your life, your thoughts were still of Dean. Why did he have so much power over you? You didn’t even really know him, and here you were, a complete fucking mess because he left without a word. You knew you couldn’t have been in love with him; maybe infatuation was a better way to describe your feelings for him. 
Finally, your friend, Melanie, came over to drag you out of your misery. She did your hair and makeup, forced you to eat something, and brought you out on a Saturday night with your friend group. Her kindness was very much appreciated, and you thanked her profusely for it. 
Your night out with your friends relit a bit of a fire in you. What kept you on even more of a high note was the interview you had a few days later at a bar. It had gone incredibly well, and the manager told you to expect a call very soon. Hope filled your chest at the thought of being able to have more than just a few cents left in your pocket after the monthly billing period. 
You’d done it. You got the job! Your friends took you out once again as a celebration, and you felt like you were finally getting back to your old self. However, that was when your friends noticed something was wrong. You’d never been the friend to get blackout drunk; you were always holding your friends’ hair back while they threw up in the bathroom. And yet, you were as sloppily drunk as ever. 
The next thing to catch their attention was you stumbling over to them with a seemingly arrogant prick’s arm around you. 
“Guys,” you swallowed, “guys! This is…” you trailed off, not exactly sure what his name was. “Sorry, handsome, what’s your name?”
That was when another of your friends, Syriah, pulled you aside and away from the man. “(Y/N), what is wrong with you?” she asked. 
Your eyes were immediately dewey. “What? What’d I do wrong?”
“Babe, you’re all over the place. What’s happening to you?” she asked compassionately, steadying you with her hands on your shoulders. 
Tears slipped down your cheeks. “I don’t know,” you said earnestly, collapsing onto her shoulder when she pulled you into a tight hug. “I don’t like how this feels, Riah.”
She petted your hair and just held you against her. “Look, I’ll get you a cab. We just need to get you home safe, okay?”
You nodded into her shoulder, still hiccuping. 
Once you got back to your apartment, you flopped down across the couch. Against your better judgment, you called Dean. Of course, he didn’t answer, so you left a voicemail. “Hey! Hi, Dee.” Your voice sounded funny because your cheek was pressed against your couch, and you laughed at yourself. “Sorry for calling, I, um—” you swallowed harshly, “I just miss you. A lot. And I don’t know why. ‘Cause I kinda hate you for leaving me, y’know? Like, what the— what the fuck is wrong with you? I’m a catch, okay.” You paused, hiccuping. “And another thing, it’s rude to leave without saying anything. I thought we were better friends than just fuck buddies. Why wouldn’t you— why wouldn’t you say something? Anything?” Sniffles and tears escaped you. “You suck, okay? But also, I miss your dick. Bring it back, okay? But fuck you.” And then, you hung up. 
Thankfully, you woke up just in time the next day to get to your new job for training. You looked like a complete trainwreck, but you did your best to smooth out your hair and conceal the bags under your eyes on the bus ride there. 
You went about working absentmindedly and did your best to smile and joke around with your trainer. After an exhausting day with little time to recount the events of the night before, you went back to your apartment to catch up on sleep. However, your nighttime routine was interrupted by frantic knocks on your door. 
“Alright, alright I’m—” You cut yourself off, mouth going slack when you found Dean standing in front of your apartment. 
“Dean?” you breathed out. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he smirked awkwardly. 
You suddenly snapped yourself out of your surprise and became incredibly angry. “You have a lot of fucking nerve showing up here, do you know that? What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. Can we— Can we just talk, please?”
“Why should I even give you the time of day?!” you snarked incredulously. 
“ ‘Cause you told me you miss me. And my dick,” he tried to charm you. 
You scoffed. “What?! No, I didn’t.”
He clicked his tongue. “Yeah, you did. In your voicemail last night.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach as you remembered flashes of leaving that horrifically embarrassing voicemail. “Oh, fuck.” You dropped your face toward the floor, pinching your temples and thinking. “You’ve got five minutes,” you finally told Dean, letting him into your apartment. 
“Look,” Dean began while you closed the door behind him, “I didn’t wanna leave.”
You scoffed again. 
“I know. But I had to,” he explained. 
“Why?” you asked. “If you had to leave, fine, but why couldn’t you at least call me back?”
“Because this isn’t good! For either of us,” he responded, voice rising slightly. 
“Why?!” you pressed. “And what gives you the right to make that decision for me?!”
“Because I can’t give you what you want!” Dean argued. “I can’t stay for longer than a few weeks at a time. I can’t. And I can’t tell you why. And I’m making that decision because I know you won’t make that decision for yourself.” 
“You don’t know me, Dean! We hooked up, for like, two fucking weeks!” you laughed incredulously. “I am perfectly capable of making decisions for myself, thank you!”
“I do know you. God, we are so much alike, and that’s just another reason why we don’t fucking work,” he responded. Then, Dean’s voice quieted considerably. “And, sweetheart, it’s not that I don’t want you. ‘Cause I do.”
“But we can’t see each other. ‘Cause you’ll just leave again,” you nodded, hugging yourself protectively. 
Dean nodded, his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry I left like I did.”
“I’m sorry I called you,” you told him. 
He shook his head, eyes still fixed to the floor. “Don’t be.” Tears began to cloud your vision, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. “What are you still doing here, Dean?”
He didn’t respond for a moment. When he finally spoke, your breath caught in your throat. “I don’t wanna leave you.”
The next thing you knew, his lips were on yours. Through the rest of the night, the two of you apologized and made up and apologized again with deep kisses, your bodies connecting, and words murmured through shuddering breaths. 
To your surprise, Dean was still in your bed the next morning with his arms wrapped around you. As much as you were angry at him for a little over two months, the night you shared and words you exchanged had you forgiving him easily. 
He hummed, alerting you that he was awake, before promptly pulling you closer to him and burying his face in your neck. You giggled as Dean’s breath tickled your neck, and he peppered kisses against your skin.
“Mornin’,” his deep voice rumbled against you. 
“Mm, morning,” you replied, a smile stretching across your face. You bit your lip, and you tugged at Dean’s hair while he sucked a dark mark onto your collar bone. “I better be able to cover that up with my work uniform, or I swear to god, asshole—”
“It’ll be fine,” Dean replied, kissing your collarbone. “You got work today?”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “New job.”
“Oh, wow! Good for you,” he told you, picking his face up from your neck. 
“Eh, just another gig to make ends meet. Bar this time, though.”
“And the other one you work at’s a—”
“—restaurant, right.” 
You smiled at the fact that he remembered. “I’m working, like, fifty hours a week, now. But I gotta keep my lights on, y’know?”
“Jesus, that’s a lot,” Dean grimaced.
“What about you? You never told me what you do for work,” you told him. 
“I don’t,” he replied quickly.
“Oh, god. Just what every girl wants to hear,” you joked. 
Dean chuckled. “My dad’s settin’ me up to take over the family business since Sammy’s off to be a lawyer, or whatever.”
“Family business?” you prompted, hoping he’d explain a little bit more. 
“Yeah,” he responded. You could tell he was dodging your question, but you wouldn’t make him talk if he didn’t want to. “For now, I’m just road-trippin’. Makin’ the most of my youth.”
“Well, I don’t know that hangin’ out with a girl like me is ‘making the most of your youth’,” you joked. 
“What?” he replied. “You’re awesome, what are you talking about?”
You shrugged, getting out of your bed. Dean’s eyes followed you as you moved around your room trying to get yourself ready for the work day ahead. “I mean, I ain’t got much. Two bucks to my name, a useless ass college degree, fifty-thousand dollars in debt, and two siblings with a long list of accolades that make me look like literal sewer trash in comparison.”
Dean nodded. “In case you haven’t noticed, sweetheart, I’m pretty much in the same boat.”
You turned to him while you brushed your hair, struck by his words. “Yeah,” you nodded. “I guess you are.” A smile began to tug at your lips. “Makes me feel a little better knowing I’m not the only disappointment to their bloodline out there.”
Dean laughed. “Amen to that.” He then noticed the bottle of beer you’d pulled from the fridge across the small studio apartment from his position on the bed. “Whoa. Little early for that, isn’t it?”
You shrugged, “It’s five o’clock somewhere, I guess,” and took a large swig. 
That day at work had been okay, and you were exhausted when you got back to your apartment. Dean was coming over, but you told him ahead of time that there would be no sex happening since you needed to get up early the next day. He’d given a petulant yet funny response but seemed eager to get over to you. 
And that was how your routine continued for a few days.  He would come over after you got off work, you’d have sex, rinse, and repeat. Then, after a particularly rough day, Dean found you indulging in the binge drinking habit you’d adopted. 
He burst through the door to your apartment concerned only to find you watching the television with a beer in your hand. “Holy shit, (Y/N), why the fuck didn’t you answer?” Dean then seemed to notice the several empty bottles on your coffee table. 
“I just didn’t wanna talk tonight, Dean, take the fucking hint,” you grumbled before finishing off the bottle in your hands. 
“Okay, you’re cut off,” he told you, trying to help you up from the couch. 
You jerked your arm away from him. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Dean seemed angry, but his expression melted into something else. “How long has this been goin’ on?”
You scoffed. “Why do you care?” The words came out slurred. “You’re not my boyfriend or anything.”
“Dammit, (Y/N), that shouldn’t matter,” Dean insisted. “You know this isn’t good for you, right?”
A laugh escaped you. “You said the same thing about you, and you’re still here, aren’t you?”
That caught Dean off-guard, and he was silent, for once. 
“Just go away, Dean,” you said quietly. 
And he did. 
The next day, you were horrified by your actions. You called Dean once; no answer. The second time you called, there was still no answer, but you left a voicemail. “Dean? Dean, I’m so sorry. I— I remember what I said to you last night. God, that was fucking horrible of me. Please come back. I’m so sorry. I’ll, uh, I’ll talk to you later, please?” You hung up, running a hand through your hair. 
You did the only thing you could think to do in the moment and pulled out another beer. Your tolerance had certainly increased since you started binge drinking, and a bottle in the morning had become the equivalent to a cup of coffee. 
Against your better judgment, you called out of work. You needed the money from both shifts you were scheduled for today, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go in. 
Finally, Dean called back. 
“Dean!” you squeaked as soon as you answered the phone. “God, I’m so sorry—”
“I know you are,” he told you. The silence between you was thick; neither of you completely sure what to say. “How long you been actin’ like Lebowski?”
