#crowd maker global
The Night Court Lounge | Tribeca, NYC
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I forgot to post my WIP...Thursday? | Azriel x Eris AU |
“Perhaps I might have resisted a great temptation, but the little ones would have pulled me down” ―The House of Mirth
There was nothing like spotting one’s mother at a BDSM club. 
The ink was still wet on his parents’ divorce papers, but there she was for all to see, sprawled across Helion’s lap. After all, the Vanserras could always be counted on to feed the tabloids and gossip columns. 
Eris planned to finish his whiskey and make a discrete exit. But then, his heart leapt into his throat and his dick hardened at first sight. 
He’d been expecting Thesan in his usual get up. Eris occasionally came to The Night Court to support his ex. The man could still turn him on like no one else. They’d never been good at long-term relationships, but they could be each other’s confidantes, a soft place to fuck and forget for a spell. 
Eris had hoped to get that from his ex tonight, and was taken aback when something, someone, completely different entered the main stage. 
The man looked younger and Thesan’s lithe body and smooth brown skin was replaced by a lighter, golden tone, covered in scrolling Arabic across a sleek muscled chest. In place of white feathers were black leather bat wings. 
Eris found the whole thing to be absurd and had teased Thesan about it incessantly. But this man, his broad tattooed shoulders, the planes of his abs below the leather harness, those wings did something to him. He needed to go to fucking sleep or get laid.
Black lined eyes like topaz gazed out at the crowd. Eris wanted to smell those black curls, to test their silk between his fingers. He was being absurd. 
The beautiful man got to his knees in the most submissive prone position in the cage, and Eris watched him lean, like an overgrown house cat, into the auctioneer’s hand as she stroked those curls through iron bars. And fuck if it wasn’t the hottest thing he’d ever seen. This man was dangerous, even caged, and Eris wanted that creature purring between his legs. 
Then Helion made a spectacle of himself, announcing his intentions, and that sealed the deal. Eris would win. He hadn’t made the Wall Street Journal’s “30 Money Makers under 30” lists three years in a row for nothing. He was an apex predator in every boardroom, could dominate every corner of the market. But what made him dangerous was his discretion.
The Wall Street wolves of Beron’s generation were past their prime. They were showy hunters who howled at every win, too certain of their supremacy and too concerned with pack politics. Thanks to a twenty four hour news cycle and social media, the current global market was volatile, and one must be ready to strike silently and with sudden force. For Eris Vanserra was no wolf. He was a snake. 
He watched the kneeling figure, whose eyes traveled the room. Eris needed them on him. Look at me. See me. And almost as if the beautiful, dark creature read his thoughts, his head turned and hazel locked with his own. Fuck. Eris watched those gorgeous eyes travel along his face, lingering on his mouth. He smirked. Then, lower, down to his shoulders, to his chest, and lingered, once more, on his fingers. Eris moved them, ever so slowly, along the wet rim of his cocktail glass. 
As those glittering eyes followed them, Eris swore he saw the man’s pupils blow out further. This beautiful stranger wanted him. And Eris had to possess this caged creature, needed to steal him away from Helion, from the pretentious Lord Winters, from Donna Suriel, the most sadistic bitch on this side of the Hudson. But mostly, Eris just wanted to watch that gorgeous face unfold with pleasure. Wanted that perfect body prone beneath him, before him, begging for release. 
He was coiled in position and ready. And then Eris clocked it: a shadow of discomfort passed across the man’s face. He shifted and this time, it was not with arousal. His legs were cramping and he was tired. He gave three taps to his leg. He saw it for what it was. The sub had used his safe signal. Feyre, the auctioneer, almost imperceptibly, picked up the pace. She’d seen it too. 
Those hazel eyes locked with his once more, as if to say, Don’t you want me? Eris kept his face impassive. He would reveal nothing. It was how he got this far, how he'd survived twenty-seven years as Beron’s son, and had made his name as the Viper of Wall Street. 
“Forty thousand,” Helion called out in his bombastic voice. 
Feyre called out quickly, “Forty thousand. Going once, twice and—” 
He struck. “Fifty thousand.” Eris was sure to keep his voice level, his timbre smooth. It did no good to sound desperate or overwrought. 
Hazel eyes locked with his, and it took all his will power not to stand up and take what was his. Because the caged, leashed, beautiful man, there on his knees, literally leaned forward, subtly arching his back so perfectly, as if his body couldn’t help but move closer to the sound of Eris’s voice. The auctioneer must have seen the same thing, because she didn’t give anyone a chance to counter. 
“Sold to Eris Vanserra for fifty thousand dollars.”  
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csuitebitches · 2 years
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Reading List: Spirituality, Globalisation, Parenting and the 0.99 Cent Pricing Bias
What I’ve read (🖤) and planning to read (🤍)
• Fall of human intellect - A Parvasarthy (genre: spirituality, humanness) 🖤
Academic Papers
The backlash against globalisation - Stefanie Walter (from annual review) 🤍
In recent years, the world has seen a rising backlash against globalization. This article reviews the nature, causes, and consequences of the globalization backlash. It shows that, contrary to a popular narrative, the backlash is not associated with a large swing in public opinion against globalization but is rather a result of its politicization. The increasing influence of globalization- skeptic actors has resulted in more protectionist, isolationist, and nationalist policies, some of which fundamentally threaten pillars of the contemporary international order. Both material and nonmaterial causes drive the glob- alization backlash, and these causes interact and mediate each other. The consequences are shaped by the responses of societal actors, national gov- ernments, and international policy makers. These responses can either yield to and reinforce the global backlash or push back against it. Understanding these dynamics will be an important task for future research.
The causes and consequences of urban riot and unrest - Tim Newburn (from annual review) 🤍
This review explores those varied bodies of work that have sought to un- derstand crowd behavior and violent crowd conduct in particular. Although the study of such collective conduct was once considered central to social science, this has long ceased to be the case and in many respects the study of protest and riot now receives relatively little attention, especially within criminology. In addition to offering a critical overview of work in this field, this review argues in favor of an expanded conception of its subject matter. In recent times, scholarly concern has increasingly been focused on ques- tions of etiology, i.e., asking how and why events such as riots occur, with the consequence that less attention is paid to other, arguably equally impor- tant questions, including how riots spread, how they end, and, critically, what happens in their aftermath. Accordingly, as a corrective, the review proposes a life cycle model of riots.
Parenting and it’s effects on children : reading and misreading behaviour genetics (from annual review) 🖤
There is clear evidence that parents can and do influence children. There is equally clear evidence that children’s genetic makeup affects their own behavioral characteristics, and also influences the way they are treated by their parents. Twin and adoption studies provide a sound basis for estimating the strength of genetic effects, although heritability estimates for a given trait vary widely across samples, and no one estimate can be considered definitive. This chapter argues that knowing only the strength of genetic factors, however, is not a sufficient basis for estimating environmental ones and indeed, that attempts to do so can systematically underestimate parenting effects. Children’s genetic predispositions and their parents’ childrearing regimes are seen to be closely interwoven, and the ways in which they function jointly to affect children’s development are explored.
More than a penny’s worth: left-digit bias and firm pricing- Avner Strulov-Shlain (from MorningBrew) 🤍
A penny saved. What’s the difference between $2.99 and $3.00? Basic math says one cent, but you probably perceive the difference to be about 22 cents, a new paper by a University of Chicago business school professor estimated. The research explores left digit bias—the phenomenon where consumers’ perceptions are overly influenced by the leftmost number in the price—and it brought receipts, analyzing retail scanner data on 3,500 products sold by 25 US chains. And while it might seem like every price you see ends in .99, the paper argues that retailers are leaving money on the table by underestimating this bias when setting prices.
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leveloneandup · 1 year
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The US women’s national soccer team will defend its title as world champions this summer at the FIFA Women‘s World Cup 2023 in Australia and New Zealand. The tournament will also mark the first time the US Women’s National Team will play with equal pay to the US Men’s National Team. This watershed moment was a goal of rɘ―inc, the lifestyle brand co-founded by USWNT members Tobin Heath, Christen Press and Megan Rapinoe and former member Meghan Klingenberg.
