#cruise ship for ducks!
suckmyskinnyballsmia · 8 months
So I was scrolling on Facebook (I only scroll at like 1-3 am) and I came across this picture and it got me thinking!
We need a cruise ship for ducks! 🦆🛳️🦆🛳️🦆
Think about it…
We get a cruise ship, (it can be on the smaller end because like they’re ducks, and humans are bigger than ducks)
We make it duck friendly! (We take out most of the human things that ducks don’t need, but keep the cute stuff like comfy chairs for them to take pictures on)
We do a test inspection (with a mama duck and a bunch of cuties aka baby ducks)
We staff it (with 2 vets just in case, and some duck lovers)
We record it! (Get the running and tapping of the little feet on the different floors and we can see what they like about there vacations)
Send it on an actual cruise with actual people that love ducks and just chill with ducks for a vacation!
And it shall be called: “The duck boat”
Ok have a good night 💖
(It’s 3:51 am in January 2024)
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writing-shit-ig · 12 days
Okay soo...
I made a writing account!
i write both original and fanfic because sometimes i reallyyyyyy have brainrot and other times i need to. Book. I don't rlly have a way to introduce myself other than just. Yeah that.
oh yeah! I'm aroace and a lot of my stories will involve violence and horror and angst rather than romance and fluff and stuff haha, just how i am (un)fortunately! Also i'm non-binary: they/he pls and thanks :D
i'll probably reblog writing tips and whatnot, just because i kinda have to in order to get in the writing mood.
might post snippets or shit i'm proud of here, but don't count on it (i'll probably end up making progress posts at some point too)
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ltwilliammowett · 2 months
Glossary of Nautical Terms - as used in the late 18th and early 19th centuries
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Aft: at or towards the stern or after part of a ship, the opposite of bow.
Aloft: overhead, or above.
Athwart: across.
Bank: a rising ground in the sea, differing from a shoal, because not rocky but composed of sand, mud or gravel.
Becalmed: to halt through lack of wind.
Bow: the foremost end or part of a ship, the opposite of stern.
Bowsprit: a large mast or piece of timber which stands out from the bow of a ship.
Burthen: the older term used to express a ship's tonnage or carrying capacity. It was based on the number of tuns of wine that a ship could carry in her holds, the total number giving her burthen.
Chase, to: to pursue a vessel in wartime with the aim of capturing, acquiring information from her, or destroying.
Colours: the name by which the national flag flown by a ship at sea is known, used to determine nationality.
Dead reckoning: a system of navigation where the position of a ship is calculated without the use of any astronomical observation whatever.
Fair wind: a wind favourable to the direction a ship is sailing.
Fathom: a measure of six feet, used to divide the lead (or sounding) lines in measuring the depth of water; and to calculate in the length of cables, rigging, etc.
Fore: the forward part.
Hail, to: to call to another ship.
Helm: the instrument by which the ship is steered, and includes both the wheel and the tiller, as one general term.
Jib: a triangular sail set by sailing ships on the boom which runs out from the bowsprit.
Jury-mast: a temporary makeshift mast erected to replace a mast that has been disabled or carried away.
Jury-rudder: a makeshift arrangement to give a ship the ability to to steer when she has lost her rudder.
Keel: the lowest and principal timber of a wooden ship - the single strongest member of the ship's frame.
Knot: the nautical measure of speed, one knot being a speed of one nautical mile (6,080 feet) per hour. As a measure of speed the term is always knots, and never knots an hour.
Landfall: the discovery of the land.
Land-locked: sheltered all round by the land, so that there is no view of the sea.
Lead: an instrument for discovering the depth of water, attached to a lead-line, which is marked at certain distances to measure the fathoms.
Lee: the side of a ship, promontory, or other object away from the wind; that side sheltered from the wind. It is the opposite side to windward.
Lee shore: a coastline on to which the wind blows directly - consequently it can be dangerous as the wind tends to force the sailing ship down on it.
Leeward: with the wind; towards the point to which the wind blows.
Letter of Marque: a commission issued in Britain by the Lord High Admiral or Commissioners of the Admiralty authorizing the commander of a privately owned ship to cruise in search of enemy merchant vessels. The letter of marque described the ship, her owners and officers, the amount of surety which had been deposited and stressed the necessity of having all prize vessels or goods seized condemned and valued at a Vice Admiralty Court for the payment of 'prize money'.
Lie-to: to prevent a vessel from making progress through the water - achieved by reducing sail in a gale. The objective is to keep the vessel in such a position, with the wind on the bow, as to ensure that heavy seas do not break aboard.
The Line (or 'Crossing the Line') Sailing across the Equator. Nautical tradition where seamen celebrate the crossing of the equator by dressing up and acting out a visit by King Neptune. Those who have not previously crossed the line are summoned to the court of Neptune for trial, followed by a ritual ducking (in a bathing tub of seawater) and sometimes lathered and roughly shaved.
Mainsail: the principal sail of a sailing vessel.
Mizzen (or mizen): the name for the third, aftermost, mast of a square-rigged sailing ship or of a three-masted schooner.
Muster: to assemble the crew of a ship on deck and call through the list of names to establish who is present and accounted for.
Muster-book: the book kept on board a vessel in which was entered the names of all men serving in the ship, with the dates of their entry and final discharge from the crew. It was the basis on which victuals were issued and payment made for services performed on board.
Pintle: a vertical metal pin attached to the leading edge of the rudder; it is fitted into the metal ring or 'gudgeon' bolted to the sternpost of a vessel. This provides the means for hinging the rudder on the sternpost and allows a rudder to be swung or turned as desired (by use of the tiller); where necessary (ie. when the rudder needs to be removed or repaired) the pintles can be unshipped quickly and the rudder detached.
Port: the left-hand side of a vessel as seen from the stern; also a harbour or haven.
Privateer: a privately owned vessel armed with guns which operated in time of war against the trading vessels of an enemy nation. Each privateer was given a a 'letter of marque' which was regarded as a commission to seize any enemy shipping as a 'prize'. The name 'privateer' has come to refer to both the ship and the men who sailed in her.
Prize: name used to describe an enemy vessel captured at sea by a ship of war or a privateer; also used to describe a contraband cargo taken from a merchant ship. A 'prize court' would then determine the validity of capture of ships and goods and authorize their disposal. 'Prize' in British naval history always acted as considerable incentive to recruitment with many men tempted to join the navy in anticipation of quick riches.
Prize Court: Captured ships were to be brought before prize courts where it was decided whether the vessel was legal prize; if so, the whole value was divided among the owners and the crew of the ship.
Prize Money: the net proceeds of the sale of enemy shipping and property captured at sea - these proceeds were distributed to the captors on a sliding scale from highest rank to lowest seaman.
Road or Roadstead: a stretch of sheltered water near land where ships may ride at anchor in all but very heavy weather; often rendered as 'roads', and does not refer to the streets of a particular port city but rather its anchorage, as in 'St Helens Roads', the designated anchorage for shipping located between St. Helens (Isle of Wight) and Portsmouth, or 'Funchal Roads' at the island of Madeira. (see Elizabeth Macquarie's 1809 Journal).
Quarter: (1)the direction from which the wind was blowing, particularly if it looked like remaining there for some time; (2)the two after parts of the ship - strictly speaking a ship's port or starbord quarter was a bearing 45° from the stern.
Ship: from the Old English scip, the generic name for sea-going vessels (as opposed to boats). Originally ships were personified as masculine but by the sixteenth century almost universally expressed as as feminine.
Shoal: a bank or reef, an area of shallow water dangerous to navigation. Sounding: the of operation of determioning the depth of the sea, and the quality of the ground, by means of a lead and line, sunk from the ship to the bottom, where some of the sediment or sand adheres to the tallow in the hollow base of the lead.
Sound: (1) to try the depth of the water; (2) a deep bay.
Sounding: ascertaining the depth of the sea by means of a lead and line, sunk from a ship to the bottom.
Soundings: those parts of the ocean not far from the shore where the depth is about 80 to 100 fathoms.
Spar: a general term for any wooden support used in the rigging of a ship - includes all masts, yards, booms, gaffs etc.
Squall: a sudden gust of wind of considerable strength.
Starboard: the right-hand side of a vessel as seen from the stern.
Stern: after-part of a ship or boat.
Tack: the nautical manouevre of bringing a sailing vessel on to another bearing by bringing the wind round the bow; during this manouevre the vessel is said to be 'coming about'.
Tide of Flood: the flow of the tidal stream as it rises from the ending of the period of slack water at low tide to the start of the period of slack water at high tide; its period is approximately six hours.
Trade Winds: steady regular winds that blow in a belt approximately 30 N. and 30 S of the equator. In the North Atlantic the trades blow consistently all year round, from the north-east; in the South Atlantic they blow from the south-east, converging just north of the equator. The meeting of the trade winds just north of the equator created the infamous 'doldrums', where sailing ships could be becalmed for days or weeks waiting for a wind to carry them back into the trades.They were known as trade winds because of their regularity, thereby assisting sailing vessels in reaching their markets to carry out trade.
Under way: the description of a ship as soon as she begins to move under canvas power after her anchor has been raised from the bottom; also written as 'under weigh.'
Voyage: a journey by sea. It usually includes the outward and homeward trips, which are called passages.
Watch: (1) one of the seven divisions of the nautical day; (2) one of two divisions of the seamen forming the ship's company.
Wear: the nautical manouevre of bringing a sailing vessel on to another tack by bringing the wind around the stern.
Weather: in a nautical sense (rather than a meteorological) this is the phrase used by seamen to describe anything that lies to windward. Consequently, a coastline that lies to windward of a ship is a weather shore; the side of a ship that faces the wind when it is under way is said to be the weather side a ship, etc.
Weigh: to haul up.
Weigh anchor: the raising of the anchor so that the ship is no longer secured to the sea or river bottom.
Windward: the weather side, or that direction from which the wind blows. It is the opposite side to leeward.
Yard: (1) a large wooden spar crossing the masts of a sailing ship horizontally or diagonally, from which a sail is set. (2) a shortened form of the word 'dockyard, in which vessels are built or repaired.
Sources: JEANS, Peter D. Ship to Shore: a dictionary of everyday words and phrases derived from the sea. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 1993.
The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea. (ed.) Peter Kemp. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976.
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phatburd · 4 months
On the first day of my cruise, I found a cruise duck. What is a cruise duck?
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I'm on the Crown Princess.
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I'd also bought a hardcover copy of one of my fanfics, with the intent of leaving it behind in the cruise ship's library.
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It's a fic close to my heart, and one that's easily accessible with only bare-minimum knowledge of Star Trek, and no knowledge at all of the other fandom it's fused with (The Old Guard, if you're wondering).
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Here's a note I wrote for anyone who might find my fic in the ship library.
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It's not unusual for guests to take books and leave their own books behind on their trips as a sort of exchange.
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I tucked the duck's tag in to my fic and left it for someone to find. I hope someone out there enjoys it. 👋
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
Continuation of this
Buck checks himself out for the tenth time in the mirror. He knows he looks good, but maybe he doesn't look right for trivia night? Dark jeans, his favorite boots, teal sweater... Maybe the sweater is the wrong top. Pulling it off and tossing it on top of the pile that's already on his bed, he grabs his phone and calls his sister.
"Maddie, tell me what to wear on a date to impress Tommy's friends." He pauses briefly. "Indoors, bar, trivia night."
It takes three agonizing seconds before Maddie answers. "The gray crew neck, paired with the rust-colored leather jacket or the brown suede, it brings out your complexion, and I want daisies as a thank you when you come by next."
"Thank you, I love you, say hi to Chim and Jee."
"Use protection!" Maddie gets one in just before Buck hangs up. He rolls his eyes at his phone but grins anyway as he tucks a condom into his back pocket. He might get lucky. He chooses the suede.
Tommy picks him up and kisses him sweetly, like they're about to go on a date instead of meeting Tommy's friends who are totally going to judge the hell out of Buck if he screws up Trivia Night.
"You look so good, I'm tempted to ditch them and take you someplace nice," Tommy murmurs against Buck's mouth.
"And have them say I'm a figment of your imagination? Nope. Plus, I dressed up to impress them," says Buck, smiling, giddy from his boyfriend's - boyfriend! Buck is never getting over that word - praise. "Well, Maddie helped to dress me. Wait that came out wrong. I meant, she helped to choose what I should wear. Did you know that royalty and nobility had, like, specific staff who helped to choose what they wore? The women were ladies-in-waiting and they were usually nobility, but of a lower station, and sometimes they were also available as sex partners to the king or the duke or prince or whatever. It's pretty exploitative, when you think about it..."
Buck sees Tommy's fond expression and his words taper off. Shyly, he kisses Tommy again.
"I may have gone down a few too many rabbit holes," he admits.
"That's amazing. You're amazing." Tommy smiles, and starts the car.
Buck is introduced to the group. Melton works at Harbor also, and immediately regales Buck with a story of how Tommy pleaded with their captain to drop him off at the hospital and won the bargain with promising to detail the engines the next few shifts.
"You did that for me?" Buck asks. "You didn't have to- Babe, you'd just fought a beast of a fire, I would've understood if you couldn't make it."
Tommy ducks his head, as if embarrassed. "Well, I promised. And the welcome was worth it."
They share a look, remembering the kiss in the lobby.
"You two are so sappy," Melton declares. "Can't believe we used to think you were cool."
"He is cool! He flew a helicopter into a hurricane. And landed on an upside-down cruise ship."
"Yeah, yeah. I still can't believe you're keeping your job after that jaunt."
Fernando, a wiry man with a bald head and a thick, curly beard, is the geography and botany expert. Jill Tan is their science person, her petite form nearly dwarfed by the three firefighters but her laugh is loud and free. Buck likes her. Melton is their sports and world history guy, and Tommy apparently has military and machinery trivia locked down. Buck guesses he's here to round out the team with his list of animal facts and maybe some other random bits that he's picked up on his Wikipedia tours.
"Who's on pop culture?" he asks when Tommy goes to get their drinks.
"That'll be- hey, there she is," says Fernando, waving his hand at someone over Buck's shoulder.
"Sorry I'm late, I meant to be here before Tommy comes with his... Buck?"
Fernando sips on his margarita. "So you two know each other?"
"Uh, yes, Lucy used to work at the 118," Buck manages to reply without stuttering. "I didn't know... How are you?"
At least Lucy looks as stunned as Buck feels. "I'm good. I'm, uh, yeah. I'm good. Earning my place in Harbor."
"Hey Donato, you're here. You know Evan, right? Here you go, Evan. Don't give me that look, try it first and then tell me how much you hate it." Tommy slides back into his seat, boxing Buck in.
Buck takes a sip and wrinkles his nose thoughtfully. "I don't hate it."
Lucy takes the last empty chair. There's a smile on her face that signals something, but Buck doesn't know what she's planning.
"Didn't know you were the Evan Tommy's been going all swoony about," she says casually. "Now I know why he goes all glassy-eyed when he texts you."
"He goes glassy-eyed and swoony?" Buck is amused and almost... touched? by the idea of Tommy being unable to hide his affection.
Melton nods. "It's good I'm already married, because I'd wanna hit him otherwise for being so blissed out."
"You'd be blissed out too if you're regularly kissed by this guy," Lucy says with a crooked smirk. "I should know."
Jill cackles. "Oh no, you kissed Tommy's boyfriend?"
"I wasn't his boyfriend at the time!" Buck sputters, face turning red. "Also, I was kinda drunk. Never doing that again."
"You were someone's boyfriend at the time though," Lucy continues blithely. "But I'm cute and irresistible, so I get it. I definitely didn't know you're into guys too." She cocks her head and looks straight at Tommy, curious.
