#crunch chrunch
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flock-of-cassowaries · 2 months ago
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Love it!
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layraket · 1 year ago
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thoughts-of-eel · 1 year ago
Hello friend, I brought my favorite food from my homeland for you. Crabs! Tasty blue crabs. I hope you like them! *Drops a bunch of blue crabs into your home*
Crunch crucgsnh chrunch cruchsty fhrchrhuch
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littleplantfreak · 3 months ago
picked up a nachos and salsa lunchable…..chrunch crunch crunch
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thinking abt them now…..
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pupstim · 2 years ago
I saw this prompt again and I cannot let it go in my brain. So as I said in my tags, maybe it starts with Selina giving Danny security tech to chrunch on but then Harley and Ivy want to test it for Science™. They hand him all sorts of crazy shit but draw the line at gross things. These things include various metals (Danny has particular thoughts about certain metals. Iron tastes too much like blood but it's got a good cronch, Copper is his favorite so far as it's good crunch with a pretty okay taste like idk fucking limestone and gold is his second favorite as it's chewy and tastes like taffy(I have a lot of thoughts about how metals would taste okay)) all of the rocks, concrete, steel, one time a clean tire, and a little bit of glass. He also off hand mentions about the deranged food in his fridge sometimes and makes the Gals wonder if this is part of his meta power or if Danny is Just Like That™️.
Just the thought of Danny being handed increasingly insane stuff by Selina, Harley and Ivy. Selina showed them how she's been disposing of any security mechs she comes across and Harley just pulls a batarang from her pocket or whatever and hands it to him. Selina and Ivy are like wtf until Danny actually takes a bite out of it with ease and then they're like wtf…. Danny said it tasted like vengeance.
The real reason this prompt lives in my head though is I just want someone to hand Danny their phone and Danny who has been trained to cronch first ask questions later, takes a giant chomp on the poor phone and its just sparking and all sorts of circuits and wires sticking from it, whoever the poor smuck is that handed it to him is just staring in dismay. Danny doesn't even notice he just gives the bitten phone back to the person.
Bonus points if it's someone with the batfam, specifically Tim. The five stages of grief Tim would go through seeing some skinny beanpole of a kid just take a bite out of his phone like it's a piece of chocolate unphased. He begins to try and come up with how to protect the tech from this menace of a chewer and becomes part of the problem with handing Danny increasingly weird stuff to bite to test his limit, spoiler alert he has none. Borrowing another idea as well and Tim gives Danny kryptonite to cronch. Danny finds it tastes just like ghost candy and actually eats the whole thing.
Meanwhile in the background Harley and Ivy are discussing the pros or cons of getting Danny to take a bite out of the biggest diamond in the world to see if he can cronch it. Pros it would be funny as fuck Cons they probably gotta take it from Selina and she would be pissed, plus if he did do it then they would be out one big diamond.
dp x dc prompt!
Danny has always been somewhat of a compulsive chewer. All the way up through middle school he would bite on the neck of his shirt, or hoodie strings. The portal accident and his newfound Halfa status did not help. In fact, the carryover even in his human form gave him extremely sharp teeth and the strength to crunch metal if he wasn’t careful.
Several years later in Gotham, there have been reports of various chunks of scrap metal, with tooth marks resembling fangs gouged into the steel, being found in alleyways and scrapyards. The bats are not pleased that a new meta has taken up residence and started leaving vaguely threatening ‘messages’ lying around. Anything with fangs and jaw strength like that can’t be good news.
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bobthecoolrock · 2 years ago
"Have you seen my glasses?", asks my friend.
No sorry *crunch* haven't seen them *chrunch*.
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21go-gay-today37 · 1 year ago
Eating that ice cubes. crunch chrunch crunch chrunch crunch chrunch crunch chrunch
joys of life
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skittles634 · 2 years ago
I want dirt & mud &forest things to be smoshed into my fingers so I may see the prints in my hands. I want rocks & shinies & teeth to jingle jangle in my hands. I want moss to grow under my feet & for it to be my bed. I want leaves to crunch under my feet & the chrunches to fly around me like faeries.
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biomimicrycafe · 11 days ago
So I noticed my usb power bank was making a tiny crunching noise.
When I say “tiny,” I mean like a hyperacusis-exclusive kind of noise. For context, I have practically-off-the-charts literally-too-sensitive-to-measure-with-standard-equipment (according to my employer, a AuD, PhD audiologist) levels of hearing, and I only heard this with the powerbank held next to my ear in a  quiet room.
I then noticed the noise was significantly altered by me making gestures on my phone and slightly altered by touching the cable. I tried unplugging my phone, the noise goes away. I try turning my phone off while it’s plugged in, the noise goes fucking insane, but still extremely quiet.
What is this mystery crunch, you ask?
Well, I did some thinking and my theory, described with rather loose regard for terminology, is as follows:
First, the givens: 
The voltage regulation circuitry inside of the power bank involves a few inductors.
Those inductors produce magnetic fields.
