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The Night Court Lounge | Tribeca, NYC
I forgot to post my WIP...Thursday? | Azriel x Eris AU |
“Perhaps I might have resisted a great temptation, but the little ones would have pulled me down” ―The House of Mirth
There was nothing like spotting one’s mother at a BDSM club.
The ink was still wet on his parents’ divorce papers, but there she was for all to see, sprawled across Helion’s lap. After all, the Vanserras could always be counted on to feed the tabloids and gossip columns.
Eris planned to finish his whiskey and make a discrete exit. But then, his heart leapt into his throat and his dick hardened at first sight.
He’d been expecting Thesan in his usual get up. Eris occasionally came to The Night Court to support his ex. The man could still turn him on like no one else. They’d never been good at long-term relationships, but they could be each other’s confidantes, a soft place to fuck and forget for a spell.
Eris had hoped to get that from his ex tonight, and was taken aback when something, someone, completely different entered the main stage.
The man looked younger and Thesan’s lithe body and smooth brown skin was replaced by a lighter, golden tone, covered in scrolling Arabic across a sleek muscled chest. In place of white feathers were black leather bat wings.
Eris found the whole thing to be absurd and had teased Thesan about it incessantly. But this man, his broad tattooed shoulders, the planes of his abs below the leather harness, those wings did something to him. He needed to go to fucking sleep or get laid.
Black lined eyes like topaz gazed out at the crowd. Eris wanted to smell those black curls, to test their silk between his fingers. He was being absurd.
The beautiful man got to his knees in the most submissive prone position in the cage, and Eris watched him lean, like an overgrown house cat, into the auctioneer’s hand as she stroked those curls through iron bars. And fuck if it wasn’t the hottest thing he’d ever seen. This man was dangerous, even caged, and Eris wanted that creature purring between his legs.
Then Helion made a spectacle of himself, announcing his intentions, and that sealed the deal. Eris would win. He hadn’t made the Wall Street Journal’s “30 Money Makers under 30” lists three years in a row for nothing. He was an apex predator in every boardroom, could dominate every corner of the market. But what made him dangerous was his discretion.
The Wall Street wolves of Beron’s generation were past their prime. They were showy hunters who howled at every win, too certain of their supremacy and too concerned with pack politics. Thanks to a twenty four hour news cycle and social media, the current global market was volatile, and one must be ready to strike silently and with sudden force. For Eris Vanserra was no wolf. He was a snake.
He watched the kneeling figure, whose eyes traveled the room. Eris needed them on him. Look at me. See me. And almost as if the beautiful, dark creature read his thoughts, his head turned and hazel locked with his own. Fuck. Eris watched those gorgeous eyes travel along his face, lingering on his mouth. He smirked. Then, lower, down to his shoulders, to his chest, and lingered, once more, on his fingers. Eris moved them, ever so slowly, along the wet rim of his cocktail glass.
As those glittering eyes followed them, Eris swore he saw the man’s pupils blow out further. This beautiful stranger wanted him. And Eris had to possess this caged creature, needed to steal him away from Helion, from the pretentious Lord Winters, from Donna Suriel, the most sadistic bitch on this side of the Hudson. But mostly, Eris just wanted to watch that gorgeous face unfold with pleasure. Wanted that perfect body prone beneath him, before him, begging for release.
He was coiled in position and ready. And then Eris clocked it: a shadow of discomfort passed across the man’s face. He shifted and this time, it was not with arousal. His legs were cramping and he was tired. He gave three taps to his leg. He saw it for what it was. The sub had used his safe signal. Feyre, the auctioneer, almost imperceptibly, picked up the pace. She’d seen it too.
Those hazel eyes locked with his once more, as if to say, Don’t you want me? Eris kept his face impassive. He would reveal nothing. It was how he got this far, how he'd survived twenty-seven years as Beron’s son, and had made his name as the Viper of Wall Street.
“Forty thousand,” Helion called out in his bombastic voice.
Feyre called out quickly, “Forty thousand. Going once, twice and—”
He struck. “Fifty thousand.” Eris was sure to keep his voice level, his timbre smooth. It did no good to sound desperate or overwrought.
Hazel eyes locked with his, and it took all his will power not to stand up and take what was his. Because the caged, leashed, beautiful man, there on his knees, literally leaned forward, subtly arching his back so perfectly, as if his body couldn’t help but move closer to the sound of Eris’s voice. The auctioneer must have seen the same thing, because she didn’t give anyone a chance to counter.
“Sold to Eris Vanserra for fifty thousand dollars.”
#azris#azris supremacy#azriel x eris#azris fanfiction#acotar fanfiction#azris fanfic#azris au#acotar au#baby's first modern AU
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Joker Out Subs: Translating a Band
One of our Slovene members, Breda Hribernik (IG fabriconmyhead), wrote an article about JokerOutSubs in the students' magazine ENgLIST.
From our organisation and translation process to translation choices, Breda explained about JokerOutSubs from a linguistic perspective.
Thank you Breda, we're very proud to have you on our team! ❤️
Article below the cut 👇
Picture this: London, early April 2024. Day four of my solo journey to England. After queuing for several hours (something that would never happen in Slovenia), me and a few of the friends I met just a few hours ago finally made it into the venue: Shepherd’s Bush Empire, built in 1903 as a music hall. The high ceiling and intricate wall decor closely reminded me of the Slovenian National Theatre Drama in Ljubljana, which got us all even more excited for the concert. And after the two opening acts, the main performers finally
made it onto the stage.
There are events in life you expect to happen as if they were a part of a ‘Lifetime Bingo’. Scraping your knee as a child. Having a best friend. Going to college. But I never thought I would ever be attending a concert in London where a crowd of 2,000 would be loudly singing along to songs in my native language, Slovene. And yet that was exactly what I experienced during my Joker Out concert in London.
The band, consisting of Bojan Cvjetićanin, Jan Peteh, Jure Maček, Kris Guštin and Nace Jordan, gained international stardom during and after their Eurovision days. At the time of writing this article, the band had completed two successful tours in Europe, with a busy festival schedule awaiting them throughout the summer. This kind of global recognition is rather unexpected for a Slovene band. However, because most of the band's content is in Slovene, especially their older works, the language barrier can present a problem for foreign fans. This is where JokerOutSubs comes in.
1. General
Joker Out Subs (hereon JOS) is a fan-organised translation group. While translating celebrity content is nothing new, it mostly consists of individuals who translate short clips and post them online. Such translations have, in the past, been seen with K-pop musicians. JOS, on the other hand, is a group consisting of several members from all around the globe, me included. Alongside speaking Slovene, our members also speak languages ranging from Finnish to Japanese. The fan-translation group has one main goal: translating content.
The group was founded in May 2023, after we discovered a desire for translated content. Since then, the group whose main goal is translating different content in connection with the band has only grown and expanded. While a great deal of work is still done by speakers of Slovene, JOS would not be as successful without its other members. Social media managers, makers of closed captions, and editors are just a few people who really bring our translations to life.
2. Translation Process
Our translations have a large audience and, in some cases, they are even used by Slovene language teachers around Europe. We make sure to hold them up to a high standard: they are checked multiple times. Alongside our work being grammatically correct, we also want to ensure that the language remains neutral, in order not to implicate anything which does not occur in the original.
Communication-wise, we have a Discord server with many separate channels (for the various languages) and threads. We use Google Spreadsheets specifically for our translations, as using columns is a manageable approach. Column one contains the original text, column two has the translation. The following columns are reserved for comments.
Our translations are not always as simple as translating a written text. A great deal of the content we translate are either videos, radio interviews or podcasts. With those, creating a transcript is the first step. For videos, we also have to create closed captions with timings. Both of these processes are rather tedious, but the end result is a text ready for translation.
Once the first translation is finished, it is checked by a fellow member. For translations from Slovene, this will be a fellow Native Slovene speaker. The reviewer will correct the spelling, punctuation, and grammar of the translation in the form of comments, which the original translator can then approve or dismiss.
Still, the translation is not done yet. Our Native English speakers conduct the final correction of the text. This is mostly to find mistakes that have previously been missed, but English speakers also reshape the piece to make it sound as authentic as possible. The original translator again has a say in these corrections. Finally, our social media team publishes the piece.
Original translation
Check by Slovene speaker
Check by original translator
Check by native English speaker
Check by original translator
3. Translation Problems
As most of us can remember from our classes, translation is rarely done without a hitch. But when one is translating the work of five men in their twenties with diverse linguistic backgrounds (two members of the band grew up in bilingual environments), the work becomes even more difficult. And when these men use slang in their speech, the skills acquired in one’s university translation classes are almost useless.
One such example is an interview with the radio station Val 202, in which the lead singer Bojan Cvjetićanin talks about one of their departed band-members, Martin Jurkovič (who left the band in autumn of 2022 in order to pursue his studies). Bojan wanted to express that Martin was very successful in his field and therefore used the phrase ‘trga gate’ which does not have an equivalent in English. ‘Ripping underwear’ does not exactly mean ‘to be successful’ in English. As we wished to retain some of the vulgarity of the original, we translated the phrase as ‘kicking ass’.
“…. še je njemu v njegovih osebnih sferah odprlo v najboljši možni smeri, in tako kot rečemo mi, trga gate.”¹
… his personal spheres have taken off in the best possible way, and he is, as we say, kicking ass.
¹Joker Out between dreams and reality (Val 202: Music 202) - Part 1: Bojan and Jan
Alongside slang, dialects can also pose a challenge. As a promotion for their concert in Maribor, the band members organised a giveaway for two tickets. All the participants had to do was write down one of their favourite words from the Styrian dialect, before the band members shared their own. Jure Maček, the drummer of the band, said that his favourite word was ‘Štbljc’, which means ‘bedroom’. It would be nearly impossible to translate the word into English and somehow retain its Styrian colouring. In this case, we retained the original in the captions of the video and added a note with its meaning in English elsewhere. These culture-specific notes need to be done often.
“Štjblc je po moje blj.”²
‘Štjblc’* is better.
²[ENG SUB] 🇸🇮DanSlovenščine🇸🇮 A1 vajb: Joker Out share their favourite Styrian word!
Occasionally, Ljubljanščina, or the dialect spoken in Ljubljana, can also cause problems. In a video for A1 VAJB, Kris Guštin (one the guitarists) mentioned that his dream date would include the castle in Ljubljana, which is the city he grew up in. After listing the location, he said: “pa gasa.” Most of the JOS members understood ‘gasa’ as a narrow street, but it was clearly not used in this context here. After some consultation, we translated it as follows:
“Ljubljanski grad pa gasa.”³
Ljubljana Castle and away we go.
³[ENG SUB] What is your dream date? for A1 vajb
Slang and dialects are not the only elements causing us trouble, as the band members also tend to make up words on the spot. One such word, which luckily uses English word formation, has become quite a staple in the fandom. During the vlog of their first tour in the United Kingdom, the guitarist, Jan Peteh, coined the term ‘sparklative’. In addition, he coined the term ‘capybaster’ (capybara + capodaster) in another vlog. However, the most prolific when it comes to creating new terms and phrases is certainly the lead singer. In an Instagram Live back in February 2023 (translation yet to be published), the band was discussing whether they would prefer to be a mushroom or pregnant. Bojan responded that he would like to be “nosrečen’ (noseč + srečen). On a quest comparable to those of the people who had to translate the Harry Potter book series into Slovene, we had to coin a term which would sufficiently embody this neologism. With the help of a native English speaker, we coined the term ‘pregstatic’.
“Kar zabaven bi bil. V bistvu ej ej... v bistvu bi bil nosrečen.”⁴
It would be quite fun. I'd be basically, hey, hey... I'd basically be pregstatic.
⁴Joker Out Instagram Live (February 2023)
4. Original Content
As JOS expands, our work reaches beyond the realms of translation. We now also publish original content, such as our own podcast. Some episodes are readings of longer articles by our Native English speakers. We also have two episodes aptly called ‘Queue and A’ where a member of our team interviewed some fans while queueing for the concerts in Amsterdam (December 2023) and in London (April 2024).
Besides interviewing fans we have also managed to interview the band themselves on four occasions. Our first interview was filmed in Tampere, Finland in September of last year. Then an interview in Poznań, Poland was conducted in November 2023. In 2024 we have so far had two interviews (as of writing this article⁵): an hour-long deep-dive interview in London, UK and a shorter interview, discussing Italian culture in Padova, Italy. The interviews were conducted in English and subsequently translated into Slovene.