"He wasn't consciously aware of that attraction until he met me." Tommy drapes an arm over Buck's shoulders, the weight a welcome focal point for him. "I'm damn lucky I'm the one he decided on. And from now on, all his kisses are for me alone." He meets Lucy's eyes.
Papers and pencils are being passed around. Buck feels the tension ease, in the way that highlights that there was a bit of tension earlier.
"Ugh, gross," Lucy declares, grinning, and hops off to get her own drink.
Jill raises her glass to Buck in a toast. "To bisexuality and knowing yourself!"
"Yeah!" Buck toasts back.
Tommy kisses his cheek. "Let's kick some trivia ass."
edited on AO3
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verefex · 2 months
Kraken's Cove
Short story where a stowaway meets the kraken himself, who turns out to be less scary than he initially thought.
Content warnings in the tags. Enjoy!
On a vessel cruising along the open seas, hid a stowaway. Tucked under a tarp in the dinghy that hung suspended by ropes and pulleys off the side of the traveling ship, a man rested quietly. After perusing the food, drink, and trinkets from the ship’s stores, he gathered up his haul in the small rowboat and hunkered down for the journey.
Swaying comfortably back and forth, suspended off the port side, Raphael, as the stowaway was named, was quite used to this sort of life. Sneaking his way onto sailing vessels docked at ports, he made his living by stealing. It was dishonest work, he knew that. But as he would often say, “pay your debts with the topsail”, fleeing across the wide seas was the life he was forced to choose.
Seagulls cried overhead as the ship’s wooden hull creaked and cut through the waves, lofty sails billowing in the sea breeze. The sun shined brightly in the blue sky overhead, not a storm cloud in sight over the deep, open ocean; a sailor’s dream.
That is, until a deafening impact sound is heard against the ship’s hull.
Almost immediately, the crew sprung to full alert, scrambling on the deck to man the sails and cannons. Raphael threw the tarp off of himself and held fast to the rowboat’s sides, green eyes wide under his headband and dark, wavy hair.
“That’s my cue.” He muttered as the ship’s crew prepared for attack, completely unaware of their rowboat quickly but silently being lowered into the water by the pulleys.
Raphael was no stranger to close calls and narrow escapes, it was often how he departed from his seaward journeys. From borrowing dinghies to diving into the foamy waters below and swimming to shore, he reveled in the calmness that came with the long journey. But for now, he was not about to go down with the ship.
“Kraken! It’s the kraken!” The voice of the captain bellowed from the decks. Raphael paused, holding fast to the ropes that suspended the rowboat over the disturbed waters below.
Now, it was common knowledge that sailors often told tall tales of sea monsters. Months at sea will do things to ya, was the common response, coupled with the solemn shake of the head. Ships went missing all the time, though that didn’t necessarily mean they were sunken by a leviathan.
And yet, as Raphael peeked over the side of the boat, staring deep below the waves and foam, he spied what could be described as nothing but an enormous snake.
A tentacle.
In a panic, Raphael grasped the ropes and shimmied the boat back up towards the deck, trying to get as far away from the water as possible. Though, as he approached the railing, his cover was nearly blown as a crew mate leaned over and pointed at the gargantuan form below the surface.
“Shit…” the stowaway hissed as he ducked back under the tarp just in time. His heart raced as he realized he was trapped between the deck of the ship and the watery grave just below.
The ship rocked suddenly, and the deck erupted in shouts as the monster’s tentacles surfaced, bright blue appendages thicker than a man was tall. Either side of the ship was grasped suddenly, one on each side, snaking upwards slowly.
Raphael peeked out from the tarp, unable to believe his eyes. The hull creaked and groaned under the weight of the massive tentacle that slithered along the surface, almost meticulously, like it was feeling around for something.
He was not about to stick around for this hellish leviathan to sink the ship. Such a giant creature would not be interested in a tiny rowboat, he wagered with little hope.
Two whacks from his cutlass, and the ropes were severed. Raphael held fast as the rowboat dropped off the side of the ship, plummeting to the ocean below. He landed with a painful splash that jolted his entire body, nearly stunning him for a moment.
The sounds of cannons above him startled him into scrambling along the seats and deploying the oars. He whipped the boat around and started rowing, watching as the enormous ship was dwarfed by another pair of tentacles rising out of the water below.
“Those old sea dogs were right, huh!” Raphael exclaimed as he rowed further and further away from the commotion of the fabled sea monster. As he had hoped, the leviathan busied itself with the ship, leaving him with another successful escape and quite a tale to tell once he reached shore.
However, as he rowed on, he grew quite tired of fighting the large waves with just two oars. He wasn’t sure if he had gotten anywhere by his own rowing, or if the currents and wind carried him. All he knew was the sailing ship was no longer in sight, and neither was any sign of a landmass.
With the sun still bright, the man grew weary, clad with only a black and white shirt, dark pants, and tall leather boots. He stowed the oars and covered himself with the tarp, shading his weathered skin from the sun as he sorted through his provisions.
“More than a week’s worth, so long as this thimble doesn’t sink.” Raphael said as he rationed the food and water that was already smuggled away for the ship’s journey. His only hope now was to find any sort of land or ship that would rescue him before his water depletes.
Since the act of rowing was tiresome and nearly useless against the waves, the stowaway, now captain of the dinghy, resumed the act of hunkering down under the tarp and letting the waves carry him wherever they may lead.
The rowboat drifted for hours, rocking this way and that, a tiny speck in the vast blue ocean. Thankfully the weather was calm and the temperature mild, though favorable conditions never lasted as long as you’d expect them to on the open ocean.
As the sun was nearing the horizon, painting the sky with orange and purple hues, Raphael uncovered himself and leaned back in the boat, taking small sips from his canteen and enjoying a rather unripe pear. He laughed to himself, thinking of how it’s possible that he was the only survivor from that ship, and they had no knowledge of him even being onboard.
As he finished off the core of the pear, Raphael felt an ominous rumble rattle his body. He grew tense and gripped the sides of the rowboat as he not only felt it, but heard it, somewhere deep under the waves. Something immense.
“Oh, no.” He said shakily as a cloud of bubbles erupted around the boat, a phenomenon that often occurred along with a large pod of whales preparing to surface. Raphael flung the oars out and rowed quickly away from the bubbling water, not about to let his dinghy be capsized.
The small boat did not get very far before something surfaced, not a whale or a tentacle, but a face.
A giant, human-like head surfaced before Raphael, as water poured down their dark blue-streaked skin. Bright yellow eyes peered at the castaway, set on a masculine face with long silvery-blue hair and an array of fin-like structures on either side of his head. A massive, towering head.
Raphael stared up in shock momentarily before letting out a terrified scream. First a kraken, now a giant? The odds were not in his favor today, though the oddities certainly were starting to pile up.
The giant, treading the water as he loomed over Raphael and his rowboat, tilted his head and let out a chuff, a rumbling puff of air. An enormous hand rose underneath the boat and lifted it in his palm just as wide as it was long.
The giant opened his lips and said ‘I mean you no harm’, but to Raphael’s human ears, all he heard was a deep, throaty rumble.
“Don’t eat me, don’t eat me!” Raphael merely shouted in response, huddling in his boat that was now captured by the steady hand of the giant. Enormous navy blue fingers with thick claws curved above his head, as wide as a tree.
The giant’s lips curved into a smile, yellow eyes glowing patiently. He held Raphael and his little boat in his right hand, lifted up and out of the water and closer to his enormous face.
‘I am not going to eat you.’ The giant growled. ‘It’s alright. You’re safe.’
“I-I don’t know what you’re saying… are you speaking? Can you understand me?” Raphael said from his captured boat. The man, dwarfed by the giant’s hand around him, stared quizzically at the giant’s glistening face.
‘Yes. Though you may not understand my words, I am speaking your language.’ The giant said calmly, closing his eyes as he nodded and mouthed his words in an exaggerated fashion. Raphael couldn’t help but notice the giant’s mouth was lined with sharp fangs, with a curiously buttery yellow interior.
Raphael started to feel a little more at ease in the ocean giant’s hand. He couldn’t understand why he wasn’t drowned or eaten yet, but the mere premise of being held captive by the towering man was unnerving.
“It must be giant monster day. First a kraken, then you? A giant? A… god?” Raphael said as he gestured to the enormous man.
The giant, named Sithero, let out an airy laugh as he leaned back and lifted the tiny man in his hand higher above the water, giving him a better view of the leviathan’s body. The same blue tentacles that wrapped around the ship rose out of the water around Sithero’s torso, slithering about and swirling the sea.
Raphael stared down for a second, leaning over the side of the boat from within Sithero’s palm. The rest of Sithero’s body began to surface, and the giant angled his hand in a way that the human within could observe the massive length of his tail.
“...You’re the kraken? What on earth… you’re like a mermaid, a giant one… a giant mer… man? I suppose?” The human exclaimed as his eyes trailed down the length of the kraken’s body. He was covered in fine blue scales of varying shades, with his belly and chest lighter in color. From the waist down, his body became elongated, ribbed with hard scutes. He was so large, in fact, that Raphael wondered if he could see the end of his tail at all.
‘I’m Sithero. What are you called?’ The kraken rumbled as he raised his other hand and pointed a clawed finger at the human in his palm.
“What, what’s that about? Me?” Raphael said shakily as the very large kraken pointed and rumbled something at him.
Sithero smiled calmly and pointed at himself. ‘Sithero.’ He growled, emphasizing each syllable before pointing to Raphael again.
“Sss… Slith. Slither. Sith?” The human said, twirling his hands around as he sounded out the guttural growls.
‘Sith… air… oh.’ The kraken hissed.
“Sithero…” Raphael said, and the giant nodded in approval.
“Okay, we’re getting somewhere. Oh, I’m Raphael.” The human said, feeling more comfortable as their strange conversation went on. “Gotta say, I did not expect to be talking to the kraken that, um, attacked our ship.” He said, avoiding to the fact that he was a stowaway, not that Sithero would really care.
‘The ship is fine. I was just saying hello.’ Sithero growled a deep laugh as he waved his other hand in a greeting motion.
“Hello?” Raphael said quietly, waving back. Sithero smiled and chuckled at his new tiny friend.
‘Where are you headed?’ Sithero asked, shrugging his shoulders and gesturing to the vast ocean.
“Uh, I got here by ship. Now I don’t quite know where I am, or frankly, what’s going to happen to me.” Raphael sighed, stretching his arms backwards.
‘I know a place. You can rest there, it’s getting too dark for humans.’ The kraken rumbled and nodded gently, bringing his other hand up and cupping Raphael and his boat.
“I don’t suppose you have it in you to carry me somewhere?” Raphael asked hopefully at the enormous creature, seeing a glimpse of his own reflection in his eerie yellow irises.
‘Yes. But you mustn’t panic.’ Sithero rumbled as he opened his mouth slightly and rubbed his bright-colored tongue along the edges of his teeth.
Raphael winced, leaning away from the giant’s mouth that was quite close now.
“Woah. Hey. We’re on a first-name basis now, you can’t eat me.” He said, clutching the sides of the rowboat.
‘That’s not my intention. Truthfully, you will drown unless I do this… so relax.’ Sithero growled as he angled his head backwards and pinched the boat between his fingers, gently tilting it towards his open mouth.
Raphael, upon seeing the enormous yellow mouth below him, immediately began to panic and flail wildly in the boat that was slowly tipping. “HEY! Stop, stop!!” He shouted, eyes wide at the sight of the kraken’s fanged jaws.
‘If you don’t stop flailing, I might actually bite you.’ The giant growled and tilted the boat upside-down above his open mouth.
Raphael, as nimble as he was, managed to wedge himself under the rowboat’s seats before it was completely tipped over. He wrapped his arms around the boards with just his legs dangling, whimpering as his provisions fell down onto the sea monster’s tongue.
“Cripes…” The man groaned as he gripped onto the board like his life depended on it.
Sithero blinked, expression blank as he closed his mouth, tasting the tiny crates and flasks that fell onto his tongue. He eyed Raphael one last time before gently tipping the boat back upright.
‘Alright. Plan B.’ He rumbled before angling the boat bow-first towards his mouth.
“Don’t… don’t you dare.” Raphael blurted as he righted himself in the bottom of the boat before being plunged into the kraken’s mouth.
The man screamed as the entire rowboat was taken in, sides banging against the monster’s teeth that encircled the cavernous jaws.
Sithero calmly wedged the boat inside, using the tip of his finger to push the stern just past his incisors, which closed together. Raphael was completely sealed inside, along with all of his belongings.
The air inside the giant’s mouth was humid, smelling of seawater. Raphael hunkered down in his little wooden boat, eyes wide as he took in the situation. Though the kraken’s mouth was shut tight, the interior of his mouth glowed a faint, soft yellow. It was quite beautiful, Raphael found himself thinking, as the ridges of Sithero’s palate above him were dotted with bioluminescent photophores.
“Quit messin’ with me… are you gonna eat me or not?” Raphael shouted from within the giant’s mouth, gripping onto the boat as if it was about to rock back towards Sithero’s gullet.
Instead, he was rocked forwards as the kraken dove under the waves. The leviathan took his little friend along, safely sealed in the air pocket in his mouth. His enormous body arched past the waves as the end of his tail raised above the water, then was gone.
Sithero kept Raphael in his jaws for the ride, traveling swift and deep. Though his movements were heavy, he leveled his head carefully to make the trip as comfortable as possible for the human. Deep rumbles of reassurance echoed in his spacious mouth, where Raphael sat hunkered down on top of the giant’s tongue.
Time went on, and Raphael started to relax as best as he could in the humid mouth of the kraken. He hadn’t been swallowed, and instead remained on Sithero’s tongue as the giant carried him into the depths.
“I suppose… this is necessary. I doubt I can hold my breath as long as you.” Raphael said as he laid back in the boat, staring up at Sithero’s upper palate.
Sithero, after a short while, came to an enormous submerged cave. His long body just barely fit through the entrance as he slipped inside, using his limbs to push along the rocky sides to propel his huge body swiftly, until emerging into a large chamber.
The kraken huffed as water dripped from his hair, dispelling droplets from his nostrils as his head and shoulders surfaced from the seawater onto a smooth stone surface in an air-filled cave. He leveled his head and opened his jaws, allowing Raphael to finally breathe in fresh air after being trapped inside.
“Ah, freedom!” The stowaway exclaimed as he stumbled along the boat, looking out from the giant’s teeth encircling him and his vessel.
Sithero rumbled in amusement as he pinched the end of the small boat between his thumb and forefinger and slid it and Raphael out of his mouth. He carefully placed it on the floor of the cave and yawned, stretching his arms and back as he arched his head back.
Raphael, still adjusting to the dim light of the cave, fumbled about in his boat, rocking the frame a few times to determine the stability of the surface. He was painfully aware of the fact that he was surrounded by damp rock, the sheer mass of the kraken’s body as it towered above him in the darkness.
Tentatively, the man swung his leg over the the side of the boat and planted it on the surface. He stood on both legs, glancing around slowly.
“So uh, where did you bring me? Y’know I’m not terribly fond of spelunking…” Raphael said as he stared up at the huge, glimmering figure above him.
Sithero’s eyes and photophores that dotted along his body glowed in the low light. The giant hummed as he reached out into the darkness, rummaging through piles of debris. He picked out a lantern delicately between his claws, handing it to Raphael, who took it into his hands.
“Ah, you’ve got a hoard of some sorts?” The man said as the lantern lit up to his surprise, illuminating the immediate area. His eyes widened as he was greeted with scattered remains of ships, masts as tall as trees with the sails still attached. They were carefully placed against the wall of the cave, each one laid out in all its splendor.