Pentagram has continued its ongoing collaboration with rɘ―inc with its latest collection, Written in the Stars, inspired by the World Cup and the trailblazing members of the USWNT. The campaign celebrates athletes, artists and activists who are making a constellation of change, illuminating the path forward, and finding their destiny. (And when teams win the World Cup, they receive a badge with stars—can the two-time US champions get their third star?)
The branding reimagines the rɘ―inc logo as a constellation, playing off the hyphen in the mark with a network of lines that are used to build different graphics. These include a “2023” that links the brand’s guiding principles—activism, reinvention, defying expectations, and more—in an interconnected system that visualizes equity and unity, and a group of great players globally coming together as one.
A new insignia mirrors the logo with the games’ location flipped upside down, a play on Down Under. The collection also features a variety of interpretations on the starry theme in collabs with independent designers and makers like Ryoko Rain, UN/DN, USSF, Bkr and Storied Hats.
The Pentagram team curated a special color palette for the line, giving each color a playful name that ties into women’s soccer, like “Mrs. Graham’s Green,” a tribute to Helen Graham Matthews, who founded one of the first female soccer teams in 1881; “Ranger Rose,” after Beverly Ranger, the Jamaican former footballer who helped grow the game in Germany; and “Allez Gold,” a play on the French yell for “go,” and the USWNT win at the 2019 Women’s World Cup in France, where the crowds also chanted “equal pay!”
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mensfactory · 2 years
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Yugo “Ampera” 
European car brands have made big inroads in the global automotive scene but the same cannot be said for Serbian international car maker Zastava Automobiles. 
The company ceased vehicle production in 2008 owing to bad core management which overshadows the fair success of Zastava Yugo. 
The modern compact city car was a good alternative to Fiat 128 and was popular among the crowd for its cheesy design and thumping attitude back in 1977.
There was a cult following for the Yugo in the following decades with modifications and tuning customizations. However, the brand failed to keep up with design and performance evolution at the factory. 
This led to the downfall and fast-forward to the present day – not many people have even heard of this automotive manufacturer. 
Now, a Serbian-based designer envisions what could have happened if the brand continued on its path of success
Courtesy: Marko Petrovic
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gofunkee · 10 months
Crowdsourcing: not a new concept
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what is crowdsourcing?
By using the Internet, social media, and smartphone apps, a huge number of individuals can contribute their work, information, or opinions through a process known as crowdsourcing.
While some crowdsourcing participants carry out menial jobs willingly, others work as paid freelancers. For instance, in order to give app users access to up-to-date, real-time information, traffic applications such as Waze incentivize drivers to self-report accidents and other traffic occurrences. (Hargrave, 2022) Crowdsourcing is a collaborative approach that involves sourcing information, ideas, or services from a wide and diverse group of individuals, known as the "crowd." This decentralized method relies on the collective intelligence and varied expertise of contributors, often facilitated through online platforms. Crowdsourcing is characterized by an open call for participation, inviting individuals to provide solutions, ideas, or content to address specific challenges or tasks.
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Crowdsourcing in crisis
Amid the global, ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, among the tireless work of health care workers, policy makers, and government officials across various nations, there is another player with “skin in the game” if you will—crowdsourcing projects. Crowdsourcing is a model whereby individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas, from a large, relatively open community of digital media, Internet users, and an entire array of diverse stakeholders sharing a common interest from a range of perspectives and experiences.1 Although crowdsourcing originated long before the advent of digital age, in the current era of social media and other digital outlets, crowdsourcing has become a fairly commonplace solution. (Desai, 2020) Crowdsourcing in health and medical mostly started in the bioinformatics and technology fields about 2010. Its broad usefulness in disaster crisis management has, however, mostly gone unutilized. We address the ongoing and present uses of crowdsourcing in the COVID-19 era from this point of view. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected > 5 million people worldwide and caused > 330,000 deaths at the time of this writing, is no less than a disaster crisis, albeit biological. A disaster life cycle consists of the steps taken in planning for and responding to a particular disaster (Fig 1). This disaster cycle is used throughout the emergency management community, from the local to the national and international levels. We saw similar disaster mitigation (social distancing), preparedness (quarantine restrictions), response (masking), and recovery efforts during the 1918-1920 seasonal H1N1 flu pandemic. (Kuderer, 2020)
Community for creatives
Crowdsourcing funding for projects, businesses, and causes is expected to grow to be a $300 billion industry in the near future, according to estimations made by the crowdfunding trends blog Fundly. In 2017, Stanford University student Nicholas Benavides, the creator of the Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition for Students, conducted an analysis of over 2,000 Kickstarter project data to identify the elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Benavides surveying the terms used in a campaign's title and blurb using the Kaggle Kickstarter dataset developed a model that could predict a campaign's success with 75% accuracy. (Sickler, 2020) Among his major findings was that the most common words–game, new, design, world–appeared equally in both funded and unfunded campaigns. The major point of differentiation was not in word choice but between those categories inherently more social in nature, such as Comics, Dance, Music, Theater and Design, and solo practices like Craft and Journalism. Social categories were simply a more natural fit for the success criteria of crowdfunding.
Role of crowdsourcing in Web3
Crowdsourcing in Web3 refers to the decentralised process of obtaining goods or services from a large, undefined group of people via the internet, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. The role of crowdsourcing in Web3 is to empower individuals and communities to collaborate and contribute their skills, knowledge, and resources to create and maintain decentralised applications and services that are more equitable, transparent, and secure. This can lead to increased innovation, collaboration, and democratisation in the development and deployment of new technologies, as well as in the creation of new forms of governance and value exchange. (Reffell, 2023)
Crowdsourcing in Web3 examples:-
DAOs: Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) are organisations that are run through rules encoded as computer programs on a blockchain network. DAOs are governed by their members, who vote on proposals and make decisions collectively. Examples of DAOs include MakerDAO and Aragon.
Prediction Markets: Prediction markets are decentralised platforms that allow users to make predictions on the outcome of events and earn rewards for accurate predictions. Examples of prediction markets include Augur and Gnosis
Decentralised Exchanges (DEXs): Decentralised exchanges are platforms for trading cryptocurrencies and tokens without the need for a central authority or intermediaries. Examples of DEXs include Uniswap and Curve.
Decentralised Identity Systems: Decentralised identity systems are platforms that allow users to control and manage their personal information and data, rather than relying on central authorities or intermediaries. Examples of decentralised identity systems include Sovrin and uPort.
In conclusion, by utilising the combined knowledge of many participants, crowdsourcing has the potential to revolutionise creativity and problem-solving. Its capacity to combine a variety of viewpoints and abilities not only encourages innovation but also offers an economical way to address difficult problems. Its attractiveness stems from the speed at which solutions are generated and the active participation of communities, which fosters the growth of unorthodox ideas. But obstacles like upholding quality control and handling moral issues like equitable recompense and privacy issues highlight the necessity of cautious execution. With the integration of intelligent algorithms and automation in technology, crowdsourcing looks to have a bright future ahead of it, providing even more effective and significant collaboration in a variety of disciplines.
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Desai, A., Kuderer, N. M., & Lyman, G. H. (2020). Crowdsourcing in crisis: Rising to the occasion. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, (4), 551–554. https://doi.org/10.1200/cci.20.00054
Hargrave, M. (n.d.). Crowdsourcing: Definition, how it works, types, and examples. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crowdsourcing.asp#:~:text=While%20crowdsourcing%20often%20involves%20breaking,samples%20for%20a%20small%20fee.
Reffell, C. (2023, February 7). What is the role of crowdsourcing in web3?. Crowdsourcing Week. https://crowdsourcingweek.com/blog/crowdsourcing-in-web3/#:~:text=Crowdsourcing%20in%20Web3%20is%20made,transactions%20and%20interactions%20between%20participants.