Moving forward, the goal of JOS is to keep on doing what we do best, which is to translate. We also hope to create more original content and continue to spread positivity in the fandom. To finish off with the words of the lead singer Bojan Cvjetićanin, “JokerOutSubs, no one translates it better.”®
⁵Between the time of originally writing this article and it being published, we managed to conduct another interview. This was our first interview with only one band member, Nace Jordan, and it was done in Slovene. Fret not, you can watch it with subtitles in 15 different languages.
#joker out#jokeroutsubs#bojan cvjetićanin#bojan cvjeticanin#jan peteh#kris guštin#kris gustin#jure macek#jure maček#nace jordan#jos: members#jos: masterpost#slovenian language#year: 2024#type: article#og language: english
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I have very strong opinions about disaster wizards, and especially THIS MOTHERFUCKER:
Listen, if you haven't played Pillars of Eternity, I understand. It's a bit niche unless you're like us olds who grew up on real-time-with-pause CRPGs in the 90's and early 00's (namely the original Baldur's Gate, BG2, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, and Neverwinter Nights). That type of gameplay appeals to a veeeeeery particular crowd of people, and if you weren't either super into the Forgotten Realms or D&D in general, it likely wasn't your bag.
THAT SAID - with Avowed coming out next week, I need to gush about one of my favorite fantasy worlds and its disaster wizard because I just love this stupid man so much.
Mild spoilers for Pillars of Eternity and Deadfire ahead:
Eora is a fantastically interesting world. It has some of the most unique fantasy races to play and explore, it leans into its darkness and philosophy hardcore, and it takes a look at gods and says "What's that, you pretentious fucks? Sit your asses down, you have no power over me."
The combat and mechanics system is intricate and complex, but vaguely familiar if you've played any form of tabletop RPG. It does its own thing while still being reminiscent of stats and mechanics with which you're likely familiar. If you're the kind of person that likes to theorycraft their character into a fine-tuned murder machine, you will like this system. If you aren't, that's fine too - there's an option to take all the thought out of the process and let the game level you up itself so you don't have to worry about it and can just roll around doing story stuff.
Pillars of Eternity had a friendship (but not romance) system, which sets you up to have the best found-family adventure with total nutjobs that also has more Matt Mercers than you can shake a stick at (seriously, if you pick a male PC and the right voice option, within the first 20 minutes, your party can be composed of exactly three Matts). It deals with your character, known as the Watcher, getting the world's worst split personality syndrome and having to hunt down the mystery behind why babies are suddenly being born with no souls.
Stick with me, this ride is WILD.
After you resolve this pretty inconvenient global cataclysm, you settle down in a keep you acquire during the course of the adventure, only for a god to wake up between game 1 and 2 in your basement and *checks notes* CRUSH YOU TO ALMOST-DEATH.
Oh, and he also takes a part of your soul. For funsies!
Berath, the god of death, offers to restore you to life to figure out what basement-god (Eothas) has planned so long as you agree to be their herald. While you can say no, that just ends the game, so your will to live means you're in on this whole thing and now you get to sail a boat to do it, for reasons, I guess.
Several of the companions from the first game reappear in this one, but to keep on topic, the most important one is Aloth. Why?
Aloth is one of my favorite disaster wizards because he has all my favorite tropes just... built right in:
Crippling self-confidence issues
A "split personality" (it's more complicated than that) that is both mortifying and also potentially one of the best characters in the game
A maker of Generally Bad Choices™
Canonically bisexual
Entirely non-committal (at least without a lot of work)
I say these are my favorite, but they're really just all the qualities that every other disaster wizard I've ended up falling for tend to have in some way. Aloth just winds up having them all, wrapped up in a handsome elven package, and then voiced by Matt Mercer because fuck me in particular, I guess, god damnit.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TED talk on why Aloth is amazing and more people need to romance this jerk. I say this with nothing but love—it's 100% worth it, even when he's breaking your heart (or his romance flag is bugged and you have to roll back three hours to fix it AHHAHAH GOD WHY).
Should you want to read along with the general flow of my head canon for my own playthrough, which is a helluva slow burn will they/won't they extravaganza, you can find the largely completed series here on AO3. There's even smut now!
Back to Solavellan Hell with me.
#pillars of eternity#pillars of eternity deadfire#avowed#aloth romance#aloth corfiser#tagging other fandoms that may find Aloth of interest including#gale dekarios#baldur’s gate 3#da solas#solavellan#dragon age#da2 anders#matt mercer#Watcher Idralia#watcher oc#I cursed a lot in this#i just feel so strongly about disaster wizards ya'll#disaster wizards amirite
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STORY: Finance Bros on Business
When Rafael and Wyatt get sent on a business trip, a raunchy movie leads these two young, straight finance bros to do things they never imagined they would.
Chapter 1
Sorry this one is kind of long, but I promise it's worth it!
Rafael and Wyatt worked at a small, relatively new investment firm in Hartford. They didn't know each other very well, as Rafael had started fairly recently, but they seemed to get along just fine in the few interactions they had together. The firm had sent them on an overnight business trip to New York City for a multi-day conference that could yield a lot of valuable connections for the firm. Rafael and Wyatt carried their bags up, and Rafael slid the key card into the door. They’d been on the road for a few hours, and they were ready to finally unwind—if only for a few minutes. As the door clicked open, they were met with an unexpectedly spacious, well-appointed suite.
The firm, despite its modest size, had clearly decided to splurge a bit for their accommodations. The entryway was warm and inviting, leading into a living space with a small but functional kitchenette complete with a coffee maker, a mini-fridge, and a couple of polished countertops. There was a large couch facing a flat-screen TV, with a glass door to a balcony that overlooked the cityscape, the late afternoon sun casting a golden glow across the room. There was a sizable bathroom off the entryway, also connected to the bedroom.
“Not bad,” Rafael remarked, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Wyatt, meanwhile, dropped his bag and threw himself onto the couch with exaggerated enthusiasm. “Not bad? This place is amazing!” he exclaimed, giving the cushions an approving pat. This was his first business trip, too, and he seemed eager to make the most of every detail. They carried their bags to the bedroom, a comfortable, cozy setup with two queen-sized beds and another television on the wall.
With hardly enough time to catch their breath, Rafael glanced at his watch and raised his eyebrows at Wyatt. “Guess we’d better head down. The first session starts soon.”
Wyatt gave a dramatic sigh but sat up, straightening his tie. They grabbed their notebooks and laptops, did a quick mirror check, and left the suite, heading down to the lobby to catch a cab. The conference center wasn’t far from the hotel, but their schedule was packed with back-to-back sessions—workshops, seminars, and panels on everything from emerging market trends to new tech and strategy innovations. The day was a blur of presentations, business cards, and hurried conversations. Both Rafael and Wyatt knew that by the time they returned to their suite, they’d be thoroughly exhausted.
The conference center was buzzing with energy, the air filled with a mix of formal greetings, excited chatter, and the rustle of name badges against suits. As Rafael and Wyatt navigated the lobby, they took a moment to take in the crowd. Finance professionals of all ages and backgrounds filled the space, each with a lanyard and a purposeful look.
They entered their first workshop, a session on emerging market trends. A panel of speakers took turns analyzing global economic shifts and their potential impacts on small and mid-sized firms. Rafael jotted notes rapidly, catching insightful comments and key stats he thought their firm might find valuable. Wyatt, meanwhile, listened intently, occasionally whispering to Rafael to ask if he'd caught a particular detail. It felt good to have someone there to bounce ideas off of—a sense of partnership started forming, subtle but reassuring.
Throughout the day, they moved from one session to the next. There was a mix of technical seminars, networking events, and open Q&A forums. At one panel, they met a few young professionals from other investment firms and exchanged business cards, discussing their respective strategies and challenges. It struck Rafael that, even though his own firm was small, many of the issues they faced were shared by firms twice their size.
As the hours wore on, fatigue started to set in. By the time they reached the final panel of the day, they were exhausted. When the session finally ended, they leapt up and got out of there as soon as they could.
Outside the conference center, they hailed a cab, settling into the worn leather seats with a collective sigh of relief. The city lights streaked past as they made their way back to the hotel, a quiet, comfortable silence settling between them. Wyatt stared out the window, watching the blur of people and lights, while Rafael leaned back, feeling the day’s exhaustion settle over him like a heavy blanket.
Once back at their suite, they dropped their bags by the door, kicking off their shoes before making their way to the couch. Rafael practically fell onto one end, while Wyatt plopped down on the other, letting out a long, exaggerated sigh as he sank into the cushions. They sat there in silence for a moment, the hum of the city muffled through the suite’s thick windows, feeling the day’s tension gradually ease away.
Wyatt broke the silence first. “Man, that was intense,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever been to anything that packed before.”
Rafael chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Same here. I mean, I knew it’d be busy, but I didn’t expect… well, that.” He gestured vaguely, as though trying to capture the whirlwind of information, networking, and near-constant note-taking.
Wyatt grinned. “Hey, at least we’ll have plenty to tell the team back home. If we can remember half of it.”
"Don't look at me, I actually took notes!" Rafael replied.
They laughed, the shared exhaustion turning their amusement into something bordering on delirium. After a beat, Rafael stretched, glancing at the clock. “Should we grab some food? There’s gotta be a decent room service menu.”
Wyatt’s eyes lit up. “Now you’re talking. I was actually craving pizza earlier.”
Rafael grabbed the menu from the coffee table and started scanning it. “Perfect. Let’s go all out—pizza, maybe some wings, and… ooh, look, they have cheesecake.”
“Done,” Wyatt said, nodding eagerly. “After today, I think we’ve earned it.”
A quick call to room service, and soon they were awaiting their feast. While they waited, they each kicked back, and Wyatt put a movie on the TV that they'd never seen before. Having worn restraining business attire all day, they undid their belts and unbuttoned their shirts, exposing their ripped bodies.
The food arrived in record time, filling the room with the rich, comforting aroma of cheese, garlic, and marinara. They each grabbed a slice and dug in, savoring the first real break they’d had since arriving in the city. As they ate, they found themselves discussing not only the day’s events but also bits and pieces about their lives outside of work. Rafael mentioned his move to Hartford, his adjustment to city life after growing up in a smaller town. Wyatt talked about his fascination with financial technology and how he’d fallen into investment almost by accident after college.
When they finished eating, they turned their attention back to the movie. The movie was a light-hearted but NC-17-Rated comedy, one neither of them had heard of, but it provided just the kind of mindless entertainment they needed. Between bites of cheesecake and a few more laughs, the conversation drifted naturally, punctuated by funny scenes.
However, neither of them expected the particularly raunchy sex scene that the movie included. Wyatt let out a whistle. "Woah! Damn, she's a fucking smokeshow," Wyatt quipped as the female actress stripped off her shirt, exposing her massive breasts. Rafael, embarrassed, nodded along. "Hell yeah!" he agreed. She was most definitely turning Rafael on, but having grown up in a strict, religious household, he wasn't always comfortable with sexual discussions among male colleagues, and it embarrassed him that the stunning actress on screen had given him a massive, growing erection in front of another guy. If they'd been in a movie theater, he could at least hide it in the darkness, but his massive dick would soon be plainly visible as a bulge in his black pants. Rafael quickly crossed his legs.
Meanwhile, the male actor on screen stripped down too, and he started pleasuring the woman orally—the action occurring just off screen, but her face and the sounds she let out said it all. Even if it was fake, it was still hot as fuck. "Oh fuuuuck," Wyatt moaned, as he adjusted himself, his impressive bulge standing out. He began rubbing himself just outside his bulge, but not quite touching it yet. Rafael meanwhile, could feel his massive erection straining against his pants. Precum soaked through, creating a wet, dark spot on his nice suit pants.
"Holy fuck, I'm so hard," Wyatt moaned out, his breathing becoming heavy, before he reached down and started to rub himself through his pants, the outline of his massive cock now very visible. The statement made Rafael uncomfortable, but at the same time, he was barely restraining himself as it is. As Wyatt rubbed himself, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his raging hard-on, the big 8-inch pole sticking straight up as he started stroking it.