The man’s knees began to buckle at the sheer sight of so many shipwrecks, displayed like trophies in the kraken’s lair. Accompanying the masts were the ship’s figureheads, the intricate carvings of ladies and dragons and other mythical beasts that adorned the bow of sailing ships.
“So… I can only imagine how these all got here.” Raphael said rather quietly as he swung the lantern around, only to be greeted by the enormous face of Sithero, who was peering at the man curiously.
“Geeze, you’re huge.” The man whispered as he held the lantern up to the giant’s face, who was smiling softly.
‘I collect them, that’s all. Better here than rotting in the water.’ Sithero rumbled as he reached out and picked up a mermaid figurehead, gazing at it fondly.
“They are quite pretty… I bet there are some famous ships that wrecked here. You know the navy would kill to get their hands on these, right?” Raphael uttered as he set the lantern in his rowboat and rummaged through his damp provisions.
‘They’d kill me regardless. That’s why I disarm cannons and harpoons when I visit sailing ships.’ Sithero uttered as he flicked a detached cannon along the surface of the cave with his fingers.
“Ah, I can’t imagine those would do much damage to something as big as you.” The man said as he heard the heavy clang of iron.
Sithero laughed, a deep rumble that shook Raphael’s bones. ‘I don’t underestimate humans! You little things can pack a punch.’ He growled as he leaned in close to the wary man, who stiffened up. The kraken’s breath tousled his brown hair, which was slicked back with a green and white bandana.
“… You’re so big, though. I mean, look. Your tooth is bigger than my head!” Raphael said as he pointed at Sithero’s lips, where a canine poked out.
Sithero curled his lip up to reveal the full length of his canine, which shone brilliantly in the lantern’s light. ‘This is true. I could bite you in two with one snap.’ The kraken growled as he clicked his teeth together, which sent a shiver up Raphael’s spine as he glimpsed those white teeth flashing in his vision.
“You don’t… plan to eat me after all this, do you?” Raphael uttered, feeling absolutely minuscule in his little wooden boat underneath the giant’s gaze.
‘That depends, do you consider the ride in my mouth as being eaten? It’s the only way you’ll be able to exit this cave.’ The kraken grinned as he licked his lips with his yellow tongue.
“Hey, I really don’t want to go back in there. I know it’s what kept me from drowning, but…” Raphael sighed, glancing at his provisions soaked with the kraken’s saliva.
‘Feel free to try another way out.’ Sithero growled as he looked down at the man’s supplies. Curiously, the giant picked up Raphael in his boat and lifted it up to his eye.
“Hey, easy!” The man yelled as he was rocked by the momentum of being lifted.
‘Is your stuff ruined?’ Sithero asked, eyeing the cloth sacks on the bottom of the boat.
“That’s just my food… well, what’s left of it. The bread is probably all soggy, but as long as the rum is there… aha!” Raphael exclaimed as he produced a green glass bottle filled with spirits. The man popped the cork and took a swig straight from the bottle, sighing happily once he removed the glass from his lips.
‘Humans are always drinking that.’ Sithero chuckled, holding Raphael in his wooden boat.
“I suppose they don’t make bottles in your size. Good thing, too, cause I’d be swimmin’ in it.” Raphael laughed as he kicked back in the boat and continued drinking.
Sithero couldn’t help but smile as he cupped the boat in his palm, eyeing the human inside of it. The giant tilted his head, observing the interior of the rowboat, suddenly getting an idea.
‘Come here.’ He growled, using his other hand to pinch Raphael’s upper body between his thumb and forefinger. The man exclaimed as he was lifted out of the boat and placed directly onto Sithero’s palm, holding tight to his rum bottle.
The kraken placed the empty boat on the cave floor and turned his gaze to the human in his hands, suddenly feeling very warm at how small and delicate he looked, laid out on his palm, barely half the length of his finger.
Raphael sneered up at the giant, briefly attempting to stand up before flailing and falling backwards, spilling a little rum on himself.
“Gah… you big beast... I didn’t ask to be in yer hands!” Raphael blurted as he wiped the rum off his shirt, glancing up at the giant’s piercing gaze.
Sithero merely chuckled, rumbling deep in the back of his throat as his soft gaze took in the man’s form.
“Ah, to hell with it. You’re pretty nice, for a sea monster. Besides, if I’m gonna be eaten, I wanna be drunk.” The man grunted as he sipped his rum.
‘You look very relaxed.’ Sithero uttered as he held his hands steady, with one cupped under the other. The giant was mostly submerged, with just his upper body resting on the rocky cave floor, propped up by his elbows.
‘I’ve never held a human like this. It’s… nice.’ He rumbled, awed by the sight of Raphael leaning against the base of his fingers.
“Ya keep looking at me like I’m… a doll or somethin’. S’weird.” Raphael hiccuped from his lack of inhibition.
‘Don’t tell me you have a problem with the way I interact with tiny things such as yourself.’ Sithero laughed. ‘I’m aware that humans consider me to be frightening and dangerous, while I personally consider humans to be delightful. I think you should be grateful that I’m holding you this way instead of drowning you a thousand feet under the sea.’
Raphael blinked, staring blankly up at the rumbling giant. By now, he was able to understand the enormous kraken’s growling manner of speech. However, the alcohol was slowing his cognitive thinking more and more each passing minute, leading him to respond with a simple “Fair enough.”
Sithero smiled, regardless, and cupped his hand loosely around the human as he pulled his hefty body further onto the cave floor. Raphael grumbled as he was closed in by enormous fingers while the giant made himself more comfortable, turning onto his back and propping his body up against the cave walls.
The kraken sighed as he leaned back, leaving his long tail submerged in the dark ocean water while his upper body relaxed and cupped Raphael in his hand, which rested comfortably on top of his stomach.
Raphael, in drunken bliss, hummed as he was held by the giant. He laid back in Sithero’s hands, his head nestled neatly between the cracks of his fingers. The man sighed, feeling the warmth of skin underneath him, the rush of the giant’s breaths and gurgling insides.
“Hey, I forgot yer name. Sithy.” Raphael muttered through flushed cheeks, his rum nearly gone. “You’re pretty swell. I ain’t got a home or family or whatnot, so this is a nice treat… s’like I’m in a fancy rich bed. Heh heh.”
‘Sithy, huh. I kinda like that.’ The kraken chuckled. He then leaned forward and carefully plucked the nearly empty rum bottle from Raphael’s hands with the tips of his claws. ‘And, that’s enough for you.’
“Gimme that…” Raphael groaned as he reached for the bottle, which promptly disappeared in the giant’s mouth.
‘Hmm.’ Sithero rumbled as he rolled the open bottle on his tongue, spilling the contents out and onto his taste buds. ‘You made it seem so much tastier than this.’
“It IS tasty. Don’t guzzle my rum!” Raphael grumbled as he wobbled onto his legs and attempted to scale Sithero’s torso.
‘Careful.’ The giant growled as the drunken man ignored him, stumbling his way up the firm musculature of his abdomen. ‘Where do you think you’re going?’
“Gimme my bottle back…” Raphael slurred, clinging to the giant’s pectoral. The slope of the monstrous man’s chest proved difficult for the small, drunk human to navigate over.
Amused, Sithero leaned back all the way, laying flat on his back to allow Raphael to stumble along his body. With the bottle still in his mouth, Sithero tilted his head up and opened up slightly, allowing the determined man to see the prize within reach.
“Ya don’t take a man’s rum, Sithy…” Raphael grunted as he stumbled against the giant’s lips, feebly reaching into the open mouth with the bottle resting in the middle of Sithero’s tongue. With a gentle tilt, Sithero scooped Raphael inside his mouth with the end of his yellow tongue, rolling him onto the center.
Once Raphael got a hold of the empty bottle, he groaned, hugging it to his chest and rolling over inside Sithero’s mouth, curling up where he laid and promptly passing out.
Sithero, with his mouth slightly open, breathed evenly. His tongue quivered as Raphael’s small body curled up on top, unbothered by the saliva. He slowly shut his mouth, cupping his tongue to give the human space inside. He was so much smaller without his boat, something Sithero was painfully aware of. How easy it would be to swallow him whole, he thought.
‘Raphael.’ Sithero rumbled, his tongue shifting as he spoke, which stirred the inebriated man. Raphael responded with grumpy grumbles, no longer coherent or aware of his surroundings.
Sithero sighed, deciding that it was inevitable, now. After all, Raphael climbed right into his jaws.
With a tilt of his tongue, Raphael was slid down the center, his unconscious body passing the giant’s tonsils, entering his esophagus.
A gentle gulp, and Sithero tilted his head back and squeezed Raphael down his throat. The man groaned as he was swallowed, his body engulfed by wet flesh that slid him easily down the giant’s gullet, though not much could be done to slow his descent.
Sithero sighed warmly, placing the tips of his fingers against his neck as Raphael went down, forming a solid bulge underneath. The kraken growled, humming softly as the warm little human was taken into his innards.
After a little while, Raphael had been squeezed down the entire length of Sithero’s esophagus, where he was slid into a warm, wet chamber within the giant’s ribcage. The man gasped a little and moaned as he suddenly felt sick to his stomach after being tipped upside-down.
He had been swallowed, yet Sithero knew he was safe. The kraken’s stomach was multi-chambered to fill his enormous body cavity, with only the lower portion unsafe for passengers. Satisfied with the feeling of a warm, living body squirming in his belly, the giant set his head back on the ground and stroked his stomach fondly.
‘Nothing for you to stumble on and get hurt in there.’ Sithero uttered as he traced his finger along his abdomen. ‘Just don’t be mad at me when you wake up.’
Raphael passed out not long after, blissfully unaware of his surroundings, sleeping rather soundly and comfortably surrounded by soft flesh.
The night went on, though the two were far from the stars. Under the waves and buried under earth and rock, the underwater cave was a safe haven devoid of sunlight. Only bioluminescent plankton, algae, and jellyfish provided any form of light.
Sithero was first to awaken, his massive form turned onto his front as he arched his back in a stretch. The giant rumbled softly as he placed a hand on his stomach, feeling the tiny presence of Raphael inside, still fast asleep.
The kraken took the opportunity to gather the rest of Raphael’s belongings, placing them carefully into the wooden boat, along with some trinkets and treasures from the shipwrecks. He then picked up the boat and placed it inside his mouth, taking care not to swallow any of the tiny human objects.
Sithero slid his huge body into the pool of the cave, sinking below the surface and back into the tunnel towards the cave entrance. His yellow eyes adjusted to the light that illuminated at the end of the cave, indicating that morning had come.
Still holding the rowboat in his mouth, the giant emerged from the cave and swam upwards, surfacing along the rocky cliffs of the landmass above the submerged cave that he called his home. Gulls cried as the kraken’s enormous head scanned the coastline before heading towards a sandy beach.
Sithero huffed as he heaved his monstrous body onto the sand, removing the boat from his mouth and placing it gingerly on the shore. He blinked calmly, placing a hand on his stomach again, determining the best time to let Raphael out.
‘Are you awake?’ Sithero growled, patting his stomach. A soft squirming inside of him told him that the man was at least stirring, no doubt hungover.
“Ughh…” Raphael groaned, rolling in the glowing interior of the giant. He opened his eyes briefly, shutting them quickly when he was met with nothing but soft yellow hues.
‘As much as I don’t mind this, I think you need fresh air.’ Sithero sighed as he straightened his back and flexed his stomach, the soft folds compressing around Raphael as it pushed him upwards and into the giant’s esophagus. Not long after, Sithero leaned forward and allowed the human to slide into his mouth, completely soaked in saliva.
The giant held his mouth open, allowing the cooler air to fill the inside, chilling Raphael awake. The man woke with a jolt, eyes wide and dizzy as he took in the frightening view of enormous, sharp teeth encircling him.
“Oh, god.” He uttered, covering his eyes with his hands, incidentally bumping the empty rum bottle against his skull.
Sithero calmly tilted his head down and slid the human onto his palm, who was still clinging to the bottle. ‘Hmm, you got your rum back after all.’ The kraken chuckled.
“How… much did I drink…” Raphael groaned, tilting the bottle upside-down and dropping it in defeat. He wiped his forehead and neck, wincing at the gooey saliva coating him.
‘Nearly all of it. How do you feel?’ The kraken growled as he peered at the soggy man in his palm, expression softening at how disheveled he looked.
“I… I’m fine.” Raphael groaned as he rolled over in the giant’s palm, averting his gaze from the morning sunlight. “How long was I… in your mouth?”
Sithero blinked, unsure of how much Raphael remembered from last night. Did he have no recollection of climbing directly into his jaws and promptly going down his throat?
‘Ah, a good while. You should wash off.’ Sithero uttered as he turned and placed Raphael on the sand beside the water, who stumbled directly into the surf, submerging his entire body as he fell face-first.
Sithero watched the man slump into the ocean, jolting as he reached for him and promptly plucked his limp body out of the waves.
‘That’s one way to get clean, I suppose…’ The giant grumbled as he held Raphael between his thumb and forefinger, letting him drip onto the sand below.
“I’m awake, I’m awake…” Raphael groaned as he squirmed in the giant’s fingers. “You… ugh, you ate me, didn’t you?” He uttered as he pointed a finger at Sithero’s enormous striped face.
‘I don’t know what you mean.’ Sithero chuckled deeply as a tiny finger wagged at him.
“You swallowed me!” Raphael blurted.
‘Ah, that I did. Big difference.’ The kraken replied.
“What d’ya mean? I was in your stomach, you tellin’ me that’s not eatin’ me?” Raphael retorted, wriggling defiantly, though weakly.
‘You weren’t digested. Silly thing.’ Sithero rumbled as he set Raphael on the seat of his rowboat. ‘I intend to keep you safe, and that is what I did. Now settle down, drink some water.’
“What water? All I got to my name is…” Raphael trailed off as he looked down at the floor of the boat and saw that it was filled with a generous pile of assorted treasures, from necklaces and coins to daggers and swords. His green eyes glittered with delight.
“Is this all for me?” Raphael asked up at the giant, his tone vastly sweeter than before.
‘Yes, don’t go spending it all in one place.’ Sithero rumbled as he stretched up and glanced around, scanning the horizon for ships.
“I dunno what to say… this is all so… it’s enough to get me some land and my own ship!” Raphael exclaimed as he pored over the treasures. “How could I ever repay you?”
Sithero shrugged as he returned his gaze to the gleeful human. ‘No need, I enjoyed our time together, after all. I only ask that you visit me, should you find yourself in this area again.’
“That’s more than fair… are you leaving, then?” Raphael asked up at the giant, who leaned close to him and smiled.
‘Does Raphael want me to stay?’ The giant chuckled, more so when Raphael’s face flushed pink.
“I-I don’t wanna keep you… I also enjoyed our time together, though perhaps the rum is to blame for part of that…” Raphael said as he stared at the giant’s enormous lips.
‘Don’t worry, I know just what to do with a drunken sailor.’ Sithero winked, and Raphael’s heart sank into his chest.
“… Any chance you got rum on you?” He said shyly, rubbing his hands together in his lap as he looked up at the giant.
‘Sadly, no. Make sure you bring enough for me next time, though.’ Sithero said toothily as he tapped his enormous finger on the end of Raphael’s boat.
“So, tonight?” The man said, holding his breath in his chest.
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 month
((Prince and the Duck Au))
Adam had dreamed of being a performer since he was a little kid. His mom and dad always told him to shoot for the stars and follow his dreams.
But of course, being on the lower side of income and having your parents pass away at a young age didn't put Adam in the fortune 500.
By day he worked at a diner as a waiter, at night he moonlighted as orderly at the hospital. He barely made enough to get by. But his best friend since childhood, Emily and her mother Sera helped him out when they could.