The field each inductor produces varies with voltage and/or current. (I’m not doing math here so I don’t care which we’re considering) And finally, the voltage and/or current across each inductor in the power bank circuit *depends on the load on the charger.*
My phone was using a *slightly different* amount of energy when I made a gesture, and using *probably a fair bit more* but also a less consistent amount of energy while sleeping and charging. 
This tiny variation in load from my phone on the power bank (and even tinier changes in capacitance of the cable from my nearby flesh) was modulating the magnetic field produced by some random inductors which was, in turn, *VIBRATING UNRELATED TINY (PRESUMABLY BITS OF METAL) FERROMAGNETIC COMPONENTS BY FRACTIONS OF A MICRON AND PRODUCING A *TINY FUCKED UP CHRUNCHING SOUND*
Overall, I think this tracks pretty well with how the noise sounded like a filtered version of directly listening to the electrical noise induced by a microprocessor running or directly playing an arbitrary binary file like it was a (wav-like simple sample sequence) sound file. (Don’t worry about how I know what those sound like)
I don’t know what I’m going to do with this information. I just discovered that my power bank is a cursed little smartphone stethoscope. 
Hyperacusis is *the weirdest* shitty superpower.
I’m adding a couple more questions for god besides relativity and turbulence.
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just-a-honse · 4 months ago
day seventeen of horse
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bluwubewwy · 4 months ago
They need to invent a coconut thats like a berry. Need to just pop it in my mouth and crunch chrunch chewchewchew yknow
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racheldoinstuff · 5 months ago
Crunch crunch chomp chrunch
Agile wallaby eating food in the cutest way.
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paul-matthews87 · 6 months ago
whiu whv bhy wbh wbhy why are we ki llung kkilling killing matthews i like matthews *chrunch crunch*
-paul 4
Wait, what?
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armlesses · 7 months ago
Chrunch crunch crnch crunsh crsh crunch
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jc · 2 years ago
So war der Mai 2023
Der Mai ist ja schon ein wenig her, aber aus Gründen, die du spätestens bei der nächsten Monatszusammenfassung lesen wirst, hat sich der diesmonatige ein wenig verzögert. Naja, du kennst das ja.
Im Mai war vor allem Arbeit. Im Büro, wo wir einiges erledigen mussten. Und zuhause, wo immer noch sporadisch Handwerker in der Wohnung standen, um letzte Dinge zu erledigen, und wo wir einen wohnlichen Zustand wiederherzustellen versuchten.
Auf dem Rotweinwanderweg gab es auch dieses Jahr für eine begrenzte Zeit wieder den Weinfrühling, also Stände mit Ausschank und manch anderem an fast jeder Kreuzung. Eine wunderbare Gelegenheit für die Rotweinwanderwegwandergruppe eine Rotweinwanderwegwanderung zu machen. Früher haben wir als erste Handlung erst unten im Ort Wanderwein gekauft. So war es aber praktischer: Ohne Wein zu schleppen konnten wir uns durch verschiedene Weingüter und Sorten kosten und das Tochterkind hatte genug Abwechslung, um mehrere Stunden ohne zu Murren mitzulaufen. Komplettiert wurde der schöne Tag durch spontan dazustoßende weitere Freunde.
Anschließend waren wir unten in Dernau Eis essen. Es war das erste Mal seit der Flut, dass ich da wieder war. Man sieht immer noch überall die Schäden und Leerstellen. Man sieht daneben auch schon neu Aufgebautes und sehr viel Lebensenergie bei denen, die sich dort über den langsam wieder anlaufenden Tourismus freuen.
Bonner Wirtschaftsgespräche
Ein wenig Vor-Corona-Normalität kehrt auch in die Business-Veranstaltungen ein. So war ich im Mai unter anderem bei den Wirtschaftsgesprächen, die die Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Bonn organisiert. Hat mir gefallen, wie man hier nachlesen kann:
24. Bonner Wirtschaftsgespräche
Crunch time
Ich lernte bei meiner letzten Businessquatsch-Deep-dive-Masterclass, dass man die Zeit vor einer längeren Abwesenheit chrunch time nennt. Also: Je näher das Monatsende rückte, desto chrunchiger wurde es. Denn am 31. Mai hatte ich den letzten Arbeitstag vor fünf Wochen Elternzeit und Urlaub. Es musste noch vieles fertig gemacht und organisiert werden. Hinzu kam eine dann doch spontane lange Abwesenheit einer Kollegin. Es hat insgesamt schon mal mehr Spaß gemacht, selbstständig zu sein. Vielleicht ist es also eine gute Idee, mal ein paar Wochen raus zu sein.
Foto des Monats
Die mit Wasser vollgelaufene Kiesgrube der Quarzwerke Witterschlick, gleich nebenan bei uns. Das Wasser ist wirklich so wahnsinnig türkis.
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Leider nicht viel konsumiert. Vor allem nichts zu Ende.
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(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2023/06/so-war-der-mai-2023/)
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