"Woah, what the fuck, dude?!" Rafael said in shock, as Wyatt just moaned.
"Sorry, bro, can't help it," he said, his massive hand wrapped around his big cock, pumping it up and down. Wyatt turned around, caught Rafael's eye, and looked down at his bulging pants. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's hard," he said with a smirk. "Go ahead, I don't care."
"You want me to take it out?" Rafael asked, his face red with embarrassment. "You can't be serious!" Rafael felt it would be wrong, but at the same time, there was something about seeing Wyatt's big dick that made him feel bold and brave. His massive cock was clearly visible, the tip poking just slightly through his waistband and growing harder and harder by the minute.
"No worries man," Wyatt said with a laugh. "But you can't watch that hot chick getting eaten out on screen and not want to rub your dick!"
"Ugh, fuck..." Rafael moaned as his cock throbbed against the fabric restraining it. "Okay, fine!" Rafael finally said, and he stood up, pulling off his pants to reveal his massive 10-inch schlong, covered in precum.
"Jesus, you're fucking huge, dude," Wyatt remarked as his eyes widened in shock and envy.
Rafael stood, pumping his big dick, and turned to Wyatt. "You're not exactly small yourself," he said. He sat back down and started stroking himself in his hand, trying to ignore the hot guy next to him who was also rubbing himself. He wasn't used to masturbating in front of anyone—let alone another man, but the sight of Wyatt's massive pole had made him feel a sense of peer pressure, and the raunchiness of the movie was not helping at all.
"This chick is so hot," Wyatt moaned as he pumped his big dick in his fist, while Rafael did the same. "I wish she would give me a blowjob like that crazy girl I banged a few weeks ago. Fucking hell," he groaned as he moved his fist faster. Rafael looked over, feeling his cock get harder as he looked at Wyatt's big cock, which was now glistening with precum. "She had those fat tits and that big ass... Fuck, she loved sucking me off. You know, she almost made me cum down her throat," Wyatt moaned, his face contorted in pleasure. That girl could suck dick like you wouldn't believe."
Rafael, feeling the horniness of the situation, felt brave enough to reply. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he said, as he moaned. "A few weeks ago I went home with this chick who was a crazy good cocksucker."
The scene on screen was heating up, with the actress getting pounded, which had both guys moaning and stroking furiously. "God, she knows how to fuck," Rafael muttered, his cock getting ready to explode. He started bucking his hips as he stroked, his fist pumping in his hand. His big balls hung heavy as they watched the movie together, their mutual masturbation became more intense and more vocal. Wyatt pumped his cock until it was covered in his precum, which was leaking out and dripping onto his abs. Wyatt was close, but he wasn't quite ready to cum yet. Trying to distract himself from cumming, he took a break from jerking off his cock to lean over and take a peek at Rafael. He was tall, muscular, and had a massive cock.
"Damn, you've really got a big one," Wyatt said. He felt Rafael's cock, wrapping his hand around the thick shaft. The scene on the screen continued, and Rafael felt Wyatt's hand wrap around his massive pole. It was incredibly bold, but it felt amazing having Wyatt's large, muscled hand gripping him. Rafael's head shot back and he instinctively thrust into Wyatt's hand as his colleague squeezed him like a vice.
"Fuck!" Rafael shouted. Wyatt stroked Rafael's cock up and down, making it harder and thicker. "Wait, what the fuck are we doing?" Rafael said, but he was still pumping his dick into Wyatt's fist. He had never been with a man, but it was feeling good to have Wyatt's strong, muscular hand around his cock.
"Don't worry about it, just fucking enjoy it," Wyatt said as he sat up and repositioned himself next to Rafael, his own cock now pointing straight out towards Rafael. He'd never been with a guy either, but his extreme horniness and fascination with Rafael's massive cock had gotten the better of him.
Rafael took hold of Wyatt and started stroking him as well, his large hand working up and down the other man's dick, making Wyatt gasp. "Fucking hell, that feels amazing!" Rafael pumped the big pole with his fist, precum dripping out onto Wyatt's muscled abs. As Rafael stroked him, Wyatt moaned with pleasure. "oh fuck, you're really good at that," Wyatt said, his eyes half-closed in pleasure.
"Years of self-practice," Rafael moaned, matching Wyatt's strokes to his own. Their hands worked in unison, with Rafael stroking Wyatt and Wyatt jacking him at the same time. Their handjobs had a rhythm of their own, and it felt incredible to have each other's big cocks in their hands. "This is insane," Rafael groaned, but he couldn't stop, and Wyatt was still pumping Rafael's cock harder than ever. Wyatt's hands were massive, and he had a good stroke going on Rafael's cock. He used his precum for lube, sliding his hand up and down Rafael's shaft like a pro. Wyatt started rubbing Rafael's balls with his other hand, feeling their size as they hung heavy and full. Rafael moaned louder and pumped his cock into Wyatt's fist harder. "God fucking damn, you're making me so hard, dude," Rafael said. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" he said.
Rafael shot a massive load of cum into the air, which landed on Wyatt's ripped, muscular chest. Some of it even hit his face. "Holy shit, you cum like a fucking porn star," Wyatt said in amazement.
at the bar
by the hour
"Shit, you made me cum like one," Rafael replied, still pumping the last drops from his cock. The feeling of his massive load shooting into the air had been incredible. Wyatt still held Rafael's cock and started to lick him clean. "What the fuck?!" Rafael gasped in surprise as he felt Wyatt's tongue run up his cock. Wyatt sucked the remaining cum out of Rafael's softening dick, which felt amazing. Rafael couldn't help but moan at the sensation of Wyatt's mouth on his sensitive dickhead. "Shit dude, that feels incredible," he said as Wyatt licked the cock. Wyatt had never tasted cum before, but he'd started licking Rafael before he even realized what he was doing, and at this point he just couldn't stop himself. It tasted surprisingly salty.
Rafael's cock started to get harder again. Wyatt He wrapped his lips around the pole and began taking the shaft deeper in his mouth. Rafael's eyes widened in surprise. "Damn, what are you doing?" Rafael asked again in a moan, still in shock that this was actually happening. Rafael's cum tasted amazing, and Wyatt couldn't help himself. He licked the tip and then engulfed it with his mouth, sucking it as hard as he could. While Wyatt was generally as straight as they come and hadn't ever done anything with a guy before, his current horniness and natural lack of inhibitions had been just the right combination to put him in this position. Once he started however, he realized he didn't particularly hate blowing Rafael; his cum-soaked cock tasted surprisingly good, and he liked feeling the thick veins along his tongue.
"Fuuuuuck, you're so fucking big," Wyatt moaned. The cock was so big that it barely fit into his mouth. He moved his head up and down along the thick pole, taking in as much of Rafael's dick as he could. Girls always made it seem so difficult to blow him, and Wyatt rarely enjoyed when they did, but he realized how simple it really was here: as long as thought about what he enjoyed from blowjobs, he was able to transfer that knowledge into sucking Rafael. What really surprised him though, was how much he got off from seeing Rafael enjoy it.
Rafael grabbed Wyatt's head and started face-fucking him. Wyatt took more and more of Rafael's cock until finally he had Rafael's entire shaft in his mouth, the head of his dick against the back of his throat. Rafael held the back of Wyatt's head, and urged him on. He kept fucking Wyatt's mouth, forcing the massive pole deeper into his colleague's throat.
It was then that Wyatt's finger reached underneath and unexpectedly started rubbing Rafael's asscrack. "Wait, fuck... what are you doing," Rafael asked. Wyatt moved his finger to Rafael's asshole. He started toying with his opening, massaging the tight little hole with his fingers. Rafael felt a sensation he'd never experienced before, as Wyatt massaged the outside of his ass.
Without warning, Rafael felt his entire body tense up with pleasure as Wyatt shoved his finger inside, massaging Rafael's hole as he kept sucking his big cock. "Woah, what are you fucking doing?" Rafael shouted as he tried to pull back, but Wyatt held firm.
"Don't be a baby, relax dude," Wyatt said, before continuing his work on Rafael's ass. Rafael had never experienced this before, but the sensation of Wyatt finger-fucking him felt incredible. He moaned loudly in pleasure as Wyatt fingered his asshole and sucked his cock. When the pain started to subside, Rafael relaxed and let Wyatt finger him, the sensation feeling amazing. Wyatt was sucking harder now, and his finger was working its way inside of Rafael's ass, causing a new, intense sensation he had never experienced. But having just shot his load, Rafael was nowhere close to cumming again, forcing him to just deal with it. Rafael moaned in pleasure as Wyatt continued fingering his ass and sucking his cock. Neither of them were paying any attention to the movie on TV anymore, and certainly didn't notice that the sex scene had long since ended.
"Shit, this is so fucking tight," Wyatt muttered through gritted teeth, trying to force another finger into Rafael. Rafael bucked into Wyatt's face and then back onto Wyatt's fingers, involuntarily starting to move his hips in a circular motion, which finally forced Wyatt's second finger to penetrate him. Rafael groaned as he felt Wyatt force his way deeper, his ass clenching down on the thick digits. Wyatt pried his way further inside Rafael's ass until his fingers were up to his knuckles in Rafael's tight hole. Rafael's whole body tensed up with pleasure again, and he tried to move away, but Wyatt held fast, shorter but stronger of the two.
Rafael was breathing heavily through his nose, his cock in Wyatt's mouth and Wyatt's fingers deep in his ass. "Oh my god, this feels...so good..." he said, clearly surprised and not knowing what to do. His muscles relaxed completely as Wyatt kept finger fucking him, and Rafael finally felt himself start to really enjoy the sensation of being penetrated. It was not long after that when Wyatt began trying to get a third finger in there, and after much effort, Rafael felt himself stretching even more as Wyatt managed to get it in. "Ugh... shit!" Rafael groaned through his teeth. His ass was now accommodating three of Wyatt's thick fingers, and he could feel himself starting to stretch.
The feeling of Wyatt fucking his asshole with his three fingers was incredible, as much as he was hesitant to admit. "Fuck!" he said, completely enjoying the new sensations. "Shit... what are we doing..." Rafael said again, his brain trying to make him come to his senses, but by now he was bucking his hips against Wyatt's fingers in time with his thrusting in and out of Wyatt's mouth. Wyatt continued to thrust his fingers deep into Rafael's ass as he sucked his dick, and he could feel Rafael's hole squeezing him hard. "Whew, this is incredible," Rafael breathed as Wyatt finger-fucked him as deeply as he could, causing Rafael to moan in pleasure. "Fuck yes!" he pushed Wyatt down again.
Wyatt kept sucking Rafael's cock, and then pulled back. As Wyatt continued finger fucking Rafael's ass with three fingers, he decided to take things to the next level, and started spitting on Rafael's asshole. Wyatt pulled his fingers out, giving Rafael's sore ass a break before he pushed his legs back started to spit on it again. With Rafael's hole throbbing, Wyatt positioned his hard dick against it. "Fuck dude, stop, you can't put it in there," Rafael protested, but Wyatt was having none of it.
"Relax, dude," Wyatt said with a smile. "I'll go slow, don't worry." Wyatt scooped some of Rafael's jizz off his chest, lubing his cock up with Rafael's cum. Wyatt held Rafael's hips as his massive pole finally found its way into Rafael's tight ass. Wyatt put the tip of his cock against Rafael's now-soaked asshole. The head was pressed firmly into Rafael's hole, and with a grunt, Wyatt forced the tip inside.
"Wait, Wyatt," Rafael said, but before he could do anything, Wyatt shoved forward, impaling him on his hard cock. "Oh fuck... holy shit..." Rafael moaned, as Wyatt's cock stretched him. "Oh my god!" Rafael shouted as Wyatt forced his way deeper into him. His ass burned like a fire as it tried to accommodate Wyatt's huge dick. It was only after a few seconds that Rafael's hole began to relax enough to allow Wyatt inside. As Wyatt kept pushing, Rafael's ass eventually began to let him in, allowing Wyatt's hard cock to fill him. Rafael felt the pressure and pain in his stomach as Wyatt slowly pushed into him, until his entire cock was buried in Rafael's ass. "Motherfucking shit..." Rafael growled through gritted teeth, heaving from the pain. As he bottomed out, Rafael felt Wyatt's balls slap his asscheeks. Wyatt gave Rafael's ass a little time to adjust to his dick size. His fingers may have been big, but they most definitely couldn't compare.