That actually made you laugh despite the perhaps tone-deaf nature of the joke. “Meh, I’ve always liked to drink.” You considered your next words carefully. “It, uh, it started after you left.”
Silence encapsulated the two of you again. 
“I’m so sorry,” was all Dean could say to you. 
“No, no no!” you said. “It’s not your fault. I’m just a fucking mess, ‘s all.”
“Yeah, but if I would’ve picked up the fucking phone—”
“Dean,” you asserted. “It’s not your fault.”
He sighed heavily. “I’ll be over later, okay?”
You took the day to try and get yourself together a bit. By the time Dean arrived, the apartment was sparkling, the empty beer bottles were picked up, and your hair and face had been washed. 
Dean smirked lopsidedly when he noticed the work you’d been doing. “Good for you, sweetheart.”
That night, it was taking both you and Dean much longer than usual to fall asleep. 
“What’s on your mind?” you asked him quietly. 
“I’m not a good person, (Y/N),” he said, voice barely above a whisper. 
“What?” you asked, putting your hand on the side of his face. However, he wouldn’t turn it up to look at you. “How could you say that?”
“I shouldn’t have left you,” he said. 
“Dean, we already talked about this—”
“No,” he cut you off. “I meant last night.”
“Oh,” you replied, stomach flipping.
“I shouldn’t have left you like that,” Dean reiterated. “I just— I got so angry. ‘Cause you’re right. I’m not good for you. And it’s selfish of me to keep you on the hook like this.”
You felt your heart cracking in your chest. “Dean, I have no idea what we are or what we’ve been doing, but…”
“I know,” he said. “I care about you a lot, too.”
“But we’re not good for each other,” you admitted quietly. “I can’t— I can’t be what you deserve.” You swallowed harshly, tears brimming your eyes. “I’ve got too much shit going on. I can’t—”
Dean cut you off again. “I know,” he said, seeming like he was crying, too. “And I’m gonna have to keep leaving. And I don’t wanna leave. I don’t— I don’t know how to be alone.” Dean’s admission broke your heart, and you grabbed his hand. “I can’t give you a relationship. There’s just— There’s no room in my life for that.”
Your lip was trembling, but you tried your best to force your next words out. “It’s okay,” you said, even though it definitely didn’t feel okay. 
“I don’t wanna just keep having sex while you’re in the state you’re in,” Dean continued. “That’s not fair to you.”
You nodded. “Thank you.”
He snorted, caught off-guard. “What?”
“Thank you. ‘Cause I wouldn’t have been able to tell you to go,” you said. “You were right.”
“I know you, (Y/N). I see too much of myself in you,” he admitted. “And I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too.” 
A long moment passed between the two of you, the only noise coming from the window unit in your apartment.
“I’ll be gone when you wake up,” Dean told you, holding you against him. 
As much as your heart was breaking, you stayed resting against Dean’s chest, the rising and falling of it soothing you to sleep. 
When the sunlight streamed through the curtains and hit your eyes, you realized Dean followed through with his promise.
Four years went by. The first one had dragged as you healed yourself from your addiction and the loss of Dean. Admittedly, you’d tried several times to get in contact with him, but the number had been disconnected. The next year, you began to feel happy again. You’d gotten a steady job, had tons of alcohol-free fun with your friends, and generally had a more positive outlook on life. 
That third year, though, your life would change forever. The world of monsters, spirits, and demons was unveiled to you when your sister was found dead. The police arrested her husband since your mother had told them the couple had been having problems in the months leading up to her death, but you knew your brother-in-law wouldn’t do that. Everyone insisted you were just in denial, but your gut told you there was something else going on. 
The way she died raised red flags for you, too. It almost looked like she’d been mauled by an animal, and some of her organs were missing. Her husband was a relatively stable person; no way was he capable of something like that. And if he was, where were her organs? Why would he have left her on the living room floor in a pool of her own blood? Why did he call the cops himself? Nothing was adding up in your mind. 
As any person desperate for answers would, you turned to a psychic. She introduced you to the idea that your sister had died being attacked by a werewolf. At first, you laughed, insisting she was crazy. When all the evidence was presented to you, though, it was the only explanation that made sense. 
From that moment forward, you trained and researched relentlessly to try your hand at hunting. You knew that going it alone would be dangerous, but there wasn’t exactly anyone else in your life you could talk to about what you knew. 
The day after you met with the medium, you abandoned your apartment, cell phone, laptop, and car, and hit the road. 
A year into your new life of motel rooms and gas station dinners between ghost hunts, your job brought you to Wisconsin where a college athlete drowned in a lake outside her home. You’d already interviewed the girl’s father and brother as well as the local police chief that morning. Around one o’clock, you were starving and headed out of your room to get some lunch. 
When you rounded the corner of the building to head to your car parked in the front lot, you slammed into a wall of solid muscle. The man grunted, as did you. 
“Oh my god, I’m so—” you cut yourself off when you realized who you were looking at. 
“(Y/N)?” he breathed out. 
“Hi, Dean.”
Forever taglist is open! :)
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persephonesdreams21 · 4 months
NSFW Alphabet with Kyle
A/N: So like, I’ve had this in my drafts forever and I finally got around to tidying it up(sort of) and finishing it. In a perfect world where I had free time, I’d love to do headcannons for all of Timmy’s characters. In reality I’ll probably only get a few more in,
Warnings: NSFW. Smut- def talks of dom/sub undertones and just generally horny themes. I mean, the title is very self explanatory. Kyle x AFAB! Reader
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After Care(what they're like after sex):
The first time you have sex with Kyle, aftercare isn’t a practice he’s ever partook in. He comes and makes you come and then is ready to pop a cigarette in his mouth and call it a night.
This rubs you all the way wrong.
Has you wobbling out of bed and pulling on your clothes in a furious, flustered silence.
“What are you doing- hey. Y/N. What the hell?” He watches you, big green eyes accusatory as you prepare to leave. Your steps shaky and uncoordinated. He hadn’t exactly gone easy on you. “Sit down, you can barely walk”
“Like you care” you scoff. “it’s fine, I’m just gonna go”
He sighs, not one for dramatics that aren’t his own. “You’re gonna hurt yourself”
“I’m not some random piece of ass that you can screw and discard, Kyle. Fuck you very much for thinking so” your words are venomous and sharp, but your bottom lip is wobbling. Your eyes are stormy and still slightly unfocused and woah.
Holy shit. He’s a douchebag but he’s not an idiot. He spends way too much time online and he’s able to put together what’s going on pretty damn quick.
You’re dropping.
He can’t let you leave like this. Hell, you shouldn’t be up from bed much less driving in this state..
Kyle doesn’t do aftercare, we’ll at least he hadn’t before.
It’s all kind of clunky, him bullying your purse from your weak hands and batting away any resistance. Him sitting you on the edge of his bed and leaving, just long enough, to return with a glass of water and a stray granola bar. He sits close by, hovering. His hand a solid, but silent comfort on your thigh.
You don’t cry, won’t in front of him, but god do you want to.
You end up stripped back down to your panties and under his plaid comforter once he deems you hydrated enough.
He still smokes his after-sex cig, but this time he has you tucked into his side. Your cheek smushed to his chest as he puffs on nicotine. The fingers of his free hand dancing along the skin of your back.
He’d deny it, but he’s a sucker for aftercare now.
Body Part)their fave body part of theirs, and of their partners
Kyle likes his height. He enjoys towering over crowds, being the tallest person in the room. It makes him feel strong(and like when he was little he was a shrimp- he had a late growth spurt in 9th grade)
Kyle likes your hands. They’re all teeny and delicate and he tends to play with your fingers absentmindedly. He also likes the pudge on your sides. They’re called love handles for a reason. Any time he reaches for them you screech and shy away but like. That doesn’t stop him ever.
Cum(anything to do with it)
He’s the first man to ever make you squirt and yeah, that goes to his head a little bit. He’ll finger fuck you until youre sobbing and clawing at his arms, whimpering at the mess that he seems to love.
Dirty Secret(self explanatory)
He’s a panty thief. Will literally steal your panties and keep them(and sniff them, often). You complain about it, because he’s such a weirdo and because cute underwear can get expensive! He doesn’t care.
Experience(how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
For how much sex he’s had he lowkey wasn’t great at it when you guys started fooling around. Or maybe it’s that he never cared- to get good at getting his partner off. Kyle is a selfish lover. You def teach him all the tricks in your book on how to make you feel good. And once that boy knows? He KNOWS. He’s able to flip you over and make you come in two minutes flat.
Favorite Position(this goes without saying)
Kyle loves doggy. He wants you bent over, unable to do anything but take him. Also partial to reverse cowgirl.
Goofy(are they more serious in the moment? Are they goofy?)
He is soooo serious it’s almost laughable. He gets offended when you laugh at the smoldering look on his face while he fucks you. It makes you nervous- you can’t help but giggle.
Hair(how well groomed they are)
Very well groomed. Neatly trimmed. He can’t pretend he doesn’t care about societal norms all he wants, Kyle is a total preener and loves taking care of his appearance. I mean, look at his hair. You just know it takes him a ridiculous amount of time to do in the morning.
Intimacy(how they are during the moment? The romantic aspect)
At first- intimacy isnt even in Kyles vocabulary. He doesnt know how, he doesnt understand it. It makes him feel awkward as hell. Slowly but surely as your relationship developes he starts to crave it. He wants you to stare into his eyes while you ride him, your fingers interlocked. Its tantric. Addicting.
Jack Off(masturbation headcanon)
Porn addict. All conspiracy obsessed, internet surfing boys are. He loves reading Manga and watching anime porn. You’ll indulge him and watch it with him sometimes.
“Hey, I have a toy that looks just like that!” You make the offhanded comment as the two of you watch an animated girl with big tits in a school uniform getting railed by a tentacle monster.
You’re immersed in the video. The raunchy sounds of high pitched squealing and skin slapping fill the quiet room. The blinds are drawn and the two of you lie cuddled together in his bed.
Kyle stares at you. His brain short circuiting.
You’d said it so casually. You have a toy- that looks just like the giant tentacle on his computer screen.
“You’re lying” he deadpans and it makes you giggle.
“Maybe one day I’ll show you” you shrug and like. What the fuck. Where did you even come from?
When you send him a short video of a pink glass tentacle dildo sliding in and stretching your wet hole…well let’s say that he doesn’t have to turn to his anime porn for spank bank material anymore.
