#crown princess harmonia
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daedalverselore · 9 months ago
Do the alicorns have their own homeland? or did the exist in Equestria and if so are there any traces or ruins of their existence?
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Alicorns were very used to just being spirits at first, which let them go where ever they want whenever they wanted. As their existence changed the effects of the world around them, they were very curious to observe this in action.
After they took on physical form, they couldn't move as easily. But still wanting to interact with all the ponies on Equus, they instead roamed the globe, fine tuning it so it would remain as perfect as they envisioned.
The ponies, of course, wanted the Alicorns to stay near them, so would try to create grand palaces and gifts to tempt them to linger. But the Alicorns never stayed in any place for long, as there was a whole world to visit! Who needed things when you could create life?
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harmoniasdissonance · 2 days ago
Harmonia family lineage
504 years prior to B2W2
King Ghetsis Harmonia I is poisoned by his brother Amadeus the Usurper at the age of 19, his wife Margarey has a son named Dorian while in exile
486 years prior to B2W2
Dorian overthrows his uncle Amadeus after eighteen years on the throne in the War of the Red Sun.
450 years prior to B2W2
King Dorian and his wife have a son named Prince Brio Harmonia
428 years prior to B2W2
Prince Celesto is born while his 103-year old grandfather King Dorian is still on the throne to Crown Prince Brio Harmonia and his wife, who dies after giving birth to him
402 years prior to B2W2
King Dorian dies at the age of 104 after 86 years on the throne, making him the longest reigned king in Unova’s history, He is succeeded by his son Brio at the age of 48.
400 years prior to B2W2
King Brio dies of tuberculosis at the age of 50 and is succeeded by his son Prince Celesto, aged 31
399 years prior to B2W2
King Adagio Harmonia is born to Prince Celesto.
369 years prior to B2W2
Celesto dies at the age of 59 from organ failure brought on by smallpox, He is succeeded by his son, Adagio Harmonia aged 30.
349 years prior to B2W2
Prince Allegro Harmonia is born to King Adagio and his concubine
309 years prior to B2W2
King Adagio dies at the age of 90 and is succeeded by his son Allegro, aged 40.
269 years prior to B2W2
Prince Cello Harmonia is born to Allegro Harmonia.
216 years prior to B2W2
Prince Bolero Harmonia is born to King Cello Harmonia, his mother dies shortly afterwards
202 years prior to B2W2
Prince Bolero becomes king at the age of 14 after the death of his father at the age of 67
180 years prior to B2W2
King Bolero and Queen Flauta have a daughter, her name is Princess Symphonia Harmonia
174 years prior to B2W2
King Bolero and Queen Flauta have a daughter, her name is Princess Viola Harmonia
172 years prior to B2W2
Prince Ghetsis Harmonia II is born to King Bolero Harmonia and Queen Flauta
165 years prior to B2W2
Princess Symphonia and Queen Flauta die from smallpox during one of the Unova region’s largest smallpox outbreaks, 7-year old Ghetsis II and 9-year old Viola are the only surviving children
132 years prior to B2W2
King Ghetsis Harmonia II, aged 40 becomes king after the death of his father King Bolero Harmonia at the age of 84
102 years prior to B2W2
King Ghetsis Harmonia II dies at the age of 70 after ruling for 30 years on the throne, his son Geige is born after Unova is declared a republic, ending the Harmonia’s rule over Unova.
84 years prior to B2W2
18-year old Lord Geige Harmonia marries Lady Louisia Sehren.
74 years prior to B2W2
Geige and Louisia have a daughter, her name is Carol Harmonia Sehren
67 years prior to B2W2
Geige and Louisia have a second daughter, her name is Aria Harmonia Sehren
50 years prior to B2W2
Aria is arranged to be married to Eisenhut, a nobleman who comes from the same branch as the Harmonia family, they had their first child, Her name is Lucy Harmonia Gropius
48 years prior to B2W2
Aria and Eisenhut have a son, his name is Ghetsis Harmonia Gropius, who is named after his great-grandfather
45 years prior to B2W2
Carol marries an Italian-Unovan man named Steven De Luca, they had their first child, a daughter named Melodi Harmonia De Luca the same year.
40 years prior to B2W/
Carol and Steven have a second child, a son named Alan Harmonia De Luca
38 years prior to B2W2
Aria Harmonia dies from pneumonia, she is outlived by her 12-year old daughter Lucy and 10-year old son Ghetsis, the latter’s Deino is born the same year.
30 years prior to B2W2
18-year old Ghetsis poisons his father, Eisenhut Gropius with a lethal dose of arsenic after a failed ceremony.
29 years prior to B2W2
Lady Elena Eintracht dies at the age of 106.
22 years prior to B2W2
Natural Harmonia Gropius is born as a result of a one night stand between an unknown woman and Ghetsis, his mother dies shortly after giving birth
20 years prior to B2W2
Melodi Harmonia marries Bruno Giodano, an Italian man, they have their daughter Sonata the same year.
18 years prior to B2W2
Ghetsis is made aware of Natural’s existence due to reports about a boy raised by Pokémon, Team Plasma starts about this time.
12 years prior to B2W2
Alan marries a Galarian woman named Annie and they have their daughter Lily the same year, Bruno dies sometime later
11 years prior to B2W2
Melodi gives birth to a daughter, Emma Giodano.
10 years prior to B2W2
Alan and Annie have a second child, a son named Alan Howes.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years ago
N Harmonia Fluff Alphabet
One anon asked for an N fluff alphabet and another asked for just any N content, so I hope this sates you both!
Not proof read so rip me
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
Rather expectantly, N loves looking after Pokemon with you! Whether you’re playing with, feeding or tending to them, he really enjoys seeing you being so sweet and kind to cute little mons and giant scary monsters alike.
He also loves just snuggling up with you and playing with each other’s’ hair. He really cherishes that kind of gentle, intimate affection.
Other than that, he really enjoys doing mundane things with you, stuff like going grocery shopping, cleaning the house, gardening etc, even before you live together. There’s something very comforting about it.
Oh, and he loves dancing with you!
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He admires your kindness obviously, but also your determination and resilience! He thinks you’re so strong, and in turn, it emboldens him too!
As for physical beauty? He loves your smile, even just a little quirk of your lips makes him so happy. It’s just so precious!
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
N isn’t the best at this kind of stuff, but he definitely tries his best to offer you support. Usually he just sits with you and lets you vent, or cry into his shoulder, often bringing a cute pokemon with him to cheer you up. He also likes bringing you on walks, hoping it might clear your head.
His words of affirmation, though few, are quite powerful, so you know he means them.
When he’s sad, he’d like to be treated in a similar fashion, just quiet support and cute Pokemon
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
N doesn’t really know how he wants his life to go, the only thing he’s certain of is that he wants to continue improving the relationships between humans and Pokemon, and that he wants to be with you for the rest of time.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
Due to his lack of experience, he’s definitely more on the passive side, preferring to let you take the lead when it comes to dates and stuff. Though he has no problem asserting himself (gently) if he wants to do something else instead.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
N hates fighting with you, absolutely despises it, so he tends to avoid it when he can. Inevitably, like in all relationships, you end up in a few spats. He’s never mean to you, but he does try talk over you and has a habit of just walking out instead of working out the issue right away. Really he just goes for a walk to calm him down, and he’s usually back in an hour or two, but you probably don’t solve your disagreement until the next day.