Sickler, E., & Erin Sickler  Erin Sickler is a mindfulness & creativity coach living in the Hudson Valley. A former NY art curator. (2020, September 2). How to launch a Creative Crowdfunding Campaign for your next art project. art journal. https://artrepreneur.com/journal/creative-crowdfunding-for-artists/#:~:text=A%20well%2Ddesigned%2C%20online%20crowdfunding,win%20you%20fans%20for%20life.
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What is Forex Trading? A Beginner’s Guide
The foreign exchange market is what Forex stands for. Forex trading is also called FX trading, currency trading, and foreign exchange trading. All of these terms can be used interchangeably in the financial world. The global Forex market is not like a stock exchange like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Instead, it is a decentralized market. Most foreign exchange deals happen over the counter or off-exchange. Stocks are traded on physical public exchanges, but Forex currencies don’t have a place where they are kept. Online Forex Trading is mostly conducted on the internet through a broker.
In the foreign exchange market, the biggest players are big banks, governments, large corporations, and hedge funds. These organizations have the power to make big changes in the forex market. These are also called institutional players in the market. But there are also quite a few people who trade on the market on their own. People like these are called the retail crowd.
A retail crowd is a varied group. This could be a consumer who wants to buy something from another country, a traveler who wants to go abroad, a company doing business in another country, or an investor or trader who wants to take advantage of price changes on the Forex market. Now that we know who the buyers and sellers are, let’s move on to how Forex trading works.
How Does Trading Work in Forex Industry?
Foreign Exchange Trading is the exchange of one currency for another. Typically, money is exchanged for a good or service. In stock trading, money is exchanged for firm shares. When we trade on the Forex market, we swap one currency unit for another currency unit. The United States Dollar (USD), the Euro (EUR), and the British Pound (GBP) are three of the most frequently traded currencies. The Japanese Yen (JPY), the Canadian Dollar (CAD), and the Australian Dollar are also prominent currencies (AUD).
Forex traders interact through a structured group of dealers and computer networks that serve as market makers for their own consumers. Orders are placed for currency pairs (or pairs of currency that you plan to swap). Different exchange rates are connected with certain currency pairs, which is where arbitrage comes in.
For instance, if the EUR/USD exchange rate is 1.1150, it indicates that 1 Euro can be obtained for every 1.1150 US dollars.
How to Profit from Forex Currency Trading?
Like in any business, you make money when you buy something for less and sell it for more. The same rules apply to trading FX. The difference is that you aren’t buying and selling physical goods, but rather currencies.
If one of these two things happens, you can make money trading currencies on the Forex market: If you bought or sold a currency pair and its value went up, you would have made money. If you sold or borrowed a currency pair and its value went down, you lost money.
The exchange rate is affected by a number of important factors. The monetary policy of the central bank, economic data, political events, and geopolitical risk events are all important, but in the end, it all comes down to price action.
How to Trade Forex for Beginners?
Understanding how currencies are quoted and what exchange rates signify is the fundamental building block of trading on the foreign exchange market. All currencies on the Forex market are quoted in pairs. Therefore, Forex trading requires the simultaneous purchase of one currency against the exchange of another currency.
Characteristics of the Foreign Exchange Market
The most important thing about the Foreign Exchange Market is that it’s open 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday, except for weekends. When you trade around the clock, you can trade from anywhere and not have to worry about time. This means that you can trade even after you get home from work.
Start-up capital for online forex trading can be as low as $100. In addition, the costs are far lower than other asset classes, such as stock trading. Liquidity is one of the most important characteristics of the foreign exchange market. This will provide stable exchange rates because its volume exceeds $6,6 trillion. Second, you can rapidly open and close transactions with no slippage.
Leverage is the most alluring aspect of foreign currency trading. Leverage allows you to trade with larger sums of money than your initial deposit. For instance, if your preferred forex broker offers a 1:50 leverage, you can control $50 on the FX market for every $1 in your account.
Basic Forex Market Terms
The first step in learning a new foreign language is mastering the alphabet. The Forex market, which has its own alphabet and vocabulary, is comparable. It is essential to master this new language in order to comprehend the industry.
1. Currency Pair
Forex prices are given in currency pairs, which match one currency unit against another. Each currency is also shortened to three letters.
For example, the currency pair EUR/USD is made up of the euro and the US dollar. The euro, which is the first currency in the system, is called the “base currency.” The second currency in the quotation system is the US Dollar, which is called the quote currency or counter currency.
2. The Rate of Exchange – The Quote
The exchange rate is the price at which one currency can be bought or sold for another. The price quote tells you how much of the quote currency you need to buy one unit of the base currency.
Since currencies are always quoted in pairs, the value of one currency is always given in relation to another. The supply and demand law tells us what the exchange rate is.
3. Pip
The smallest price change that a currency exchange rate can make is called a pip, which stands for Price Interest Point (or Percentage in Point). The last decimal of a Forex quote represents a pip.
For instance, if the EUR/USD exchange rate is 1.1500 today and 1.1580 tomorrow, we can say that the EUR/USD exchange rate has increased 80 pips.
4. Ask price
A two-price quotation system is used for understanding currency pairs. Due to this, there are two prices when you open the order window. The Ask price, or the price at which you buy a currency pair, is displayed on the right side.
For instance, if the EUR/USD quote shows the following rates: 1.1520/1.1521, you have the option to purchase the currency at the price of 1.1521.
5. Bid
The “Bid price,” also known as the “price you need to pay if you want to sell a currency pair,” is listed on the left-hand side of the two-price quote system.
For instance, if the EUR/USD quote shows the following rates: 1.1520/1.1521, you are able to sell at the price of 1.1520.
6. Spread
The spread is the amount by which the price at which you buy (Ask) differs from the price at which you sell (Bid). The magnitude of the Forex spread is typically determined by the liquidity and volatility of the market.
7. Margin
Online Forex trading does not require the whole amount to trade. Margin is the amount deposited in a small fraction (percentage ) of your trading size which covers possible losses. The broker you choose to trade with provides you with a certain multiple of that margin, which works in conjunction with leverage.
For instance, if you want to buy $10,000 worth of EUR/USD and your broker offers you the leverage of 1:50, it means that you will only need to set aside $500 in order to complete the transaction. So, if you put down $500, you can trade as if you had put down $10,000.
Type of Currency Trading Pairs
Depending on how much trading a currency does, we can put it into one of three main groups:
Major Currency Pairs: These are all the currencies that are traded against the US Dollar, which is the world’s reserve currency. For instance, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/PY. The major pairs have the most liquidity, and EUR/USD is the pair with the most liquidity.
Minor Currency Pairs: Also referred to as cross pairs, these currency pairs do not trade against the US Dollar and are considered to be of lower importance. Examples include the euro versus the pound sterling and the euro versus the Swiss franc. They provide a lower level of trading liquidity.
Exotic Currency Pairs: Also known as minor currency pairs are currency combinations that are linked to developing economies located all over the world. Examples of such currencies include the South African Rand, the Brazilian Real, and the Turkish Lira.
Understanding and Reading Forex Quotes
The standard quotation system uses a three-letter abbreviation system and always involves two currencies: the base currency on the left and the quote currency on the right. The quoted price shows how much Quote currency is needed to buy/sell one Base currency.
How to Place Orders When Trading Forex
A Forex Order is, in general, a command that is given to your broker and demonstrates the following information:
What pair of currencies to buy or sell.
How you’re going to trade (Long or Short).
Price to buy or sell.
Where to take a Profit.
How to get out of a place.
how many units (lots) to buy or sell.
Type of order
A Forex Order can be used to do two things in terms of direction:
Buy (Long): We use a buy order that is executed at the Ask price and closed at the Bid price if we think the currency pair will go up.
Sell (Short): We use a sell order executed at the Bid price and closed at the Ask price if we think the currency pair will go down.