To this day Adam still has his father's guitar and hoped to play in a place of his own one day. A restaurant where he could play his music.
The dream was just that a dream. But that was okay.
Until Adam got the chance to get the place of his dreams. An old place down by the water front and he wanted to show Sera. She was the closest he had to mother.
Adam: What do you think!?
Sera looked around, there wasn't much there. More rats than anything.
Sera: It's.... Interesting dear.
Adam: Oh Sera, once I clean the place up it will be great. I'm almost there! I can feel it.
Sera: Oh honey, I don't-
Adam: Just picture it!
Adam went into detail of everything he saw for the place and Sera smiled. She was so proud of him.
Sera: It will be a lot of hard work.
Adam: Always is.
*things were about to change for Adam in a very interesting way with the arrival of a cruise ship, it held twin brothers Lucifer and Michael, they were princes of a very far off kingdom and Lucifer was heir to the throne, but his parents wondered if he was the choice for the job and they told him if he didn’t prove himself responsible then he would be disinherited and Michael would be the heir, Michael watched Lucifer easily flirt with men and women with envy in his heart, everything came easily to Lucifer that he wanted to see him fail, just then he was approached by the richest woman in town Sera with an invitation to the Mardi Gras masquerade ball being held at her mansion tonight*
Michael: While I would gain from your failure, I would think that you would want to actually find a way to prove yourself responsible.
Lucifer: Don’t worry, it is just one masquerade ball, there will be good food and music. How about we relax for one night before I have to do the boring part.
?: Gentlemen, you must be the Princes that everyone in New Orleans was talking about.
*a man with short brown hair, lightly tanned skin, glasses, and dressed in all red stepped out of the shadows, the thing that stood out about him was his unnaturally creepy smile, what they didn’t notice his shadow moving on its own taking on many forms*
Michael: Who are you?
?: Why I am Alastor the Shadow Man and Master of Voodoo, would you like to see your future.
*Alastor started to play with his tarot cards while watching them, Lucifer then shrugged*
Lucifer: Why not?
*Lucifer dragged Michael while they followed Alastor to his shop, the shop was filled with many strange objects dealing with voodoo rituals and a radio playing an eerie yet cheerful tune*
Michael: How does this work?
Alastor: You could say that I have friends on the other side.
*after giving a very accurate reading of both brothers, Lucifer on how his laidback lifestyle was ruining his chances at the throne and how Michael hated being in the shadows of everyone around him, Alastor pulled out a pendant and used it to collect some of Lucifer’s blood and he started to chant a spell which made Lucifer turn into something smaller and covered in feathers, then Alastor turned to Michael asking him if he wanted to be involved in his scheme in taking over New Orleans which Michael agreed to while Lucifer ran away in shock once outside the shop he saw his reflection in a puddle of a white duck with red circles on his cheeks, but also had his top hat on, when he moved his arm in front of his face he instead saw a white wing*
Lucifer: What the fuck.
*at Sera’s manor Adam and Emily were hanging out while Adam popped a beignet into his mouth*
Adam: I should cut back on these, they made me gain a bit of weight.
Emily: There is nothing wrong with you, your cute and round chubby tummy makes you huggable.
*it was true that Adam had put on some weight because of stress, but if you asked anyone who knew him, they actually preferred him this way, he was mostly muscle but his stomach was soft round and chubby, his thighs were nice and thick, and his butt was nice and round*
Adam: The problem is that my costume for the masquerade ball from last year no longer fits me. This performance is important and I am hoping to buy the performance hall and restaurant tonight.
Emily: Don’t worry, your good friend Emily will buy you a fancy new costume.
Adam: You don’t have to.
Emily: I insist, you are my best friend. You know what, you should dress up as a prince tonight.
*they ran off to a high end costume shop where Emily looked through the costumes until she found a prince’s costume in Adam’s size which was dark blue, black, and gold*
Emily: This will look very nice on you. Who knows, you might get a boyfriend or girlfriend tonight.
Adam: I don’t have time for that.
Emily: I want to tell you a secret, tonight royalty is coming to the masquerade ball, as in princes. You might get one to help you on your music career. What if a prince falls in love with me and we get married.
Adam: You always wanted to be a princess,
*both smiled and talked about their dreams while making their way back to Sera’s mansion*
(Will Adam’s duck form be like Grumpy and be a girl duck)
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raya-hunter01 · 5 months
Cruising Love Pt. 2.3 Final
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the requesting and trusting me once again @royalkay23 and sorry this last chapter took so long.
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Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
Puerto Rico
Joe’s POV
“So, you ain’t got time for an old friend Joe?” Dainelle’s sister Regina asked as I sighed.
“I ain’t got time for this, I got somewhere to be,” I said as Danielle and her sister tried to block my path.
“So, you just gonna ignore me, Joe,” Danielle said as I paused truly not in the mood. My meds had me feeling a little bad this morning.
I slept in a little longer this morning while everyone else went to get things ready for Kayla’s birthday dinner.
“Yes, I am 'cause you have been out of pocket this whole damn trip,” I said as her sister Regina rolled her eyes.
“Nah, I’m serious Regina, you sister been trippin’” I said as Danielle looked guilty.
“Why don’t you fill me in Joe,” Regina said looking confused at her sister.
“Let’s just go, I ain’t worried about it anymore,” Danielle said as I shook my head.
“Did she tell you the first night on the ship she tried to push up on Jey. Like even after he told her that he had someone?”
“Wait, you told me he found you that night and begged for a second chance. Then his girlfriend got jealous and tried to attack you,” Regina said frowning at her sister.
“More like she tried to break up his relationship, she even showed up at Kayla’s birthday dinner in the Bahamas being messy as fuck. That’s why Kayla beat her ass,” I said as Regina looked disgusted.
“You lied to me and got me out here about to confront people about shit that didn’t even happen,” she hissed as Danielle sighed.
“She did threaten me!” Danielle said trying to plead her case as Regina scoffed.
 “You interrupted her birthday dinner with bullshit, and you tried to come on to her man. I woulda beat yo’ ass too, you are lucky that’s all she did,” Regina said as I nodded in agreement as Danielle wiped her tears.
“Look, Jey has moved on, and Danielle needs to do the same. Things could have gone way worse than it did the other day,” I said as Regina nodded.
“I’m really sorry about this Joe. Tell Jey I wish them well, and he won’t have to worry about my sister anymore, I guarantee it,” Regina said as I nodded leaving them alone.
“I already told you I ain’t going to bother them anymore!” I heard Danielle yell in the distance as I made my getaway.
“Yeah, you better, before I tell your little rich boyfriend and he cuts you off,” Regina said as I shook my head. Damn, she's really up to the same shit.
Looking for someone rich to sink her claws into. I swear I’m so glad Jey let that shit go all those years ago.
I went around the block so they couldn’t see where I was originally going. When the coast was clear I ducked into the restaurant.
“Bianca doing the damn thang,” I muttered watching her put the final touches on Kayla’s 40th birthday backdrop.
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“Damn girl, you snapped on that,” I said admiring it but paused seeing her nervousness.
“Are you sure?” she asked looking over her work and gazing back at the crew from the venue putting the finishing touches on their own decorations.
“I think it’s awesome Bee, you’re really talented, sis,” I said as she smiled.
 “I really like it too, I just hate the restaurant did more gold in their decorations and only like a little speck of silver,” Bianca sighed running her finger over her tired face as I gave her a hug.
“It matches Bee, now stop stressing. Plus, I know Kayla is going to love it all,” I said, reassuring her as Montez walked in shaking his head.
“Did you tell her to stop stressing, I know I did” he said as she rolled her eyes, as shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m just sayin’ you’re being critical of yourself, and everything is amazing. It’s amazing because you made it Bee,” Montez said as she cracked a smile.
“Thanks baby, it means a lot coming from you,” she said taking a deep breath as he came over to comfort her.
“Let’s finish strong, the girls are out back with Sefa and Jimmy. We almost got everything done out there,” he said taking her in his arms as she smiled.
“I can if you wit me,” she whispered as he gently kissed her lips. “Girl, “I’m always wit you,” he whispered as I took the hint and left them alone.
Robin’s POV
“This looks so beautiful, I just can’t wait,” Trin said as we moved in sync finishing up as I spotted Joe.
“Hey you! How are you feeling?” I asked as he wrapped me up in his arms. “Never better, I told you I would help ya’ll,” he whispered as I shook my head.
“Nope, your doctor said rest, and you did enough the other day,” I said caressing his back. “I feel fine baby, and the nausea has finally passed,” he reassured me as I caressed his beard. “I’m glad, but we’re almost done so just take a seat,” I said as he sighed but complied with my wishes as we finished up.
“Just chill Uce, we got it,” Sefa said as Joe relaxed in his chair. Days like these the start of the day is rough but thank God he feels better as the day goes on.
“Yea, you gotta be on security detail tonight,” Jimmy said as Joe rolled his eyes. “No, I’m actually making sure the proposal entertainment gets here,” he said as I smiled.
“Wait, he said yes?” I asked as Joe smiled. “Oh! Jey and Kayla are gonna flip,” I squealed as Trin and Jimmy looked confused, then it clicked for Jimmy.
“Oh, shit Case gon’ come through and sing,” Jimmy said as Trin smiled.
“Glad you figured it out Jurdy cause’ when we were planning this trip, ya’ll was throwing so many ideas out I honestly forgot,” she said as we laughed.
“We almost there ya’ll, in a couple hours Jey and Kayla are going to be engaged,” Cameron said looking around taking everything in as we all tried to contain our excitement but, in the end, it was all going to be worth it.
Regen Seven Seas Cruises
Jey and Kayla’s Suite
Kayla’s POV
“Jey, wait a minute” I moaned, pushing against his head and sliding back slightly trying to create some distance as he worked my body into a frenzy with his talented tongue.
“You think I’m playin’ don’t you? I told you to stop runnin’.” The pure hunger in his voice made my heart race as he moved to the foot of the bed.
“Jey! Oh, fuckI” I gasped, unable to think as Jey possessively pulled me to the end of the bed, bending my trembling legs to my chest as he kneeled before me.
“Mmhm, I told you it was breakfast time,” he moaned as I squealed in surprise as he glided his flat long tongue along my slit over and over taking his time as I writhed helplessly on the bed.
“Happy birthday baby,” he whispered as I gasped trying to catch my breath as his tongue swirled and stroked my pussy.
“Thank you!” I squealed in gratitude as he moaned, concentrating on the task at hand.
“Hold dem legs, Daddy’s hungry,” he whispered as his masterful tongue dipped inside my wet hot center, never stopping as he added a finger, then two, curving it against my G-spot over and over.
 “Yes! Eat Daddy, eat your pussy!” I screamed, trying to hold my legs as they started to shake.
“Mmm, Daddy love how wet his pussy gets for him,” he moaned, his tongue sensually flickering over my slit over and over.
“Just for you! Mmm, just for you,” I panted truly at his mercy as his long tongue devoured me.
“You gon’ cum for me birthday girl?........ Go ahead and cum for me,” Jey moaned, just as turned on as I was.
 How could I deny him, as his mouth and primal groans of encouragement brought me even closer to my release?  
My legs were now pure jello as that beautiful intense fire burning deep within me, exploded.
“Yes! Yes, I’m cummin’, oh!” I cried as Jey growled, releasing my clit, licking his lips in anticipation, and continuing to thrust his fingers against my g-spot hard and fast as I came undone for him.
My essence spilling from my body as he moaned truly pleased with himself.
“Oouu, fuck….You squirtin’ for Daddy, hell yea,” he praised as my essence continued to soak the bed.
“Jey, shit! Yes!” I screamed as his mouth once again engulfing my wet center as he quenched his thirst. My shaking legs falling on top of his shoulders as he caressed them.
My breath coming in short pants as he sensually cleaned me up with his tongue as I moaned. Damn, that was unexpected.
“Mmm, happy birthday baby,” he whispered as I weakly ran my fingers through his hair.
“Thank you,” I moaned trying to catch my breath as he reveled in my pleasure.
“Oh, trust me, it was my pleasure,” he said caressing my hips before getting up to start the shower.
“What about you?” I asked still trying to gather my bearings as he came back and scooped me up in his arms.
“That was for you, now let’s get you cleaned up so I can see you in that dress,” he whispered carrying me into the bathroom to shower.
Damn, my birthday is already starting off with a bang, literally. I wonder what he has in store for me tonight.
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The Experience
Kayla’s Birthday Dinner
Kayla’s POV
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“Oh my god! This is too much,” I cried as we walked through into the venue.
“No, it isn’t,” Jey whispered gently kissing my neck as I tried to control my tears. “Oh, no ma’am don't ruin your makeup….Well at least not just yet,” Cameron said pulling me by the arm to show me around.
Everything was beautiful and I just felt overwhelmed and thankful for them all.
“Bee this has you written all over it and I love it,” I said looking at the beautiful backdrop as she smiled.
“See I told you she wouldn’t care that you put her real age up there,” Montez said as Sefa nudged him on the arm.
“Aye, never talk about women’s age man,” he said as I rolled my eyes at him.
“Just come get in the picture ya’ll,” I said pointing at Montez and Sefa as the photographer snapped a few shots.
The night was truly amazing, I mean it’s nothing like family, good food, good vibes and gifts. But out of all of that my most favorite and happiest time has been on the dance floor wrapped up in Jey’s arms.
“I can’t believe you found that dress I wanted, and you got them to do all my favorite dishes,” I whispered as we continued to dance.
“I told you I wanted you to have the best birthday ever,” he said as I smiled brightly at him. “I really have babe, and I don’t know how to thank you,” I said as our lips met in a loving kiss.
“I know how,” he said as I raised my eyebrows at him curiously. “How can I thank you?” I asked as he spun me around.
“Go put on the dress I got you,” he said as I laughed.
“You wanted me to wear this one, and now you want me to change into the other one,” I said trying to make sure I was understanding his request.
“Yes, go change because the night is just getting started,” he said as I smiled stealing a kiss before going back to the table and getting the dress out of the box.
“I’ll help you change,” Trin said as Cameron smiled. “Yea, I’ll help you too,” she said as they led me to the bathroom.
What the hell is going on?
Jey’s POV
“Are you Ready?” Bianca asked as I nodded, trying to calm my nerves. “Yeah, I’m more than ready,” I said as she gave me a hug before leading me outside as I felt my heart stop.  “Pick your jaw up Uce........ Yeah, we did that,” Montez said as I looked at them in disbelief.
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“Holy shit! Are you serious, sis!” I exclaimed looking at her creation as she blushed. “Yes, we all worked together to make it happen, now enough talkin’ let’s get engaged. You can thank us later,” she said as Joe and Robin came up. “Alright all systems are a go,” Joe said as I nodded. “What are you up to? Where did ya’ll go?” I asked as he waved me off.
 “Don’t worry about that right now, we got you,” he said as Bianca fixed my tie.
“Go get engaged bro,” Sefa said as I smiled, my heart feeling so full as I walked down the pathway.
Kayla’s POV
“Ya’ll are up to something,” I said hearing Trin and Cameron laughing as Jimmy was guiding me around by the arm.  “Just go with it,” I heard Jimmy say as I laughed.
“You would say that, you and Trin into that kinky shit,” I said as Trin laughed. “So are you and Jey don’t even front,” Cameron said I smiled.
“I’ll never kiss and tell,” I said as Trin snickered. “Hell, you ain’t gotta tell, we heard ya’ll last night when we were heading our room ma’am,” Trin said as I blushed.
“Ok, we’re moving two steps to the left wit yo blushin’ ass,” Jimmy said as I laughed holding on to his arm.