He finds it quite easy to admit fault and apologise, so you don’t have to weasel a ‘sorry’ out of him. And due to his earnest nature, you know he means it.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
When N gives a gift, most of the time, he doesn’t even realise it. He just sees something he thinks you’d like and just gives it to you without a second thought. Usually it’s pretty flora or candy, occasionally it’s a plush. Sometimes you get gifts very often, sometimes it’s weeks, maybe months, between each present.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
N can be described as blissfully confused when in love. So soft and blushy and not totally sure what he’s feeling, but he sure does love it, and you. His Pokemon friends pick up on it immediately and root for the two of you.
Unintentionally brags. He just thinks you’re swell and tends to bring that up often, but he’s not trying to gloat.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
You seemed to handle that little joltik so carefully as you returned it to its mother galvantula, without an ounce of fear or malice in your eyes, and truly only kindness in your heart. It made him feel so at ease, like he had found a kindred spirit.
Not only was he right, he also found his soulmate too,
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
N doesn’t quite understand jealousy. Like, you love each other, what does he have to worry about? He likes your friends a lot, and he finds anybody who tries to flirt with you more annoying than anything else
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
At the beginning, N’s kisses are sweet but awkward, he’s so new to it, so he’s a bit afraid he might make a mistake. As your relationships progresses though, he becomes more comfortable and confident with it, and kisses reflect that, so soft and caring and full of meaning
I did a whole thing about N and kissing here
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
Really what doesn’t he love? It’s not that he puts you on a pedestal, he just genuinely finds you amazing and he loves you so much
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
N doesn’t feel the need to marry you, as long as you’re in love, that’s what matters to him, a piece of paper doesn’t make it any more valid than it is in his eyes.
That being said, if you want to get married, he’s down for it, but don’t expect anything sappy or traditional. No proposal, no huge event, just the two of you exchanging heartfelt vows at the courthouse, with matching rings.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He doesn’t really use nicknames, just the occasionally “Love” or “Dear”
On the flipside, he loves your nicknames for him. Some of his favourites are “Cutie”, “Sweetie”, “Greenie” and “Nat”
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
While I wouldn’t say N is an open book, he doesn’t really hide things from you. He tells you how he feels without much fanfare, and you’re made aware of his past quite early on, even before you started dating.
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
N’s actually pretty good at cooking, and tends to cook pretty often, especially when you’re on the road together. His meals are simple and comforting, sometimes spicy, lots of soups and curries and rice.
Since he’s vegetarian, he prefers to cook for the two of you instead of going out, since most restaurants don’t have great options for him. That being said, if you find a place with a good menu, he’s totally down to take you there.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
N does not understand the concept of BS, so you don’t have to worry about playing weird mind games to find out what he really wants. As a result, your relationship is quite chill
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Again, he’s not traditionally romantic, but he does care about you quite a lot and loves making you smile. And while it doesn’t say “I love you” very often, he means it, and that is a lot more valuable than any serenade or flower bouquet
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
If you play with his hair, he’s out like a light. While he’s cuddles are lax and loose when he’s awake, he hugs you like a teddy when he’s fast asleep.
His sleep routine is shit though.
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
N loves the cosiness of domestic mundanity, so it’s safe to say he likes to play it, well, safe. It gives him a sense of comfort and stability that he really appreciates.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Through being with you, N learns to be more attentive and emotional (in a healthy way), and to appreciate humans even more. He also feels more human too.
While you already loved Pokemon, he makes you see how truly amazing and special they are, and treat them even better than you did before.
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
Your relationship is very important to him, but deep down, you know his love for Pokemon trumps his love for you. Though it never causes an issue with you
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Likes to make matching flower crowns for the two of you and whatever Pokemon you’’re with at the time!
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
N loves fluttery kisses and really tender hugs and cuddles, ones when you’re loosely tanged together and gently stroking each other’s skin.
He is not a PDA person at all, besides holding your hand and the occasional kiss. Some of it is shyness, but it’s mostly because he doesn’t feel the need to prove your relationship to anyone. He doesn’t use affection lightly.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
He’s pretty okay on his own, since he’s quite used to it, but he does still miss you a lot. He finds comfort in things that remind you of him, a certain scent, a flower, a sound, even a Pokemon, it makes him feel like you’re with him
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)
N doesn’t have any pets, mainly because he thinks Pokemon are friends. How many Poke-friends does he have? Too many for even him to count. My man radiates serious Disney Princess energy with the way Pokemon seem to flock to him.
That being said, he’s not against good people having Pokemon as pets, so if you have pokemon, you know he’ll be the best dad to them ever.
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WIP Intro - Throne Of Fire: Dance of the Crowns Book 1
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Current tags @fluorescent--fantasy, @desi-pluto, @beyondthebracken
The bitter, long and freezing wintertime in the dry and rocky continent of Altoterra has finally come to an end. But the tale of the millennium has just begun.
In the southwestern state of the eighteen kingdoms, all spread across Altoterra, King Erik Dragonorage rules in the south, above all the other Queens and Kings of the land. There, he’s dwelt with his family in peace: His duty-oriented wife, Celeste Victoire of Garde Roux, his sons, Nolan, Leonardo, Antonio and Hugo, and his daughters, Lyra, Diana, Caitlin and Ruby.
Over in the north, the population of the kingdom of Orore’s Guard has been mysteriously dropping. To solve it, Queen Harmonia Brannon, married to the heir King Dominic reaches out to one of the guards of the Knight’s Guardianship, a group that protects all of the kingdoms of the continent, Jonathan, Celeste’s oldest child and son from a previous relationship, alarming him to notify his mother in the south.
Once Celeste receives the letter from her son, she looks to her husband, not knowing what to do. When he suggests putting Nolan and the Lion Princess, twenty-one-year-old Madilyn Brannon in an arranged marriage for alliance between the families, both regarded as two of the most powerful lineages in the realm, Celeste and Erik deliberate their decisions, and soon enough, Erik travels to Orore’s Guard with Nolan, Diana, Caitlin and Ruby.
As friendships are formed, enemies are made and alliances are formed, throughout all of the many kingdoms of Altoterra, a scheme from across the sea, all the way over in the faraway islands of Lancaaros, made by Prince Jamie Alagstoyne to marry off his younger sister Sylvia to the most powerful Lord of the Islands, the course of fate is sure to change during the new summer that’s arrived drastically.
Updates coming every Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday!
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askharmonia · 5 years ago
Harmonia, Octavo & The Silver Mage Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: The Hardest Part
The final battle between Vaati and the trio of Krys, Harmonia and Octavo begins! A battle of magic and wit! But Vaati has a few tricks up his sleeves that won’t bode well for our heroes. Will they prevail or will they fall?
‘Hey, you, Show me that solvable problem. We can through this. I’ll do the hardest part with you.’
The tornado disappeared to reveal a smirking Vaati, “Well! I’m honestly surprised you haven’t ran away in fear. Instead you came right to me! I have to say, I appreciate that. It makes it a lot easier to bury you three into the ground.”
“Vaati, stop this now!” Krys yelled, “If you have a problem with me, then fine. But don’t drag innocent people into your vendetta!”
“A problem?” Vaati glared at Krys, “Ha! Understatement of the century! You know how long I waited for you to come back? Years! But you never did! You abandoned us, abandoned ME, for what? A bunch of nobodies!!!”
