#crush surprised me
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sil-te-plait-tue-moi · 3 months ago
crush by ethel cain + rust cohle right???? like "i owe you a black eye and two kisses" ??????? do u understand the vision ???
man oh man do i understand
i discovered ethel cain around the same time i watched true detective season 1 for the first time so they’re forever intertwined in my head
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i only want him if he says it first to me REALLL
he looks like he works with his hands and smells like Marlboro reds REALLLLL
piss him off till he hates me REAKFHAKLLLLL
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royaltea000 · 4 months ago
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YO! Being a drawing, what’s there to be afraid of!
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absolutebl · 6 months ago
top 10 sexiest moments in bl for you personally?
Only 10?
Okay some of these are screen caps tumblr as blocked so Imma name a few up top I can't show you, but there will be images as well, you just have to read on.
My Top Sexiest BL Moments of All Time
No specific order, way more than 10. Not sorry.
Eternal Yesterday - "whoa" scene
kiss x kiss x kiss: Perfect Scandal - "sweet senpai"
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My Beautiful Man - the bloody finger
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My Personal Weatherman - the shirt!
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Old Fashion Cupcake - finger bite
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Unknown - "you don't know my dreams"
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Some More - you can kiss me, hyung
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A First Love Story - pervert
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Kiseki Dear to Me, this scene:
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Love is Science - in the hotel closet
2 Moons Ambassador - coitus interuptus
Ghost Host, Ghost House - THE LEG THIRST
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I Feel You Linger in the Air - the OIL scene, holy fucking heck
KP - you know which one:
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Love in Translation - that DAMN convenience store scene
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Oh My Sunshine Night - that DAMN shower scene
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Secret Crush on You - the chain fence
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The Sign - yeah most of it, the fantasies, but also that first sex scene
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This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - this distance shot
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Y-Destiny ToruFirst - Dai si
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This post dated mid 2024 not responsible for amazing hotness that comes after.
Any of these surprise you? Probably not.
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months ago
okay, but, like, THAT'S how you do a villain story. in the FIRST scene, you watch him shoot a man in cold blood. the show tells you right away "this man is not a good man".
but then it gets you to sympathize - look at how much the world has stepped on him. look at how terrible the whole of gotham is. and even when he kills more people, does more terrible things, you still root for him. because it's fun to watch someone be terrible to terrible people. you root for sofia too, because if anyone deserves revenge its her, but you're rooting for both of them somehow.
and then the show tells you "when he was a boy he killed his brothers". but even still, you want to see what he'll do. the show is called the penguin, you want to see the penguin rise. when he lets his mother's finger almost get cut off, you pity him. he's a sad, broken thing. how could he be anything but bad? but he loves, so there must be something else there.
but then. but THEN
the show always told you: "this is the devil". but you thought, maybe the devil can make hell a little more bearable for some people. the devil is so often nuanced, sympathetic, complex. maybe he's like that.
you're wrong. there's nothing good within him and YOU rooted for him to succeed. you wanted to watch the destruction. and now you have to live with the consequences of thinking, even for a second, that he could be redeemed.
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senipsenipsenip · 29 days ago
Stan shook his head, chuckling as he hung up the phone. Geez, if he hadn't put a stop to that he was pretty sure his nephew was going to overheat and explode like one of Ford's old computers. Speaking of, he should probably make sure the fire extinguisher down in the lab wasn't expired if Ford and Dipper were gonna be messing around down there the rest of the summer.
Eh, that was a tomorrow problem. Dipper was still up in the attic with Mabel unpacking for another summer in Gravity Falls. Hopefully that meant Stan had at least twenty-four hours until the nerds started blowing stuff up. Mabel and Dipper's parents had seemed surprised the twins wanted another summer with their Grunkle Stan. After all, they were teenagers now, Stan couldn't blame their parents for expecting the two of them to want to spend a summer with kids their own age in California rather than an old fart in the middle of the woods. Well, two old farts, but their parents didn't know about the second one. Besides, Ford would probably object to being called a fart. He'd probably complain that's not the proper term Stanley, if anything I'm an old flatulence.