There are five common types of orders that anyone can use to enter or exit the Forex market:
Market orders
Limit order
Stop order
A Stop-loss order
Take profit order
How to Make Your First Trade in Forex
The first thing you need to do is open a demo account with the Forex broker you like best. This will let you trade on the Forex market from a trading platform.
Once you gain the idea of entering and exiting the market through practicing on a demo account, you can open a real forex trading account. There are different types of accounts that a broker offers, you can choose the account that is best suited for you.
Best Forex Trading Platform for Beginners
MetaTrader4, which was made by MetaQuotes Software, is the best forex trading platform for beginners. Millions of retail Forex traders around the world use the MT4 platform, which is one of the most popular Forex trading platforms. Its features can be used by both seasoned forex traders and those who have never done it before.
MetaTrader 4 is free, and it has a lot of built-in features. There are a lot of different technical indicators that can help you figure out how to read a Forex price chart. You can also use MT4 to build your own automated trading strategy and test any trading ideas you might have.
Trading on the foreign exchange market follows the same fundamental processes as trading on any other market. Attempting to generate a profit by buying at a low price and selling at a high price. The foreign exchange market is distinguished from other markets in that it offers a variety of trading opportunities that are not available in other markets. Because of this, the foreign exchange market is an excellent choice for beginning traders who are interested in either supplementing their income or starting a trading career full-time.
Originally Published on shortkro
Source: https://shortkro.com/what-is-forex-trading-a-beginners-guide/
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omshinde5145 · 5 hours
eVTOL Aircraft Market Size, Revenue Share, Drivers & Trends Analysis, 2024–2030
The eVTOL Aircraft Market has emerged as a potential game-changer in urban mobility. Offering a futuristic solution to crowded streets, traffic congestion, and environmental concerns, eVTOL aircraft have garnered significant attention from industry giants, startups, and investors alike. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what eVTOLs are, the driving forces behind their development, key players in the market, and the potential hurdles that lie ahead.
eVTOL aircraft are electrically powered vehicles capable of vertical takeoff and landing. They combine the efficiency of electric propulsion with the agility of helicopters, offering an eco-friendly and innovative mode of transport. Unlike conventional aircraft, eVTOLs rely on multiple electric motors rather than a single combustion engine. This results in lower operational costs, reduced noise pollution, and, crucially, zero emissions during operation.
eVTOLs are primarily envisioned as short-range, intra-city transport solutions. Their vertical takeoff and landing capabilities allow them to bypass traffic bottlenecks, making them ideal for congested urban areas. From urban air taxis to emergency medical transport, eVTOLs promise to revolutionize how we move around cities.
Read More about Sample Report: https://intentmarketresearch.com/request-sample/evtol-aircraft-market-3034.html
The Driving Forces Behind the eVTOL Market
The eVTOL market has rapidly gained momentum due to a confluence of technological advancements, regulatory support, and market demand. Some of the key factors driving the growth of this sector include:
Technological Innovations: Breakthroughs in battery technology, electric propulsion systems, and autonomous flight control are making eVTOLs more viable than ever. These innovations allow for longer flight times, higher safety standards, and lower operating costs.
Environmental Concerns: With climate change at the forefront of global concerns, reducing carbon emissions is a top priority. eVTOLs, being electric, offer a greener alternative to traditional combustion-based aviation, aligning with the push towards cleaner transportation solutions.
Urban Congestion: Growing urbanization has led to severe traffic congestion in major cities, prompting the search for alternative transport solutions. eVTOLs, by utilizing the vertical dimension of travel, offer a way to bypass congested roads, saving time and reducing the strain on ground infrastructure.
Investment and Partnerships: Significant investments from established aerospace companies like Boeing, Airbus, and Uber, as well as startups such as Joby Aviation and Lilium, have accelerated the development of eVTOL technology. Strategic partnerships between governments, regulatory bodies, and private enterprises have created an ecosystem conducive to eVTOL adoption.
Key Players in the eVTOL Market
The eVTOL market has seen rapid growth with a host of companies entering the space. Here are some of the most prominent players:
Joby Aviation: One of the frontrunners in the eVTOL race, Joby Aviation has developed a five-seat electric aircraft capable of speeds up to 200 mph with a range of 150 miles. The company is backed by Toyota and is working with NASA and the FAA to meet regulatory standards.
Lilium: A German eVTOL manufacturer, Lilium is developing a jet-powered eVTOL that promises to combine speed, range, and sustainability. Their Lilium Jet can seat up to five passengers and has a range of 155 miles.
Archer Aviation: Based in the U.S., Archer is developing the "Maker," a two-seat demonstrator aircraft designed for urban air mobility. Backed by United Airlines, the company aims to launch commercial flights by 2025.
Vertical Aerospace: This UK-based company has attracted investment from major players like Microsoft and Rolls-Royce. Their VA-X4 aircraft aims to carry four passengers with a range of 100 miles.
Ask for Customization Report: https://intentmarketresearch.com/ask-for-customization/evtol-aircraft-market-3034.html
Challenges Facing the eVTOL Market
Despite its promise, the eVTOL market faces several challenges that need to be addressed before widespread adoption can occur:
Regulatory Hurdles: The introduction of eVTOLs into the airspace requires stringent safety and air traffic management regulations. While agencies like the FAA and EASA are working on certification processes, establishing a globally consistent regulatory framework remains a challenge.
Infrastructure Development: For eVTOLs to become viable, cities will need to invest in “vertiports” — dedicated hubs for takeoffs and landings. Integrating eVTOL infrastructure into existing urban environments is complex and costly.
Battery Limitations: Current battery technology, while improving, still limits the range and payload capacity of eVTOL aircraft. Breakthroughs in energy density and battery life are critical to enhancing performance.
Public Acceptance: Introducing a new form of transportation always comes with public apprehension. Convincing passengers that eVTOLs are safe, reliable, and worth the cost will require both technological assurance and strategic marketing.
The Future Outlook
Despite the challenges, the future of the eVTOL aircraft market looks promising. Analysts predict that the global eVTOL market could be worth billions by the end of the decade. With urban air mobility poised to become a reality, eVTOLs have the potential to reshape how we think about transportation, making cities more accessible and sustainable.
As cities continue to grow and evolve, the eVTOL market is set to play a crucial role in the future of urban mobility. Whether for business commutes, emergency services, or leisure travel, eVTOL aircraft may soon be a common sight in the skies, offering a cleaner, faster, and more efficient way to navigate the modern urban landscape.
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colinwilson11 · 4 days
United States Candy : An Immensely Popular Sweet Business
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The history of candy in America dates back to the colonial period. Early settlers first started making candy during the Revolutionary War era using homegrown ingredients like nuts, molasses, honey and maple syrup. Candy making then evolved into commercial production during the 19th century industrial revolution when companies like Brach's, Cracker Jack and Life Savers were founded. The 1920s saw even more innovation as new candy machines automated production and chocolate candy became widely popular. By the 1930s, candy was being mass produced on assembly lines and regional candy companies expanded nationally. After World War 2, American confectioners consolidated to become the large multi-national brands consumers know today.
Current  Size And Growth
The United States Candy  is valued at over $37 billion today according to  estimates. The  has grown steadily each year, rising over 3% annually on average. Regionally, the western states account for over 25% of total U.S. candy sales while the south remains a key consumer region as well. Per capita candy consumption averages over 25 pounds per person each year, higher than many other countries. Seasonally, Halloween and Valentine's Day are the candy 's biggest holidays while Easter ranks third in overall seasonal sales.
Leading Companies
The top three candy companies globally are all American- Mars, Hershey and Mondelez. Mars commands over a 20%  share with well-known brands like M&Ms, Snickers, Twix and Skittles. Hershey has been the iconic American chocolate brand for over a century with Hershey's Kisses, Reese's and Almond Joy among its signature products. Mondelez, formerly Kraft Foods, owns global brands like Cadbury, Toblerone and Halls while sour patch kids and other candy remain major sellers. Lindt, Ferrero and Nestle round out the top international candy players competing in the crowded U.S. .