"Fuck yes! Shit dude, you're so tight," Wyatt panted, his balls resting against Rafael's ass. He gave Rafael's butt a slap, causing him to moan loudly. Wyatt withdrew to the tip, then pushed all the way back into Rafael's ass, his big cock forcing Rafael's hole to its limits.
"Oh fuck!" Rafael growled, feeling the thrust of Wyatt's dick. Wyatt started slowly pumping his big dick inside of Rafael. "Fuck!" Rafael exclaimed again as Wyatt started to fuck him, his cock thrusting deeper into Rafael's ass. He held onto Rafael's hips tightly as he pumped his entire cock into his ass, burying himself in Rafael's tight asshole. As much as it hurt, for some reason he wasn't trying to stop Wyatt. The pain shot through Rafael, making him curse and clench down on Wyatt's dick, but he couldn't do anything to stop him. He gritted his teeth as Wyatt fucked him slowly and rhythmically, his cock finding Rafael's prostate. As Wyatt fucked into him, Rafael felt waves of intense pleasure shoot through his body, mixing with the pain. He moaned and groaned, feeling the intense sensations of his prostate being hit over and over, making him writhe with pleasure. As Wyatt fucked him, Rafael felt his ass start to get accustomed to Wyatt's massive pole. "Wow... this is fucking crazy... but starting to feel good..." he moaned in shock.
Rafael moaned loudly with pleasure and pain as he felt Wyatt thrust deeper and deeper into his ass, every inch of Wyatt's big dick filling Rafael's asshole. The sensation of Wyatt fucking him hurt so good, making his own cock start to harden again. He took a few deep breaths and began to breathe easier, and eventually felt the pain subside. Rafael started to rock his hips into Wyatt, enjoying the sensation of having his coworker deep inside him. "Shit, keep going!" Rafael growled in pleasure as Wyatt started fucking himself on Wyatt's big dick. "Yes, fuck!" Rafael said as he bucked into Wyatt.
Wyatt started thrusting slowly, fucking Rafael in a slow motion that made Rafael moan with pleasure. Rafael could feel Wyatt's dick hitting his prostate with every thrust. The feeling was incredibly good, and Wyatt knew it too. He took hold of Rafael's legs, pushing him into a piledriver position. Wyatt held his hips and started pumping his cock faster into Rafael. Wyatt started pounding Rafael's ass hard, and Rafael was taking his entire length.
"Ooh, yes!" Rafael moaned loudly. "Fuck my ass, Wyatt!" he screamed, and he bucked back into Wyatt's crotch. Wyatt smiled in satisfaction as he heard Rafael ask for more. Wyatt kept thrusting in and out, his big pole filling Rafael up, his dick repeatedly pounding him into the mattress. Rafael felt every inch of Wyatt's pole slamming into him. The cock felt incredibly thick, and was hitting him deep inside. Wyatt fucked Rafael with all his strength, slamming his cock into him over and over. With each thrust, Wyatt felt Rafael clench down on his cock, and each time Rafael screamed in pleasure. Wyatt smiled at how well he was taking it. "Fuck yes, take my dick!" Wyatt said to Rafael as he fucked him. Rafael screamed louder with each thrust. His whole body shuddered with pleasure and pain from the fucking Wyatt was giving him.
"Yeah, fuck, keep going dude," Rafael moaned as Wyatt pounded his ass. Wyatt continued fucking Rafael, pounding his cock deep into his asshole over and over. His thick cock had Rafael's hole stretched to the limit, and Wyatt's hips kept pounding against him with each thrust.
"Fuck, you're tight!" Wyatt said again. "Your ass is so goddamn tight!" he growled, thrusting harder into Rafael. Wyatt couldn't believe what he was doing, but it was the best sex he had ever had. Wyatt moaned loudly as he felt Rafael's hole squeezing down on his cock, forcing him close to orgasm.
"Yes, god... oh god," Rafael muttered in pleasure. Wyatt couldn't help but smile at the sight of Rafael's muscular body on the couch, moaning from the pleasure of his cock filling him up. As Wyatt fucked Rafael, he could feel his dick throbbing and his balls getting tighter. He was getting ready to cum. He fucked Rafael harder, his dick thrusting into him faster and faster. Wyatt felt himself nearing orgasm.
"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum!" he shouted, as Rafael moaned through the pain and pleasure. His dick was now fully hard again, and precum dripped out of it as it hung down between his legs. As Wyatt pounded him, Rafael moaned with pleasure, his ass getting reamed by the big cock inside him. He bucked his hips against Wyatt, taking his dick even harder.
As Wyatt continued pounding Rafael's ass, he felt his balls tightening. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" Wyatt said as his climax neared. He thrust deeper into Rafael, ready to cum inside him. "HOOOOLY Shiiiit! Fuck yeaaaah!" He roared, as he came inside Rafael. Wyatt emptied his balls, shooting his load into Rafael's ass. "Aaaaaggghh!!! Take my fuckin' load dude!"
"Oh my god..." Rafael grunted through his teeth. "It's so much fucking cum!" he shouted, feeling Wyatt's cum filling him up. He felt the load filling his ass, and it made him feel even better with Wyatt's dick inside him. It was the first time anyone had cum inside him, and it was amazing. He could feel the cum leaking out of his stretched hole, which only made him feel better.
"Holy shit, that was insane," Wyatt gasped, as his cock started softening. Wyatt pulled out of Rafael's ass and slapped it, making Rafael moan. He lay back, breathing heavily from the intense orgasm he'd just had. Rafael panted and moaned, catching his breath as he felt his load mix with Wyatt's inside him, having just been fucked with his own jizz.
Wyatt moved to get up, but Rafael took him by surprise and pushed him back on the couch. He had other ideas. "Not so fast, fucker. I still need to cum again," Rafael's newfound dominance taking him by surprise. Wyatt, not having the energy or willingness to resist, complied. "On your hands," Rafael ordered, and Wyatt turned around so his hands were pressed against the couch while his ass stuck out. Rafael spat on his fingers and started rubbing Wyatt's asshole, just as he'd done to him. As Rafael's fingers started to penetrate his ass, Wyatt could feel the sensation he'd given Rafael, and he suddenly realized that it felt amazing.
"Ooooh... I see why you liked it," Wyatt moaned as Rafael fingered his ass. Rafael penetrated Wyatt, quickly progressing up to three fingers and started fingering him the same way he'd been done. Wyatt moaned as he felt Rafael fuck his ass with his hand. He could feel Rafael's thick fingers working into his hole, making him moan. "Fuck!" Wyatt exclaimed, realizing what was about to happen.
As Rafael finger-fucked Wyatt, he felt Wyatt's asshole relaxing and letting him in. The feeling of Rafael's fingers stretching and penetrating his asshole was amazing, making him moan loudly in pleasure. Wyatt's cock started to leak precum onto his balls, and he was hard again. Rafael didn't let up. He kept finger-fucking Wyatt's tight hole, using his cum as lube. The feeling of his thick fingers stretching Wyatt's tight hole was incredible, making Wyatt moan as he was finger-fucked into the couch. "I think you're ready for it," Rafael grinned. He pulled his fingers out and stood up, aligning his dick with Wyatt's prepped hole. He spit on his massive cock and pushed the tip against Wyatt's hole.
"Whoooaaa, fuck, dude," Wyatt breathed. "That's a huge fucking dick!" he gasped, feeling Rafael's massive head press against his asshole. He suddenly felt Rafael push forward, and he felt the tip of Rafael's thick pole push into him.
"Oh fucking shit!!" Wyatt growled through his teeth, the pain and stretch from Rafael's cock unlike anything he'd ever felt. He felt Rafael's cock stretch his hole wide, making him gasp in shock. If he thought he's been big, Rafael seemed to be on a whole other level. Rafael kept pushing forward, forcing more and more of his huge cock into Wyatt's ass. The feeling was so intense that it made Wyatt moan and curse in pain, his hole clenching around Rafael's dick.
Rafael moaned in pleasure at the sensation of his huge pole finally penetrating Wyatt's ass, stretching the tight hole open. The pressure in his stomach and ass was intense as he felt Rafael start to bottom out, stretching him more than he'd ever been before. "HOLY SHIT!" Wyatt shouted. His eyes rolled back in his head as Rafael stretched him with his dick.
He felt Rafael finally bottom out in him, his huge dick forcing its way into him until it was all the way in. Wyatt moaned in pleasure and pain, his hole throbbing around Rafael's huge cock. He was amazed by how deep Rafael had penetrated him, and his breath came in short gasps. Rafael kept his cock buried deep inside of him, feeling how tight and warm Wyatt's ass was. "Fuck, you're so fucking tight..." he said through his teeth. As he bottomed out, Wyatt felt Rafael's balls slap him against his ass. He groaned in pain and pleasure as Rafael started moving in and out of him. With every thrust, Rafael moaned. "Yes... take my cock dude..." he grunted as Wyatt groaned at the sensation.
Rafael slowly started fucking Wyatt in a deep motion that made his balls slap Wyatt's asscheeks with every thrust. Rafael moaned and Wyatt grunted with pleasure, the feeling of his huge pole stretching Wyatt's hole making him feel incredible. Rafael held onto Wyatt's shoulders as he started thrusting faster, his entire cock slamming into him over and over again. "Ooooh fuck, yessss..." Rafael breathed, his body shuddering as he fucked Wyatt, making Wyatt curse in pleasure. With every thrust, Wyatt moaned louder as his prostate was hit by Rafael's huge dick.
"Hooolly shit... fucking insane," Wyatt panted. Rafael thrust harder and withdrew to the tip, then started thrusting slowly back into him. Rafael's entire cock slid out of Wyatt and then back into him, filling his ass entirely. "Ooooohhhhhh!" Wyatt shouted. The feeling was incredible and his hole squeezed down on Rafael. His ass had never felt this good before, and Rafael started fucking him slowly. His massive pole filled Wyatt's hole with every thrust, making Wyatt shout with pleasure. Rafael fucked Wyatt like he had been fucked earlier, and the feeling was incredible for Wyatt too. The way his huge dick felt in Wyatt's ass, hitting his prostate and filling him up, was beyond anything Wyatt had ever experienced. "OH GOD!" he yelled again, feeling Rafael thrust even harder. Rafael moaned with Wyatt, and Wyatt was panting like crazy from the pleasure he was feeling. "YESSS! Harder!" Wyatt grunted. He started fucking Wyatt like a machine, his entire dick pumping into him in a fast, smooth motion. Wyatt grunted and moaned with pleasure as he was fucked harder and harder, his ass being reamed and filled up. He'd seen how much Rafael had enjoyed getting fucked after the initial pain subsided, but he'd never imagined it would feel this good.
As Rafael fucked him in and out, Wyatt felt his hole squeezing down on him. Rafael couldn't believe how good it felt...though he would never admit it, it was nothing compared to when Wyatt had fucked him. As he fucked into Wyatt's tight ass, he could feel Wyatt clenching down on him with every thrust. With each hit to his prostate, Wyatt moaned again, more loudly than the last time. "Fuck me!" Wyatt moaned loudly. "Holy shit... you're so fucking big!" he said between moans. Wyatt's ass clenched down on Rafael's huge cock again as his prostate was hit, and he cried out in pleasure and pain. "Wooooww! Rafael... you're fucking me so good! Your cock is huge!" he grunted as Rafael kept fucking him. Wyatt took deep breaths, his asshole clenching down tighter around Rafael's massive dick. "Fuck, that's so good!" Wyatt exclaimed, as Rafael's massive cock filled him repeatedly.
"Yeeeaaahh fuck!" Rafael moaned, his dick hitting Wyatt's prostate over and over again. "Agghhh! Fucking take it, bitch!" The feeling of Wyatt's ass around his huge cock was incredible, and it made Rafael feel like he was in heaven. Rafael fucked Wyatt harder, pounding him in and out. Rafael's entire body was covered with sweat, his muscles tense from fucking Wyatt as hard as he could. His dick felt incredible in Wyatt's tight hole. As Rafael fucked him, Wyatt moaned and screamed with pleasure, his prostate getting repeatedly hit by Rafael's massive pole. "Whaaa... holy shit... yes! You're so deep!" Wyatt shouted as Rafael continued to pound his ass.