Stan shuddered. Man, he musta been on that boat with his brother for too long.
Speaking of the kids. Stan grunted as he hefted himself out of his armchair and made his way up the stairs toward the attic. There hadn't been any sound of breaking glass before Mabel's call, so he figured he could take his time getting up there. He heard a loud thump, a groan from Dipper, and a loud giggle from Mabel. Okay, maybe he should walk a little faster.
"There you are!" Mabel called. Stan stood in the doorway, staring at both of his niblings sprawled out on the floor, a half-rolled poster laying between them and a hammer still clutched in Mabel's hands.
"Dipper's trying to hang up this poster, but he's still not tall enough. I tried climbing on his back, but I guess he still hasn't gotten his puberty muscles yet." Mabel scrambled up and ran to Stan, holding out the hammer in front of her. "Can you do it?"
"I do too have muscles," Dipper grumbled, sitting up. "But no one can expect to hold up the forty pounds of sequins on your sweater and your giant head!"
Mabel stuck her tongue out at her brother. Stan laughed and took the hammer from her, ruffling her hair.
"No sweat, Pumpkin. Let a real man take over." He couldn't ignore the way Mabel's smile grew wider at the nickname. It had been almost a year since Stan got his memories back, but it seemed any little reminder that he was recovering still made his family happy. It was weird, in a good way, to see people care about him so much. And if he made sure to call Mabel by her nicknames even more than her real name, well sue him.
"You could just get me a stepladder," Dipper grumbled, shuffling to his feet.
"Ugh, then I gotta walk all the way back downstairs," Stan picked up a bent nail off the floor. "I'll just get it over with now. Besides, then Mabel can whip us up some lemonade while I work."
"Ooooo can I make Mabel-ade?"
Stan shrugged. "Sure, knock yourself out."
The words were barely out of his mouth before Mabel was squealing and running down the stairs. In the silence, Stan shifted on his feet, giving Dipper an awkward sideways glance.
"I haven't...had Mabel-ade before, have I?" he whispered.
Dipper smiled. "Nah, don't worry. That's a whole new horror you get to experience first hand."
Stan chuckled. "Right." He made his way to the wall, squinting at the wooden beams to try and figure out where he could safely sink a nail in. It's not like the place was structurally unsound, but he also hadn't had any sort of building inspection in uh...ever.
"So," Dipper started. "Why'd you want Mabel out of the room?"
Stan smiled. "Perceptive. Good job, kid." He lined up the nail on the beam that had the least amount of termite holes. "You're not in trouble, just wanted to warn ya. Speaking of 'puberty muscles', your Pops called. Apparently he thinks you still haven't had The Talk yet. He told me to keep an eye on ya and that he'd explain everything when you get home."
Stan slipped the edge of the poster under the nail, resting his elbow against the poster to hold it in place while he started hammering.
"Had himself all worked up over it. 'Oh Uncle Stanford, Dipper's a teenager now, he might start to get ideas'," Stan laughed as he finished hammering. "So just, ya know, when you see him pretend I didn't tell ya about the birds and the bees already or anything. Some dads get weird about that. Apparently, he wants to be the one to tell you himself." Stan put his hands on his hips and admired his handy-work. A little crooked, but what wasn't in this place? He nodded and turned to Dipper, who was looking at him with his eyebrows drawn together.
"But...Grunkle Stan, you didn't have that talk with me," he murmured.
"Ha! There ya go," Stan grinned, punching Dipper on the shoulder. "You're gettin' better at lyin' kid."
"But I'm not lying."
"Wow, I almost believed you that time!"
"No, Grunkle Stan," Dipper grabbed Stan's hand before he could leave the room. Stan looked down at Dipper and realized the boy's face had turned from confusion to distress. "You really didn't."
Stan frowned. "Whaddya mean I didn't? Don't tell me you forgot. I still remember having that talk with my old man." He shuddered. "Not the sorta thing you forget."