Product Segments
Chocolate remains Americans' most popular candy comprising about 25% of total yearly sales. Seasonal Halloween and Christmas candies have grown exponentially, nearly doubling in sales over the past decade to over $4 billion annually  sources report. Sugar confections like Skittles, Starbursts and Sweetarts continue strong multi-billion dollar yearly sales. Hard candy options from Lifesavers, Dum Dum lollipops, and Jolly Ranchers maintain appeal with both children and adults as portable treats. Novelty and licensed candies tie into popular movies, shows and characters each year and significantly boost seasonal sales. Gummy and jelly candies like gummy bears also generate hundreds of millions in annual revenue.
Distribution Channels
Most United States Candy  is sold through grocery, drug, mass merchandisers and convenience stores who stock seasonal and everyday assortments near checkout aisles and high traffic areas. Valentine's Day and Halloween seasonal sets, boxes and bags specifically designed for gifting and trick or treating hugely ramp up sales for retailers during those peak periods. Traditional candy shops and specialty outlets remain popular local destinations, particularly for chocolate and novelty items. Online shopping is growing exponentially as well for bulk candy, specialty items and merchandise tied to favorite brands. Wholesalers like Candies Depot and Myers Candy distribute to small and large retailers nationwide.
Digital and social media has become a primary ing channel for larger candy makers. Company websites highlight seasonal promotions and new product launches while maintaining highly interactive presences across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and more. Television advertising still generates brand awareness especially around major holidays, supported by point-of-sale materials and displays retailers provide. Licensed partnerships with movies, games and influencers expand brand reach to new audiences year-round. Tying into trending flavors like sour and novelty shapes keeps products feeling fresh. Sample giveaways, contests and branded cross promotions boost trial. Significant ongoing R&D ensures innovation keeps the  exciting and growing for years ahead.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.trendingwebwire.com/united-states-candy-a-sweet-delight-across-america/
Author Bio:
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent  Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital ing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of  insights. (LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent  Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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jimspublishingblog · 21 days
Empowering Creatives: How Digital Portfolios Are Transforming the Presentation of Work
In the creative industries, where competition is fierce, the ability to present work effectively can make all the difference. Traditional portfolios, often limited to physical formats or static online galleries, no longer suffice in showcasing the full range of a creative’s skills and vision. Enter the digital portfolio—a transformative tool that allows creatives to present their work in more dynamic, engaging, and innovative ways.
The Shift to Digital Portfolios
Digital portfolios have revolutionized how creatives present their work by offering a platform where multimedia elements can be seamlessly integrated. This includes not only images and text but also videos, animations, interactive elements, and even augmented reality (AR) experiences. These features enable creatives to go beyond merely displaying their work to crafting an immersive narrative around their projects.
For instance, a graphic designer can use a digital portfolio to showcase not just the final product but also the design process through time-lapse videos or interactive prototypes. Similarly, a photographer can embed high-resolution galleries alongside video interviews that provide context and depth to their projects. This ability to integrate various media forms allows creatives to present a fuller picture of their talents and thought processes.
Advantages of Digital Portfolios for Creatives
Interactivity and Engagement: Digital portfolios enable creatives to build interactive experiences that engage the viewer in ways traditional portfolios cannot. By incorporating elements like clickable prototypes, embedded videos, and animations, creatives can create a dynamic presentation that holds the viewer’s attention longer and leaves a lasting impression.
Versatility and Accessibility: Unlike physical portfolios, digital portfolios are accessible from anywhere and can be easily updated. Creatives can share their portfolios with potential clients, employers, or collaborators through a simple link, making it easy to reach a global audience. This versatility is particularly beneficial for freelancers and remote workers who rely on a robust online presence to secure projects.
Personal Branding: A well-designed digital portfolio not only showcases work but also reflects the creator’s personal brand. Customization options allow creatives to align their portfolios with their unique style and vision, helping them stand out in a crowded marketplace. Whether through the choice of layout, color schemes, or the inclusion of personal statements, digital portfolios offer a canvas for self-expression that is aligned with professional goals.
Comprehensive Showcases: Digital portfolios are not constrained by space, allowing creatives to present a more comprehensive showcase of their work. This could include entire project timelines, behind-the-scenes insights, and even client testimonials, all of which contribute to a richer presentation that tells a more complete story of the creative’s capabilities.
Leveraging Online Portfolio Makers
To fully realize the potential of digital portfolios, creatives can leverage platforms like online portfolio makers that offer user-friendly tools for building and customizing their showcases. These platforms typically provide templates, drag-and-drop features, and multimedia integration, making it easier for creatives to design a portfolio that meets their specific needs.
Online portfolio makers streamline the process, allowing creatives to focus on what they do best—creating. They also ensure that the portfolio is optimized for various devices, ensuring a consistent viewing experience whether the portfolio is accessed on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
Digital portfolios have become an essential tool for creatives looking to present their work in the most impactful way possible. By embracing the capabilities of digital platforms, creatives can create portfolios that are not only visually appealing but also interactive and engaging. As the creative industries continue to evolve, the importance of a strong digital presence cannot be overstated, making digital portfolios a key component in the success of modern creatives.
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jimish1982 · 2 months
Navigating Restricted Websites: A Guide to Unlocking Access with CroxyProxy
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During a time overwhelmed by digital content, getting to sites has turned into a vital piece of our day to day routines. Be that as it may, there are times when certain sites, like YouTube, are confined because of geological or institutional limits. This can be baffling, particularly when you're anxious to get to significant substance or interface with a worldwide crowd. Luckily, there are arrangements accessible, and one such device that stands apart is CroxyProxy. In this complete aide, we will investigate the elements of CroxyProxy and how unblocking YouTube and other confined websites can be utilized.
Understanding Website Restrictions:
Prior to diving into the arrangement, it's fundamental to comprehend the reason why sites like YouTube might be limited in any case. Geological limitations are in many cases forced by happy makers or merchants to follow authorizing arrangements. Moreover, establishments like schools, colleges, or work environments might force limitations to guarantee an engaged and secure web-based climate.
CroxyProxy: An Overview:
CroxyProxy is a web proxy organization that goes probably as a center individual between your contraption and the restricted webpage. It capacities by rerouting your relationship through its servers, really hiding your IP address and allowing you to evade geographical or institutional impediments. CroxyProxy is known for its easy to use connection point and flexibility, going with it a famous decision for clients trying to consistently unblock sites.
Key Features of CroxyProxy:
User-Friendly Interface:
CroxyProxy brags a natural and simple to-utilize interface, making it available for clients with changing specialized skill. The effortlessness of the stage guarantees that opening confined sites is a problem free encounter.
One of the huge benefits of CroxyProxy is its similarity with different gadgets and internet browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and that's just the beginning. CroxyProxy flawlessly coordinates, giving predictable access across stages.
SSL Encryption:
Security is a main concern while exploring the web-based scene. CroxyProxy utilizes SSL encryption to get your association, guaranteeing that your information stays private and shielded from expected dangers. This component is especially pivotal while getting to delicate data or managing on the web exchanges.
High-Speed Connectivity:
Unblocking limited sites shouldn't come at the expense of languid web speeds. CroxyProxy is intended to offer fast availability, permitting clients to transfer videos, download documents, and peruse content without interferences. Presently, we should investigate how CroxyProxy can be explicitly used to unblock YouTube, a stage famous for geological limitations.
Visit the CroxyProxy Website:
Begin by exploring to the authority CroxyProxy site. When there, you'll find an easy to use connect with a URL bar unmistakably showed.
Enter YouTube URL:
In the URL bar, enter the YouTube URL that you wish to get to, using the force of CroxyProxy YouTube unblock. CroxyProxy will go about as a delegate, permitting you to sidestep any geological limitations forced on the substance.