Kink(one or more of their kinks)
Kyle loves overstimulation and edging. Both him doing it to you and you doing it to him. Like full on tears, shaking, emotional breakdowns, orgasms that are so good they hurt. Ugh. It’s his favorite.
Location(favorite places to do the do?)
Anywhere. Although, he def has a thing for sliding inside of you after a show. The adrenaline of playing live still coursing through his veins as he crowds you into the handicapped stall of some grimy venue bathroom and fucks you raw, his jeans around his ankles.
Motivation(what turns them on? Get’s them going?)
He loves it when you’re jealous. He's not ignorant to the way that women(and men tbh) look at him. React to him. It's always been this way, really it doesn't phase him anymore.
But you? You hate that shit.
You hate the way you can be holding his hand, and still girls will come up to him. Wink at him from across the room, waitresses leaving their phone numbers on napkins. Its maddening,
Kyle reassures you with words, with kisses and promises. He’s yours. He isn't interested in wasting energy on any of them. You're his only girl.
Still, the way you stake your claim makes him feral. When you suck bruises into his throat or wrap your arms around his waist. Don't even get him started on the time that you threw a drink in that girls face at that one party(she’d told Kyle he had like, the best hair, and reached for his dark curls. Her hand never even made it close) its just so hot. Knowing that you want him that much,
No(something they wouldn't do? Turns off’s)
So he likes it when you’re jealous, right? But you making him jealous? Is completely off the table. He will, and has, freaked out about it. He could never do threesomes or any kind of group play, he’d lose his shit.
Oral(preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc?
Kyle loves getting head. “Selfish lover alert”. It’s a chore you’re happy to perform, you love suckling at his big cock. Playing with his pink tip-
But like. He also enjoys going down on you. When the two of you first started sleeping together, you were really self conscious about it. Something about your shitty ex not liking the mess. Which like, he’ll never understand.
Your pussy is so gorgeous. All puffy and pretty for him, swollen and sopping wet. Hes such a tease with his quick tongue and little kisses. It’s not until you’re writhing and begging and forcing his dark haired head deeper that he really goes to town.
Pace(are they fast and rough, slow and sensual?)
The mans good with his hips, it's the musician in him. He has rhythm. But he is still just a young man, and he does end up getting sloppy and messy towards the end. Chasing his high like a mad man
Quickie(their opinions on quickies, how often?)
Loves a good quickie- but you’re not a huge fan. He’s very good at convincing you though, at dragging you into dark corners and palming at your body through your clothes.
Risk(are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?)
Yup, he loves that shit. He's such an exhibitionist You warn him that it is in fact, illegal. That public indecency can end in heavy fines, “The sex offenders list, Ky! I’m serious!”
But like, you always end up caving. Letting him fuck your brains out in his car. Spreading your legs when he reaches under the restaurant table, his fingers grazing your soft inner thigh, playing with your clit through your panties. If you wore a skirt for easy access…well thats your own business.
Stamina(how many rounds can they go? How long can they last?)
He’s a lazy little thing, I just know it. You get a couple rounds out of him and then he’s laying back and demanding you ride him, your turn to do the work.
“You’re my pillow princess, huh, baby?” you purr as you climb ontop of him, rubbing your wet slit along his flagging erection. You know he’ll get back to full hardness soon enough.
For now, he lies back, hands behind his head. Lounging, barley awake, his long eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks. You give his plump lips a wet smack and they twitch up in amusement.
“Princess? Whatever” He sasses, feigning offense. Even as he lets you do all the work, reaching between your own legs to fist at his cock, leading the head to your waiting hole.
“Prince then” you smile as you sink down and he groans, the veins in his neck straining as he throws his head back into the soft down pillows. He’s more than happy to let you do all the work.
Toys(do they own toys? Will they use them?)
He’s bleh about them. I think he’s inquisitive by nature, and likes to think of himself as explorative but like- he doesn't want anything but his cock filling you and making you feel good. He does enjoy watching you use them on yourself,
Unfair(how much they like to tease)
He is the absolute WORST tease. He loves riling you up. It makes him so hot, the way he can get you so desperate for him.
Volume(how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc)
Kyle’s a quiet lover, he grits his teeth and lets out long sighs You love getting him to crack, making him moan and writhe and gasp.
X-Ray(let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I’d hate to say this because he already has a massive ego, but he has a pretty big dick too. Maybe right above garage. 7 inches. Long, but heavy.
Yearning(how high is their sex drive?)
When he wants it- he NEEDS it. Like. He’s very dramatic and takes high offense to you withholding yourself from him. Its as annoying as it is flattering.
Zzz(how quickly they fall asleep after)
He’s knocked the FUCK out. Quickly. This man has fallen asleep with his softening cock still inside of you. He’s your big baby and once he’s drunk on your kisses hes a goner.
“Your pussy’s better than indica, baby” he tells you once, only half joking and you snort and hit him square in the face with the nearest pillow.
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heartz4shauna · 3 months
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my kink is karma.
word count: crickets..
warnings: nat cheats. mentions of lottienat. angst. she/her pronouns used for reader and nat. mentions of sex. swearing. making out. super light smut. probably ooc. not proofread.
don’t like it? don’t read it.
tags: @ludupedia @butterfliesandivy @thankynext
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natalie and you are dating! well, were dating.
your whole relationship kinda collapsed when she left the state for nationals. you kept asking to go with her to support her but she refused, telling you how lottie, a girl on her soccer teams parents couldn’t afford it. bullshit. you’ve seen the shit lottie rolls up to school in. prada, chanel, the whole works. they couldn’t afford one extra seat? yeah right.
the whole time natalie was away you tried calling her, calling the hotel she and the team were supposed to be staying at, only for a blatant receptionist to tell you there was no one saying there under the name, as she said it, annalee scatario, whoever that was.
she confessed to you when she came home that she and lottie had, to put it bluntly, fucked. jesus. it was a lot for your poor heart at the time. you two had been intimate before, you thought it was something you did. or maybe didn’t do. “was i not good enough? was she better? was there something else i could’ve done?” you asked pleadingly, your eyes watering. she just looked at you and shook her head, “it’s not that.”
you truly thought you and nat had a connection. true, you felt like that with every little crush you had since you were nine, but, she was your first relationship. your first love. your first what you thought was love.
it was hard for you to get over her, of course, having to see her almost every day in your classes. having to sit beside her in classes, damned with an ‘S’ lastname.
she’d glance at you during class and, the odd time, she’d try to talk to you. “hey, look. i’m sorry for… what i did. are we cool?” you’d just look back at her and tense your jaw, that’ll show her.
you started seeing more of lottie and nat together and it made you boil with anger- no. jealousy. that’s what it was.
your whole life wasn’t great. you grew up in the same trailer park as natalie, and that’s how you got to know each other. your mom wasn’t around all that much, working multiple jobs to support you and your siblings and your dad wasn’t in the picture. she’d listen to you when you had to complain and you’d do the same for her. you cried in each others arms some nights. connection.
but, lottie? what was she to cry about? she had parents, both parents, drowning in money, choking on their wealth. she was pretty and got good grades, she played soccer. everything in her life was perfect, you thought. they should just have each other, the princess and the stable boy.
after the initial shock of the breakup, you started to pick yourself up again. instead of staying focused in class, you’d skip class, just how you always did with nat. you waltzed into the bathroom, backpack on your bag and leaped into one of the stalls, glad to be almost back to your regular self.
you threw yourself onto the toilet with a sigh, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of your backpack that was perched on your knee. you took out a cig and lit it, putting it to your lips.
just as you were about to take a puff, two pairs of shoes stomped into the stall next to you. “god, natalie. why didn’t you tell me you two were serious?” oh my god, it’s lottie. is she.. talking about you? you heard a sigh and a chuckle. okay, that’s natalie. lottie and nat. they’re both talking about you. right next to you.
“lottie,” natalie drawled, “we’re over now. she doesn’t matter,” she chuckled out. rude. lottie sounded as if she was about to cry, “i’m a home wrecker, natalie. oh my god! i wouldn’t have even came into your room if i had have known.”
you couldn’t begin to believe what you were hearing. lottie was.. being kind? to you of all people? wow.
“lottie! we’re not together anymore, yeah? you don’t need to worry about her, i’m sure she’s already fucking someone else,” natalie reassured her, chuckling. what the fuck? already fucking someone else? that’s not very ‘i feel like i can only be myself around you’ of her. not very ‘i only want you’ of her.
you raised the cig to your lips and took a puff, feeling yourself become genuinely interested in what the pair had to say about you.
you could practically hear lottie roll her eyes before she stormed out of the bathroom. you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, as well as an earth shaking cough. unfortunately for you, natalie heard it.
“who’s in there?” she called out. you kept your mouth shut, barely breathing. she continued, “if you know who.. we were talking about, don’t tell her. please.” you allowed your voice to go as deep as it could and spoke loudly, “yes! i have no idea who you are talking about! good luck with that though. ha! women, am i right!” natalie chuckled awkwardly, “ha, yeah..”
she left the bathroom and you felt yourself tear up slightly. already fucking someone else. who does she think you are? you wiped your tears and took a deep breath, finishing off your cigarette.
a few weeks after that.. interaction, you noticed lottie and natalie hanging out a lot less than before. they wouldn’t even sit next to each other at lunch. yeah, okay, granted nat did skip lunch every other day to go bum cigarettes from the other goths in school. but, you’d seen them together at lunch often. sitting opposite each other and giggling, it made you sick.
but now, lucky for you, they were hanging out less. which in all honesty made you jump up and down and shoot your fist in the air.
you thought that maybe they broke up? if you’d even call it that. a fuck up? basically, they stopped hanging out and only really talked when they needed to. for example; whilst playing soccer or if they were partners on an assignment.
you noticed lottie becoming a lot more like you knew her before. she was back to that popular pretty rich girl and less like the girl who was trying to defend you in the bathroom. you were fine with it, you never cared for her much. but natalie on the other hand, she was a mess.
i mean, going through two break ups in the same.. what? month? must be rough. you felt bad for her, just a little. even after what she said in the bathroom. maybe it was her way of coping? making jokes of everything. that’s what she normally did anyway. but you knew what she actually felt on the inside.
you both used to walk home together after school, you’d wait for her after practice after you finished study. now, you two stood on opposite side of the street, natalie giving you glances every few steps.