Dipper gripped his arm tighter. "How well do you remember having that conversation with me?
"Kid, you were making a face like I was about to pull your teeth out the whole time and you screamed, like, a lot. You couldn't even look at the diagrams in my Why Am I Sweaty? book."
"Grunkle Stan...none of that happened."
Stan froze. "But I remember it."
Dipper gently pulled the hammer out of Stan's hand and set it on the ground before grasping his other hand. "Have you...has this happened before?"
"Has what?" Stan could feel his heart rate picking up.
"Remembering things that aren't real."
"Alright kid, whatever joke this is, it isn't funny." Stan ripped his hands from Dipper's hold, rubbing them against his pants as his eyes darted around the room. An old habit. Looking for an exit.
Dipper held up his hands as if approaching a wild animal. "Stay calm. I can get Ford, maybe he can help figure this out. Maybe the memory gun just...um..."
"Just what?" Stan could feel his voice going shrill. "That gun was supposed to take stuff out of my head, not put stuff in!"
Dipper was beginning to look as panicked as Stan felt.
"Oh God," Stan muttered. "What else did it put in there. Dipper? What else isn't real?"
"This is the first time!" Dipper began to pace. "Unless...has Great Uncle Ford said anything? On the boat, did anything like this happen? This conversation?"
Stan shook his head, his breathing starting to feel funny. "No. But apparently asking me to remember stuff isn't exactly trustworthy - "
"He would have told me," Dipper said with certainty. "Great Uncle Ford would have told me if something happened. So it didn't. So this is the first time and, and, and, we can fix it! Right?"
Stan just stared at Dipper. They shared the same frightened eyes. For Dipper's sake, Stan nodded.
Dipper and Stan glanced towards the stairs.
"Let's get you something to drink first," Dipper muttered, walking slowly towards Stan to take his hand again. "Then we can figure everything out."
"Sure, kid," Stan whispered. He didn't let go of Dipper's hand until they reached the kitchen.
They decided it was best not to tell Mabel. After all, it didn't seem like the sort of problem that the scrapbook could solve, and it wasn't worth causing her distress until they knew what they were dealing with. Instead, Dipper had been tasked with distracting Mabel while Ford and Stan commiserated in the kitchen. Stan really wasn't sure how good of a job they were doing of fooling Mabel. She had given him a weird look when he gave the kids money to go get ice cream in town. He couldn't blame her. He'd even thrown in a couple quarters so she could get sprinkles.
"Didn't Dipper mention some sort of brain scanner?" Stan offered. "I don't really like the idea of you poking around in there, but would it help?"
Ford shook his head. He was pacing the kitchen, hands clasped behind his back. "No. Project Mentem is broken. And even if I were to fix it, all I could do with it is see and or encrypt your memories. There would be no way for me to discern what's true and what's false since your mind interprets all of them as true." He stopped his pacing to take another swig of his Mabel-ade. Stan liked to give Ford grief about his coffee intake, but at this rate he'd be willing to let Ford have a couple cups of Joe if it meant he'd stop ingesting whatever sour, spicy, glittery drink Mabel was trying to pass off as lemonade. He was pretty sure Ford's eyes were starting to shake.
"So, you had no memory of this talk with Dipper until your phone call with his father?"
"And when the memory returned, did it feel like the rest of them? Think hard, was there any difference in sensation?"
Stan shook his head. "Nope. The same sort of itch I always get."
Ford hummed. "Fiddleford told me once that some of his returning memories would get scrambled. Two puzzle pieces fitting together that shouldn't. For example, he swore there was a Christmas that I spent with him and Emma Mae, but it turned out he was combining his memories of Christmas with her with our own holiday celebration in the lab. Can you think of any other conversation with Dipper you could be mixing up? Anyone else you would have been having that conversation with other than Dipper? Perhaps your mind replaced your real conversation partner with Dipper?"
Stan frowned. "You think I just go talkin' about the birds and the bees with everybody?"
"Stan, just think."