Select Server Location:
CroxyProxy offers different waiter areas, empowering clients to pick the most reasonable choice for their necessities. Select a server area that lines up with the geological district important to unblock the ideal substance.
Click "Go" or "Unblock"
In the wake of entering the YouTube URL and choosing the server area, click on the "Go" or "Unblock" button. CroxyProxy will start the association, diverting your solicitation through its servers and giving admittance to the limited YouTube content.
Benefits of Using CroxyProxy:
Global Access to Content:
With the force of CroxyProxy YouTube Unblock, clients can get to YouTube content that might be confined in their geological area. This is especially useful for people who need to see district explicit substance or interface with a worldwide crowd.
Bypass Institutional Restrictions:
For understudies or representatives confronting limitations forced by instructive foundations or working environments, CroxyProxy fills in as a dependable device to sidestep these limits. This guarantees continuous admittance to instructive videos, instructional exercises, or applicable substance during work or study meetings.
Privacy and Security:
The SSL encryption utilized by CroxyProxy adds an additional layer of safety to your web-based exercises, particularly while utilizing CroxyProxy YouTube unblock to get to confined content that might require login certifications or participate in internet based collaborations.
Seamless Streaming Experience:
CroxyProxy's accentuation on high velocity network guarantees a consistent web based insight on YouTube. Clients can appreciate videos without buffering delays, giving an ideal survey insight.
In our current reality where digital content assumes a focal part in our lives, the capacity to explore and get to limited sites is important. CroxyProxy arises as a dependable arrangement, offering an easy to use interface, similarity across different stages, SSL encryption for security, and fast network, particularly while utilizing CroxyProxy YouTube unblock. By following the means framed in this aide, clients can really open admittance to confined sites, especially zeroing in on YouTube content that might be geologically or institutionally restricted. As innovation keeps on advancing, apparatuses like CroxyProxy engage clients to investigate the tremendous web-based scene without pointless boundaries.
Author - Jimish Shah
I'm Jimish Shah, the person who started SkyZ Infotech, a Powerful and Result-Driven Most Reliable Digital Partner. I'm a professional blogger, digital marketer, and content marketer also with over 8 years of experience. My focus is on providing the most researched information to new startups, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and bloggers. My objective is to educate the youth of today on a broad range of subjects.
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imageonline · 2 months
The Rise of Global Web Outsourcing Services: A Comprehensive Guide
In the consistently developing computerized scene, organizations face a rising interest to keep serious areas of strength for a presence. One powerful answer for deal with this request is through worldwide Global Web Outsourcing Services administrations. This approach offers a savvy technique as well as brings a heap of advantages that can move organizations higher than ever. How about we investigate the purposes for the rising ubiquity of worldwide Global Web Outsourcing Services and how it can help your business.
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What is Global Web Outsourcing Services?
Global Web Outsourcing Services includes assigning web advancement, plan, and support undertakings to outer trained professionals or offices, frequently situated in various nations. This permits organizations to zero in on their center abilities while utilizing the mastery of talented experts around the world.
Advantages of Worldwide Global Web Outsourcing Services
Cost Effectiveness: One of the essential benefits of re-appropriating web benefits worldwide is cost investment funds. By joining forces with offices or consultants in nations with lower work costs, organizations can decrease their costs altogether while as yet getting excellent work.
Access to a Global Talent Pool: Re-appropriating opens up admittance to a different pool of ability. Organizations can team up with talented experts who bring extraordinary viewpoints and creative arrangements, guaranteeing the final result is of better quality and custom-made than a worldwide crowd.
Scalability: Re-appropriating gives the adaptability to increase activities or down in light of venture prerequisites. Whether it's a transient task or a drawn out commitment, organizations can change their assets likewise without the problem of recruiting and preparing new representatives.
Focus on Core Competencies: By reevaluating web-related errands, organizations can focus on their center business exercises. This center can prompt better efficiency, development, and in general business development.
24/7 Operations: Working with worldwide groups considers nonstop tasks. Different time regions imply that work can proceed with even after the nearby office has shut, prompting quicker project fruition and ceaseless improvement cycles.
Famous Global Web Outsourcing Services
Web Improvement: From making powerful sites to creating complex web applications, re-appropriating web advancement assignments can guarantee top notch results conveyed productively.
Web Design: Reevaluating website architecture permits organizations to work with imaginative experts who can make outwardly engaging and easy to understand sites that improve client experience and commitment.
SEO and Digital Marketing: Worldwide reevaluating for Website design enhancement and computerized showcasing administrations can assist organizations with taking advantage of specific information and procedures to work on their web-based perceivability and contact a more extensive crowd.
Content Creation: Proficient substance makers from around the world can give superior grade, connecting with content customized to explicit business sectors, improving brand correspondence and client commitment.
Website Maintenance and Support: Rethinking upkeep and backing administrations guarantees that sites stay useful, secure, and forward-thinking without redirecting inside assets from other basic assignments.
Difficulties and Contemplations
While worldwide Global Web Outsourcing Services offers various advantages, it's fundamental to know about expected difficulties. These may incorporate correspondence boundaries, time region contrasts, and the requirement for vigorous task the executives to guarantee smooth cooperation. Choosing the right re-appropriating accomplice with a demonstrated history, clear correspondence channels, and a solid obligation to quality is critical for effective rethinking.
Worldwide Global Web Outsourcing Services administrations are an essential decision for organizations hoping to enhance their internet based presence, decrease expenses, and access a different ability pool. By embracing this methodology, organizations can zero in on their center capabilities, accomplish more prominent adaptability, and work all the more productively. As the computerized world keeps on developing, worldwide web re-appropriating stands apart as a significant resource in driving business development and advancement
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custompackagingboxes · 3 months
Unwrapping Experience with Kraft Boxes
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Packaging is vital in retail for drawing customers in and leaving a lasting impression. Kraft Boxes have become a handy tool for companies looking to strengthen their brand identity while protecting their merchandise. These adaptable packaging options have become incredibly popular in various industries because they can meet individual needs and create a lasting impression on customers. These boxes are standard equipment for guaranteeing secure and appealing delivery, even in the e-commerce industry, where products differ substantially in size and shape. They are a fantastic chance to increase brand awareness. These boxes can elevate a routine unwrapping experience into a memorable and viral one.
Kraft Boxes Help Preserving the Freshness and Flavors
Boxes have the primary benefit of being customized to meet a company's specific requirements. You may make boxes that precisely fit your good’s size, shape, and design using these boxes, regardless of whether you are a small artisanal item maker or a large global corporation. This guarantees that your items are presented in a way that is consistent with your brand and are well-protected during transit. Kraft Boxes are not restricted to any sector of the economy or kind of goods. There are numerous applications for them. These boxes, for example, come to preserve the freshness and flavor of the items. It can present apparel and accessories in a stylish and alluring way for the fashion sector.
Match the Personality and Status by Using Kraft Packaging
Companies can utilize their packaging as a blank canvas to put their slogan, logo, or other branding features on show. In addition to improving brand memory, this helps your items stand out in a crowded market. Products with eye-catching packaging are more likely to remain memorable and recommendable by customers. Kraft Packaging not only facilitate branding but also artistic and creative expression. Companies can design packaging that embodies their distinct aesthetic and core values by selecting from an extensive selection of materials, colors, and finishes. Countless options include Eco-friendly Kraft boxes, opulent matte finishes, and eye-catching colors. These boxes provide you the freedom to match the personality and messaging of your business to the packaging design.
Kraft Boxes with Lids Will Cut Down Waste and Avoid Damage
The environmental impact of boxes is another critical benefit. Businesses are increasingly pressured to lower their carbon footprint as sustainability becomes critical. By using recyclable materials, cutting waste, and optimizing box sizes to minimize environmental impact and shipping costs, Kraft Boxes with Lids become more environmentally friendly. This speaks well of your brand's dedication to sustainability and appeals to customers who care about the environment. These boxes can improve the way customers open packages. The presentation and unwrapping of products have become a crucial aspect of the whole customer experience in the era of social media. Increased brand awareness and word-of-mouth advertising may result from this.