finally getting back home, you knocked on your door, “dipshit! open the door!” dipshit was a common name you used for your siblings. you could hear one of them groan and stumble over to the door, pulling it open, “hello.” “hi,” you greeted, shoving your way into the trailer. natalie took one last look at you before she walked into her home.
natalie had been planning this for days. trying to work it out in her head how she would make it up to you. she regretted, deeply, sleeping with lottie. she did love you, she did, she just got caught up in the moment, apparently. then it all fell apart with lottie and now it was her turn to be sad.
what was her plan exactly? okay. so, it wasn’t clear to her. she knew what she was supposed to do, go knock at your door, apologise and get back together. she knew you would never agree though.
you walked into your cramped bedroom and flung yourself onto your bed with a sigh. homework. you took out your papers from the day, a pen and got to work.
about an hour or so of doing homework, you finally finished and it was already dark outside. you got up from your bed and decided it was time to change it something more comfortable. you threw on a pair of pyjamas pants and a Hello Kitty shirt.
your stomach growled as you exited your bedroom, your sibling was sprawled out on the couch, playing a video game, “hey, we’re gonna head out in a while. tell mom we’re staying at a friends house, cool?” you nodded, walking over to the small kitchen, “don’t drink too much. mom worries for you guys.” they waved you off dismissively, switching through tv channels.
you popped some bread in the toaster and waited for it to toast. you buttered it once it was ready and jumped onto the couch next to your sibling, “anything good on?” you asked them through bites. they shook their head and handed you the remote, “nah. i’m heading out anyway.” so quickly? alright. “oh, okay. have fun,” you said with a shrug as they got up and left.
you searched through the channels on your tv, with nothing interesting. you finished the last bite of your toast and tossed the remote onto the coffee table.
there was a knock on the door, you sighed and got up. “who is it?” you called out, walking over to the door. no reply. you rolled your eyes and swung the door open, it was natalie.
she looked up at you as she fidgeted with her fingers, “hi,” she said quietly. you sucked in a breath, “hi. what do you want?” she cleared her throat, “uh, i wanted to talk to you. about us.” “about what? what about us? there is no us. you know that, you knew that after you and lottie..” you huffed, rubbing the bridge of your nose,
“what happened between you two anyway? you just stopped hanging out all of a sudden, did lottie feel guilty or something?” you asked her, knowing the answer. she shook her head, “it’s.. complicated. can i come in?”
you opened the door for her to enter, albeit reluctantly, “fine.” she gave a small nod and walked in, making a beeline to your bedroom. “nat!” you called out, trying to stop her, “jesus christ,” you sighed in defeat.
you followed her into your bedroom and shut the door behind you. natalie was laying face down on your bed, her head smooshed into your pillows. “natalie,” you gritted out, “get up.” the only response you got from her was a grumbled “why?”
she flipped herself other and stared at you at the door, “yeah, me and lottie aren’t.. talking anymore. she felt guilt after. she didn’t know that we were serious,” she admitted. your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “what are you talking about? you slept with her because she didn’t know we were serious? you do realise you slept with her, too, don’t you? it wasn’t just her who did something wrong, natalie. you’re so full of shit.”
her expression softened, “i’m sorry. i- i really am. it wasn’t my idea, that’s why i said that. look, if it means anything, i was thinking of you the whole time.” you walked over to the bed and stood in front of were she was laying, “you were thinking of me, really? you didn’t think of anything else? not even.. i dunno, telling her you had a girlfriend?”
“i’m sorry!” she yelled, “i am, believe me, please.” she sat up, looking at you pleadingly. “natalie, i want to believe you, i do,” you took a shaky breath, “but i loved you. and you obviously didn’t care about us. but, now you do, because it’s not just lottie that feels guilty, it’s you, too.”
she stood up, her eyebrows furrowed and you knew what she was thinking. you shook your head, “we’re not doing this again.” “please.” was all she said before she crashed her lips into yours.
your body instantly reacted, a warmth spreading all over. a warmth that you haven’t felt since before she left. “i fucking missed you,” she grumbled, pulling you closer to her. “shut up,” you groaned pushing her back onto your bed. “i knew you missed me,” she said with a smirk, pulling you down onto her.
you moved her hair out of the way of her neck and began kissing down it as her fingers made their way through your hair, “fuckk,” she groaned out, “s’ nice..”
“you’re such a bitch,” you mumbled against her neck, “you know that, right? wouldn’t even be doin’ this if you hadn’t come over.” natalie chuckled at your words, tilting your head to look at her, “had a choice, didn’t you?” “fuck off,” you moaned, going back to kissing her neck.
she pulled your face back to hers and pushed her lips onto yours once again as you straddled her lap. “haven’t done this in a while,” she got out in between kisses. “i wonder why,” you muttered, a grin spreading across your face suddenly. “lay down,” you instructed her, and she did so. she looked up at you with a smirk, “why?” you shook your head as you tried to unbutton her jeans, but failed.
she sat up slightly and helped you taken them off before you threw them to the other side of the room. “where were we?” you questioned, kissing down her stomach lightly which caused her to groan, ‘c’monnn.” “patience, please.”
she threw her head back against your pillows with a sigh. “come on, nat, don’t give in so early,” you joked, squeezing her side gently.
gaining your composure once again, you snaked downwards to her thighs, pressing gentle, wet kisses onto her hot skin. “c’mon, seriously.” she groaned out once again. you looked up at her, feigning innocence, “what?” “stop fuckin’ around maybe?” you hummed thoughtfully at her suggestion, your lips still on her skin, then shook your head.
“nah, i don’t think so,” you answered. you heard a sound of.. rattling from the front door. someone was trying to get in. fuck.
you instantly shot up and looked down at natalie with panicked eyes, “if it’s my mom, she’ll kill us both.” “oh, shit,” she said, looking almost as panicked as you and shoved herself under your covers, covering her lower half.
you got up and left the bedroom to go open the door. it was your sibling, “forgot my keys,” they explained. oh. “oh, yeah, okay,” you opened the door and let them in. they noticed you looked a bit panicked and asked “you okay?” you just nodded, walking back over to your bedroom.
they walked over with you quietly and peeped their head inside, “is that natalie? i didn’t know you two were back together,” they said, punching you in the shoulder playfully. you turned back to them, rolling your eyes, “we’re not.”
natalie nodded to your words, “yeah, we’re not back together. yet.”
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
masterlist 4
holy shit?!
ceo sev having a wet dream about you 💼
adhd reader
sevika helping black reader do her hair
bottom masc reader (sev breaks the headboard hehe)
more anal hcs hehe
sev helping reader with chest dysphoria
roach verse-- jinx brings home a stray
reader with vitiligo
fake dating eeek!!
pregnant reader and sev say goodbye to the old house 👶
sleep talker reader
sev forgets her tits
argument sex with cowboy sev 🤠
treating butch sev like a girl
insecure virgin reader first time with sev
princess sevika knight reader 👑
princess sevika trying to strip knight reader 👑
sevika getting chubbier
fixing her hair
the notes in sevika's lunches
sweetheart reader
club mom reader and sevika post-fight club hookup
ceo sev sees you in her shirt 💼
calling sev pretty boy
first time with trans sev
cuddle headcanonsss
sevika using your butt as a pillow hehe
adhd reader using sev as a bodydouble
getting spitroasted by ran and sevika ⚔
masturbating in plug sev's passenger seat 🍃
matching bracelets
introducing her to skincare
coming home with a puppy
little fucker's wedding 👶
u and ran fucking while sevika's on the phone ⚔
random hcs
bookworm reader
princess sev gets jealous over knight reader 👑
more random hcs
reader with postpartum depression 👶
arranged marriage between princess sev and princess reader 👑
reader who's scared of getting sick
sev gets turned on by infodumping reader
butch reader!!
some slayer hcs 🐕
the night after your royal arranged marriage 👑
trans sevika getting her first bj
reader who crochets
sev's fave petnames
sevika and little fucker go to the daddy daughter dance 👶
sevika tries online dating
sevika keeping people from touching ur pregnant belly 👶
comforting crying sevika
sevika has a dream where you cheat
little fucker being a little fucker 👶
sev helps drunk reader take off her makeup
sensitive butch reader
riding princess sevika on her throne 👑
reader with mobility aids
butch reader carrying sevika to bed
sev giving reader birthday head
touch starved reader
reader with a goofy laugh
bringing butch blue collar sevika her forgotten lunchbox
coming out as non-binary to sevika
ceo sev accidentally eats pot brownies 💼
little fucker on the little farm 💐
reader with acne
transfem flirty anxious reader
u and sev being whiskey aunts
how sev lights your cig
your parents regretting arranging you and sev's royal marriage 👑
fake hating each other
flirty anxious transfem reader and sev's first time
sev caring for u when you r sick
calling sev pretty girl
aftercare with ran and sev⚔
golden retriever masc x sev
reader cussing out silco for overworking sev
sev taking the strap hehe
silco meets little fucker 👶
great outdoors reader
sev making chubby reader understand how much she loves u
fall lover reader
sevika helping you gain weight
ride or die reader
pregnant sev!! 👶
how u and sev react to little fucker making out with her gf 👶
helping little fucker with her math homework👶
sev showing off shuffling tricks
divorced sev and reader dating again 👶
how the twins like to cuddle 👶
sevika loves to fish
pt reader and boxer sev pt. 3
divorced sev and reader moving in together :) 👶
bouncer sevika carrying reader home
fucking sevika in both holes
lactation kink with sevika breastfeeding
werecat sevika
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distorted59 · 1 year
A Week In San Francisco pt.2
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summary: after sharing a heated kiss the night before, James and y/n are a little on edge when they visit the beach.
pairing: Kill 'Em All!James x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw/smut, fingering, handjob, unprotected sex, p in v, james likes to beg a little, cute lil' aftercare in the end
word count: 3344
A/N: sorry it took a while! honestly took me longer than expected lol. hope you enjoy it, babes! xo
part 1
The fact that she even got a few hours of sleep is a fucking miracle itself. The butterflies in her stomach almost made it impossible to fall asleep. 
But, here she is. Sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a cigarette in her hand. She’s wearing a beach-sundress and a simple bikini underneath. And honestly, she’s really excited to go to the beach. 
Kirk shuffles into the kitchen, wearing his glasses and his hair is messy. His favorite ‘Dracula’ t-shirt is completely wrinkled and slightly raised, showing his belly. 