Wyatt could feel his second load coming on, his cock starting to shoot precum everywhere. As Rafael fucked him deeper and faster, Wyatt's orgasm neared. He could feel Rafael pounding his prostate and stretching his hole wide open, and suddenly it was too much for him. "Fuck yeah! I'm cumming!!" he screamed through his teeth. Wyatt's ass clenched tighter and tighter on Rafael's huge pole, squeezing his dick almost to the point of pain. "FUUUUUUUUUUCK! YESSSS! FUCK ME!" he shouted as he came again. His entire body started to shudder as his load shot out of his dick again, covering his abs and chest in his cum, along with the couch. His cock bounced off his abs repeatedly, shooting cum in every direction.
"Ohhh, god..." Rafael panted as he fucked Wyatt's tight ass harder and harder. As Rafael felt Wyatt's prostate clenching his cock again, he knew Wyatt was cumming. "Fuck yeah, bitch..." he grunted, his cock throbbing from Wyatt's tightening hole. "Cum for me, Wyatt... cum for me... take my cock!" Rafael growled through his teeth as he thrust into Wyatt's ass again and again. As Wyatt's load came out, Rafael felt his own orgasm nearing. He had already cum a lot that night, and he knew it would be another huge load.
"Arrgghhh...I'm gonna fucking cum," Rafael growled, fucking Wyatt as fast as he could. As Rafael fucked Wyatt even harder, Wyatt felt Rafael's cock start to swell up. "Fu-ucking T-take it!" Rafael grunted between moans, his massive pole emptying into Wyatt's asshole. "Aggghhhh!!!" He grunted. Rafael came deep inside Wyatt, pouring a huge load into his ass.
Wyatt could feel the huge load pouring into him. His ass was stretched to the maximum, and it was feeling like his stomach would burst. He could hear Rafael moan in pleasure as he cummed inside him, filling him up. Wyatt groaned loudly as Rafael unloaded deep inside him.
"Oh my god... fuck!" Wyatt groaned as Rafael pumped into him with huge amounts of cum, feeling himself get filled up to the point where his asshole started to overflow. The cum poured into him, and as Rafael continued pumping, some of the load started to run down Wyatt's legs. Wyatt moaned loudly from the feeling of being filled up with cum. He could feel Rafael emptying everything he had into him, his cock pulsating and throbbing as he emptied deep into Wyatt's tight asshole.
When he finished, he collapsed on top of Wyatt, his cock still inside of him. They both breathed heavily, panting from the amazing fucking they had just given each other. "Wow..." Rafael panted, "that was fucking insane..."
"Yeah, fuck..." Wyatt said. "It was fucking amazing. Holy shit, I never knew it could be like that." Wyatt said as he felt Rafael's cum start to leak out of his stretched asshole. Rafael pulled his softening cock out, and it flopped out of him with a small squirt of cum, making Wyatt whimper and moan from the withdrawal. Wyatt could feel Rafael's cum dripping out of him, and the sensation felt amazing.
Rafael collapsed next to him, both of them breathing heavily and exhausted from the incredible fucking they'd just done.
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The US women’s national soccer team will defend its title as world champions this summer at the FIFA Women‘s World Cup 2023 in Australia and New Zealand. The tournament will also mark the first time the US Women’s National Team will play with equal pay to the US Men’s National Team. This watershed moment was a goal of rɘ―inc, the lifestyle brand co-founded by USWNT members Tobin Heath, Christen Press and Megan Rapinoe and former member Meghan Klingenberg.
Pentagram has continued its ongoing collaboration with rɘ―inc with its latest collection, Written in the Stars, inspired by the World Cup and the trailblazing members of the USWNT. The campaign celebrates athletes, artists and activists who are making a constellation of change, illuminating the path forward, and finding their destiny. (And when teams win the World Cup, they receive a badge with stars—can the two-time US champions get their third star?)
The branding reimagines the rɘ―inc logo as a constellation, playing off the hyphen in the mark with a network of lines that are used to build different graphics. These include a “2023” that links the brand’s guiding principles—activism, reinvention, defying expectations, and more—in an interconnected system that visualizes equity and unity, and a group of great players globally coming together as one.
A new insignia mirrors the logo with the games’ location flipped upside down, a play on Down Under. The collection also features a variety of interpretations on the starry theme in collabs with independent designers and makers like Ryoko Rain, UN/DN, USSF, Bkr and Storied Hats.
The Pentagram team curated a special color palette for the line, giving each color a playful name that ties into women’s soccer, like “Mrs. Graham’s Green,” a tribute to Helen Graham Matthews, who founded one of the first female soccer teams in 1881; “Ranger Rose,” after Beverly Ranger, the Jamaican former footballer who helped grow the game in Germany; and “Allez Gold,” a play on the French yell for “go,” and the USWNT win at the 2019 Women’s World Cup in France, where the crowds also chanted “equal pay!”
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Crowdsourcing: not a new concept

what is crowdsourcing?
By using the Internet, social media, and smartphone apps, a huge number of individuals can contribute their work, information, or opinions through a process known as crowdsourcing.
While some crowdsourcing participants carry out menial jobs willingly, others work as paid freelancers. For instance, in order to give app users access to up-to-date, real-time information, traffic applications such as Waze incentivize drivers to self-report accidents and other traffic occurrences. (Hargrave, 2022) Crowdsourcing is a collaborative approach that involves sourcing information, ideas, or services from a wide and diverse group of individuals, known as the "crowd." This decentralized method relies on the collective intelligence and varied expertise of contributors, often facilitated through online platforms. Crowdsourcing is characterized by an open call for participation, inviting individuals to provide solutions, ideas, or content to address specific challenges or tasks.
Crowdsourcing in crisis
Amid the global, ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, among the tireless work of health care workers, policy makers, and government officials across various nations, there is another player with “skin in the game” if you will—crowdsourcing projects. Crowdsourcing is a model whereby individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas, from a large, relatively open community of digital media, Internet users, and an entire array of diverse stakeholders sharing a common interest from a range of perspectives and experiences.1 Although crowdsourcing originated long before the advent of digital age, in the current era of social media and other digital outlets, crowdsourcing has become a fairly commonplace solution. (Desai, 2020) Crowdsourcing in health and medical mostly started in the bioinformatics and technology fields about 2010. Its broad usefulness in disaster crisis management has, however, mostly gone unutilized. We address the ongoing and present uses of crowdsourcing in the COVID-19 era from this point of view. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has infected > 5 million people worldwide and caused > 330,000 deaths at the time of this writing, is no less than a disaster crisis, albeit biological. A disaster life cycle consists of the steps taken in planning for and responding to a particular disaster (Fig 1). This disaster cycle is used throughout the emergency management community, from the local to the national and international levels. We saw similar disaster mitigation (social distancing), preparedness (quarantine restrictions), response (masking), and recovery efforts during the 1918-1920 seasonal H1N1 flu pandemic. (Kuderer, 2020)
Community for creatives
Crowdsourcing funding for projects, businesses, and causes is expected to grow to be a $300 billion industry in the near future, according to estimations made by the crowdfunding trends blog Fundly. In 2017, Stanford University student Nicholas Benavides, the creator of the Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition for Students, conducted an analysis of over 2,000 Kickstarter project data to identify the elements of a successful crowdfunding campaign. Benavides surveying the terms used in a campaign's title and blurb using the Kaggle Kickstarter dataset developed a model that could predict a campaign's success with 75% accuracy. (Sickler, 2020) Among his major findings was that the most common words–game, new, design, world–appeared equally in both funded and unfunded campaigns. The major point of differentiation was not in word choice but between those categories inherently more social in nature, such as Comics, Dance, Music, Theater and Design, and solo practices like Craft and Journalism. Social categories were simply a more natural fit for the success criteria of crowdfunding.
Role of crowdsourcing in Web3
Crowdsourcing in Web3 refers to the decentralised process of obtaining goods or services from a large, undefined group of people via the internet, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. The role of crowdsourcing in Web3 is to empower individuals and communities to collaborate and contribute their skills, knowledge, and resources to create and maintain decentralised applications and services that are more equitable, transparent, and secure. This can lead to increased innovation, collaboration, and democratisation in the development and deployment of new technologies, as well as in the creation of new forms of governance and value exchange. (Reffell, 2023)
Crowdsourcing in Web3 examples:-
DAOs: Decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) are organisations that are run through rules encoded as computer programs on a blockchain network. DAOs are governed by their members, who vote on proposals and make decisions collectively. Examples of DAOs include MakerDAO and Aragon.
Prediction Markets: Prediction markets are decentralised platforms that allow users to make predictions on the outcome of events and earn rewards for accurate predictions. Examples of prediction markets include Augur and Gnosis
Decentralised Exchanges (DEXs): Decentralised exchanges are platforms for trading cryptocurrencies and tokens without the need for a central authority or intermediaries. Examples of DEXs include Uniswap and Curve.
Decentralised Identity Systems: Decentralised identity systems are platforms that allow users to control and manage their personal information and data, rather than relying on central authorities or intermediaries. Examples of decentralised identity systems include Sovrin and uPort.
In conclusion, by utilising the combined knowledge of many participants, crowdsourcing has the potential to revolutionise creativity and problem-solving. Its capacity to combine a variety of viewpoints and abilities not only encourages innovation but also offers an economical way to address difficult problems. Its attractiveness stems from the speed at which solutions are generated and the active participation of communities, which fosters the growth of unorthodox ideas. But obstacles like upholding quality control and handling moral issues like equitable recompense and privacy issues highlight the necessity of cautious execution. With the integration of intelligent algorithms and automation in technology, crowdsourcing looks to have a bright future ahead of it, providing even more effective and significant collaboration in a variety of disciplines.
Desai, A., Kuderer, N. M., & Lyman, G. H. (2020). Crowdsourcing in crisis: Rising to the occasion. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, (4), 551–554. https://doi.org/10.1200/cci.20.00054
Hargrave, M. (n.d.). Crowdsourcing: Definition, how it works, types, and examples. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crowdsourcing.asp#:~:text=While%20crowdsourcing%20often%20involves%20breaking,samples%20for%20a%20small%20fee.
Reffell, C. (2023, February 7). What is the role of crowdsourcing in web3?. Crowdsourcing Week. https://crowdsourcingweek.com/blog/crowdsourcing-in-web3/#:~:text=Crowdsourcing%20in%20Web3%20is%20made,transactions%20and%20interactions%20between%20participants.
Sickler, E., & Erin Sickler Erin Sickler is a mindfulness & creativity coach living in the Hudson Valley. A former NY art curator. (2020, September 2). How to launch a Creative Crowdfunding Campaign for your next art project. art journal. https://artrepreneur.com/journal/creative-crowdfunding-for-artists/#:~:text=A%20well%2Ddesigned%2C%20online%20crowdfunding,win%20you%20fans%20for%20life.
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Custom Academic Trophies in Dubai: Celebrate Achievements
In the vibrant, fast-paced city of Dubai, where excellence is a way of life, recognizing academic achievements has never been more important. Whether it’s a student acing their exams, a team winning a debate competition, or a school celebrating its top performers, a custom trophy is the perfect way to honor these milestones. Custom academic trophies in Dubai are more than just awards—they’re symbols of hard work, dedication, and success that inspire students to reach for the stars.
Why Choose a Custom Trophy for Academic Achievements?
A custom trophy stands out because it’s tailored to the moment. Unlike generic awards, custom trophies allow schools, universities, and educational institutions in Dubai to create something unique that reflects the significance of the accomplishment. Here’s why they’re the ideal choice:
Personalization: Add names, dates, or specific achievements—like “Top in Mathematics 2025” or “Best Research Project”—to make the award truly special.
Cultural Relevance: Incorporate designs that resonate with Dubai’s rich heritage or modern flair, blending tradition with innovation.
Motivation: A beautifully crafted custom trophy serves as a lasting reminder of success, encouraging students to keep pushing forward.
In a city known for its towering achievements, from the Burj Khalifa to world-class education hubs, celebrating academic excellence with a bespoke trophy feels only fitting.