Enhance the Robustness and Safety because of Retail Boxes
Whether we recognize it or not, packaging is essential to our everyday existence. But it's also about making an impression on the customer and communicating a brand's message. The adaptability and practicality of Retail Boxes have made them a popular packaging option in recent years. These boxes are perfect for many different items because of their design, which offers a safe and straightforward sealing mechanism. Since they come from durable materials, they remain safe throughout storage and transportation. These boxes are available to suit your demands for packing. Because of their robustness, they remain recyclable or reusable again, increasing their useful life and reducing waste.
Custom Packaging – A Perfect Fit to Store Products Ideally
The adaptability of boxes is one of their main benefits. They enable companies to discover the ideal match for their products because they are available in various sizes, shapes, and styles. But since Custom Packaging are customizable, you can add your brand's colors, logo, and other branding components to make a package design that is distinctive and memorable. Another reason these boxes are a popular option for businesses is their ease of assembly. They save much time during packing because they come for an easy and quick setup. This enhances the consumer experience overall and helps the manufacturers as well. Consumers like easily opened and closed packaging because it makes consuming the product more convenient.
Use Custom Boxes without Sacrificing Product Quality
The affordability of boxes is another crucial aspect. Custom Boxes are more reasonably priced than other alternative packaging solutions without sacrificing quality. Because of this, they are a desirable option for more prominent companies and smaller ones trying to minimize their packaging expenses. The boxes possess versatility not only in terms of their uses but also in terms of their marketing potential. Businesses may design packaging that visually and emotionally stimulates clients using customization possibilities. Your products may stand out on shop shelves and online marketplaces with the help of eye-catching visuals and design components, eventually increasing sales and brand recognition.
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franklythinking · 3 months
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Week 12: Crowd Sourcing in Times of Crisis
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You might not realize it, but crowdsourcing is everywhere!
Whether you're conducting an online survey for a school project or asking for movie recommendations on social media, that's all crowdsourcing!
The definition of crowdsourcing often varies due to its multidisciplinary nature, appearing in sectors like academia, research and development and etc. (Brabham 2013). To narrow it down, this post will be focusing on how crowdsourcing helps in the humanitarian sectors.
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Crowdsourcing in Humanitarian Work
According to the United Nations (2013), crowdsourcing in humanitarian work is "used to solve problems and produce information by asking a distributed group of people, often volunteers, to perform certain tasks.".
Forms of Crowdsourcing in Humanitarian Work (United Nations 2013):
Direct Information Gathering: Information is sought directly from affected communities, allowing for real-time, on-the-ground insights.
Outsourced Technical Tasks: Tasks such as mapping, geo-tagging, validating information, and translating text are outsourced to a global volunteer network. These volunteers can help map events, integrate data, and provide crucial information to humanitarian decision-makers.
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Communication Structure of Crowdsourcing
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Traditionally, crowdsourcing in disaster management followed a hierarchical structure, with the chain of command centralized within the government (Song, Zhang & Dolan 2020).
This top-down approach ensured that decisions and actions were directed from a single authority, maintaining order, but it often lacks the flexibility needed in rapidly changing disaster environments.
Now, crowdsourcing has evolved into a more decentralized and distributed network (Song, Zhang & Dolan 2020). This new model is flexible, allowing for a multi-directional flow of information and resources.
Unlike the rigid hierarchical structure, the decentralized approach empowers various participants, including affected communities and volunteers worldwide, to contribute directly to disaster response efforts. This creates a networked structure of connection, communication, collaboration, and openness, facilitating real-time adaption to disaster scenarios (Song, Zhang & Dolan 2020).
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Crowdsourcing in Humanitarian Crisis
While crowdsourcing can't replace the physical work of disaster response—like rescuing people or delivering supplies—it plays a huge role in logistical support.
2010 Haiti Earthquake
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During the 2010 Haiti earthquake, people worldwide used platforms like OpenStreetMap to help out (Zook et al. 2010).
Volunteers downloaded satellite images to manually map streets, buildings, and points of interest. On-the-ground volunteers in Haiti used GPS devices to add more details like coordinates to these maps. Given Haiti's lack of a proper information infrastructure, this crowdsourced geo-coded data was extremely vital for coordinating relief efforts (Zook et al. 2010).
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2011 Christchurch Earthquake
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After the 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, Tomnod teamed up with the GEO-CAN initiative to improve crowdsourced damage assessments (Hörler 2014).
They created a user-friendly disaster mapper, allowing volunteers to compare pre- and post-earthquake images and mark damage levels on buildings. This approach significantly sped up and improved the accuracy of damage assessments.
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In conclusion, crowdsourcing has become an indispensable tool in the humanitarian sector. By leveraging the collective efforts of volunteers worldwide, crowdsourcing enhances real-time information gathering and logistical support, making disaster responses more effective and efficient.
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Digital citizens like us play a crucial role in this setup. By sharing insights, personal experiences, and urgent updates on various online platforms, we not only support professional efforts, but also raise awareness to rally more people to join in.
As technology continues to evolve and enhance our digital connectivity, our collective efforts in crowdsourcing will continue to be crucial in improving disaster resilience and saving lives globally.
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Brabham, DC 2013, Crowdsourcing, The MIT Press.
Hörler, R 2014, Crowdsourcing In the humanitarian network – An analysis of the literature, Bachelor Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland, viewed <https://irevolutions.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/bachelor_thesis_raphael_hc3b6rler.pdf>.
Song, Z, Zhang, H & Dolan, C 2020, ‘Promoting disaster resilience: Operation mechanisms and self-organizing processes of crowdsourcing’, Sustainability, vol. 12, p. 1862.
United Nations 2013, Humanitarianism in the network age, United Nations, viewed <https://www.un-ilibrary.org/content/books/9789210561037>.
Zook, M, Graham, M, Shelton, T & Gorman, S 2010, ‘Volunteered geographic information and crowdsourcing disaster relief: A case study of the Haitian Earthquake’, World Medical & Health Policy, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 7–33.
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freshsupplies86 · 4 months
"Chill Out in Dubai: Exploring Top Ice Cream Powder Suppliers for Creamy Delights"
In the vibrant city of Dubai, where the desert heat meets a craving for cool indulgence, ice cream stands as a timeless treat loved by residents and visitors alike. Crafting the perfect scoop of ice cream requires not just skill, but also quality ingredients, and ice cream powder is a key component in achieving that creamy, dreamy texture. For chefs, dessert aficionados, and ice cream enthusiasts seeking the finest ingredients for their frozen delights, Dubai offers a plethora of options. Join us as we delve into the world of ice cream powder suppliers in Dubai, ensuring that your frozen creations are nothing short of extraordinary.
1. Dairy Frost
Nestled in the heart of Dubai, Dairy Frost is a premier supplier of ice cream powders, renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation. Their range of powders, crafted from premium ingredients and formulated for optimal texture and flavor, is a favorite among chefs and ice cream makers across the city. Whether you’re whipping up classic flavors or experimenting with exotic combinations, Dairy Frost’s powders provide the perfect base for creating indulgent frozen treats that delight the senses.
2. Royal Ice Cream
With a legacy of excellence spanning decades, Royal Ice Cream is a trusted name in Dubai’s ice cream industry, offering a wide range of high-quality ingredients, including ice cream powders. Their powders, made from the finest milk solids and flavorings, ensure consistent results and a velvety-smooth texture that melts in your mouth. Whether you’re catering to discerning diners in a restaurant setting or satisfying cravings at an ice cream parlor, Royal Ice Cream’s powders are sure to impress with their rich flavor and creamy goodness.
3. Baker’s Choice
As a leading supplier of bakery and confectionery ingredients in Dubai, Baker’s Choice also offers a selection of premium ice cream powders for discerning chefs and home bakers. Their range of powders, made from high-quality dairy ingredients and natural flavorings, is ideal for creating decadent ice cream creations that are both delicious and indulgent. Whether you’re making artisanal ice cream from scratch or adding a twist to your dessert menu, Baker’s Choice has the perfect powder to elevate your frozen treats to new heights of flavor and texture.