“Morning,” y/n grins. “I see you slept very well?”
"Mhm." Kirk kisses the top of her head and yawns. 
He goes over to the counter and pours himself a cup of coffee, he is a bit wobbly but he can still keep his balance. He goes to sit down next to y/n and smiles at her.
“How did you sleep? Did everything go okay last night?” 
She almost chokes on her coffee, but luckily she doesn’t. A slight blush creeps on her face. Y/n quickly puts out her cigarette in the ashtray in front of her and tries to hide her blush with a smile. 
“Yeah, I slept fine!” She assures him. 
"Great." Kirk moves his hand through his hair. “You know, James told me he spoke to you last night.”
“He did?” She looks into his eyes. “What did he say?” 
“That he told you we’re going to the beach today!” Kirk grins excitedly. “I see you’re all ready to go!” 
Y/n breathes out slowly through her nose. It would be kinda dumb to immediately tell a guy you kissed his sister, right? But, hey. Anything can happen with these guys. 
“Yeah, you know I love going to the beach!” 
They sit in a comfortable silence for a bit, sipping their coffee and enjoying the morning sun that is shining through the kitchen window. 
Until that is interrupted by a fucking war cry.
“Cliff! I swear to god, man! I claimed the bathroom first!” 
“You’re too slow, Hetfield!”     
Lars walks into the kitchen rolling his eyes, “Morning, guys.” He opens the refrigerator and grabs a carton of orange juice. “How did your first night in the Metallica Mansion treat you, y/n?” 
“It treated me wonderfully, thank you.” 
“Great!” He smiles. “That’s really good to hear.”
Later on, Cliff walks in with a big grin on his face. He sits down next to Kirk and looks at y/n and her cigs. “Good morning, can I?” 
“Morning! ‘Course you can.” She slides the pack towards him and he lights one. Cliff thanks her and shoots her a wink, y/n nods back and grins. 
“Dude, are you flirting with my baby sister?” Kirk leans back in his chair and raises his brows.
“Me? Oh, I wouldn’t dare.” Cliff grins, “Can’t say I’m speaking for everyone, though…” 
“Morning everybody!” James walks in, unusually cheerful for this time of the day. “Is there still some coffee left?” 
“Yeah,” Kirk says. “Over on the counter”
“Thanks, dude!” He grabs a mug and pours himself some, leaning against the counter and eying y/n curiously. 
It’s almost like she can feel it, because she turns around and smiles at James. She holds up her mug. “James?” Her voice is sickly sweet, oh yeah, today is going to be that type of day. “Could you pour me another one?”
His eyes almost popped out of his skull, he hadn’t even really noticed what she was wearing. The way she’s looking and talking to him is making James weak at the knees. 
“Y-yeah, of course!" He takes the mug from her hands and shakily pours the coffee in, trying not to spill. 
The other guys are talking about what they're planning on doing at the beach today. Kirk and Lars are arguing over something and Cliff doesn’t know what conversation he wants to keep up with. 
“Here you go.” He decides to sit next to her this time and puts on his best charms. 
“Thank you!” She grins. 
“So,” James starts. “Did you sleep okay, sweetheart?” 
Her heart skips a beat at the nickname and she looks at him without breaking eye contact.
“I slept great. How about you, sweetheart?” she grins playfully. 
“Me too, me too.” He looks into her eyes, not saying anything else. 
The argument between Kirk and Lars has quieted down and one of them lets out a cough.
“So, is everyone ready to go?” Lars speaks up. 
“Yes, more than ready.” Kirk eyes James and y/n suspiciously. “Let's get moving.” 
Everyone gets ready and grabs their stuff; towels, sunscreen, and beer. You know, the essentials. 
It’s a short walk to the beach, but the morning heat isn’t really working with them. James keeps trying to walk next to y/n, but Kirk doesn’t allow it. everytime James tries to pick up his pace, Kirk closes the gap between him and his sister. 
“What are you doing, dude?” y/n raises her brows at Kirk. 
“Just walking next to you, is that a problem?” He nudges her shoulder.
“No, but…” She starts.
“Good, we’re almost there.” Kirk cuts her off and smiles. 
They arrive at the beach and find a good spot, putting their towels down and enjoying the warm sun on their already tanned skin. 
Y/n takes off her dress and sits down on her towel, all of the boys take a quick glance at her and sit down as well. Kirk glares at the three, but doesn’t say anything. 
“Aw, man!” Kirk groans in annoyance. “We forgot the radio!” 
“What? No way, I definitely grabbed it before we left!” Cliff frowns and looks around. 
“Well, It’s not here.” Lars sighs. “We’ll go grab it.” He grabs Kirk’s arm and drags him along. 
Kirk protests and looks over at y/n, who is grinning at her brother and gives him a small wave. 
“Why do I have to come along?” He whines, but walks with Lars anyway. 
Y/n lays down and shuts her eyes. Feeling some movement beside her, she holds her hand in front of her face so that the sun won't bother her eyes, and looks up.
“Can I lay next to you?” James asks. 
“Of course!” She tries to hide her excitement. 
“Thanks, sweetheart.” He grins and lays down. 
Cliff starts laughing and lights another cigarette. He sits up and cracks open a beer. “You’re welcome, guys.” 
Both James and y/n turn to look at Cliff with confusion, this only makes him laugh more. 
“What?” He grins. “You got a little more freedom with Kirk gone, right?” 
“Dude, what the hell are you talking about?” James raises his brows.
“The radio, I hid it under my bed.” 
Y/n starts laughing too, she nudges James and hands him a bottle of sunscreen. “Could you get my back?”
“Yeah!” James' eyes widen and so does his smile. "Definitely!" 
She turns around and loosens her top, making sure he gets every inch of her back. James puts some lotion in his hands and starts putting it on her back, squeezing every curve. 
“I still don’t get the radio thing.” He whispers. 
“Babe, he’s buying us some time.”
“Babe?” James grins. “Time for… oh, oh.”
His hands go a little lower, they slide over her waist and his fingers go down to  her waist. He goes back to her shoulders and he gets closer to her ear. 
“Could you put your arms up for me, babe?”  He whispers. 
She complies as she simply can’t answer him. She wanted to reply with a snarky comeback, but she couldn't. His voice sending shivers down her spine, she can feel his breath against her hair. 
“There we go.” James gives the back of her neck a slight squeeze and his hands slide down her sides. He slowly caresses the side of her breasts and then quickly goes to her back, tying her bikini back up. “You’re all set, gorgeous.”
“Thanks.” She breathes out. Holy fucking shit, his hands feel good. 
He lays down on his stomach and scoots a little closer to her, his fingers playing with the back of her top. 
“Or do you want me to keep going?” He whispers. “I could if you let me.”
“Where are you getting all this confidence from?” She looks into his eyes, trying to read him. 
James smiles and his hand wanders lower, sliding to the side of her bikini bottom. 
“I finally figured out what I want.” 
“And that is?”
“You, y/n. I need you.” He looks at her lips. “The way your lips felt on mine is driving me crazy.” 
“Hm, you are a good kisser.” y/n smiles and turns to lay on her side. 
“So are you, baby.” He slides his hand over her waist and he stops at her hips.
For a moment, they just stare at each other, he leans closer to her face. James’ weaves his fingers between the fabric of her bottoms, his gaze wandering as he admires her curves. 
“Careful there, big guy.” She whispers, teasing him with a smirk. “We don’t want to give all these people a show here, do we?”
She glances at some beachgoers who are watching them fool around. She feels his eyes on her and turns to face him, raising an eyebrow flirtatiously.
“Hm, I don’t care.” James grins, leaning closer to her. “Please, I want you.”
“Don’t you think you need some too?” y/n grabs the sunscreen and holds it up, a mischievous smile on her face. “I wouldn't want you to get sunburned, baby” 
“Oh, you’re mean.” he groans. 
“So, you don’t want it?” She raises her brows.  
“I want… something.” James looks at her through his bangs. “Please?” 
She chuckles and lays down on her stomach again. The sun warming her skin and the waves crashing on the beach almost lull her to sleep. James huffs beside her and lays on his back. His hand creeps over her arm, tracing small circles over her soft skin. 
After a while of enjoying the sun and each other's company, Lars and Kirk finally show up with the radio.
“There you are, what the hell took you so long?” Cliff speaks up.
“Why’d you hide it under your bed, dude?” Kirk huffs, wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. 
“Dude, what?” Cliff tries to hide his smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, brother.”
The three bicker about the radio and y/n smiles, slowly closing her eyes again. The soft static of the radio and the crashing waves are really calming. She sighs softly and dozes off. 
Y/n wakes up a little while later, not knowing how much time has passed. Her back feels a little sore and she immediately winces, she still got burned. She looks over at James, who also fell asleep and gasps. 
“James!” She shakes him slightly. 
"Mhm?" He opens his eyes. “Yeah?” 
His entire chest and stomach are red, along with his face. This idiot didn’t apply any sunscreen at all. 
“Dude! You got burned!” Lars yells. “Like, bad!” 
“What?” James moves towards Lars and winces. “Ow, fuck! that burns.” 
“Yeah, no shit.” y/n sighs. “You are so fucking stubborn.” 
“It’s gonna hurt even more in the morning.” Kirk grimaces and looks at his sister. “You’re back looks fucked up too, sis.”
Y/n nods her head at Kirk. She stands up and puts on her dress, grabbing her stuff. 
“You have to get out of the sun, James.” She says. “I have some Aloe vera lotion in my bag at the house, you can use it.” 
James' eyes widen as he looks up at her, is this actually happening? 
“Are you going with him?” Kirk raises his brows.
“Yes, I am.” 
James doesn’t even speak, he is too busy grabbing his stuff. He’s almost like a madman, trying to find his shirt. 
“Okay,” Kirk kisses the side of her head. “Be careful.” He gives her a knowing look and squeezes her shoulder. 
“Ow!” She winces. “Kirk, that hurts!” 
“Sorry!” He chuckles. 
She walks away and nudges her head, motioning James to follow her. He doesn’t waste any time and runs after her. Lars throws him the keys to the house.
“Have fun, fuckers!” Lars yells after them.
“Dude!” Kirk groans and throws his shirt at Lars. “Please don’t!” 
James and y/n walk home together, the walk back almost seems slower than it was before. Their hands dangerously close to each other, every time their fingers brush they share a look. He shoots her a quick and excited smile and she returns it. 