Trending Designs for Custom Academic Trophies in Dubai
Dubai’s dynamic design scene influences everything, including custom trophies. Here are some trendy ideas for academic awards in 2025:
Minimalist Elegance: Sleek, simple designs with clean lines and metallic finishes are gaining popularity, reflecting Dubai’s modern aesthetic.
Crystal Accents: Sparkling crystal bases or toppers add a touch of luxury, perfect for prestigious academic honors.
Sustainable Materials: Eco-friendly trophies made from recycled metals or biodegradable resins align with global green trends and appeal to environmentally conscious institutions.
Tech-Infused Awards: Think trophies with QR codes linking to digital certificates or augmented reality features—perfect for tech-savvy students in Dubai’s forward-thinking schools.
Geometric Shapes: Angular, futuristic designs inspired by Dubai’s iconic architecture make for eye-catching awards.
These trends ensure that every custom trophy not only celebrates achievement but also mirrors the city’s innovative spirit.
The Process: Crafting Your Custom Trophy
Creating a custom trophy in Dubai is easier than you might think. Local manufacturers and suppliers offer a seamless process:
Concept Development: Share your vision—whether it’s a trophy for a spelling bee or a university graduation.
Design Customization: Work with artisans to choose materials (metal, acrylic, crystal, or wood) and add engravings or logos.
Production: Skilled craftsmen bring the design to life, ensuring every detail is perfect.
Delivery: In a city that values efficiency, your trophies arrive on time for the big event.
Dubai is home to a range of expert trophy makers who specialize in high-quality, bespoke designs, making it simple to find the right partner for your needs.
Making Moments Memorable
Imagine a student stepping onto a stage in Dubai, the spotlight gleaming off their custom trophy as the crowd cheers. That’s the power of a personalized award—it transforms a moment into a memory. Whether it’s for a primary school science fair or a university research symposium, custom academic trophies elevate the experience, showing recipients their efforts are valued.
For schools and institutions, these trophies also strengthen community pride. A display case filled with unique awards becomes a testament to a culture of excellence, inspiring current and future students alike.
Where to Get Custom Academic Trophies in Dubai
Dubai’s trophy market is booming, with suppliers offering everything from budget-friendly options to luxurious, high-end designs. Look for providers who:
Offer full customization, from shape to engraving.
Use premium, durable materials.
Understand the local education landscape and can tailor designs accordingly.
Whether you’re in Deira, Jumeirah, or near the Dubai Knowledge Park, you’re never far from a skilled craftsman ready to bring your custom trophy vision to life.
Celebrate Success in Style
In a city that thrives on ambition, custom academic trophies in Dubai are more than just keepsakes—they’re a celebration of the pursuit of knowledge. They honor the students, educators, and institutions shaping the future, one achievement at a time. So, the next time you’re planning an academic event, consider a custom trophy to make it unforgettable. After all, in Dubai, excellence deserves nothing less.
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What do you think they’ll write about, knowing that they’re flammable?
So, the ink and paper and symbols all burn. Culpable ink-makers, paper makers, symbol-teachers look on, in fear. In their endings, their prior business in printing lies that preach the criminalization of dissent will not save them and will not give them more cordial removal from the crowd that remains. Grabbed by the underarms and reminded of the forces behind this one man’s hand, then another on your right, gripping tighter, avoiding your gaze more than the other, but visibly staring feverishly in his peripheral. Bruises that might outlive your voice. If you consider the ease of our ability to drop like flies after buzzing too close to the microphone. The frontlines and the sacrificial offering. In what lore would a king be tasty enough to offer? When they run out of defiled bodies that hide their crimes, will the lava lick their lungs and laugh, that no god would accept such a filthy offering. Witches, the powerful imprisoned, were burned on the logs left behind on the hills bald and razed for your papers. What do we write to the unknown readers? To the never-read? Our secrets and stories and we print them in small fine print, tucked in a crease of the doorframe and cabinet. Anything so secret, reminding every person how dangerous it is to represent yourself, we can write to be burned and left behind too. It means something, that they burn this down, that they dissect these things. We would prefer the blind eye, the way we would prefer not owning an alarm clock.
The meaning lies in the ashes and brooms and water thrown by other hands. Ungloved, obedient, pulling scraps to inspire among themselves, while the controlling hands close the door impatiently.
What regrets do the writers of flammable books plead for others to learn from?
Every piece of media I nip at has sunk me into the core of what makes up a “bad trip.” Screenshotting amateur and major news headlines, comment section conspiracies, and official government exclamations - because I used to be very interested in this topic and was successfully deterred from continuing my desire for knowledge of the functions and current events in local and global systems. It’s difficult to get back into it. I’m avoiding referencing specifics and doing background knowledge for all sorts of mental block excuses, but I the think the most relevant reason is that these core issues reflect my triggers in awful situations in a direct and physical correlation to the larger systemic issues. The dissociation required to participate, when unhealed, is detrimental to the physical self. This energetic direction of current events has no place to succeed in benefitting from our fears, now that there is only flammable paper. It’s a blessing to feel mentally and physically stable and thriving within the volcano-zone enough to dive back into writing and researching and creating and enjoying. The gods consider this a basic fact of life, the ones who watch from frivolous cloud castles in luxury, willingly ignoring the cries for calm waters.
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Web Summit Crowd Skeptical of Scale AI CEO’s AI War Narrative
Scale AI CEO Faces Pushback at Web Summit Over AI War Narrative
In a bold and controversial move last month, Scale AI CEO Alexandr Wang took out a full-page ad in The Washington Post, urging President Trump that "America must win the AI war." His statement set off a wave of mixed reactions, culminating in an intense debate during his appearance at Web Summit Qatar.

Web Summit Audience Rejects Wang’s AI War Narrative
During the opening night of Web Summit Qatar, Axios’ Felix Salmon polled the audience about Wang’s stance. When asked who agreed with the idea that the U.S. must win the AI war, only two hands went up. In contrast, an “overwhelming” number of attendees raised their hands in disagreement, signaling a strong pushback against Wang’s rhetoric.
Salmon then invited Wang to defend his position. Wang argued that AI is poised to “fundamentally change the nature of national security.” Drawing from personal experience, he explained that he grew up in Los Alamos, New Mexico—known as the birthplace of the atomic bomb—where both of his parents were physicists at the National Lab.
A Race Between the U.S. and China?
Wang views AI as a competitive race between the U.S. and China. He expressed concerns that AI could enable China to surpass the military capabilities of Western nations, which prompted his decision to publish the full-page ad.
This stance aligns with a growing narrative among defense tech startups and venture capitalists advocating for increased autonomy in AI-powered weaponry. These proponents argue that China could deploy fully autonomous AI weapons, whereas U.S. policy requiring human decision-makers in critical military decisions may hinder its defense capabilities.
U.S. vs. China in LLM Development
Beyond military applications, Wang also framed AI development as a binary choice between the U.S. and China, particularly when it comes to large language models (LLMs). He did not acknowledge other global competitors like France’s Mistral but insisted that U.S.-based AI models prioritize free speech, whereas Chinese models reflect communist ideology and government censorship.
Researchers have indeed found that many Chinese LLMs incorporate government censorship, and concerns over state-imposed backdoors for data gathering continue to raise red flags about the security of Chinese AI models.
Scale AI’s Growing Influence and Qatar Partnership
The timing of Wang’s talk was particularly notable as Scale AI simultaneously announced a new agreement with the Qatari government. Under this partnership, Scale AI will assist Qatar in building 50 AI-powered government applications spanning sectors like healthcare and education.
While Scale AI is best known for its workforce of contract data labelers—many of whom are based overseas—the company plays a significant role in training AI models for tech giants like OpenAI, Microsoft, and Meta. Scale AI also provides various AI solutions, including an AI data engine and AI-powered applications, some tailored for defense applications.
The AI Superpower Debate: Who Should Lead?
Wang’s pro-American stance may resonate with his customers in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). However, the overwhelmingly negative reaction at Web Summit Qatar suggests that many in the global tech community are uncomfortable with the notion of any one country—whether the U.S. or China—wielding unchecked AI dominance.
As AI continues to reshape industries, economies, and national security landscapes, the debate over global AI leadership remains as contentious as ever. The Web Summit discussion made one thing clear: AI’s future is not just about technological advancement but also about the values and ethical considerations that come with it.
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The AUDUSD PPI Playbook: Unlocking Hidden Moves Before the Crowd Why Traders Miss the AUDUSD + Producer Price Index (PPI) Goldmine (And How You Won't) Ever placed a trade on AUDUSD and watched it tank faster than your excitement for that Netflix show everyone hyped up? Yeah, we've all been there. But what if I told you that one sneaky economic indicator holds the key to getting ahead of those market moves—before they hit the headlines? Welcome to the underground world of the Producer Price Index (PPI). For those thinking, “PPI sounds like an app I forgot to uninstall,” buckle in—we're about to turn this dry-sounding metric into your new favorite trading weapon. The Little-Known Reason PPI Moves AUDUSD Harder Than You Think First, let’s demolish a myth: Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the only inflation data that matters. Wrong. PPI is the whisper before the scream. While CPI measures what consumers are paying, PPI tracks what producers are charging each other. It often moves first. If producers are paying more today, consumers will be paying more tomorrow. Smart traders front-run the crowd by watching PPI like a hawk. “PPI tends to lead CPI by a few months,” says Kathy Lien, Managing Director of BK Asset Management. “Sharp changes in PPI often foreshadow CPI surprises.” (Source: BK Asset Management) When it comes to AUDUSD, this becomes especially potent because of Australia's heavy reliance on commodity exports. Rising production costs signal upstream inflation, which can push the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) to tighten policy. Hidden Pattern: AUDUSD often reacts preemptively to strong PPI releases before CPI confirmation. Insider Trick: The Aussie + US Divergence Play Here’s where things get spicy. AUDUSD is a tale of two PPIs: - Australia’s PPI (quarterly release) hints at RBA's future moves. - US PPI (monthly release) shakes up the Fed expectation game. Smart money thrives on divergence. When Australian PPI is hot, but US PPI cools off, AUDUSD often rallies hard. Example (2023): - Australia’s Q2 PPI surged 3.9% YoY (ABS Data). - US July PPI came in soft at 0.8% YoY (BLS Data). AUDUSD jumped over 2% within days, as traders sniffed out a hawkish RBA and a dovish Fed split. Underground Tactic: Watch for contrasting PPI releases. Divergence triggers bigger moves than uniform strength/weakness. The Forgotten Window: Front-Running PPI Leaks (Without Breaking the Law) Market pros often react to PPI within seconds. How do they do it? They cheat... legally. “Many institutional traders use supply chain data and commodity price shifts to estimate PPI before release,” says Boris Schlossberg, co-founder of BKForex. (Source: BKForex) You can get an edge too: - Copper prices: Australia is a major producer. Spikes often precede hotter PPI. - Freight rates: Rising shipping costs hint at rising producer expenses. - Input costs (oil, gas, metals): Check indices like S&P GSCI before PPI week. Ninja Move: Build a quick-check dashboard combining commodity prices and global freight indices. StarSeedFX Smart Trading Tool can automate data feeds, saving you hours. (Check it out) Hidden Gem: PPI and AUDUSD Breakout Timing Most traders pile in on release day—too late. PPI moves AUDUSD most violently in pre-market thin liquidity hours. Sweet Spot: 30-60 minutes before the US session open (12:30-13:30 GMT). Why? Market makers widen spreads overnight, creating breakout zones. When PPI data aligns with these levels, AUDUSD explodes faster than your coffee machine at 5 AM. Real-World Case Study (October 2023): - US PPI printed above expectations at +2.2% YoY. - AUDUSD cracked key support during pre-US hours. - Breakout added 50 pips before the New York crowd woke up. Pro Move: Identify pre-PPI price clusters. Use pending orders around these zones before the crowd floods in. Myth Busted: You Don’t Need 8 Screens to Trade PPI Like a Pro Most retail traders think trading news like PPI requires Bloomberg terminals and an espresso IV drip. False. What you really need: - Economic Calendar: Set alerts for Australia + US PPI (StarseedFX Forex News). - Pattern Recognition: Identify pre-PPI support/resistance zones. - Execution Plan: Set pending buy/sell stops before release (adjust risk based on volatility). Elite Shortcut: Download the free StarseedFX Trading Plan to lock in your strategy and avoid impulse trading. (Grab it here) Key Takeaways (Print This and Thank Me Later): - PPI is an early warning signal for AUDUSD moves before CPI confirmations. - Divergence matters: Australia vs. US PPI contrast fuels sharper rallies/drops. - Pre-market timing beats release-day noise. - Commodities & shipping hint at PPI trends before release. - Pending orders > FOMO clicks. Final Word: Don’t Chase, Plan Ahead PPI trading isn’t about gambling on releases. It’s about building a system that sniffs out subtle shifts before others catch on. Test the waters, refine your setup, and turn that forgotten data point into your AUDUSD cheat code. —————– Image Credits: Cover image at the top is AI-generated Read the full article
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Inhorgenta 2025: Why Choose an Exhibition Stand Builder in Munich

Inhorgenta 2025 in Munich is one of the most highly anticipated events in the global jewelry, watch, and gemstone industries. As the exhibition draws near, businesses from around the world are preparing to showcase their latest collections and innovations. For those planning to participate, creating a lasting impression is paramount. To stand out in a crowded exhibition hall, you need more than just a great product—you need a professionally designed and expertly fabricated exhibition stand.