“Oh, it smells nice out here,” I said feeling a small breeze.
Nervously, I braced myself as I felt the blindfold being taken off. I shook away my blurry vision trying to focus on what was before me.
“Oh, my god,” I gasped in shock as I saw Jey standing in a the center of a heart, made of rose petals, in front of the words “Marry Me” Instantly my heart began to beat wildly against my chest as he smiled brightly and at me holding a single rose in his hand.
Guess what I did today
Those were the words I said to you
It was last may, dont know the exact day
In my hand there was a ring
“Oh my god,” I whispered overwhelmed as I looked over to the side and saw Case singing standing beside Joe and Robin.
“Surprise,” Joe whispered smiling at me as shook my head in disbelief. They really did all this.
“What you waitin’ on sis, go to him,” Robin whispered as I nodded moving in a daze down the beautiful path.
Then you told me that you loved me
More than anything in your life
So I asked you would you do me
The honor of being my wife
Jey’s POV
My heart skipping a beat as Kayla came closer, I knew this was what I wanted more than anything in life. “Bout time you got down here,” I whispered taking her hand in mine, pulling her close as she tried to hide her tears.
“I know right, sorry to keep you waiting,” she laughed lightening the mood as I nodded wiped her tears truly entranced by her beauty.  
“I’d wait forever if I had to.”
“Because it’s you and you’re the one for me,” I answered honestly as she smiled accepting the rose. Now all I needed her to do was to accept my proposal.
Yes I will
I will be your man
Your protector, your best friend
Till my humble life is ended
And time begins again, couldn't we be happily ever after?
“Are you sure?” she whimpered as I slowly kneeled before her. “Never been more sure of anything in my life, Kay. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Yea?” She asked still in shock, as I nodded, my own unshed tears beginning to fall as Kayla caressed my face. The loving action alone calmed my racing heart even as I melted into her touch.
“Yes, I want you to be my wife.”
“Then ask me, Joshua” she whispered wiping my tears. God, I love when my name from her beautiful lips.
Take you for my wife
The center of my life
And I will never, ever fade
From this choice I made, oh
Couldn't we be happily ever after?
“Three years ago, you found me, and you healed me from the inside out, Kay.  You taught me how to love, and every day with you is another chance for me to show you just how much I love you. I know one that I don’t want to do this thing called life without you by my side.”
“I don’t either,” Kayla cried as I released the breath I was holding, pulling the ring box out of my pocket, and opening it.
 Couldn't we be happily ever after
See today, I wanna make you my wife...
We could be strong together for so long
“I love you so much Kayla, will you marry me?” I asked as she nodded.
“Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you so much,” she gasped, leaning down brushing her lips across mine as I felt the world melt away. My arms enclosing around her waist cherishing the moment.
“Am I gettin’ a new sister-in law or what?! I ain’t seen you put no ring on her finger,” Jimmy yelled as we laughed.
“She said yes!” I shouted, finally sliding the tear cut diamond on her finger. Kayla never once looked at her ring, her eyes never left mine.
Smiling brightly, I stood up as she jumped into my arms, our lips once again found each other as we shared a deep kiss. The thunderous applause and cheering seemed so far away as we got lost in each other.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Couldn't we be happily ever after
“You didn’t even look at your ring, babe,” I whispered caressing her face, as I placed her back on the ground as she smiled, finally looking down at her ring.
“Babe,it’s perfect babe, I love it,” she whispered as I smiled.
“I know you don’t like big and flashy so I went with the tear cut, I was hoping I got it right,” I said nervously as she grasped my hands.
Kayla’s POV
“I didn’t mean to not look at the ring, I just couldn’t stop lookin’ at you. I didn’t want to miss it,” I whispered as Jey caressed my hands. “Miss what baby?” he asked as I smiled trying to find the right words to say.
“How you looked at me like I was the only girl in the world…… Everything you said to me, I wanted to remember it all,” I said trying to keep my emotions in check but failing once again.
“You are the only girl in the world for me,” he whispered wiping my tears.
“Josh, I’m not marrying a ring; I’m marrying you-” My world a mere whisper as he nods, tasting my lips once again.
The cheering of our family and friends long forgotten as it seemed and felt like we were the only two people in the world. Truthfully, I was so happy they allowed us to be just that in this moment.
I was engaged…Holy shit…
Danielle’s POV
I knew what I said, and I didn’t mean to pry but I had called the restaurant while Regina and I were nearby to see if they had a reservation available. I got no answer at first but as we arrived at the restaurant someone finally answered.
They told me that the whole restaurant was closed for a private party, and they would reopen tomorrow night at their regular time.
As Regina and I were trying to look up another place to eat at out of my peripheral I saw Joe and Robin come outside. They met someone and instead of going back through the front they all ducked around back. As my sister called her husband back, I quietly followed them.
Imagine my surprise to see this lavish set up, realizing Jey was proposing to Kayla. I stayed quietly tucked away in a huge bush watching everything unfold.
“What the hell is you doin’?” Regina whispered, peaking over my shoulder as I shushed her. My heart dropping with each confession of love Jey bestowed upon Kayla.
“You really out here hidin’ in bushes…Bitch you done lost it,” she said as I put my hand over her mouth.
“Damn, do you want them to know we’re here,” I sighed removing my hand as we quietly watched Jey propose.
Watching everyone so happy for them gutted me. Alright, enough of this we shouldn’t be here let’s go Regina snapped leading me away from the happy scene.  The silence killing me as she dragged me down the street.
“You can let me go now,” I said as we got closer to the ship.
Can I really Danielle, I mean you out here followin’ people and hidin’ in fuckin bushes,” she said finally letting my hand go, continuing to walk as I stopped.
“What you gotta say?” I asked, seeing her head shake as she continued to walk, pissing me off even more. Always so judgmental.
“Stop fuckin’ walking and talk to me! I yelled as she stopped and turned to face me.
"Fine, we can talk, but I’m done with talkin’ to you with the kid gloves.”
"What the fuck does that mean?”
“Danielle, after all of that you just saw, do you still think you have a chance with Jey? Like how do you not see how much Jey loves that girl,” she said as her words hit me like a ton of bricks.
“I know that,” I whispered defeatedly, really shocking myself that I said it. Regina’s face softened as her phone rang but she sighed, hitting ignore.
“I ain’t in the mood Joe” she whispered as I scoffed watching her text him. “You judging me, but Joe is calling you? Wouldn’t surprise me if ya’ll are still fuckin’” I said as she slapped me.
“First off Joe is happily married, and I don’t play that shit of sleeping with men that are taken. We’re friends and have been friends since college, don’t play with me Danielle” she hissed as I rubbed my face.
“I know and I’m sorry-” I started as her phone ranging interrupted us once again.
“Hey….Joe, I already told you that I took care of it. We’re almost back at the ship, ya’ll just enjoy your night and tell Robin I said hello,” she said before hanging up.
“So, he saw us?”
“Girl, Joe clocked you the minute you followed him and Robin. He ain’t dumb, that’s why he was near the bush.”
“There really is no hope, is it?” I whispered as Regina shook her head. “No there isn’t,” she said as I broke down.
I was so wrapped in the money, that I never took the time to really love him,” I started as Regina cut me off.
“Look, I don’t mean to hurt you, but all of that is water under the bridge now. You’re beating a dead horse, Jey has moved on and you should do the same,” she said as we stood in silence.
I knew she was right, and I knew what I had to do.
I had to let him go……I played myself, and I had nobody to blame but myself.  I hate to admit it but I’m happy Jey found someone to love him.  He deserved it…We all did.
Later that night
Jey and Kayla’s Suite
Kayla’s POV
“Mmm, babe, where are we going,” I gasped feeling him throbbing even harder inside me as he carried me to the shower on the balcony.
I know the neighbors are tired of us, because it’s been on and poppin’ ever since we arrived back.
We couldn’t get enough of each other; clothes were scattered everywhere and the bed a mess as he made me cum again and again bending to his will as.
I ain't afraid to drown
If that means I'm deep up in your ocean, yeah
Girl, I'll drink you down
Sipping on your body all night
“Fuck!” I moaned, my back pressed against the shower wall, legs wrapped around Jey’s waist and my fingers entangled in his hair. His primal thrusts and growls set my body ablaze as he sucked on my neck.
 I just wanna take your legs and wrap 'em 'round
Girl, you coming right now
My head to your chest feeling your heartbeat, girl
Swimming all in your sea, and you sweating all over me
Bring it forward, don't you run, run
“Mmhm, I didn't forget, I always keep my promises. Now tell me again, what’s today?” he moaned as his back took the brunt of the steaming hot water as it cascaded over us, our cries of pleasure filled the still of the night as he went deeper.
“It’s my birthday!” I exclaimed as Jey grasped my throat, taking me in a scorching kiss as my vision began to blur, fuck, I was close.
I don't want to be a minute man
Baby, you're just like a storm raining on me
Girl, you're soaking wet, whoa-whoa
“Yes, it is, and you deserve the world,” Jey moaned against my lips as his pace begins to quicken even more as I pulsed around him, clawing at his back as he growled going even deeper as my legs began to quiver.
“Fuck, my birthday girl about to cum, ain’t you beautiful?”  He groaned as I nodded, unable to speak.
“Tell me Kay, how does my birthday girl want to cum?” he moaned as I groaned at his question, now meeting his thrusts with equal desperation.
I'ma kiss it right, yeah, yeah
I'm gon' lick all night, yeah, yeah
Girl, when I'm inside, yeah, yeah
Yeah girl, you heard what I said
I'm gonna make you wet the bed (bed), bed (bed), bed (oh)
“Mmmhm, that’s it, you can do it baby.”
“Baby! Oh, baby! I screamed as Jey soothed me, caressing my face as we chased our end together, his eyes never leaving mine as we moved in sync.
“Mmm, shit!” I gasped as I braced one of my arms against the tile for leverage, the other holding on to his neck for dear life as I began bouncing harder on his dick.
 “Yeeaa, get dat dick,” he gasped, grasping my hips, beginning to thrust harder as I screamed. Intense sharp tingles shot through my body overwhelming me as he swallowed my cries with his lips.  Our kisses igniting an even deeper passion.
You don't know what you're in for
'Bout to get inside your mental, huh
Bend ya back like it's limbo
I'ma make you feel like a nympho
Tonight, oh-whoa, you're mine, baby girl, oh
 “Mmhm, dats it......Ride dat shit… Fuuuckk…. You my lil rider ain’t you?” he asked, his words making me even wetter.
“Yes! I’m your lil rider!” I cried as he growled in appreciation.
“Mmhm, I know you are baby......... Now tell Daddy, do you wanna cum on his dick….. Or in his mouth,” he whispered against my lips as I pulsed tighter around him.
I was turned on beyond belief as Jey himself was vying very hard to keep his eyes open as we climbed our mountain of pleasure together.
As the minutes passed we became even more lost in each other. “Answer me, Kayla, how do you want Daddy to please you?” Jey rasped as I moaned in appreciation at his eagerness.
“Oouu, fuck! I want to cum on both, Daddy!” I cried, his eyes snapping open in shock at my request. A primal growl escaped his lips as he swiftly gripped me under my thighs bouncing me with ease on his dick as I screamed in ecstasy.
“Who am I to deny the birthday girl,” he whispered, his strokes powerful and deliberate as I clawed at his neck, our lips meeting once again in a deep kiss.
“Mmm, cum for me,” he moaned releasing my lips as I fell apart in his arm as he held me tight.
“I’m cummin! Jey, fuck!” I gasped as my orgasm overtook me. “Fuck yea, squirt on dat dick……… It feels good don’t it?” he groaned as I whined against his lips.
“Yes! Ohhh, fuck yes! Mmm,” I moaned as I felt Jey’s hands grip my hips tighter.
“Fuck, I love you,” he groaned as he met his end, stilling inside me as his body trembling against mine.  
 “Mmm,I love you too,” I whispered collapsing against his shoulders totally spent as Jey reached over and turned off the shower.
My second request far from my brain as I tried to gather myself and recover, but it wasn’t lost upon Jey. 
Jey’s POV
 “One more to go birthday girl,” I whispered lifting her up further, wrapping her legs around my shoulders as she gasped in shock. “One more?” she gasped as I smirked.
 “Uh-huh, I’m givin’ my birthday girl what she asked for, now keep dem eyes on me,” I whispered, slowly and teasingly tasting her soaking wet lips, savoring her addictive taste. 
Any time you want it, I'm ready and willing, girl, to give it
I start to lick your body, you go to trembling
Flip it around, girl, lemme get it from the side
And can I visit all those spots you like?
Your neck, your back, your sexy lips, booty and thighs
“Jey!” She moaned grabbing the shower head above us as I pleased her. “I owe you one, cum for Daddy one more time baby,” I moaned as her hungry lust-filled eyes rolled back in her head.
“Shit!.....Hmm, happy birthday to me,” she gasped moving her hips against my tongue as I held her in place. Her pussy trembling against my mouth as I lapped up her juices, making sure to leave no part of her untouched as she rode my face, chasing her next nut.
I had never seen a more beautiful sight than what was before me. Kayla’s legs trembling, her head thrown back in pleasure as she gripped the shower head, rocking her hips against my mouth.
 “Mmhm, use me baby,” I moaned as I nipped at her clit, her gasps anxious and needy as I was relentless devoured her pussy with my mouth.
“Oh my God!” She gasped as I stilled her hips, swirling my tongue around her clit. “Jey, I’m....Again," her voice fading as her whole body began to shake as her orgasm hit her strong.
“I know, and I want it all.…. And.. I… Mean… Every….Single… Drop,” I groaned welcoming her essence.
 “Mmm, drink it all, Daddy! Fuck!”She cried, her hips continuing to writhe against my mouth as her orgasm washed over her for the third time tonight.
The sounds of her heavy breathing and moans were music to my ears as she smiled shyly down at me trying to catch her breath.
I'ma kiss it right (oh-oh), yeah, yeah
I'm gon' lick all night (oh-oh), yeah, yeah (girl, when I'm inside and I get to ya)
Girl, when I'm inside, yeah, yeah
Yeah girl, you heard what I said
'Cause I'm gonna make you wet the bed (bed), bed (bed), bed (oh)
I'm gonna make you wet the bed (bed), bed (bed), bed (oh)
“Thank you for your cooperation, you tasted so good,” I moaned kissing her thigh as she ran her fingers through my wet hair.
“No, thank you.” she whispered as I reluctantly I placed her back on the ground as she held the wall to steady herself.
I couldn’t help but smirk at my handy work.
“You think anybody heard us?” she asked as I chuckled. “I don’t care if they did.  I told you the first day what was gon’ happen on this balcony before this trip was over and I meant that shit,” I said as she blushed.
“Are we really engaged?” she whispered, still in somewhat disbelief looking at her finger as I smiled brightly at her. “Yes, we are engaged baby, and I can’t wait to make you my wife, “I whispered gently kissing her on the lips.
 “I can’t wait either…….Thank you for making my birthday special,” she said caressing my beard as I smiled.
 “Thanks for lovin’ me,” I said truthfully honored to have her in my life.
I knew it wasn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows every day, but I knew I couldn’t wait to do this thing called life with Kayla by my side.
 I knew we could make it through anything as long as we had each other, and I couldn’t wait for the next chapter in our lives.
The end
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
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the-real-treasure · 2 months
Treasure Treasure!
A OPLA Sanji x Reader
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Master List Here
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Chapter One: Shipwrecks and Hopeless Dreams
Summary: There’s a boy in the kitchen you would rip out your heart for. He hopes it will never come to that.