He shrugged. "The only people I talk to who would even be young enough for that would be Soos or Wendy. There's no way I woulda given that talk to a girl, and I'm pretty sure Soos's abuelita woulda ripped me a new one if I had done anything to take away Soos's 'innocence'. I have enough self-preservation not to do that."
Ford nodded. "Alright. I feel comfortable with that reasoning." He took another swig of Mabel-ade. "However, then we're dealing with the more uncomfortable reality of the memory being completely fabricated."
"If you keep drinking that stuff, you're gonna start hallucinating too."
Ford's glass slammed down onto the table. "You've been having hallucinations?"
"No. I mean, not that I know of at least. Have I been?"
"Not that I've seen."
"Alright, then no."
Ford sighed and sat down in the chair across from Stan. He leaned forward, his elbows on the table and hands clasped together.
"I don't like hearing you do that," Ford murmured.
"Doing what?"
"Doubting your mind." Ford looked up to Stan, his eyes that horrible mix of calculating and pitiful that tended to appear these days.
Stan shrugged. "Why shouldn't I? We know I'm just making stuff up now. Heck, if Mabel didn't have pictures of all the crazy stuff we got up to last summer I'd probably think that was made up too."
Ford's eyes narrowed. "Hm. That might work."
"The scrapbook?"
"No, physical stimulus." Ford stood from the table again. "You said that when you had this conversation with Dipper you used a book to show him diagrams and such, correct?"
"Yeah. Why Am I Sweaty?"
Ford blinked. "You still have that thing?"
"Ma mailed it up back when she was cleaning out the house. She said she had a whole bunch of 'old science books' she thought her 'little scientist' might want before she donated 'em. I said I'd take 'em 'cause I was hoping some of them would be able to help with the portal. Turns out it was just a bunch of textbooks I stole from the high school and that thing. Came in handy though." Stan shrugged. "Maybe."
"Where is it?"
"If it wasn't destroyed it's probably still in my office. Why?"
Ford left the room without a word, coat billowing behind him. Stan took the opportunity to dump the rest of Ford's drink down the sink. He had a hunch he was about to have the full attention of a scientist on him for awhile and he'd prefer if that scientist wasn't vibrating like a beehive.
"Here we are!" Ford announced as he entered the room. "As I was saying, a physical stimulus might -" he stopped, staring at his glass. "My drink."
Stan shrugged. "I got thirsty."
Ford squinted at him. "Hm. Try looking through the pages of this. Maybe it will help ground you."
"But, won't that just make the fake memory more real?" Stan asked, flipping through the pages. The Pituitary Gland.
"That!" Stan shouted, pointing at the diagram. "Dipper screamed at that!"
Ford frowned. "That seems unlike him."
Stan groaned, dropping the book and putting his head in his hands. "I know but...I swear I can see it Ford. It feels so real."
Stan could hear the sound of Ford getting out of his chair, and there was suddenly a tentative hand on his shoulder.
"We'll figure it out, Stanley," he said softly.
"I just don't get why my brain would choose that memory to make," Stan mumbled through his hands. "Not that I want a buncha fake memories, but I could have at least come up with something cooler. Like winning a prize fight or kissing a mermaid or something."
Ford chuckled. "Well, I - " he was interrupted by the sound of the Shack door slamming open, frantic footsteps racing toward the kitchen. Stan lifted his head from his hands, leaning back to adopt a more nonchalant position in his chair. Ford gave his shoulder a squeeze.
"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!" Mabel burst into the kitchen, two small paper cups in her hands. "The ice cream lady said I could have two free samples, so I got two old people flavors! They're melted, but you can drink them. Who wants Butter Pecan and who wants Rum Raisin?"
Dipper shuffled in behind her, Mabel's enthusiasm waning as she took in the tense atmosphere of the room.
"What's wrong?" she asked hesitantly. "Do you guys not like those flavors?"
Stan turned to look at Ford, who had that pinched look around his eyes again.