As an experienced Exhibition Stand Builder in Munich, Globstar Exhibitions offers tailored solutions that help your brand capture attention, engage visitors, and leave a memorable mark at Inhorgenta 2025. This blog will explain why Inhorgenta 2025 is crucial for your business and how Globstar Exhibitions can elevate your brand presence.
Why Inhorgenta 2025 Matters
Inhorgenta 2025 is not just another trade fair. It’s a key event in the jewelry, watch, and gemstone industries, attracting thousands of industry professionals from all over the globe. With a rich history and strong reputation, Inhorgenta offers businesses an unparalleled opportunity to showcase their latest collections to key decision-makers, buyers, and distributors.
Whether you’re a small boutique jewelry designer or a global brand, participating in Inhorgenta 2025 is an investment in your business’s future. However, with hundreds of exhibitors, the challenge lies in ensuring that your brand stands out among the crowd.
This is where choosing the right exhibition stand builder in Munich becomes critical.
Why You Need a Professional Exhibition Stand Builder
An exhibition stand is far more than a space to display your products. It’s a dynamic marketing tool that communicates your brand message, attracts visitors, and drives engagement. To make a lasting impression at Inhorgenta 2025, you need an exhibition stand that not only reflects your brand’s identity but also provides a comfortable and interactive experience for visitors.
Here’s why hiring an exhibition stand builder in Munich like Globstar Exhibitions is essential:
Custom Designs that Reflect Your Brand: Your exhibition stand should be an extension of your brand’s identity. A professional exhibition stand builder will work with you to design a booth that communicates your unique story, values, and style. Whether you’re promoting luxury jewelry, innovative timepieces, or cutting-edge gemstones, a tailored stand will set you apart from competitors.
At Globstar Exhibitions, we specialize in creating bespoke designs that reflect your brand’s ethos and make an impactful statement. Our expert designers will collaborate with you to create an exhibition stand that resonates with your target audience and elevates your presence at Inhorgenta 2025.
Maximized Space Efficiency: The layout and flow of your exhibition stand can make a significant difference in how visitors engage with your brand. With professional design and space optimization, your booth can accommodate product displays, seating areas, interactive elements, and more—all while ensuring smooth visitor movement.
Globstar Exhibitions uses advanced design techniques to ensure that your space is maximized for both functionality and aesthetic appeal. We know how to create engaging layouts that attract foot traffic and keep visitors interested in your products and brand.
High-Quality Fabrication and Materials: Inhorgenta 2025 will host some of the top brands in the world, and you need a booth that matches the high standards of the event. A high-quality, durable exhibition stand will not only look impressive but also withstand the rigors of a multi-day event.
At Globstar Exhibitions, we pride ourselves on using the best materials and fabrication methods to create exhibition stands that are both stunning and resilient. Our local production in Europe ensures that every element of your booth meets the highest quality standards, providing a seamless experience from concept to execution.
Comprehensive Project Management: From initial consultation to post-event dismantling, managing an exhibition stand involves several moving parts. A professional exhibition stand builder handles all aspects of the process, ensuring that everything is taken care of. This allows you to focus on engaging with visitors and networking while we manage logistics, booth construction, and setup.
Globstar Exhibitions provides end-to-end services, including design, construction, installation, and dismantling. We handle all the details, so you can concentrate on making the most of your time at Inhorgenta 2025.
Interactive and Engaging Features: In today’s competitive trade show environment, you need more than just a static display. Visitors are looking for engaging, interactive experiences that allow them to connect with your brand in meaningful ways.
Our team at Globstar Exhibitions can incorporate digital media, touchscreens, interactive displays, and other modern features to make your booth stand out. These elements not only attract visitors but also provide opportunities for better engagement, lead generation, and brand storytelling.
Sustainability: Sustainability is a growing trend in the exhibition industry, and many exhibitors are seeking eco-friendly solutions for their stands. Whether it’s using sustainable materials, energy-efficient lighting, or recyclable displays, we at Globstar Exhibitions are committed to delivering environmentally conscious designs that align with your sustainability goals.
Our approach to sustainability helps you present your brand as socially responsible, while reducing your environmental footprint.
Why Choose Globstar Exhibitions for Inhorgenta 2025
Globstar Exhibitions is a trusted exhibition stand builder in Munich, with a proven track record of creating stunning, high-impact booths for trade shows around Europe. Here’s why we should be your partner for Inhorgenta 2025:
Local Expertise in Munich: Having a local production base in Europe gives us a deep understanding of the logistics, venue requirements, and specific challenges that come with exhibiting in Munich. We work closely with the event organizers to ensure your booth meets all the necessary specifications and regulations, leaving you free to focus on the business side of things.
Tailored Design and Fabrication: We believe in creating exhibition stands that are as unique as your brand. Our team of expert designers will work with you to create a custom booth that reflects your brand’s personality, message, and style. From concept to final fabrication, we ensure every detail aligns with your vision.
Efficient and Timely Execution: When it comes to trade shows, timing is everything. Globstar Exhibitions is committed to delivering your exhibition stand on time and within budget. We ensure that your booth is ready for Inhorgenta 2025 without delays, so you can be confident your brand will shine at the event.
Comprehensive Service Package: From the initial design consultation to the final dismantling of the booth, we offer a comprehensive service package that takes care of everything. Our experienced project managers oversee every aspect of the process, ensuring that your exhibition experience is seamless and stress-free.
Innovative and Engaging Designs: We don’t just build booths; we create experiences. Our team specializes in incorporating interactive elements and cutting-edge design features that attract visitors and create memorable experiences. Whether it’s integrating digital displays, clever lighting, or unique architectural elements, your booth will stand out in the crowd.
Inhorgenta 2025 is a prime opportunity to showcase your brand to a global audience of industry professionals, buyers, and influencers. To make the most of this event, you need an exhibition stand that stands out and engages your audience. As an experienced Exhibition Stand Builder in Munich, Globstar Exhibitions is here to ensure your booth makes a lasting impression.
With custom design, high-quality materials, and end-to-end services, Globstar Exhibitions is your ideal partner for creating a standout presence at Inhorgenta 2025. Reach out to us today, and let’s create something extraordinary together.
#Exhibition Stand Builder in Munich#Inhorgenta 2025#Custom exhibition booths#Trade show booth design#Munich exhibition stands#Inhorgenta exhibition stands#Exhibition booth fabrication in Munich#Munich exhibition services#Booth construction Munich
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Digital Branding Solutions for Travel, Tourism, Manufacturing, and Retail Industries
In today’s competitive market, establishing a strong digital presence is more crucial than ever. Whether you are in the travel and tourism, manufacturing, or retail industries, your brand’s digital strategy plays a pivotal role in customer engagement, growth, and overall success. As a leading branding agency in Pune, we specialize in delivering exceptional digital branding solutions tailored to your unique business needs.
The Power of Digital Branding

Digital branding refers to the use of online tools and platforms to enhance your business visibility, engage with customers, and build a memorable brand identity. It involves various aspects such as website design, social media management, online advertising, and content marketing. These strategies help businesses connect with their target audience and foster long-term relationships.
Our expert team of designers, marketers, and strategists work collaboratively to create digital branding solutions that not only look great but also deliver measurable results. As a branding agency for travel and tourism, we understand the specific needs of this sector, helping your brand stand out in a crowded market. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights, we ensure that your brand reaches the right audience at the right time.
Digital Branding for the Retail Industry
In the retail industry, staying ahead of the competition requires constant innovation. The rise of e-commerce and online shopping has revolutionized how consumers interact with brands. As a retail branding agency, we offer comprehensive solutions that enhance your brand’s online presence and build customer loyalty. Our services include everything from e-commerce website development to social media marketing, ensuring that your brand is visible across multiple channels.
We understand that retail branding is not just about selling products; it’s about telling a story and creating an emotional connection with your customers. Our digital branding solutions are designed to help your retail business deliver personalized experiences that resonate with your target audience, driving sales and boosting customer retention.
Digital Branding for Travel and Tourism

The travel and tourism industry thrives on storytelling and experiences. As a branding agency for travel and tourism, we specialize in creating immersive digital experiences that captivate potential travelers. Whether you run a travel agency, a hotel, or a tour operator, our digital branding solutions can help your business shine in a highly competitive landscape.
From visually appealing websites to engaging social media campaigns, we focus on building a cohesive brand image that appeals to wanderlust-driven consumers. Our digital strategies ensure that your brand communicates its unique value propositions and builds trust among prospective customers, ultimately leading to increased bookings and customer satisfaction.
Digital Branding for Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry has traditionally been less focused on branding, but with the rise of digital technologies, this has changed. Manufacturers now need to engage with both B2B clients and end consumers through strategic online branding. As a leading branding agency in Pune, we work closely with manufacturing businesses to create digital branding strategies that highlight your product quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
Our digital solutions for manufacturing include website optimization, content marketing, and digital advertising campaigns designed to reach key decision-makers and showcase your products’ value. Whether you are targeting a local or global market, our solutions ensure that your brand gains recognition and credibility in a competitive industry.
In an increasingly digital world, your business’s success depends heavily on a strong online presence. As a leading branding agency in Pune, we are committed to providing innovative digital branding solutions for businesses in travel and tourism, manufacturing, and retail. Our tailored approach ensures that your brand resonates with your target audience, building lasting relationships that drive growth and profitability.
Let us help you elevate your brand to new heights. Contact us today to discover how our expertise can transform your business’s digital branding strategy.
#leading branding agency in Pune#Digital branding solutions#retail branding agency#branding agency for travel and tourism
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Why Every Musician Should Submit Their Track on YouTube for Free
In today’s digital age, YouTube has become a game-changer for musicians worldwide. With over 2 billion active users, the platform offers an unparalleled opportunity to share your music with a global audience. Whether you’re an emerging artist or an established musician, there’s one strategy you can’t ignore: submit your track on YouTube for free. By doing so, you open the doors to countless possibilities, from building a loyal fan base to gaining recognition and even monetizing your music. But why exactly should every musician make use of this free tool? Let’s dive into the reasons that make YouTube an indispensable platform for artists.
Reach a Global Audience Without Spending a Penny
One of the greatest advantages of submitting your track on YouTube for free is the ability to reach listeners from all corners of the world without any upfront costs. Traditional music promotion methods, such as radio airtime or paid advertisements, often come with hefty price tags. YouTube eliminates those barriers, giving you access to a global stage.
By uploading your music for free, you can target listeners in multiple countries and genres, especially if you use smart strategies like adding subtitles, translating your description, or using trending tags. The platform’s algorithm even helps push your content to users who are most likely to enjoy it, increasing your chances of being discovered by a wider audience.
Build a Loyal Fan Base
YouTube isn’t just a platform to showcase your talent; it’s also a powerful tool for building a loyal fan base. By engaging with your audience directly through comments, live chats, and community posts, you can create a deeper connection with your listeners.
Consistency is key to building an audience. Submitting your track on YouTube for free allows you to frequently upload your music, covers, or behind-the-scenes content without worrying about budget constraints. Fans appreciate artists who engage and provide regular updates, and this direct interaction can turn casual viewers into dedicated supporters.