James tries to unlock the front door but his hands are too shaky, eventually he gets the key in and opens it. 
“It’s in my room, come on.” She grabs his hand and pulls him down the hallway.
They both walk into her room and she pushes him to the mattress. “Sit.” 
James obliges and takes his shirt off, slightly uncomfortable with the feeling of the fabric against his sensitive skin. 
Y/n finds the lotion from her bag and walks closer to him, crawling onto the mattress and pushing him on his back. “Can I sit?” she motions to his lap.
James nods his head so hard it almost falls off. “Fuck yes, you can.” 
She smirks and straddles him, both of them letting out a quiet gasp. She can feel him hardening in his shorts and he can feel her heat. 
“Mmh” She hums softly and starts to put the lotion on his chest. 
“Ah!” He gasps. “That’s cold, y/n!” 
She giggles and continues to take care of his sunburn. Her hands slide over his chest, softly squeezing her fingers into his shoulders. James looks up at her with nothing but love in his eyes, he squeezes her hips making her moan softly. 
“Do that again.” James whispers. 
She grins and leans down to kiss his chest, making her way up to his neck. He lets out a growl and leans up, smashing his lips onto hers. She kisses him back passionately and smiles into the kiss. James’ grip on her hips tighten as he flips her around, laying her on her back. 
“James!” She gasps. “My back, remember?” 
“Don’t worry, baby.” He whispers. “I’ll take care of you.” 
He rubs the inside of her thighs and he goes a little higher, feeling how drenched her cunt already is. 
“You’re already so wet for me, baby.” He smiles and starts kissing her neck. “Gonna make you feel so good.”
“James, please…” She looks up at him, begging for him to stop teasing. 
“What? I have to prepare my girl, don’t I?” He smirks. 
She pushes him back and takes off her dress, along with her bikini top. James takes off his shorts, his cock springing free, begging for some attention. 
“Hmm, so pretty, baby.” He mutters, his eyes not leaving her breasts. “Fuck, you look perfect.”
James leaves another trail of kisses down her neck and breasts, his fingers playing with the hem of her bottoms. His other hand touching and squeezing her breast, while leaning up to kiss her lips hungrily. 
“Can I take these off, baby?” James whispers against her lips. 
“Yes, Fuck. Yes, you can.” y/n’s breath hitches in her throat. She looks up at James, her eyes glossy and her lips parted. 
He slides them off, desperate to feel her cunt around his cock. James slides his hand down her belly and starts to run circles on her clit. She gasps and reaches for his cock, starting with slow and agonizing strokes. 
“Fuck, you really like to play mean.” James stifles a moan and rubs his fingers over her folds. 
“Don’t hold your moans in, baby.” She pouts. “Wanna hear you too.” 
Y/n starts stroking him a bit faster, she feels her hand getting covered in his pre-cum. 
“Ah! ngh- Fuck!” James lets out the moan that has been stuck in his throat. “mhm! y/n… gonna… gonna prep you for me, okay?” 
She nods and kisses him again, moaning into the kiss as he slowly slides a finger into her drenching cunt. He starts finger-fucking her at a steady pace, the room is filled with sloppy wet noises and their moans. 
He adds another finger and goes faster, curling up his index and middle finger to hit the right spot. 
“Fuck, James!” She moans. “Your fingers… they… feel so good!” 
“Yeah? You like how I work my hands on you, baby?” He groans and goes faster. y/n’s hand starts tightening around his cock. 
“If you keep squeezin’ me like that, I’m not gonna last long.” James chuckles and leans down to kiss her again.
“Baby, ‘m close, please!” She moans and lets go of his cock.
“Cum on my fingers, baby.” He curls his fingers deeper into her and feels her cunt squeeze around them. All he can think about is how her pussy is gonna feel around his cock.
“Fuck!” y/n cums all over his fingers, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. 
James pulls his fingers out and sticks one of them into his mouth, tasting her juices. He lets out a delighted moan and sticks his other finger in her mouth. She sucks it clean without a single thought, looking up at him through her lashes. 
“Wanna be inside you…” He mumbles. “Please?” His face gets a little more flushed. 
“It’s cute that you ask so nicely.” She smiles up at him and guides his cock to her drenched pussy. “You gonna fuck me good, baby?”
“Mhm.” He slides his cock over her folds. “Gonna fuck you so good, baby.” 
He slowly pushes it inside of her and starts bucking his hips into her. Y/n cries out in pleasure, he’s hitting all the right spots. James leans down to kiss her again and thrusts a little faster. 
“Fuck!” James whines. “Been wanting to feel this pussy for so long!” He almost starts crying with how good it feels, how good she’s making him feel.
“James…” She moans “Keep going like that, please!” 
“I will, baby. I will.”
She doesn’t feel the sunburn on her back anymore, she only feels the incredible amount of pleasure James is giving her. She wraps her legs around his waist which makes James pound into her even harder. 
“Gettin’ close, baby.” James whispers against her neck. “I’m gonna need to pull out.” 
She just nods, she doesn’t care what he does to her. She just wants to cum around his cock. 
His thrusts are getting sloppier, meaning he’s gonna cum soon. He lets out some more strained moans and whimpers. 
“Gonna… gonna cum.” He pants.
“Me too, baby.” y/n whimpers.
He makes her cum, her stomach exploding with pleasure. She’s almost seeing stars with how hard she’s squeezing her eyes shut. James lets out a grunt and quickly pulls out, finishing all over her stomach. He keeps fucking his fist to ride out his high. 
“Shit…” James breathes heavily. 
“Yeah…” Her chest moves up and down, trying to calm down from the pure ecstacy sensation.
“I’m sorry for the mess.” James has a stupid grin on his face, but that can’t hide the tremendous blush which reappears on his face. “Let me clean you up.”
He grabs one of the beach towels that were scattered on the floor and starts wiping her stomach. He throws the towel on the ground and lays down on her chest. 
“You were amazing, baby.” y/n smiles and kisses him tiredly. 
“So, were you, babe.” James smiles into the kiss. 
They lay in each other's arms for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence between them. He has pulled her into his arms and they are softly caressing each other. 
“Can I sleep here with you tonight?” He whispers.
“What do you think, baby?” She giggles. “You just screwed me silly, of course you can.” 
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nothingsure27 · 2 months
《unplanned journey》
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-pairing: park sunghoon as father fluff,__________________________ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
"park sunghoon, just a teenager high school student who is thrown into the world of huge responsibility, challenge's all alone his whole world crash on him when his girlfriend leaves him after giving birth to their child and abandon both of them, Despite sunghoon's struggle challenges of unplanned & unexpected journey into fatherhood made his unwavering love and dedication shape their unique father-son bond & he accepted his fate. "
Warning none;⛔
Just fluff, father son, soft, angst 100%, 3rd person (reader will be added later) after few chapters.
cute, fluffy, father son bond, parenthood, fatherhood, love, mentione of pregnancy, abortion, cheating, unprotected sex, anxiety, depression, abandoning, blood, drug's sleeping pills, alcohol, cig. heavy curse, swearing, crying angst & angst, a single teenage father struggles go through challenges to raise his child all alone, i'm just warning there would be angst & angst i'll put here read at your own risk.📌
(If you want me to write this story, do note reblog, & reply I wanna know your opinion first)
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sukuberry · 2 months
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contains: religious tasks (prayer) dealer!sukuna, black uni student reader, college AU
xo’s note ୨୧: this one is a bit self indulgent 😓 its okay though, let me know what yall wanna see next !! not proof read (based off of the song cry by cigs after sex <\3)
part 1 > part 2
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you wake up on your twin xl eight feet in the sky. rubbing your eyes while yawning, you sit up and begin to pray, preparing yourself for the day “.. and God bless mom and dad, Amen” you said through your hoarse morning voice. you pick up your phone checking instagram, tapping through a bunch of stories until you reach your best friends “shxkos: party at my house!!! dm for the address, see yall at 9pm” on campus living was shitty, but you made it work. you look around your room you climb down from your bed noticing your roommate is already gone. you head to the bathroom to freshen up and walk out over to your vanity to do your makeup. it's summer break and your parents are all the way in Jamaica visiting family so you have no reason to go home. as you’re finishing applying blush you get a message. you look down at your phone picking it up with a giddy smile.
bae ❣️
hey pretty, good morning
good morning kuna you sleep well?
yea ma, wyd later? shoko is having a party and i wanna take you
oh i was planning on going so that's good! i wanna go to the mall so i can pick out an outfit 😚
yk i gotchu, i'll be there in 5, alright
kay, see you soon pa 🫶🏽
bae loved “see you soon pa 🫶🏽”
you threw on a quick outfit, jhené aiko blasting through your pill speaker. you haven't seen sukuna in a whole week and that separation anxiety started to get to you. you grabbed your purse and headed down the stairs to meet sukuna at the door. rolling down the window of his car you see sukuna flashing that charming toothy grin, he hops out of the car, reaching towards his arms encircling your waist. “hey ma, i missed you” you smiled “i missed you too kunaa, cmon lets go” he held the door for you, then shutting it once you got in.
brent faiyaz pouring through the speakers. his hand rested on your thigh softly caressing it. you hated the smell of weed and his car always reeked of it but you had the antidote. you whip out your perfume from your bag and spray it everywhere in the front and back seats “really ma..? ‘got me smelling like this bath and body works shit” he plugged his nose “boy please, your car reeks, i'm helping you” you giggle slightly at his expression, you love this man with all your heart, you don't even notice when you begin staring at him with lovesick eyes. he does though. “aye, babe?? you good ma?” his hand went back to resting on your thigh “oh, yeah just lost in thought” you looked out the window “well we’re here now, hop out and lets go find some things''
you get out of the car and walk toward the entrance, it's a monday so the mall isnt as crowded as usual, still pretty full though. you feel sukuna’s hand wrap around your waist, guiding you around the mall. after what felt like hours of searching you came out with a cute little dress sukuna dropped you off at this apartment to get changed. “i got some drops to do then i'll be back to get you, its only 8:30 so i'll be back soon” he held the door open letting you step inside.
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part 2 >
wc: 651 , striving for 1.5k next time 😭
©sukuberry 2024. all rights reserved. dont copy, translate, or steal my work.