“That’s not true!” Krys argued, “I returned to my home to find it in shambles! I was trying to find who was responsible and I didn’t want to drag you into my problems! I see now that it wasn’t the wisest choice.” Krys took a step forward, anger boiling in her eyes, “But my mistakes aren’t your excuses!!! How dare you attack this kingdom and how dare you attack these innocent people?!”
“Vaati, listen to me.” Octavo took a few steps forward, “Take it from someone who made the same mistake in the past. If you go ahead with this, you’ll only regret it later. You can still stop this and-”
“SHUT IT!!!” Vaati roared as he knocked Octavo back with a gust of wind, nearly knocking the sorcerer off his feet but was caught just in time by Harmonia, “You no nothing about what I went through!!! We’re nothing alike, because unlike you, I’m more powerful than anyone in this kingdom! And I won’t be satisfied until each and everyone of you are 6 feet under!” Vaati raised his hand and summoned a large fireball, “You took her away from me, so I’ll take everything away from YOU!!!” He lobbed the fireball towards the small group, but it was knocked back by Krys summoning a large baseball bat and hitting it away. “So much for talking this out…” Octavo sighed before taking out his baton and waving it in the air, “Power of lightning, electrify my glockenspiel’s keys!” The glockenspiel suddenly began to glow brightly as Gleeokenspiel emerged with four mighty roars. They unleashed four bolts of lightning towards Vaati who dodged most of them, but the last one hit him in the shoulder. “Agh!! Why you…!” Vaati growled as he hurled what looked like blades of wind at Gleeokenspiel, “Ha! Wait…what the-?!” Vaati stared in shock as three of Gleeokenspiel’s heads removed themselves from the body and began hopping towards Vaati, their gaping maws snapping open and closed. Vaati soared into the sky on a gust of wind to avoid them when-
“Rallentando!” Harmonia flung a sigil towards Vaati which caused his movements to slow, allowing one of the three heads to al headbutt him at once sending him flying into a tree. Vaati growled as he launched another fireball, this time at Harmonia, who wasn’t able to dodge in time and it hit her dead on. Harmonia let out a yell in pain as the force knocked her backwards. “Harmonia!” Octavo called out, seeing Harmonia go flying back, before glaring at Vaati. Octavo teleported to Vaati and unleashed a pulse of sound, “Deafen!” Vaati cried out in pain as he held his hands to his ears, trying to block out the painful ringing in his ears. “Flat!” Octavo then summoned a green mallet and hit Vaati at full force, sending him flying sideways across the ground. Vaati shook off the deafen spell’s effects before sending a blast of energy towards Octavo, “To stone with you!!!”
“Counterspell!” Krys jumped in front of the blast as it suddenly stopped in place before going flying towards Vaati. Vaati jumped out of the way before glancing behind him to see a nearby bush turn to stone. “Don’t get distracted!” Harmonia chimed, recovering from Vaati’s blast, “Acceso!” Harmonia launched a fireball of her own at Vaati, who turned back too late only to see the fireball coming right at him as he was hit square in the chest and felt his back hit the stone bush.
Vaati yelled as he lobbed a blast of dark purple energy at the ground in front of him, causing a purple shockwave of energy to go surging forward. Suddenly, Octavo’s baton stopped glowing. Krys felt the surge of arcane energy leave her. Gleeokenspiel shifted back into their glockenspiel form.
And Harmonia fell to the ground with a thump, unable to move. “Ha! Good luck fighting without your magic!” Vaati chuckled darkly. “Oh no…Harmonia!” Octavo called out, seeing Harmonia struggle on the ground. “What happened to her?” Krys exclaimed.
“Harmonia doesn’t have limbs; she uses magic to float and grasp things. Without magic…”
“Oh no…”
Vaati overheard Octavo and glanced at the struggling princess before bursting into laughter, “W-wait, are you serious?! She’s literally useless without magic?! That’s priceless!!!” Vaati then zipped through the air towards Harmonia and held her in the air by the neck, “And to think you were one of the heroes who saved this kingdom? You’ve got to be kidding me! No wonder you needed those three! You’d never be able to defeat a slime let alone Ganon!” Vaati laughed as he watched Harmonia wriggle in his grasp, trying desperately to break free. But without the use of her magic, it was near impossible to do anything but squirm, which only made Vaati laugh more. Vaati then noticed a nearby cliff edge with a steep, sheer drop and a smirk appeared on his face. “I’ve got an idea…” Vaati flew through the air towards the cliff edge, flying high above it. “Harmonia!!!” Octavo took off running after the two. “Octavo, wait!!” Krys exclaimed as she ran after him. “How about I do Hyrule a favour…” Vaati grinned as he held Harmonia over the edge, “And get rid of a useless weakling?”
“Even if you get rid of me…” Harmonia began as she continued to struggle in Vaati’s grasp, “Octavo and Krys will stop you! Link and Zelda too!”
“Oh, don’t you worry. I’ve plans for them. Now…” Vaati grinned, hearing Octavo running from behind, “Goodbye…Princess Harmonia.”
Before Octavo could even finish, Vaati let go of Harmonia and, within nearly a blink of an eye, she disappeared over the edge. Octavo, without even thinking, dashed after her and leapt over the edge in a desperate attempt to save her.
 Krys sank to her knees as she watched the two disappear before her as Vaati just chuckled, “Well…two birds with one stone!”
“How…how could you…?” Krys’s voice was barely above a whisper. It hit her at the force of a falling bolder that this truly no longer was the Vaati she had spent so much time with years ago. The darkness within mankind’s hearts combined with all those years of loneliness had truly morphed him into a cruel, selfish and arrogant monster. Krys could slowly feel her magic return to her, but knew it was too late to do anything now. Harmonia and Octavo were gone. Vaati sighed with a fed-up expression as he turned to face Krys, landing on the ground in front of her, “Ugh, you really don’t get it, do you? That little pathetic weak Vaati you ‘oh-so loved and cared about’ is gone. All this? It’s because of your own lack of maturity. You claim to be a powerful mage, but you insist on using childish and weak spells. Grow up! This isn’t some fairy tale! You lost. The little princess and the stupid composer are gone. So give-!”
 Vaati was interrupted by spotting a flash of light emanating from below the cliff edge out of the corner of his eye. “What was-?!” Before Vaati could finish his sentence, a tall figure teleported in front of him. “Focoso!” The figure forced Vaati backwards with a fiery blast from a golden baton. Vaati slowly got up, recovering from the blast, as he got a better look at the figure. They had long mountbatten pink hair, with the bangs covering half of their face ,and grey skin. They wore a red shirt under a lavender and plum coat with golden cufflinks and buttons with matching shoes. They also wore a lavender and gold skirt and dark purple trousers. They had a golden and red crown with a matching earring. Their golden eyes glared at Vaati with a furious intensity. Vaati’s expression was one of both anger and confusion, “What the…? Who the hell are you?!”
“Someone you really shouldn’t have messed with.” The figure growled, “But you can call me…
‘It’s the True Kinda Love.’
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soulslayer2020 · 6 years ago
Octonia: Fusion of music sorcerer, Octavo, and song princess, Harmonia.
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I can’t remember who drew it, but I recall seeing someone on here draw a fusion of Octavo and Vaati. So I figured I’d do one of Octavo and my character, Harmonia.
Anyway, here are some features about the fusion:
Name is pronounced ‘Ok-tone-ia’
Like Harmonia, Octonia has no upper limbs and uses magic to grasp and move objects, but does gain lower limbs. They still float from time-to-time just for easiness’s sake.