YouTube: A Platform for Creativity and Experimentation
Submitting your track on YouTube for free also gives you a creative playground to experiment with different types of content. Beyond simply uploading your music, you can explore various formats such as:
Lyric Videos: These are perfect for fans who want to sing along.
Music Videos: Add a visual story to your music to create a lasting impression.
Behind-the-Scenes Footage: Share your creative process to make your audience feel closer to you.
Collaborations: Team up with other musicians or creators to tap into their audience base.
This flexibility allows you to present your music in unique ways, helping you stand out in the crowded music industry.
Showcase Your Talent and Attract Opportunities
When you submit your track on YouTube for free, you create an online portfolio that showcases your skills to the world. Industry professionals, including music producers, event organizers, and talent scouts, frequently scout YouTube for fresh talent. By consistently uploading high-quality content, you increase your chances of being noticed by these decision-makers.
Additionally, viral YouTube content has launched the careers of numerous artists. Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, and Alessia Cara all started by sharing their music on YouTube. While not every upload will lead to overnight fame, the possibility of attracting life-changing opportunities is always there.
Monetize Your Music Without Any Upfront Costs
Another compelling reason to submit your track on YouTube for free is the platform’s monetization options. Once your channel meets YouTube’s monetization criteria—1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time within the past year—you can start earning revenue through ads displayed on your videos.
But ad revenue isn’t the only way to monetize your music. Many artists use YouTube to:
Sell Merchandise: Promote and sell branded merchandise directly to your fans.
Offer Memberships: Provide exclusive perks, such as early access to tracks or special behind-the-scenes content, to paying members.
Crowdfund Projects: Use YouTube as a platform to seek support for your next album or tour.
The best part? All these monetization options require no upfront investment from you.
Leverage YouTube’s Search Engine for Discoverability
As the second-largest search engine in the world after Google, YouTube is an invaluable tool for discoverability. When you submit your track on YouTube for free, you’re not just sharing music—you’re making it searchable.
To maximize your visibility, follow these tips:
Optimize Your Video Titles: Include keywords like “Submit your track on YouTube for free” to make your content more discoverable.
Write a Detailed Description: Use this space to tell viewers about your track, your story as an artist, and where they can find more of your music.
Use Relevant Tags: Add tags related to your genre, mood, and themes to help YouTube’s algorithm categorize your video.
Create Playlists: Group similar tracks or themes together to keep viewers engaged on your channel for longer.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your music reaches the right audience at the right time.
Stay Ahead of Trends with YouTube’s Features
YouTube frequently introduces new features to help creators grow. For instance, YouTube Shorts—the platform’s answer to TikTok—has gained immense popularity for short, engaging videos. Many artists use Shorts to preview their tracks, tease upcoming releases, or create viral trends around their music.
Additionally, tools like YouTube Studio allow you to track your video performance, analyze viewer demographics, and understand what works for your audience. By staying updated on these features, you can continuously refine your strategy and stay ahead of the competition.
No Risk, High Reward
Unlike other platforms or promotional methods, submitting your track on YouTube for free involves no financial risk. Even if a particular upload doesn’t perform as expected, you’re not losing any money. Instead, every upload is an opportunity to learn and improve.
Take advantage of YouTube’s Creator Academy, a free resource that offers tutorials and tips for maximizing your channel’s potential. The more you invest your time and effort into understanding the platform, the higher the rewards you’ll reap.
Every musician, whether just starting or already established, should submit their track on YouTube for free. The platform’s global reach, creative freedom, and numerous monetization opportunities make it an indispensable tool for artists. By consistently uploading quality content and engaging with your audience, you can build a loyal fan base, attract professional opportunities, and even earn revenue—all without spending a dime.
So, what are you waiting for? Submit your track on YouTube for free today and let the world hear your unique voice. Your journey to musical success starts now!
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For further reading, explore these related articles:
How to Submit Your Track on YouTube in India
Submit Your Track on YouTube Globally: A Guide for Independent Artists
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CIOLook Media’s Role in Shaping Tomorrow’s Industries
In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, businesses need more than just innovative products or services to thrive — they need visibility, connection, and a platform to showcase their unique stories. CIOLook Media has emerged as a trusted partner in this realm, providing a dynamic stage for entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry leaders to share their journeys, inspire change, and drive growth.
With a strong emphasis on both traditional and digital marketing through print magazines, e-magazines, and social media, CIOLook Media is redefining how businesses engage with their audiences. Here’s a closer look at how this powerhouse is shaping the future of business communication and thought leadership.
Redefining Business Narratives
At its core, CIOLook Media is much more than a publishing platform — it’s a storytelling engine. It understands that every business has a unique journey filled with challenges, achievements, and lessons that can inspire others. By showcasing these stories, CIOLook Media bridges the gap between visionaries and their audiences.
Highlighting Success Stories
CIOLook Media takes pride in presenting the stories of entrepreneurs and companies that are leaving an indelible mark on the global business landscape. These narratives are more than just tales of success—they delve into the creativity, innovation, and resilience that define the leaders of tomorrow.
For instance, readers can discover how a startup in the tech sector overcame funding hurdles to disrupt an entire industry or learn about a seasoned executive’s journey in transforming a traditional business into a modern powerhouse. These stories serve as blueprints for success and spark inspiration across industries.
Delivering Actionable Insights
Businesses today operate in a complex environment where trends shift rapidly, and opportunities often come disguised as challenges. CIOLook Media equips its audience with the tools they need to navigate this terrain through expertly crafted insights.
Keeping Pace with Trends
From artificial intelligence revolutionizing manufacturing to sustainability shaping consumer preferences, the magazine covers a wide spectrum of topics. Each article is designed to offer practical takeaways, helping readers stay ahead of the curve.
Addressing Challenges
CIOLook Media doesn’t shy away from tackling difficult subjects. Whether it’s exploring the implications of economic uncertainties or providing strategies for overcoming market saturation, the publication offers a balanced view that encourages informed decision-making.
Fostering a Global Community
One of CIOLook Media’s most remarkable achievements is its ability to connect a diverse network of business leaders, innovators, and decision-makers.
Bridging Networks
Through its robust channels — including print, e-magazines, and social media—CIOLook Media facilitates meaningful connections. These interactions often lead to collaborations that drive innovation and growth, fostering a spirit of cooperation across industries.
Empowering Voices
The platform amplifies the voices of those shaping the future. Entrepreneurs can share their unique insights, while established industry leaders can offer guidance based on years of experience. This two-way dialogue creates an ecosystem of learning and mutual respect.
The Pillars of CIOLook Media
What sets CIOLook Media apart in a crowded market? Its authenticity, global reach, and unwavering commitment to excellence.
Readers trust CIOLook Media because of its dedication to real, relatable stories. Every narrative it publishes is rooted in genuine experiences, making the content resonate deeply with its audience.
Global Reach
CIOLook Media’s reach is truly unparalleled. By leveraging its diverse platforms, it ensures that every voice it showcases connects with a worldwide audience. Social media plays a crucial role in this, allowing the publication to amplify its impact.
Commitment to Excellence
Quality is at the heart of everything CIOLook Media does. From the design of its publications to the depth of its articles, every detail is meticulously crafted to provide value to readers.
What Makes CIOLook Media Unique?
Focus on Multi-Platform Marketing
CIOLook Media understands the importance of meeting audiences where they are. That’s why it offers a mix of traditional print, e-magazines, and social media campaigns. This multi-channel approach ensures that businesses can connect with diverse demographics effectively.
Tailored Content
The publication excels at tailoring its content to suit the needs of its varied audience. Whether it’s a deep dive into market analytics for business professionals or a motivational story for aspiring entrepreneurs, CIOLook Media delivers precisely what its readers seek.
Shaping the Future of Business Communication
As industries continue to evolve, CIOLook Media remains committed to its mission of empowering businesses through impactful storytelling and insights. Its approach goes beyond mere reporting — it’s about enabling businesses to thrive by creating opportunities for learning, networking, and growth.
Innovative Topics for a Changing World
CIOLook Media stays ahead of the curve by exploring forward-thinking subjects. From the role of artificial intelligence in business strategy to the rising importance of mental well-being in the workplace, its content reflects the dynamic nature of modern industries.
Encouraging Diversity
The platform actively highlights diverse voices, ensuring that every narrative it shares contributes to a more inclusive business world. By doing so, CIOLook Media inspires readers to embrace different perspectives and drive innovation.
Contact Us : https://ciolookmedia.com/contact-us/
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From Local to Global: How eCommerce Sites Expand Market Reach
In today's busy digital world, businesses of any size are discovering the power of eCommerce to meet new customers and achieve unprecedented success. What was initially confined to smaller local markets has now become more fluid and open to crossing those borders, empowering businesses to delve into global avenues. Let us see how eCommerce websites are actually changing market outreach, breaking geo boundaries, and opening doors of possibilities.
1. Global Audience Accessibility
Probably the greatest strength of having eCommerce websites is that it allows businesses to market as well as sell to anyone in the international market. Unlike the conventional physical shops that can only market products within a locality an eCommerce site can be accessed by anyone with web access. The implication of this is that a small business in a rural area can today capture clients in large cities or even in other countries.
For example, an artisanal soap maker from a small village can showcase their products online and ship them to customers worldwide, creating opportunities that were once unimaginable.

2. 24/7 Availability
As we know, physical stores are always closed at certain hours while eCommerce websites are open all day. This is an advantage since regardless of the time of the day customers from different time zones can access our site, shop around, and even order the products without having to wait for the opening of business. This makes it highly efficient to make businesses available 24/7, as this severely increases customer satisfaction and therefore, the sales figures.
3. Cost-Effective Market Expansion
In the past, market expansion used to be executed through store openings, which needed huge investments in property, stock, and employees Besides, eCommerce enables market expansion with lowInvestment compared to opening stations in physical spaces. This simply means that through internet commerce and lean distribution networks, firms can access customers in other countries without hurting need for a local base.
Moreover, tools like targeted advertising and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) enable businesses to focus their efforts on specific regions or demographics, maximizing return on investment.
4. Localized Experiences for Global Customers
Most modern eCommerce platforms have elements to facilitate shopping session of customers arriving from various places. In addition, many businesses have adopted methods whereby its website may display a certain language, currency or product that is more relevant to a certain region. The localized approach makes international customers feel valued and understands, thus enhancing the possibility of make a repeat order.
For instance, a clothing brand can display winter apparel to customers in colder climates while showcasing summer collections to those in tropical regions.

5. Leveraging Social Media and Online Marketing
Social media and online marketing would indeed be great vehicles for enhancing reach in market places for e-Commerce enterprises. Instagram, Facebook, or even TikTok present opportunities through specific ads, to reach large crowds, thereby publicizing products. Influencer/ affiliate partnerships amplify brands and appeal to new potential clients.
6. Streamlined Shipping and Logistics
Today, transport and conveyance have been made simpler than ever for the eCommerce ventures in managing products’ distribution to the customers worldwide. Outsourcing with some reputable courier/freight companies and reliable centers for order fulfillment play an important role in swift delivery, improved customer reliability, and confidence . The same has also seen most eCommerce platforms adopting real time shipping cost estimator and tracking tools to give customer and convenience.

7. Data-Driven Insights for Strategic Growth
eCommerce sites generate important information about the customers' behavior, preferences, and buying patterns. Analyzing the data would thus help businesses recognize trends and opportunities to adapt offerings for particular markets. The strategy is, on the one hand, enhancing customer satisfaction while enabling strategic decisions regarding global expansion on the other hand.
8. Building a Strong Brand Presence
An eCommerce website is not just a store; it is a very powerful brand identity tool. Proper designing, content and user experience make it more credible for customers from all over the world thus is more attractive. When a business’s website is maintained to look professional and reliable, consumers from around the world are more likely to make purchases from the site.
eCommerce developed websites revolutionized the ways that enterprises including small and individual, local artisans up to large scale businesses, and scaled them up from local to global markets. Organizations can open up an array of prospects, prospects and perform spectacular growth as the chances created by eCommerce platforms such as access, affordability and rich functions can reach customers with great potential.

In the era of digital transformation, the establishment of a company’s Online presence becomes imperative or a necessity especially for firms with vision to compete in the global market. This article showed that appropriate use of e-commerce is crucial to success irrespective of whether a company is a start-up or a well-developed enterprise.
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