"Mabel," Ford said gently. "Maybe you should sit down. We have something to -"
He was interrupted by a scream. Mabel had dropped the ice cream cups on the floor, leaving two splats that Waddles wasted no time in beginning to lick up. Stan sat up quickly in his chair.
"Sweetie, what - " before he could complete his sentence, Mabel had grabbed Why Am I Sweaty? and hurled it through the open kitchen window.
"Die childhood killer, die!" she shrieked. She stood huffing for a few more moments, eyes slightly crazed, before straightening up and looking towards the floor.
"Awwww piggy cream!" she cooed, squatting down to pat Waddles' head.
Dipper was the first to break the silence. "Mabel...what was that?"
She glared at Stan from the floor. "An evil book. Is that why you wanted us out of the house? So you could trap us with that horrible book when we got back?"
"You know that book?" Ford asked.
Mabel shuddered. "Ugh, unfortunately. Why do you even wanna read that thing again? It's not like it's hard to forget. Unless..." she frowned. "Were you...showing it to Grunkle Ford? Grunkle Ford, do you not know where babies come from?"
"No, I am well acquainted with a variety of human and alien reproductive systems." This time it was Stan's turn to shudder.
Ford reddened. "Not like that!"
"Wait, Mabel, you read Why Am I Sweaty?" Dipper asked. He looked to Stan, who was beginning to look green around the gills.
"You're the one I read that to?" Stan asked hoarsely. "But that's...that's not for you! I thought I read that to Dipper, you're telling me that I read that to...What?!"
Mabel slowed her petting of Waddles, beginning to look sheepish. "Well...you didn't know it was me. You thought I was Dipper."
Stan's mouth hung open. "Are you telling me my brain was swiss cheese before the memory gun?"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," Dipper groaned, slapping his hand against his head. "That was during the whole carpet thing wasn't it."
Mabel nodded.
"Carpet thing?" Ford asked.
"Yeah," Mabel began to scritch under Waddles' chin. "That carpet from your secret room. It made everybody switch bodies. I was Dipper for awhile and he was me. Soos was Waddles and Waddles was Soos!" Mabel grinned, holding up Waddles to stand on two legs. "Just look at this adorable little former handyman!"
"I was also Waddles," Dipper admitted. "A lot of people were a lot of people. McGucket tried to eat Soos."
Ford frowned. "Soos as Waddles?"
Dipper and Mabel shared a look.
"Never mind all that," Mabel offered, smiling tightly. "Let's talk about why Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford were talking about puberty. Do old people do it twice or something?"
Ford pinched the bridge of his nose. "We weren't talking about puberty, we were talking about a memory Stanley had of discussing puberty with Dipper. Which Dipper thought wasn't real. Now we know why."
Stan raised his hand. "I would now like to pivot the discussion to Ford not leaving his experiments lying around where small children can find them."
"Wait!" Mabel gasped. "Does this mean that Dipper hasn't had the talk yet?" She leapt to her feet. "Because Mom gave me the girl one when we got home last summer! Does this mean I know the girl one and the boy one and Dipper knows none of them?"
Dipper sighed. "Mabel, I've seen nature documentaries."
Mabel whooped. "I know more about something than Dipper! Like, an actual science thing!"
"Mabel, I still know about - "
"Oh yeah?" Mabel reached into her skirt pocket. "Then what's this then?" With a wicked grin she slapped a bright pink wrapper covered in stars onto the kitchen table. Stan slapped his hands over his eyes. Ford's face went slack. Dipper grimaced.
"Mabel...I share a bathroom with you, I know what a pad is."
Ford cleared his throat. "They certainly," he coughed. "They certainly have changed a lot in the past thirty years."
Mabel frowned. "Were the old ones in black and white?"
Stan groaned. "Can we skip ahead to the part where Sixer burns that carpet and we all celebrate that I'm not actually losing my mind?"
Mabel wrapped her arms around Stan, pulling him into a big hug. "Of course! I'll go grab the lighter fluid!" And with that she fled from the room, snatching the pad off the table as she went. Stan lifted his head from his hands and the three Pines men stared at each other awkwardly.