Eye shape is a mix of both Octavo and Harmonia’s, but the pupils are more slit-shaped like Octavo’s.
Ears are pointy and narrow and straight like Octavo’s, as opposed to Harmonia’s which are pointy but more wide and curvy in shape.
Hair colour is a mix of both hair colours of the fusers. Has Octavo’s bangs that cover an eye, however Octonia’s covers their left eye while Octavo’s covers his right.
Has clothing items of both fusers: Octavo’s shirt, trousers and neck jewel; Harmonia’s crown, earrings, waist sash and part of her dress.
The coat has features of both fusers’ outfits: Octavo’s cuff links and Harmonia’s long, wavy sleeves.
The colour palette of Octonia’s outfit comprises of colours from both Octavo and Harmonia’s palettes as well as some of the colours mixed together.
The best way to describe their personality is Sardonyx from Steven Universe. Loud and proud, friendly to everyone, with a little bit of narcissism and sarcasm on the side.
Powers include some of Octavo’s spells, the ability to summon ‘champions’ and monsters, both of Harmonia’s signature spells (Darkest Lament and Brightest Hymn), and the ability to cast magic via singing.
List of Facial Expressions (Top first, left to right):
Octonia’s brain just hit a flat note...
Oh gods, run!
Darkest Lament
Not impressed
Ok, who made them upset?
Magic music~
Brightest Hymn
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kismetconstellations · 5 years ago
aries : Adonis and Aphrodite — this a tragic tale. Trying to impress his godly lover, Adonis entered a deadly hunt; accounts vary on whether it was Apollo or the jealous Ares that drove a boar to kill him. The grieving goddess transformed his blood into the anemone flower.
taurus : Philemon and Baukis — an impoverished elderly couple who housed Zeus and Hermes in their travels. They were rewarded with a palace; Zeus also offered to grant them a wish. They desired to die at the same time, so that they wouldn't have to live apart.
gemini : Odysseus and Penelope — oath-bound to journey to Troy and partake in the war for Helen, Odysseus was single-minded in his love for his wife despite the many distractions. Penelope reciprocated this, matching his cunning ways in stalling her many unwanted suitors.
cancer : Selene and Endymion — it is said that the beautiful shepherd enticed the goddess with gifts of fleece; he was granted immortality without old age by Zeus, either at his own request or at her plea. His everlasting slumber allowed for them to consort in the night.
leo : Aphrodite and Ares — of all her lovers, Ares is the only one the goddess frequently returned to. After her divorce from Hephaestus, she was free to take him as her consort; she bore him a daughter, Harmonia (concord), showing that where love meets war, peace follows.
virgo : Pygmalion and Galatea — according to Ovid, Pygmalion was a sculptor disinterested in women; he fell in love with his carving of one, however, and prayed to Aphrodite for a bride akin to her. The goddess granted this wish, bringing the ivory body to life.
libra : Hades and Persephone — first called Kore (maiden), she was spirited away from the fields. Upon being forced to release her, Hades offered her the seeds of a pomegranate; the goddess ate part of them, thus binding herself to her now-husband and his dominion.
scorpio : Hyacinth and Apollo — this is more of a triangle. Driven by jealousy, Zephyrus made it so that a discus thrown by Apollo would strike the youth; after his death, Hyacinth was transfigured into the flower of the same name, said to be celebrated by both gods.
sagittarius : Artemis and Orion — in one version of the myth, Artemis falls in love with her hunting companion, the giant Orion. Fearing his sister will end up breaking her oath of virginity, Apollo tricks her into slaying him; his lifeless body is then placed among the stars.
capricorn : Ariadne and Dionysus — after Theseus abandons the Cretan princess on the island of Naxos, she is taken in by Dionysus, who proceeds to court her. It is said that he placed her wedding crown, the Corona Borealis, among the stars as a symbol of their love.
aquarius : Hephaestus and Aglaia — sometime after his divorce from Aphrodite, Hephaestus asked Zeus for the hand of the youngest among the Charites; unlike his first wife, she was not ashamed or repulsed by his physical deformity, rather valuing his skill as a craftsman.
pisces : Eros and Psyche — as their love was anathema, Eros disguised himself through the early days of their marriage. When Psyche broke the one rule of never looking upon his naked visage, the god fled; subsequently, she had to undertake a long and arduous journey.
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fusionbolts-archive · 8 years ago
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NPC Headcanon; buckle up boys and girls, it’s time for fun facts about Lucia Devine - Hero of Ideals, princess of Unova, and queen of my heart & soul. Focusing mostly on her life and influence after the twins vanished, with a bit of detail regarding her childhood and life while her father wasn’t presumed dead and such for context’s sake.
For an overview, Lucia was Adair’s second child, three years younger than her brother Edgar. She was practically the spitting image of Adair growing up, a born troublemaker who, despite (or maybe because of) her enthusiasm, tended to pick fights and get herself in over her head quite a bit. Lucia was 14 when the twins were presumed dead.
 The best place to start with Lucia is immediately after the first War of Truth and Ideals; her father had undergone some pretty traumatic events near the end of the war with, you know, nearly burning to death, and (understandably) wasn’t acting anything like his usual self after he was well enough to be up and about again. To Clara’s credit, she tried her best to look after Lucia and Edgar during the immediate aftermath, but there was a lot that ended up falling on her--trying to help Adair adjust, helping to bridging the gap between the twins while they settled everything with their truce, and so on--which meant Lucia’s... shenanigans could go under the radar for a while. It was during this time that she first really started approaching Zekrom, quickly finding the dragon to be a good companion and playing with them fairly often. (And its no secret that Zekrom absolutely ADORES her; she is, hands down, probably the most important person in the world to them, even today, now that she's long gone.) Within the next few years, Zekrom came to realize that Lucia had the right traits to become the Hero of Ideals - this information was shared with Adair so he could begin teaching her what she'd need to know. At about twelve, Adair first began to teach her combat, and soon after she began to accompany him while he worked on restoring Unova with Zekrom's help.
Now, her story really begins with the second war. After her brother & cousin finished, you know, destroying everything and Adair pinned it all on the dragons, Lucia was extremely distressed over what would happen to Zekrom. So much so that she went to eavesdrop on her father while he and Shinri (and Ephreith) decided what to do about the dragons. And then confronted her father on it shortly before he went to apply the dragon stone seal to the Dark Stone, saying it was unfair to seal Zekrom away and trying to stop him. Both of them said a lot of things that they ended up regretting; basically, Lucia's last conversation with her father did not end on a good note, and she ultimately failed to prevent Zekrom from being sealed in the Dark Stone. Shortly thereafter, the twins' families would find out of their (presumed) deaths, the twins' sons would refuse inheritance of the crown because of the general dislike (if that isn't putting it likely) towards them after the second war, and ultimately Ephreith would step up and take over ruling Unova with no one else suitable for the job.
In the following years, Lucia would soon come to realize that Ephreith was not to be trusted. It began when she first saw how manipulative of her family he truly was; she certainly had her suspicions before then, however - something about the fact that he created the seal that apparently resulted in the twins' deaths never sat right with her as 'an accident' - but she truly began to catch on when she finally got her brother and cousin to open up about what happened, noticing how strange it seemed that Ephreith had essentially encouraged Allen to begin the war, but still warned Edgar of what was about to happen. In the following months, his more manipulative nature would become clear as Lucia began to pay closer attention.