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seoafin · 11 months
Talkin bout foursomes and shit and all I can think about is rip!mc dragging Shoko into the mix unintentionally, like she just feels kinda sad cus Shoko seems so Forever Alone™️ and independent and smoking away the pain and shit so when she asks shoko herself if she ever feels sidelined and lonely she takes it legit seriously when shoko responds with a joking "what. You want me to slide in with all 3 of you in bed?"
Cue ripmc PLEADING with stsg 2 please let shoko have just one tryst in bed just one please just PLSSS and they're 😐 faced cus they can tell what's gonna happen but ofc they relent cus it's their kawaii wife asking and it's allowed with a deep and profound regret, cus as SOON as shokos walking in past their front door, a cool lazy grin and cig between her lips, ripmc is ALL over her just fawning and flustered, hovering like a bug all up in her space.
Like, even when Satoru's spreading and nudging himself into Ieri, ripmc and her are just STARING at each other; legit he and Geto don't fucking exist. The full entire session's spent with rip!mc gazing wantonly at shoko with these lovey-dovey, dew-lashed, *deep* doe-like eyes, caressing her face and whispering sweet nothings "does it feel good Ieri? Is it nice, me and you...? I wish I could kiss the space beneath your eyes a million times..." clasping her hands and nuzzling their noses like some sickly disgusting lovesick shoujo protagonist, u can practically see the roses falling by their heads.
And even though Gojo's like, balls deep in Ieri he legit feels like 🧍🏼‍♂️like some lamp on the wall, like those two girls aren't paying attention AT ALL. Even Geto who tried to sex talk them both just gets his mug facepalmed by a smiling Ieri who pushes him aside to swap spit with her girlfriend and now's he's just -_- circling shoko's wet clit ( ripmc DEMANDED all physical attention on shoko ). To stsg both, the entire thing SUCKS cus even though they're technically straight up cucking their own wife they literally feel like THEE victims instead. Neither of them are kissed or caressed or addressed, they're semi-alive dildo's they're like, not even talked too.
And when shoko finally leaves after shotgunning their woman, ripmc sighs this sigh like she's just entered heaven and twirls into bed (she did not react like this w either of her boyfies) like some Disney princess who's just had the most marvelous, romantic, tender first kiss and is dreamily like " wow <333 we *have* to do that *again* soon.....<3333". To which geto and gojo both stare back like "uhhhmm NO????"
this is insane....they'd cry themselves to sleep. nanami is fun but shoko? shoko is competition 😭😭😭 she needs to take the strap out and show stsg how it's done
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iwritesometimes-sorta · 10 months
JJk Stoner Headcannons
I hope this is decent :)
18+ Only please
Best snacks, he's got everything you could ever want
Best weed too, he has any and every strain you could want, gorrilla glue? Hes got it, Alien cookie, hes got it
This man is ready to have the best night!
Gojo is definitely a Blunt man hes got one already rolled for you both before you even get there
His favorite time to smoke is when you both take a ride late at night
One hand on the wheel blunt between his fingers, his other hand on your thigh slowly creeping up caressing closer to your core
Your late night drives always end the same way with you both pulled over on the side of the road
You bouncing up and down on his thick cock, tits bouncing out of your thin tank top
While Gojo takes a drag of the blunt watching you hump mindlessly in his lap his other hand keeping a firm grasp on your ass
He grabs your chin pressing his lips to yours spanking your ass as you gasp he blows the smoke into your mouth smirking as you cum
Geto, Ah Geto he definitely buys his weed off of Gojo so you know hes got the good stuff
Geto likes a good spliff, every once in awhile after hes had a bad day Geto will bum a couple of cigs off of Shoko
He loves a good night in with you, a movie playing in the background, a couple of drinks and a few spliffs
If you arent a fan of tobaccoo tho he will make sure that he rolls a joint so you can smoke tobacoo free
A horror movie is playing in the background you and geto can be heard through out the house giggling the smell of marijuana and tobaccoo hanging heavily around the two of you
Geto has you in his lap smoke being shared back and forth between you two
Before he flips you onto your back your legs wrapped around his waist
Geto makes short work of your clothes getting the two of you naked in your shared haze
The sex with Geto is always mindblowing but its even better when your both inebriated after a few drinks and a few spliffs your just so pliable
Hes soft with you in these moments making sure you come over and over until your crying before he spills himself into you
Sukuna is something else, he like Gojo has THE BEST WEED and he better considering he's selling it
He uses nothing but the best when he smokes
Definitely a bong guy he has the lungs of a swimmer, taking giant rips that fill his bedroom when he exhales
He's always so sexy when he smokes, shirt off, his black sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips as he rips his bong
Has an extensive glass collection he has bongs, pipes, bubblers, you name it he probably has it
His room is the perfect smoke spot red LEDS on lighting up the space keeping it nice and dim
Flatscreen on the wall either has a movie on or whatever game hes been playing
His bed in the center of his room is always perfectly made and comfy for you
His favorite time to smoke is anytime but the best is when your sitting on his lap while he games
He loves getting to watch you inhale the smoke when you light the bowl the way you squirm in his lap when you try to impress him by taking a fat hit
He laughs deeply when you start a coughing fit after taking such a large hit "I bet that fucking hurt brat" he whispers into your ear
Before taking the bong from you and taking his own hit
He smirks at you when he sees the way you look at him as he takes his rip the glaze over your eyes so telling
He'll bend you over in his bed after he pauses his game your face in the sheets while he towers over you from behind he groans as he flips your skirt over your perfectly round ass seeing your lack of panties
Hes so hard seeing your bare pussy he takes another rip as he runs his fingers thru your folds gathering your slick on his fingers
He growls ripping his sweats and shorts down just enough to get his cock out before he rams it into your cunt sinking all the way to the hilt
He loves the way you scream out when he pounds into your sweet pussy he makes you work yourself on his cock while he watches taking one last fat rip before putting the cashed bong down bringing your lips together to fill your mouth with smoke he glares at you "hold it in until I say" he smirks as you hold your breath he picks up pace watching as your face gets redder from the weed and lack of oxygen
"Let go" he demands as he grabs your hair forcing your head back putting you into a mean arch
He laughs meanly as you release the breath you had been holding and cum on his cock at the same time he puts one hand around your throat squeezing as he pummels your pusssy before finally spilling his seed inside of you
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nothing0fnothing · 7 months
Yanno, all that Colleen Ballinger stuff has calmed down, so I think this is a great time to tell this absolutely absurd story about a time I witnessed my mum so deep in her narcissistm, she legit beleived that children were her peers.
There's no better way to put this: When I was 13 years old, my mums best friends were a clique of 15 year old schoolgirls.
She met them through a youth group I had been attending for years at that point. They were older than me, so they used to tease me, whatever, average teen experience. The thing is, my mum joined the youth group as a group leader/volunteer/chaperone and befriended the teenagers.
And I'm not talking about some wholesome "getting to their level" shit. I mean she'd gossip with them about other girls in the youth group.. yes including me. My mum was literally my middle school bully. I mean she would to sneak off behind the building to smoke with the teenage girls she was in a position of trust to. I'm not sure if she was bumming cigs off them or them from her, it doesn't actually matter, it's still really bad. She would give them diet advice that wouldn't be out of place on a proana blog, and tell them that they needed to get skinny while they were young so they didn't have to worry about it when they were older. She'd listen to them spill the tea about the sex they were having with their age inappropriate boyfriends, and not report it because she wanted them to like her more than she wanted them to be safe. It was batshit bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Like, I'd make some jokes right now about how once a week my 40 year old mother would put on her super skinny, acid wash, low rise bedazzled jeans and walk past me like she didn't just drive me there, so she could sit on a desk with the mean girls and pretend she was one of them, but it was actually really sad. She was cosplaying as the mean girl she never got to be when she was a bullied 15 year old. I'd almost feel sorry for her if it wasn't so inappropriate. I don't think what she did ever strayed into being outright illegal, but it was at best abnormal and at worst just straight up grooming those poor girls.
The other chaperones were, understandibly, super uncomfortable about the situation. They started to exclude my mum from their activities and conversations. She was cultivating a "special relationship" with the kids she was volunteering to support, it's obviously looked down on. I'd see the looks the other adult volunteers would all give each other when she teased me to the point of tears to show off to her literal middle school friends. I thought they were cringing at me. At the time I thought it was so embarrassing that everyone knew I was getting bullied by my mum. As if it was obvious I was the problem because my own mum didn't like me, but it's obvious to me now the source of the cringe was the 40 year old so desperate for street cred amongst the local children she'd openly bully her own child. Everybody was side eying her, literally nobody respected her. In a word, it was pathetic.
So pathetic, that on the way home from youth group, she'd cry in the car to me about how sad it was she was being excluded. Yeah, she would spend 3 hours mocking me for laughs from her tweenage besties, sometimes she wouldn't even stop after I was already crying and another adult had to comfort me. Then she'd get in her volkswagen with me in the front and I'd become the adult, telling her the other chaperones were just jealous of her and offering fun evenings to take her mind off it.
It went on like that for over a year till one of the girls mums found out that my mum was in a group chat with nobody but these 3 girls. I have no idea what she'd been talking about in the group, but considering she'd gossip with them about the penis sizes of the guys they were dating in places where she absolutely could be heard, it was probably pretty bad. She had to go to a group meeting with all the chaperones and some of the parents one day while I was in school and they decided to let her off with it.
They agreed that be allowed to continue working with the kids, my mum had to attend some safeguarding seminars, agree to follow the existing safeguarding guidelines that she signed up to when she became a youth group leader, and to stop showing preferential treatment to the girls she'd groomed for months. In my opinion, not even a punishment.
My mum though, was devastated. She cried on the way home to me about how unfair it was and how the other adults were just jealous that she was cooler than them and their kids liked her more. She told me that she had been ambushed and outnumbered and forced to agree to "not care about the kids anymore." She wasn't sorry. Actually, she had no concept that what she did was wrong. All of these accusations and text message evidence and things that she did in full view of multiple other adults consistently over the course of her abuse saga? Fake news. Lies and slander. Full shaggy defence. "it wasn't me". If I were to ask her about it, to this day she will defend that she was simply the victim of malicious gossip and a toxic workplace culture and her only crime was caring too much.
So yeah every time I saw the Colleen Ballinger drama all I could think of was that one year with my mum and how absolutely absurd it was.
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cryptidsurveys · 1 month
Friday, August 23rd, 2024.