Trigger Warning: Threats and descriptions of violence, blood and gore, starvation, depressing language(?), Reader's Devil Fruit power is overwhelming and overstimulating Word Count: 2,828 **Edited 12/09/24**
Standing in the crows nest of the mizzenmast, the sea salted wind burned your cheeks. Two years aboard the Orbit, and you still weren't used to the grittiness of the air when out at sea. The whipping winds and swirling storm clouds did not ease your discomfort, especially with the growing height of the waves and the discontented rumblings of the wood beneath your feet.
Before you had stepped foot on the Orbit, before your and Sanji's new lives had started, if someone, anyone, had told you that ships could have dreams, you would have called them crazy. What would wooden planks and cloth sails know about dreams, wishes or aspirations you would have wondered to yourself. Now though, now, with the Orbit creaking and moaning for more adventurous tidings than carting cruising passengers across the seas of the East Blue, you knew better. Anything, anything, if imbued with enough spirit and life could dream of more.
You closed your eyes. You couldn't think about that now. The storm was already causing a headache.
Then, amongst the screaming of the wind and the roaring crash of the heightening waves around you, the sound of splintering wood cracks below you. Snapping your eyes open, you peered through the darkness below you, only to spot another ship lurching through the water towards you, yellow duck figurehead near indiscernible in the darkness of the sea's blackness.
The shout rang out alongside the continuing of cannon fire. The man in the far crows nest screamed as he toppled from his perch into the frothing and dark water below, but you paid no mind. It wasn't the most brutal death you'd seen and it wouldn't be the last, you were sure of it. There were more pressing matters to attend.
Sanji. I need to find Sanji.
Your heart was pounding in your ears as you scrambled down to the deck, guns firing and people screaming around you. To others, it would look disconcerting how calm an eight year old appeared in the presence of the scourge of the seas but in that moment you were solely focused on escaping below deck to find your reason for being your best and only friend aboard.
Your mind screamed his name along to the roaring of your heartbeat, pushing, punching and driving through crowds of panicking cruisers, crewmembers and cackling pirates equipped with cooking utensils and wicked sharp knives.
(The planks below your feet roared with joy and ache. Finally something, finally adventure)
Finally reaching the door to the galley, the roaring of your heartbeat turned into an all out shriek, seeing your Sanji, your Sanji, held to the wall by a giant with a stupid braided moustache and a knife to his throat.
Your mind went blank and your blood boiled. The act was on of instinct as you leapt onto the pirates back with a ear rending screech, tearing at his face and eyes with your nails, desperate to pull his attention away from your Sanji. The blond idiot decided to ignore your obvious attempt to save him as he joined in your screeching and clawing of the giant man between you, wracking his nails against the hand holding him hostage as the ship around you roared in encouragement of your bloodthirsty nature.
So enraged were you with the threat to Sanji, that you didn't realise the roar was coming from the tearing of the wood as the combined rage of the storm, the boundless strength of the sea and the continued barrage of cannon fire tore the hull in twain, the entire ship toppling into the salty water.
(The Orbit ached. She was so alive, if only for a moment, she lived.)
It was as the sea lapped your ears, soaking the bandages wrapped around your palms and weighing down your forearms, that your blood pressure cooled and your thoughts started to drift away from you, all fight and blind rage lost to the frigid water. You didn't register the desperate arms of a terrified child wrapping around your torso, or being scooped up like a sack of potatoes as your consciousness slipped into the dark depths of the East Blue. All you could see in front of misty eyes was the warm glow of yellow light on a stormy night, a blonde haired blue eyed figure looking down at you. Making you promise to try.
I'm sorry. I really did try.
It was the unfiltered sunlight and warm stone below your cheek that woke you. Prying open your salt encrusted lashes was a trial, but catching a glimpse of Sanji lying strewn across the rockface beside you spurred your body to action, legs launching you up right and towards him before your surroundings had even registered.
You nearly collapsed on top of him, grasping desperately at his clammy and bloody cheeks. He was breathing and you joined him after a moment of pure stillness. Rage began to rattle trough you as he roused and you made eye contact with the man who had held him in harms way, stupid braided moustache drooping in the intense sun. Sanji's voice called from behind you to the man perched on the rock's edge.
"What happened?"
"A storm." The man's voice sounded gritty, like the wind had felt last night. Your nails dug into your palms. "Sunk both our ships."
"But..." His voice was weak and tired. "But the crew?"
"They're dead, aren't they?" It wasn't a question, not with the way you snarled it around your mouth like a sour juice. "Your pirates killed them all, left us to get shipwrecked!"
"All dead," he didn't blink at the accusation, "except for us."
You could hear the shuffling on the rocks as Sanji sat up behind you. "What d'we do?"
"We wait. And we hope that a passing ship spots us before that sun," he gestured to the horizon, "bleaches our bones."
“Now. This is all the food we got.” He stands from his perch at the edge, grabbing the smaller of 2 canvas sacks and tossing it at the two of you. “So eat slow. There’s no more after this.”
Rage swells in you but, still weak from the sea water and already starting to bake under the bright sun, you know none of you are in a fit state to start picking fights just yet. Sanji disagrees with you, glaring between the old man and the larger sack behind him.
”Why do you get the bigger one?!” H pulled himself up off the rocks and lurched into your back, steadfastness refusing to let him approach the pirate in front of you.
”’Cause I’m three times your size, that’s why!”
”There are two of us!” Sanji roared back.
The man snarled down at him over your shoulder and you nudged him further behind you.
”You know something? You should be glad that I’m giving you anything at all. Now,” Looking between the pair of you with a glare, “go over to the other side and keep lookout. And I mean it. Don’t bother me unless you see a ship.” He tilted his head, “You got it?”
He makes eye contact with you and crowds your space, spittle flicking into your eyes and making you yearn for the salty winds of the crows nest.
”I said, you got it?!” You feel Sanji shying into your back, he was two years your senior but you refused to do anything other than put yourself between him and potential threats. “Now go!”
Sanji grabs the sack and begins storming his way up the rock face behind you. You step back, intending to follow but refusing to be the first to drop eye contact. Deeming you no threat, how could you be with no weapons and nails torn blunt and bloody from the scratches in his face, he turns and returns to his sea-facing vigil. You turn and follow Sanji over the rocks.
The island was cone shaped from what you could gather. Peering over the edge as you skirted around the perimeter, you saw the rock fall away into the sea, having worn away from decades, maybe centuries of corrosion by the sea. Thick needles jutted out of the surrounding water, and you think for a second on how funny and strange the luck of your life was. Any other group thrown against these rocks would have been naught but shreds of meat, not even a carcass left for seabirds to pick at but no. Not you and Sanji, you just had to survive and be left stranded on a ridiculous rock in the middle of the ocean with a blood soaked, waterlogged and irritable pirate to boot.
(Hatred, paranoia, apathy. They rang through your bones like vibrations through a bell, ringing through your head. The island hated you being here as much as you hated being here.)
It had been almost a month on the rock and as the rain pelted down on you and your golden boy, a familiar hopelessness  had landed squarely in your mind. Hidden in a small outcropping in the barren rock, you both shielded yourselves as best you could from the torrential downpour. You were barely dozing, trying to keep in front of the idiot boy beside you as the wind howled across the darkness of the sea, soaking you in cold and noise and bells-
Bells? Both your heads raised as the faintest ringing of a ships bells echoed out of the storm, and in the distance you could barely make out the outline of a ship on the horizon. Wild panic seized you both as you leapt out of your cover screaming for its attention. You both pushed through the hunger and exhaustion and screamed at the top of your lungs,  begging for them to hear you.
They didn’t.
(Hatred, paranoia, apathy. Hatred, paranoia, apathy. The cycle rang and rang and rang.)
A few days later you both sat at the edge of your island. It was yours now. No one else would want it and the only other person here was an awful silent pirate you hadn’t seen in weeks.
(You quietly hoped he was dead.)
You both looked at the last loaf of bread, blue mouldy and hard. Sanji tore off two pieces, handing one to you and quietly looking at the other.
You both eat in silence.
Over two months had passed on the barren rock. There was no food left from your sack.
(You had stopped counting the cycles.)
You had lost the sense of hunger to a complete emptiness a few days ago, after having spent days passing back and forth the tiniest morsels of anything, both refusing to take the last bite until you were trying to shovel crumbs into his mouth. You had nearly broken your promise already and you refused to let hunger make you break it truly this time.
(But they just wouldn’t stop ringing.)
Sanji sat beside you with his arms wrapped around his stomach, grimacing and quivering almost imperceptibly.
”The old man had twice as much food.” Your eyes moved slowly over to him as his trembling grew more noticiable.
”We can last a few more days.” His head snapped to you.
”Can we?” He was near hysterics.
”Give it a few more days, we can’t afford to be stupid-” He staggered to his feet ignoring you.
”We can’t afford to be this hungry. He has twice. As much. Food.” And he was off. “If he won’t give us any, I’ll kill him myself.”
”No, Sanji-” You pulled yourself up after him, scrabbling for purchase on the rocks as your torn and blistered hands pushed you up.
(The ringing won’t stop)
He grabbed the knife and climbed over the rock separating the two of you from the old man. The bedraggled pirate, hair a mess but moustache still neat looked up at you as you both stumbled down towards him.
”Thought I told you both to stay put?” Sanji gasped and panted as he reached the sack on the ground, you barely caught yourself from falling into his back as you caught the back of his shirt.
”You still have some food. You gotta give us some!” Metal clinked against metal as he tore through the bag with the small knife, ripping the canvas and allowing the contents to spill on to the stone.
Gold and jewels tumbled out of the bag, no food in sight. You pulled yourself away from Sanji as he gutted the bag, slowly approaching the worn down man as the boy was yanking out more and more gems and treasure in a desperate search for sustenance. You stopped short of him as Sanji gasped behind you.
”Where is it?! Where is it?” He advanced on you both waving the knife through the air, “There’s no food, how are you still alive?!” He stumbled to a stop beside you, following your gaze to the tied off and bloody trouser where the man’s limb used to be. Your voice was barely a whisper, throat dry and cracking from dehydration.
”Your leg…” Sanji finished the question for you.
(The ringing stopped.)
”What happened?” Two pairs of eyes followed his averted gaze to the sharp flat rock a few feet from him, the tip coated with a small layer of gore and stained in blood. “You ate it?! You ate your own leg?”
A wave of exhaustion hit you, and you slowly lowered yourself to sit again on the rock, eyes focused on the gorey sight but unseeing.
”You gave us all the food. Why?! You don’t even know us, why would you do that for a stranger?”
”Because, little eggplant…” His voice suddenly sounded as tired as you felt, head sinking, “I have been searching for the All Blue… my whole life. But now my time has come to an end. You share the same dream as me.”
(Your head pounds and the feeling -ever present, ever cloying- in your chest swells. Something inside you whispers thrills to you.)
”Believe me, the All Blue is real.”
(Believe me)
“It’s real. And if I can’t find it, then maybe you can.”
(Swirling blues, giant fish alien to you swimming in endless circles)
”So I’m gonna need you to live on. And I’m gonna need you…”
(Crystal waters as clear as glass)
”…to fulfil that dream…”
(Far far away, but it pulses and you feel it in your heart and your mind and your whole being)
”…for both of us.”
Sanji collapses onto the rock beside you, his head rested on your shoulder as, not for the first time, you wish that stupid disgusting fruit you were force fed as a child was actually useful. Of the three left for you to pick from, of course yours was a compass for the fools and idiots who had a hope of an immense and impressive future.
There was a world in which your ridiculous Treasure Treasure fruit had been replaced with the Gem Gem fruit, at least you could have created a shelter, as sparkly as it may have been, or the Pal Pal fruit and you could have enlisted the assistance of some dolphins or sharks, maybe even a passing Sea Beast to aid you off this rock.
No. You were left with the image of a brilliant swirling cerulean lagoon, teaming with fish and plant life the likes of which no man could even dream of in his wildest most ludicrous musings. You couldn’t even pinpoint it on a map if you wanted, only the vaguest of directions and destinations were afforded to your brain.
You raised your arm, jostling Sanji’s head and both men turned their head to follow it as you pointed off into the horizon. A small smile grows on his exhausted, sun soaked, blood encrusted face as he realises where you’re pointing.
”It’s still far away.” Your mumble barely audible.
(It reminds you of hiding in a dark dank corridor, clutching a book to your chest as you stare into the sobbing eyes of a terrified child and your chest clutches at the memory.)
”Too far?” The man is looking at you both like you’ve finally lost it, but this is a routine, well practiced but almost forgotten to the hopeless situation you’re all in.
(You wished you had remembered earlier. This will have to do.)
”Never too far. Not for us.” Your misty eyes turn to meet cloudy blue that start to clear for the stars to sparkle in.
”Have you worked out how long it’ll take to get there yet?” You chuckle and smile, the first real one in weeks.
”No. Weeks maybe. More likely months, could even be years.” Your eyes clear up with his and you turn a bright grin to the confused pirate beside you. “But the All Blue is out there.”
”And I can lead you to what you'll treasure most!”
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Next Chapter: Straw Hats and Treasure Maps
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Personally, I think both Vox and Lucifer are hot as fuck. But as a chronically online iPad baby with a fondness for tv head people, I feel I have an obligation.
Now if we can look in-universe for a second and realize that Alastor is very likely not the ONLY sexy man in Hell, I feel like Vox is likely to have a few admirers he isn’t even aware of due to the difference in status. Or maybe he’s aware they exist but wouldn’t recognize them on the street unless they noticed him first and he Knew what their giggling and squealing and blushing faces meant. Lucifer, on the other hand, has been kind of a shut in due to depression. He has potential but isn’t there on account of sad boi. Meanwhile Vox has probably gone on TV doing some light fan service to boost his ratings. Nothing too far, nothing Val would suggest! But y’know, he did a cruise ship kinda outfit during Stayed Gone, implying there’s oceans in Hell and that implies beaches and it’s not like wearing nothing but a pair of swim trunks and some sandals would be out of place if he decided to do a beach-themed episode of anything…
I actually can't really say if I find either of them hot I'm just more attached to vox that's why I want him to win against lucifer. I have already spoken in favour of him though so I have to double down on defending the tv head thing (and anyways choosing the more normal head sounds boring. y'all are boring. we are on tumblr. sexymen are supposed to be weird and have a questionable aspect to them. I will keep saying it! idc how obsessed with ducks lucifer is he is too normal!!!)
ANYWAYS. vox having like. canon thirsters would not surprise me. he would thrive off having admirers but at the same time he wouldn't care about them because they're nothing special to him. but he thrives off attention so he enjoys it. I feel like he's on social media enough to at least be somewhat aware of it. he'd act smug about it but ultimately gotta be more of a freak to be his type. lucifer... I mean I'm sure there's some out there but most sinners seem to hate hell's royalty LMAO they're like so mean about charlie already. lucifer definitely isn't aware of his own fanbase at ALL he's been completely shut in and disconnected from the sinners. also vox doing fan service for views? I could kinda see that but also, he literally wears clothes under clothes in stayed gone... he may do it for ratings but at the same time I'd also see it as a result of a val-encouraged thing LMAOOO
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twisting-echo · 24 days
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My Top 25 Crossover Couples (Pt 2)
(Please click on picture for better quality)
It's finally finished! I've had this sitting in my PicsArt drafts for over four months, and that's why some of the other pictures are blurry because it's been rendered so many times, but there had to be changes made based on my mood!
Top 25 Crossover Couples (Blank) by Daniarts19 on DA.
(This will also be the last time that I'll use this template by Daniarts19 due to her disrespecting my DNI and breaking her promise about not saying mean/rude things to me.)