As her distrust for Ephreith grew, she felt more and more convinced of a need to take action against him. This began with her mission to break the seal on the Dragon Stones and release Zekrom - however, she was well aware Ephreith, and the rest of Unova, for that matter, wanted the Dragons out of the way and would never allow her to go through with something like that. Meaning - Lucia had to do this in secret, sneaking the Seal Book from the castle (often with help from Elias, Ephreith's son) and spending evenings studying it in secret to find a solution. Ephreith quickly caught on, however; he would do everything he could to prevent her from succeeding in breaking the seals, while Lucia would find ways around that to continue working at it. When Ephreith discovered Kyurem's existence and attempted to create the DNA splicers to recreate the original dragon, Lucia caught on (through, you guessed it, eavesdropping and finding out from Elias that his father had gone over the deep end) and did everything in her power to hinder his success in turn.
The reason Ephreith couldn't really do anything to Lucia to get her to stop was that he was still trying to preserve some semblance of trust - namely, from some of the important people the twins had known like Nymphadora, Magni and the Shadow Walkers in general, and so forth. Retaliating against Lucia would likely cause suspicion, as there was no apparent reason for it; in turn, Lucia was extremely hesitant to share the truth about Ephreith after being dismissed by her brother on the subject, fearing her mother and the others who had been friends with the both twins and Ephreith wouldn't want to believe her. (Around this time, a series of other Awful Things seemed to go down around Lucia - Elle falling ill, Allen's death, and her brother running away. With all the other things her mother had going on at the time, Lucia couldn't bring herself to tell Clara that Ephreith may or may not have been the one responsible for Adair's death.)
Anyway - around the age of 18, Lucia and Elias were engaged, much to the dismay of Ephreith, who was still in the process of trying to create a working DNA splicer. He had to devise a way to get Lucia out of his hair without any cause for suspicion - and fortunately for him, there was one, and it would be to Unova's benefit as well. Lucia, unlike her father, had been very much in support of briding the gap between Unova and Kalos and forming an alliance. After all, Unova was still struggling recover from the aftermath of the second war, had little external trade going, and was generally probably going to collapse if they couldn't find help from another region. Ephreith became aware of this - likely through Elias - and decided to use that to his advantage by making contact with Kalos and proposing Lucia go off as an ambassador of sorts. (Who was, of course, fairly suited for the job, being fluent in Kalosian/French thanks to her mother and... you know, a former-slash-future princess / essentially a noblewoman, which would make for some very good appearances while in Kalos.)
So, both Lucia and Ephreith knew the real reason he wanted her to go to Kalos; she was understandably hesitant about agreeing, but knew, with Unova's position and all, she couldn't really refuse. As it turned out, this was one of the biggest decisions she would make in her life. She left for Kalos several months later and would stay for about a year. Anyone who's familiar with her character would probably assume this was recipe for disaster, but fortunately for everyone involved, Lucia isn’t the tactless doofus her father was. While away, she was quite successful in winning over the Kalosian nobility (although initially she wasn’t received very well due to being half-Isshu and... yeah that was fun) and managed to convince them that the two regions should reconcile. (Meanwhile, Ephreith was trying his damnedest to get Elias to call off his engagement with Lucia without much success. And also trying to combine the dragons, which... due to Kyurem being P.O.’d, was also not succeeding.) Even after returning to Unova, however, Lucia would remain as something of an ambassador to Kalos for the rest of her life, often visiting every few years or so. Those fancy Reshiram and Zekrom statues in Kalos? Yep, they were constructed as a show of friendship between Unova and Kalos very late in Lucia’s life, unveiled during one of her last visits.
On top of that, Lucia and Elias were married shortly after her return, meaning when Elias inherited his father’s crown, Lucia was Queen Regent of Unova. And, boy, did she use the power (and freedom from Shitmonia getting in the way). Beyond re-establishing external trade via alliance with Kalos, she also worked tirelessly to preserve whatever remained of Isshu culture, to the point that even thought what remained was very, very little - after all, Kalos had practically tried to stamp it out entirely - almost all of its survival can be attributed to Lucia. In a somewhat similar vein, re-assumed the Devine family’s role of managing the royal guard as well, at least when she wasn’t in Kalos. Though she was never directly involved in it, she held responsibility for making sure the guard was overseen and acting justly. Additionally, of course, she also helped Elias in ruling Unova, giving him advice and opinions on matters - allegedly, everything he did as king, he ran by Lucia first. 
Lucia's historical significance is hard to overstate; she's recognized both in Unova and Kalos for her contribution in bringing the two regions together in friendship after many, many years of animosity between them, as well as for the work she did in re-stablizing Unova in her time as Queen Regent. However, almost completely forgotten to history was her relationship to the Twin Heroes, as they largely faded into mythological figures, and connection to Zekrom; furthermore, history tends to remember her best by her married name, Lucia Harmonia, rather than by her maiden name, Devine, with the latter being recorded only very, very rarely.
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happypastelponies · 6 years ago
Mother Majesty
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Sundance held her head high and proud as she kept pace with the royal and radiant ruler of all of Ponyland; the pristine white mare that she was ever so proud to call her mother. Her polished pink hooves clacked noisily upon the white tile floors, though she tried hard to match the way her mom seemed to glide effortlessly over them, as if she was levitating.
Majesty inwardly cringed, ears drawing back slightly at the ruckus her eldest daughter was making. “Sundance Celest Harmonia! A Princess does not clop about so noisily when she walks.” she lightly chastised.
Grimacing visibly, the young heir bowed her head, glaring at her own reflection in the polished floor. She knew her mother meant well, ans she was honestly trying to be the very best Princess that she could be, but she hated it when her mother used her full name! Curse the maids who had cleaned the floor to be so...well, loud! “Sorry mother.” she apologized quickly, while she made more of an effort to emulate the elegant ruler of Ponykind.
Majesty all but sighed. It was a joy, truly, to have the time spent with her beloved daughters in the midst of her hectic schedule, but they were still children, and children required training. Thank goodness she had seen fit to request a summons with the Princess Ponies who lived in Royal Paradise, in order to have them serve as mentors in the field to her foals. The six mares had far more time on their hooves than she had, after all.
“Baby Bellaluna,” Majesty hummed, upon receiving a gentle nip at her tail. “Do keep up, little one.” she urged her youngest; while adopting a tone that allowed her far more gentleness than what was given to her sister, who knew better.
“Mama, look!” the cornflower blue mare whinnied.
Majesty’s eyes widened as she focused on a sparkling swirl of magic manifest in the castle hallway before her. She, Sundance, and Baby Bellaluna stood frozen in place, watching in keen interest as a little pink unicorn winked into their presence in a flurry of stardust. “My, my,” Majesty cooed. “What have we here?”  her head tilted slightly to the side, and her nostrils flared, sniffing the air and the remnants of magic that began to dissipate. The scent that she identified was vague, but seemed to be that of the Great Star Unicorn’s, if she wasn’t mistaken. A quiet sob from the intruder alerted her to something being terribly wrong. “Oh dear. Come, come now little one.” she shushed, advancing toward  the small foal, who seemed oblivious to her presence, and collapsed on the floor in a shivering, shaking heap; her head buried in her hooves while the sobs got louder. “What seems to be the matter?” she inquired, while positioning herself nearer to the child. A second whiff confirmed her suspicions- the scent surrounding this stranger was indeed what she thought it to be. What a fine predicament.