"Well," Ford clapped his hand back on Stan's shoulder. "Another mystery solved."
Dipper nodded. "Sorry to freak you guys out like that. I don't know how I didn't think about the whole 'body swap' thing earlier."
Stan hefted himself up from the table. "No sweat, kid. Er." The three of them turned to the window where Gompers could be seen chomping away at the pages of Why Am I Sweaty?
They turned to each other. A silent agreement was made. Stan grabbed the popsicles out of the freezer and they began to file out of the kitchen, ready to meet Mabel at the fire pit to send that carpet back to Hell where it belonged. If there was anything they'd learned from last summer, it was that some knowledge was best left hidden.
AN: Sequel to this and this! I may or may not manage to get another one done by the end of Stanuary tomorrow (probably not), but either way, thanks for joining me!
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mintjeru · 10 months ago
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i may be less normal about yudrain than i previously thought reference for the text on hope under the cut
open for better quality | no reposts
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ok guys. i have to be so real with you. luke saying annabeth is like a little sister to him was not just added for the tv show he says that in the book ("she would never... i mean, she's like a little sister to me" (page 223))
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haechansunshineboy · 6 months ago
*:・゚✧. *:・゚✧.
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*:・゚✧. *:・゚✧.
A/N: I can’t believe I am writing this in a movie theater to the sweet sweet sounds of Sean Paul and Keyshia Cole’s When you gonna give it up to me on loop.
*:・゚✧. *:・゚✧.
“Flower Day?” Mark asked. “I don’t really own any shirts for it though.”
You rolled your eyes. “Mark Lee how are you even class president?” Next week was scheduled to be homecoming week, meaning each day was a specific dress up day. You got pretty into school dress up days, so seeing your friend/senior class president being so carefree about it was just-
“Did you forget you planned these things out? Like what do you even do at these meetings?” You nag at him, making him shrug back.
“I just sign my name on everything- hey HEY! I’m kidding-” he giggles, bracing himself as you prepare to swat at him.
“You know what, what are you doing for Flower Day? I’ll just match with you.” He suggests, in a now panicked tone, reaching for your hands to block you again.
You raise your eyebrow, a thought forming in your head.
“Yeah?” A smile growing on your face.
“Yeah…? Now I’m a little scared…”
“Ok at least this isn’t as bad as I thought.” Mark mutters as you dig around your makeup stuff for what you’re looking for.
You called Mark the morning of to swing by your place so you could do some pretty makeup on him. You’d been practicing how to draw flowers for a while and now you had someone to practice on (other than yourself). To be honest, you were pretty excited that Mark was letting you do this for him.
“Do you have any preference to colors?” You ask, pulling out the different color liners to show him.
“Honestly no? Do what you gotta do.” Mark giggles as he shuts his eyes tightly. You smile at his cute scrunched up face as you flick his shoulder, making his eyes open back up.
“You have to relax your face, dummy. I can’t work on you with your face all tense like this.” You tell him. He nods back at your order, trying his best to give you a neutral face so you could begin your work.
Seeing Mark’s face up close like this, you can’t help but take in his rather handsome features. His pretty lashes, his sharp jawline, the slope of his nose. Your eyes trail down to his cupids bow and his lips.
You take a deep breath, intending to not think about pressing your lips against your friend’s lips. You wonder how soft they’d feel. You shake your head at that last thought.
Trying to come back to the task at hand, you drag the brush along Mark’s cheekbone, beginning with detailing the petals, adding small spots here and there.
As you attempt to draw more flora, you use the side of your index finger to gently lift Mark’s chin. His eyes flutter open at the movement, his lips part slightly. He hadn’t realized how close your face was to him until this moment, when you were just a short breath away of distance.
His head also started swirling with thoughts. Thoughts about what it would be like to press his lips against yours. What would your lipstick taste like? Would you make cute noises when your lips touched?
“All good?” You ask, now noticing the distance between you two as well. You swallow hard when you see Mark glance at your lips.