Loona (Helluva Boss) x Izuku (MHA) (Dekoona/MoonRabbit): My friend @amethystoceandespiser got me to ship them. I'm invested in their chemistry and emotional connection.
Sunita (ROTTMNT) x Tucker (Danny Phantom): My friend @amethystoceandespiser brought this ship to my attention and I love it!
Octavia (Helluva Boss) x Danny (DP) (Spectral Owl): This is the ship that started the friendship between me and @amethystoceandespiser and I love it! Their emotional connection and chemistry has my heart.
Jazz (Danny Phantom) x Raph (ROTTMNT) (Tough Cookie & Smart Cookie): This ship came to me after my friend and I made our Scott Pilgrim AU. They're both older siblings who just want the best for their younger siblings. They understand each other's pain.
Mayor Lionheart (Zootopia) x Anna (Frozen): My reasons for shipping Anna and Mayor Lionheart are explained in this post here.
Sparky (Atomic Betty) x Amethyst (Trollz) This ship came to me as a kid.
Buttercup (PPG) x Nergal Jr (TGAOB&M) I love Tomboy x Nerd dynamics, but it's even more interesting considering that Buttercup fights monsters for a living and Nergal Jr. is a monster-demon-demigod-nerd-boy, lol.
Lobster Claws (SVTFOE) x Bubbles (PPG) (BubbleClaws) This crackship is based on a joke between me and my sister @small-tragedies
Goo (FHFIF) x Blossom (PPG) (GooBloss/PinkGoo) This ship came to me when I was a kid, and I thought that they were cute together.
Alice (AMA/AMR) x P/Pinocchio (LOP) (Palice) I have to thank my friend, @frie-ice for getting me to ship them.
Violet (The Incredibles) x Varian (TTS/RTA) (Virian) I have to thank @virianhaven for getting me to ship them.
Lola Bunny (TLTS) x Minnie Mouse (Minola) I have @dawn64 to thank for getting me to ship them so hard.
Lucifer Morningstar x Poppy (DuckPop/PopStar/ApplePop) I have @hah-studios to thank for getting me to ship them. Watch this video here.
Rapunzel (Tangled) x Fred (BH6) (Fredpunzel/Rapzilla/Sunzilla) I have to thank @rapunzelcrossoverqueen for getting me to ship them.
Minerva Mink x Marvin Martian (Minervin/MartianMink) I have to thank @dawn64 for getting me to ship them.
Panini (Chowder) x Lincoln/Warren (Loud House): I had an idea based on the "White Hare" episode, where Lincoln has a dream about being a rabbit named Warren with 15 extra sisters but instead has an Alice in Wonderland-type adventure being transported to Marzipan City, and you can probably guess the rest.
Ami (Sailor Moon) x Sonic (Sonic X) (SonAmi, I guess, lol): Being a die-hard SonElise shipper, it's easy to assume that Sonic has a type~
Daisy Duck x Cruella (Cruaisy): I started shipping them years ago when I watched this Disney short called Electric Holiday. I've made a couple AUs where Daisy works for Cruella in the fashion industry, and they become close friends and lovers in a May-December relationship. 
Tom (Tom & Jerry) x Bright Eyes (Pound Puppies Season 1): I like to headcanon that Tom and Bright Eyes are childhood friends to lovers. I explain it more in this post here.
Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise) x Jack Sparrow (TPOTC) (SparrowWolf/WolfSparrow): I don't really ship characters from live-action movies and shows, but Disney Mirrorverse got me to ship these two goofballs.
Cinderella x Gojo (JJK) (Gojoella): Don't get me wrong. I love Sukuella, but I solely blame @peachudumplings for giving me Fairy-God-Gojo, and thus I ship Cinderella and Gojo too, lol.
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) x Tinker Bell (Peter Pan): My reasons for crackshipping Stitch and Tinker Bell are explained in this post here.
Alice x Peter Pan (PanAlice): I've always shipped Peter Pan and Alice, but because of their Disney Mirrorverse counterparts, I shipped them harder.
Yuji Itadori (JJK) x Yuliy Jirov (Sirius the Jaeger) (YuYu): They have so much in common! That's all I'll say about these two for now~
Tiana x Nanami (Tianami): I have to thank @peachudumplings for getting me to ship them so hard. They're perfect for each other~
I am cringe and I am free!
Here is a link to my Top 25 Crossover Couples (Pt 1).
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archiveikemen · 7 months
『 The Past Records 』 Collection Event: Chapter 2
Jude Jazza & Ellis Twilight
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
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Jude: …
Business Partner: My goodness, it’s a pleasure to have you personally come all this way! All our goods are of the best quality, please, feel free to inspect them…!
Jude: One load of goods isn't here, right?
Business Partner: … Yes?
Jude: “Yes”? No. Do I have to spell it out for you? Show me another load.
Business Partner: Huh… um, we do have another warehouse that’s located a little bit far from here, so it might take a while to bring the other load of items to you.
Ellis: I expected you to say that, so I brought these with me. Are these the goods you’re talking about?
Business Partner: Eek!? W-When did you…!?
Jude: … The quality of these goods look different from the ones you sent to the headquarters for inspection, don’t you think?
Jude: They look different from the ones here.
Ellis: You’re very discerning. They all look the same to me.
Jude: Your eyes must be rotten. Shut up.
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Ellis: Oh-kay.
Jude: What’s the meaning of all this?
Business Partner: … I-It’s uhh… um… a m-mistake…
Jude: A mistake. You hid your poor quality goods, and tried to sell them at premium prices. A mistake, you say?
Business Partner: …
Jude: I’ll let it slide this time.
Jude: It’s your first time getting caught, and it’s also on me for letting myself appear easily deceived.
Business Partner: W-Wha…? Oh…
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Jude: But now you know damn well that I’m no fool.
Jude: Try anything again and I’ll sink your entire ship. Keep that in mind, yeah?
Business Partner: …! I- I understand. I’m very sorry, thank you so much!
Alfons: Wow, did you see that, Sir El? Look at that devious look on his face. That was threatening, wasn’t it? How terrifying.
Elbert: It’s not nice to deceive people… I understand Jude’s rationale.
Alfons: Yes, yes. Thank you for your textbook reply.
Alfons: The report will be boring if we write down exactly what we saw. Let’s add some spice to it, shall we?
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Alfons: “Jude torments and shames innocent civilians with a sinister smile on his face…”
Elbert: Lying is bad, Al.
Ellis: Ah, by the way…
Business Partner: *hiccup*...!?
Ellis: It seems that some suspicious individuals have been going in and out of your rented warehouse lately… are you aware of that?
Business Partner: —...!
Ellis: Oh, it’s fine if you’re unaware. I’m just making sure you’re not violating your contract.
The business partner turned pale and started trembling, briefly glancing in the direction of the street of warehouses.
He quickly turned his gaze back and shook his head like a broken string puppet toy.
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Ellis: …
Jude: … Good then.
Jude: You know what will happen if you violate your contract.
Ellis: There’s a trading company that purchases inferior goods at a low price, you can take your defective goods to them.
Ellis: Here’s the contact information of their company representative. Best of luck.
Alfons: … Ellis is even helping the person who swindled them clear their inventory…
Alfons: His good deed is unsuited for Crown, who “conquers evil with evil”!
Alfons: I must include this in my report with the best vocabulary I can think of— uh, El?
Alfons looked around and Elbert was—
Unsophisticated Young Lady: Um… I like you! Could I at least have your name…
Voluptuous Noblewoman: I have a decent social standing back in my home country. Why not leave your troublesome mundane life behind and let me have you…?
Shady Artist: You are a wonder… how would you like to visit my atelier sometime?
– Surrounded by passengers who had just disembarked from a luxury cruise ship.
Elbert: I have something to attend to over there—
Elbert was pushed further and further away by the oncoming crowd.
Alfons: My, my, just like ducks swarming at breadcrumbs…
Alfons: Shall we deal with this situation and get back to work?
Alfons: I hope they haven't noticed us tailing them.
Jude: … Ellis. You noticed that, right?
Ellis: Yeah… what do you intend to do? Should we catch them?
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Jude: Nah.
Jude: … We’ll deal with all of them at one go.
Liam: I wonder how El and Al are doing.
William: What’s your guess?
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Liam: Oh, they’re back! Welcome back, the two of y— huh?
Alfons: …
William: Your facial expression doesn't look good. Is something wrong?
Liam: Could it be that they’re really spies…?
Alfons: We have uncovered a horrible truth, which I must share with all of you.
Elbert: … Did we?
Alfons: The two of them… have really been at work all this while!!
Liam: WHAT!? They’re so hardworking!!
Elbert: That’s not horrible at all…
Harrison: *sigh*... Is that all?
Alfons: They’ve been working so much that we have nothing else to report on. They must be insane.
Elbert: People are fearful of Jude, but Ellis seems to be well-liked.
William: Do the two of you think Jude and Ellis can be trusted?
Alfons: Honestly speaking, I don’t care about that.
Elbert: I don’t yet… I guess.
Harrison: … Will we even get anything out of this?
Liam: Ahaha, it’s going to be rough.
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William: Speaking of which… I just recalled something.
Harrison: …?
William: Roger knew Jude and Ellis before they joined Crown.
Harrison: Huh?
William: Roger’s opinion on whether they’re trustworthy would be rather useful, don't you agree?
Harrison: … You lied about the part where you “just recalled this”, didn’t you?
William: What do you think?
Roger: So, what do you want to ask me about?
Harrison: Can you tell me whatever you know about Jude and Ellis from ever since before they came here?
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jtl07 · 1 month
boat + “I believe you” :0?
heyhey! here's two short ones to start us off, some fluff and uh, not fluff 👀
variation 1
"i'm serious, Bea!"
Beatrice can't help how her face, her whole body responds to Ava's earnestness, here in the sun, in the middle of the lake, Ava at the edge of the rowboat Beatrice is doing her very best to row and keep upright as Ava excitedly points at the duck that apparently had quacked her name.
Ava, however, pouts at Beatrice's reaction. "it really did, Bea, you gotta believe me." and Beatrice can't help but take the moment to take Ava in: her joy, her rolled up dungarees, the smile always at the edge of her mouth.
Beatrice releases an oar, brushes her fingers against Ava's cheek and feels that smile start to follow. sighs into the simplicity of the feeling - the curve of Ava's cheek in her palm, the cool summer breeze, the warm adoration in Ava's eyes - and lets her heart speak.
"i believe you, Ava."
it's said in the same cadence as three other words, and has the same effect as Ava launches herself at Beatrice, who laughs and catches her, as always.
variation 2
'bigger is better,' Ava thinks -
(and she knows she shouldn't compare but she can't help it, not when everything is so much bigger here, now: the ferry was tiny compared to the cruise ship, the closet worlds smaller compared to the suite Beatrice had booked for this trip, and JC, bless him, was nothing compared to the strap Beatrice is fucking into Ava as she gasps and moans and clasps tightly onto the railing of their private balcony)
- as she comes, the sun on her shoulders and the sea and the sky in her lungs. she doesn't realize she'd spoken aloud until Beatrice laughs softly against the back of her neck, lips pressing into the soft skin as she murmurs, "i believe you" and starts again.
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disneytva · 4 months
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Variety Interviews Ayo Davis, Meredith Roberts And Emily Hart On Disney Television Animation's 40th Anniversary And What To Expect On From The Past, Present And Future
40 years ago, Disney TVA was founded on the heels of challenging outcomes with features “The Fox and the Hound” and “The Black Cauldron.”
Initially, Disney TVA was restricted from using established Disney legacy characters, but nevertheless had huge successes with new shows like “The Wuzzles” and “Adventures of the Gummi Bears,” both of which became popular in syndication. As time went on, DTVA was able to use its limited rights to create shows like “DuckTales” and “TaleSpin,” which featured Disney characters. Today, the slate has evolved to include shows that travel across Disney’s streaming, linear and digital platforms, including Disney+, Disney Channel, Disney Junior and the Disney Parks
Over the 40 years of the studio has collaborated with Walt Disney Imagineering to bring beloved Disney Afternoon characters to the parks as well Mickey And Minnie's Runaway Railway and AquaMouse for the Disney Wish and Disney Treasure cruises from the Disney Cruise & Ships Line as well collaborating with Disney Yellow Two Shoes Team to redesing some heritage characters for the WDW Passholder Magnets.
Disney TVA characters also have gone to the realm of live action. In 2019 Disney Channel brought Kim Possible to the live action world as a Disney Channel Original Movie in 2019. In Spring 2022, Walt Disney Studios brought Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers to a new generation of fans trought a meta-driven live action/animated hybrid film which won an Primetime Emmy Award for Best Feature Film.
In April 2024, it was announced that Kiara from The Lion King II: Simba's Pride created at Disney TVA will make her live action debut on the motion capture/computer animated film "Mufasa The Lion King" with the character being voiced by Blue Ivy Carter. In Fall 2023, it was announced that Blumhouse Television and Atomic Monster where developing a live action reboot of Gargoyles for Disney+.
The future of the studio looks bright as the studio is slated to debut it's 100th show overall "StuGo" in 2025, as well new interations of beloved classics like The Proud Family, Phineas And Ferb, Sofia The First and Darkwing Duck trought revivals,reboots and spin-offs in the coming years with early talks of new interations of TaleSpin, Kim Possible and Recess since Early 2023.
“We have a wildly diverse development slate because we don’t have a house style,” says Meredith Roberts, executive vice president, television animation, Disney Branded Television and CEO of Disney Television Animation “Our styles are creator-driven, so that allows for real support of the artist or creator to fulfill his or her vision. Anything is possible, whether it's CGI. (“Monsters at Work”), hand-drawn 2D (“Big City Greens”,"Primos","Hailey's On It!"), rig-based 2D (“Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur”,"Kiff") and stop-motion (“Mickey Saves Christmas”,"Rhona Who Lives By The River".). Roberts continues, “We really try and solve all the problems and develop it. We look at the scripts and the story arcs. Every project has to have a strategy behind it that will complement the slate and separate it from other things. Each project has a distinct swim lane to attract an audience. And we’ve learned to meet the kids where they are, in terms of streaming and YouTube.”
Co-viewing, the viewership that happens when adults sit down to watch a DTVA show with the kids in their lives, is part of the studio’s secret sauce and long-term strategy. Many of the shows are written with jokes and plot points for both audiences so both groups will return.
“We double down on the kids and family space,” says Roberts. “We’re not just dipping a toe in the water. We’re diving in. I think we’ve seen a lot of churn with the competition, who just don’t have the patience to develop and are for this audience, which is a very specialized kid audience and co-view audience.” ("The Witchverse", "Rhona Who Lives By The River","InterCats","Fantasy Sports") Roberts reflects: “I think one of the things I’m most proud of is how stable Disney TVA has been for the last 40 years despite a lot of outside churn of the animation industry. Many of our crews feel that Disney is their forever home. I think the excitement they have to illustrate and create with this brand has been terrific because it’s harder to be funny and clean. And nowhere are we tearing down people to get that laugh. I think that’s the beauty of a Disney animated show.”
DTVA also sought to meet kids where they are by making their audience — which is made up of the most diverse generation in history — feel seen, with series such as “Elena of Avalor,” which featured Disney’s first Latina princess, and “The Proud Family,” franchise focused on the life of a teenage Black girl.
“We do have an amazing insights team that are constantly in the field, giving us general information about how kids are watching content, what they’re into,” Emily Hart (VP of Current and Development - Disney Junior) says. “Some of those things are evolving, as we know the ways kids consume content is changing. But there are some universal truths about kids, and it’s great to have that reinforced. Kids still like a lot of the same things that we like. So, there’s a combination that we’re always tracking with every new idea, and we do pilot testing. We get to sit down and talk about the content, and we invite our creators in so they can see the kids talking about it because they’re the audience and they’re the truest test of if the story is going to work.”