Still sobbing, the filly felt a hoof slip beneath her chin, and her gaze forced up into kind, blue eyes.
“Do you have a name, little one?” Majesty pressed, keenly aware of the faintly glittering stardust within the girl’s multicolored tresses. What ever could’ve possessed the Great Star Unicorn to drop this girl in her domain, she idly wondered?
The pink pony nodded slowly, her lip trembling as she struggled to bite back another harsh sob. “S-Star Dr-Dreams.” she stuttered, wiping her eyes free of the burning tears that soaked into her furry cheeks.
Behind her, Baby Bellaluna was happily trotting about, excited at the sight of the stranger. “Yay! A new friend!” she declared with unrestrained glee.
“Luna, quiet!” Sundance shushed her sister before their mother could.
Majesty weighed her options. The time she had scheduled for personal endeavors, such as scheduling an audience with the Great Star Unicorn in order to interrogate him wouldn’t be until later in the evening, and her daughter’s studies took priority for the moment. Her eyes narrowed, and she promptly called for a guard, who was at her side in an instant. “See to it that this little one is put in the custody of Twilight.” she ordered. She knew that her most trusted mare would be capable of handling this little pony. After all, she had put the young filly known as Ember under her watchful care some time ago, and known that it had turned out for the best.
“Yes, your Highness.” the guard spoke, saluting the crown and lowering his neck to take the scruff of the filly’s neck in his mouth like a mother cat.
“Oh, and do be gentle with her.” Majesty chimed, her eyes gleaming knowingly. ‘That child is something special.’ she thought, idly; eager to get to the bottom of the mystery before her. She gave one last look at the sniffling filly, and continued to proceed down the halls with her Princess procession. “Come now, children. We have work to do.”
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daedalverselore · 1 year ago
Draconequus Megrim didn't understand why of all the Alicorns, Crown Princess Harmonia didn't seem to mind her. She was pretty sure that they had even invented just words to describe her- "pest" being the forefront. But Megrim was a creature of whim, so she continued to do what she liked.
Megrim would pounce on Harmonia's back, braid her hair without asking, show her whatever insect they found, and suddenly shout to surprise the princess. But whatever Megrim did- after the surprise would pass- Harmonia just giggled.
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Megrim liked the sound of the alicorn's laughter, and soon found themselves wanting her make her laugh all the time. Before they knew it, Megrim was rarely not by the alicorn's side. This irritated some of the other alicorns, but when asked why she bothered to entertain the pest, Harmonia only said, "Megrim's my friend."
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Megrim's feelings for the alicorn only grew. No one had called her a friend before! They tried to be a better creature for the Princess- kinder to the beings around her, using polite language, not setting anything on fire. But Harmonia wouldn't stand for it.
"I like you for you! Ever since I was little every creature treated me formly. But you let me be me! Please let me return the favor."
Their bonds changed after that in ways they had trouble explaining.
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Harmonia liked the devotion they shared, the tender touches and rituals they only shared with one another.
Megrim liked how their emotions raced around, they could communicate through their bodies and how each moment together seemed more memorable.
Since those feelings weren't quite the same, two beings of Love manifested: the alicorn Cherish and the draconequus Ludustella.
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daedalverselore · 1 month ago
How did the evergreen forest form?
It used to be that everywhere was like the Everfree Forest: plants grew on their own, animals took care of themselves, and weather happened without pony intervention. The draconequi loved the chaos of it, and would often think of events that could happen that would create delightful emotions in the mortals. Sudden downpours of rain, rabbits multiplying, reeds "whistling" as the wind blew through them, flowers overtaking a rundown dwelling, etc.
The abundance was refreshing for the alicorns as well, who liked to practice using their powers to shape the world. But stoked by the draconqui Yens' desire for more, the draconequi began to feel encouraged to do even bigger things- things that could endanger the mortals. The desire for order created the Alicorn of Order, Taelo Ordin.
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Taelo worked out seasons, the patterns plants grow in, what landscapes worked best in each environment. The King and the Queen loved his ideas and made him their main advisor.
But the draconequi hated having restrictions put down. As the alicorns worked to implement this order on Equus, draconequi pushed back. But Taelo didn't want to stop his organization. If he impressed the King and Queen enough, perhaps he could marry Crown Princess Harmonia and eventually rule over all!
At the end of the War, the Everfree was the last land preserved that wouldn't be controlled- protected by the magic of Unity and Whimsy.
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daedalverselore · 2 years ago
Crown Princess Harmonia
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The Alicorn of Unity and Bonds (and the first born of the King and Queen), Harmonia loved being around other creatures. While most of the Alicorns spread across Equus to find their purpose, Harmonia loved to figure out how those purposes could help others.
By acting with kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and gaiety, Harmonia created close bonds with other creatures. And in doing so, created more friendships in others.
Although prim and proper when acting as a Princess, Harmonia was much beloved by even Magic- who allowed her to strengthen her allies when she was near them. She rivaled even her parents in power.
Princess Twilight Sparkle received a lot of Harmonia's powers upon ascension.
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Dance of the Crowns: Season 1 - Episode 1: Dragon Wings & Lion Manes
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TW for: Mentions of arranged marriage and death caused by sickness.
Tags: @desi-pluto​​, @leave-her-a-tome​​, @emdrabbles​​, @beyondthebracken​​
The episode/first chapter starts off with the King of the southern hemisphere of Altoterra, Erik Dragonorage, and his children, twenty-six-year-old Lyra, eighteen-year-old Leonardo, seventeen-year-old Caitlin and thirteen-year-old Hugo on horseback, riding down to the edge of hill above Dragonstorm Beach. Considering on every first sunset of the seasons, the first day of each one (summertime in canon), the rulers of Springfallen, Dragonstorm’s village and Terros, which are Erik, Tyrell and Cateline respectively, he’s going to gather with them on the shore to watch it rise, with four of his children in attendance. (For those wondering, he splits them into groups when taking them to watch. Lyra, Leo, Caitlin and Hugo go in the summer and winter; while Nolan, Diana, Antonio and Ruby go in the spring and fall.)
Once they reach there, Tyrell and Cateline make their way up to the top of the hill, and take a seat with their older brothers, nieces and nephews. They’re all silent for a moment, drinking water, taking a breath and/or squinting to see the horizon and check if the sunrise has begun yet or not. Nothing much happens, but it builds up to the next part -
As for that topic, Cateline mentions the warm spring finally coming to an end, and how the past six months’ weather’s had an effect on parts of the continent. Her brothers ask her why, and she’s got a mouthful to tell them: The High North, the kingdom/city of Orore’s Guard, has had a vast drop in population (over 1330) over the winter and spring, and there’s no specified reasons by any of the northern doctors, throughout all five of the Northern Kingdoms (Wintergardens, Iron Rock, Orore’s Guard, Garde Roux and Umbelle). She then suggests and alliance between the King and Queen of Orore’s Guard, Fred and Harmonia Brannon with Erik and Celeste, as F&H’s younger daughter (Madilyn) is close in age to Nolan (she’s 21 and he’s 22). They discuss this for several minutes, with Cateline being the one who progresses it most.
This conversation is put to a stop temporarily, as the sun is about to rise and they’ve never missed a single time watching it for 20+ years.
Once they’re getting ready to leave, Erik tells his sister he’ll definitely bring it up to Celeste once they go back to the castle. She nods, tells him he’s thinking right (part of what makes her character so great; her sass!), and goes back down to her boat and heads for the islands.