“Yeah, you’re really gentle, I barely felt you putting anything on my face.” He chuckles, trying to push down his previous thoughts. “Can I see what you’ve done so far?”
You nod, stepping away to let Mark lean over your vanity table to look at the small flowers adorning his cheeks like freckles. He could also see his cheeks red in the reflection of the mirror, not due to blush, but due to his previous thoughts about you.
*:・゚✧. *:・゚✧.
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nyaaasougi · 8 months ago
can't wait to see a whole new wave of people experiencing langworth for the first time bc one of the funniest things about them is the slight misconception that lang is the one thirsting hard for edgeworth, when actually he openly detests him for almost the entire first game and opposes him at every turn.. meanwhile it's edgeworth who spends the majority of both of his own games groveling for lang's approval for literally no reason to the point that even Kay notices 😭 just look at the material if u don't believe me!
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iszapizza · 1 year ago
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rebels ahsoka my beloved
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a-stars-art-blog · 2 months ago
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athenasplan · 4 months ago
I was rewatching the first episode of 4-Sided Dive and Robbie mentioned Dorian getting "some romantic vibes around the table", so of course Travis and Marisha immediately went interrogation mode about WHO he was talking about and I obviously thought they were thinking about Orym BUT THEY GUESSED IMOGEN??? And I had honestly completely forgotten about it but YES I too thought Dorian was crushing on Imogen at the beginning wow crazy how things change
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anotheraverageairbreather · 8 months ago
Now that the main GSNK ships are finally seeing some progress (Waka knows Seo is Lorelei, Kashima and Hori Kiss, Nozaki realizing his feelings, Ryousuke and Miyako are together, etc), does anyone think Mayu and Mikorin have a shot at being canon??? I mean they’re relationship is absolutely set up in a way that is COULD happen plot wise, and the Manga is fruitier than a Jamba Juice, but they’ve been given so much less attention than the other ships ( that could also be because Mayu isn’t like a member of the main cast tho???) idk my hopes aren’t HIGH per se, but I feel like there’s a non zero chance! Like I’m sitting at a solid 7%
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chandralia · 2 years ago
any genuine iteration I try to imagine of Ochako’s confession is her being like “you inspired and motivated me, I thought of you to guide me through my battles. But I kept it from you so I could focus on being a hero”
and Deku’s just like “oh my god I’m in love with Kacchan”
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 2 years ago
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"Second Wind"
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greencloakedfae · 6 months ago
Thinking about the dynamics between the 'good' and 'bad' sides in renegade nell.
Sofia ofc is obsessed with catching Nell, which starts as a quick action to cover for Thomas but then kind of spins out of control into a full obsession with finding her and killing her. Poynton is curious about Nell but only really in a way of trying to figure out how best he could use her to his advantage, either through figuring out how she got her strength or through Sofias obsession with her.
Meanwhile, Nell outwardly doesn't really give a shit about them throughout the show. Her focus is pretty only on keeping her sisters safe and finding out how to get past this whole bounty issue. Its a safe bet she hates Thomas, yknow on the whole account of him killing her father thing and then framing her for murder. Queen of repressed feelings honestly cause she doesn't really address it during the show, she hasn't got time to.
She does get to rant about Sofia though!! Though I get the impression she more just finds Sofia a nuisance. A big nuisance, on the account of trying to kill her with magic and all that, but its fustration she shows outwardly not hate. And I don't think Nell is really aware of Poynton until they figure out theres a plot against the Queen, literally meeting him for the first time as she tries to kill him. Nell even readily works with Sofia at the end, being really civil and almost nice all things considered.
Nell is the root of their problems, but the root of Nell's problems is just the whole system.
And then coupling this with the flip side, where Charles and Polly are infatuated with her. So many people have a lot of big feelings about Nell and she is just trying her best to sideline them for more important things. Like not being captured and protecting her family.
I would have loved to see how these dynamics would have changed in season 2 though. You could definitely feel Nell's feelings about Sofia switch from neutral annoyance to proper hatred in those last few scenes. Ahhhh
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