4. RiteBite
For those seeking convenience without compromising on quality, RiteBite offers a range of ready-to-use ice cream powders that make dessert preparation a breeze. Their powders, available in a variety of flavors, are easy to use and require minimal preparation, making them ideal for busy kitchens and foodservice establishments. Whether you’re catering to a crowd or whipping up a quick treat at home, RiteBite’s ice cream powders deliver delicious results every time, ensuring that sweet cravings are satisfied with minimal effort.
5. Ice Cream World
As the name suggests, Ice Cream World is a paradise for ice cream enthusiasts, offering a diverse range of ingredients and equipment for crafting frozen delights. Their selection of ice cream powders includes classic flavors, as well as unique options inspired by global culinary trends. Whether you’re channeling nostalgia with traditional favorites or exploring new flavor combinations, Ice Cream World’s powders provide the perfect canvas for unleashing your creativity and delighting taste buds with every scoop.
In conclusion, Dubai’s ice cream powder suppliers offer a treasure trove of options for chefs, bakers, and ice cream makers seeking to create frozen delights that are as indulgent as they are delicious. With their commitment to quality, innovation, and flavor, these suppliers ensure that every scoop of ice cream is a memorable treat that captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression. So, chill out in Dubai and embark on a culinary journey filled with creamy delights, courtesy of the finest ice cream powder suppliers the city has to offer.
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dmaasain · 5 months
Going Beyond Aesthetics: The Sustainability and Ethical Benefits of Choosing Artisanal Home Goods
Amidst the chaos of fast fashion practices, sustainable products stood apart from the crowd. This is a revolutionary movement that draws people’s attention to embracing sustainability and artistic creations. The natural and authentic collection brings ashore the people’s perspective. Sustainable and ethically produced home goods make a statement and create a universe of goodness.
A large quantity of microplastics is released and the amount of greenhouse gases is 2-8% of the global total due to fast fashion. Instead of harming yourself with chemical additive-based home and living accessories, choose naturally crafted home decor to nourish the soul and body. Embracing handcrafted home and living goods supports the artisan's community and celebrates the culture’s heritage. In this new age of innovation, stay true to your culture and tradition and make a strong presence globally. The makers behind this—our artisans—are the people who transform raw materials into aesthetic collections. Some examples are blankets, curtains, and bedsheets.
The advantages of artisanal home and living products
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"Yesterday's Artisans are today's Artists." - Emanuel Carnevali
Sustainability and handcrafted home and living goods are amazing subjects that unfold the chapters of benefits and innovation. This encourages people to ditch practices like fast fashion, discharging or dumping waste materials into land/rivers, and harming animals. As far as we are concerned, this is high time to look over the best opportunities to restore the health of nature. 
DMAASA’s wide range of home and living products is crafted with precision, care, skill, and a deep appreciation of quality. If you are pondering over the advantages of home and living products produced sustainably, then drop your eyeballs here:  View More: Going Beyond Aesthetics: The Sustainability and Ethical Benefits of Choosing Artisanal Home Goods
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colinwilson11 · 8 days
The Global Complement Inhibitors has seen significant growth in recent years driven by rising approval and adoption of novel complement therapeutics
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The Global Complement Inhibitors has seen significant growth in recent years driven by rising approval and adoption of novel complement therapeutics. Complement is part of the innate immune system that helps clear pathogens and promotes inflammation. However, excessive or uncontrolled complement activation can lead to tissue damage in several rare and common diseases. This has prompted drug developers to focus on inhibiting specific components of the complement cascade to treat various medical conditions.
Eculizumab Leads The Way In Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
The first-in-class C5 inhibitor eculizumab (Soliris), developed by Alexion Pharmaceuticals, has transformed the treatment landscape of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). Approved in 2007, eculizumab provides long-term haemolysis control and improves survival in PNH patients by blocking terminal complement activation. It has set the benchmark for safety and efficacy of complement therapeutics. Thanks to its pioneering work in PNH, eculizumab annual sales have consistently topped USD 3 billion. Its label also covers atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS), Global Complement Inhibitors another rare disease where complement overactivation leads to thrombocytopenia and kidney damage.
Expanding Indications Fuel Growth Of Complement Portfolio
Building on eculizumab's success, drugmakers are pursuing broader indications for complement inhibitors. Alexion has gained approval for eculizumab in generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG), an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder caused by abnormal complement activation at the neuromuscular junction. Several late-stage trials are evaluating its potential in Guillain–Barré syndrome, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, and transplant rejection. Ra Pharmaceuticals has translated its understanding of the alternative complement pathway into a C3-targeted antibody razuprotafib (RA101495). It is being tested in PNH, ischemic reperfusion injury, COVID-19, and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).
Global Complement Inhibitors Enter Crowded Autoimmune Domains
Given the involvement of complement pathways in several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, this class has expanded to crowded indications like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Novartis acquired complementary drug developer Capella Biosciences last year primarily to develop C1s inhibitor caplacizumab (Apellis Pharmaceuticals) for autoimmune disorders. Apellis commenced two phase 3 studies of caplacizumab in generalized myasthenia gravis in 2021. Roche paid €1.25 billion upfront to acquire inflamed tissue inhibitor etavopivat (Yale University/Poxel SA), positioning it as a potential treatment for conditions like fibrosis, NASH and several inflammatory diseases including RA.
Biosimilars Intensify Cost Pressures
The commercial success of eculizumab and emergence of novel complement drugs have induced several biosimilar makers to enter the space. South Korean firm Helm entered the PNH biosimilar in 2021 with its eculizumab biosimilar HEMGENE. It is being tested for aHUS and eye diseases too. Other notable eculizumab biosimilars in development include Pfizer's PF-06882961 and Coherus' CHS-202. Intense competition from biosimilars is expected to drive down drug costs, benefiting patients but also intensifying pricing pressures on originators. Companies will need to showcase differentiated safety, efficacy or indication profile of their assets to carve a niche amid biosimilar onslaught.
Oral Options Spark Excitement
The cumbersome intravenous administration regimen of eculizumab has fuelled interest in orally-available next-generation complement drugs. Akari Therapeutics' encapsolated C5a and C5 Inhibitor nomacopan (Coversin) has completed phase 2 testing in various hematologic and renal disorders. Akari is developing nomacopan as the potential first oral treatment option for patients with PNH. Apellis' APL-9, an oral small molecule C3 inhibitor has entered phase 3 studies in geographic atrophy, an advanced form of dry AMD. Odocure Therapeutics is poised to enter human testing with its unique oral C1s modulator for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Widespread adoption of oral alternatives could disrupt current dynamics through improved access and adherence.
Asia Pacific Emulates Western Growth
While North America and Europe currently dominate global complement drug revenues owing to early approvals, the Asia Pacific region is demonstrating promising uptake. The high prevalence of complement-mediated diseases and increasing access to novel therapies are major drivers of growth. China, India, Japan, South Korea are recognizing complement disorders and approving innovative therapeutics, positively impacting regional sales. Alexion set up China operations in 2013 and now s eculizumab, strengthening local presence. Local biosimilar makers are expediting their entry by leveraging favourable regulatory environment in Asia. Overall, the Asia Pacific complement therapeutics is projected to expand at an impressive CAGR through 2030.
Global Complement Inhibitors have carved a unique niche in treating rare diseases and expanding to broader indications. Emerging oral drugs, biosimilars and regional growth will likely reshape the competitive landscape going forward. Though pricing pressures loom large, continued innovation around complement pathways holds promise to benefit patients worldwide.
Get more insights on this topic:  https://www.ukwebwire.com/the-emerging-role-of-complement-inhibition-in-treating-various-diseases/
Author Bio
Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups. (LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent  Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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