Estimated scene length: Around five minutes. And if the episode is planned out to be around 51 minutes in my head, that leaves us with 46 more to fill in with scenes.
Victor Alagstoyne meets with Dragahri’s advisor Max, as the two of them and the rest of their people are the only ones subtracting Victor and his sister (Sylvia) who they knew they can trust on the islands.
He (Victor) mentions how their family has been in exile for almost 30 years, while his father has been dead for 21, calculating to around the same time that Sylvia was born and the Wintergardens/Arthur vs. Wolfebroken/Alagstoyne war ended and the Arthurs won. (This will be an arc of the first season/book, but not that major until episode 15-ish.)
Sylvia knows the consequences, duties, situations and trials that would come with signing a deal with Dragahri and his people, and has consented to everything. (She’s 21, which by law of all the locations, is an adult.) She knows her brother is capable of taking care of and leading for the both of them, so it’s 100% truthful to say she trusts him.
On that note - Sylvia has proposed the idea of Dragahri being her suitor several times in the past and would gladly consent to it, so it isn’t a bad thing at all if Victor and Max went with that in the end.
As you all may have guessed, they do agree to that, and Sylvia is called from her tent to hear news and say what she wants.
When she’s told she’s to be suited to Dragahri, she’s silent for a moment, until her brother shakes her out of her thoughts. She responds with nothing more than a forced smile, it dropping into a frustrated and thinking frown when the two of them walk away.
However, nothing to worry about; she isn’t alone as she has her close friend and assistant Rosalia with her. She realizes Sylvia isn’t acting like herself and, being a concerned best friend, she goes to her and asks her what’s wrong, which leads to a long conversation between the two of them.
Sylvia confesses to not being afraid; not of being with someone she doesn’t know well enough yet (but knows he won’t hurt her, at least), but of how her brother’s been acting lately. (He’s been pushing her aside and ignoring her, but brushes all suspects away considering he ‘knows what’s best’ for her.
Rosalia tells her to not stress and that’ll all work out in the end, and they leave the tent and go to where Victor is with their guards and Sylvia gets ready to meet her suitor. But still, she can’t stop getting the fear of her brother, the person she used to trust most turning on her out of her head.
Estimated scene length: At the very least, just a bit over sixteen minutes. 16+5 equals 21, and out of 51 minutes of this episode, a half hour left to go.
Erik, Lyra, Leo, Caitlin and Hugo return to the castle, just in time to have breakfast with Celeste and the other children (Nolan, Diana, Antonio and Ruby). Breakfast is filled with the triplets joking around with each other (Caitlin, Antonio and Ruby are, btw), Diana and Leo gossiping about rumors they’ve heard about other Southern kingdoms and such (Springfallen is in the southern part of the continent, btw), Nolan and Lyra occasionally having small arguments and Hugo trying to join Leo and Diana, while Erik and Celeste usually talk to each other about fresh pieces of news and duties for the day they have to get to. (Considering there’s five exact kingdoms in the south, Springfallen became the ruling one twenty-five years before the events, when Lyra was around one.)
After breakfast, the kids are all ushered out and told to leave, so Erik can mention his sister’s suggestion to Celeste in private. This leads to a long bout of consideration and thinking, as yet with Nolan not being 25 yet (18 is legal adult age, 25 is the age for royal blood to travel alone), he’d have to have either one of his parents or Lyra (aged 26) accompany him, as the northern grounds would be a better location to have everything happen, yet with Springfallen and other parts of the south not having anything major while Orore’s Guard does and how it could spread to the other five major kingdoms. Plus, they could figure out what’s been killing people while in the north, as Erik is incredibly intelligent in the medical field.
This scene comes to a cut, leaving us some time for each of the Dragon kids to get their own introductory scenes.
Lyra comes first. She’s shown to be sitting on a tree stump outside at the back of the castle, reading a book from the royal library. She’s having a conversation with her best friend and lady’s maid (well, to her and her three sisters, that is) Tsukiko, who seems to be quite enthusiastic about the secret Lyra’s parents are hiding. Considering she’s quite the optimistic and almost always positive-thinking, she believes it’ll be something good. Lyra, however, is both excited and nervous, stuck in the in-between of her opinion on her parents’ current discussion that she’ll find out about after they’re done and come to a decision.
Next up, is a two-for-one; between Nolan and Diana. They’re out in the royal rose garden, and she’s picking flowers to put in her room (as she’s the most feminine out of the four Dragonorage sisters). She mentions that while they both dreamed of being rulers as kids, the likeliness of such happening is impossible, due to Lyra being the oldest child of the Dragonorage family and it being her birthright because of so. Nolan storms off at this, and leaves Diana alone by herself in the garden.
Diana ends up going to Lyra in her room, and vents to her about how he’s treated her like this for a long time (ever since she was 11 and he was 12). Lyra advises her to ignore it, and next time it happens, tell their parents.
Third scene of the kids: Leonardo and the triplets (Leo is 18, they’ve just turned 17). They’re spending time together in the library, just the four of them together. He mentions the possibility of it having to do with the population drop/mysterious death causes in the north, and while Antonio and Ruby generally disagree and think otherwise, Caitlin sees his point and quickly agrees. This leads to a conversation about the old history of the north’s kingdoms/locations and how there were lots of suspicions about them, which leads to more about the rulers and such, telling of some ancient lore. This also leads to more mention and backstory of the Red Rebellion and what happened during the five years it lasted. However, the cause never gets mentioned in this conversation, but they do know that the royal house their mother was born to was greatly involved (Garde Roux/the house of Victoire. Celeste was the princess of there, second child and grew up in the north). Caitlin speaks about her knowledge on fashion of the northern people (she’s a bit of a stereotypical princess in that regard), Antonio about horseback riding, and Ruby about knights, combat and swordfighting.
This scene ends with Leo letting Hugo into the library, and he joins their conversation. He then mentions his history lesson with their teacher about learning of all the wars, castle building etc., and all of the history of the continent, and how a majority of the toys he owns are replicas of important locations. So, in general, this gives a brief introduction to them and some of their interests: Leo being a history buff/interested in learning, Caitlin being interested in fashion, Antonio being fascinated with horses and riding, Ruby being a fanatic of knighthood, and Hugo being into toys and such, even as a teenager.
The scenes of the entire Dragonorage family end with the second of the three major lady’s maids, Anna (her, Tsukiko and Jayne are the ‘holy trinity’) running around to get all eight of the Dragonorage kids, and that their parents finally are ready to see them.
And finally, Erik and Celeste have came to the agreement that Madilyn Brannon and Nolan will be put into an arranged marriage, and that Erik and Nolan will be traveling to the north and gather all of their children to tell them the news. But: Only three of the other kids are allowed to go to Orore’s Guard with their dad and brother if they want to.
Estimated scene length: Nineteen minutes, and 19+21 gives us 40 minutes (just over considering no scene in this isn’t over or under a second). Leaving eleven or less.
We’re introduced to the Princess of Orore’s Guard that’s to be with Nolan; twenty-one-year-old Madilyn, who was mentioned by Cateline earlier. (She has an older sister, 24-year-old Maisy.) It begins with her alone in her room in one of the towers of the castle, sewing up her torn inside/outside dress (for the garden/within the castle. I’m bad at describing that stuff lol). She’s awaiting news on her possible marriage to whom her home has dubbed the Dragon Prince, of which her sister will deliver.