Ayo Davis, president of the Disney Branded Television and VP of Current and Development at Disney Television Animation says the division is a “driving force” for memorable kids and family entertainment.
“All of us at Disney Branded Television are so proud of the studio’s 40-year legacy as it continues to entertain future generations with shows like ‘Kiff,’ ‘Big City Greens’ and ‘Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 2.0" --- Davis says.
Those creators who come to DTVA often stay for a long time, partnering with the studio on a variety of different projects or expanding on a hit and reimagining it for the next generation of viewers. “The Proud Family” was a standout in 2001 on Disney Channel. Creator and executive producer Bruce W. Smith is now working on the Emmy-winning “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,” which is based on the original series. The show follows Penny Proud as she navigates family life and her own childhood.
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“Being at Disney TVA has allowed me to realize all my artistic dreams,” says Bruce W. Smith. “As a kid, you always have hopes, thoughts, dreams, ideas and characters that can help lay out those ideas in your head. Disney has allowed me to really tap into my creative instinct, at the end of the day, you have to learn how to trust yourself. Meredith Roberts has been a true shepherd for me in all of this, allowing me to stretch my wings. Because of her belief in me and my ideas, she’s really allowed me to blossom as an artist. All that happened at DTVA.”
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“They really seem to be a place that welcomes your ideas,” Dan Povenmire says of Disney TVA. “They want to find people with real strong ideas of the stories they want to tell, and then they let them tell those stories for the most part. They seem to put storytelling and characters over anything. With [‘Phineas and Ferb’], we would write jokes for the kids and the adults in the room because we knew the adults would be there too. We were just careful not to do any double entendres.”
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tbgblr2 · 11 months
Cruising to new life - part 4
“Can you come help me and my mum?” The message came from Jess on both our phones at the same time. We answered that we would be there as quick as we could, getting dressed and leaving the Oasis rapidly.
A few lift rides and corridors later, we knocked at Karen and Jess’s cabin door. Jess opened it and we immediately saw Karen looking disheveled sat on the bed at the far end of the room, dressed in a sports bra and loose pyjama bottoms, the in room air conditioning blasting cool air.
“Come in quick, Jess just worries too much. I keep on telling her that this is what babies do… I’m more worried about you lot letting the cool air out.”
Jess protested “but your contractions…”
“… are not 5 minutes apart and lasting a minute. I’ve already rang medical and checked. They said I’m fine to come in when I want to. They know I’ve had one… you… before so I know what to expect.” Karen continued, frustration in her voice.
“But that was 21 years ago, who knows what could have changed.”
“You silly miss. Women have been giving birth to babies as long as there have been women. You think 21 years is going to make a difference. Now help me up, I want to have a walk, get things established so I’m not doing this all night.”
Jess allowed her mother this small victory as she stood by the side of the bed as she supported her weight as she rose, a little unsteadily to her feet. We decided to take a ride up to the open air of deck 10, grab a bite to eat and a drink (Karen hadn’t yet had any breakfast and it was coming on 1pm) and see what the future brought. We got Karen dressed in her robe so she wasn’t as scantily clad as she could have been walking around, and set off.
As we got into the lift at their floor to get up to the top deck, there was one other lady in there looking on concerned. I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief – we had noticed a few of the lifts being really full – pregnant bumps typically taking up the room of a second person – and between myself and the 4 other pregnant ladies in here we were close to capacity.
Karen flopped to the handrail around the lift and have a sigh of relief as the other woman asked “contractions?”
Karen huffed out a breath. “You betcha. Second time around you think they would get easier… but maybe my mind is a bit fuzzy it was 21 years ago.” The woman looked around to see Jess’s smiling face as she gave a little wave.
The door opened and we slowly left the lift. The woman followed after us with a offering of “good luck!” Karen mumbled a thanks as she plodded forwards to the door outside onto the deck.
She made a beeline to the rail along the edge of the ship grasping at the rail and letting out a groan. One hand holding the underside of her belly she hissed “start counting” even though we seem to have missed the start of this contraction I pulled out the stopwatch and did as she asked. Taking into account the late start we figured this one lasted about 30 seconds. Setting off after it had finished we started to aim to do a circuit of the ship. As we came to each entrance we would duck in, take in a bit of air conditioning and Karen would crab walk up and down the first flight of stairs she spotted. Whatever she was doing was definitely working though as the contractions approached the magic 5 minute and 1 minute she insisted on before she would stop doing this exercise.
She had gathered quite the following of well wishers on her journey, passengers and crew alike. Every time she passed a crew member she was offered assistance to get to the medical bay, but she insisted it wasn’t time yet.
The moment that changed her mind was quickly upon her though. Rather than stopping and grabbing the rail as she had done countless times before she turned and grabbed right into my neck and sunk down into a deep squat, moaning consistently though the contraction. She rolled her hips in a figure eight pattern as she vocalised and finally as things seem to have passed she groaned “I need to go… the head is so low. Don’t… don’t think I can walk.”
I left the ladies to look after each other, suggesting that they wouldn’t move as I headed towards the nearest lift entrance to look for a chair. I swore a little under my breath as none were there so I had to wait for the lift, get all the way down to deck 3 and grab one from there before heading back.
I was gone about 10 minutes in total and got back to Karen, thankfully at the same place, but she had thrown aside the dressing gown and had Jodie rubbing her back as Jess was stood head to head with her telling her I’d be back soon and she could move.
Jodie saw me approach as she mouthed ‘what took so long?’ I answered back so all could hear “sorry, no chairs over at the nearest lift, thought I’d better get down to 3 to make sure rather than dashing around on a wild goose chase.”
“You’re here now.” Jess looked relieved at least. She helped her mother get placed in the seat and we set off for deck 8. No matter what she tried to do, Karen couldn’t get comfortable. Her moans were pitiful sounding as we continued towards our destination. “Please tell me you don’t need to push… please.” Jess begged but Karen couldn’t answer her verbally. With her eyes closed she just shook her head.
As the lift dinged and we emerged on the 8th floor there was a receptionist to greet us. Asking their room number, Jess answered and we were shown to suite 5 which was a short journey away.
A nurse followed us and dashed past to open the door as we reached it, almost seamlessly we were in the room without unnecessary delay.
She pulled up medical records on a tablet and nodded. “Please, if you could get our mother to be onto the bed over there I’ll get her some gas and air, should take the edge off until our doctor gets here.
We do as asked and soon Karen is reclined in bed taking deep breaths from a mouthpiece, which seems to be helping. She manages her first coherent sentence after a short while.
“Could you record this for me?” She was looking straight at me.
I looked up “are you sure, I mean it’s a bit private?”
“Please,” she continued pausing to take another large gulp of the gas. “I didn’t record anything from Jess and you never know, it might be nice to look back on. Though I don’t know how long my phones battery will last.”
“I brought my camera to record Jodie. If you’re OK with waiting until we get back so I can take the recording off and send it to you that should be something I can do.”
Karen grinned. “Sure I think it’ll be fresh in my mind before then.”
I turned along with Jodie to leave and get my stuff when Jess looked up. “Please don’t leave.” She addressed that to Jodie.
So there we were, 2 of us invited to watch an intimate moment involving someone we only met a day or so ago.
I headed off as fast as I could back to our room to get the camera, tripod, and grab a pocket full of memory cards and spare batteries. As I got buzzed back into the room about 15 minutes had passed, Karen had been seen by the doctor – who just happened to be Miguel, Jess a bit taken aback by his appearance even though he said he was going to be on duty – and she was declared as being 7cm dilated and doing really well.
I set up the camera and tripod, setting the focus to where it needed to me and grabbed the tripod in my hard, trusting the gimbal built into it to take account of the swaying and movement as I walked around the room.
Karen by this point had removed her bottoms and the robe, naked from the waist down she was kneeling on the bed, Jess on one side of her, Jodie on the other. She was using her hands to steady herself on the bed, grasping the mouthpiece of the gas and air regulator between her teeth, her mouth in a snarl as a result. She was sucking in giant mouthfuls of the mixture as she inhaled and moaned loudly as she exhaled.
Even being declared as 7cm I feel that she would progress quickly with the amount of noise she was making.
I was stood directly in front of her and she was so focused on the contraction that she didn’t even realise I was there.
As she seemed to come down from the contraction she leaned her body weight against Jess and used the hand this freed up to pull the mouthpiece out and lay it on the bed. She finally noticed me and mouthed “thanks” as I gave a thumbs up.
“I need a shower, I’m all sweaty and it’s uncomfortable.” Karen announced. “Jess, give me a hand.”
Jess’s hand came to her mouth “I don’t have any clothes to change into.”
Karen grunted as she managed to get herself turned around into a seated position and continued “just take off your dress and get in your bra and knickers. You can put the dress back on later if they’re still wet.”
Jess went beet red and coincidentally so did Miguel, though this was lost on Karen who couldn’t see him behind her. “About that… I may be naked under this dress. I might have had little need for underwear a while ago and I got back to you, I didn’t think to change.”
“You’re a big girl, I need you more to help me in the shower, I can’t very well be asking Miguel here to do that.”
She turned and saw his same red faced complexion.
“Ahh. Well in that case, can I be OK in presuming you have absolutely no qualms about seeing my daughter naked?” He at least had the good nature to shake his head no and look a little embarrassed by it.
I just looked at Jodie and shrugged. We didn’t seem to be involved in this conversation but we had already seen everything Jess had to offer earlier in the day so just kept our mouths quiet.
So that was it. Jodie pulled off her sundress and helped her mother to the shower all whilst the camera was rolling. The shower was glass fronted and looked out to the sea so whilst Jess helped her mother get through one or two contractions, rubbing her back and shoulders, telling her she was doing well, they had a nice view.
Karen eventually turned off the shower and plodded wetly out as Jodie grabbed her a towel and helped dry her off, Miguel doing the same for Jess, who seemed very appreciative of his help.
Muffled under a towel, Karen suddenly squealed “I need to push, help me to the bed.”
All 3 of the other occupants jumped into action and lead her to the bed, helping her up. She slumped back into the pillows of the upright bed and groaned, her knees flopping to the side exposing her to the camera.
I looked and couldn’t see any sign of an impending baby, but I didn’t really know. Miguel had slapped on a pair of gloves by this point and was telling Karen to relax as he carried out a cervical check. He nodded as he removed his fingers. “Very good Karen, you are at 10. When you have the next contraction, give me a strong push.”
That was it, the room jumped into action. Bars were raised on the side of the bed so Karen could grab onto something, and Jess and Jodie grabbed a leg each. This seemed so rehearsed I guess this may be what they discussed whilst I was away. Karen’s first push followed soon after, face scrunched up and yelling all through it. I’d seen dozens, if not hundreds of birth videos at this point and often the mothers focused inward, groaning or holding their breath as they pushed. Karen was different, she squealed like a banshee all through it.
Miguel kept watch between her legs but knew it would be a while before anything started to appear so he stepped back and grabbed some water. Knowing how vocal Karen was would dry her throat out terribly and figured it would be best to keep her hydrated.
Another 3 screaming pushes and Karen was asking for the gas and air again. Miguel first offered her the water through a straw and she sipped down greedily then handed her the mouthpiece she discarded earlier which she held in one hand whilst gripping the railing with the other.
With the mouthpiece in her screams were muffled but still very much present. Miguel finally noticed a bulge between her lips and offered his encouragement. “The baby is almost here, a few more pushes like that and we will get to see it.”
Karen worked well with the encouragement, pushing hard on the next contraction that I was certain that I saw her lips part and the slightest glimpse of the head beneath.
I looked between Karen’s helpers, the image something that I’ll remember in my mind for a very long time. Pregnant woman in the centre, legs spread doing her best to bring forth her life. A young, naked pregnant woman to her right doing her best to keep her cool when her own mother was going through a difficult trial, and finally to her left, my wife, the woman I loved, equally as pregnant and no doubt going through her mind that she would need to do this soon.
“I need this bra off.” Karen managed between pushes. The bra had remained on during the shower and was now irritating her. I watched as both helpers grabbed it and yanked upwards, watching her breasts lift and flop down against her belly. Normally if that was porn, that would have been instant hard on material, but thankfully the energy in the room kept me focused.
Karen’s next push had her leave go of the grip bars and bite down into the mouthpiece again as she pushed. Her hands grasping her breasts and squeezing her nipples. Ok so now I was struggling to maintain focus, I’ve no idea how I didn’t embarrass myself in there.
The stimulation helped though as the next roaring contraction came to a conclusion, Karen’s lips had parted, shown Miguel, myself and the camera a good view of the hair on the baby’s head, and then retreated back in again.
Miguel rubbed his fingers around the circumference of the opening and told Karen to go again. She roared loudly, losing the gas and air mouthpiece in the process which rested in the valley between her breasts.
Jodie went to retrieve it as Karen shook her head no, pushing once more. Each time I stared in awe as more and more of the head became visible. Miguel didn’t let up his support, telling her she was doing well and to continue to do what she was doing, his fingers swiping left and right around her opening to keep things stretched and supple. Shortly after Karen’s waters broke as she pushed, shooting up Miguel’s scrubs and soaking him through.
Finally after plenty of effort, Karen was rewarded. The head finally didn’t sink back in. Of course this also lead to the ring of fire as she stretched to the widest point. Miguel pushed her to focus as he got her to reach down and feel the head, her eyes snapping open to announce “my baby!” With that the head slipped out to the neck with a gush of fluid, and a relieved, panting sound from the mother.
Jess bent forward to watch it happen, her eyes almost popping out if her skull as she saw her mothers vagina stretch wide, her siblings head shoot through, and blood.
She screamed as Miguel put his hand on her arm “you mother has torn a little, but please don’t worry we can ensure that is dealt with in due time. Everything is normal and fine.” Jess relaxed at her lovers voice and focused on her mothers face. Karen scrunched her face up again as she felt the next contraction. Oddly enough this one she held her breath as she pushed, and Miguel guided out the baby’s shoulders and body to place the blood and vernix covered baby – a boy – on his mothers belly.
Karen and Jess seemed to chant ‘you did it’ and ‘I did it’ in unison as Jodie beamed the most impossibly large smile at me directly into the camera. Jess hugged Miguel and asked “I want you to do exactly like that for me when I’m in labour.” Miguel nodded and said he would certainly do his best.
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evanfixes · 5 months
Excuse me I'm gonna headcanon Tommy as having massive doom brain re: "we're all gonna die anyway" because nothing truly wonderful would ever come to him, and he's made peace with that, he's fine with good, he doesn't deserve much more anyways—
—only there's this firefighter that's a ray of sunshine and he grins so big when they pick Bobby up from the cruise ship, which is so insane by the way, and Evan doesn't stop talking and he's adorable, really, he's very cute and then they keep running into each other?
But there's no way he just said "trying to get your attention," right?? No way he's nervous and fumbling and just within reach for Tommy to tilt his chin, gently, just two fingers because he's still expecting it to be a mistake, a misunderstanding, short-lived—
—and then it's so not because Evan tries so hard and who is Tommy to deny this good thing?? Even if he still feels like this isn't quite for him, maybe isn't going to last, he can't help enjoying every moment of it. Because he gets to see Evan flourish, watch him bloom and blush and break apart in Tommy's hands, loud nights and quiet mornings, and doom might come one day but it's not now. Not yet.
Maybe he can live in this for just a bit. Especially when Evan smiles at him like that. When all he knows is a ducked head and messy curls in the morning. Blue eyes.
Morning, he says. How's my man in the sky?
And for once, it's the truth when Tommy says, never been better.
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