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First thing you touched this morning? Most likely my phone or one of my cats.
Last thing you yelled at? My dad was downstairs sneezin' up a storm yesterday, so I shouted a few "BLESSIN'S!" to him.
Is your car a piece of crap? Nope. It's around sixteen years old, but it still runs beautifully.
What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next 7 days? Visiting the Mountain Park - hopefully next Wednesday or Thursday.
What’s annoying you right now? This damn headache. It's been coming and going since last Wednesday and I'm just so over it! D;
When is the last time you looked in the mirror? After my post-animal shelter shower.
Would you have a long distance relationship with the person you are with now? I'm not in a relationship. In general, I'm not entirely opposed to a temporarily long-distance relationship, but I would make it very clear from the beginning that I'm not going to be the one uprooting my life in order for us to be together.
Who was the last person to make you really mad? Probably my mom during the initial stages of our reconnection. I didn't let her see the full extent of it (I mostly went home and grumbled to my dad about it), but I did eventually speak up and she's been a lot better about certain things since.
Where is the last place you had sex? Home.
Who is the last person you had sex with? A past partner.
Do you enjoy watching porn? No.
What’s your favorite drinking game? I've never played a drinking game.
Do you cry often? I would say regularly but not excessively.
Do you think someone is thinking of you right now? It's definitely possible.
Choose one to have (beer, cigs, or weed)? Cigarettes. An unfortunate habit I still haven't kicked. I quit smoking weed several years ago; the few times I smoked after that left me feeling dizzy, so I don't think I'll ever go back to it. And when it comes to alcohol, I have to be careful because it's very much a slippery slope. I try to keep it to rare/special occasions only.
Do you wish on stars? I wished on 11:11 earlier because I just want this headache to go awaaayyy.
Are you a big flirt? No.
What is the most disgusting prank you’ve ever done? Probably those stupid prank phone calls I made when I was a kid. It was the one and only time I was ever grounded for something, lmao. I was totally out of hand.
What would you do if you became pregnant? Ugh.
When did you last make out with someone? Was it good? Years ago.
Do you like your body? I've been pretty happy with it lately. It's becoming increasingly toned due to animal shelter work, and the way I carry myself is changing too. I'm starting to look more laidback and confident instead of hunched and anxious.
Are you a likeable person? Yeah.
Who did you dream of last night? I don't remember last night's dreams. I'm also falling so behind on my dream journal… Maybe later I'll try to jot down any recent fragments I can recall.
Whose body do you wish you had? I'm fine with my body. I just wish it didn't get so many migraines. Or ANY migraines.
What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home? I am at home. I showered. Then I laid in bed for a bit and listened to a YouTube video.
When is the last time you saw your mom? Yesterday. My parents and I went out for lunch at Pizza Ranch.
Have you ever been so in love, you wanted to get married? Yeah. Lol that yearning feels so unserious now. I truly loved those people, but I was so naive.
Did you get lucky on prom night? I didn't go to prom.
Is there a song that makes you cry? There are songs that have that potential.
Are you normally a horny person? No. I'm actually afraid of that feeling.
Where is your self-esteem from 1 (low) to 10 (high)? It's pretty decent. I'd give it a 6.5.
What color are your eyes? Hazel.
Plans for tonight? Just chillin'.
Plans for the weekend? Volunteering. I think Saturday will be a full day and Sunday might (?) be a half day - it just depends on who's going to be there. If they're short staffed, then I'll probably stay all day.
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suckitsurveys · 1 month
1. First thing you touched this morning? Boyfriend./ Husband.
2. Last thing you yelled at? I’ve been saying things loudly all day I’m so hyper right now. And that sentence makes it sound like I am a 15 year old oops. / Someone who wouldn’t get out of my way on the expressway lol. 3. Is your car a piece of crap? Ahhh my favorite 14 year old piece of crap. / My car is actually in really good shape aside from the fact that it fucking leaks gas and they can’t find a replacement fuel tank so now I have to probably buy a new car.
4. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next 7 days? Being with babe and getting hella paid next Friday. / Celebrating my niece’s 11th birthday and getting sushi twice in the same week when I go out with my friends for my birthday lol.
5. What’s annoying you right now? I feel weird but not weird. / Honestly how this survey formatted when I pasted it in here and now I have to fix every answer.
6. When is the last time you looked in the mirror? Earlier when I went to the bathroom. / This morning.
7. Would you have a long distance relationship with the person you are with now? We kind of have one now but not really? I mean he lives an hour away from me but we see each other pretty often. Like most of the week. / I mean we are married now so a long distance relationship would suck, especially after living together for almost 8 years now.
8. Who was the last person to make you really mad? My sister. / Actually, my sister, haha.
9. Where is the last place you had sex? In Mark’s new bed! Well. In my old bed, which is now his bed. / In our bed.
10. Who is the last person you had sex with? Mark! / Mark!
11. Do you enjoy watching porn? I do. / Sometimes.
12. What’s your favorite drinking game? Circle of Death! / I still like Circle of Death but I never play drinking games anymore.
13. Do you cry often? Ehh.  / Yes.I have been an emotional nightmare the past year hahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.
14. Do you think someone is thinking of you right now? “Hey babe are you thinking of me right now?” “Always and forever.” / He’s still asleep so not yet.
15. Choose one to have (beer, cigs, or weed)? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. / Weed.
16. Do you wish on stars? Naw. / Not really.
17. Are you a big flirt? Nah. / Nope.
18. What is the most disgusting prank you’ve ever done? – / I don’t do pranks.
19. What would you do if you became pregnant? Get an abortion. / Get an abortion.
20. When did you last make out with someone? Was it good? Yesterday, and yes. / A couple of days ago, and yes.
21. Do you like your body? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. / Right now no.
22. Are you a likeable person? Fuck yeah I am amazing. / I don’t know, ask the people who claim to like me.
24. Who did you dream of last night? I don’t remember. / I had a dream Longfellow quit SNL but it was because he got the lead role in a movie franchise hahaha.
25. Whose body do you wish you had? My own but 30lbs lighter. / My own but 50lbs lighter.
26. What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home? Probably shower and get ready for my Grandma’s 89th birthday. I’m going home Sunday morning for that. / Put all my shit away and change into comfy clothes.
27. When is the last time you saw your mom? Alive? July 18, 2013. / July 18, 2013.
28. Have you ever been so in love, you wanted to get married? Like right now, yeah. / Yup, and I did.
29. Did you get lucky on prom night? I went with my best friend from Boston. So yeah that was pretty lucky. / In the sexual sense, no.
30. Is there a song that makes you cry? Oh god yes. / Yes, several.
31. Are you normally a horny person? Yeah. / Yeah.
32. Where is your self-esteem from 1 (low) to 10 (high)? Like an 8 right now. / 2.
33. What color are your eyes? Greeeeeen. / Green.
34. Plans for tonight? About to go swimming with babe. Then we might get pizza and wine and chill tonight. / Going to my sister’s so I can take my niece’s birthday pictures and maybe tell her she’s going to see Billie Eilish in November. Then I’m gunna go home and eat dinner with Mark.
35. Plans for the weekend? Well tomorrow I’ll still be here and Sunday is my grandma’s birthday. So that. / Tomorrow is my niece’s birthday and we’re having a family party for her. Then Sunday I’m planning on taking her to lunch and the mall to pick out a few things.
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1800nosleep · 2 years
I Cry At Midnight
synopsis; everyone cries, and dwayne cries too much over a certain someone
dwayne x reader
part one of four parts
warnings; fluff with a bit of angst, bittersweet heartaches, dwayne is a softy, gn! reader, sweet! reader, reader is very caring, weed n cig smoking
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He spotted them in a certain store, a store that Star was in, a store that sold pastel pink, green, and blue clothes, clothes that Dwayne and Star would never wear.
But the certain beauty he saw was the most perfect and stunning person he had ever laid his eye on. He knew that he'd probably never see that person again, but a harmless crush could never hurt.
Which is what he thought before he saw them over and over and over again at the same store. They'd always just skim the racks and never actually buy anything. He had sworn he had seen them glance over at him through the windows of the store.
The worst part? It was always around five in the morning, right before the burning California sun began to rise. It's like someone above wanted him to suffer. He couldn't and definitely wouldn't just go over to them and spark up and have a conversation.
Yet every morning on the ride back to the cave, he had felt tears in his eyes and a pain in his no longer beating heart. The person he had always on his mind, would never know how he felt.
That was until that specific person had come up to him on the boardwalk, late in the afternoon. Right after the sun went down and the stars and moon came up.
He was mesmerized by their flashy and brightly colored outfit that evening. It was like nothing he'd seen them wear before.
"Hey! You're the biker dude always outside my store! You should come in sometime!" they spoke with the softest and most enthusiastic voice.
"So it's their store," he had thought to himself, "that would explain a lot." 
"I'm sorry. Do I look the type to shop at your store?" he asked jokingly with a small smile on his face. Making the beauty grin back at him. 
"No, I mean just come in and talk. I'm the only one who works the night and early morning shifts so it's sort of lonely," they spoke with their soft-toned voice. 
And so, Dwayne took up their offer, he came in almost every night, at eight o'clock on the dot, with a bag of dinner for the two of them to enjoy while they gabbed about everything that had happened in the previous hours. The hours that they weren't together. Dwayne would bring Laddie and Star in occasionally for them to look around the store while he stared into the eyes of his beloved and zoned off.
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In the early morning, the beloved would close up their shop, hug Dwayne and Laddie (if he came) goodbye, and, would walk home to their beach house.
Dwayne on the other hand, he would get on his bike and sob all the way home, he would be red in the face. Getting home, he'd wipe away his tears, go to the nest where the rest of the boys are and just fall asleep hoping that tomorrow would be the day his beloved would finally love him back.
Dwayne lay in the cave next to Paul with a blunt in between each of the two boys' lips. In hopes of numbing the heartache, he suffered each day he lived, Dwayne had avoided going to the shop, he avoided seeing his beloved and he attempted to drown out every thought that invaded his mind.
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"Dwayne, just tell the babe you like em!" Paul spoke out with passion, before continuing, "if you tell the sweetie that you are like super duper like in love with em, they might like, like you back bro."
Dwayne rolled his eyes at the blond before taking an inhale. "I can't tell them how I feel, it's too consuming of my time and I can't risk that pain."
He let out a sigh before finishing the blunt. "I just can't."
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