She’s deep inside her feelings, asking herself five things: 1; if this is what she wants, 2; if she’s ready or not, 3; if this is a good thing or a bad thing for her and her home, 4; if it’s right for her to be scared and 5; of course if the answer is yes or no.
She thinks of there being a plus: Her being with someone like him, of a high status and the son of the ruler of a part/hemisphere of the continent (Springfallen rules the five kingdoms in the South, while Wintergardens rules the five in the North. All kingdoms of each hemisphere rule, but Springfallen and Wintergardens are the top), would automatically make her a queen. Usually, the crowning age would be 27, meaning Lyra would inherit once she turned that age the next year, but considering he’s 22, he wouldn’t get it.
Maisy is 24, closer to the age of earning the throne and ruling their part of the hemisphere. But, considering she’s not assigned to be with anyone while Madilyn is, she’d become the Queen of the Den (as that’s what Orore’s Guard is called, symbolic of their house crest being a lion).
Why wouldn’t Nolan rule if he married her? His parents are still the rulers legally, so that option is off the table. However, marrying Madilyn would make him the King of the Den.
Keep in mind, this is all being told by her inner monologue, so a TV version would have the voiceover of the actress who’d play her running in the background while the book would have her thoughts in italics like ‘this’.
To wrap up this part, it ends in her finishing her patching up of the dress and putting it on a hanger in her closet, and eventually being called down for dinner.
At dinner, Harmonia announces to her husband and daughters that she’s received a letter from the advisor of the Queen of Garde Roux, Celeste’s older sister Circe.
Why did she receive the letter from Circe? Garde Roux is located right below Orore’s Guard, and there’s a fair eight miles between each kingdom’s individual gates. Meaning, there wasn’t much of a distance, just enough for Circe to send one of Garde Roux’s messengers to deliver the letter.
Back on topic - Harmonia announces that the arranged marriage deal was a go with Erik and Celeste, and that the Dragonorages are to arrive in three days stat. (Keep in mind, the Orore’s Guard part takes place a day after Springfallen/Lancaaros/Dragonstorm’s scenes, so they’d be in the North four days after the beginning of the episode/story.)
Madilyn nods, and finds herself not being nervous or scared about anything. She’s rather relieved, and happily obliges/agrees to the deal once more to confirm everything is well on her side, and both of her parents look quite pleased.
This ends in her and Maisy having a brief talk as they walk down the dinner hall and up the stairs, where she asks if she’s that okay with giving herself away to someone she doesn’t even know. Madilyn assures her that it’ll all be fine, and yet with how charmed the people who’ve heard of him (but haven’t met him face-to-face) seem to be with him/how much they like him, she’ll be okay in the end.
And finally, both sisters go to their individual rooms and to go bed, thus ending the Orore’s Guard scenes.
Estimated scene length: Eight minutes. This leaves us with, in addition to the previous 40, 48 aka four dozen, with just three left.
Erik has chosen three other children to go with him to Orore’s Guard: Diana, Ruby and Caitlin.
Caitlin was chosen for her interest in their fashion and want to travel (think of her as Belle in that regard), Diana for wanting to travel and see more of the world, and Ruby considering lots of hype around swordfighting and knights goes on around there, and the fact that many of the knights she looks up to were from there.
Lyra, Leo, Antonio and Hugo are staying behind in Springfallen, and Celeste will assume both roles of the King and Queen while her husband is away.
The guards/Erik’s men come up to them with news that Harmonia and Fred have given them a gift; and Erik immediately asks to see what they’ve delivered.
It’s nothing other than a pack of wolves: Four grey, two white, one black, one tan, and one brown.
Each one of the kids takes one wolf, leaving one left.
Celeste and Erik both decide to give it to her son from another relationship, who lives in the North as leader of a group of warriors who protects the North, twenty-nine-year-old Jonathan. (He’ll be introduced not much later on, and will have an interesting storyline and important role to play. His father won’t be revealed until later on, however.)
The episode ends at this, and finally, Erik, Nolan and the three chosen children leave for Orore’s Guard with the Spring Knights to accompany them on the way there.
Estimated scene length: Two and a half minutes, leaving us with thirty seconds left. Leaving us with just enough time to roll credits and conclude the episode/chapters that begin the tale.
(PSA: All the probable/possible loose ends will be tied with within the next five episodes. So for now, it’s to leave suspense, and readers can take time to speculate and wonder why/create theories and conspiracies.)
Thank you to whoever took the time to read this! Feedback is much welcomed/appreciated!
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askdaisydandfriemly · 1 year ago
Ludustella's origins from my Lore blog!
Yesh, I'll talk about Cherish soon too!
Draconequus Megrim didn't understand why of all the Alicorns, Crown Princess Harmonia didn't seem to mind her. She was pretty sure that they had even invented just words to describe her- "pest" being the forefront. But Megrim was a creature of whim, so she continued to do what she liked.
Megrim would pounce on Harmonia's back, braid her hair without asking, show her whatever insect they found, and suddenly shout to surprise the princess. But whatever Megrim did- after the surprise would pass- Harmonia just giggled.
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Megrim liked the sound of the alicorn's laughter, and soon found themselves wanting her make her laugh all the time. Before they knew it, Megrim was rarely not by the alicorn's side. This irritated some of the other alicorns, but when asked why she bothered to entertain the pest, Harmonia only said, "Megrim's my friend."
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Megrim's feelings for the alicorn only grew. No one had called her a friend before! They tried to be a better creature for the Princess- kinder to the beings around her, using polite language, not setting anything on fire. But Harmonia wouldn't stand for it.
"I like you for you! Ever since I was little every creature treated me formly. But you let me be me! Please let me return the favor."
Their bonds changed after that in ways they had trouble explaining.
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Harmonia liked the devotion they shared, the tender touches and rituals they only shared with one another.
Megrim liked how their emotions raced around, they could communicate through their bodies and how each moment together seemed more memorable.
Since those feelings weren't quite the same, two beings of Love manifested: the alicorn Cherish and the draconequus Ludustella.
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askdaisydandfriemly · 9 months ago
The nomadic Alicorns!
Do the alicorns have their own homeland? or did the exist in Equestria and if so are there any traces or ruins of their existence?
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Alicorns were very used to just being spirits at first, which let them go where ever they want whenever they wanted. As their existence changed the effects of the world around them, they were very curious to observe this in action.
After they took on physical form, they couldn't move as easily. But still wanting to interact with all the ponies on Equus, they instead roamed the globe, fine tuning it so it would remain as perfect as they envisioned.
The ponies, of course, wanted the Alicorns to stay near them, so would try to create grand palaces and gifts to tempt them to linger. But the Alicorns never stayed in any place for long, as there was a whole world to visit! Who needed things when you could create life?
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askdaisydandfriemly · 2 years ago
MOD Splunge: The first Alicorn of Unity (aka Friendship) revealed!
Crown Princess Harmonia
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The Alicorn of Unity and Bonds (and the first born of the King and Queen), Harmonia loved being around other creatures. While most of the Alicorns spread across Equus to find their purpose, Harmonia loved to figure out how those purposes could help others.
By acting with kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and gaiety, Harmonia created close bonds with other creatures. And in doing so, created more friendships in others.
Although prim and proper when acting as a Princess, Harmonia was much beloved by even Magic- who allowed her to strengthen her allies when she was near them. She rivaled even her parents in power.
Princess Twilight Sparkle received a lot of Harmonia's powers upon ascension.
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